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20th February 2011, 22:48
Melchizedek: Most of you will be experiencing more and more periods of sleepiness and this is why.


February 15-22, 2011

Beloved Lightworkers,

And so it begins, the movement towards freedom and liberation for the peoples of the Earth. As more Awakening takes place, greater reforms will be demanded in every area of life upon Earth that has not been in alignment with peace and liberty for all. Each Awakening One will in turn seek to Awaken many others and so this wave of change will continue, relentlessly moving your Planet and everyone and everything upon Her into further alignment with Galactic Center.

You have now entered what is known as the photon belt. It is an ever luminous, ever moving, ever changing spiral of particles that are of greater vibratory frequency than that which you have been experiencing in the previous millennia of the Ages of the Yuga. Now we will begin to move at greater speed into the alignment and this will create greater changes within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. You will begin to experience greater periods of perceiving yourselves as Light. Many of you have had at least one experience of having your physical eyes closed but seeing this Light as though it was the sun shining in your blue sky on a summer day. This will become a more common experience for all.

The more the density that has held you immobile within your daily lives is cleared and cleansed, the greater this ability to perceive the Light that you are will begin to manifest. We now caution each of you to always discipline yourselves in your thoughts, words and deeds, for you are becoming once again the Creators of your realities in a more conscious manner and so great care and caution must be observed in these beginning stages, for the manifestation of all that you want, need and desire will start to take place in record speed.

We want you to know, Beloved Ones, that the greatest cleansing of all is now taking place and this will probably not be a happy experience for most. However, this process although unavoidable, is absolutely necessary in order to clear the last of the dross from your physicals bodies, minds, and emotions, for entry into the higher dimensions is not possible until you clear all that does not resonate from your systems. Take heart, Dear Ones, for we attend to each of you and help you to move through this period as quickly as your consciousness and physical vehicle allows in the greatest safety, grace, ease and protection.

You have all entered the final phase of the Great Cleansing that must take place Planet wide and so it is vitally important that you keep firmly grounded and anchored into the crystalline core of the Earth at this time. The grounding will help in keeping balance within you as you take in greater and greater amounts of Cosmic energy that is now coming in ever increasing waves. Realize that this is a most wondrous opportunity for you to transform into the glorious Beings of Light that you have always been and if you can hold that vision each day, success is assured. When you feel overwhelmed by all the energy and information that is coming to you, take time out and rest, sleep often if you must, for this allows the transformation to take place in a benevolent manner. Most of you will be experiencing more and more periods of sleepiness and this is why. Allow this when possible; if it is not, then breathe deeply and deliberately into the root chakra and hold for a few counts before releasing all that is not resonating with your new state of being vigorously in an outbreath and do this for a count of at least three times. This practice will bring in the new pranic energies and help to vitalize you.

Continue to shine your Light, Beloved Ones, for it is beyond glorious to behold!

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com


21st February 2011, 03:47
May I respectfully submit a question for Melchizedek? what is your identification within the order?

In anticipation of your answer, thank you

21st February 2011, 09:12
May I respectfully submit a question for Melchizedek? what is your identification within the order?

In anticipation of your answer, thank you

You may have missed this:

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

21st February 2011, 12:46
And there you go........

One good reason for all these spies in avalon could be to keep an eye out for any first signs of effects on humans because of this process

22nd February 2011, 00:11
Interesting. I will watch for changes then. However, I have yet to experience anything unusual.

22nd February 2011, 11:56

Humble Janitor
22nd February 2011, 12:29
I'll be the first to admit that I generally don't believe in this stuff (I consider it to be new-age mumbo-jumbo).

However, even my doctor could not explain to me a possible cause for my problems with staying awake. It seems that for one week, I could not sleep and now for this week, I always feel sleepy.

It has to be related to the electromagnetic field.

23rd February 2011, 01:43
MELCHEZIDEK: Throughout the years of your lives you have struggled against seemingly overwhelming odds, against all manner of abuses, oppressions and repressions, pain and sorrow, anger, jealousy, hatred and spite and have managed to transmute it all into a greater Light within yourselves


February 22-28, 2011

Beloved Ones,

Throughout the years of your lives you have struggled against seemingly overwhelming odds, against all manner of abuses, oppressions and repressions, pain and sorrow, anger, jealousy, hatred and spite and have managed to transmute it all into a greater Light within yourselves, coming through all of this with your Light and Love blazing in majesty and glory. Can you each just stop for a moment and celebrate this achievement? Do you realize the wondrous work you have been doing as you walked your lonely paths, learning and growing each step of the way to this point in time?

What you have gained and learned from all these experiences can now begin to be seen for their value in the formation of the powerful Beings that you now have become. Without these challenges, you would never know the powerful force that moves within you now. Without the knowledge of these opposites to who you really are, you would not have been shining as brightly as you are now. All of your wisdom, love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and great goodness would not now be anchoring a greater Light into this World, and yet, here you are, standing in your Light, in your power, in your truth and in your goodness and as a result, you are weaving the beauty and the wonder of a New World.

Moment by moment this New World comes into focus, into manifestation. The old patterns and paradigms are falling away at record speed and in their place comes a better way, a more loving way in the living of your daily lives and each of you are radiating the new vision to those around you and this great momentum that is taking place is without precedent. Every moment a new change takes place within the cells of your bodies, within the structures of your society. Everywhere you look, if you have the eyes to see, (and you do) change is upon you. All that is required now is to maintain your Light, hold to your vision for a better world for all and be patient.

It is now a time of ripeness, waiting poised for the next step in this process of the Ascension of your bodies and your Planet. It is a time of reflection, a time of celebration, of experiencing the feelings of joy and gratitude for the successful completion of your tasks whilst opening yourselves to the new adventure that lies before you. It has ever been this way, Beloveds, for being the multi-dimensional Beings that you are makes you able to multi-task on many levels and dimensions. You will be finding yourselves consciously experiencing these states with greater frequency and with ever greater ease. Your communications with us will be much more noticeable and you will catch yourselves in conversation with us and hold your breath in wonder, for this is what you dreamed of and now it is finally beginning to manifest.

Take heart in these occurrences and know that our dimensions are growing ever nearer to each other and the veils of forgetfulness are beginning to thin and more of your remembrances will come forth in the times ahead. Use these times wisely, Beloved Ones, and establish your strong connections with us so that you will always be informed of your next step. We are ever with you and are but a thought away. Call upon us, Dearest Beloveds, you do not have to do it all alone. We need you to be aware that this is a free will Planet and unless you call upon us, either silently or verbally, we are limited in our assistance to you. When we are called, we can accelerate many movements to create better circumstances and better solutions in your lives. Remember this – we are here to serve you in these changing times, to move you into your new positions with greater ease and grace, in joy and wonder. Many miracle manifestations are set to take place.

And so it is!

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

23rd February 2011, 12:25
Thanks for this inspiring post.
In all the doom and gloom, Melchizedec certainly shines a light of positivity.

The One
23rd February 2011, 12:59

23rd February 2011, 13:39
Thanks for your post... For the past few weeks it has been impossible to keep my eyes open all evening :)


23rd February 2011, 13:52
I never believe channeled messages as it's a complete blind leap of faith.

But when one is coaxed by the experiential aswell it raises questions.

My wife and I were having this discussion last night, as neither of us can get enough sleep at the moment. Makes a lot of sense this one, since nothing else has changed in our lives to cause it that we're aware of.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

Also worth adding, for the last few months if I shut my eyes in a semi lit or lit room I can see everything still, even people moving. Strange experience but noteable nonetheless.

11th March 2011, 05:34

March 8-15, 2011

Beloved Ones,

In this discourse I wish to talk to you about the need for understanding the transition that you are all going through in the next few years. As most of you already know, there looms before us the Ascension of Planet Earth which means the Earth is moving into a higher vibratory frequency and is in fact, becoming a radiant Star in the Heavens. The Earth will be doing this regardless if Humanity is prepared for it or not, as she has, for eons of time, lovingly, patiently and with great compassion, given of Herself in order that Humanity might awaken to the realization that they were much more than they had been taught and led to believe that they were, and that what one Human does as the co-creator that he/she actually is, affects everyone and everything.

It is now in these Awakening times that are now come upon your Planet, that Humanity is beginning to understand their role in the coming Ascension to higher dimensions and that a relatively small group of Humanity CAN effect great and powerful positive changes by coming together in Unity to serve the greater purpose of existence upon this Planet and working to achieve this purpose for the highest good of all and for the highest outcome. This you, Beloved Ones, have been accomplishing in your steadfast way for much of your lifetimes upon the Earth. This has been a much broader and more comprehensive Plan for each of you and one lifetime is only a small facet of your work in this regard.

For many lifetimes, you have been carrying the seed of Divine Light and of Divine Love and the time is now ripe with incredible possibilities that lie before you in the next several years. Each of you have come upon the Planet agreeing to go through the process of forgetting your true Divine origins and becoming fully Human, one that was totally immersed in the experiences that living on a dualistic Planet which provided such great opportunities for the incoming Souls. Duality tests the Soul in a way that enables the Soul to understand the great opposing forces that exist side by side and that are a part of the flow of life in the Cosmos. This was supposed to be a term of shorter length than actually transpired however, and due to certain Souls who desired to establish and maintain control of this Planet by subversive means that have not been apparent to the masses living upon Earth, this control has extended the duration of the experience of duality many millennia beyond the allotted time for this experiment.

Humankind has come to this same place of highest potential many times, and many times has failed to progress and move forward in their evolutionary journey into greater Spiritual understanding and awareness. It was decided that this time around the Great Cycles in the Cosmic evolutionary pattern, that there would be only those who were qualified to bring about these positive changes who were able to incarnate upon this Planet to bring about this most needed and desired state of Being for your dear Mother Earth and all upon and within Her. Through the most testing and trying of conditions and situations, each of you have held to that spark of Divine Light and Love within you and no matter what happened in your outer lives, you believed in the goodness of Life, the goodness of your fellow Human, the goodness that prevails in the Universes in your Galaxy and you have maintained this inherent belief throughout the ages as they came and went.

The times that are now upon us are what you all have been working for eons of time and you are succeeding with every breath you take. Know that your powerful dedication and your willingness to partake in Worldwide meditations and any opportunities you have to come together at high spiritually powerful days to effect positive and loving changes upon this Planet is helping very greatly to accomplish this. This is happening now, Beloved Ones, it is not at some time in the future; for time itself is coalescing into oneness, and it is becoming clearer and clearer that time and space is folding in within itself and something new and wonderful is about to be birthed. As this is taking place the consciousness of the telepathic ‘web’ of Humanity as they interconnect with each other through their individual energy fields is growing by leaps and bounds. It is likened unto a domino effect, for as one Being lights up from within and connects with their inner goodness and begins to desire a better way and a better life for themselves and their Loved Ones, their individual goodness and Light grows, it expands outwardly in great concentric circles of influence to connect with other like energies.

This is what is happening now in concert with the untold legions of our Galactic brothers and sisters of the Light who have been assisting in this Great Work. You are not alone in this endeavor. Each of you is surrounded and assisted in every conceivable way, both seen and unseen, to enable you to Ascend into higher consciousness and you in turn, assist and enable your brothers and sisters around you to do the same. Soon the Light and waves of Love inundating this Planet will affect everyone with loving energy that will release so much of what Humanity has had to endure for far too long and a great peace shall come upon the Earth and a new way shall be born from this. Take heart, Dear Ones, keep on keeping on, for your combined energies, will and power is growing into an incredible mighty force for good. Stand tall and proud of your accomplishments, Beloved Children of the Light!

And so it is!

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com


Darla Ken Pearce
13th March 2011, 12:21
Now this is a beauty hidden away on Avalon, Rakmeister. Due to the way Avalon is setup to feature lesser subjects and spirituality threads are not always easy to find and this one even harder to find than that ~ I just found it myself.

It is by far ~ the most complete update on where we are now and from a beloved Logos, Melchizedek, who explains it with the greatest clarity and wisdom one might ever muster together in such a short space. It should be featured as one enters the halls and byways of Avalon as a compass, and living guide for the days ahead and it also helps us to know in our hearts where we've been and so all of that and more are here in this one article. What a great Bonanza!:target:

Many blessings for this fabulous offering of love, wisdom, and how we are to go forth in the days ahead. As a feature of the greatest value, this one has my vote. It is perfection itself. As a bonus, I'd like to add an attunement here for the benefit of all ~ who love and adore Melchizedek as I do. xoxox

~ The Order of the Gold Light of Melchizedek ~

13th March 2011, 12:56
Maybe Im missing something, but this is very generic, no real info and typical of New Age "channeling." This information has been floated about for years on the internet under different guises. Given the events over the last few days, I would have hoped for something of real relevance.


Take your pick!

Darla Ken Pearce
13th March 2011, 13:12

When you label it "new age" and "channeling" you put yourself into a 3D matrix box ~ as these labels have absolutely no value and only cause the walls to go up instead of the enlightenment needed. These are real barriers and limitations we can place on things and it blinds us, limits our perspective, and therefore we cannot see. What is needed is to get out of the box, so to speak, and look at it again with new eyes from the vista of your heart. We already know everything within our own hearts and mainly are seeking verification. Your heart already knows ~ all. What is missing is being intune ~ this is why I always recommend "attunements."

Labels are 3D and what is called for is to transcend from there using your Third Eye consciousness ~ it represents a larger vision capacity beyond 3D. So, yes, you are missing the whole vista ~ due to your labels and limitations. It's a choice you have already made before you even read it. I would challenge you to read it again without these labels. We are creators who do not suffer from any limitations except those we choose to place over our own heart, spirit and eyes. Labels signal limitation, they are very real. They hinder all progress forward into the light of a new day. xoxox

14th March 2011, 04:46
Maybe Im missing something, but this is very generic, no real info and typical of New Age "channeling." This information has been floated about for years on the internet under different guises. Given the events over the last few days, I would have hoped for something of real relevance.


Take your pick!

You can simply read the first two lines and if you decide it is not relevant to you, then discard it. That is what I do ( or as many lines as I feel relevant).

Usually we find ourselves in situation where the information we need is placed in our way. On forums like this, which are supersaturated with information, it makes this process and harder at the same time. You have to cut away some of the undergrowth to find the flowers, and one seeker's flower is another seeker's undergrowth - and so it goes on.


25th March 2011, 14:28
March 22-29, 2011

Beloved Ones,

The times that are upon you have been prophesized for many centuries, however, the truth of it is that the Earth is transitioning into a higher octave of expression and so, many changes are taking place upon and within Her, both known and unknown to you. This will continue and cannot be halted, but this process can be enormously supported by the Love of your hearts being sent out to the Earth each day. As we have said many times before, Love IS the greatest force of all—let it now prevail.

As you co-create your new reality, look upon those who are in your immediate vicinity with the greatest of Love and compassion. Each is going through great internal changes whether these are visible to you or not, rest assured, much change and transformation is taking place within them and because of your willingness to be the forerunners of this transformation that is taking place, their Path is much easier than the ones you have walked. It was your great contribution to the Ascension times, so that your sisters and brothers might be better able to withstand the pressure of the need to transform quickly at this time.

You have been and are holding the Light of God that never fails within you and it is now radiating out into your World in greater concentric circles than ever before. Your Light is succeeding in dissolving barriers in every area of life and bringing in grace where there was none before. Truly, this is a most miraculous time to be incarnate upon the Planet, for the gamut of experience from one spectrum to another is rich with possibility. All is becoming known now, as Humankind suddenly will just “know” truths that were hidden before and they will see through the illusions that they have been laboring under for most of their lifetimes just fall away and as this happens, change will happen with grace.

Love one another with the highest of respect and honor, for you have all chosen to be here to initiate great changes and this is becoming evident. One only has to listen to the news media with the right discernment to see that people can no longer be fooled into blind belief about any situation. What is being said is being questioned almost immediately and even the reporters are immediately asking questions that they would never have dared to ask before. It is all good and this is how peaceful change occurs. Those who ruled by making choices and decisions for the masses behind closed doors are finding it increasingly difficult to continue this practice, for all is being questioned and exposed to the Light for everyone’s contemplation.

Even those who have been mired in the drudgery of their nine to five jobs each day are taking time from this essential task to think about the events that are happening all over their World and are making choices to go a different route. It is all about the mind and perception and these are changing at record levels and this is how the Awakening we have talked about for so long is occurring. As more people do this, awareness grows in the overall field of consciousness and life and how it is lived, is changing from moment to moment.

You will see an explosion of new technology breaking forth in the coming days as new solutions to old dilemmas are given contemplation from a perspective that was previously blocked and not available. You will be amazed by what comes forth to bring greater ease in your daily lives. These new wonders are coming forth at the same time as the old structures and ways of doing business are collapsing and being reformed into a better system. Expansion comes after seeming contraction, for when something falls away it is quickly replaced with something better. This is a Universal Law and it is now in effect upon your Planet and within yourselves. Be observant and discerning, Beloved Ones, and keep on keeping on!

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

Darla Ken Pearce
4th May 2011, 23:52
Melchizedek 2011

Image Source (http://media.photobucket.com/image/animated%20waterfall/F12anky/Animated%20Photos%20and%20Images/blue-ripples00.gif?o=14&sortby=sevendaysview)

Beloved Ones of the Light!

I come to you to have discourse on the effects of the bright Light that each of you shines in the World around you. Know you the extent of this Light, Beloved Ones? We see each day these effects, as the World is being transformed by your Love, your thoughts, your intentions, your determination, your actions and your deeds.

We know that it is very difficult for you to comprehend the extent of your positive influence upon the events in your World but we acknowledge now and always that the work you are doing to anchor the Light into the crystalline core of the Earth and intending that this Light prevail upon, within and around the Earth is causing and accelerating positive changes everywhere!

As you look around you, you are seeing your handiwork – benevolent changes are occurring within the hearts and souls of Humanity. What you are told on the news media is contrary to what is actually happening in the greater scheme of things. There is and has been a loosening of the veils that have kept Humanity in ignorance and division for much too long.

These veils of illusion are now lifting as evidenced by those who can discern the truths of events that have recently transpired and know what has really taken place. This silent knowing of the truth is creating a stronger unified field of consciousness that is helping to awaken all of Humankind.

As each one of you becomes more awakened in remembrance, this unified field of consciousness grows ever stronger and more powerful and begins to dissolve the barriers to the truth of what was and is happening upon your Planet Earth.

This force is unstoppable, for this force is also being assisted by the Cosmic energies that are now inundating the atmosphere and its Light is growing exponentially. What used to takes lifetimes of change is now occurring within months and the full effects of these changes will not be realized for some time, yet we tell you that because of your willingness to be the agents of this change, these forces are sweeping into every nook and cranny of all upon, within and around this Planet. No sovereign sentient Being will escape this powerful force as it enfolds all in its embrace.

This force will create moments of energetic increase within your physical bodies and you will have to learn to work with these new energies by applying your intent to use them for the highest good of all. You have been learning the true power you each have to accomplish great good upon your Planet and you will now be in the times of the testing of these powers. Please be aware of this and act responsibly.

The days of reaction to what is occurring around you in ways that are not helpful to the overall plan are now coming to an end. What is required now is for each of you to be discerning in all things and to respond with thoughtfulness and observation and then applying and employing your Light in a way that is a blessing to the World.

For this is why you are here, to bless the Earth and everyone and everything upon Her with the Light of your Love and Healing. This is the higher purpose and plan for each of your lives as you now complete the lessons and learning of your individual plans. We ask that you continue to be willing to release and let go of all that wells up from within you that is not in alignment with the Greater Plan and the Greater Purpose.

Know that each of you IS Loved beyond measure and you are each being assisted in every way to drop all that has been holding you back. Love surrounds you and enfolds you in each moment, no matter how you are perceiving your life in each moment of experience. Our blessings to you, Mighty Ones, we ask you to keep on keeping on! Have faith and stand firm in your Light.

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com (http://www.therainbowscribe.com/)

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Darla Ken Pearce
27th June 2011, 00:54

From June 25th to July 12th, we enter into Day 4 of the Universal Underworld, with a focus on the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth.

This beautiful pink-orange flame of Illumination takes us into the Divine Feminine on a Planetary level through the Unity Grid, with the strength of becoming Keepers of the Flame of Divine Love through our connection to Mother Earth; and further connects us to the realms of Illumined Truth and the teachings of Light on the inner planes.

Additionally, the merging timelines experienced through this ray, takes us into the energetic matrix of the 11:11:11 Planetary Crystalline Vibration of Divine Love, bringing through all necessary frequencies for the building of our I Am Avatar Blueprints of Light, our etheric, electronic bodies of Light and the initial anchoring of the new etheric re-codings of the 12 Strand DNA as these first wave Souls in human embodiment of this Divine Blueprint of Light.

This is further amplified through the Crystalline City of Light above Glastonbury Tor, in England, one of several portals holding these frequencies of Divine Love.

Day 4 of the Universal Underworld is accelerated too through the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse on July 1st, and with it, the opportunity to experience the Divine Feminine within all aspects of our Selves as well as the ability to rejuvenate or regenerate the physical body through the power of Love, bringing ourselves into perfect health.

In the knowing that we are these Divine co-creators to the Company of Heaven, we have the ability to manifest and bring into our reality all that we are needing in this Now, physically or energetically, through the Overlighting of our I Am Presence, and the signature blueprint of Divine Love.

On a planetary level, we are invited to take this sacred pink-orange flame of Divine Love into the hearts and minds of all humanity, as the heart chakra and third eye in particular is activated, bringing the energetic keycodes manifest as insight, understanding, wisdom, compassion and Divine Love to all Life on this sacred earth.

Invocation to Day 4 of the Universal Underworld

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, the Archangels and Mighty Elohim, the Chohans to the Rays, the Christed ET's, Helios and Vesta, and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge, as I now merge with my I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am, within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light, into the Crystalline City of Light above Glastonbury Tor in Somerset, England, where I am greeting by three gatekeepers to this Illumined City of Light.

Welcomed as an initiate of Light, I am now taken into a dodecahedronal shaped Temple of Light, and surrounded in a beautiful pink-orange flame of Light through the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth.

I anchor and activate these frequencies of Divine Love. as I ground into the energy of Mother Earth through the Unity Grid of Light, experiencing her wisdom and strength and Love, while giving back my Love as a Peace Ambassador and Keeper of Light to this earth and all her Life.

I now call forth to the Company of Heaven and my I Am Presence, to assist me in the merging of timelines, and to bring forth the energetic matrix of the 11:11:11 Planetary Crystalline Vibration of Divine Love.

I now anchor the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA, as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.

I now merge with my I Am Presence, and take on the mantle of leadership as a Keeper of the Flame of Divine Love.

I now ask to connect to the Ashrams of Light on the inner planes that are appropriate to me in this Now, to further my Service work on both the inner and outer planes, and to assist me so I may bring Illumination and truth to my Service work, so I may step into stability, and balance, discernment and loving kindness, through the Flame of Divine Love.

I now bring a focus to the partial Solar eclipse on July 1st, and with the assistance of all the Beings of Light from On High, and the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, and the energetic alignment of Father Sun, Sister Moon and Mother Earth, request my DNA to be etherically reactivated, for the cellular regeneration of my physical body.

I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light, connected to my family and friends of the Light, to Light workers, Star Seeded Ones and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this ascension process.

Embracing the earth and all her Life in this beautiful pink-orange flame of Illumination and Love, and taking this Flame of Divine Love through all the sacred sites and leylines and amplified through the Crystalline Cities of Light and Shamballa,

I now assist in bringing the energetic keycodes manifest as insight, understanding, wisdom, compassion and Divine Love to all Life on this sacred earth.

I Am abundance,
I Am Love,
I Am compassion,
I Am strength,
I Am the Intelligence and Love of Mother/Father God,
I Am a Keeper of the Flame of Divine Love,
I Am All That I Am.

I now find myself back in my sacred space, grounding into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, and connecting to all Life through Divine Love, and the Heart and Mind of Mother/Father God. 


IInvocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hh4qeqcab&et=1106218016491&s=7935&e=001faqQuOIEPsB_Ix7BYAp4snAC1DFHBJ4Dw8igm43tz7L3lGKodIj6kPtG63KWxpHLqP4cp29O3gC7JBxihkotaranhRrDT-mTlrFpF4PLf-FVh12i4rRN-uJcD3cqM2QU)

Co-created by Adi'El www.newlightfusion.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hh4qeqcab&et=1106218016491&s=7935&e=001faqQuOIEPsDYp3pmqt9cxKka_8rvBw32Ul2IIkSAoOGL62ofivGUlNuhcBZxXj4AeHYpQPtOsK5YQVHzMUjTxt6qfN3O4yN wIxfRIkTFRKF21nUJ-Va2D8qarglIO335)

Music by Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=hh4qeqcab&et=1106218016491&s=7935&e=001faqQuOIEPsDi5yKmPgAFrKoAVqgopvz4j77F2FMG11TV1YV60Dn7GWvSn1EWnm91A6SO3l0klagJ93gllKK1RJ_NBMgSB6o UX1-zG2RMnYuvt_pHhYJI4Q==)

My note: All of these invocations are available on YouTube. In case you missed any, just go back and participate to catch up. Begin with this one but you can also go back, there are no time limits. These assist us in becoming full World Servers and they are powerful and enabling, endearing, too. I highly recommend any who read the words of this invocation and finding resonance with them, to fully participate and add your light to assist Earth in ascension. This gives you the power to become the best World Server that you can be. Many blessings will come upon you. Much love! xoxoxox

27th June 2011, 08:46
Do not forget to repeat the invocation three times for those that are interested.
Much love to all.

Darla Ken Pearce
27th June 2011, 13:38
A warm welcome extends to you now from my soul; I am Lord Melchizedek and invite you to sit in my Universal Ashram on the inner planes with the Melchizedek Disciples. Hold the intention of connecting with our energy and know that as you read this you are being transported to my ashram so that we may speak and communicate in comfort and divine energies.

Let us feed your body, soul and auric field with light of a high vibration and unconditional love. Let us shower you in the Creator's rainbow of light which activates all positive and pure intentions and energies from within your being. It is truly a great honour to communicate with you now and to feel your presence within my ashram of universal golden light vibrations.

I have come forward to speak with you about the energies within your being, I am aware that there are many channels concerning and describing the soul, its purpose and abilities but I wish to expand your mind even more. The more expansion we can gain in our thinking and openness in our perceptions, the easier it is for us to accept the truth of the Creator.

I wish to share with you that within your being, within your physical body and encased in your auric field there is an entire universe. Let us contemplate this with an expansive mind for a moment. A universe is a vast and unrestrained energy and existence, how can it fit inside the tiny body of a human? Maybe a human's body is much larger than you think and the Earth is magnificent in size therefore a universe may fit inside a human body. Or maybe a universe is actually quite small but it is your mind's inability to comprehend a universe that encourages you to perceive it as expansive.

It could be that it is only the very core energy of the universe that exists within a human body and this acts as tool of connection to an energy that is far greater. It is also possible that the size of a human body compared to a universe is irrelevant, or that maybe they hold the same importance and energy as each other in the existence of the Creator. It is my mission to assist you in thinking beyond boundaries and limitations, to explore the truth rather than taking what you see as the ultimate understanding.

You cannot truly trust everything that you see, feel and experience on the Earth because everything is manufactured from your thoughts and the understandings of others as well as from your universe. Trusting in yourself and the intuition given through you is always appropriate as again it is connected to the universe within you, coming from a point within you where a larger picture is visible.

This is an interesting concept to explore, that maybe the deeper we connect with the energies inside of us the larger our picture of ourselves and our realities become. Therefore, the more we connect with our own energies the larger the universe inside of us expands, opening our eyes to the truth and existence of the Creator, as well as our place in this grand universe.

We have already established that our place is to hold the core of the universe within our being. Does this mean that we are the core of the universe, if everything is interlinked and connected as one? Is it our place and purpose to carry the core of the universe within us and to become the core of the Creator's universe?

These are interesting questions, it is my belief that the answer to these questions would be positive, that this is our purpose.

How does this make you feel?

By connecting within you, you may expand the universe within creating a larger picture but you also link into your purpose of becoming one with the universe of the Creator. These are thoughts that can expand your mind to its current limits and then beyond.

With the universe inside of your body you hold the energy and consciousness of everything, everyone, every droplet of light, every vibration of wisdom, every pathway past, present and future. Such vast information is held within the universe of the Creator for you to access and comprehend. This means that you are the same as everyone else, you are one with all, you are all incarnations, all energies ever discovered, you become everything in the entire world of Earth and the universe as well.

How does this make you feel?

It is difficult I know to truly comprehend. Does this make you a mere dot in the ocean that is the Creator? Or does it make you the Creator in manifestation? This is for you to decide through exploration but it is my belief that you are both.

So you have a universe inside of you, how beautiful it is and how beautiful you are. You are aware of how the Earth appears from the heavens; let yourself look at the universe inside of you from outside of your being. It is akin to the Earth but it is much larger, more vibrant, more colourful and far quicker in vibration. Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you can see the universe within you, watch and observe it as if you were watching a bubble hovering in the air.

When you stop for a moment to acknowledge and observe the energies within you they automatically begin to connect with your energies, flowing like rivers of light into your body and aura, spreading their wealth of information and consciousness, to expand the universe more fully. Insights, illumination and enlightenment fill your heart and mind.

The rivers sharing the Creator's universe, its light and energy, expand to ripple into your reality, thus the universe of the Creator becomes your reality and the universe of the Creator magnifies in size. If each person practices this then the universe of the Creator becomes truly active and grows to become truly magnificent.

All levels and speeds of energy merge to become one, all truth is available, anything is possible, you are holding the universe of the Creator within you and projecting this energy and wisdom through your mind into your reality. Does this give you a lot of power?

Does it place much responsibility on your shoulders? Let us expand our minds even further to analyse this situation. You hold the universe within you, connecting with the universe you become the universe, connecting further your reality becomes the universe of the Creator, you are at the very core of this energy, you are creating the universe of the Creator.

How does this make you feel?

Other people are doing this also, you are all linking into the core energy of the Creator's universe and manifesting it as double, triple or maybe even a thousand times of its original size. Imagine this for a moment, you perceived the universe of the Creator as beyond limitations and extremely expansive and yet it is within you and you are magnifying it into your reality thus increasing its size and presence.

Maybe the universe of the Creator is even larger than you thought? Or maybe you are just seeing the larger picture of the Creator's universe because of your enhanced connection? These are all possibilities. I am throwing questions into your mind to expand the thought process of your mind and open your mind to your existence on the Earth.

Through my communication I also wish for you to understand that you have all that you desire within you and can anchor it into your reality. Qualities, memories, information, it can all be accessed from the Creator's universe and manifested into your reality with a simple intention. Many people do not trust their intuition because they think they are mere human beings but with my explanation I hope that I have encouraged you to connect with and trust in your own intuition, this will open up the rivers of wisdom allowing them to flow with greater power into your being and reality.

I also wish for you to be aware that you hold the responsibility of not just creating the world but creating the Creator's universe, you are a great and wonderful part of the greater picture, the divine plane, you are needed and loved at this very moment. So maybe you are not a mere human being going about a mere human life, maybe you are something so much more than this, with responsibilities that are far greater than you previously though.

It is not my wish to bring fear to your energy but to assist you in viewing your own magnificent, your own truth and how you are at the core of all the changes that are occurring on the Earth at this time and within the Creator's universe.

You may sit within my ashram and contemplate my words if you wish but then we will anchor you back down into your reality once more. It has been a great joy for me to connect with your energies, I am always here to assist and guide you.

With love always,
Lord Melchizedek

I found this for you here: www.omna.org (http://www.omna.org/)

Darla Ken Pearce
13th July 2011, 18:47

Prelude to Invocation:

From July 13th to July 30th, we enter into Night 4 of the Universal Underworld with a focus on the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness, accelerated through the Full Moon on July 15th.

This beautiful golden flame is the energy that will embrace Mother Earth and all her Life from 2012 from a ray perspective, and over the next eighteen days in particular, we have the opportunity to truly experience the essence of our God Selves, our I Am Presence, as we integrate and transcend the dualities within ourselves and lift the vibration of all Life on this Earth plane into Christ Consciousness while bringing together the perfect balance of our own Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light.

When we talk about "Christ Consciousness" we are referring to the state of Divine Perfection, illuminating intelligence, wisdom, Love, peace, empowerment, abundance, creativity and harmony that is inherently the birthright of every Soul in Creation; and in this Now, providing us with a window of opportunity to embrace our shadow aspects, and that of the world through healing, Love and Unity Consciousness as we continue to anchor the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA further amplified through the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque in Mexico.

As we work through the Unity Grid of Light and the holographic crystalline matrix of Light, we continue to anchor the 11:11:11 Planetary Crystalline Vibration of Divine Love, the Crystalline144 Unity Grid, to be activated on November 11th, 2011; at that moment, the Crystalline Cities of Light will amplify the energy of the sacred sites, vortices, and portals of Light through the rays, and the Atlantean Master Crystals and crystal skulls, and we will collectively activate the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA as we merge at a deeper level with our I Am Presence, while the Solar Grid of Light is further activated within and around the Unity Grid of Light.

Through Night 4, we further enter into Lord Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat within the middle Earth, Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light to receive the streams of consciousness of merging timelines taking us into the remembrance of the teachings of Light from On High, primarily Atlantis and ancient Egypt, and the understanding too of our immortal nature.

On a planetary level, we are invited to work with Nature Intelligence, the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan, the Overlighting Deva of Mother Earth as well as the entire Company of Heaven, as we assist in the healing of Mother Earth's energy body created through human miscreations in preparation for Heaven on Earth.

Invocation to Night 4 of The Universal Underworld

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge as I now merge with my I Am Presence, expanding my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light in this alignment to my Highest Light.

I call upon the Archangels and Angels, the Mighty Elohim, the Ascended Masters, Melchior, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Brotherhood of the Light, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians, and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting through the Crystalline Cities of Light, Shamballa and multidimensionally in the creation of Unity Consciousness for the new Earth.

I now call in the Overlighting Deva of Healing, Pan, the Overlighting Deva of Mother Earth and all other Nature Intelligence and Nature Spirit Intelligence that wish to assist in the healing and recalibration of Mother Earth's energy body.

I now ask to be taken in an external Merkaba vehicle of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque so I may experience the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness.

I now enter into this City of Light, greeted by three High Priests and find myself within a sacred golden Flower of Life sphere of Light.

I now call forth to all the Beings of Light from On High, to actualize the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness, in a beautiful golden flame within and around my body,

so I may experience union with the Divine, so I may find the perfect balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine within my Self, so I may transmute my dualities and experience Oneness with all Life,

so I may assist as a Christ Conscious Being of Light in lifting the vibration of all Life into that of Unity Consciousness.

I now find myself in Lord Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat, Overlighted by the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light.

 I now experience the merging timelines of Atlantis and ancient Egypt in particular, bringing through the remembrance of my Self Mastery as an initiate of Light through the teachings of Light from On High.

I now experience the activation of my immortal chromosomes as the sub-atomic particles within my body spin in increased light. I now experience my physical body as a body of Light, as my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.

I now find my Self on the Unity Grid of Light assisting the Company of Heaven, Light workers, Starseeded Ones, and Nature Intelligence in wrapping this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness within and around this Earth plane,

I now assist in the healing of Mother Earth's energy body, experiencing, sensing and merging into Oneness.

I now assist in taking this Golden Flame of Unity Consciousness into the hearts of all humanity, so they too may choose these keycodes of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

I now assist in anchoring the new etheric recodings of the 12 Strand DNA through the Christ Consciousness Grid of Light, so that all Life may experience their multidimensionality as Master Beings of Divine Love through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I Am a Christ Conscious Being of Light,

I Am Wisdom, devotion, and illuminating intelligence,

I Am Love, power, harmony and peace,

I Am equilibrium, creativity and inspiration,

I Am magnetism and enlightenment,

I Am One with all Life

I Am All That I Am.

And so it is...

(Repeat invocation three times for maximum effect)

I found this wonderful invocation for you here:

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net (http://www.pleiadianlight.net)
Co-created by Adi'El www.newlightfusion.com (http://www.newlightfusion.com)
Music by Etna "Voices of Space" http://etnamusic.net

Darla Ken Pearce
28th July 2011, 17:37

Invocation to Day 5

I call upon the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven, Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logoi,

 Nature Intelligence and Mother Earth,

 as I align myself through Mother/Father God,

 and my I Am Presence.

I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,

into the Crystalline City of Light above the Great Pyramid in Egypt,

 where I am greeted by three gatekeepers to this Illumined City of Light.

Welcomed as an initiate of Light, I am now taken into a pyramid shaped Temple of Light,

 and surrounded in a beautiful copper-gold flame through the Cosmic Ray of Solar Service.

Through the radiance of the Sun and the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, I now request the cancelling of all karmic contracts made prior to this incarnation to experience the dualities on this earth plane through pain and heartache, separation, loss, and all other maladies I have chosen to take me into a deeper level of Love.

I now find myself within the Ascension Seat in the Solar Core and wrapped in this flame of Divine Light, embrace my shadows, and Love all aspects of my Self needing to be nurtured, loved and truly appreciated in this Now.

I now create new Soul contracts based simply on the experience of Love.

I now merge with my I Am Presence, stepping into a deeper level of my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.

I now direct this beautiful copper-gold flame of Light through this Solar System,

 now onto Earth, into Shamballa, and now into the Unity Grid of Light.

From here, I take these Solar key codes of Light into Mother Earth's chakra centers and now into my own chakras; purifying, releasing, emptying and filling with stability, equilibrium and Love-wisdom.

I now wrap the earth and all her Life in this sacred copper-gold flame of Light,

 as I assist the Company of Heaven in stabilizing Mother Earth's electro-magnetic grid through orbs of Light.

I now assist in creating a new energy matrix within the earth's electromagnetic grid, lessening the effects of many of the earth changes.

I now experience my Self as the Flame of Divine Love through the Planetary Crystalline Vibration of Divine Love.

I Am stability and perfection,

I Am power and equilibrium


I Am wisdom and Love,

I Am purification, abundance and joy,

I Am a sacred, manifesting Being of Light,

I Am All That I Am.

And so it is...

Mp3 download http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

My note: This releases old karmic contracts ~ what a joyous occasion is this?! Wow. I couldn't do this great invocation fast enough. All of them are fabulous and have a wealth of wonders that assist us in re-coding our own DNA and becoming all that we can be ~ and as World Servers. This one is a wonderous release as well from this old KARMA, so we can really move forward and not be bound up any longer. Three times for maximum effects. Woo Woo Woo! The end of suffering! xoxox

Darla Ken Pearce
18th August 2011, 16:48

Introduction to Night Five ~ Entering the Universal Underworld

From August 18th to September 4th, we enter into Night Five of the Universal Underworld, embraced in the Cosmic Ray of Interstellar Service, and Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light and Interstellar Council of Twelve.

As the Pleiades Constellation is brought into focus during these next eighteen days, we experience the effects of the Photon rays through the energy of Alcyone, immersed constantly within the Photon Band, and the effects upon our consciousness of moving into and out of these Light ray frequencies.

As both Maya and our Sun, the third and eighth stars respectively within this figure eight Cosmic dance of Pleiadian Photonic Light, are moving more permanently into the Photon rays, all the Planets within our Solar System are being immersed within this fifth dimensional spiralling impulsing of Divine Light.

This photonic ray energy spins the electron-positron pairs at a cellular level within the body, facilitating a deeper clearing of all personal and collective karma while activating the keycodes of illumination and joy as well as an expansive consciousness experience of time/space into the eternal Now.

With this comes the potentiality of experiencing the ever-present Continuum, taking us beyond the ring-passeth-nots into the vibration of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the quickening of our many gifts as wayshowers, teachers, healers, facilitators and caretakers to Mother Earth and all her Life.

We are further invited into the Crystalline City above Mt. Denali in Alaska, holding the energy of this beautiful Silver Ray of Interstellar Service, to experience a deeper sense of our Service work on both the inner and outer planes as these multidimensional Master Beings of Light.

On a planetary level, we are offered assistance by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light and the Legions of Light from On High to purge many of the collective karmic events through the Photonic Rays of Light, amplifying this high electromagnetic frequency onto this earth plane, bringing up all that is hidden and needing to be transmuted, cleared or Illumined as we focus upon the inherent understanding of the Divine Equality of all Life through this beautiful Cosmic ray of Illumination.

Additionally, many of us will have the potential to experience 4th dimensional density through the radiation of the Collective I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light, in what is coming to pass as the New Earth.

We are also offered frequency remodulation within the Crystalline City of Light to be able to lift ourselves and hold ourselves within these fifth dimensional Light frequencies of Illumination, joy, Divine Love and Unity Consciousness as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

 The time is Now, as these keycodes of Light are being activated on this earth plane through the Unity Grid of Light, Solar Grid of Light and Interstellar Grid of Light; and as we experience the Spiritual reunion on a Galactic Level with our Cosmic Family of the Light, we anchor the new DNA Activation codes for all Life, to be activated on 11:11:11 through the Crystalline 144 Unity Grid.

Invocation to Night 5 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld

As I align with my I Am Presence and Mother/Father God, I call in all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge.

As this first wave human Soul in full embodiment of the new I Am Avatar Blueprint, I bring my focus to the Cosmic Ray of Interstellar Service, expressed as Illumination, joy and Love, and Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.

I now call upon the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light, into the Crystalline City above Mt. Denali in Alaska, so I may experience a deeper sense of my Service work through these fifth dimensional frequencies of Illumination, joy, Divine Love and Unity Consciousness as this sacred, transfiguring Flame of Divine Love

As I enter into this Crystalline City of Light, I am surrounded in a beautiful silver octahedronal shaped Temple of Light, vibrating in Photonic Rays of Light.

Surrounded by my star family and friends of the Light, I now release and transmute all remaining karma within my body, energy field and hologram through the spinning of the electron-positron pairs within my body, clearing karmic events from all parallel realities, alternate realities and past lives, experienced on any dimension through all time and space continuums,

As I take on the mantle of leadership as a wayshower, teacher and caretaker to Mother Earth and all her Life ~ I am now placed in a Frequency Remodulation Chamber of Light brought in by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, lifting me into a fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Illumination, joy, Love and Unity Consciousness, with the ability to create my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light and experience 4th dimensional density in this Now.

Through these merging timelines I experience All That I Am, as I am taken into the everpresent, infinite and eternal Now, experiencing all past, present and future realities simply as Divine Love.

I now find myself on the Interstellar Grid of Light, connecting to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, and all the Beings of Light from On High, as I take on these fifth dimensional interstellar keycodes of Light through the Photonic Rays of Light, lifting myself into Cosmic Christ Consciousness and living my Life as a Flame of Divine Love through Service in Joy.

I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light, wrapping the Earth and all her Life in this sacred Silver Flame of Illumination and Light.

And now, through the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint of Divine Light, I assist in amplifying these Photonic Rays of Light, clearing the collective karmic patterns of Humanity, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will, and bringing through the understanding of the Divine Equality of All Life in Illumination, joy, Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, allowing all Life to experience the Patterns of Perfection.

I Am abundance,
I Am manifestation,
I Am strength and courage,
I Am joy and Love,
I Am wisdom and illumination,
I Am realization and knowing,
I Am All That I Am.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net (http://www.pleiadianlight.net)
Co-created by Adi'El www.newlightfusion.com (http://www.newlightfusion.com)
Universal Underworld ~ Night Five transmission by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek ~

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now and certainly you are seeing through the spiraling energies that you are experiencing through this rhythm of eighteen day cycles, you are moving into more of a multidimensional experience, or rather into this multidimensional matrix of Unity Consciousness.

And with this, a deeper understanding of yourself as this sacred Master Being as well as being able to step out into a deeper level of service in the recognition of the Divine Equality of all Life; in the knowing of the preciousness of yourself and the preciousness of others as your experience the energy of Divine Love, of illumination, and joy, amplified through Night Five.

It is really about frequency, sweet ones. It is about the expansion of your consciousness, of knowing that you are able to align yourself into the sacred magnificence of your original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and with this, create the frequencies that you are wanting within yourself to move into this expanded state of consciousness, while being this physical vessel of Light on this sacred planet which you exist.

We spoke previously about the understanding of frequency and we would like to expand a little more on this understanding. With this though we call upon our precious friends, the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, and will catch up with you again soon.

Welcome precious hearts, so you have experienced this Frequency Remodulation Chamber of Light with us. So, for a moment now, just find yourself within this Frequency Remodulation Chamber of Light, taking on all the frequencies that you are needing or wanting as this time, as we align you into your original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint. And now just truly experience yourself within this fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love, illumination and joy. Wonderful.

As these starseeds, precious hearts, many of you have experienced yourself as "alien" in adjusting your frequencies to the wavelength of this planet on the lower dimensions. This term "alien" can create a sense of alienation and indeed you are all "aliens."

However, the correct frequency of your "alien energy" is really being able to see the magnificence of all creation through your Master eyes from the vibration of Cosmic Christ consciousness; and being able to work with frequency in such a way that you create the fabric of your reality, the fabric of your creation, in this essence of Divine Love. Frequency, precious hearts, starts with Self, with the recognition that you truly are this Master Being and even while the reality around you might not truly reflect this, it is coming more and more as you able to stand steadfast in the Light and hold these frequencies of Light from On High.

On a planetary level, you are assisting in the clearing of the shadow aspects of humanity through illumination and Light, and on a personal level, you are working with the cellular memories that you carry with these karmic patterns, with these judgments, and false beliefs and having these mirrored around you to truly integrate both the shadow and the Light to experience a deeper level of Divine Love within yourself.

So in your reality, what are the frequencies that you are experiencing, precious hearts? What is being mirrored back to you through your relationships, through your friendships, through your partnerships and through the essence of yourself in all aspects of Who You Are as this multidimensional Master Being?

Choose your frequencies with care, as you are able to create any frequency that you want or are needing to experience, but know through all these experiences that you truly are this Flame of Divine Love.

If you are wishing to experience a greater level of abundance, whether this be the frequency simply of joy or of Love or of financial security, create this knowing by shifting your consciousness through frequency modulation.

Does this make sense, precious hearts? It is imagining that you are already living this fifth dimensional frequency of the New Earth, for you truly are, and when you start to believe it, you bring into your reality these higher dimensional frequencies through magnetization and manifestation as a conscious co-creator.

For all frequency is simply energy, either manifest or unmanifest, and it is the cohesive process of creating the thoughtforms to this reality of One Unity Consciousness through streams of consciousness that will allow the feeling of these frequencies within your energy body to be experienced.

Have a look too at the energetic matrix of your creations as to how you are affected by the Light frequencies coming in, as well as what is going on from a Planetary perspective and the affect of these frequencies upon your energy body.

How you are being affected by the solar flares, photonic rays, earth changes and mother earth's electromagnetic field, as well as the crumbling three-dimensional matrices and old paradigms.

While you are affected by earth changes and by the realities of others energetically, you can hold yourself steadfast in the Light, by experiencing the frequency of eternal Divine Love within all aspects of yourself, for truly there is only Love.

Bring in those frequencies that you are needing and truly you will be surprised at what you can co-create as you trust and surrender to the Divine.

Now, what we would like to briefly bring your attention to is another frequency remodulator, the energy of orbs. For we know that this makes many of you dance with delight when you see or experience these orbs, or photograph yourself surrounded by orbs and what we want is for you to be able to experience a sense of freedom and joy in your life through dancing to what makes your heart sing.

Many of you have experienced or sensed the orbs of light that come through the light dimensions, either as these encoded sacred geometric frequencies of light holding particular qualities that enhance and amplify your energy or experienced through the energies of ourselves or many of our friends from On High.

Know that we are all supporting you with every step forward you take, and this can truly be done with delight and with Love.

Have a look too, precious hearts, at what you are eating, what you are listening to, what you are reading, what you are doing to raise your frequency to a greater level.

It is important to bring your conscious awareness into what you are doing, creating and experiencing in every Now moment, as these merging timelines are taking you more into this infinite and eternal moment in time as you experience yourself in this fifth dimensional energy of illumination, of joy, of Divine Love. And of course, so much of our energy is that of joy as we have mentioned.

And it is truly too, about experiencing your life in joy, letting go of the perceived stress, letting go of being too serious in life or being concerned of what others think of you. Dance to your heartbeat, to what brings joy to your life, precious hearts. You are all creators; precious, magical, magnificent Beings of Light and the frequencies experienced through the Photon Rays of Light are lifting the shadows to a greater level of collective light.

This is experienced within yourself as the sub-atomic particles spin in increased frequencies of light; as you experience more of your master gifts primarily as this stage of telepathy, of clairvoyance, of clairaudience and clairsentience.

And following this, the next level is to step into fourth dimensional density or in other words, simply being Light. This is the frequency which will be experienced by all life and you are already experiencing moments of this through the ever present continuum, that of Divine Love.

Dance with joy, dance to this heartbeat of Divine Love within yourselves, precious hearts.

And most of all, spend time with those that truly see you and out with mother nature, for this will take you into a deeper level of the experience of yourself as this caretaker to Mother Earth, and to the rhythm and to the balance that you can create, both within yourself and your reality as these earth changes continue more rapidly now as you are moving into this fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love.

And we take you by the hands precious hearts, lifting you into this fifth dimensional frequency now. Experience this for yourself through your master eyes as this multidimensional Master Being in the unification of Cosmic Christ consciousness and the experience of all life in Unity Consciousness, in Divine Love through the illumination and magnificence of yourself and All That You Are.

(Elders) Just hold this focus, sweet ones, in experiencing your multidimensional reality through this merging timelines, have a look at all the gifts that you have and bring. Have a look at what frequencies you may be needing to integrate and see this as harmonic frequencies of spiraling vortices or sacred geometries and absorb these into your energy bodies now, taking on all that you may need in this Now to truly experience self mastery.

As you know, sweet ones, the energy of the photon rays will be experienced more permanently when you enter into the Galactic Center on December the 21st or 22nd, 2012, as you move into this Galactic Alignment of Light through your sun, through Alcyone, through Sirius, into the Great Central Sun, this alignment continues too through the Cosmic Embrace of Mother/Father God and your I Am Presence and also through the Overlighting of all the Beings of Light from On High, as each dimension shifts, from one octave to the next and this is simply what this frequency vibration is, shifting you into the next octave, for you are ready and the time is Now.

This experience that we mention that has of course being foretold is one that will either be experienced through the full immersion of the sun into the Photon Band, and if this occurs you may experience three days of darkness.

If the earth however moves into the Photon Band first, you will not experience this. However, what you can be assured of, is when you experience this fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love, as you move into fourth dimensional density, as you create the Group I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light through your collective consciousness, it will not be experienced as traumatic.

If Mother Earth continues to experience extreme earth changes, the Brotherhood of the Light will bring in orbs of light to assist in the stabilizing of this earth and all her life. And also at this time a planetary Merkaba Vehicle of Light will be created if need be, to stabilize the electromagnetic field of mother earth, and with this, your electromagnetic field. However, you can work with this now, sweet ones, with the Light Body/Merkaba activation or working with building the multidimensional bodies of light and lifting yourself in cosmic consciousness awareness into the higher planes and creating your I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light, your etheric, electronic body of Light.

This occurs through your inner plane work, through your service work, through your devotion to Mother/Father God and the many paths that lead to this essence of Divine Love and experience of this for all life. Again the primary focus for now is on the Unity Grid. Remember that the planetary key codes of light change all the time as they are being activated and downloaded, and the primary key codes now through the Unity Grid and the Crystalline Grid are bringing through the energy of Divine Love, amplified through the Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth, through the essence of the Divine Feminine archetype, the energy of the Divine Mother, so that all life may experience these encodings through the planetary gateway of 11/11/11.

You are moving into this at warp speed and are experiencing this perhaps now simply in moments, but it is coming to pass with this New Earth that this is your reality and you will remain steadfast in these frequencies.

So of course this oscillation continues and the lower dimensions from a planetary perspective stills shows so much of the shadows, so much of the lower qualities of many of the people on this planet and their unconscious patternings. But know that all Life has the choice to ascend, and at this moment in time, most of humanity will make this choice at a higher light level, as decreed by Mother/Father God.

And as you shift collectively into the light you can do this through holding the frequency vibration of Divine Love, through the essence of yourself as this First Wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint creating and affecting change on this earth plane As you focus through the Unity Grid in this Now, wrapping the earth and all her life in this beautiful silver interstellar flame of light, you are part of the Group I Am Avatar Collective Consciousness of Light assisting all the Beings of Light from On High.

And the power of what you can do together is immeasurable in its magnificence. If you may like to focus through the Unity Grid at a time, the Christ Consciousness Grid within and around your earth plane, you can do this at anytime, sweet ones. There are always the Legions of Light and Light Workers such as your Self, working the Unity Grid of Light.

And as you tune into this, you will experience a deeper sense of Unity Consciousness while affecting and creating change on this planet. However through the energy of the sun and this imprinting of light too, you may like to tune in at sunrise or sunset and experience the amplified keycodes spiraling forth into this solar system and onto all the sacred and non-sacred planets within this solar system as these Cosmic keycodes of light move through the sun and onto the earth.

This is an incredible moment in time, sweet ones, and truly the New Earth is here. Create this as your reality in the essence of Who You Are as this multidimensional Master Being in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life, as you move into the everpresent continuum, as your truly experience yourself as the Flame of Divine Love.

And with this we bid you a most magical day.

Mp3 download http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

Darla Ken Pearce
6th September 2011, 00:20

From September 5th to September the 22nd, we enter into Day Six of the Universal Underworld, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light through the Cosmic Ray of Galactic Christ Consciousness, and the Brotherhood of the Light. This Cosmic ray focus brings a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness by activating the DNA through the energy of the super-electron, also known as Divine energy transmissions of Metatronic Light.

As we increasingly take on our garments of Light, and lift ourselves in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the higher dimensions, the etheric blueprints within the DNA connect interdimensionally to each portal and Light activity experienced through the Unity Grid and Solar Grid of Light, and the DNA strands or light particles within the DNA start to act as transmitters as well as receivers to these vibrating energy transmissions; in other words, our DNA is activated and actualized through these Light frequencies, bringing increased levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, as well as becoming these portals of Divine Light.

As these portals of Light have the ability to receive these oscillating Light frequencies from the super-electron from outside of our time and space, this information is transmitted in the form of light particles to the DNA while transforming the carbon based cells into their crystalline structure of Light, and building the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light.

However, our DNA itself has the ability to transmit information in the form of light particles inter-dimensionally - and this further connects us to each atom and molecule within our Multi-Universe through the frequency of Divine Love, giving us a deeper understanding of our ability to create and affect change within our environment simply through our Beingness as these sacred Master Beings of Light, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

Additionally, it is through the increased activation of our DNA, and these related Light encodings that we will greatly assist in anchoring and activating the new DNA encodings of Divine Love on 11:11:11 through the Crystalline 144 Unity Grid.

This is further assisted through the sacred Crystalline Cities of Light into which we have been entering, as well as, the magnificent crystals within Mother Earth's physical body of Light.

In Day 6, we are invited into the etheric Crystalline City of Light anchored within Mt. Shasta in Northern California to meet the Brotherhood of the Light members of the Great White Lodge and assist in activating the sub-electron through Metatronic Consciousness, so that all Life may experience these harmonic octaves of oscillating Light frequencies and Divine Love, while finding purpose within their own lives.

As we are becoming more multidimensional, through the activation of the 97% dormant DNA within our bodies, and the merging with our I AM Presence and multidimensional Selves, we are asked to hold the Light as these Keepers of the Flame of Divine Love for all Life on this earth plane.

We are asked to connect with family and friends and loved ones, and other Light Workers in Divine Love through the practice of vibrational attunement into the realms of Light, with the understanding that we are the wayshowers, teachers and leaders co-creating this New Earth through increased levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness within our daily lives.

Invocation to Day Six

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, my I Am Presence, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge, as I now wrap myself in the beautiful silver-gold flame of Galactic Christ Consciousness, through the Overlighting of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the Brotherhood of the Light.

I now ask the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the Crystalline City of Light within Mt. Shasta, so I may deepen my service work through connecting into the matrix of Divine Love through the amplified frequencies of the super-electron and assist in the increased Cosmic Consciousness awareness of myself and all Life on this earth plane.

I am now greeted by three gatekeepers to this beautiful Crystalline City of Light, embraced and welcomed as an initiate of Light.

I am now taken into a silver-gold pyramid shaped Temple of Light,
taking on the light frequencies and encodings to this magnificent silver-gold ray of Light, merging now with my multidimensional Selves at this sixth dimensional frequency.

I now affirm: I am open to receiving and transmitting these Light encodings of Divine Love through increased levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. I choose to be of Service in Love. I choose to experience each day giving and receiving the Flame of Divine Love, connecting to all Life through this Unified Field of Love and Light. I have the power, the strength, the courage, the discipline and willingness to affect and create change within my reality, experiencing simply the reality of One Unity Consciousness.

I now integrate my personality and soul aspects as I merge with my I Am Presence, experiencing a deeper activation of the dormant DNA and the Unified Field of Divine Love through the energy of the super-electron.

I am now placed within a Metatronic Activated Chamber of Light.

As this three dimensional rectangular grid of Light now comes in, it spins the electron-positron pairs within my body in increased frequencies of Light relative to my level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. And now, Divine energy transmissions powered through the super-electron pour into my physical energy body, activating my dormant DNA, and bringing integrated concepts and increased levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness that I may potentially manifest on this earth plane as this wayshower and physical vessel of Light.

I now connect to the members of the Great White Lodge, to further experience these energy transmissions of Light, as I stand steadfast in my Light, as this Master Being of Love and Light.

I now find myself on the Galactic Grid of Light Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Brotherhood of the Light, starseeded ones and Light workers, and all those Beings of Light from On High assisting in the ascension of this quadrant of the galaxy.

I now link into this Unified Field of Divine Love, in alignment with Sirius, the Sun and earth.

I now direct this sacred silver-gold flame of increased Cosmic Consciousness awareness through the super-electron as the vibration of the sub-electron into this Solar System, onto all the sacred and non-sacred planets within this Solar System and now onto earth, into Shamballa, into the Unity Grid and Crystalline Grid of Light, through all the leylines and sacred sites, and now into the hearts and minds of all Humanity, lifting them into the Flame of Divine Love and the experience of Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

I Am loving kindness and compassion,
I Am courage and wisdom,
I Am the Flame of Divine Love,
I Am in Service to all Life,
I Am aware and conscious,
I give and receive of the Flame of Divine Love,
I connect with all Life through the Unified Matrix of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness,

I now gently come back into my sacred space, grounding into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, wrapped in this celestial silver-gold Flame of Galactic Christ Consciousness, and connected to my I Am Presence. And so it is...


Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net (http://www.pleiadianlight.net)
Co-created by Adi'El www.newlightfusion.com (http://www.newlightfusion.com)
Music by Shapeshifter (CD - Touch of Angels) ~ http://www.visionarymusic.net

For 11:11:11 Light events, go to http://solaraanra.org.uk/Default.aspx?element=257
Day Six ~ Transmission from the Elders ~

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm (http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm)

This is Anrita Melchizedek and I am now going to make a connection to the Elders, ancient Celestial Beings and High Council members to the Order of Melchizedek to bring through some more information on Day Six of the Universal Underworld.

Welcome, sweet ones,

It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you enter into Day Six of the Universal Underworld with the focus on increased levels of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness; also called 'Cosmic Christ Consciousness'.

Now the importance of this cannot be underestimated, sweet ones. For in knowing that you are these Beings of Light, these physical vessels of Light, there is an integration process that occurs through the merging of your I-AM Presence into the personality aspect of yourselves; that, of course, which we also refer to as the negative ego aspects.

What happens, sweet ones, is that the cellular memories within yourselves genetically inherited, carried through from past-lives as well as replayed in this particular life through challenges that you have undergone, in fact, initiations should we say, to take you to this place in time, so creates a reverberation between the higher and the lower aspects of yourself.

This means it is important to 'consciously' tune into these dimensionall frequencies of Light through 'conscious practice' in your every-day lives.

Let us take an example of the experience of Divine Love. For truly you are all these Flames of Divine Love, sweet ones, not only in the matrix of this Unified Field of Love, but further to this, with the encodings you hold within yourselves, within your original eight-cell blueprint, within the dormant DNA, as these star-seeded ones and Lightworkers to affect and create change on this earthplane, with the knowing that you are here through Service in Love. But knowing this and experiencing this are certainly not the same. So in the conscious practice in 'living in Love', how do 'you' connect to this Unified Grid of Light and Divine Love?

It is about waking up each day with the process of considering how 'you' can send your Divine Love to others and receive this as this beacon of Light. It is how you can assist others to increase their levels of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness. But most of all, this starts with Self, letting go of the fears and doubts; transmuting, healing and clearing, to come into this vibration that you have existed within eternally.

This Flame of Divine Love is 'anchored' on this earthplane for all Life to experience, sweet ones. And this amplification will be experienced through the 11-11-11 portal of Light and the activation of these new DNA encodings of Light. But, you should be feeling this within yourselves a lot more.

And, you may too be moving into the deeper shadow aspects of yourself, for the greater the Light, the greater the shadow aspects, amplified in every Now. Not only are you seeing this on the earthplane, sweet ones, through the collective consciousness of humanity, but this is the time for 'you' as Lightworkers to truly deal with all 'your' baggage, with all 'your' issues, to truly experience 'living' as this Flame of Divine Love in Conscious Awareness.

So the choice is yours. Either you can replay these human miscreations in vibrational frequency: you can continue to play out the victim and persecutor consciousness; you can continue to reflect and mirror these issues of anger or frustration or separation or poverty consciousness, or you can truly be the co-creator that you are as this Master Being of Divine Love.

This requires effort, it requires discipline, it requires a willingness to let go of the 'lethargy' that has existed within the collective consciousness of humanity and within yourselves too.

For you too are tired, sweet ones. When you look around you through your human eyes, you see this planet of duality, you see the human miscreations, and certainly this can create a greater degree of separation.

But, the reality is there is only Love. And it is loving and forgiving and connecting in Light; sending small messages of love to your family and friends of the Light, acting in loving-kindness, in compassion, in 'awareness', lifts you into a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness.

And as we move through the Cosmic Rays now, you are lifted dimensionally in frequency from the fourth dimension, the fifth, and in this Day Six, into the sixth dimension of "Galactic Christ Consciousness", bringing balance through increased levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness Awareness between giving and receiving.
Open your hearts to receiving, sweet ones. For many of you have become islands unto yourself.

As these networking connections are increased in Light frequency, vibrationally connecting 'you' into your soul family and friends of the Light, this is the time to rely on the support of others, this is a time to trust and surrender, not only to the Divine, but also with discernment to those around you. And discernment is key too, sweet ones.

For, of course, many are not ready to experience these teachings of Light. And, if you widely proclaim your Love for all, you will certainly be met with much confusion. So it is really to send this energetically through the transmissions of 'your' own Light frequencies while connecting to other Lightworkers, sending this Love through the Unified Matrix of Divine Love and Light.

One of the easiest places, of course, to do this is through the Unity Grid of Light, this crystalline matirx, holding the 'Highest' Potential of all life on this earthplane, and a place where many Lightworkers, Starseeded Ones, and the Beings of Light from on High can affect and create the most change.

In the amplification of this frequency of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, you are 'lifting' yourselves into the higher dimensions through the merging with your multi-dimensional Selves, while experiencing a greater level of these increased Light frequencies, activating the dormant DNA and further too, in this instance, through the energy of the super-electron.

These oscillating Light waves, moving out through photons and anti-photons, creating these increased levels of Light at a cellular level through spinning the electron-positron pairs within the body through this highway of information.

Again, moving into the energy of giving and receiving, both personally and collectively. For a moment now, we would like to lift you from dimension to dimension into the matrix of these Unified Fields of Divine Light experienced within this Quadrant of the Galaxy.

- You see yourself now within the Unity Grid of Light, experiencing the energy of this beautiful, magnificent Unified Field of Planetary Christ Consciousness through the Golden Flame of "One Unity Consciousness." Feel the Love as you connect to your soul and star families of the Light, to the other Lightworkers, to all the Beings of Light from On High that you personally acknowledge. See how 'you' are creating and affecting change through being both the receiver and the transmitter.

For a moment now, sweet ones, take on these planetary keycodes of Light. For these keycodes of Light are continually changing with these oscillating Light frequencies. And what is being experienced is simply a deeper level of this Flame of Divine Love, removing all that needs to be released and transmuted in this Now.

Feel the sense of connecting through the Crystalline Cities of Light, taking on this Crystalline Matrix of Light at a cellular level within your own body. Feel the crystals within the body of Mother Earth, supporting you, 'holding' you in this frequency of Divine Love. Experience the energy of the power vortices of Light, sacred sites, the leylines. -- Now feel the strength of yourself as this planetary Lightworker in Service to all Life.

You take this beautiful Golden Flame now into the hearts and minds of all humanity within the Cosmic Law of Free Will, allowing for them, the opportunity to experience this Divine frequency of Unity Consciousness. If you may like to direct this beautiful Flame onto particular places or areas that you feel will benefit through this Flame of Unity Consciousness and Divine Love, do so now.

And now, find yourself within the Solar Grid of Light. This Grid of Light extends etherically around 'all' the planets within this solar system. As this Solar Grid of Light is activated and coming closer energetically in frequency around the earthplane, and around all the planets, sacred or non-sacred, within this solar system, you experience the sense of connecting into this broader matrix of Divine Love through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta.

Have a sense of how the solar flares have been affecting you through this electromagnetic grid; how the chakras are being activated to a deeper level of Divine Love as this clearing has increased at warp speed; how you are finding a deeper level of balance for yourself as you clear old karmic patterns, old cellular memories, judgments and false beliefs.

And feel and experience the sense, truly, of merging into this increased frequency of Light as you merge with your multi-dimensional Selves at this fourth dimensional level of Solar Christ Consciousness.

The energy of the Solar Grid brings through the dimensional keycodes frequencies to be experienced by all Life in 2012/ 2013, an amplification of the Twelfth Ray of "Unity Consciousness" and the Second Ray of "Love-Wisdom."

All Life is energetically moving from one octave to the next. And the frequency of this planet in particular, this sacred jewel on which you exist, sweet ones, is moving into the vibrational frequency of Love-Wisdom and 'all' lessons will be experienced on the essence of Love and Wisdom. So know that all pathways before you are simply of the Light, and all lessons can be experienced through Divine Love.

Now take this beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light, directed onto this earthplane through manifestation, through stability, through Divine Love, allowing all Life to experience this within their hearts, within their minds, within their lives - this level of Solar Christ Consciousness and the Divine frequencies of Light pouring forth from the Realms of "Illumined Truth" to be experienced by all Life in the year 2012/2013, as you move into a deeper level of this Galactic alignment of Light.

And now, as you find yourself moving into deeper levels of Solar Christ Consciousness, you merge with your multidimensional Selves at this dimensional level, taking on the Solar keycodes of Light through the Solar disks of Light. These Solar disks of Light are also etherically being activated through the Crystalline Cities of Light and the power vortices, the major chakras to Mother Earth.

This will allow for a greater level of this download of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness to be experienced from a multidimensional perspective as increased Cosmic Consciousness Awareness.

Lift yourselves now, sweet ones, into the Interstellar Grid of Light Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.

As you connect to these beautiful Christed ET's, as you connect to your star family at this dimensional level, this fifth dimensional level, you see you are connected into a deeper level of this matrix of Divine Love from this Interstellar Grid of Light as you are wrapped now in this beautiful Silver Flame of Light of "Illumination and Joy."

Experience this joy within each cell and molecule within your bodies, sweet ones. Know that you have the ability to experience these frequencies.

Find this within yourself, take yourself to that moment where you have truly experienced joy within your life and allow these Beings of Light from on High, these legions of Light that you are now connected to at an interstellar level of Christ Consciousness, to assist you to amplify this frequency of Divine Love through the experience of joy and illumination.

Look through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you. As you now direct this beautiful Silver Flame through this solar system and onto all the planets within this solar system, through Shambala onto the Earth, to the sacred sites, to the Crystalline Cities of Light. And now, within the hearts and minds of all humanity, bringing the sense of the Divine Equality of all Life; with simply the understanding of the levels of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness that differs from individual to individual.

And now find yourself being lifted into a deeper level of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness, as you enter into the sixth dimensional frequency of Galactic Christ Consciousness through the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

As you are lifted into this sixth dimensional frequency of Light you find yourself connected to this Galactic Grid of Light, to the Brotherhood of the Light, to the Great White Lodge, to all the Beings of Light from on High assisting in the ascension of this Quadrant of the Galaxy.

And now experience at this dimensional frequency the amplified energies of the super-electron in these oscillating Cosmic frequencies of Light, taking you in vibrational attunement to this harmonic wavelength that lifts you now to this sixth dimensional frequency of Galactic Christ Consciousness.

As the subatomic particles within your body spin in increased frequencies of Light, as the electron-positron pairs within the body are activated at a deeper level through the solar flares, through the photon rays, and now through the energy of the super-electron, truly you step into the magnificence of yourself, as your chakras start to merge at a deeper level, in one unified column of Light.

As these old cellular memories, patternings and conditionings are being released from within your energy field, from within your body at a cellular level, so you may truly take on the crystalline frequencies of Divine Light and experience yourselves as these Flames of Divine Love, holding this energy for all Life on this earthplane.

-- Merge with your multi-dimensional Selves at this dimensional level now, as you direct the energy of this sacred silver-gold Flame of Light through this Quadrant of the Galaxy through an alignment between Sirius, your Sun and the Earth.

Know that you have the ability to express your Divinity, regardless of what your reality is reflecting back to you or mirroring to you in any Now. This requires, as we said, a level of will and power. But, you have this ability to transform as you take on these keycodes of Light that will create your I-AM Avatar Blueprint of Light; that will create this perfect physical body of Light, your etheric-electronic blueprint of Light, your Adam-Kadmon Body of Light.

This is happening now for many Lightworkers, sweet ones. And it requires simply for you to truly trust, to "let go and let God," to experience a greater level of the magnificence of yourself and your many gifts as they unfold at a deeper level, taking you into the experience of telepathy, of clairvoyance, of clairaudience, of activating your Lightbodies and sacred Merkabas, of 'being' truly these Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

And now just surround the Earth and all her Life in the beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of "Illumined Truth." For this Eleventh Ray of "Illumined Truth" is the energy Overlighting this year, that of the Divine feminine archetypes, the Divine Mother.

And, the experience of this for 'all' Life, leading up to 11-11-11 will be greatly amplified as you take on these encodings of Light yourselves, sweet ones.

You are now invited into this Crystalline City of Light within Mount Shasta, so you may meet the members of the Great White Lodge. And you have already experienced yourself here recently, taking on these keycodes of Light of increased Cosmic Consciousness through Metatronic Consciousness and this related Chamber of Light.
You now find yourself back here with ease, greeted by your three gatekeepers of the Light. Just enter into this City of Light, sweet ones, with a sense of what this beautiful City of Light brings for you in terms of these Crystalline frequencies of Light, in terms of what 'you' are needing in this Now.

Have a look around you at these many varying geometric Temples of Light. For much that the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light brings with them in imbuing your consciousness is that of sacred geometry.

These Great White Lodge members, of Ascended Masters, many of the Christed ETs - all those assisting in this Quadrant of the Galaxy; and further, experienced through the Overlighting of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Michael, and Lord Metatron.

Find your way around, to the Temples of Light that you are drawn to now, to experience a deeper level of the Teachings of Light from On High and the work that you are doing on the inner planes, not only as this Lightworker in service to Mother Earth, but also what you are doing to personally shift your frequency to this level of Cosmic Consciousness Awareness through these Teachings of Light.

This etheric Crystalline City of Light is linked directly to the Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius. And these energy transmissions of Light take place either in Soul consciousness within the Great White Lodge or also within these Temples of Light and Crystalline Cities of Light.

And in this instance, sweet ones, you are invited to meet the Masters that 'you' choose to work with in this Now, or that you are already working with, and would like simply to experience a deeper level of the knowing of your connection to or this Light frequency.

Take the time to explore; take the time to have fun; but most of all, 'know' the importance of yourself, of your puzzle piece in this Unified Matrix of Divine Light, for you are greeted as this Being of Light as you enter into this Crystalline City of Light.
You are making great progress, sweet ones, and what is needed is a greater balance, taking time out, if need be, to integrate many of these increased Light frequencies while working with the personality and the negative ego aspects of yourselves through these oscillating frequencies. But this is happening more and more. And in Night Six of the Universal Underworld, you have the amplified frequencies of the new comet Elenin coming down, of the equinox energies, as well as the new moon focus.

So, experience yourself in this Now, simply by trusting and surrendering to the Divine, wrapping yourself in this beautiful silver-gold Flame of Light, this pink-orange Flame of Illumined Truth of Divine Love, and connect to others through this frequency of Divine Love.

'Consciously' practice it, and it will become your reality.

When you are ready to leave this Crystalline City of Light, you just thank all the Teachers of Light that have assisted you to get to this place of where you are standing steadfast in your Light.

Remember, coming back into your sacred space, to ground yourself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth. Truly we honor you as this physical vessel of Light, as this custodian to Mother Earth and all her Life. And with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by AliceAnn
Message from Anrita

Welcome my precious friends, it is certainly an interesting moment in time, as we move through the rhythm of the Mayan Universal Underworld focus along with so many planetary activities of Light.

Like many lightworkers, I have been working at a deeper level of both the shadow and light aspects to myself, often tired and constantly "redefining" my Self while stepping into a deeper level of this multidimensional matrix of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness.

What I wanted to share with you is a simple understanding of how we can actually experience ourselves within the Unity Grid of Light. I have a sense that some people consider this outside of themselves, or a place they experience only in meditation and the like.

This Divine Matrix of Light, this Unified Field of Light and Divine Love, is existing in this Now, within and around us, as well as within and around the energy field of Mother Earth. It is not something that we consciously have to lift ourselves into, it is something to absorb into, if that makes sense.

Just imagine that you are within the Unity Grid, this Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. And see this Christ Consciousness Grid of Light all around you as well as within you as these lattices and spiraling vortices of Divine Light, connecting you to other lightworkers, to all the Beings of Light from On High and to all Life.

Starting each day with the intention of consciously attuning to Unified Field of Divine Love, will bring us into a deeper level of this experience of Divine Love. Of course it is very much, too, about conscious awareness and being conscious of our behavioral patterns, how we act and react, what is being mirrored to us, and whether or not we operate from the personality aspects of ourselves or the soul consciousness aspects.

However, in experiencing the Unified Field of Divine Love, know that regardless of what we choose to experience, this will always take us into the experience of Divine Love. If we choose to move deeper into the shadow aspects of ourselves, working with anger issues, poverty consciousness issues, victim and persecutor consciousness issues and a myriad of related issues, amplified and mirrored through our everyday reality, know that these pathways too led to Divine Love.

For truly through many of the perceived challenges that we have taken on us lightworkers, we have gained enormously in these Life and Soul experiences in coming into a deeper level of compassion, empowerment, understanding and wisdom, humility and so on, and of course, Divine Love.

This happens when we experience change through our patterns being reflected back to us, and have the courage to change the aspects of ourselves needing to be embraced in Divine Love.

Additionally, this has been the way that we have learnt best through this earth plane as a School of Learning. However, these karmic contracts are coming to an end now, and we are being presented with the opportunity to experience our lessons based on a deeper level of joy and harmony, creativity, prosperity consciousness, and so on, all taking us into the experience of Divine Love.

This requires trusting and surrendering to the Divine, with the knowing that we are these Beings of Light experiencing Life in human embodiment, which brings to our experiences a level of conscious awareness that allows us to act and react in ways that are more aligned to our Highest Potential as these Flames of Divine Love, while practicing intentional frequency or vibrational attunement into the Unified Matrix of Divine Love.

So just see these pathways before you within this Unified Field, with the frequency or energy vibration of abundance, or joy, creativity, freedom, peace, whatever it is that you are working on in this Now moment, and take yourself to that point of choosing to travel into this frequency within the Unified Grid of Light through vibrational attunement in Cosmic Consciousness awareness.

Experience this feeling within you through merging with your I AM Presence as you connect to this like frequency, and draw it into your body through your breath, as you affirm to yourself: "I choose to experience myself as the Flame of Divine Love."

As you move into this expanded state of consciousness, as you experience these frequencies of Divine Love, it awakens and activates this related harmonic frequency within the DNA, taking you into a deeper level of appreciation and Love for yourself.

As we become more multidimensional, we are able to further connect into the Unified Field of Divine Love and Unity Grid on a Solar level, Interstellar level, Galactic and Universal level.

Again, it is about experiencing this dimensional frequency within ourselves, and creating this connection through vibrational attunement to these higher dimensions.

What is important to understand here is that all these dimensions, and in the system of energy I work with, nine dimensions, exist within this Unified Field of Divine Love too, and you can access these frequency portals by lifting yourself in increased levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness into these related dimensions of Light. Within this system of energy, we build our multidimensional Bodies of Light primarily through the ray frequencies, sacred geometry, color frequencies, higher chakra anchorings, DNA activation and merging with our multidimensional Selves.

There is much power in symbolism, sacred geometry, sound and color frequencies, so you may like to have a sense of a particular symbol or color connecting you into the higher dimensions.

You may also like to surround yourself in the ray colors related to the Mayan Underworld focus, in this instance, in the copper-gold Flame of increased Cosmic Consciousness Awareness and the pink-orange Flame of Divine Love.

Regardless of how you access these multidimensional portals of Light, you are generally taken on the most beautiful journeys through various planets and stars with Angelic Beings and Christed ET's, and often finding yourself too within many celestial Cities and Ashrams of Light as well as experiencing parallel realities of Self Mastery and merging with your multidimensional Selves.

And know too, we are surrounded by our Higher Light, our I AM Presence, our Master Guides, our Guardian Angel, our friends and family of the light; these Legions upon Legions of Light are working with us, supporting us and loving us.

I would like to share with you an experience I had recently of a deeper level of Divine Love. I receive many beautiful messages and emails and I thank all of you for your many gracious comments. I am deeply grateful to be connecting with you all as these lightworkers supporting and loving one another.

Know that each time I receive a message, I make a connection to you and send my Love back. I also receive messages that end with "I Love You" and again, as I send my Love back, I am coming from this place of saying, "I see you, I see your Magnificence and I see your Light."

However, it was recently I realized the power of these words "I Love You", have in being able to take us into a deeper experience of Divine Love.

If we send our Love to another with the pure intention of sharing our Love as these Flames of Divine Love, and truly mean it and feel it, we connect through this Unified Grid of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness at a deeper level, strengthening our Light through the transmitting and receiving of Divine Love, and taking us into a deeper level of Self-Love as we move through the ascension process.

So I took the time to send some of my own loving messages and it was such a beautiful experience of receiving these energetic celestial vibrations of Divine Love from other lightworkers.

I am not suggesting you necessarily need to go around sending all these messages of " I Love You" but it is certainly one way you can awaken your heart and the hearts of others.

However, if there is a resonating frequency with others you can certainly send your loving messages, and you can send your messages of Love to your family and to your friends.

You can wake up each morning thinking how can I be more loving today, how can I experience a greater degree of Divine Love in my Life, how can I assist others in experiencing a greater degree of Divine Love within their lives.

It comes down to this art of consciously practicing awareness through vibrational attunement, and choosing to embrace all Life through loving and forgiving while standing in our power. And of course even as lightworkers the resonating frequencies attract us to some and not to others. This is simply vibration and energy, but behind this, this focus of giving and receiving Divine Love, of supporting and strengthening our connections in Light, and networking with one another, is invaluable in activating the Flame of Divine Love through the Unified Grid and within ourselves.

And know that this is not something outside of ourselves, for we have these cellular keycodes being activated that will take us into a deeper level of Divine Love.


It is within ourselves. And it is exciting to realize that we are transforming into these Flames of Divine Love. And with this, able to hold ourselves more steadfast in the Light, and to affect and create change within our realities as these Flames of Divine Love.

There is enormous change being experienced at this time, both personal and on a planetary level through these increased Light frequencies, and sometimes it flattens us, and sometimes, it takes us into a deeper experience of Divine Love, all the while adjusting our frequencies as we find a new balance within ourselves.

But we have chosen these roles as wayshowers, teachers and custodians to Mother Earth and all her Life, and regardless of what is currently being experienced within our realities, we have the courage, wisdom and navigation tools to truly experience ourselves as Divine Love through Cosmic Consciousness Awareness.

So, take a leap of faith, and as the Elders say: "Open your hearts, sweet ones, to the experience of Divine Love".

"I Love You. I see your Magnificence, I see your Preciousness, I see your Light".

From my Heart to your Heart and to the Cosmic Heart of all Creation.

Blessings in Love.

Anrita Melchizedek
Invocations for The Mayan Underworld Focus www.pleiadianlight.net/page10s.htm (http://www.pleiadianlight.net/page10s.htm)
Other Invocations www.pleiadianlight.net/page10k.htm (http://www.pleiadianlight.net/page10k.htm)
Additional information on the rays http://www.pleiadianlight.net/page5h.htm
Ray Essence Oils http://www.pleiadianlight.net/page5f.htm
Personal readings with the Elders http://www.pleiadianlight.net/page5k.htm
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network www.pleiadianlight.net (http://www.pleiadianlight.net)

6th September 2011, 07:08
I am so confused...

6th September 2011, 07:57
Don't worry... it'll be day 7 by the time you finish reading.

Darla Ken Pearce
6th September 2011, 15:04
Flasky, don't worry ~ Chuck is right ~ we are in an accelerated mode of being right now. If this doesn't sound like music to your ears, wait a week and read it again ; ) Much love, and not to worry. When the words make sense like a balm to your heart, it will come to you and we will be in the 7 Day and beyond. xoxox

Darla Ken Pearce
21st September 2011, 14:47

Introduction to Night Six ~ Entering the Universal Underworld

From September 23rd to October 10th, we enter into Night Six of the Universal Underworld amplified through the Cosmic Convergence of Unity Consciousness from September the 23rd to the 26th, the tail end of the Equinox and the Golden Ray of Intergalactic Christ Consciousness Overlighted by the Andromedan Co-Creative Ray Council of Twelve.

This beautiful Golden Flame of Light, ever expansive at a seventh dimensional level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, brings the perfect balance on a Cosmic level of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom, activating this Three-Fold Flame of Divine Love within the hearts and minds of all humanity through the powerful pulses of the super-electron and Spiritual Microtron.

As these golden vortices of One Unity Consciousness spin in increased frequencies of Light at a cellular level within the body, Light workers, Starseeded Ones and Wayshowers activate the Golden Solar Disc within their heart center through an alignment of Light between the Sun, Comet Elenin, the Earth and inner Earth Sun from September 26th to 28th, preparing the way to actualize the Flame of Divine Love for all Life on 11:11:11.

Through the sacred master number of 11, the new DNA activation keycodes will be activated within the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love through the Golden Solar Discs of Light, radiating from the sacred vortices of Light and Crystalline Cities of Light within and around this earth plane.

In Night 6, we are further invited into the Crystalline City of Light within Lake Titicaca to experience the Golden Solar Disc within this Crystalline City and activate the Golden Solar Disc within our hearts, amplified through the Spiritual Microtron; the Spiritual Microtron can be described as radiating from the Cosmic Heart and Eternal Divine Light of Mother/Father God; potentially able to accelerate the frequency of Light within our bodies faster than the speed of common light through the persuasion of micro sub-atomic particles due to the splitting of the atom.

In other words, it is able to increase the Light vibration of the sub-atomic particles within our bodies through the creation of even smaller sub-atomic particles, allowing for the full download and integration of our I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light.

It is in this Now moment that we make the conscious choice as these first wave Souls in full embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light to move beyond our fears and perceived limitations to experience the potentiality of ourselves as initiates of Light in vibrational attunement to Divine Love; the Flame of Eternal Divine Liquid Light and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

Taking our rightful place as Keepers of the Flame of Divine Love, we are able to affect and create change within our realities and on this earth plane through our loving thoughts, actions and Cosmic Conscious awareness, sealed eternally in the Golden Flames and Cosmic embrace of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom.

Through the complete surrender of all aspects of our Self, and the integration of our I Am Presence, we experience the sense of merging into oneness with all Life through the Unity Grid of Divine Love. With this comes the knowing that 11:11:11 is the Gateway of Divine Love that potentially allows us to experience Self Mastery with the crystalline activated DNA encodings of Light and eternal Divine Love.

Invocation to Night Six

I call upon the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven, the Andromedan Co-Creative Ray Council of Twelve, Helios and Vesta, Nature Intelligence and Mother Earth, as I align myself through Mother/Father God, and my I Am Presence.

I now call upon the Andromedan Co-Creative Ray Council of Twelve, to take me in an external Merkaba into the Crystalline City of Light within Lake Titicaca, so I may experience the vastness of my Self within these Golden Flames of eternal Divine Love.

As I enter into this Crystalline City of Light, I am greeted by three Gatekeepers of Light, embraced and welcomed, as I am led into a magnificent vibrating golden icosahedronal shaped Temple of Light.
Surrounded by my family and friends of the Light, I now experience this Cosmic Three-Fold Flame of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom deep within my heart as I affirm:

"I surrender my Self to Divine Love, I surrender my Self to the full magnificence of my Divinity as an initiate of Light in service to Mother Earth and all her Life".

I am now placed in a Spiritual Microtron Activated Chamber of Light.

As this Flame of Golden Light is activated, as the sub-atomic particles within my body spin in increased frequencies of Light, amplified through the super-electron, I now merge with my I Am Presence, releasing, healing, and loving all aspects of my Self while lifting myself in vibrational attunement into the realms of Divine Love.

I now find myself within the Unity Grid of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, connected to all the Light Workers and Beings of Light from On High assisting in the Divine blueprint and creation of this New Earth.

I now experience the activation of the Golden Solar Disc of Light within my heart, through the radiation and Light of all the sacred Solar Discs and portals of Light within and around this earth plane, as I align with the inner Earth Sun, the Earth, Comet Elenin, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, and now experience myself within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

As this Flame of Divine Love and Child of the Sun, I now find myself within this seventh dimensional frequency of Divine Light in the etheric of Andromeda, merging now with my seventh dimensional selves and taking on these keycodes of Light.

I now assist all the Beings of Light from On High in directing this Cosmic Golden Three-Fold Flame of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom through these dimensions of Light and now into this Solar System and onto Earth, into Shamballa, into the Unity Grid and Crystalline Grid of Light, through all the leylines and sacred sites, and now into the hearts and minds of all Humanity, lifting them into the possible experience of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Divine Love.

I Am balance and harmony,

I Am illumination and devotion,

I Am Power, Love and Wisdom,

I Am the Three-Fold Flame of Divine Love,

I Am a Child of the Sun,

I Am All That I Am.


Night Six ~ Transmission from the Elders

Welcome, this is Anrita Melchizedek. I am now going to make a connection to the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council members to the Order of Melchizedek, to bring through more information on Night Six of the Universal Underworld.

Welcome sweet ones, It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now. As you see how rapidly changes are occurring on this earthplane, and increased frequencies of Light are being activated, leading up to this incredible activity of Light on 11-11-11.

Where, as the Keepers of the Flame of Divine Love, sweet ones, you will potentially activate this Flame of Divine Love for 'all' life, through the Eleventh Ray of "Illumined Truth", this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love. What is happening now, sweet ones, is you are building your multi-dimensional bodies of Light while stepping into a deeper level of your inner Self, the 'essence' of Divine Love.

You are being given an opportunity in Night Six to align through the Inner-Earth Sun, through your Sun, through the Earth, and through the Cosmic vibrations brought through with Comet Elenin.

And also, sweet ones, this alignment of Light takes you through the Central Sun and Great Central Sun. As this alignment of Light occurs at a deeper level within yourself, you take on the encodings of Light of the I-AM Avatar Blueprint of Light; and in this moment, activate the beautiful Golden Solar Disc of Light, existing within the heart chakras of all awakened Lightworkers on this earthplane.

This 'beautiful' Golden Solar Disc within yourselves was anchored initially through the Solstice in December of 1997 and is now available to shine this Light to a level where you enter into Solar Christ Consciousness.

This is the energy vibration into which 'all' life has the opportunity to exist within from the year 2012-2013. From a ray perspective, it is the vibration of all twelve rays with a focus on Love-Wisdom and the energy vibration from a Galactic alignment of Light into which you will be moving to experience a greater opening of Heaven on Earth, as your Earth herself 'becomes' the Spiritual Sun within this solar system.

The Inner-Earth Sun, sweet ones, assists in influencing the RNA and the Light that feeds into the DNA through the nadis and subtle channels in the body. It is changing and shifting too as you align at a deeper level within your inner being.

It affects the subtle bodies, it affects the vibrational energetic frequency of this earthplane through rhythm and harmony.

And as you awaken this Light within your being through these keycodes of Light, through the dormant DNA, through the Spiritual Microtron and super-electron, you have this opportunity to move into that which we call the physical ascension through this gateway of 11-11-11.

As these Golden Solar Discs are activated within and around the earthplane through the Crystalline Cities of Light and sacred sites, these twelve-strand encodings of Light assist in activating the full twelve-strand within 'your' body at a cellular level; awakening you, simply to your full magnificence as this Flame of Divine Love.

This is 'called' the "First Wave I-AM Avatar Soul's experience". For you come through with these keycodes of Light ready to be activated to take yourself into the experience of enlightenment and Divine Love.

And, this is 'one' of the first waves occurring in this spiral to take you en masse into this essence of Divine Love, sweet ones, where you can hold the magnificence of your Selves as these Flames of Divine Love for 'all' life on this earthplane.

This Light grows more and more as you experience yourself within the Unity Grid of Divine Love. Know that this experience, sweet ones, as we have mentioned previously, is not something outside of yourself; it is within and around you, -- this matrix of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. And what you are doing now simply, is expanding into this Cosmic frequency of Divine Love through Empowerment, Love and Wisdom.

Finding your balance, finding your rhythm, as you further merge the inner Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes within yourself in vibrational attunement to Divine Love.

Sweet ones, while there is still much clearing going on, and, of course, much polarity on the lower planes, the energy vibrations and transmissions of Divine Light bring you to this Now moment of One-Unity Consciousness, of trusting and surrendering to the Divine, of trusting and surrendering to your Self; of releasing the last of the remnants of the negative ego aspects, of the shadows, so that you may hold yourself, simply in this essence of Light and Divine Love.

And this is occurring for 'all' of you in this Now.

For a moment now, we would like to take you into the experience of meeting with many of the Beings of Light living within the Hollow Earth, the Inner-Earth, known as Shamballa or Agartha; underground cities such as Telos, beneath Mount Shasta.

These Beings of Light have 'mastered' immortality, sweet ones, and follow the Teachings of Light from the Order of Melchizedek as initiates of Light; and, this is the pathway into which you are moving again, as you awaken fully to your full magnificence as these sacred Master Beings, as you step into self-mastery, as you view life through your Master eyes as these Flames of Divine Love.

As you come into the remembrance of these Teachings of Light through the mergings of these parallel streams of consciousness, these parallel realities, you come into a deeper sense of lifetimes in which you have achieved self-mastery.

And the experience for you now is in building your multi-dimensional bodies of Light, embracing and integrating your I-AM Presence, trusting and surrendering to the Divine; and with this, being able to activate these DNA encodings of Light.

You are now taken in soul consciousness into the Inner-City of Light within Telos, where you are greeted by many sacred Beings of Light. Find yourself walking now in this sacred space, greeting these old friends and family members; soul and star connections of Light.

As you look around you, you see the radiance of the Inner Sun, you see the subtleness of this Light vibration, bringing for you a new level of harmony and balance, as these sunlight keycodes of Light lift your vibration to experience a greater level of your inner Self and inner Light.

It is within these inner dimensions of Light that you hold the energy of Mother-Earth and all her life, assisted by the Crystalline Cities of Light and the great crystals within Mother-Earth. Through the radiance of your own inner Sun, through the radiance of this Golden Solar Disc within your heart, take on these encodings of Light that will create this network of Divine Love through all aspects of yourself as you connect and merge with these sacred Beings of Light within the Inner-Cities, following the Teachings of Light from on High.

Allow yourself to be lifted multi-dimensionally into Solar Christ Consciousness, sweet ones, in the experience of your Inner Sun and the Inner-Earth Sun.

Just take a moment to spend some time with these sacred Beings of Light, see how they live their life in Divine Love; how they are sustaining this earthplane, this vibration of Divine Love; what they are co-creating in their realities; what their Ascended Master's gifts are. For these are 'your' gifts too and you will come to that point of immortality, letting go of all the veils of illusion.

And now, as you say your good-byes, you find yourself within this Crystalline City within Lake Titicaca. Again, you are greeted by the three gatekeepers of Light and led into this beautiful vibrating Crystalline City of Light, holding the Cosmic energy of Intergalactic Christ Consciousness and this Golden Flame of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom.

Take the time now, to explore this Crystalline City of Light and its many Temples of Light, sweet ones. For truly, these Crystalline Cities of Light are now being anchored more on the physicality, and in the near future, they will be available for all those able to attune to this level of Light to experience.

Unlike many of the Crystalline Cities of Light that exist in the etheric, this Crystalline City of Light exists within Lake Titicaca; it is a dimensional portal of Light into the higher dimensions.

It is a gateway of Light through which many of the Beings of Light come into and use. And this too is one of the reasons, sweet ones, that primarily in activating these Solar Discs of Light within and around this earthplane on 11;11:11, it will be experienced too through this Solar Disc of Light and these encodings of Light, holding these twelve helices, the strands of Light within this sacred Solar Disc within Lake Titicaca.

As this Solar Disc of Light is activated, so the other Solar Discs of Light and Crystalline Cities will be activated. All the sacred sites, leylines and crystalline energetic frequencies within the Unity Grid of Light will be amplified in this frequency of Divine Love through the activation of these new DNA encodings of Light.

Take the time to introduce yourself to these different Intergalactic Beings of Light, Solar Beings of Light, and know that you are considered this Solar Being of Light and Keeper of the Flame of Divine Love.

So take your rightful place in the honoring of yourself and all life.

Experience yourself simply as Divine Love, sweet ones. Radiate this within your environment; and experience this now in these amplified frequencies through this beautiful Crystalline City of Light.

As the Earth becomes the Star, the new spiritual Sun for this solar system, as you move into Solar Christ Consciousness, you are already taking on these keycodes of Light to anchor and activate and hold this Divine energy of Love for all life, sweet ones.

And further to this, to assist on other lower worlds and planets in lifting the 'consciousness', energetically and vibrationally, within the solar system.

Know the importance of your work; know the importance of truly surrendering, so that you may move into a greater level of balance and harmony and well-being, while supporting Mother-Earth and Nature Intelligence and all life, both incarnate and those on the inner planes, -- for there are many human souls, waiting for the opportunity to incarnate onto this sacred jewel, which you exist.

And now, just feel this alignment of Light within this Crystalline City of Light; within the Unity Grid of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

Through the Inner-Earth Sun amplifying now your inner Sun, this Golden Solar Disc within your heart, connect to the alignment of Light through the Sun, through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, taking on these keycodes of Solar Christ Consciousness, of manifestation, of expansion, of Divine Love.

And now, experience this alignment to the Central Sun, through the Pleiades and Alcyone, taking on these keycodes of Light, activating this Golden Solar Disc of Light in illumination and self-mastery, these fifth dimensional keycodes of Light. --

Experience this alignment through the Great Central Sun now, through Sirius, beamed to the alignment of the Highest Light of Who You Are, as you merge into the energy of the magnificence of your I-AM Presence, through the vibrating frequencies and vortices of the super-electron, and the downloading of these keycodes of sacred sexuality, allowing for the merging of your inner masculine and feminine archetypes of Light.

And now as you lift yourself into the seventh dimensional frequency of Light through the Overlighting of the Andromedan Co-Creative Ray Council of Twelve, experience this energetic frequency now of expansiveness through the Spiritual Microtron as you simply become Light in building these multi-dimensional bodies of Light; as you activate the DNA to the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow, as you see yourself as this nodule point of vibrating Divine Love on the Unity Grid of Light.

And now experience this alignment to Comet Elenin, to the Cosmic energy vastness of this comet, as it moves through this galaxy and solar system into alignment with the Sun and Earth; experiencing yourself too now as in the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God. - Wonderful.

As you hold yourself in the magnificence and preciousness of the Light of Who You Are as this sacred Master Being, as this Flame of Divine Love and custodian to Mother-Earth, we let you know through the 11-11-11 vibration of Divine Love, it is possible too, sweet ones, to fully activate the I-Am Avatar Blueprint of Light. When these crystalline frequencies are activated through the new DNA encodings of Light to a level of Divine Love, you may experience physical ascension as this first-Wave Soul in full embodiment of the I-AM Avatar Blueprint of Light.

This is a time that may be a personal initiation of Light to you too, sweet ones, as the chakras merge in one unified column of Light and you take on these crystalline frequencies of Divine Love at a cellular level, activating the dormant DNA to the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow; and allowing for you to build this I-AM Avatar Blueprint, this etheric electronic body of Light, vibrating simply in this frequency of Unity Consciousness and Divine Love.

It will greatly enhance your Service work and if you are open to receiving this, move beyond the fears to the knowing and the potentiality of the experience of yourself as this Ascended Being.

We are not talking about you ascending en masse into the inner planes, we are talking about you anchoring, activating, igniting the Flame of Divine Love within yourselves, experiencing these streams of mergers of parallel realities of self-initiation, of self-mastery to the level where Love becomes 'All That Is'.

For Love is 'All That Is', sweet ones, and as these polarities come together now, draw them within your body, integrate the shadow aspects in this Now, so you will be ready to accelerate your Light frequency by 11-11-11.

These DNA encodings of Light will further assist in bringing through these silicone crystalline frequencies in shifting the carbon-based cells into this crystalline frequency of Divine Light, emanating as vortices, as stargates of Light, receiving and transmitting simply as the Flames of Divine Love.

And this is the experience that 'all' of you may choose, sweet ones.

It is an unparalleled moment in the history of humanity, sweet ones, as you embrace yourself to experience a new Golden Age of Enlightenment through the New Earth of Divine Love. Awakened and aware through Cosmic Consciousness and Divine Love, you create and affect your reality, sweet ones, and we honor you as these sacred Beings of Divine Love, as these Keepers of the Flame of Divine Love. And with this we bid you a most magical day.


Invocations for The Mayan Underworld Focus www.pleiadianlight.net/page10s.htm (http://www.pleiadianlight.net/page10s.htm)

I found this for you here: http://www.pleiadianlight.net

Darla Ken Pearce
13th October 2011, 01:21
I come before you again to have discourse on the great and grand opportunity that is now before you. The Cosmic Light of the Love of God that never fails is pouring forth upon the Earth and an awareness of It’s presence in the atmosphere around you, will assist you to bring this greater Light into your very cells to assist in the further transformation of your four body system. Take time each day to acknowledge this Light that is flowing from the invisible realms and call it down upon you.

There are many channels through whom dispensations have been given in order to assist Humanity gain more Light quotient in various ways. These are now coming forth into greater prominence and activity. It behooves you to discern which particular method given is the most resonant with you. The most important consideration is that you avail yourselves of these opportunities as they come forth. By doing so, you assist your Higher Selves to more gently come into your energetic field and complete the merging with you, the outer form.

The winds of change are now fully upon you and this fresh breeze will bring forth the time that you have all been waiting for, the time of the shifting from one age to another. There are many cycles ending and your place in these times has played a significant role. As we move through these changes, all the ancient Human patterns of expression that no longer serve will continue to cleanse and be changed through transmutation.

We ask that you, our Beloved Lightworkers, daily direct the energy of Love to the collective Human consciousness through the coming months, for it is this energy that can grow into a mighty flame within the hearts of all and enable them to rise up to a greater frequency by being receptive to it. As you receive this greater energy of Cosmic Love so in turn you direct it to anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth and to the energetic bands of collective consciousness that encircle the Planet.

You do not have to take control of the energies of Love you send to these, just "Love" all your sisters and brothers without any expectations or conditions, knowing that you are all connected to the same Source, God, by whatever name is most comfortable for you. You, as the emissaries of Light, now move into the next level of your service to Humankind, the Earth and all Her kingdoms. Envision the energies of Love that you send forth in this way helping to dissipate all discordant energies that rise to the surface to be looked at and faced.

This daily practice can help Awakening Humanity become more free from all the distractions and illusions of the old cycle so that they may begin to remember their Divine origin and dream a new dream, the beginning of the Golden Age so long foretold. As you hold this focus of unconditional Love, see all discord dissolving within the collective consciousness and a brighter Light take its place. Then see great Light burst forth from within Mother Earth’s crystalline core and radiate out into the atmosphere out into the Universe.

This practice done by many Lightworkers will help set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass Awakening across the entire Planet. Your Light will be magnified by the Higher Realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for Her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with God with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you always.

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: http://www.therainbowscribe.com (http://www.therainbowscribe.com/) *

Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings

13th October 2011, 01:26
Hello Darla :) how are you?
Thank you for the updates, they are wonderful.

This practice done by many Lightworkers will help set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass Awakening across the entire Planet. Your Light will be magnified by the Higher Realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for Her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with God with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you always.
I can see a lot of Aleister Crowley in those words, they are true.

Darla Ken Pearce
5th November 2011, 21:54


On November 11th, 2011, we are presented with an unparalleled, unprecedented Now moment through the 11:11:11 Stargate activation of Divine Love to collectively ascend as these first wave souls in human embodiment of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, and become these Flames of Divine Love with the new DNA encodings of Light activated at this time, while lifting ourselves in cosmic consciousness awareness into the Golden Age of Atlantis.

This glorious activity of Light, heralded as the gateway into this Golden Age and New Earth is amplified and activated through the Arkansas, Lake Titicaca and Sedona stargates and Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, and from here moves through all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, vortices, leylines, sacred sites and chakras of Mother Earth, attuning us to a fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love and experienced through the 144 Crystalline Unity Grid of Divine Love.

To re-experience our Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection, just prior to the Fall of Atlantis, the High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek sealed the etheric records of our Highest Potential and Master key codes of Light in the One Unity Consciousness Portal in the land of Khem, later to be called Egypt, built underground Cities of Light and additionally relocated nine of the Atlantean extraterrestrial crystals within and around the crystalline field of Atlantis.

Three of these primary crystals were relocated to Arkansas, with other locations in Brazil, Mt. Shasta, Bolivia and the Sargasso sea. The Golden Solar Sun Disc discs through the Crystalline Cities of Light were further activated as these stargate portals of Light linking us into the higher dimensions, with the Lake Titicaca Golden Solar Sun Disc disc and Crystalline City of Light serving as an interdimensional Portal of Divine Love through which the first wave of human ascensions could occur.

The Company of Heaven knew that when we were at a point to collectively ascend, to become the I Am Avatar race, taking on our Patterns of Perfection and garments of Light, these Atlantean crystals would be reactivated, and this time is Now for the first wave Souls, with the second wave of spiritual ascensions occurring in 12:12:12 through the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, and the full actualization of all Patterns of Perfection and geometries of Light within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

As the Cystro-Sun-Disc activation takes place within the Arkansas stargate, amplified through the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness and the Overlighting of the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, this activation will “Fire the Grid” and in particular the 144 Crystalline Grid and all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, bringing in the new DNA encodings of Light through the 12 helices to these Golden Solar Sun Disc discs.

Simultaneously, as this Platinum Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness travels through all the Grids of Light, it ignites within Lake Titicaca to activate this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc as the Portal of Divine Love.

As this Divine Feminine Portal of Light is activated in the beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love, the ray Overlighting us in this year of 2011, these key codes trigger the activation of the Divine Masculine Portal of Light within Sedona, merging these Divine archetypes of Light within ourselves and that of all Life through the clockwise rotating vortex within Lake Titicaca and that of the counter clockwise rotation of the Sedona vortex, amplified through the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness.

As this unity between the Titicaca-Sedona vortex fields occurs, we actualize the new DNA encodings of empowerment, Love and wisdom and merge into a fifth dimensional stargate of Divine Love as these Flames of Divine Love and Group I Am Avatar Body of Light.

Additionally, the universal axiatonal lines will be amplified through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and through this fifth dimensional stargate of Divine Love, assists in the activation and actualization of the new DNA encodings of Light, through the spin points found along the acupuncture meridian lines in our bodies, and the spin points found along the meridian points and leylines of Mother Earth.

As we release our human mis-creations, and actualize these new DNA encodings of Light through the 12 helices of the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, our chakras start to merge in one unified column of Light. As all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, Crystalline Cities of Light, sacred sites, vortices and chakras of Mother Earth are wrapped in the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness, the Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness, we take these ray frequencies within and around this Earth plane to assist in the clearing of all human mis-creations so all Life may choose to experience themselves as Flames of Divine Love.

Furthermore, these pulsating waves of Divine Love will assist in actualizing the Crystalline City of Light within Sedona into the physical/etheric realms, becoming the blueprint of Light for the actualization of all the Crystalline Cities of Light within and around this earth plane.

We are Overlighted in this stargate activation of Divine Love on 11:11:11 by the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, including the Christed Extraterrestrials, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light, as well as the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, the Chohans of the Rays, the Galactic Federation of the Light, the Mighty Elohim, the Brotherhood of the Light, the Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Logoi, the Mahatma, and Mother/Father God, as well as the Divine Unfolding Light of the Platinum Ray of Universal Christ Consciousness, the Pink-Orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love and the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness.

All eyes, hearts and minds from On High are upon this sacred jewel on which we physically exist, as we truly become these Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life, re-experiencing the parallel reality of the Golden Age of Atlantis.

As we take on our Patterns of Perfection as our I Am Presence through our I Am Avatar Blueprints, our etheric electronic bodies of Light and Adam Kadmon Bodies of Light, we are encoded through the rays of eternal Light with the new DNA activation key codes of Light of empowerment, Love and wisdom, and the memories of our multidimensionality as Master Beings and co-creators to the Company of Heaven.

As the left and right hemispheres of our brain are perfectly balanced through the merging with our Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light, we have the ability to truly become these Flames of Divine Love and Spiritually ascend in our physical bodies as Mother Earth Herself ignites to hold the Flame of Divine Love for all Life on this earth plane through a group collective Planetary Merkaba Vehicle of Light.

Invocation for the 11:11:11
Stargate Activation of Divine Love

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians,
the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the
 the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light,

Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek, the Chohans of the Rays; El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
 Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

As I now connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, I link with Light workers, starseeded ones and all the Beings of Light from On High, assisting in the ascension process of Mother Earth.

Wrapped in the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness,
I now align to the inner earth Sun, the Golden Solar Sun disc of light within my heart, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, and now experience myself within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now bring my focus to Arkansas and the recoding of the Golden Solar Sun Disc within the crystal vortex of Arkansas.

As a Child of the Sun, I am now taken in a Planetary Merkaba Vehicle of Light into this Crystalline City of Light within Arkansas containing this Golden Solar Sun Disc and celestial vibrations of Divine Light.

Greeted and welcomed as an initiate of Light, 
I now assist in the recoding of the Golden Solar Sun Disc.

As this occurs, the Platinum Flame of Universal Christ Consciousness expands exponentially through the 144 Crystalline Unity Grid of Divine Love,

unlocking the new DNA encodings through the activation of all the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs and the 12 helices of Light, bringing through a deeper level of empowerment, Love and wisdom,
and further amplified through the universal axiatonal lines.

As I now release and transmute my human mis-creations,
 I experience these increased light frequencies within my body and energy field,
downloading and activating the new DNA encodings of Light.

I now find myself within the Crystalline City of Light within Lake Titicaca, assisting in igniting this stargate of Divine Love as this ascension portal of Light.

Wrapped in this Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth, I now activate the ascension key codes of Divine Love within my Self through the embrace of the Divine Mother and all the Divine Feminine archetypes of Light.

I now find my Self within the Crystalline City of Light within Sedona, surrounded in the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness and the Overlighting of the Divine Father and all the Divine Masculine archetypes and Beings of Light from On High.

I now experience the merging of my Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light through the embrace of the Lake Titicaca and Sedona stargates and vortices of Light.

As this occurs, I experience my spiritual ascension through the Lake Titicaca stargate and the Grace of Mother/Father God, as my chakras start to merge in One Unified Column of Light,
as I truly become this Flame of Divine Love.

And now, as I actualize the new DNA encodings of empowerment, Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, I experience this fifth dimensional Portal of Divine Love and the remembrance of the Golden Age of Atlantis.

As I step into the remembrance of my Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection as a sacred Master Being, a Divine Flame of Love and initiate of Light through this Portal of Divine Love,

I now experience my I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light being activated within my body and energy field through the merging with my I Am Presence, linking me into the Group I Am Avatar Body of Light.

I now find my Self back within this Crystalline Healing City of Light within Sedona, experiencing different healing chambers, breathing chambers, DNA activation chambers, colors, healing rays and fragrances and Light modules, and now an Embassy of Peace, with the knowing that this is the reality for this New Earth. And so it is...

Mp3 download http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

Elders Transmission http://www.pleiadianlight.net/page10t.htm

6th November 2011, 00:40
Binary code consisting of "0" and "1" is a serious building block for our physical reality, including computers of course.
11:11:11 is somewhat binary in its appearance and is also claimed to represent spiritual properties occuring on a certain point in linear time.
This claimed event also happens to correspond with the date of 11/11/11 in the less than accurate gregorian calendar. Would the significance of the claimed spiritual event still be on the table if the gregorian calendar was never invented in the first place?

6th November 2011, 00:51
As far as I understand, Oneness doesn't give a hoot about Lunar or calendars or numerology.
Events happen when energy cycles are right.


6th November 2011, 03:09
Wouldn't it be written as 11/11/2011 what significance does this have.

6th November 2011, 06:18
If ascension really occurs that day, will we surely be aware of it? Will people ascend through death caused by some major disaster? I am asking this because there is talk of mass ascension. I have waited that day for a long time now, but I'm afraid that it will be just another day and absolutely nothing will happen, because we have witnessed hundreds of false predictions. However, I really want to believe in ascension, even though it seems silly. But I'm just starting to lose my hope.

I know I chose to born in this time, but why? There is something in those numbers that resonate within me. Is it really coincidence? It has been really harsh for most of us. We're just waiting for emancipation.

Darla Ken Pearce
6th November 2011, 16:45
When thinking of Ascension, I am thinking of a state of pure love and bliss. It is the perception, the feeling, the knowing, the experiencing, and the clarity of that one great ONENESS wherein nothing can be lost and where no sorrow can be found. I call this pure happiness and bliss.

The lack of separation from our creator and all that we love and are ~ as beings comes together and can never be taken away from our perceptions again. We are whole. It is the most overwhelming feeling of pure bliss, It overcomes your whole being and since it's the state we were in prior to this Earth's experience, it feels truly like going HOME.

You are uplited to the Stars and beyond. There is no need for spaceships involved as in our purest state our bodies are Merkaba's that can transverse all universes without requiring the MATTER of lower densities. NASA take note here. All that money was for nothing that "mattered." Just a little joke on the side, we are all comedians at heart.

In an instant we transverse whole galaxies and universes through black holes, vortexes, nebulas, over, under, around, above and through planets and solar systems, as we are all ONE part of them. It is a "State of Being" that brings remembrance of everything you are a part of and it has always been so. We soar again.

The rest of the illusion falls away and you see this so clearly, it rises you up and you can never be "trapped" again in the lower densities that are not filled with light. We are free to return home or wherever our hearts may take us. We realize that we are multi-dimensional and always have been so.

Just look within your own body at all the sytems, cells, molecules, that are part of you! Wow. Zillions of them, and to be alive and breathing ~ there had to be some working together in unity of purpose. So it's not like this is something new you've not already experienced, right? All those hierarchies of every type inside your guts, your upper and lower intestines, heart, circulatory systems, then there is your blood. Not one system is "separate" all must work together or you wouldn't be alive in this form.

All of these various parts of us have had to work in harmony within ourselves to even take part in the outer world around us. This was necessary even prior to your first air without being hooked into your Mother's body. It had to be functioning for you to take even one breath! This is you. You are all. In micro. In macro. As above, so below. Go higher and look at it from different perspectives.

Now imagine a person or agency who believes they have the right to kill off other beings, people, animals, trees and other systems in the outer world like for instance our governments, the UN, and some leaders.

Those who have taken the power upon themselves to do such things as genocide.

Under the illusion. First, they kill this part off in the world around us. Then it is manifested within their own body!

Even in the illusion, you can't kill, main, torture without your own actions coming back like a bomerang and hitting you upside the head. In the past, there was a great delay in this manifestation but today things have sped up 100 fold and it's happening fast. Nearly instantaneously. This is why when we pray to release all mis-creations, dark underground bases implode within weeks. The Earth is a living being and she takes these actions on her own behalf. This is really happening and we are all a part of it! Whether we are anchoring light or darkness with our own thoughts, we contribute to the greater whole of Earth. There is no separation. It's just being manifested faster. As we are leaving linear time.

Even darkness becomes our friend because you can see that it is also part of the whole. These old 3D illusions served to polarize us against each other out here and inside ourselves but now we are able to "see" how we are all part of a much greater whole. By gaining harmony within our own body, one-by-one, we create it in the outer world around us. It's where it all begins and ends...within us actually.

You will have reached a state of immunity towards sorrow, loss, death, destruction. You will be able to see that all these things lead back to our Source. And that all roads eventually lead to LOVE. It's that pure state of being that fuels and energizes everything around us. So you might just as well surrender to it now ; )

We are love. It's all there is once the darkness is peeled away and lifts like a fog. These are the fogs and veils of illusion that are leaving us now. Ascension is to rise above them and soar. It is full consciousness. It is the Eagle (Mind) and Condor (Heart) working together as ONE BEING. This 3D illusion was that they worked separately. Nothing can be separate you see, that's the illusion that it can be. We can see this clearly and never doubt anything again. Ascend in your thoughts and your body will follow...

As LOVE we were always bliss, too. We've just forgotten. This time of Earth's ascension, as well as our own, it includes our bodies, minds and spirits as one along with the rest of everything else.

It is the same pure State of Being as Earth's Ascension ~ all are uplifted only on a more cellular basis. She is receiving her paradisical glory and so are we...transformed, renewed, transfigured, resurrected to our most perfect state.

Be open to love~With full consciousness, we have the ability to restore ourselves during the process that will continue long after these dates in whatever form we find ourselves. We are going into a much happier state of being.

With great joy and abundance at our fingertips. We will have the ability to create all that we need simply through our loving thoughts. Create it out of the whole cloth and it will manifest. To Ascend is to know these things and rise up out of all sorrow.

We are to become 'Physical Angels" and how this works is that our DNA is activated fully and we are swept into a State of Perfection once all 12 strands activate, we literally become "Immortal" beings. We can choose whatever outward physical manifestation we wish to become. We can become many manifestations and transverse many other universes and world within and without our beings.

Right now this activation is taking place. Indeed, this very Invocation assists us and awakens it. It is much easier to do it in increments but mass awakenings will take place, too. Know that each day, in every moment, our consciousness is rising with some huge blasts of energy to release many others into the bliss.

Question is: Are you ready for bliss?

Ascension happens within our own minds, and then is manifested in our bodies and the world around us including Earth and every other part of creation. No separation exists. All benefit who are open to the power of love.

Be grateful, be open, don't worry and just get into the flow of love, it's all that is needed now. Seek harmony within yourself, so it can be manifested in the world around you. Become love and the rest takes care of itself automatically. And so it is...

Much love! xoxox

17th November 2011, 19:46
Message from Melchizedek
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
November 15, 2011

Beloved Ones,

In this discourse I wish to discuss the opportunities that now lie before each of you. In the aftermath of the 11-11-11 portal opening, know that Humanity has now set the field, the new template for the Earth that will now begin to blossom forth in many diverse and wondrous ways. Choosing to live each day by embodying more of the Light of your God/Goddess Self will enable you to connect with the Divinity which is your true nature. Leave the opinions and viewpoints that continuously war with each other to set their own fate and blaze a new path, a new trail that will shine as a beacon to others who come after.

This is the time to develop more fully the love of Self in all its wondrous aspects, to accept yourselves with all your unique and sometimes, quirky tendencies and to realize and embrace that you are all that and even more. Begin the unique adventure that is now being offered to you, to explore yourselves in great detail, to know your origins, to know the gifts that you bring. This time is a period of self discovery and integration of the sacred geometry that is being downloaded into your four body system and which will further accelerate your growth process.

Life upon your Planet is about to take the next step forward in its collective evolution. We ask each of you to hold steady, remain grounded and centered no matter what may come forth and to expect the unexpected, for in this way, you are prepared to act at a moment’s notice. Above all, we remind you that Love is the cement that holds all things in the Universes together. It is literally the force, the energy that brings shape to your visions. It is the spark, the passion that flows through your Being as you walk upon the Earth engaged in your daily activities, creating a better World by your example of being a spiritual Being living life upon Earth as a human.

In the next year there will be many new changes in the way people relate to each other and all relationships will take on an element that embodies the joy of love and unity. This is the focus for the coming year – love and unity. Make this your simple mantra as you go about your day, repeating it over and over to reinforce the anchoring of this vision upon and within the Earth. This simple act alone will bring in solutions to all areas of life on Earth that are in such need of these two qualities of the Divine. What you focus upon is created and as more people take up the mantra, greater amounts of these qualities will be expressed in all those around you.

You are such radiant, shining Lights upon your Planet and the Angelic realms are available to come to your assistance at a moment’s notice. It will become much easier for each of you to begin to discern these Ones and you will realize that they truly are with you always. Speak to the Angels, Beloved Ones, and the Angels will answer you in wonderfully synchronistic ways. Let the Light that is shining within your heart radiate outward in ever greater circles to encompass a greater field than before, for your influence goes further than you can conceive with your mortal eyes.

And so we say, Beloveds, take the time to nurture yourself and give yourselves the space and quiet time to learn the intricacies of other dimensional communications. Venture forth in greater curiosity and seek answers to the mysteries that surround you and as you reach to know them, they will bring to you answers to every question you have ever raised to the higher levels. Make it an adventure, in lightness and enjoyment! We celebrate the new frontiers that are now opening before you.

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
http://www.therainbowscribe.com *

Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,

23rd November 2011, 18:58
Message from Melchizedek: Your Core Essence
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
November 22, 2011

Beloved Ones,

We begin this discourse by focusing your attention on your own core essence. Inside each of you there is a crystalline core that has been with you since your first sojourn upon this Planet. This core essence of you has experienced all that can be experienced upon this World of duality and polar opposites and in the process, lost its direction along the way. In this current lifetime, you have each been traveling the road back to remembrance of the Light that lives within you and now that Divine Essence is blossoming into life.

Each of you is magnificently made and you are now coming into the time of the emergence of the gifts of the Spirit in a way that will be most helpful and healing to you. We see that you are all beginning to become the observers of the events around you, within your personal lives and in the World about you. You are beginning to understand how you create the circumstances that appear in your lives and you are seeing that all that you believe about yourselves comes into manifestation through your closest companions and biological family members. They are here to help you to awaken and reclaim your personal sovereignty and power and they do this to perfection by the roles they play in your life.

Each person who is a part of your life is your teacher in many instances and occurrences and you also play a specified role in their soul’s unfoldment and evolution and in this way you provide a loving service to each other in order that you learn and remember what was important to trigger you into Awakening to the greater mysteries that surround you. You have come a long way, Beloved Ones, take the time to acknowledge yourselves and celebrate your accomplishments. Even six months ago, you were a very different person from the one that is before you now.

So you begin to understand that the transformation begins within and then radiates outward from there. This is why love and honoring of Self is most important. If you still have mental and emotional patterns that keep manifesting occurrences that tell you that you are not good enough and you find yourselves repeating that phrase often, then realize that is your work in this moment. It is a revelation, Dear Ones, that what is needed is to give love and nurturing to yourselves. There is nothing outside of yourselves, you created everything that happens to you, whether it is subconscious or conscious. If from what you discern, it is not anything you have been doing in this now moment, then the Higher aspect of yourself has chosen this very challenge in order that you progress in the advancement of your conscious knowledge.

Become the adventurers in consciousness, try experimenting in your lives by boldly declaring yourselves to be the unlimited and unconditionally loving Beings that have propelled you forward throughout your life here on Earth. You truly make a difference, your thoughts and observances of these thoughts make a difference, everything that you each do makes a difference to the unified field of consciousness that encapsulates the thoughts, feelings and intentions of each individual upon the Planet. Take full responsibility for every action that you take and if, in your humanness you partake of energies, thoughts and deeds that are not from the highest aspects of yourselves, quickly realign yourselves by stating that you take full responsibility for that action, then state a powerful affirmation that will align you back to your own Divinity.

You are each Divine Beings walking the Earth in a loving service to the Earth and all of Humanity and all sentient Beings that are Her inhabitants. Begin to claim your power knowing that your Love is that power and that miracles can happen right where you are in this now moment. Keep updating your Book of Life each day knowing that you are writing a magnificent story that adds great depth and profound meaning to the collective field of consciousness and that it is all for the Glory of God.

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
http://www.therainbowscribe.com *

Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,

Darla Ken Pearce
1st March 2012, 20:45

My note: This is a DNA activation. Your body is a temple. As above, so below. There are higher beings that match every part of our body. Here is an invocation that opens up the gateways leading into the Fifth Dimension of ourselves and beyond.

When you are ready to get out of duality and 3D, please realize that all Stargates to Heaven are open to you. Even if you are not a "believer" or do not yet understand any of this, I challenge you to say these words out-loud and transfigure your own heart, mind, and body and heal it.

You are a powerful light being with amnesia. Ask to remember and it will be granted. With so much love!

Prelude to Invocation

On March the 3rd 2012, we enter into the third initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fifth ray of concrete knowledge; a beautiful orange ray of Light, amplified through the planet Mars at its closed approach to earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun.

Fiery Mars takes us into a greater level of empowerment and expression of the Higher Mind through the Divine Masculine archetype, and assists us as we experience this third initiation, esoterically referred to as The Transfiguration.

In this initiation, we are given the opportunity to truly surrender our individual will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God, through the illumination of the mental body. In doing so, we clear our lower triad, which is the three-fold personality of the physical, emotional and mental bodies, and begin to manifest our realities as co-creators to the Company of Heaven through the upper triad of intuition, Spiritual Will and Higher Mind.

Furthermore, the patterns of imperfection within our original Divine eight-cell blueprints will be further cleared of human miscreations as we step into a deeper level of wholeness through the balancing of polarities.

We are experiencing a deeper integration of the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, through the Higher Light of all Humanity and the New Earth frequencies of Light. In this initiation, this is amplified through the activation of the star tetrahedron within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint as well as around the etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

The star tetrahedronal shape connects us into the essence of our Godselves through our ability to harness these light geometric templates and shift beyond the ring-passeth-nots surrounding each dimension into the Christed Timelines; and is further one of the sacred geometries we can use to activate our Light Body/Merkaba.

As we move into the Christed Timelines we experience a greater sense of our multidimensionality as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and Solar Beings of Light, while loving all aspects of ourselves. And within these timelines, as the Monadic Consciousness of all Life at a Higher Light level experiences a dimensional shift into the New Earth Templates of Divine Love, Mother Earth Herself becomes the Spiritual Sun for this solar system, in perfect alignment to the Sun and Solar Core, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.

Additionally, part of this process on December 21st will be the activating of the 33 Cosmic Portals of Light within and around this earth plane, taking us into the fifth dimension. This process is being facilitated at this time and throughout this year by the anchoring and activating of the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, 13 major and 20 minor discs along the spinal column, also aligned to the Mayan calendar 13:20 natural celestial time.

The activation of the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs are directly related in vibrational attunement to the activation of these 33 fifth dimensional Cosmic portals and New Earth Templates to be experienced on December 21st, 2012. Additionally the Light Body/Merkaba activation of Mother Earth will occur at this time using the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron.

For this initiation, we are invited into the Ascension Seat within the Crystalline City and vortex within Uluru, Australia, to encode and activate ourselves with the star tetrahedronal shape through our original Divine eight-cell blueprint within the perineum center, the Egg of Life, and around our lower bodies, as we merge in perfect alignment to our I AM Presence through the Overlighting of Chohan Hilarion, Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary, and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia.

From a planetary perspective, through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, we will focus on the clearing of the distorted planetary belief that Science and Spiritually are disconnected as we anchor a deeper level of Spiritual Light through this sacred orange flame and fifth ray of concrete knowledge into the mainstream scientific and intellectual communities, and with this, the potential for all Life on this earth plane to experience this third initiation, The Transfiguration.

For we are the beloveds, the wayshowers and Spiritual leaders and teachers, paving the way for all Life to experience Heaven on Earth, our collective Garden of Eden.

Invocation for the third initiatory Gateway of Light

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Chohans of the Rays; El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim,
the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

As I now connect into the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
I align to the inner earth Sun, the Golden Solar Sun disc of light within my heart, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun,
and now experience my Self within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now call forth to Master Hilarion,
to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
into the Ascension Seat within Uluru so I may undergo this third initiation, The Transfiguration,through the surrender of my will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God,
so I may align into my original Divine eight-cell blueprint,
letting go of any patterns of imperfection
so I may experience the upper triad of intuition, Spiritual Will and Higher Mind teachings of Light.

As I now find myself within this Ascension Seat and vortex, illumined by the Beings of Light from On High,
I am surrounded in this beautiful Orange Flame of Concrete Knowledge,
experiencing my Self within the New Earth Templates of Divine Love.
I Am now placed in a Sacred Geometry Transfiguration Chamber of Light,
as the old patternings, conditionings and imprintings of polarity are erased,
the original Divine encodings of Light and Patterns of Perfection are now actualized within my Divine eight-cell blueprint,
as I now merge into a deeper alignment with my I AM Presence.

And now, the star tetrahedron is activated within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint through the trinity of the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Child,
and now around my etheric, emotional and mental bodies.
The Egg of Life is now expressed through the swirling of the vesica piscis into the Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around me.
I now spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons within the Golden Flower of Life sphere in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction respectively,
repeating aloud this activation sequence and Fibonacci ratio to the fifth dimension,
21 to 13, 33 times God speed to infinity.

I now experience my Self within the fifth dimensional Christed Timelines of Light,
anchoring and activated the 3rd major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.
I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.

And now, I assist the Company of Heaven and Master Hilarion to wrap Mother Earth and all Her Life in this sacred Orange Ray of Light,
clearing distorted beliefs and lack of Spiritual understandings within the mainstream Scientific and intellectual communities.
I now assist all Life in experiencing these Patterns of Perfection through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

I now find my Self back in my sacred space,
grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I am now surrounded in this beautiful Orange Flame of Light,
and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,
Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.

I Am a sacred Being of Divine Love,
a co-creator to the Company of Heaven,
able to create new structures based on mental Illumination,
concrete knowledge and innovative experimentation,
and wield this through the Divine Will of Mother/Father God.
I Am All That I Am.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.net (http://www.pleiadianlight.net)
Co-Created by Adi El www.newlightfusion.com (http://www.newlightfusion.com)
Music by Michael Hammer www.michaelhammer.com (http://www.michaelhammer.com)
Initiatory telewebinars www.pleiadianlight.net/teleconf7.htm (http://www.pleiadianlight.net/teleconf7.htm)

~ The third initiatory Gateway of Light ~

Channeling by the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek ~

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you enter into this third initiatory Gateway of Light called The Transfiguration, brought through by Master Hilarion and the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge. The Transfiguration, sweet ones, is an initiation of great importance. It brings an alignment of Light through your I AM Presence, lifting you into the Higher Mind teachings of Light. In so doing, you are given the opportunity to truly surrender your individual will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God through the illumination of the mental body and begin to manifest your realities as co-creators to the Company of Heaven through the upper triad of intuition, Spiritual Will and the Higher Mind.

Now, sweet ones, what is occurring on a planetary level through the collective consciousness of all humanity is a deeper integration of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light and Group Adam Kadmon Body of Light. What does it mean, sweet ones, to experience the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light?

It is the knowing that you are already these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. It is a knowing that you look through your Master Eyes and all of Life around you. It is the knowing that you are seated in Love and compassion, with the ability to magnetize, to manifest, and to co-create as these Master Beings of Divine Love and additionally experience the new DNA encodings of Light; the remembrance of your Selves as initiates of Light, doing this full circle dance back into the Golden Age of Atlantis in the completion of this 260,000 year cosmic cycle.

It is the merging of Heaven and Earth through the New Earth Templates of Light. As you dance your way into this fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love, you are doing so for yourselves and for all Life on this earthplane as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

This initiation, sweet ones, through The Transfiguration, the Higher Mind teachings of Light, takes you into the realms of illumined truth and knowledge and wisdom through the utterance of your spiritual realities as sacred Master Beings.

In so doing, through the Overlighting and a deeper alignment into your I AM Presence, you experience your Selves through your garments of Light within your hologram, energy field and physical body as these changes are being made through both the shadow and the Light.

The essence of this fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge is the balancing of polarities. The balancing of the emotional and mental bodies, of the physical and spiritual bodies. This alignment of Light takes you into your original Divine eight-cell blueprint within the perineum center and links you to the shape of the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron.

The star tetrahedron found within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint and in fact within each cell in the body and around the etheric, emotional and mental bodies, is further the shape, the sacred geometry that you can use to activate your personal Light Body/Merkaba and the Light Body/Merkaba of Mother Earth.

On December the 21st 2012, sweet ones, the Light Body/Merkaba activation of Mother Earth into these fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love will occur on this planet, as the earth herself becomes the Spiritual Sun for the solar system, linking you in perfect alignment with your sun and the twin sun, the Central Sun, and Great Central Sun, known respectively as Alcyone and Sirius.

Additionally, thirty-three Cosmic Portals of Light will be activated within and around the Stargates of this earthplane, taking you into this fifth dimensional frequency and New Earth templates of Light. And in this Now reality, sweet ones, you are moving into a greater alignment of your I AM Presence, the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light through the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs bringing in these encodings of Light through the activation of the DNA and further to this, through the Cosmic Christ Consciousness holographic discs taking you into the Christed timelines of Light.

These Cosmic Christ holographic discs, sweet ones, are anchored and activated within the spinal column, creating a deeper level of balance within the body, initially through the cerebrospinal fluid, and with this too, being activated within the major earth chakras of Mother Earth; these Portals of Light and Crystalline Cities of Light, which you travel to in each one of these initiatory Gateways of Light.

As you anchor and activate the Cosmic Christ holographic discs through the spinal column, creating change within your physical bodies, within the meridians, the chakras, the sensory system and central nervous system, you assist in doing this for Mother Earth too through her major chakra portals and vortices of Light.

This alignment of Light not only creates a rebalancing on all levels of your beingness and through the Light Body of Mother Earth and the Unity Grid of Divine Love, but the full activation of the earth chakras vortices and portals of Mother Earth will indeed too be aligned and activated on December the 21st 2012. And following this, he experience of the thirty- three Cosmic Portals of Light will occur, taking you into this fifth dimensional frequency and New Earth templates of Light.

Indeed, sweet ones, if we can look from a cosmic perspective as to the "future" of this earthplane, it is already within the Christed timelines of Light, but the duality and the polarity on this earthplane and the experience of this will become simply a mirror reflection of one's reality, one's choices, one's focus.

You can look around you, you can see the pain, the shame, and the shadow aspects that have been experienced on this earthplane; and indeed within this school of learning, important experiences and lessons through the shadows aspects and the pain body have occurred to accelerate your spiritual growth.

However, these old karmic contracts are no longer necessary in these Golden Ages of Light, in these Christed timelines, in the knowing of your Selves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And the stresses that you experience within your physical bodies and energy fields now, sweet one, are the remnants of the old patternings and conditionings being released as you feel into the body in "new" awareness, in "new" consciousness, in Christ Consciousness.

Let us start sweet ones with a simple breathing exercise taking you into the center of your Selves, to the center of Love and a deeper experience of your Selves as these magnificent, precious, transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as these wayshowers, teachers and facilitators, in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

Breathe deep into the body now, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, finding this gentle rhythm and balance within your body simply through your breath. Move your body, sweet ones, from side to side and forward and backward.

Just for a moment now, having a sense of where you are in the physical body as you gently say to yourself "I love you, I love you body". Feel into the physical body in awareness, in consciousness, in the Now moment, sweet ones. Have a sense of your energy field, have a sense of what needs to be rebalanced.

Take the breath into these areas within your body as you run a beautiful golden ray through the body and energy field now. For a moment now, breathe in through the nose and out the mouth, as you place the hands upon each chakra with one in breath and out breath.

For women place the left hand over the right and for men, the right hand over the left. Hold this focus as you now breathe in and out, your feet gently on the floor grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, and feeling this Cosmic alignment of Light to Mother/Father God and the Company of Heaven, to all the Beings of Light from on High you personally acknowledge.

To the Pleiadians and the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light; the Brotherhood of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, the Archangels and Angels, the Mighty Elohim, the Chohans of the Rays, all other Beings of Light you personally acknowledge, as you connect now to the Light Body of Mother Earth through this Unity Grid of Divine Love, in this Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness Overlighting this earth in this sacred year of 2012.

Feel your Selves merging, sweet ones, with your I AM Presence, as you place your hands now on each one of the chakras, breathing in through the nose and out the mouth, moving from the base chakra, the sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye and now crown chakra. Have a sense of this alignment of Light to the Company of Heaven and your I AM Presence as you build the Group I AM Avatar Body of Light, as you create the Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your etheric electronic body of Light. Wonderful.

Now The Transfiguration, this initiation of Light in which we will shortly take you into Uluru in Australia to experience, brings through the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron as we have explained to you.

This shape, found in its original Divine imprintings is within the Divine eight-cell blueprint of Light within the perineum center. As you bring your focus to the original Divine eight-cell blueprint sweet ones, have a sense of merging your free will into this Divine blueprint of Light.

For you have been operating from two blueprints, the Divine blueprint and your free will blueprint. Now free will will always exist, but as you trust and surrender at a deeper level to the Divine, to Mother/Father God, as you flow intuitively with the guidance of the knowing of your Selves as these starseeded ones and lightworkers, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, your senses develop at a deeper level through your intuitive and telepathic abilities.

The many gifts you bring, individual and unique to each one of you, and indeed a collective experience too of increased Light frequencies, and these create a sense of Cosmic Christ Consciousness through vibrational attunement into the higher dimensions through your ability to be present (take a deep breath) in this "Ever Present Eternal Now" moment.

The kundalini energy moves gently through the body now within this sacred space, and through the Overlighting of all these Light Beings.

Bring a focus now to this original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and see or sense the star tetrahedronal shape, sweet ones. See or sense a three dimensional six-sided star also known as the "Star of David" or the "Star of Melchizedek."

The star tetrahedronal shape is one of the sacred geometries of Light further found around your etheric, emotional and mental bodies as well as around and within the Light Body of Mother Earth.

Have a sense of simply releasing all the old karmic patternings through the energy of the star tetrahedronal shape within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint, formed at this level within the Egg of Life, through these eight original Divine cells of Light.

Although the cells in the body replicate and transform and create new cells every five to seven years, these original Divine eight- cells never change sweet ones.

The positioning of the star tetrahedron is slightly different on men and women, as it is around the body, but for now, simply know your Selves through this sacred geometry and beautiful orange flame of Concrete Knowledge as it surrounds you, allowing you a deeper level of the experience of your magnificence through your I AM Presence, clearing, cleansing, transmuting, loving and healing.

You are stepping into a deeper level of wholeness, sweet ones. Now bring a focus to what you are still needing to shift and change on a physical level, on an emotional level and on a mental level. Good.

The fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge in this beautiful orange ray of light will be amplified through the planet Mars as you enter into this third initiatory gateway on the 3rd dary of the 3rd month 2012.

These new Light geometric templates of Light will further be activated through the activation of the star tetrahedron within this original Divine eight-cell blueprint and around the etheric emotional and mental bodies.

Sweet ones, have a sense before we travel in Soul consciousness to Uluru, of the etheric star tetrahedron, the emotional and now mental body star tetrahedrons superimposed over one another.

Have a sense now sweet ones, of a beautiful silver-gold sphere of Light coming in 10.8 feet in diameter around you, from 2.4 feet above the crown chakra and 2.4 feet below the feet chakra, bringing in this beautiful sphere of Light and within this, these three superimposed star tetrahedrons.

Feel this activation occurring now, a slight sense of the ability of this sacred geometric shape to bring through these Light template frequencies that will assist you in your Light Body/Merkaba activation.

For the full Light Body/Merkaba activation, a diamond sphere of Light of 54 feet in diameter comes in around you, linking you through all dimensions into the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God, to the energy of your I AM Presence and the Mahatma the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis.

Within this diamond sphere, the Golden Flower of Life is prevalent and in spinning the emotional and mental bodies star tetrahedrons to a fifth dimensional frequency of Light within this sphere, you are able to activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the fifth dimension.

You are now taken sweet ones, in soul consciousness, into the Crystalline City and vortex of Light within Uluru in Australia. As you enter into this Ascension Seat you are surrounded by the sacred Beings of Light from on High and the Overlighting of Master Hilarion.

Have a sense of connecting now through this Grid of Divine Love to all the lightworkers and starseeded ones undergoing this third initiatory Gateway of light with you, The Transfiguration, as you move from the lower triad, the three-fold personality of the physical emotional and mental bodies to the upper triad of intuition, Spiritual Will and Higher Mind, through the star tetrahedronal shape. Wonderful.

Surrounded in this beautiful Orange Fame of Light, experience now these frequencies of Divine Love coming in as Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary, and Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia also come forward with Master Hilarion to assist you in creating this alignment of Light to your I AM Presence in the creation of the Adam Kadmon Body of Light.

And what you are experiencing now in this sacred space is a deeper alignment into your original Divine eight-cell blueprint through an activation of the star tetrahedronal shape within the original Divine eight-cell blueprint and around the etheric emotional and mental bodies.

As this occurs you now experience the Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around your Self, spinning the emotional and mental bodies stars tetrahedrons in a clockwise and counter clockwise direction respectively within this sphere and having a sense of this fifth dimensional frequency and master number of 33 through the fibonacci ratio sequence of 21 to13 (21/13).

This is further amplified through the energy of Mars on its closest approach to earth its face fully illuminated by the sun, the sacred start of this initiatory Gateway of Light.

As you slow down the spinning of these star tetrahedronal shapes sweet ones, we let you know in terms of the energies of this month, the Full Moon on March the 8th amplifies this initiatory gateway as does the March equinox on the 20th / 21st taking you in to the Spring or Autumn Equinox respectively.

With this, a doorway opening through these sacred portals of Light and the Cosmic Christ holographic discs are activated within the body and energy field at this sacred time (March 21st), taking you into these Christed timelines and the understanding of your Selves as these sacred Solar Beings of Light.

You feel these Cosmic Christ holographic discs now being activated within the body and spinal column. There are thirteen Cosmic Christ holographic discs and twenty minor discs sweet ones, and this third major Cosmic Christ holographic disc and other two minor discs are activated within the cerebrospinal fluid along the spinal column.

Move your body from side to side, backwards and forwards, as you bring a deeper level of the Patterns of Perfection into the physical body and the remembrance of the teaching of Light from On High, from the inner cities and Ashrams of light. Wonderful.

You now assist Mother Earth and all her Life through this Orange Ray of Light in clearing these distorted beliefs between the Spiritual and scientific communities and the mainstream intellectual communities, and the letting go too of "the lesser than and the better than consciousness," of the intellectual mindset that has no understanding of the Spiritual oneness of all Life; the interconnectedness experienced from a micro and macro cosmic perspective.

Breath deep into the body, sweet ones, to facilitate the movement of these Cosmic Christ holographic discs, as you feel and sense yourself again in this Unity Grid of Divine Love connected to the lightworkers and starseeded ones and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in the ascension of Mother Earth and all Her Life. Good.

March the 22nd and 23rd brings through the New Moon frequencies, the New Moon in Aries. And it's a wonderful time to bring a focus to what you would like to co-create sweet ones as these master co-creators and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

The change is already upon you. The change is in this Now and it is to find the harmony and balance within yourselves that will allow you to flow with ease and grace. The Higher Mind teachings throughThe Transfiguration initiation bring a deeper level of wisdom, from the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

Receive these downloads now sweet ones, in the remembrance of your Selves as initiates of light, as these parallel streams of consciousness are experienced in this Now through the Christed timelines of Light.

Know that this is the Golden Age of Light.

You now find your Selves back in your sacred space grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, into her crystal heart. Hold this focus of a deeper level of empowerment and communication of your truth, the utterance of your spiritual reality, in a greater level of wisdom and knowledge as you again surround your Self in this beautiful Orange Flame of Concrete Knowledge and now the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness.

We thank you for your service to Mother Earth sweet ones, and with this, we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Zulma

Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network www.pleiadianlight.net (http://www.pleiadianlight.net)
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1st March 2012, 22:02
Thank you for posting Darla. As I listened, I felt many physical manifestations. It felt warm, calm and yet some tingling.