View Full Version : Ascension, 2012, Scalar Waves, ET Communications, Abundance, DNA and UFO’s! Putting i

7th July 2011, 03:21

Indeed something very strange is afoot, stranger the better. What do Ascension, 2012, Scalar Waves, ET Communications, Abundance, DNA and UFO’s all have in common?

They all operate on the same principles of vortex scalar phenomenon. What is Vortex Scalar Phenomenon you ask? Its all about the wave and for the would be wave riders, star seeds and silver surfers out there this is for you.

In our world today we have two dual systems of energy. We have natural energy, also known as prana, chi, orgone and we have “synthetic” energy. This is man made electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy does not appear in nature, although its effect, electro magnetic waves can be induced in nature as an effect NOT a cause.

If you ever wondered why science, still to this day does not know what energy is, its because they only study the effect. Thus we know no more about the cause of electricity today as we did when we thought it came from Zeus’s thunderbolts hurdle from Mt Olympus.

The cause of Electromagnetic energy and the fundamental principles of energy is derived form the scalar vortex, or scalar wave. When you cross a Ley Line, you are crossing a longitudinal wave front of a natural energy flow into emanating toward or from a vortex.

This wave/energy flow is very different to energy flows we work with in science. Visualise two children holing a long skipping rope tight and straight. One child flicks their wrist and a small waves runs from one end of the rope to the other end of the rope. This is synthetic energy, this is an EMF/Transverse wave. Transversing the medium of space (the rope) it takes time to reach its destination, is slow and takes a lot of energy to cover great distances.

Now imagine another type of wave. This time, instead of the child flicking the wrist, they give a little tug on the rope. How long does it take for the “wave front” to register at the other end of the rope? Its instant. The two children can pull back and forth and get instant connection with each other. And the energy used its translated without any losses. This is a longitudinal wave front. Its based upon pressure. Tug (increase pressure) release (lower pressure) the “feeling” is immediately felt through the whole system.

This is natures way of communicating and exchanging energy. This is how the weather works, its how your neural impulses work, its how yang and yin dance effortlessly around each other and conserve their energy for infinity. Energy is never wasted in a chaotic breakdown, it only moves around.

This is a scalar wave, or some people call them Neutrino particles. Wave and Particle. All depending on the spin nature. The waves of the scalar are either Yin or Yang, the Particle is the Yin and Yang combined in the vortex in their own time domain of endless love and attraction for each other in perfect balanced unity.

Our earth is a perfect biological system, a growing evolving being of immense consciousness. As an electrical system the earth behaves like a giant capacitor, complete with its own vortexes, meridian system and biological living systems that all contribute to its energy systems.

If planets could talk, (which they do) they communicate with scalar waves. Impulses which travel out from the core like morse code across the medium of space and time. Breath in.. Breath out. Reverberate. These pulsations are instantly detectable anywhere in the galaxy as changes in pressure. In releasing exhaling, the earth signals that she is ready to receive. The universe delivers and she inhales. And so it goes.

So what would happen if we, using our limited knowledge of reality were to construct a similar “mechanical” system that emulated the planets breathing and pulsing. Electrically the planet is a spherical capacitor. With a positive ION Sphere (Yin/Void) and a Negative, solar “Earth/negative/ground” Yang. Modern science has confused the issue of energy so much it even has negative and positive backwards. I.e. Conventional Current and Electrical current. They are opposite. Energy flows from Earth (High pressure, matter, energy) into the Void of space. (low pressure, masslessness).

“I have established contact with people who live on Mars!” these were the words of Nikola tesla, the pioneer of the modern electronics age. He invested the AC electrical system powering your computer. Coax Cable, Neon Signs, Electrical Motors, Radio, High Voltage High frequency Capacitors and Scalar Wave generators. (The later was suppressed).

Nikola Tesla was not the only one to claim contact with Martians. Gregory Hadowanec a much unknown researcher working with Capacitors created a communications system which became active when Mars traversed the sun and joined earth on the same side of the solar system. He claimed contact with martians.


Have we had the answer to ET communications right under our nose? Other researchers, like the famous Thomas Townsend brown who developed AntiGravity patents and worked for over 30 years with the Military also developed spherical capacitor communications systems. Strange spherical antennas have been seen around top secret military bases. No wonder this technology has been suppressed.

Because the scalar wave, chi energy is the fundamental cause of energy as we know it, it is also the fundamental cause of gravity. If one can master the Chi, one can master gravity. Master the scalar and you conquer gravity and tap into the abundance of true free energy. The gateway to the cosmos is now open.

In the beginning was the still water of the void. Black nothingness, then a single thought illuminated the nothingness and duality was formed between light and dark. The first potential. This first polarity. The two opposites danced around one and other, enthralled by the manifestation of existence, and from each moment new thoughts manifested, the synergy of evolution and consciousness sprang from that one timeless moment. That first cause, first thought, first word.

Let get technical. Nikola Tesla and other independent researchers since have come to understand both the physical and theoretical model of the scalar wave. They conclude..

It is a dipole of two opposite unified as a toroidal vortex.
It spirals in motion, travels in circles.
It simultaneously attracts and repels
It resonates and causes to resonate
It is natural
It is a Galaxy
It is a hurricane
It is a Tornado
It is a Sea Shell
It is a DNA

Scalar waves take the form of both a INBREATH and OUTBREATH. Together they form the vortex wave particle, some call this a neutrino. But the Scalar WAVE singular is a separated dipole. And will seek its opposite to balance its internal energy. It seeks only its true TWIN flame.

In Nikola Teslas experiments, for the transmission of energy without wires, he created singular Scalar Wave dipole transmitters, and the receivers matched the resonant frequency of the emission. The receiver acts like the only place in the dimensions of the multiverse for that particular energy wave to ground itself and find balance. Thus energy could be transmitted from one coil (Spiral coil) to another Spiral Coil. And to do this, the energy had to be pulsed at the correct frequency to match the physical dimensions of the coils of both the transmitter and the receiver.

Thus a coil could send and receive specific targeted information/energy from one transmitter to another receiver or receivers that matched the resonance of the transmitter. Or using harmonics more BROAD band communications could be sent, like a galactic broadcast across many frequencies.

How do you think DNA communicates from specific cell to cell and also the whole body? Specific Signals and Specific harmonics and frequencies. This is also how spirit communes and interacts with matter. Spirit is the scalar, matter is the antenna, transmitter and receiver.

Do you feel the vibe yet where this is going?

Research into orgone energy, chi, meridians, prana etc etc has exploded in recent years. All for good purpose. Finally the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. And it seems right on time. Right on time for what?

The highest density of scalar energy reside within the equatorial plane of a rotating body. Resides within the equator of the tornado. The life force is strongest. It radiates outward like the spokes of a wheel but thick and full. Diminishing in density with distance, but never totally ceasing to be. There are only different densities.

When the earth passes through the equatorial plane of our solar system, we traverse the equator of the sun and get a good does of scalar/neutrino energy. We also call this time of magic, Equinox. We experience this twice a year. This energy kick provides an infusion of chi/scalar/neutrino energy into the living systems of earth. A broad range of frequencies pass straight through the earth and matter, the only vortexes which effect us are the energies we resonate with. These neutrinos interact with us on a genetic level. They feed our light body and spirit through the receptors of the DNA receiver in the same way our planets inner sun, a spiralling toroidal vortex, receives energy and transforms that energy into atomic matter and base elements which then compound into chemical molecular structures growing the earth from the inside out, like all living systems.

Like us, this energy is our true food source. And its availability in number is relative the density of this stuff in the space that we exist. Our physical space location effects us.

When the moon passes between Sun and Earth and the eclipse is formed, these neutrinos are focussed like a beam onto the surface of our planet, just like light through a glass sphere. Test conducted show that the scalar levels increase 1000%+ at the center of this beam. Yet like ripples on a pond the energy fluctuates in pulsations, creating ripples of high and low zones, sometimes as low as 50% less energy on the dips of the waves across the planetary surface.

History demonstrates the power of the eclipse, with many legends and tales of the destruction both physical and psychological to those who experience the shadow of the moon. But for a small few who reap the center bounty of this beam great magic can be wielded. Chi energy levels increase a thousand fold. Imagine 1000 people gathered in the beam of this energy on an Equinox. This is when great magic happens. Tracking these events was very much a requirement of high priests from the past for this very reason. Although its meaning and understanding has been lost long ago, only now being revealed once again.

When this beam touches the earths core, we get absolute seismic and terrestrial events as the earth transmutes this energy into manifestation. This is observable, and can and has been be calculated. The effects vary from disasters, pole flips and dramatic and potentially beneficial climate change.

Studies have demonstrated clearly that in a stressed state the human DNA contorts and shuts down its communication. The receivers turn off. This is a self defence mechanism. As DNA funnels the energy of creation from spirit into the physical, under stressful conditions the creative process is stopped. Creation, and the physical can overcome many of us, and without this self defence mechanism of the DNA to shut off under stress, we would have destroyed ourselves long ago by creating and manifesting our fears and delusions.

When the body physical is at peace, stress free, relaxed and dwelling in love, the DNA is most extended to capture as much of the natural energy as possible to encourage manifestation of life in this state. This is the river of live which feeds the tree of life. Your DNA, you are the River and the Tree!

Always be in good spirits during equinox and eclipses and you will live a bountiful life. Honour the moment and then extend that to every moment and experience eternal bliss and joy. It is self feeding, self creating. Its been designed that way.

Every year Jan 1st marks a special day. Our yearly calendar begins with the one day of the year when we are closest to our future star, Sirius. Sirius is a little ahead of us in our Galactic Arm of the Milky way galaxy. Our Solar systems spiral around this arm like particles in a tube, spiralling around and around. Sirius acts like a point man for Earth. We are travelling through the space Sirius travelled through hundreds of thousands of years ago.

I would like to officially welcome you all now, to the End of Time.

It is the end of the world as we know it.. And I feel fine. J

Visualise the galaxy as a toroid, its energetic fields stretching around encompassing all the stars. There’s our little sun bobbing along through the cosmos, passing gentle through various densities of high and low zone of the Galactic scalar field. These cycles were mapped long ago by our ancestors and recorded in the Zodiac and other time cycles. The Mayans recorded this period of time, mapped the evolution of consciousness and extrapolated the cycle to its beginning and its end. The head and tail of Orobous the serpent who feeds itself from itself. We are right at the tip of the tail about to pass through the vortex of Orobouses mouth.

This is marked by passing through the equatorial plane of the galaxy. Yes we are entering galactic equinox. And that means we are entering what some have called the photon belt of the galaxy.. Which is really the scalar belt. This process began in 1998. Its happening now. And the time cycles are compressing toward "No Time"

What exactly this will mean for us? Well I cannot answer that, but I know for sure it heralds great changes, and great challenges. Will our DNA recoil, or will it expand into something new? Will we each get a cosmic greeting from our higher-self as the cosmic signal of the divine is amplified 1million fold? Will we choose listen or fall back into old patterns, will we believe or doubt ourselves?

Nature has a way of breaking that which will not bend. Will we flow or will we go? I do not know. Only you can answer that.

I envision a world of abundance, galactic communication and transportation, spiritual evolution, adventure, excitement, growth and challenges. The answers are right there, within you.

Something sure is strange at the Circle K.

“Be excellent to one and other..”


7th July 2011, 03:42
Thanks for the indepth and interesting posting. When you start talking harmonics and frequencies you are singing my song. I have a hypothesis that if you could create an harmonic that matches one of the sacred geometry shapes such as the fibonacci sequence that this wave form could move through other dimensions and be heard. Then one could pulse the wave to be something like Morse code and form a basis for communicating with other life. I'm still trying to figure out how you get to hear the signal back to make it a two way communication device. Take care and best wishes

7th July 2011, 04:24
Thank You, loveandgratitude. Truly an inspiring post. Very timely...this is what many people need to hear now!

7th July 2011, 08:19
Simply brilliant!!

7th July 2011, 10:18
Beautiful message, beautifully written!

7th July 2011, 21:32
Excellent article Loveandgratitude, it got me thinking about the ancient pyramids, they say the bosnian pyramids are 26,000 years or older and the egyptian pyramids are 12,500 years old...maybe it's possible that as we pass through these 13 and 26 thousand year cycles the scalar waves infuse within us the intelligence and the wisdom to develop technology that can build these epic monuments...maybe that's where we're returning to with all the prophecies surrounding next year. I'm convinced we're going through some kind of planetary alchemy as I've been getting synchronistically guided more and more to information regarding this kind of thing ever since the beginning of spring this year, oddly close to the when the 9th wave of the mayan calender began.

Also I don't know if you're familiar with the work of Ben Lonetree but he spent the last 10 years trying to disprove the geomagnetic, consciousness enhancing effects of sedona in arizona only to come away proving that the native indians were right, the earth really does speak to humans at this vortex point...although he points out that the effect would have been 20 times stronger in ancient times...I'm guessing this is due to the alignment within the greater cycles of the galaxy that we may potentially be heading back into.