View Full Version : Electromagnetic Pulse Protection of your electronics

Christine Breese
23rd August 2011, 15:43
Just thought I'd share this with you if anyone needs this info. The solar flares will knock out all electronics unless you protect them. This guy offers some really good ideas on how to protect your equipment, computers, car, etc from getting fried by the emf of solar flares, and it's something anyone can do. Would be nice to still have a working car or computer or solar panels after the flares hit. Not tht there would be any internet or anything without electric. Still, wouldn't have to buy the equip over again when it returns! http://www.futurescience.com/emp/emp-protection.html

Tane Mahuta
23rd August 2011, 16:04
Thanks Christine for the link.

Welcome to Avalon


23rd August 2011, 17:11
I like what he said....Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C.Clarke