View Full Version : Default, I Dare You

Fred Steeves
28th July 2011, 15:03
This comes from the purely 3-D version of Fred, supposing there were no higher dimensional answers:

I'm so tired of this pathetic dog and pony show about the dire consequences of defaulting on our debt. And I'm sick and tired of being subjected to beedy eyed bastards like Bernanke and little Timmy Geithner spewing their fear filled lies and blatant propaganda. Isn't it funny with all these countries either in, or entering default, that we never actually hear WHO all of this money is owed to? It ain't China folks.

Here is a rough draft of what I would recommend, speaking only for the U.S., if given the platform: (which of course would never happen)

-All engines stop...Everything... Stop this entire bloated, rotted carcass of a ship of state dead in the water.

-Shut down every military base we have around the world down, call the fleets and the soldiers home. All home, the world will somehow manage...

-Immediately dissolve the following: Federal Reserve, and ALL federal bureaucracies. I would highly recommend not a peep from the lowliest crooked banker.

-Find a group of people who could be trusted as temporary caretakers, and possibly re-founders, then officially dissolve the United States of America. Bye bye. Sometimes a termite infested house cannot be remodeled, it has to be razed to the ground and rebuilt from scratch.The states can tend to their own, and with no more bloated bureaucracies sucking people dry, there would be plenty for all.

Educate the population on the causes of the cancer that decimated their once great nation, and convene a new constitutional convention to work out where we want to go from here, and how. The big start over.

Convene a public trial for all charged with treasonous acts. (Punishment for those found guilty is for a different thread.)

This is very basic of course. What do ya'll think? Too much, too little, too late?


Mad Hatter
28th July 2011, 15:22
Bring it on!!

Might need a massive sheltered workshop or three to help those who have never done an honest days work in their entire lives adjust to a new paradigm !!

On second thoughts getting em all to board the first of three spaceships could work as well...:p

28th July 2011, 15:29
I like the full stop idea. It happened to me personally in 2009, and I had all these ideas of turning the freeway interchanges into big parking lots, stopping the flow of movement.

There is an easier way to accomplish all of this, and its happening more and more each day. People stop going to work. For some, its because they get fired or laid off. For some, its because they change course mid stream and are reevaluating.

Some folks here have been 'exasperated' about what they pereceive to be a lack of coordinated efforts to move the ship onto a different course. As we've all seen, anytime there is a leader, a defined group, an 'identifiable' structure, these get taken over, corrupted, ego manhandled, etc. The divine is organized, it seems, in ways we don't grasp at all. It works. I don't really need to know how, nor could I. Thank Goddess. This way, it can't be corrupted. As people have less money to buy things with, the trade/barter returns. As people spend more time at home with no work, they begin to clean up their homes, garden, think about themselves, volunteer, etc. Its working.

The slow down pace comes from everyone continuing to look around them through their old coke bottle lenses, thinking 'its business as usual' or 'see, I'm doing what I'm 'supposed' to (ie: been told). When they truly stop and look and see, then the full stop happens really quickly. You see the line up, realize you're waiting in like with turkeys for peanuts, and you walk away to other exploits.

I get ansy too, but then I just remember that is my ego wanting hubris timing that doesn't really accept/allow that the opportunity/doorway hasn't fully manifested into the desired energy yet. As long as I focus on myself, I realize I'm moving plenty fast enough. As for others, the best I can do is be me, be the model of impeccability I strive to acheive, and let the universe (and them) do the work. Any other straining or resistance is just energy that could be redeployed to actual progress, which can only be done within me. The external ripple following that has relevant delays I don't pretend to understand or need to understand.

It is what it is.

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.

I hear your exasperation, but turn that inward and keep spinning onward. Its the best way to make sure you're actually in full gear, and not just winding the engine in effective neutral.

28th July 2011, 18:16
Hi Fred, I am canadian, but just as fed up as you are about this debt circus. We are all in the same boat after all, regardless of countries.

What I'de like to see happen coming from the people is this:

A moratorium on all debt payment. They can wait the money flow, they are at the receiving side since centuries.

Clear information on the debt to the public; What are all these consolidated debts? (In fact, the debt is made of hundreds of small debts) What was the money used for exactly? (contracting a debt to pay another simply proves that you aren't solvable)What was the term and condition on all single debts? (I have seen national debts going on 80 to 100 years of terms with interest rates above 10%, not a good thing at all for the people) What is the interest rate? (Some debts, in the millions, are over-weighted with interest as high as 12 to 15%) How many time the capital has been already paid? (Brazil, in 1994, had already paid the initial amount borrowed 10 times! and still paying a growing debt!) In which hands the money finally stop at the end of the chain? (Most debts contracted finally ends up in private hands).

I personally will never endorse national debts. I will never accept them as mine. We all should do the same.

Namaste, Steven

Lord Sidious
28th July 2011, 18:16
So you guys wanna stop the system?
It isn't anywhere near as hard as you think.
It requires two things, you say no and keep saying no and a backbone.
If 50,000 people decided to camp in the middle of any major city, ON THE ROAD, what would they do?
Arrest you?
They couldn't process and hold 10% of that.
Meantime, you shut down the CBD to traffic.
They might try to tear gas and intimidate, but 50,000 v a couple of hundred armoured communists.
Not much of a contest.

28th July 2011, 18:35
So you guys wanna stop the system?
It isn't anywhere near as hard as you think.
It requires two things, you say no and keep saying no and a backbone.
If 50,000 people decided to camp in the middle of any major city, ON THE ROAD, what would they do?
Arrest you?
They couldn't process and hold 10% of that.
Meantime, you shut down the CBD to traffic.
They might try to tear gas and intimidate, but 50,000 v a couple of hundred armoured communists.
Not much of a contest.

Thank you your Lordship for making it so easy to see that the real problem we have is not so much with the "Powers that Be or Were" but with "The Powers that Won't".

28th July 2011, 18:39
Fred, i am sooooooo right there with you on this one.
regards, corson

Fred Steeves
28th July 2011, 18:39
So you guys wanna stop the system?
It isn't anywhere near as hard as you think.
It requires two things, you say no and keep saying no and a backbone.
If 50,000 people decided to camp in the middle of any major city, ON THE ROAD, what would they do?
Arrest you?

That's very well what it may be coming down to Rob, the infamous line in the sand quote from Gandalf comes to mind: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS".

But, what then? That's why I tried to spell out my little fantasy scenario of what an average, common sense, freedom loving person might do with their chance at the control panel.


28th July 2011, 18:44
Good thread Fred. It has just gotten going and should be getting interesting. I like your scenario and I like Lord Sid's for a quick, " we are farking serious" attention getter to let 'them' know that the hour, the day, the time has arrived.

28th July 2011, 19:08
So you guys wanna stop the system?
It isn't anywhere near as hard as you think.
It requires two things, you say no and keep saying no and a backbone.
If 50,000 people decided to camp in the middle of any major city, ON THE ROAD, what would they do?
Arrest you?

That's very well what it may be coming down to Rob, the infamous line in the sand quote from Gandalf comes to mind: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS".

But, what then? That's why I tried to spell out my little fantasy scenario of what an average, common sense, freedom loving person might do with their chance at the control panel.


Fair Call Fred,

But you are assuming ALL the 'Police & Armed Forces' who protect the 'Crooks' have not been affected personally by the 'Debt LIE' aswell..!

Sooner rather than later, directly or indirectly the 'Armed Forces & Police' and their immediate families who have be 'SHAT ON' by their Masters are going to 'Crack' and when they finally do, their 'AINT NO' Underground Base, Rock or Cave these 'SYCHOPHANTICAL - ROCK SPIDERS' are going to be able to hide..!!!

Can You FEEL IT..?


28th July 2011, 19:11
Fred S. for president in 2012!! :)

Darla Ken Pearce
28th July 2011, 19:17
Gosh, Fred! It's like you've piped yourself right into an edict or decree from God! All of these things are coming to pass NOW. Each and every one of them. Seatbelts fastened?!! Better be! Here we are then ~ take a deep breath ~ ready, set, go! And so it is..... Wow. Just like magic! Once in flight, do not look back due to the effects of vertigo and pure bliss! xoxoxox

Fred Steeves
28th July 2011, 19:28
Fred S. for president in 2012!! :)

LOL, sure RMorgan, but for only as long as it takes to strip the presidency, and the federal government, of it's tyranical power...

After that? Back home for a long hot shower with a brillo pad.


28th July 2011, 19:31
What a WONDERFUL post – WOO WOO .... (see, there are different expressions ...)

When I thought I was in the running for the grand Eurolottery prize a week or so ago (£160+million) I planned that if I won I would get one representative of all the charities together who represented the whole of mankind, animals, environment, space, etc.etc. (including security) and get them all together with the reps of the Venus Project, Eden Project and all the other all encompassing projects and see what they could come up with ......

People all over the world are doing their wonderful and positive things for mankind, folks. All we need is to bring it all together .......

Shame my dream all came down to money .... but then again let it be about something positive and for the good of all ...

Lord Sidious
28th July 2011, 19:39
So you guys wanna stop the system?
It isn't anywhere near as hard as you think.
It requires two things, you say no and keep saying no and a backbone.
If 50,000 people decided to camp in the middle of any major city, ON THE ROAD, what would they do?
Arrest you?

That's very well what it may be coming down to Rob, the infamous line in the sand quote from Gandalf comes to mind: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS".

But, what then? That's why I tried to spell out my little fantasy scenario of what an average, common sense, freedom loving person might do with their chance at the control panel.


Excellent question.
As I put across in my thread about freedom, why say you wanna be free if you don't know what freedom is?
And in this case, we will have to construct a new system on the run.
Hopefully, a localised one that is equitable and reliant on good, rather than money.

28th July 2011, 20:14
They don't have the balls to default!!! They are just begging us under the guise of fear for our CONSENT. B} just in case for those wondering what the symbol is; it's my buns with my pants down to the whole bunch of them. Love the thread, Fred.

28th July 2011, 20:44
Hi guys

I'm a firm believer in the power of intent through meditation, particularly group intent. What I wouldnt mind seeing as an experiment would be an organised simulataneous and regular meditation of thousands of people like us throughout the world just purely focused on change and the removal of these people we refer to as TPTB etc. This would have to be more powerful than physical rebellion. People like Bernanke seriously have to go.

What about the Camelot/Avalon leaders instead of promoting a new video maybe promote a day (or hour) of meditation. Lets focus thousands of polarised minds onto the problem.

Anyway that is my 15 cents (inflation......another evil of them)


Fred Steeves
28th July 2011, 21:00
They don't have the balls to default!!! They are just begging us under the guise of fear

I'll go you one better PHARAOH, substitute the word "begging" for "taunting".


28th July 2011, 21:04
-Find a group of people who could be trusted as temporary caretakers
Fred, this is the tricky part. I however vote for the following people.
David Icke, David Wilcock , Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, Jordan Maxwell, these are real people, who know the suffering of the human species and have many answers to many problems, not politicians who are told what to say and what to wear, who are living in another reality where they won't have to strive for living.x6UMT94jNGI

Fred Steeves
28th July 2011, 21:13
-Find a group of people who could be trusted as temporary caretakers
Fred, this is the tricky part. I however vote for the following people.
David Icke, David Wilcock , Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, Jordan Maxwell, these are real people, who know the suffering of the human species and have many answers to many problems,

That's a very nice start to a new round table David. Agreed.


Ernie Nemeth
28th July 2011, 21:17
I second that vote!

Fred for pres!

Shake em up, bro - then hang em up to dry!

28th July 2011, 21:30
It's obvious and it's all nonsense , these debts are passed from generation to generation, from one war to another, nation to nation,
from the time we traded sea shells till now , money is empty value , the problem is and always remains that it's not clear to everybody and what do you want to do with those to whom it's not clear ?

They should nullify it all as it stands and runs and it would show the correct picture of what is and what we can count with ,

yes they act as if we were gaming with life but that's very much not true in world where milliards are starving and struggling for naked life or is it .

Create weapons against whom , again ? Stop it, on all sides , right now,

whom else do you want to judge for crimes against humanity than these people ?

Why don't you build schools and hospitals instead , take care of clean water and clean food and clean energy ,

why you can't stop producing dangerous chemicals that are itself a weapon , right now .

How many conferences do you have to hold on all those issues,

how many resolutions have to be passed ?

Where is the key if not with ourselves ...

Ernie Nemeth
28th July 2011, 21:45
By Agape,
Why don't you build schools and hospitals instead , take care of clean water and clean food and clean energy ,

why you can't stop producing dangerous chemicals that are itself a weapon , right now .

How many conferences do you have to hold on all those issues,

how many resolutions have to be passed ?

There was a time in the late eighties, I believe, when there was talk of the peace dividend. We were soon to be able to realize savings in the war coffers and defense spending. Not even a few months later the rhetoric started, the propaganda. In fact, the experts said, with the Soviet Block disintegrating, the world was less safe, not more so. And then the spending for war efforts and defense shot through the roof.

One year of defense spending in the USA could solve almost all the problems of clean water, medicinal aid and food for the destitute of this world.

28th July 2011, 22:19
Why not hit them where it will hurt most... in their pockets. If everyone refused to pay their mortgages, loan and credit card payments for just 2-3 months, then surely that would send a very powerful message. The simple act of cancelling all direct debits and standing orders would send them all into a tailspin.

We seem to have lost sight of the power we have and by simply standing united, without force, and quietly pressing a few buttons on our computers, we can throw their plans right off course. Think about it... who is really financing all this debt? WE ARE!!! I agree with Lord Sid... just say NO and keep saying NO. I have already started doing this myself and am discovering that there is very little the debt collectors,TV licencing authorities etc., can do if I refuse to engage with them. When I receive unsolicited phone calls I let the caller know that I will be recording the conversation right from the start and then ask them to confirm their name, post code, date of birth etc.,... just like they do with us... and that usually does the trick. I find it quite funny now and feeling stronger now than ever before.

We need to start questioning everything... and start saying NO!!!

28th July 2011, 22:23
Hi Fred,

As has been said so many times, we can't create a solution with the same mindset that created the problem, although I like your ideas :) The process is slow one individual at a time to find their integral self and backbone to stand alone and if blessed or lucky with other sovereign individuals. The heart has to come first in place of the intellect and so many have wounded hearts that they don't want to go anywhere near then to deal with the pain.

It is easier to look or try to deal with others pain versus our own. However, there is lots of hope, as one day the 100th monkey will appear and there will be enough warm sentient hearts to shelter and guide those waiting to turn the corner to a world of freedom and abundance for all :)

28th July 2011, 22:30
Well, seeing how we all have different ideas to resolve the problems that we have in this beautiful planet, I suggest that we all here on Avalon start leading by example.
In this forum we treat each other with respect, we help each other when need it, sending good vibes and best wishes (latest being Mark).

Now, the idea that I would like to share with you all is that if we should lead by example, we need to get together and find a piece of land where we can build the first city example: (Avalon city) where we live and share everything as a community that could lead the world, treating us all with respect like we do here.

This is a out of the ordinary, but we need to start from scratch.

We can achieve more starting from zero in a new place, than to destroy the whole system in which must of us are in, in our comfort zone.

Achieving this will probably get the worlds attention and make new way for our way of living in this planet.

These are my two cents Avalon nuggets.

I honestly don't find this impossible and may work.:plane:

Fred Steeves
28th July 2011, 22:34
When I receive unsolicited phone calls I let the caller know that I will be recording the conversation right from the start and then ask them to confirm their name, post code, date of birth etc.,... just like they do with us... and that usually does the trick.

What an awesome idea Phoenix!!! I'll be sure to run THAT one by my wife later when she gets home. She just loves to harass phone solicitors, especially the state troopers association.

And hey Phoenix, WELCOME TO AVALON.


28th July 2011, 22:56
How many conferences do you have to hold on all those issues,

how many resolutions have to be passed ?
It's as though those puppets are actually calling the shots on anything? they just meet for the camera, and free sandwiches flown from Paris.

Maia Gabrial
28th July 2011, 23:08
I'm not worried. Are you guys worried? All I see is the ultra rich panicking because all that money they screwed people out of would be worthless. Suddenly people would have nothing to do with them. LOL! I think that's what TPTW are afraid of....the reason for their fearmongering....Sorry I don't buy it....
IMO each state could do a better job of taking care of their own citizens. Just think about how the money would benefit just the citizens of that state. No taxes going out. Actually, I'm all for no monetary system, where everything is free to people....
As I've said, I'm not worried because I know we can make it....

28th July 2011, 23:37
Excellent thread Fred, and I agree, the one thing that most "Fear" comes to these days is money related....we keep forgetting they are the same those PTB.

They actually have more of it than the rest of us, because they keep taking it, so it is them that have the most to lose, not us.

hope all you wished for in this thread comes true, and soon.

28th July 2011, 23:51
They have all they want; except some pieces left of our freedoms. We still have too much freedom and they want it. THAT is what THEY want; OUR FREEDOM.

If it isn't with money, it is with laws. If not with laws then with armed force, if not with armed force, then with mental manipulation, if not with this one then another one will be tried out. ALL SIMULTANEOUSLY. We got to wake up BIG TIME!

I am a FREE SOUL! Ah! :)

Namaste, Steven

29th July 2011, 01:21

Super post!


This comes from the purely 3-D version of Fred

I disagree with your assessment in this regard, and if you think about it, you might too :)

29th July 2011, 02:09
I agree with Fred's original post. Shut it all down.

But again I say, support HR 1489, the Glass Steagall bill. There are now over 30 congressional co-sponsors of the bill, as well as unions, AFL-CIO etc. Then ALL of these things (Fred's post) MUST happen. Arrested bankers, jail, debt returned to the makers, and a plan to rebuild society implemented.

I support LaRouche PAC because they have practical ideas and CANNOT be bought out, and they have a post bankster plan for recovery. They are Obama's worst enemy. They stand with the founding fathers.

When the monarchy loses, they will kick over the chess table, if you get my meaning.

29th July 2011, 02:27
Do I spy one of those tipping points?

29th July 2011, 03:19
Good thread Fred. It has just gotten going and should be getting interesting. I like your scenario and I like Lord Sid's for a quick, " we are farking serious" attention getter to let 'them' know that the hour, the day, the time has arrived.

So I realize this could be its own thread, but you folks here seem to be feeling the vibe, so here goes. I refused to pay a $5 fee to park in the National Forest when I went backpacking. Instead, I did some rehab work, cleaned up 2 fire rings and repaired/cleaned a third, which we used. On the way out, we met a Ranger. Talked about the near clearcut done right up against the wilderness boundary, informed him about the trail conditions (he had a chainsaw in the wilderness and wanted to know this, because he was in to do maintenance work. Talked about the fire ring rehab we'd done, about the futility of being a ranger and chasing one's tail in that business (told him about my NPS days) and it was generally pleasant. Got to the car and sure enough, $75 ticket.

I put the soggy wet illegible mess (he forgot to put it in a baggie, and it was raining) and a polite but firm no, thank you note written on the last page of a James Gilliland/ECETI book with a channeled message from Mother Mary on it (I ripped that explanation off the page) about finding one's inner guidance and making the right choices for healing Earth in the days ahead, in a baggie, on his windshield. Did some more clearing work at home. That was a few weeks ago. Today the mailman came and quickly tried to get me to sign something. I paused, turned it over, and saw it was from the Cle Elum Ranger District. I refused to sign, told him he should return it to the sender. We'll see how it goes. Could be a summons.

Anyhow, my point is, enough is enough, indeed. Holding the light is an infinitely more challenging position than towing the line, and I really wish folks would join in with the work, stop buying forest passes and voting and all we know to be a lie, and just help those holding the light. Because dude, its getting hairy, and its not letting up.

If anyone has any good advise or protection prayers or anything, I welcome that with open arms. After all, I am needed at home to wipe my kiddos tushes and wash my husband's work pants. And last I checked, TPTB weren't too interested in that job description. You know, mom stuff. Care for the family, fight on the front lines for my freedom to roam. Everyday kinds of things.

29th July 2011, 04:03
I love all the debt collectors who call and threaten to take me to court, stating that they'll be able to garnish my account and take the money that way. I tell them I have nothing in there, and that I get paid cash in hand, and they better start treating me with some respect if they want any money. That usually does the trick ;) But I may start asking for their full names, address and date of birth at the start of the call as well, thanks Pheonix.

The more we talk about this idea of not going to work, blocking the CBD, the more this idea is circulated, the higher the odds of it taking place. Keep the conversation going people, let's help bring this bad boy down.

29th July 2011, 04:08
Anyhow, my point is, enough is enough, indeed. Holding the light is an infinitely more challenging position than towing the line, and I really wish folks would join in with the work, stop buying forest passes and voting and all we know to be a lie, and just help those holding the light. Because dude, its getting hairy, and its not letting up.

We can do it

29th July 2011, 04:24
I'm employed by Government, working in compensation, and an Occupational Therapist has just lifted her fees, and wants us to pay her $2323 for an assessment she's just completed for me. Instead of rejecting this one, I may just accept ;)

Helping to bring things down from the inside hehe :p

29th July 2011, 05:45
Fred, right on, man, great thread.
What kind of beer do you like, I,d like to buy you an Electronic beer.
It,s not very filling, but it,s the thought that counts, no?

What on earth should, could, we do.
Stop paying taxes, stand together and say "Not on my watch"

First we stood with our mouths open and watched a trillion dollar rip off by Wall Street and did nothing.
Then they use fear, tptb favorite tool, and we hand over a ridiculous amount of cash to save the Banks.
We threw money at the people with the money, incredble.
Now they are using thier scare tactics on the people about not being able to pay the countries debt, ridiculous, and a new debt plan.
Everyday on tv the same thing, fear fear fear, we cant pay our debt, here man, have a little more stress with that fear, absolutely sickening.
It is essential that everybody stick together and say, no, to these symbiotic fartholes.


29th July 2011, 06:09
I have just organised event to take place in Edinburgh on 22nd August and have invited a young man I met at an event in London in February who took them all on.. and won! There is a wonderful guy from Ireland called Darrell (of the clan) O'Deagh, who has written a book called 'Blank of Ireland' which is an open letter to ... you guessed it... The Bank of Ireland.... telling them to leave!!! He was incensed after witnessing his father and grandfather being ground down with worry when the bank tried to repossess the family farm and who worked hard all of their lives JUST TO PAY THE INTEREST!!! Google 'BLANK of Ireland' and you'll find it.

In February last year he took on the bank ad a few months ago had his mortgage debt wiped!! He now travels the land educating others on helping them to face their fears and stand up against this thievery. There is much debate about fiat currencies on the web, so we all know now that money has no intrinsic value at all (hence the rush to guy gold and silver), and we also know about 'fractional reserve'... don't we? If not, please od your homework.

The banks NEED our signatures before they can print money. Using fractional reserve they are legally authorised to print more than we ask for - used to be 7-1 now it's more like 30-1, so for every dollar that is requested, the banks can print 30 more. HOWEVER, they never print the money that's required to pay off the INTEREST, so in effect, that money doesn't exist. Hard to get your head around I know, but you seem like an intelligent bunch ;)

Think about this - if the money to pay the interest has not been generated/printed in the first place, then if EVERY debtor were to try to repay their loans (and I mean institutions/governments/individuals) all at the same time, there would be NO MONEY to pay off that interest.

So, we can all stop worrying now ... we're all in the same boat ... question is... who's got the paddle? :confused:

29th July 2011, 06:24
btw... I cancelled my SKY TV, Phone line and Broadbank account a few days ago... when the customer service guy asked why I was leaving I told him... "I don't like your boss and don't want to give him any more of my money"... he laughed and said I don't blame you!!

I've already started to get people booking for my August event when Dele will be educating the audience on how to deal with debt collectors/unpaid parking tickets/car leases (did you know that if you have paid off 75% of the value of any vehicle that is leased, that you can legally keep the vehicle without paying any more money?) I wish I had known that before I handed the keys to my Audi A4 convertible back to the leasing company when I declared bankruptcy a couple of years back :ballchain: I did that on the advice of my accountant in order to protect my assets, only to find that the 'trustee' is now asking me for money (the value of the equity in my properties) so that he can discharge his interest and I retain title.

On the subject of parking tickets, one of my son's has completely ignored a demand for £90 for having his car on a parking bay without a ticket at 8.15 in the morning (parking is free between 6pm and 8am). This 'bay' is situated outside a bank and was one of only two bays... the irony of this is that the rest of the street which is mainly residential has no parking restrictions at all!!! The fine started out at £30, then doubled to £60 and now sits at £90. I'll let you know the outcome!!

Lord Sidious
29th July 2011, 06:40
Good thread Fred. It has just gotten going and should be getting interesting. I like your scenario and I like Lord Sid's for a quick, " we are farking serious" attention getter to let 'them' know that the hour, the day, the time has arrived.

So I realize this could be its own thread, but you folks here seem to be feeling the vibe, so here goes. I refused to pay a $5 fee to park in the National Forest when I went backpacking. Instead, I did some rehab work, cleaned up 2 fire rings and repaired/cleaned a third, which we used. On the way out, we met a Ranger. Talked about the near clearcut done right up against the wilderness boundary, informed him about the trail conditions (he had a chainsaw in the wilderness and wanted to know this, because he was in to do maintenance work. Talked about the fire ring rehab we'd done, about the futility of being a ranger and chasing one's tail in that business (told him about my NPS days) and it was generally pleasant. Got to the car and sure enough, $75 ticket.

I put the soggy wet illegible mess (he forgot to put it in a baggie, and it was raining) and a polite but firm no, thank you note written on the last page of a James Gilliland/ECETI book with a channeled message from Mother Mary on it (I ripped that explanation off the page) about finding one's inner guidance and making the right choices for healing Earth in the days ahead, in a baggie, on his windshield. Did some more clearing work at home. That was a few weeks ago. Today the mailman came and quickly tried to get me to sign something. I paused, turned it over, and saw it was from the Cle Elum Ranger District. I refused to sign, told him he should return it to the sender. We'll see how it goes. Could be a summons.

Anyhow, my point is, enough is enough, indeed. Holding the light is an infinitely more challenging position than towing the line, and I really wish folks would join in with the work, stop buying forest passes and voting and all we know to be a lie, and just help those holding the light. Because dude, its getting hairy, and its not letting up.

If anyone has any good advise or protection prayers or anything, I welcome that with open arms. After all, I am needed at home to wipe my kiddos tushes and wash my husband's work pants. And last I checked, TPTB weren't too interested in that job description. You know, mom stuff. Care for the family, fight on the front lines for my freedom to roam. Everyday kinds of things.

Google the term ''refused for cause'' and study that.

29th July 2011, 07:22
btw... I cancelled my SKY TV, Phone line and Broadbank account a few days ago... when the customer service guy asked why I was leaving I told him... "I don't like your boss and don't want to give him any more of my money"... he laughed and said I don't blame you!!

Thanks for the chuckle!!!

And thanks too, to Fred. One small step for man.....

Lord Sidious
29th July 2011, 07:58
I have just organised event to take place in Edinburgh on 22nd August and have invited a young man I met at an event in London in February who took them all on.. and won! There is a wonderful guy from Ireland called Darrell (of the clan) O'Deagh, who has written a book called 'Blank of Ireland' which is an open letter to ... you guessed it... The Bank of Ireland.... telling them to leave!!! He was incensed after witnessing his father and grandfather being ground down with worry when the bank tried to repossess the family farm and who worked hard all of their lives JUST TO PAY THE INTEREST!!! Google 'BLANK of Ireland' and you'll find it.

In February last year he took on the bank ad a few months ago had his mortgage debt wiped!! He now travels the land educating others on helping them to face their fears and stand up against this thievery. There is much debate about fiat currencies on the web, so we all know now that money has no intrinsic value at all (hence the rush to guy gold and silver), and we also know about 'fractional reserve'... don't we? If not, please od your homework.

The banks NEED our signatures before they can print money. Using fractional reserve they are legally authorised to print more than we ask for - used to be 7-1 now it's more like 30-1, so for every dollar that is requested, the banks can print 30 more. HOWEVER, they never print the money that's required to pay off the INTEREST, so in effect, that money doesn't exist. Hard to get your head around I know, but you seem like an intelligent bunch ;)

Think about this - if the money to pay the interest has not been generated/printed in the first place, then if EVERY debtor were to try to repay their loans (and I mean institutions/governments/individuals) all at the same time, there would be NO MONEY to pay off that interest.

So, we can all stop worrying now ... we're all in the same boat ... question is... who's got the paddle? :confused:

We have a thread on that already.

Here is the book you speak of.

29th July 2011, 08:26
I think one small change would have a dramatic effect and return some sense to our so called world....

Pass a law that makes it ILLEGAL to sell debt on. Another words all the banks , countries etc have to live with the debt they have created... not the fictitious debt created so that it can be sold on to turn their debt into profit......

If you stop paying your credit card... the first thing they do is default you which means you can't get more debt... OK so then they call you and say you have to pay back the debt... you say what are you going to do to motivate me to pay the debt?? THEY have now come to an abrupt halt because they have already defaulted you so they can't offer you more debt which is all they have to offer..... so then the threats come and all the dirty tactics etc.... you say go for it mate, I have no assets that I own , so what happens now? In 6 years we wipe the debt and you can apply for a new credit card.....

Just stop and think about the system for a minute........ Another thing that bends my mind is banks evicting people from their houses, so they can be the proud owners of a physical object that they are never going to maintain so will in effect become worthless the moment it is vacant..... leaving people in their homes even for $1 per month is still more profitable than writing the debt off!!!! Something very wrong with this system and it all comes back to DEBT and how it is used.......

And countries use debt in exactly the same way... and if you ever wondered how a country raises money? Well its simple it borrows against it only real asset ....its population... every registered birth is a credit card for the country. Every life has an average earning over its working life that can be securitised in bonds to raise money or is it DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats why you have a Medicare number, National Insurance number .... whatever your country calls it.... you have a number for a reason... and before you say there are minerals we can sell etc ... it takes people to mine the minerals.... so we are back to the people as an asset....
What is a doctor without a patient??? What is a bank without a customer and their money??? What is a country without a population??? What is a debt without someone to pay it???

That's my 2 cents worth......

Lord Sidious
29th July 2011, 09:35
And countries use debt in exactly the same way... and if you ever wondered how a country raises money? Well its simple it borrows against it only real asset ....its population... every registered birth is a credit card for the country. Every life has an average earning over its working life that can be securitised in bonds to raise money or is it DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats why you have a Medicare number, National Insurance number .... whatever your country calls it.... you have a number for a reason... and before you say there are minerals we can sell etc ... it takes people to mine the minerals.... so we are back to the people as an asset....
What is a doctor without a patient??? What is a bank without a customer and their money??? What is a country without a population??? What is a debt without someone to pay it???

That's my 2 cents worth......

I don't know if you have studied this or not, but if not, you have no idea how big this iceberg is underwater.
Why do you think they call civilian deaths in war/terrorism ''collateral damage?''

29th July 2011, 10:02
Unfortunately Lord Sid... I have looked a lot deeper, but am not going to write down on public forums too much about this side of our wonderful society, if you are referring to what I think you are you will understand.... there is enough for people to go after the rabbit holes....

I can't waif for a change to come.....

Lord Sidious
29th July 2011, 10:08
Unfortunately Lord Sid... I have looked a lot deeper, but am not going to write down on public forums too much about this side of our wonderful society, if you are referring to what I think you are you will understand.... there is enough for people to go after the rabbit holes....

I can't waif for a change to come.....

Yes, I know exactly what you refer to.
That is why I asked the question.

29th July 2011, 10:27
good observation, Fred. I have suggested a council of elders from each town who consult with members of the community but may not have a stake like high paychecks or corporate decisions, and job bidding.

Fred Steeves
29th July 2011, 11:19
Fred, right on, man, great thread.
What kind of beer do you like, I,d like to buy you an Electronic beer.
It,s not very filling, but it,s the thought that counts, no?

First we stood with our mouths open and watched a trillion dollar rip off by Wall Street and did nothing.
Then they use fear, tptb favorite tool, and we hand over a ridiculous amount of cash to save the Banks.
We threw money at the people with the money, incredble.

Hmm, electronic beer, that's a concept that hadn't occured to me, thank you toothpick I accept. Might be good for a beer belly too huh?

As to your second part here, that period in time you speak of is very near and dear to my heart. That's what finally began to jolt me out of my deep slumber, when I still loved Bush and all republicans. I'll never forget sitting on the couch watching Bush with Paulson saying "we have to suspend the free market to save the free market". I was literally stunned. I sat forward on that couch and was thinking "what the f**k was that, we're being bold faced lied to". And, it was my man Bush doing the lying.

Three months later I found myself absorbed in a book written by a nutter by the name of David Icke."Tales from the Time Loop". After that, things started to make sense again.


29th July 2011, 15:56
By Agape,
Why don't you build schools and hospitals instead , take care of clean water and clean food and clean energy ,

why you can't stop producing dangerous chemicals that are itself a weapon , right now .

How many conferences do you have to hold on all those issues,

how many resolutions have to be passed ?

There was a time in the late eighties, I believe, when there was talk of the peace dividend. We were soon to be able to realize savings in the war coffers and defense spending. Not even a few months later the rhetoric started, the propaganda. In fact, the experts said, with the Soviet Block disintegrating, the world was less safe, not more so. And then the spending for war efforts and defense shot through the roof.

One year of defense spending in the USA could solve almost all the problems of clean water, medicinal aid and food for the destitute of this world.

Because we live in ONE world and it's not going to be less so in future .

I see insufficient education is one of the major predecences for future crimes and disputes along with lack of basic medical care and food and water supplies,

I really speak about the basics and go and have a look around the world ( educate your self if you have the means ) how many people don't have an access to these basics even,
no matter what are their inborn abilities and potentials ,

what does it help me or you being enlightened human being if you're born somewhere in Somalian or Ethiopean desert with 6 pound underweight and HIV from your mother and your life expectancy and future carrier are depedant on one of those rescue missions to get some water and food to you in the age of 30 ?

What was the situation of people in one of those former Soviet republics , pretty much the same ?

They boasted about progress and gifts for everyone on national tv as China does to this day but what was the reality for millions , perhaps milliard of people behind all these walls ?

They come here now, I'm in central Europe and since borders opened , they and their children come over here because there's nothing but hunger at their home ,
manual labour and heavy drinking instead of food, really empoverished people, some of them .

I suppose the same can be said for many Africans, South Americans, Asians and other -vilians around this planet ..

And then we go arguing about national debts ? And how much my computer costs and how much your children need everyday to keep them happy ?

What a hypocracy I'm telling you ..


29th July 2011, 16:17
So you guys wanna stop the system?
It isn't anywhere near as hard as you think.
It requires two things, you say no and keep saying no and a backbone.
If 50,000 people decided to camp in the middle of any major city, ON THE ROAD, what would they do?
Arrest you?
They couldn't process and hold 10% of that.
Meantime, you shut down the CBD to traffic.
They might try to tear gas and intimidate, but 50,000 v a couple of hundred armoured communists.
Not much of a contest.

Hello Lord Sidius,

You are correct in that it is not very hard to control the system. For example, many Americans complain about the fine of speeding tickets..... a $200 or $300 fine, in some places. These high fines, as well as many others are imposed on Americans regardless of the fact that the American Constitution, and many state constitutions states: "that there will be no excessive fines imposed. " Now of course defining the operative word "excessive" is key. And since the state includes their revenue on how much they can collect in fines, they like imposing fines, and even encourages it to help increase revenue for the state, by stealing from the pockets of the average Joe and Jane. The only non excessive fines that I know of are library fines, where it does not cost a weeks worth of groceries to pay for. In my opinion, I don't think someone driving over the speed limit by ten miles an hour warrants to have their grocery money for the week taken away from a family, to me that is very excessive,especially considering that half of American families live paycheck to pay check.
Americans need to go down to their local courts and watch the money pour in to the state coffers from young parents paying excessive fines because they were a few miles over the speed limit. Many of these parents were working second jobs to put groceries on the table for their families. But becasue a cop was hiding in the bushes, and had nothing better to do at midnight, he pulls over the only car on the street for speeding, and give the person not a warning, but a $300 ticket. So much for his or her effort in working a second job when the second job doesn't even pay him or her $300 a month! I would call that excessive! And every American should raise their voices as to what is excessive in a fine! But unless we all raise our voices, we loose, and they know we won't raise our voices in unison and so they win. I also suggest that if the cops are so bored that we need them hiding around cornors and in the bushes to catch people at midnight driving a few miles over the speed limit, then perhaps that town needs to reduced its police department; or maybe it doesn't need a police department at all, and just call the local sheriff if need arises. If everyone in court that day, who got a speeding ticket with an excessive fine, simply requested a jury trial instead of just paying the fine, the PEOPLE would clog up the courts for months and the state would be forced into getting the message. The people have power if they organize. The trouble is, the average person doesn't know how to organize and weild their power, but sadly it's actaully becasue they are too selfish, greedy ,or lazy to do so. The sad truth is we are all in this position we are in today, not becasue of the bad guys, but becasue the good guys, the average Joe and Jane, are too lazy, greedy, uneduated, confused, and easily lead to stand up togther and do what is right. Hiltler said something like ....isn't it wonderful for the leaders that people don't think. Why did he say that? People haven't changed for the two thousand years and TPTB know that. That is why they so easily control us all.

Years ago, when I was young, and idealistic, I thought that people just didn't know any better. After years of doing my own show, supporting marches in DC etc etc, I undertood that the problem wasn't as much a lack of knowledge as it was a defect in human nature itself. Everyone knows there are more of us than them. Yet, THE PEOPLE only gossip and complain about how terrible TPTB are. Seldom to they take organized action. The bottom line is that average JOE and Jane throughout the decades continually allow the tail to wag the dog as they sit by and say: bad dog. I do not resent the TPTB. They are what they are. They take advantage of human nature. I do resent people who complain and take little if no action, in their personal life, to stop the tail from waging the dog! The fact is we are in the mess we are in, not because of TPTB, but becasue average JOE and JAne let TPTB get away with what they do.

As Lord Sidious suggested, it is ever so easy to control the bastards. The question that everyone needs to ask themselves is: why, as the larger group of people, are we allowing TPTB to get away with it? And when do we reflect on our personal life style to be brave enough to see how our daily actions are supporting TPTB instead of supporting liberty and freedom for the rest of us. It all comes down to the fact that the average Joe and Jane are just as corrupt as TPTB; its just that they do it on a smaller scale. They take their slice of the pie, no matter how small, no matter the sacrifice, while complaining and gossiping, and still hoping someone else will do their dirty work. Perhaps someone more powerful, more moral who will take the responsibility of preserving the ideals of liberty and freedom and deal with TPTB so that the general population can get a bigger peice of the pie without sacrficeing of their own imagined security.


Mr Davis

29th July 2011, 17:23
So, we can all stop worrying now ... we're all in the same boat ... question is... who's got the paddle? :confused:

Sometimes I feel like I'm hanging off the back of the boat, kicking my feet. I'm learning to remember to follow the flow and just stick in a flipper and let the eddyline take me where I want to go. The resistance these days is phenomenal.

I feel the energy of explosion building right now. For me, and for a lot of people, in a lot of corners. I could barely sleep last night because of it, even though I was utterly exhausted. Sometimes I wonder if Elenin/Nibiru/Planet X is the reset button we need. I agree with 'Mr. Davis' and the issue of the Average Person choosing to remain just that: average. As though somehow not rocking the boat means you'll be able to ride the river just fine, just fine. All the way right over Niagra, without even turning their heads to notice the flow shifting and the deafening roar of something lurking just ahead. Ah, the collective. Sort of a real kick in the pants, eh. I know, I live it everyday. Just got done selling my kids beds and my husband's xbox (without telling him) on Craigslist to make grocery money, and he straightfaced asked me to please buy him beer when I'm at the store. At what point does this kind of inane resistance end?

You can lead a horse to water, and as our fellow brothers and sisters are showing us, there will be those horses who happily fall over dead of dehydration, all because they couldn't be bothered with the effort to bend down and drink for themselves.

king anthony
29th July 2011, 17:38
I say, do not change or take away that which does not belong, lest one becomes a vandal or thief – as well, it would be easier to simply “not participate” in how things are, which would surely begin what is said in the original post.

However, if “the few” resist or (attempt) not to allow change, then I say, fair game to what they own, as then they have imposed with knowledge.

Do with what "they" own, such as Social Security/Insurance Numbers, that “they” do not want to happen – do not protect such materials and broadcast it. For the “their” system relies on cooperation and compliance; for simple logic would conclude, that the very systems (such as taxation) that need such materials, as the Social Security/Insurance Number, would fail rapidly. In “their” last stand with those doing such, they will give blame to those who had broadcast – saying “you are responsible”; however, “they” would not have authority, as one would not consent to such jurisdiction.

29th July 2011, 17:57
fred for president and lord sid as vp- go kick their butts... spending more that you TAKE-where do they think that road will lead? I agree shut it down and fire them all viva la revolution........................................................................... they will do as they do at the LAST MINUTE uhemm cnn breaking news a deal reached blah blah blah... then two weeks of talking heads ehummm I think blah blah, next to our special quest response ehemmm blah blah ..... as I try not to dose off to a peaceful realm of zzzzzzz. they should as the question WHO DO WE OWE THE MONEY TO? hmmmmmmm? only in goverment can you squander TRILLIONS and still keep you JOB. if any ceo anywhere did that - out the door in with the new blah blah lets turn it around by laying off a few and relocatiing a factory or two out of country.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

[QUOTE=king anthony;272523]I say, do not change or take away that which does not belong, lest one becomes a vandal or thief – as well, it would be easier to simply “not participate” in how things are, which would surely begin what is said in the original post.

However, if “the few” resist or (attempt) not to allow change, then I say, fair game to what they own, as then they have imposed with knowledge.

Do with what "they" own, such as Social Security/Insurance Numbers, that “they” do not want to happen – do not protect such materials and broadcast it. For the “their” system relies on cooperation and compliance; for simple logic would conclude, that the very systems (such as taxation) that need such materials, as the Social Security/Insurance Number, would fail rapidly. In “their” last stand with those doing such, they will give blame to those who had broadcast – saying “you are responsible”; however, “they” would not have authority, as one would not consent to such jurisdiction.[/QUOTE brilliant as always my friend...

30th July 2011, 03:27
So, we can all stop worrying now ... we're all in the same boat ... question is... who's got the paddle?
All of us have got the paddle, more will join. What you're doing is super, carry on amigo.

Maia Gabrial
30th July 2011, 17:04
IMO if the federal govt fails, the states will take over and take care of themselves. Who's worried...?

30th July 2011, 18:28
IMO if the federal govt fails, the states will take over and take care of themselves. Who's worried...?

Hello Maia Gabriel,

Let's hope that it will be that simple. However, human nature is always looking for ways to get power over each other, and no one, or any organization with power, gives that power up without a death grip fight.

I think with something as big as a federal government collapse there would be a lot of power grabs by many different factions, and unless the states had enough manpower to control social unrest, and the power grabs, it might not be that easy of a transition. Although, I do think the states are quite capable of providing for themselves, and that removing the federal government from the power it inflicts on the states, will greatly improve the life style of all its citizens. But I would prepare for a very bumpy transition. But all this is just my opinion.


Mr. Davis

Maia Gabrial
30th July 2011, 18:36
I agree with you, blake about it not being an easy transition. But at the same time, I think the way everything is set up, each state can take over itself.
The power grab would be a big concern, I agree. Unless our soldiers were willing to protect their respective states, then the power grabbers will have nothing to hold onto, except their own winkies....

Ernie Nemeth
31st July 2011, 17:15
Blake, I agree with everything you said except: "
The trouble is, the average person doesn't know how to organize and weild their power, but sadly it's actaully becasue they are too selfish, greedy ,or lazy to do so. The sad truth is we are all in this position we are in today, not becasue of the bad guys, but becasue the good guys, the average Joe and Jane, are too lazy, greedy, uneduated, confused, and easily lead to stand up togther and do what is right"

I believe it is none of these things, that's the propaganda. We are taught that humans are flawed, that there is an intrinsic, maybe gentic, mistake in our make-up that predisposes us to, yes I'll say it, sin. It is the belief in sin that takes our power away. To sin is not to make a mistake but to give in to our "normal" proclivities. In this way a person spends their time wondering why they sin and not understanding except to believe they are flawed and unworthy. A person who believes they are broken will not try and alleviate the plight of the world, purely on phychological grounds.

They will wait for their savior to put things right...

31st July 2011, 18:04
Blake, I agree with everything you said except: "
The trouble is, the average person doesn't know how to organize and weild their power, but sadly it's actaully becasue they are too selfish, greedy ,or lazy to do so. The sad truth is we are all in this position we are in today, not becasue of the bad guys, but becasue the good guys, the average Joe and Jane, are too lazy, greedy, uneduated, confused, and easily lead to stand up togther and do what is right"

I believe it is none of these things, that's the propaganda. We are taught that humans are flawed, that there is an intrinsic, maybe gentic, mistake in our make-up that predisposes us to, yes I'll say it, sin. It is the belief in sin that takes our power away. To sin is not to make a mistake but to give in to our "normal" proclivities. In this way a person spends their time wondering why they sin and not understanding except to believe they are flawed and unworthy. A person who believes they are broken will not try and alleviate the plight of the world, purely on phychological grounds.

They will wait for their savior to put things right...

Hello Ernie Nemeth,

Thank you for your comments. My thoughts are that I wasn't thinking about "sin". I was more of less thinking of the well known quote that goes something like this...
"bad things happen when good people do nothing"

Many of our economic issues today would not be an issue had the people who were adults when the fiat system was put fully in place, brought their voices together and said, "no way are we going on a fiat system where our money will easily be manipulated and stolen from us, where savings will not grow, but instead buy less and less each year."

I am disppointed that an educated and relatively free society during the 1960's didn't use their common sense, and logic and put a stop to that immediately. Why didn't the good people of America stand up against this crime before the damage was done? Why is it that a so call educated society like America, rationalizes why it' average citizen doesn't know what a federal reserve note is, let alone how money and credit is created. This is not rocket science as the old saying goes, I have explained this to ten year olds!

I am not talking about "sin". I am talking about the everyday American closing their eyes to what was happening right under their noses and choosing to look the other way, or choosing to be ignorant. They wanted their mortagage. They closed their eyes as to the fact how their mortage was funded. If you call that sin well so be it. I call it selfish, greedy and lazy. I blame the American society for allowing TPTB to do this to not only their generation, but all the generation that came after them. If humans were not so intrinisicly greedy, and selfish, the TPTB could have never succeeded in getting a debt based economy in place. So I truely am sorry if I offend anyone, but the only people that are to be blamed for the current economic state of the world are the people themselves. I guess I am getting weary of so many people blaming TPTB instead of shining a spotlight on their own contribution to this mess the world is in. When people start rationalizing instead of taking responsibilty that is when I don't have too much hope for world changing for the better.

Mr. Davis

Fred Steeves
31st July 2011, 22:46
So I truely am sorry if I offend anyone, but the only people that are to be blamed for the current economic state of the world are the people themselves. I guess I am getting weary of so many people blaming TPTB instead of shining a spotlight on their own contribution to this mess the world is in. When people start rationalizing instead of taking responsibilty that is when I don't have too much hope for world changing for the better.

Hi blake, I couldn't agree more! What you just expressed there was one of the first major bowling balls that went crashing through my fragile eggshell mind to thoroughly demolish any remnants of how I used to view the world. One of my very first orders of business after beginning to awaken to this mess was to look myself dead in the eye in the mirror, and say something to the effect of "YOU let this happen". I still do that from time to time, and won't stop until something IS done about the mess. When the question pops up of who's going to do something about this, the face in the mirror is always the answer. "YOU ARE".

After all, there is nobody else.


Ernie Nemeth
1st August 2011, 10:41
Hi Blake and friends,

I remember in my teens asking about money and how it works. I could sense something was fishy but couldn't put my finger on it. No one I talked to understood our financial system - not even CAs, economists and mid-level bankers. It took thirty years before I uncovered the truth - and I was actively looking for answers. Why should the average Joe know any better? Especially back when these things were implemented (1933 or 34, I believe). The propagandists and spin doctors sold it to the people just like everything else we have been duped into believing.

I can understand the sentiment that we should know better now, with all the info out there. But I was just handed a shock on another thread, well several now, where The Law of One is being rejected and its proponents labelled as woo-woos. I was so sure here on Avalon, at least, that concept was a given. It is not...

I agree with you, the people are filled with apathy. They are fearful. They do not know what to do - and they should do something. They even know they should do something, I would bet. But they're all waiting to see what everybody else will do first. Being sheeple and all.

And there is hope. Things are changing. For one thing, we are here talking, educating, learning.

This game ain't over yet. But to hold that view - must I be a woo-woo?

1st August 2011, 10:45
must I be a woo-woo?

Made me chuckle

What is woo-woo anyway? Just another label

Ernie Nemeth
1st August 2011, 10:51
Silly high school type behavoir, is all.

noxon medem
1st August 2011, 11:03


- too much seriousness here lately .
Forgive me for needing to be a bit silly ,
- in public .

- So ,
whos Fault is it ?
- is it
maybe Dees ?

( D Fault )
The Fault

- anyones well
( swell )


- !?! -

Fred Steeves
1st August 2011, 11:55
I agree with you, the people are filled with apathy. They are fearful. They do not know what to do - and they should do something. They even know they should do something, I would bet. But they're all waiting to see what everybody else will do first. Being sheeple and all.

Hi Ernie, I think you're right on there man. That's where those who have been patiently and steadfastly doing their homework, and preparing themselves spiritually come into play, to lead by example. The herd is being intentionally spooked on many fronts, and our responsibility is to be Mr. Johnny on the spot to show a different way out, besides stampeding headlong into the planned chaos which would in turn demand order.

These are just my ponderings on this, but when things break, they are going to break hard and fast, real fast. There will be a point in time at that moment which will be 9 months pregnant with opportunity, and infinite possibility. That's the moment when every lightworker and wayshower worth their salt needs to step up center stage, put their a***s on the line, and do what they came here to do. To SHOW the people the power of the people.

I guess that's why I used "I dare you" in the thread title. That's the moment approaching, whether it's the debt thing or something else, or everything else, who the hell knows. The moment of truth. Being an American, I like the poker analogy. Rather that slinking away from the bluff of the big bad wolf, look him dead in the eye, and say "I think you got nothin, and not only am I going to call you on that, I'm gonna raise you everything, the farm included. Now, show me your hand, I dare you".


1st August 2011, 12:40

Proud Woowoo

Doesn't listen to disingenious postings that try to make Avalonians question being Avalonian.

To be especially immature: if you love Bautforum so much, why don't you marry it?

That's no less mature than calling us silly names in the first place, is my point. If someone feels that way about Avalon then why would they be here unless it is to disrupt and cause well meaning people to be discouraged in their investigations.

Sorry for the off topic post, Fred. I feel like this may be a "safe" place to address this issue.

Where is it that the LoO is being rejected and it's proponents being derided?

1st August 2011, 17:57
I am not saying I support anyone in this debt mess but its't that what the tea party is attempting to do, essentially slow the boat down to a full stop and go in the opposite direction!

1st August 2011, 18:20
It is also best that it come down slowly.

We're aiming for a smooth transition.

Hard rides and sharp changes..like slapping leather and making a quick draw, may satisfy emotions on some level, but it has a near perfect record for creating even wilder swings that are uncontrollable.

Pray it comes down slowly, for sharpness would create chaos.

Essentially you can't move toward balance when you are slapping the bouncing ball so hard that it nearly explodes.