View Full Version : 2012 – Doom Ain't What It Used to Be

The One
13th July 2011, 09:28
This article is written for the cognoscenti...those in the know. There will be many statements that are made in this document that will require you to validate either the facts, or the conclusions derived from them on your own. Too many theories of too intricate or expansive (future joke here) a nature are involved for me to take time and space in this article to bring out all of their supporting details. So certain statements and observations will be made with no supporting material supplied as it is expected that motivated reader will explore the ideas in question on their own and reach conclusions that they find appropriate.


Still a Solar Cataclysm in 2012

In spite of the title, 2012 is still ALL about catastrophe, and cataclysm. To reach any other conclusion is to not be aware of manifesting circumstances. These include the many features of the planet that show scarring from past catastrophe as well as the amnesiac nature of our own species and the lack of any real history before 11,800 years ago. These facts include the earth, and all human history, all the “realstory” behind the 'history” that ThePowerElites want you to believe.

The facts pointing toward catastrophe, cataclysm, and extinctions here on earth over this next year and into 2012 are detailed now in hundreds of volumes; some of the best of these have been produced by Patrick Geryl and are available from his web site http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBcQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.howtosurvive2012.com%2F&ei=VGMdTva4Lc_2sga6oJCyDQ&usg=AFQjCNHNmzQtfib72FIvYG3uCcwuUKgaxA


Disagreements with some of Patrick Geryl's conclusions


Patrick Geryl is space focused and correct about the conclusions that he presents on solar system activity. His understanding of earth is not as detailed, in my opinion, and it has led to some incorrect conclusions. First, much of his understanding of how a pole flip occurs, as well as how a crustal slip may occur, is dependent upon the idea of the center of the earth having a rotating mass of molten iron, that is creating the planet earth's magnetic field by virtue of its spin. Now note that Patrick Geryl's information about the magnetic field itself is correct. The earth's magnetic field, humanities shield, is failing, and has a period that is about 11,800 years between re-charges. But, in my opinion, the idea of a molten iron mass spinning in the middle of the earth is false. First, molten metals cannot hold a magnetic charge, nor can they create one, no matter how fast they may spin. Second, even if molten iron could hold a magnetized state, it would take a mass of iron approximately half again as big as the whole of the earth to generate the level of magnetic field we can measure now, let alone at its peak. Further, in order for such an iron core to lose its magnetic field, assuming it could generate one at all, would be logically in the process of slowing down in its rotation. The whole 'iron core' theory relies on thinking of the core of the earth as a dynamo. So in following with that, the only way that earth could have a weakening magnetic field would be if the 'iron core' were to be slowing down. IF THAT were the case, we would know about it. Further, what we laughingly refer to as 'mainstream science' has recently determined that the core of the earth is not only spinning faster than the crust, but has recently begun to accelerate its spin rate. So much for the iron core idea.

Further, if the earth did have an iron core at its center, then this core would cool over the billions of years, and would solidify, thus altering our planet's active state into more of a dead state insofar as the tectonic plates are concerned. So that does not work logically either.

Further, Patrick Geryl's conclusions about how the earth will react to the upcoming solar catastrophe are based on academic mainstream thinking about planet earth, such as the 'iron core idea' , that are not consistent with today's knowledge. Patrick's conclusion that the sun will expel vast quantities of south charged, high energy particles is likely correct. BUT the idea that, as with small iron magnets, our core will flip, is not correct. He uses the analogy of the core, being a giant iron magnet, being pushed over as one can push over one magnet with another. This is likely not going to happen.

There are inherent physical problems with the idea of the planetary equatorial bulge 'relaxing' to allow for crustal shifts as described. Further the theory does not say how the relaxing of the bulge would impact the 'iron core' and the rest of the planetary structure. Nor does it account for the reconstructing of the planet over the 11,800 years between these events to its present, bulged out shape (equatorial bulge, look it up). Also note that the academic view that the equatorial bulge is due to centrifugal force is wrong. Yet another article there. However, that said, it is clear that periodic cataclysmic (for humans) catastrophes happen. Repeat that: catastrophe happens. Periodically. So how to account for it? Necessary thinking since we are due to live through it in the next few years. And the evidence is that these periodic catastrophes can nearly finish off humans as a species.

Other aspects of Patrick's justified concern for humanity during 2012 are based on evidence that the tops of mountains all over the planet once had sea water and ocean critters on top of them. Thus he concludes that waves of terrible height once over topped the various tall mountain ranges. There are other explanations for this fact that do not include waves washing over the Rockies, Andes, nor Himalaya's. There are also problems with the idea that sloshing oceans deposited the material. Some of these problems involve benethic organisms that had to have been living at that point when killed, so they were not merely dropped off at the top of the mountain by the wave as it passed. They are part of the mountain structure itself and speak to water covering the area.

However, let us not forget that Patrick is space and Sun focused, has decoded the Mayan mega sun spot theory, and is likely quite correct about what the Sun will do, as well as what the ancient Maya knew, though not necessarily correct in how the earth will react.

So my conclusion is that the 2012 cataclysm will not include the world traversing waves that Patrick thinks may result from a crustal shift. Indeed, and in spite of the work of Hapgood et al, it is my thinking that crustal shifts have never happened as described. As will be explained below, it is also my thinking that tectonic plates theory does not present an adequate understanding about the structure of our planet at all. All of the evidence for crustal shifts presented by Hapgood et al, are, in my opinion, accurately described, but can be accounted for by mechanisms other than a crustal shift. Yes magnetic pole shifts have and do and will occur (one in 2012), and yes they are devastating. Yes, instant freezing of large areas of the planet have occurred, but not (in my thinking) as a result of that area rotating under the pole

Expando Planet Model

The Expando Planet model is a sub set of the Expando Universe model of reality to which we will return in a bit. We start with Einstein and the much discussed, debated, and hated, E=MC2 equation.

In Einstein, and Newtonian understanding of physics, energy transforms into matter and vice versa, so if you twist on uranium in just the right way with energy, it will transform a bunch of its own matter into energy very rapidly and thus we have nuclear plants and bombs based on this principle of 'exciting' the matter of uranium (and other radioactive elements) to convert to energy. Well...in this universe, equations work both ways, so theoretically we could take a bunch of energy and 'condense' it into matter (assuming we knew how). This matter could be as dense as version as we desired given that we are condensing it out of energy. So we would initially get simple molecules such as hydrogen and helium, but if we persisted, we could continue to coagulate the energy into denser molecules like oil, or iron, or gold. And thus is explained how the whole alchemy transmutation thing works. By condensation.

So, in the Expando Planet model, the continuous stream of energy from the Sun goes not only to the surface of the planets, but also to the center of the planets, where, given the correct conditions, and the existence of an active plasma core (Mars, as an aside, has none, and is therefore, a 'dead' planet), this energy is transmuted into matter. Note also that plasma is a great form of an 'energetic antenna' and actually (in laboratories) seems to draw energy to it via sympathetic resonance.

So some of the energies of the Sun hit the surface of the earth, but energy at levels we cannot detect without really really working at it, go to the center of the planet where they are condensed by that plasma environment into matter.

By the way, the plasma model would allow for a faster spinning core, AND a reducing magnetic field as the field strength is not dependent on size nor spin rate. And further the plasma core idea does fit with observable fluctuations in magnetic field strength over these nearly 12, 000 year cycles. And again, plasma core idea works with heat levels internal to the earth (lower you go, hotter it gets), as well as abiotic oil, and the creation of minerals as well as their location of deposits.

So, since magic likely is not how the core of the earth generates the magnetic field that we observe, it would seem more likely that the explanation is that the core of the earth is plasma. Plasma is highly excited energy, and does develop prodigious magnetic fields all out of proportion to its size. All of the observable magnetic effects on earth can be explained with the plasma core idea. Also, human experience with plasma fields and forms in laboratories provides observable evidence of the electro magnetic effects every bit as variant as seen on earth

Full article here http://halfpasthuman.com/aintwhatitusedtobe.html

13th July 2011, 19:40
I found this hypothosis very interesting.

13th July 2011, 19:42
I believe I posted the same article for another thread. I can't remember which one it is now.

Oh well, great minds and all.

13th July 2011, 19:52
There is no Doom in my life or vibration therefore no Gloom. We can all assist Mother Earth through this birth by holding her hand, Happy days :peace:

13th July 2011, 19:59
A very lucid and well presented article. Something continues to bother me however. What about the scientist Bill mentioned in the interview with Geryl? No one else seems to have picked up on this..

13th July 2011, 20:09
A very lucid and well presented article. Something continues to bother me however. What about the scientist Bill mentioned in the interview with Geryl? No one else seems to have picked up on this..

Can you expand on this (no pun intended)

13th July 2011, 20:22
A very lucid and well presented article. Something continues to bother me however. What about the scientist Bill mentioned in the interview with Geryl? No one else seems to have picked up on this..

Can you expand on this (no pun intended)

Sure. Here is a link to a previous post (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?23031-Comet-elenin-nibiru-nasa-issues-warning-to-employees&p=245573#post245573). I have brought it up a few times here on the Avalon forum as well. So far, no dice..

13th July 2011, 22:00
What about the scientist Bill mentioned in the interview with Geryl? No one else seems to have picked up on this..

The scientists you mention in the other thread (Dr. John Davis or Professor Mike Brown) are both unknown to me ...
Bil said that anyone would immediately recognize the name ... so I guess it depends on how well others may know Mike Brown.

I have speculated at some point even on a name like Michio Kaku. He's more and more into predictions lately and some of
them touch the gloom and doom area ... but who knows.

If I am not mistaken this scientist contacted Bill ... so who would have Bill this prominently on the radar ?

13th July 2011, 23:03
What about the scientist Bill mentioned in the interview with Geryl? No one else seems to have picked up on this..

The scientists you mention in the other thread (Dr. John Davis or Professor Mike Brown) are both unknown to me ...
Bil said that anyone would immediately recognize the name ... so I guess it depends on how well others may know Mike Brown.

I have speculated at some point even on a name like Michio Kaku. He's more and more into predictions lately and some of
them touch the gloom and doom area ... but who knows.

If I am not mistaken this scientist contacted Bill ... so who would have Bill this prominently on the radar ?

I am as certain as I can be that Bill is not referring to Dr. Kaku. If you listen carefully he simply states that the name is quite a common name, someone they recognised and that he was a very well known american rocket scientist. By well known, my understanding is that it is implied within the scientific and intelligence communities. Whilst it could be a red-herring, I think this is potentially a crucial piece of information if the scientist is bona fide.

14th July 2011, 17:15
Theres apart of this article that says huge sink holes that rapidly appear are a sign.... 700 foot wide sink hole in texas anyone?? (the thread on that w/video is on th is forum)

14th July 2011, 19:23
I am as certain as I can be that Bill is not referring to Dr. Kaku. If you listen carefully he simply states that the name is quite a common name, someone they recognised and that he was a very well known american rocket scientist. By well known, my understanding is that it is implied within the scientific and intelligence communities. Whilst it could be a red-herring, I think this is potentially a crucial piece of information if the scientist is bona fide.

Hi Jason,

Thanks for your view. I am not a native English speaker so my interpretation may sometimes go astray.
A common name is of course something else than a famous or well known name.

I am not sure who you are referring to with they in this case, presumably Bill and Kerry ?

Are you sure it was "a very well known american rocket scientist" ?
I recall physicist ... who surprisingly was working for the US government.

So which scientist working for the US government would take the time to follow Camelot's work and go even a step further
by taking time to email Bill ? A crucial and interesting piece of information indeed !