View Full Version : Do you know any state of the art neuroscience labs with admins who are open minded?

16th July 2011, 01:37
I am currently looking for a lab to monitor my brainwaves etc(and maybe EMF etc around me) while my mind is technologically enhanced to music. My contacts, be they bad or good or both, have offered to do such to me. I expect dirty games being played, but it could overall be beneficial. They have been going over what I want from it, and what they may give me....

I have contacted the University of Oregon about this. The head of neuroscience there. he never got back to me. I imagine this will be hard to find someone willing to test me in universities, due to possibly losing their funding or job(or simply thinking I'm mentally ill). The person who monitors the results is important. They CANNOT be a big skeptic. A little skepticism is fine, doctoring or using a massive bias in the results is a huge thing I must avoid. I need the person who will let me use their lab, and monitor me, and willing to make a statement that may be big news in the UFOlogy/alternative community.

This is claimed to me, to be ET tech. But will be influenced also by the dark groups that torture, character assassinate etc me. Stuff like this could be why they were so insistent on setting me up to be discredited. At this point the amount of effort they have done to me, to discredit me, is not worth it given I'm barely even known...

They could go all out and do binary or crop circles in the monitoring devices(pipe dreams lol). What they told me is they will pick up reading in my mind while I listen to music that corroborate my claim of having music enhanced to me with mind control technology. They will seem to be not random, and if you played the song to the readings, they would be in unison.

They have also given me some control of the music enhancing. It's fun. I drift to any part of the song I want and also know the methods well enough now I can guide the music enhancing mind control tech to do what I want it to... Although I'm not sure that would be the case if I was being monitored...

This could be groundbreaking if they do what they are capable of to me...

I would like it to be digital(the reading devices). I need it to be very sensitive equipment so every little spike(which some are instant and then gone very quickly) is picked up. So not a machine using like the earthquake stuff that just waves back and forth with a pen ink.. I need cutting edge stuff here...

I need help though. What lab around the world would give me this chance? Anyone know? And also would anyone recommend a person to do this, who would not doctor the results or corrupt them with a skeptical bias, and would also be willing to put their name and credentials stating the results they observed? Someone who cannot be bought.... Someone with integrity...

Any guests who may be able to help can contact me on skype or by email. My skype is Omniverse101. My email is evo(at)omnisense.org


16th July 2011, 01:49
Try Cal Tech, Brown U, Pitt/CMU - they are all doing things similar to what you are describing.