View Full Version : Contradictions By The Many

king anthony
3rd July 2011, 22:06
My words in brief.

It is mindboggling how many will say how “the few” (and “those others”) divide and conquer in various ways; and speak how this has contributed to the way things are now in this civilization.

These very same people will then say such things as; “each has their own path”, confusing one’s journey with truth - “everyone is entitled to their opinion”, as if to imply there is more than one truth - or “how do you know… what makes you more than I”, imposing their own emotion (which is founded on their own weakness) in an attempt to make their problem someone else’s.


I say, is this not what “the few” and “those others” wish for, divisions within the human species!? What better way, not only to impose such divisions, but to maintain the divisions by having the species themselves promote, thus perpetuate division; with little or no maintenance by "the few” and "those others".

Those within the (human) species divide by diversity and perpetuate what has been imposed – while claiming to be awakened (or becoming awake). Yet they do not even see how deep their own conditioning/programming has “control over them” and what they do; some do know and have understanding, which makes them worse than "the few" and "those others" - for they knowingly “harm” their own.

These very same people (within the human species) say what they believe is not a religion (cult); yet, their own belief systems offer the same. Within each belief system, there are divisions in thought and thus “shopping” for “what fits” (for the individual) is. In time, even those things of comfort found - no longer "fit" and these people seek something (completely) new. For if/when one obtains truth and rejects it – than it falls on them.


“Times change” only because of the complexity of deceptions, lack of understanding or by design; this is not to imply “things” do not change as they do and “time” is a tool to measure change – truth (fact) does not change.

As well, divisions (through uncertainty) within each individual exists when they say “well, no one knows for sure” or even “this works for me”. The difference between truth/fact and “opinion” (including all things related) is (via example) “a red shirt is red” (red as it is known) and this is truth/fact; while “that red shirt does not go with those jeans”, is opinion and open for discussion. Staying with the red shirt example; a theory would be in how one would “make”/justify the red shirt to go with the jeans or not.

The tangent of these words would be that some will see red differently from others; red will always be red to each regardless how it is seen by them; and if one sees red differently to most then they are disadvantaged in perception, discussion (with the most) and are unable to see the truth as it is.


These same people (within the human species) discredit others who oppose them by accusing the opposition with nonsensical words/statements such as, how the “vibe” or “energy” has changed when the one opposing them enters discussion. I say, is this not the same as what “the few” have done in (modern) civilization to (real) truth seekers, whistleblowers and those come to aid by choice or selection!?

In part, this is based on their own emotion and sense of “weakness”; in their final attempt to maintain their own integrity - they manipulate others through diversion and deception pointing their finger to the one opposing.

I say, has it not been so that in the past (and even the present) how the few of the many make attempt to share truth, make positive change, do more than simply speak words and such were (are) demonized, depersonalized, discredited, persecuted, mocked, ignored and even made to be no more!?


The unfortunate reality is, this thread (as with my other threads and posts) has no nonsensical talk, no drama and not without focus – these lacking elements will not capture the interest of most and this I know. I know my words are not popular here with most and I have attempted to leave as not to disrupt what many here want - as I do not want and cannot impose on others - however, there have been those here who have asked of me.

There has been two warnings given, and not by me: to those seeking, be careful of those who appear to be that of promise, “love and light” and offering things of comfort, for their ways are wicked – to those of wicked ways, know your deeds will echo from the “beginning to the beginning” in memory and you shall have the reward of your efforts.


I say, to allow deceptions to be as they have been will keep all divided – and not free the masses from the repeating cycles. The very same things that are being discussed now have been before, prior to each cycle… and many welcome this without knowing what it is they are welcoming.

king anthony
12th July 2011, 16:02
Shhh... “Do Not Disturb” (most).


12th July 2011, 16:25
My words in brief.

It is mindboggling how many will say how “the few” (and “those others”) divide and conquer in various ways; and speak how this has contributed to the way things are now in this civilization.

These very same people will then say such things as; “each has their own path”, confusing one’s journey with truth - “everyone is entitled to their opinion”, as if to imply there is more than one truth - or “how do you know… what makes you more than I”, imposing their own emotion (which is founded on their own weakness) in an attempt to make their problem someone else’s.

I don't agree with any of your judgments here.

These very same people will then say such things as; “each has their own path”, confusing one’s journey with truth

I think they are referring to the path of life here... As a wise woman said to me recently, many roads lead to the same place. We all have differing paths, yet arrive often in similar places(not always). I find the statement everyone has their own path, wise IMO. I think you are the one confusing things regarding it.

“everyone is entitled to their opinion”, as if to imply there is more than one truth

You are reading into these comments very erroneously IMHO. Opinions on things are often not right or wrong in one definitive way. They are often subjective. You forget that part of reality?

“how do you know… what makes you more than I”, imposing their own emotion (which is founded on their own weakness) in an attempt to make their problem someone else’s.

I find your summary of this flawed too. Is the beginning of this post not divisive? You are judging people, and putting people down for things you obviously hold a contrived view about (IMHO). Me being one of the people you judge because I've said that very thing to you(what makes your view so much higher than mine).

I don't agree with much of your post here. Like accusing normal people of being worse than 'the few' that torture, maim, kill, obfuscate the truth, subvert freedom, and willingly do all these things. And you accuse confused moral people of being worse...

I know people don't like it when debates happen at times on this forum. And opposing a view is considered taboo a little bit. But I usually speak up when I see something I don't agree with. Either I learn my view is flawed in debate, or the other person may(but they usually just get caught up in ego...). It can be beneficial though....

12th July 2011, 21:20
Man should discover his own reality
and not thwart himself.
For he has his self as his only friend,
or as his only enemy.

A person has the self as friend
when he has conquered himself,
But if he rejects his own reality,
the self will war against him.

When a person is at peace with himself he sees no contradictions by the many or at least he doesn't concern himself by getting caught up in them because he has no contradictions within himself, he just doesn't resonate with that way of seeing the world, he remains in complete harmony of alignment and so doesn't attract the critical opinions of others...he may witness people projecting their fears or failures onto others, their own sense of right and wrong but he also forgives them for their misgivings and loves them anyway. And as such he is unharmed by any negative projections and moves through the world feeling 10 feet tall and bullet proof. Being a unique individual is something to be cherished...as long as we follow the golden rule of not imposing our beliefs onto others then it is with great laughter and love that we can share in each others differences.

Criticism is easily turned into banter when seen as such, by being able to process our own emotional reactions to events we are able respond with good jest and shine light on the shadows of others and in so doing, help them dissolve their judgements of us. Free yourself of your own judgements and you'll free your reality from being judged along with it.

as an example, you wrote:
The unfortunate reality is, this thread (as with my other threads and posts) has no nonsensical talk, no drama and not without focus – these lacking elements will not capture the interest of most and this I know. I know my words are not popular here with most...

perhaps the energy behind your judgements of nonsensical talk, drama and lack of focus is what can be picked up on a subconcious level by many people as you're communicating with them and as a result it inadvertently loses their interest and makes your words unpopular...learn to love your own shadows and see the value in those judgements and others may come to love you also and see the value in the message you bring.

I heard a story today about a woman who had been invited out to dinner with a very successful business man and his family, she'd been hired to do some shadow work with the man and thought it best to spend the whole day with him to get a deeper insight into his life...he prided himself on having 3 degrees from university, spoke 5 languages, owned his own business and yet he had a tremendous problem with the amount of idiots he kept hiring to work within that business. The lady began to speak about projection and said how every possible human emotion and behaviour exists within us and by observing our judgements of others we can begin to take ownership of new aspects of our being...the man priding himself on his intelligence was taken by the holographic nature of this idea , 'it makes sense' he thought...'if god created us in his image and god is everything then we must be everything also'.

the woman thought she'd done her job well and decided it was time they went home...however on the car journey home, the mans ego projections began to stir inside his mind and he couldn't help but to begin to explain to the woman how he agreed with everything she said yet there's no way he could agree to being an idiot, he has his degrees, his languages, his business...would an idiot be able to do all that with his life and on he went explaining the psychology and philosophy of why he couldn't be an idiot. The woman hung her head in despair because she knew she hadn't gotten through to him.

Then when they arrived home the man let them out the car and told them to wait outside while he continued up the drive to park the car in the garage, they waited and waited until eventually the man got out of the car and admitted to his family that they couldn't get back in the house because he'd left the keys inside next to the front door...they all groaned except the woman who simply asked 'What kind of a person locks themselves out of their own house?'...the kids laughed and shouted 'an idiot'...the man had to accept he was wrong and when prompted to remember when he first began to repress that side of himself...he recalled a time in his childhood when he was playing and said something daft to his father who violently shouted at him "what the hell are you doing, what are you some kind of idiot?"

the boy was left emotionally scarred and vowed to himself he'd never be called an idiot again so he spent his entire life unconsciously doing everything he could to prevent himself from ever being called an idiot ever again...he went to university, learned 5 languages and started his own business...yet that dark shadow, that judgement that had stayed with him had been repressed for so long that the only way it was allowed to come out was by attracting idiots to come and work at his business, that shadow was inadvertently causing him to hire people who weren't technically suited to the job at hand, he was attracting that which he didn't want but that thing he didn't want also happened to be precisely what he needed to heal and move on from his past.

Shadows hold enormous motivational power, yet if allowed to remain unconscious, buried in the basement...they vibrate at such an intense emotional energy that they attract exactly what we don't want to experience into our lives...only by embracing our judgements and forgiving ourselves do we allow ourselves to act in new ways and bring that power under conscious control where we can use it to manifest the exact reality that's in alignment with our highest and best selves.

as the poet Rumi put it in his poem 'the guest house':

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

The judgements we have about our own posts and the judgements we have about others who respond to our posts, tell us alot about what we may be holding back within ourselves...as a society maybe it's time we woke up, embraced every aspect of ourself and took responsibility for our own judgements and stopped using those judgements to shape our reality. Maybe then we'll be able to see unity where others can only see division and maybe then we will be the leaders we wish to be who can inspire others to follow that same path which we tread or inspire them to start walking down a path of their own.

12th July 2011, 21:22
There's a place for us


king anthony
13th July 2011, 03:19
Man should discover his own reality... ...has no contradictions within himself, he just doesn't resonate with that way of seeing the world, he remains in complete harmony of alignment and so doesn't attract the critical opinions of others... ...Being a unique individual is something to be cherished...as long as we follow the golden rule of not imposing our beliefs onto others... ...emotional reactions to events we are able respond with good jest and shine light on the shadows of others and in so doing, help them dissolve their judgements of us. Free yourself of your own judgements and you'll free your reality from being judged along with it... ...perhaps the energy behind your judgements... ...learn to love your own shadows and see the value in those judgements and others may come to love you... ...the man priding himself on his intelligence was taken by the holographic nature of this idea , 'it makes sense' he thought... ...the mans ego projections...

I say, thank you for supporting my words - as none has done a better job.