View Full Version : The end of the Mayan calendar and the splitting of the "two earths" explained

The Truth Is In There
9th September 2011, 08:59
lately we have heard or read from more and more sources about a splitting of two earths, one of which is going to ascend, the other to descend. i want to explain here why i believe that this is not a gradual process as described by inelia but instead is something that appears to happen from one moment to another. i'll also give a date.

let's recap what we know.

the mayan calendar and its "end" (which is no real end!):

we know from carl johan calleman's work that the mayan calendar shows the development of consciousness or, to use inelia's words, the expansion of awareness. we further know that it happens in steps and that with each step it increases by a factor of 20.

according to calleman the mayan calendar ends after the 9th wave on october 28th. i've explained in another thread why this is wrong. why should it end? isn't consciousness infinite? why shouldn't it expand into infinity? as a matter of fact, it does, it keeps increasing until a point is reached where the expansion of awareness is so rapid that it appears to us as if time simply disappears and everything happens at once. i'll explain why.

the 9th wave is 234 days long, the length of each day and each night is 18 days. we're in that 9th wave now. if we continue to divide these 234 days by 20 we get 11 days, 16 hours and 48 minutes. that's the 10th wave. if we divide that by 20 we get the 11th wave which is exactly 14 hours and 24 minutes long. the 11th wave ends on 11/9/11. if we divide it by 20 we get 43 minutes and 12 seconds. this never stops but the figures become so small that no more time seems to pass between each wave. that leaves us with approximately 12 days which we need to add to calleman's end date of october 28th and that brings us to 11/9/11. [corrections made after nearing pointed out that the 9th wave is 234 days long, not 260 days which i accidentally used before. see posts further below.]

from a numerological point of view this could mean an end (9) as well as a new beginning (11) and as i explain elsewhere the gregorian calendar may have been implemented to mark exactly this date, the date of ascension or in christian terms, the rapture. talk about numerology and the powers that be!

so you see the expansion of awareness may be a gradual process up to a certain point, but since it keeps increasing we'll eventually reach the point where it expands into infinity from one moment to the next.

the three days of darkness:

we've heard about the three days of darkness. many people believe that it's something physical, caused by comet elenin's tail that covers our view of the sun or a pole shift due to planet x which throws the northern hemisphere into darkness for three days. this is not correct because it won't be a physical process. you could simply banish the darkness by lighting a candle. no, it will be a spiritual darkness.

at the point when our awareness expands into infinity i believe that we, or rather our higher selves, will decide upon our future "timeline", according to how far we have come in our soul's growth. do we need to learn more about duality and thus spend another cycle in the 3rd dimension or are we ready to go on into the 5th dimension and once again experience unity with all that is?

the splitting of the "two earths":

this is the point when the "two earths" split. up until that moment we had one major timeline (or 3d earth) with lots of "good" people and lots of "bad" people. these are common labels but are faulty since these souls experience only what they need to experience in order to grow. they're not good or bad, they all are just players in this game, even tptb, the reptilians, the illuminati etc.

what happens at the point of ascension is that the one timeline or one earth splits in two, with the lower vibrational souls remaining on the 3rd dimensional earth and the higher vibrational souls ascending to the 5th dimensional earth. this happens because at the time of ascension, the time of the split, we create instantly. remember, time is speeding up, and so the time lapse between "thought" and "creation" gets smaller and smaller until it's so small that thought instantly creates.

now, those people who live in fear and concentrate all their thoughts on the 3rd dimensional reality with all the bad stuff that currently happens manifest these things in their timeline because their higher selves know that, unless they deal with their fears first, soul growth is not possible. thus they remain in the 3rd dimension.

those people who have accepted and released their fears, who know that there's nothing to be afraid of because all is one and even the "bad people" are just an aspect of the creator and thus of themselves, those souls who have learned what they needed to learn will ascend into the 5th dimension where other lessons wait.

and so, the three days of darkness will be experienced differently by every individal. for many it will be joyful, for many others it will be a horror trip because of their unprocessed fears.

after the three days of darkness everyone will wake up in his/her new timeline/new earth/new reality. the people who did not choose the same timeline will have disappeared. the ascended souls, being one with the-all-that-is, will have knowledge about the split and will accept it as inevitable so there won't be grief for the "lost ones". to those who wake up again in the 3rd dimension the ascended people will simply have vanished. many may even have forgotten all about them already because their lives had already drifted apart prior to the split. still, many will have vanished which will probably create chaos and confusion.

the souls who ascend will create bodies on the 4th or 5th dimensional earth or on other planets or remain in spirit state for a while, whatever is best at their stage. on the ascended earth there will be no more "negativity" because all the "negative" souls remained in the 3rd dimension.

the 3rd dimensional earth will become even more "negative" than it is now because all the higher vibrational souls will have ascended. it will quickly "descend" further and eventually all souls will lose their connection with spirit and will be totally focused on material things, survival etc.

both the ascending and the descending earth will be expressions of the hermetic "law of rhythm" which says "the pendulum swing manifests in everything. the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left." where so far the swing happened only slightly (and gradually) in one or the other direction, in a wavelike fashion, in one timeline, the infinite increase in awareness will cause the pendulum to swing so far to the right and to the left, a swing into infinity in both directions at the same moment, that the timeline is ripped apart since both extremes cannot exist in the same place.

what will happen to all the discarnate souls at the time of the split?

the souls that are currently not in bodies will either ascend and manifest bodies on the 4d or 5d earth, elsewhere in the universe, remain in spirit state, or if they're not ready to ascend they'll either incarnate on the descending earth or on another, more benevolent 3rd dimensional planet. the same will happen to those who die during earth changes or otherwise.

any proof for all those wild guesses?

for that we have to look to prophecies and predictions. there are countless who talk about these things. dolores cannon has written about it in her "convoluted universe" books. the hopi say that those who "return to the old ways", who acknowledge and respect their connection with everything will not experience negative things like earth changes, ww3 and so on. the bible says that those who will be "raptured" will go to heaven (4th/5th dimension in that case) and will be saved from catastrophes and wars that are going to happen during the time of tribulation. many other prophets gave similar predictions.

incidentally, christian mythology marks the beginning of the tribulation in revelation 12.1. with a planetary alignment that happens on september 29th. the hopi have the prophecy of the kachinas, with the blue kachina marking the beginning of a 7 years period of troubles (exactly the same time frame as the 7 years of tribulation given by the church. interesting, is it not?). comet elenin is believed to be the blue kachina and it passes between the earth and the sun during sep 26th-29th. another strange coincidence, or is it?

the hopi further say that the red kachina will come shortly after the blue kachina and that is when the earth changes will grow worse. many people are now convinced that there's some celestial body in our solar system which causes the sun to go crazy and the earth to wobble, rumble and shake. there's no doubt that earthquakes and volcanoes have increased during the last few weeks and months. it is safe to assume that the red kachina will arrive shortly after the day of ascension - 11/9/11, which in fact several sources seem to confirm.

it doesn't matter when exactly it arrives because we know that at that point those who ascended will already be gone and thus won't experience any of the more severe earth changes or the pole shift, just as it has been predicted by many different sources.

has something like this happened before?

yes it has many times, but on a smaller scale, not with the entire planet. a good example are the maya themselves which seem to have just disappeared at some point in the past. most of them, anyway. how can this be explained? quite simply - most of them ascended and left their cities behind, some however, those who were too deep into "darkness", remained on the 3rd dimensional earth. they had started sacrificing animals to their false "gods" and once the ascended mayans had gone the remaning ones quickly descended further and that is when the human sacrifices started. i don't know if this connection has even been made before but if you think about it you'll see that it makes sense. the apparent disappearance and the sacrifices among the remaining population later on are well known historical facts.

back to the split and inelia:

if the split would remain gradual like inelia says, nobody would disappear. all people would continue to live their lives and all would experience earth changes, the pole shift and many of the highly developed souls would have to leave their bodies when they perish during the earth changes. she talks about one ascending earth and one ruled by the dark powers. how could this possibly be happening gradually? if none of the ascending people disappear the only way for them to leave the 3rd dimensional earth would be to die. and if the 3d earth we're currently on ascends, where would the other 3d earth, that of the dark powers, come from and how would it come to be populated? think about it and you'll see that it doesn't work like that. it's impossible even with complete disregard for the mayan calendar and the increasing expansion in awareness which will reach the point of infinity on 11/9/11. no, a split always happens from one moment to the next and that moment will be reached on 11/9/11.

well, that's my take on all of this. i'm not an expert, not a channel and no ascended master, i merely collected information from other sources and from my higher guidance and arranged everything into a consistent picture. if there are holes in it feel free to point them out. if you believe me or not doesn't matter, i'd just like you to consider the possibilty that i may be right about this and, if you want, see if you are ready to ascend...just in case i am correct.


btw, i just wanted to add that this is no ego trip. i don't want to be right by all means and i don't want to prove inelia or others wrong who say something else is going to happen. i just wanted to present my thoughts and explain why my own conclusions make the most sense to me. no offense intended to anybody who thinks differently.

:edit 2:

i explain in another post on page 2 of this thread why many who talk about ascension as a gradual process may be right, too, but not when ascension is seen as a movement to higher dimensions, only as a movement to higher overtones of the 3rd dimension.

9th September 2011, 09:31
This fits well with what I have come to believe. I try not to give it too much thought, and rather just move forward with acceptance while listening to my higher guidance. When I do actually think about it, my heart breaks for the unaware and feels conflicted and sorrowful. I cry for the innocent born into this fear based world who know nothing else. I feel connected to all mankind, animal and earth, in unity of life; I have great compassion. Is it that we simply have different paths to follow?

You see, I try not to think about it too much, and follow my guidance from within.

9th September 2011, 09:39
Latest from Dr Calleman.
We will just have to wait and see but it is very positive.
Thanks for your learned input The Truth is In There, much appreciated



Eric J (Viking)
9th September 2011, 10:59
Thanks, The Truth ... its good to see folk minds ticking over and expressing themselves this way...as Greybeard said...very much appreciated...



9th September 2011, 11:22
Hi The truth is in there..

About Dolores Cannon bless her heart, she talks about a split that there is new earth who will split from this earth.
But she also talks about the people who are left behind, And that they will "not" notice the split or that people left.
because if i remember right, your body will stay behind when you leav this realm with no memories of the split.
So one part of you will still stay and live out this nightmare, and the ones who told you were nuts are in one way gonna get right.(in a way)

What makes me question Dolores is the abduktion situation we have in the world. dolores hypnotherapy through her long career,
have never seen person with a negative abduktion. Little like Steven Greer, who claim that there are no negative abduktions from ET.
Steve say that if it is negativ it is humans who do the abduktion, Dolores say that going deeper then other goes in her hypnotherapy,
she dont have to talk with the limited and silly mind we have. Dolores go straight to the sorce if you will,
and i dont doubt all are great if you go to the sorce, but that does not rule out there are negative abduktions.

And mabye Dolores are right, nevertheless we still have thousands if not millions of people who live in a nightmare thanks to negativ abduktions.

It just have been on my mind...thanks...:)

9th September 2011, 11:24
For some other reason I recently checked out the image on this Illuminati game card


Look at how the world splits in 2 when the tape (time ?) runs out ... (new dawn shines through the cracks ?)
Since more of these game cards came close to some recent events one wonders if this coincidence.

Eric J (Viking)
9th September 2011, 11:35
For some other reason I recently checked out the image on this Illuminati game card


Look at how the world splits in 2 when the tape (time ?) runs out ... (new dawn shines through the cracks ?)
Since more of these game cards came close to some recent events one wonders if this coincidence.

Thats an interesting find Operator ...thanks... I'm suprised no one else has picked up on this before...!

tape runs out?? end of the mayan calender??


The Truth Is In There
9th September 2011, 12:12
as i mentioned in the other thread, it has been hidden in plain sight, all along. i'm convinced that the vatican knew about this when the gregorian calendar was implemented. 11/11/11 cannot be a coincidence, no way.

@ <8>: regarding what dolores cannon said about people not noticing the split or that others have disappeared, this could very well be true. it may be possible that "those left behind" simply have the parts of their memory erased by their higher selves that included the people who disappeared, in order to avoid additional confusion and chaos. however, it could also happen that they don't forget. i think we'll know that soon enough. it's not one of my concerns at this point. i merely want to get people to think about the possibility of ascension as something other than a gradual process, so they consider the possibility that they don't have a lot of time left to "get ready" (those who aren't ready yet, anyway)

9th September 2011, 12:31
tape runs out?? end of the mayan calender??

I don't want to take this thread too much out of its context but there are more interesting details on that card.
Since they didn't have to picture a globe per se on this card but nevertheless did I guess it must mean something.

Look at how much ice is shown from the North pole down and the world splits over Africa (like Pane Andov said).
But on the other hand the 2012 movie ends with Africa (if I remember correctly). Poor Patrick Geryl. If this card is
right he may have been right too ... but then chose the wrong continent to seek a safe haven.

9th September 2011, 12:43
as i mentioned in the other thread, it has been hidden in plain sight, all along. i'm convinced that the vatican knew about this when the gregorian calendar was implemented. 11/11/11 cannot be a coincidence, no way.

@ <8>: regarding what dolores cannon said about people not noticing the split or that others have disappeared, this could very well be true. it may be possible that "those left behind" simply have the parts of their memory erased by their higher selves that included the people who disappeared, in order to avoid additional confusion and chaos. however, it could also happen that they don't forget. i think we'll know that soon enough. it's not one of my concerns at this point. i merely want to get people to think about the possibility of ascension as something other than a gradual process, so they consider the possibility that they don't have a lot of time left to "get ready" (those who aren't ready yet, anyway)

Thank you Truth. The way that you expressed what you believe will happen, is pretty much where I am being led also. The things that Delores Cannon and George Kavassilias say do resonate well with me.

From my childhood Christian teachings, I can see how it does relate to Revelations. There are many similarities in indigenous prophecies that parallel what you have put forth. For now, I'm right there with you. Thanks, my friend, well said.

9th September 2011, 13:17
TTIIT what about babies and children? What about them? Do we leave them like orphans? Are they allowed to Ascend too? Every explanation I have read about Ascension seems to avoid the issue about children. Did the young agree to incarnate here on Earth at this time only to be left behind? We surely must have to address this simple fact. Or do children automatically ascend? Jesus said according to the bible "you have to be as the little children to ascend into heaven" You know whatta mean? BTW thank you for your excellent post!


9th September 2011, 15:16
Latest from Dr Calleman.
We will just have to wait and see but it is very positive.
Thanks for your learned input The Truth is In There, much appreciated



Thank you Greybeard for that video. I have only ever seen Lilou Macé interviewing Calleman, and this time decided to find out more about her - she is a truly amazing example of egoless self-loving and what she calls 'juicy living'!

If you look down a couple of videos after the Calleman interview, she is interviewed by Dr ALlan Hunter - thoroughly recommended.

9th September 2011, 15:35
@The Truth is In There. Thank-you very much for your lovely synopsis. You speak of all the things that have been going through our heads the last few years. Either way, 28/10/2011 or 11/11/2011 both resonate with me . Everything seems to be pointing in that direction.

When these topics first came into my awareness, I went into 'fight or flight' mode, researching safe places and survival food and gear; but as time has progressed and my circumstances have not allowed me to hunker down or make any other serious survival preparations, I came to the conclusion that my higher self was trying to tell me that all of that isn't necessary and to just go with the flow. So here I stand, surrounded by a few remaining friends and family waiting for the chips to fall where they may. I really hope to see you guys on the other side. Blessings to all and Good Luck.

9th September 2011, 16:41
When i was reading this post and all replies I got like.. a flood of happiness over my body i cant explain properly...
Anyways, last few months after all the information, what you say The Truth is like always coming back to me like this info finds a way for my eyes to see

9th September 2011, 16:45
Somewhere recently I spoke on a scientific article on high harmonic frequency splitting, and this speaks scientifically, specifically ..on what is in this thread and the psychical action of such ----in the specific.

IIRC, the forced split leaves behind a lower frequency that is 'kicked away' and the new separated high frequency remains on it's own. Higher energy or amplitude levels would be best for such an attempt..and here comes the highly charged photon belt which the earth is gong to be fully within, very soon.

Thus, scientifically, and astronomically, dimensionally, energetically....the stage is actually....fully set.

The darkness has to start up the process again, and go in whatever direction it will go-another version of the given school for incarnates that it may end up being.....

It is trying to make sure it has as much energy available to do so..as it can. Thus the beating awareness is constantly given.. and is taking.

The split must be hard and clean, thus the desire to polarize incarnates as much as is possible.

And thus..you open your eyes....and the engines of creation become visible.

9th September 2011, 16:59
Interesting stuff but where in the bible does it say people will be "raptured". From what I have read the rapture was pretty much invented by Scotish woman in the 1830's that had visions of the return of Jesus in 1844. Since he did not return in 1844, I don't know why we put any faith into this idea of the rapture.

Also, where in Christian mythology do we come up with the September 29th date?

If this is true I hope to go to the 5d world with most of the good people I have known past and present. If not, I hope to be completely clueless in the 3d world. Life was a bit more fun when I knew nothing and my only real problems was why my sport teams never won.

9th September 2011, 17:23
Can we go over the math again? To my understanding it's the length of each night and day that is 20 times less each time we go into another wave. Is this your understanding too?

In the 8th wave each day and night period was 360 days long and in The spring of this year we went into the 9th wave and each period then became only 18 days long (20 times shorter than 360 days).

So the next periods would become 20 times shorter than 18 days which is 21.6 hours. This is less than a day. Times 13 (day and night periods)equals 11.7 days puts us at end of a "tenth wave" on November 8 (mid day).

Although I agree with you on MUCH of what you said there, Truth. My math calculations are different than yours. And I don't think that our Gregorian calendar's numerology meant squat to the Mayans. And vice versa.

Perhaps they ended it on October 28, 2011 because to go into a faster time period than that (a tenth wave) would be overkill to human consciousness. Less than a 24 hour period (which is what we have after October 28) is like light speed for consciousness. Ascension just happens already at that point.

Just a guess.

9th September 2011, 18:08
Let me see if there is another way to look at all of this...

See, until the about the middle of the last century, human population was just considered run-of-the-mill humans and very few knew of a certain category of people which considered anything not being "them," useless eaters...

Then, in that run-of-the-mill population, some kind of awareness grew about the existence of some sort of "evil" in the form of mass-murderers and serial killers.

With that growing awareness came the spread of that realization that a psychopathic behavior and profile was also best fitting with political personalities, bankers of old and recent, etc...

That realization itself grew to the point of a gasping: "OMG! They are everywhere at the top of any and every organization!"

With the above also came the cognizance that this particular category of people where creating, changing, switching all existing laws to their specific advantage and profit... and the run-of-the-mill population slowly realized it was caught and entangled in a huge web spun by these psychos and their minions/adherents/zombies.

Hence the question: how to disentangle "us" from "them?" in view of the fact that "they" have multiple solutions to weed out "us" from "them."

Therefore, and accordingly, the "split" is occurring right under our nose as the run-of-the-mill population is beginning to learn the tools of how to recognize the "parasites" for what they are.

The "taped" programming ran out.

One thing to keep in mind is that "they" have their equivalence/correspondence in other dimensions than 3D... so, the "split" has to occur there as well.

10th September 2011, 07:28
What I have noticed the last year is that many have 'accepted' somewhat the possibility of this scenario playing out.
In 2010 i'd say there were far less people accepting of this theory, immediatly dismiss it even tough 'awakened' with 'new age' information.
Reason for this was maybe because at that time, people couldn't 'conceive' of such a scenario playing out virtually overnight. But now I see people are starting to realize that indeed everything is speeding up, getting more condensed untill eventually we will all pop up at the other side.


The Truth Is In There
10th September 2011, 08:09
TTIIT what about babies and children? What about them? Do we leave them like orphans? Are they allowed to Ascend too? Every explanation I have read about Ascension seems to avoid the issue about children. Did the young agree to incarnate here on Earth at this time only to be left behind? We surely must have to address this simple fact. Or do children automatically ascend? Jesus said according to the bible "you have to be as the little children to ascend into heaven" You know whatta mean? BTW thank you for your excellent post!


i've addressed this in another thread and would like to repeat it here. every soul will have the experience that is right for them at this point. those who are ready to ascend will do so no matter if the soul currently inhabits the body of a baby or an adult. those who are not yet ready to ascend knew about this before entering their bodies. they're here for the experience and the higher self made the choice to go through the experience they'll have, even if it's death by some catastrophe, by starvation, murder or whatever.

do not make the mistake and see this from a "human" point of view, this will cause unnecessary fear or pain. if one of your loved ones, your children or whoever, decided to stay in the 3rd dimension and subsequently dies, then that was the decision of their higher self because that experience helps them to grow. you must not judge this experience in any way and label it "good" or "bad" and you should not worry about what happens to them. you are on your own path and as you know, nobody really dies, the soul just leaves the body. it's an experience like any other, there's nothing sad or "negative" about it, nothing whatsoever.

Interesting stuff but where in the bible does it say people will be "raptured". From what I have read the rapture was pretty much invented by Scotish woman in the 1830's that had visions of the return of Jesus in 1844. Since he did not return in 1844, I don't know why we put any faith into this idea of the rapture.

Also, where in Christian mythology do we come up with the September 29th date?

i'm not an expert on christian mythology and i don't know if the bible explicitly speaks about the rapture or not. imo the bible is not the "word of god" either. in fact, much of it is extraterrestrial propaganda material, especially the old testament.

however, there's still a lot of useful information and many intersting predictions in the bible and as i mentioned before, revelation 12.1 talks about a planetary alignment that happens on september 29th this year. there are many youtube videos available that explain this.

as for the rapture, it's just the name the christian church uses for ascension. the process is the same. the difference is that the christian term is flavoured with their mythology about "heaven".

Can we go over the math again? To my understanding it's the length of each night and day that is 20 times less each time we go into another wave. Is this your understanding too?

In the 8th wave each day and night period was 360 days long and in The spring of this year we went into the 9th wave and each period then became only 18 days long (20 times shorter than 360 days).

So the next periods would become 20 times shorter than 18 days which is 21.6 hours. This is less than a day. Times 13 (day and night periods)equals 11.7 days puts us at end of a "tenth wave" on November 8 (mid day).

Although I agree with you on MUCH of what you said there, Truth. My math calculations are different than yours. And I don't think that our Gregorian calendar's numerology meant squat to the Mayans. And vice versa.

Perhaps they ended it on October 28, 2011 because to go into a faster time period than that (a tenth wave) would be overkill to human consciousness. Less than a 24 hour period (which is what we have after October 28) is like light speed for consciousness. Ascension just happens already at that point.

Just a guess.

ok thanks for pointing this out! it's indeed an error on my part. for some reason i got 260 days as length of the 9th wave instead of 234 days. i didn't compare this figure with calleman's so i didn't notice the mistake.

this of course gives us only 12 days and a little less than 7 hours instead of 14 days so the moment awareness expands into infinity seems to be not on 11/11/11 but 11/9 or, dare i say it, 9/11!

maybe the powers that be noticed an error in the vatican's calculation of the gregorian calendar and decided to mark the date otherwise, of course turning it upside down as usual. or maybe it was meant to be signified by that date all along, with 9 as the end of a cycle and 11 as a new beginning. who knows? at any rate, the date itself is of no consequence to the process of ascension itself, we just lost the moment of surprise ;)

of course the gregorian calendar meant nothing to the mayans. it was created much later so it's the other way round. but your idea about the consciousness overkill is very interesting. it's quite likely that so much stuff will happen during the 12 days after october 28th that it will be too much for those who are not prepared for it. anyway, thanks for pointing this out for us, it's definitely something to keep in mind!

btw, i'll prepare another post now which deals with the difference between ascension and the precessional cycle. i got another "download" from my higher self this morning and want to address this issue which has caused a lot of confusion.

10th September 2011, 08:19
Hmm, with Bill's latest post I get the feeling he had a wee romance with the spiritual and has now shaken it off and reverted back to his intellectual, rational mindset!!! May be wrong and he may well be insulted by my assessment, but ah well, each to their own. Its his forum after all. Time will definitely tell with what is about to happen, and soon!

The Truth Is In There
10th September 2011, 09:28
ok, as mentioned before, there's a lot of confusion about the whole 2012 issue, about ascension and the precessional cycle. what needs to be realized is that both are two different things, two cycles and both end during the time period we're living in now.

the people who talk about 2012 and the precession of the equinoxes use the term "ascension" but that's not really what this is about, at least not in the sense of "dimensional upwards movement" (for want of a better term).

the real "ascension" is the expansion of consciousness (or "awareness") into infinity, as i have described in the first post. this is marked by the mayan calendar as explained by carl johan calleman and the date infinity is reached will be on november 9th, 2011 (as pointed out by nearing and myself in the previous posts).

what happens at that point is that those souls who are ready to exit this 3d reality will leave the 3rd dimension and enter the 5th, either directly or, if they have things to learn (or unfinished business) in the 4th dimension they'll spend a while there before going on to the 5th dimension. others will go directly to the 5th.

so, what's the difference between that and the precessional cycle and 2012?

the precessional cycle is not like a wave that stretches into infinity in both directions like the great cycle which, for simplicity's sake, is said to be 16.4 billion years long. that's not quite correct since there's no end at that point either. 16.4bn years can be multiplied by 20 and the result again by 20 and so on, into infinity. remember, consciousness is infinite and eternal. but these are cycles which are not important to us here and now.

anyway, the precessional cycle on the other hand is like a ring, it repeats itself again and again.


we see there's an ascending half and a descending half, too, but what's important to note is that all of this happens in the 3rd dimension!

"ascension" as in "going up to higher dimensions" is like an exit from the precessional cycle. it is what a few enlightened beings managed to do with a lot of effort in the past, but that was not available effortlessly to the masses as it is now. it's a one-time chance to get out of here easily, a chance that will not come again for a very long time.

so why isn't the precessional cycle about ascension if consciousness "ascends" in the left half of the cycle? (see image above)

because it all happens in the 3rd dimension, even the period of expanded consciousness. the people may live hundreds of years by using the power of the philosopher's stone or of their minds, they may have fantastic psychic abilities and unbelievable technology, but they're still bound by the laws of the 3rd dimension and, most importantly, the precessional cycles.

thus all of this is limited by time and matter. remember, the people of atlantis were highly evolved and still atlantis was destroyed and all over the world people had to start again from scratch.

so what people really refer to when they talk about the "2012 ascension" and the precession of the equinoxes is this 3rd dimensional cycle. all dimensions have overtones and so the golden age is just a higher overtone than the iron age but it's still 3rd dimensional.

when we understand this we also have an explanation for what inelia describes as a "gradual" process of ascension. it's the ascension into higher overtones of the 3rd dimension. those souls who remain here in the 3rd dimension will eventually experience that, but they'll still be in the precessional cycle while those who ascended have exited this cycle.

now, the following may be somewhat reassuring to those who worry about themselves or loved ones missing ascension and the prospect of having to live on a "descending earth".

that "descending earth" is still bound by the laws that govern the precessional cycle and won't descend forever. what that means is that after a period of "darkness" after all the ascended souls have left ("7 years of tribulation") the awareness of the remaining population will slowly be raised again and they'll eventually reach another "golden age". depending on the timeline this whole process will be experienced differently by each soul. for some the pendle will swing more strongly than for others, so to speak.

in the first post i've spoken about one timeline now and two after the split. that was for simplicity's sake. of course there's an infinite amount of timelines before the split and after the split. but the split itself happens on every timeline. those who do not ascend will enter a certain 3rd dimensional timeline after the split, the one that is best for their development, and this timeline can be either more or less disastrous in terms of earth changes, ww3 and so on. but all of them are governed by the precessional cycle and even if souls have to stay in the 3rd dimension, they may well experience only minor earth changes or hardly any "negativity" at all if that is what they need for their growth.

this explains the differences between what people have seen who, through whatever means, looked into the future. they all watched from a 3rd dimensional perspective so what they saw was also a 3rd dimensional perspective. all that has been predicted happens in various 3rd dimensional timelines after the split, the "good" stuff as well as the "bad" stuff. and those who talk about a "golden age" on earth talk about the next golden age in the 3rd dimension.

10th September 2011, 11:40
Hmm, with Bill's latest post I get the feeling he had a wee romance with the spiritual and has now shaken it off and reverted back to his intellectual, rational mindset!!! May be wrong and he may well be insulted by my assessment, but ah well, each to their own. Its his forum after all. Time will definitely tell with what is about to happen, and soon!

I get that exact same vibe! wtf...

The Truth Is In There
10th September 2011, 11:47
Hmm, with Bill's latest post I get the feeling he had a wee romance with the spiritual and has now shaken it off and reverted back to his intellectual, rational mindset!!! May be wrong and he may well be insulted by my assessment, but ah well, each to their own. Its his forum after all. Time will definitely tell with what is about to happen, and soon!

I get that exact same vibe! wtf...

yes, it's called "denial" ;)

10th September 2011, 12:49
Interesting stuff but where in the bible does it say people will be "raptured". From what I have read the rapture was pretty much invented by Scotish woman in the 1830's that had visions of the return of Jesus in 1844. Since he did not return in 1844, I don't know why we put any faith into this idea of the rapture.

To summarize quickly:

The (King James authorized) Bible never uses the term "Rapture"
In Thessalonians ch.4, Paul explains how at the second coming of Jesus, the dead believers will be resurrected first, then believers that remain alive will be "caught up to meet with the Lord in the air"
Many people relate the words of Jesus in Matthew ch.24, v.36-41, describing people engaging in mundane activities when "the one shall be taken, and the other left"
In Mark ch.13, v.24 Jesus states that "after that tribulation" ... shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect ..."
According to Luke ch.21, Jesus said "... there shall be ... Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. ... your redemption draweth nigh."
The Revelation of St.John the Divine (as opposed to John the gospeller) makes no mention of the "catching up" of the faithful unless I have forgotten something, however it does refer to those who endured tribulation.

n.b. italics used for emphasis, rather than, as in the KJV, to indicate a missing word inserted editorially.

10th September 2011, 18:23
Hmm, with Bill's latest post I get the feeling he had a wee romance with the spiritual and has now shaken it off and reverted back to his intellectual, rational mindset!!! May be wrong and he may well be insulted by my assessment, but ah well, each to their own. Its his forum after all. Time will definitely tell with what is about to happen, and soon!

I do sense a tone of anger or heartbreak there as well. Which is understandable but why take it out on us who have been here all along trying to make our way along a confusing path? Yes, it's his forum, I understand, but this is a forum of many people with all kinds of thoughts and ideas. Why not let those ideas play out naturally instead of trying to stick a dam in the river?

I say that defeats the purpose of the forum in the first place. But hey, I am just a member of this community, no one important.

10th September 2011, 19:50
I didn't read Bills post as giving up on spirituality, I just don't think he sees what's coming as an obvious physical event, rather as a shift in perception. My own experiences that I mention later in that thread suggest to me that our awareness will separate into seperate parallel realities but that to all intents and purposes the worlds will, at first look the same. It's just that things will start improving in one and deteriorating in the other. But I have no real knowledge of this.

I know that i've achieved a way of perceiving things that appears to allow me to shift between different parallel realities. I couldn't prove it because this is an internal thing. Perhaps those that ascend will simply be able to choose low probability timelines that producd the kind of world they want. The fact that consciousness can alter the probability of events occuring is proven every time the global consciousness dot goes into coherence. I've played with random number generators myself and watched it happening. The first time I did it was when I wrote a basic program in the late 70's or early 80's on a zx81

He perhaps suspects that nothing apparent will happen whereas the truth will be that it has.

I experienced a powerful feeling of deja vu whilst writing this.

10th September 2011, 20:16
Interesting stuff but where in the bible does it say people will be "raptured". From what I have read the rapture was pretty much invented by Scotish woman in the 1830's that had visions of the return of Jesus in 1844. Since he did not return in 1844, I don't know why we put any faith into this idea of the rapture.

To summarize quickly:

The (King James authorized) Bible never uses the term "Rapture"
In Thessalonians ch.4, Paul explains how at the second coming of Jesus, the dead believers will be resurrected first, then believers that remain alive will be "caught up to meet with the Lord in the air"
Many people relate the words of Jesus in Matthew ch.24, v.36-41, describing people engaging in mundane activities when "the one shall be taken, and the other left"
In Mark ch.13, v.24 Jesus states that "after that tribulation" ... shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect ..."
According to Luke ch.21, Jesus said "... there shall be ... Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. ... your redemption draweth nigh."
The Revelation of St.John the Divine (as opposed to John the gospeller) makes no mention of the "catching up" of the faithful unless I have forgotten something, however it does refer to those who endured tribulation.

n.b. italics used for emphasis, rather than, as in the KJV, to indicate a missing word inserted editorially.

For another biblical point of view~

The word "rapture" cannot be found in the Bible, although its synonym "caught up" does. When the Bible speaks of being "caught up" it is not speaking in terms of being taken miles or light years away. "The word used in the Greek New Testament is HARPAZO. Its literal meaning is "to take something or someone firmly, quickly, or rapaciously." It is a derivative of HAIREOMAI whose meaning is "to take for oneself." It conveys the idea of an act quickly done by someone of great skill and strength - thus, TO SEIZE." My Concordant Literal Concordance says, "seize with a sudden grasp," in other words "GRIPPED."

10th September 2011, 20:35
Strange but over the last few days I get the feeling that it has become less urgent to think to much about all the tunnels down the rabbit hole.
Also the feeling I had for many many months of urgency seems to have dissapated a bit.

I can come up with a few explanations, from the split did happen and TBTW have lost their ability to imose the nearing doom feeling.
Or TBTAre found a new way to shush us back to sleep.

All in all its like many have said here.. We'll just have to wait and see...
That said. What if...
We really have the power to shape our experiences as a collective
Not just a human collective,but as a planetary collective, including all that is alive.. from the waters and rocks to the unseen forces that help shape this world..
That means we can make the changes happen in 3 generations or 3 months.. Maybe we as a collective have even let Elenin disintegrate.
Who Knows....

Now if only I could become conscious of this collective.....

With Love

10th September 2011, 20:36
David Sereda an astrophysicist was asked on the Coast to Coast am program if he would be surprised if nothing happened 2012 end of Maya Calender.
He said he would be absolutely amazed if nothing happened.
Now that was in the context of the end of the calender being Dec 2012 but it was accepted it could happen ealier
There is a lot of evidence coming from the likes of David Wilcock -- appreciate him or not.
Also an interview of Marcel Messing by Bill
Messing is quite clear about the future--- dont start anything big.

Its important to have rational discussions about these subjects, after all it is our future



I have posted the audio before but will do so again for people who have not heard him.

10th September 2011, 20:57
Thank you Greybeard. This info from the elder David talked about is right in line with what I have learned. As I have stated in another thread, I enjoy gathering info from many sources and the information gradually coaleses into truths that resonate within me. In other words truth is backed up from within. Not in a black and white way, but sort of settles in as a probability. I try to keep open minded about everything and just allow truth to happen.

Maybe we should look again at prophecies and legends that talk about the son of man. Maybe its the SUN of man. After all, it is the life Giver that we are dependent on.

Bill Ryan
10th September 2011, 22:45
I didn't read Bills post as giving up on spirituality

No, Bill is as spiritual as he ever was.

Spirituality and rationality are not mutually exclusive.


10th September 2011, 23:36
Point taken Bill, you are rationally spiritual. I respect you as a grounding influence here, but from what I have gleaned of the information external and internal something dramatic and different is happening now. We are being given very direct and powerful knowledge of change. We have free choice whether to go with the changes or elect to stay in the fear based paradigm. This time is a time of choice, but at some point in the next year and a bit we will be firmly in one camp or the other. When the final change comes it will be in "the twinkling of an eye", not gradual anymore. So many sources point to this ultimate sudden change. As I have stated before, it will be a fait accompli before we know it. So, time will tell and all the theories will then be direct experience.

Actually, just to add to this post, I looked up the meaning of the word rational and the meanings are 1. related to or based on reason or logic. 2. able to think, form opinions, make judgements etc. 3. sensible, reasonable. 4. sane 5. math of a quantity etc.

So, to my mind, rational would be subjective to everyones perspective and would therefore have a very wide meaning individually.

Would that also follow that whatever one person had not yet experienced would be something totally irrational or outside of their belief system, their particular box/grid.

So, whatever we deem sensible, rational would be something already known, or acceptable to us.

The point being here, is that Avalon, I think, is a place to blow out boxes/grids/limited, already known stuff and to expand our minds to the unknowns, to the what ifs.

Many of the members here have direct experience to something completely irrational or sensible. Ufos, OOb experiences, healings, thoughts manifesting faster and faster. To me the unknown, the invisible is where its at. The void of all potentials. The magical place beyond thought, beyond reason or rationality. I never want to shut that down, its my reason for Being.

I thank you Bill for the opportunity to interact on this forum. It is a marvellous meeting place of information and enquiry.

11th September 2011, 00:16
This may appear off-topic but actually these are thoughts that came about after reading this thread.
Especially Carmen's comments about change.
The real reason for the quickening process is to free us from fixation, in my view. Fixations are based on fear, of having lost a spirit of adventure.
When people are willing to embrace change, learn to go with the flow, they align themselves with the only constant which exists...that of change. The first time I ever came across channeled messages was when I read about Awareness, and in particular this quote:

"This Awareness wishes to inform entities upon this plane, that the universe appears and disappears every four-quadrillionth of a second. That within this brief moment, there is that which entities perceive and experience. That each of these four-quadrillionth of a second intervals contains within itself the eternal now. That entities is moving from one macro-moment to another, carry with them that which they choose to carry from one universal moment to the next. This Awareness indicates that wherein you carry that which is sorrow, carry that which is depressing; wherein you carry that which is fear--that your next moment shall carry with it the fear, depression, and sorrow which could have been left behind in your previous moment."

I was searching mentally for material that I have read which shows that ideas and intent are the cause of manifest reality,
and this is what showed up.
The only time I read channeled material that I found electrifying

The Truth Is In There
11th September 2011, 07:49
I didn't read Bills post as giving up on spirituality, I just don't think he sees what's coming as an obvious physical event, rather as a shift in perception. My own experiences that I mention later in that thread suggest to me that our awareness will separate into seperate parallel realities but that to all intents and purposes the worlds will, at first look the same. It's just that things will start improving in one and deteriorating in the other. But I have no real knowledge of this.

I know that i've achieved a way of perceiving things that appears to allow me to shift between different parallel realities. I couldn't prove it because this is an internal thing. Perhaps those that ascend will simply be able to choose low probability timelines that producd the kind of world they want. The fact that consciousness can alter the probability of events occuring is proven every time the global consciousness dot goes into coherence. I've played with random number generators myself and watched it happening. The first time I did it was when I wrote a basic program in the late 70's or early 80's on a zx81

He perhaps suspects that nothing apparent will happen whereas the truth will be that it has.

I experienced a powerful feeling of deja vu whilst writing this.

a shift in perception will bring with it certain physical events. what events that are depends on the decision of the individual of where to shift their point of view.

as i mentioned in the previous post, i believe the "real" ascension to be an exit from the 3rd dimension as opposed to the ascending consciousness within the (3rd dimensional) precessional cycle. those people who don't even realize that there is an exit won't be able to take it.

as you know many of us perceive time as speeding up, more and more singular events happening in shorter and shorter periods of time, but most people on earth do not perceive that. for them nothing unusual is happening, they're completely unaware. so there are some whose awareness does expand and many whose awareness doesn't. they don't know about the exit and so they remain trapped in the precessional cycle, which is 3rd dimensional. they will experience a gradual expansion in consciousness within the 3rd dimension, brought about by the shifting energies of the precessional cycle, but they won't be able to exit this cycle and shift their perception from the 3rd to the 4th or 5th dimension.

rationality plays into this as well and carmen explained it very well. what may be perfectly rational to some may be completely irrational to others. i think we'll all experience something that's completely rational to each of us, but not necessarily to everyone else.

as for "consciousness alterning events", it's not really that way since all these events already exist. we just "shift our perception" to the event we want to experience and so it appears to us as if we alter them. we can't really alter anything since everything has free will but since all possibilities exist we can choose to experience whichever we want.

11th September 2011, 18:03
The "splitting of the two earths" to me sounds totally off.

My take was that the earth had been split into a duality paradigm all along...since eons ago.
My take is that what is happening now is a massive reunification event.
Just look at all of us reading these posts in different parts of the world...
these messages would have taken months to deliver just 60 years ago, dependent where one was living.

The Truth Is In There
12th September 2011, 06:52
The "splitting of the two earths" to me sounds totally off.

My take was that the earth had been split into a duality paradigm all along...since eons ago.
My take is that what is happening now is a massive reunification event.
Just look at all of us reading these posts in different parts of the world...
these messages would have taken months to deliver just 60 years ago, dependent where one was living.

you're wrong there, imo. duality doesn't refer to a split eons ago. duality means we experience separation from all-that-is. unity means oneness. oneness can only be experienced by those who choose to experience it, because of free will. since not all of us want to experience it there will have to be a split. those who ascend will once again experience unity with all-that-is, the others will continue their experience of duality. you could say that those who ascend are splitting off from the current way humanity exists on earth, they're taking the exit, as explained before.

12th September 2011, 07:50
To me, this sound like the current evangelical telling of end time events, but with a new age spin. The rapture as it is marketed by TBN and others is unscriptural, and is a great source of fear pr0n too feed a dying institution. No, the "good" people and the "bad" people will be here on earth, one earth.

The mayan calendar according to Calleman ends on October 28. Then the calendar resets itself. No need to add extra 'waves' to the mans work. It could be that whatever expansion of awareness that occurs on 10/28 will last humanity for the next 16.4 billion years as we begin the ascension again on a new pyramid. That of course depends on if Calleman's incremental increase continues into the new calendar, but i have not heard him say either way about it.

The problems on this planet were created by man, and can be solved by man, no one "bad" or "good" is going to escape their responsibility. It is time to stop letting, how bad we think things are, paralyze us into inactivity. We need to wake up, get educated, and move forward.

12th September 2011, 07:55
I have two analogies for what's possibly going on here, although I have no idea how they might play out in the real world.

One is the refining process. Distillation, of petroleum for instance, boils off different substances of various crudeness at different temperatures to separate them. Collectively, we would be moving from an unrefined state of mixed qualities to separate, more homogenous states, where different properties can be exploited (in the case of petroleum, tarring roads, running cars, aircraft, intricate machinery etc.).

The other that has just occurred to me is the Rubik cube. Like individual cubes, we are all multi-facetted beings, and by collectively reshuffling, we all eventually come together putting out best face(s) forward to match the collective circumstance. By ‘best’, all I mean here is the most appropriate in the given context; obviously red is not better than green, just as kerosene is not ‘better’ that paraffin unless you have a plane to fill up. As multi-facetted beings, those whom we consider evil are merely presenting a facet of their being that is inappropriate to where they are at. We are all in this together and no one can be left out. The principle at work is to gradually build up patches of colour and eliminating anomalies if need be one by one. In anthropogenic terms, this is possibly equivalent to leading by example.

12th September 2011, 08:35
The "splitting of the two earths" to me sounds totally off.

My take was that the earth had been split into a duality paradigm all along...since eons ago.
My take is that what is happening now is a massive reunification event.
Just look at all of us reading these posts in different parts of the world...
these messages would have taken months to deliver just 60 years ago, dependent where one was living.

you're wrong there, imo. duality doesn't refer to a split eons ago. duality means we experience separation from all-that-is. unity means oneness. oneness can only be experienced by those who choose to experience it, because of free will. since not all of us want to experience it there will have to be a split. those who ascend will once again experience unity with all-that-is, the others will continue their experience of duality. you could say that those who ascend are splitting off from the current way humanity exists on earth, they're taking the exit, as explained before.

Maybe I'm not wrong at all. When I met the first live-in-total-unity-person it was 1983 and she was raised by parents who had been raised by unity conscious parents themselves. So she was a third generation Baha'i.
She didn't see the world as you and I do at all. Even the huge cities where the big world changing decisions are made didn't feature in her consciousness. Her world already had a world capital, Haifa, Israel. I found that totally impressive at the time.
Later I realized that most Baha'is still do their own dividing, the Baha'i world versus the non Baha'i world. It used to creep up in so many conversations, and when I pointed out that this was in total contradiction to Baha'i beliefs about oneness they would show quite a bit of displeasure, as I was being too critical, and hence dualistic for their liking.
I learnt my lesson though, unity must begin within one's own being....knowing all aspects of the self, warts included.

Anyway my point is about timing here. Time is the greatest mystery. Can there be a future single event when for many people that event has already happened in their past?

Bill stated it just recently....it is an event that is spread over time, and I would go as far as saying that it already happened to Goethe in the 18th century. So many enlightened seers in the 19th century.
Now with Internet access a lot more people are getting it. There is a new generation growing up, all with cosmic consciousness paradigms bombarding them.
I just wonder about those poor souls in sub Saharan Africa...what chances do they have?

The Truth Is In There
12th September 2011, 08:39
To me, this sound like the current evangelical telling of end time events, but with a new age spin. The rapture as it is marketed by TBN and others is unscriptural, and is a great source of fear pr0n too feed a dying institution. No, the "good" people and the "bad" people will be here on earth, one earth.

The mayan calendar according to Calleman ends on October 28. Then the calendar resets itself. No need to add extra 'waves' to the mans work. It could be that whatever expansion of awareness that occurs on 10/28 will last humanity for the next 16.4 billion years as we begin the ascension again on a new pyramid. That of course depends on if Calleman's incremental increase continues into the new calendar, but i have not heard him say either way about it.

The problems on this planet were created by man, and can be solved by man, no one "bad" or "good" is going to escape their responsibility. It is time to stop letting, how bad we think things are, paralyze us into inactivity. We need to wake up, get educated, and move forward.

no offense but you totally miss the point and you didn't understand the concept at all. i have said several times in my posts that it's not about "good" and "bad", these are common labels which are erroneous. if the concept of ascension or the rapture creates fear in you then this is your very own problem and has nothing to do with the described concept of ascension.

and this cycle is NOT one that "resets itself" because it never ends. i've explained this, too. there is no "end", and that is where calleman is wrong. the precessional cycle repeats itself and the long count repeats itself but how can anything repeat itself that is infinite in the first place?

and last but not least, your view about "man-made" problems on this planet shows a very limited point of view. "man" is just a vehicle for the soul. if you don't know why the problems exist you're unable to transcend the stage where those problems are resolved. for many people, myself included, there don't exist any problems because we have realized the reason why these things are happening. and until you realize that you're not ready to go on. that has nothing to do with being "bad" or maybe "inferior" or whatever, it's just a stage of development. YOU are the one who is judgmental by attaching labels like "fear porn" and judgment is a concept of duality.

The Truth Is In There
12th September 2011, 08:50
Anyway my point is about timing here. Time is the greatest mystery. Can there be a future single event when for many people that event has already happened in their past?

Bill stated it just recently....it is an event that is spread over time, and I would go as far as saying that it already happened to Goethe in the 18th century. So many enlightened seers in the 19th century.
Now with Internet access a lot more people are getting it. There is a new generation growing up, all with cosmic consciousness paradigms bombarding them.
I just wonder about those poor souls in sub Saharan Africa...what chances do they have?

i've addressed this too. a lot of people have taken the "exit" in the past. those are the ones that have been labeled "enlightened", but reaching that stage has cost them a lot of time and effort, often many lifetimes of spiritual work, until they reached that point. i think we agree on this, right?

but now, at the point when consciousness expands into infinity there's no "time barrier" anymore, it can happen instantly for those who are ready. no more effort and lifetimes of work towards that goal are necessary because consciousness doesn't have to be expanded more than it already does by itself (that's what these enlightened people did, they expanded their conscious more than would have happened naturally). at this point it expands into infinity naturally, and so the stage of enlightenment (or unity, or ascension) can be reached instantly by those who decide to do so. and that is the reason for the "mass ascension".

12th September 2011, 09:03
i've addressed this too. a lot of people have taken the "exit" in the past. those are the ones that have been labeled "enlightened", but reaching that stage has cost them a lot of time and effort, often many lifetimes of spiritual work, until they reached that point. i think we agree on this, right?

but now, at the point when consciousness expands into infinity there's no "time barrier" anymore, it can happen instantly for those who are ready. no more effort and lifetimes of work towards that goal are necessary because consciousness doesn't have to be expanded more than it already does by itself (that's what these enlightened people did, they expanded their conscious more than would have happened naturally). at this point it expands into infinity naturally, and so the stage of enlightenment (or unity, or ascension) can be reached instantly by those who decide to do so. and that is the reason for the "mass ascension".

Interesting. Time will tell.
One thing is for sure, previous generations have worked hard
to prepare for this time and the Internet is their greatest achievement.
Hopefully free energy will be next.
Even though many are worried that our generation has left the world in deep debt,
due to government spending, which the next tax payer generation has to repay.

12th September 2011, 09:26
One thing is for sure, previous generations have worked hard
to prepare for this time and the Internet is their greatest achievement.
Hopefully free energy will be next.
Even though many are worried that our generation has left the world in deep debt,
due to government spending, which the next tax payer generation has to repay.

Previous generations have indeed worked hard, let's give them some overdue credit.

Regarding money, unfortunately (or rather, fortunately) it is closely intertwined with free energy, being almost equatable with non-free energy. Money rhymes with Cheney in dear Brian O'Leary's comment, 'We don't want Dick Cheney in charge of free energy'. But in a sense that cannot happen: it's a hundred years since Tesla's free energy was thrown out precisely because it couldn't be metered.

Take energy out of the economic equation and we will be dealing with little more than pocket money. Capital debts and capital gains will all be written off together.

12th September 2011, 09:40
Knowing what we do about consciousness as cause
I wonder what would happen if a large enough group here
agreed to use the prase
"Free Energy Now"
as a signature underneath all of our posts?

12th September 2011, 09:51
no offense but you totally miss the point and you didn't understand the concept at all. i have said several times in my posts that it's not about "good" and "bad", these are common labels which are erroneous. if the concept of ascension or the rapture creates fear in you then this is your very own problem and has nothing to do with the described concept of ascension.

You are basing your concept of ascension on an erroneous doctrine, and if it wasn't you borrowed heavily from it. At the end of the day, you are still separating "good" from "bad". all you did was change good and bad souls to lower and higher vibrational entities. Strange that you would say i was afraid of a concept, are you trying to label those that disagree with your concept as being in a state of fear, and thus a lower vibration. that's not very nice of you.

and this cycle is NOT one that "resets itself" because it never ends. i've explained this, too. there is no "end", and that is where calleman is wrong. the precessional cycle repeats itself and the long count repeats itself but how can anything repeat itself that is infinite in the first place?

Well then that is a disagreement between you and Calleman, and im not well versed in his work, he would be better able to defend himself.

and last but not least, your view about "man-made" problems on this planet shows a very limited point of view. "man" is just a vehicle for the soul. if you don't know why the problems exist you're unable to transcend the stage where those problems are resolved. for many people, myself included, there don't exist any problems because we have realized the reason why these things are happening. and until you realize that you're not ready to go on. that has nothing to do with being "bad" or maybe "inferior" or whatever, it's just a stage of development. YOU are the one who is judgmental by attaching labels like "fear porn" and judgment is a concept of duality.

Hiding your head in the sand, is not a solution. You are here now, and can make a change in the 3D world you live in now. Why do you keep insinuating i am somehow a lower vibration entity/bad/not ready to ascend, because i disagree with you. You are no better than the evangelical, who when questioned or confronted on their believes say "you're goin to hell!!!"

Over and above this however, it is interesting to see that the same dangerous mindset that is found in the 'big' 3 religions is slowly finding a home in the New Age.

12th September 2011, 14:34
@The Truth is In There. Thank-you very much for your lovely synopsis. You speak of all the things that have been going through our heads the last few years. Either way, 28/10/2011 or 11/11/2011 both resonate with me . Everything seems to be pointing in that direction.

When these topics first came into my awareness, I went into 'fight or flight' mode, researching safe places and survival food and gear; but as time has progressed and my circumstances have not allowed me to hunker down or make any other serious survival preparations, I came to the conclusion that my higher self was trying to tell me that all of that isn't necessary and to just go with the flow. So here I stand, surrounded by a few remaining friends and family waiting for the chips to fall where they may. I really hope to see you guys on the other side. Blessings to all and Good Luck.

Yiolas, I am getting the same feeling from my higher self about preparation. Stay where I am and go with the flow. Interesting! Mandala

12th September 2011, 14:44
Hmm, with Bill's latest post I get the feeling he had a wee romance with the spiritual and has now shaken it off and reverted back to his intellectual, rational mindset!!! May be wrong and he may well be insulted by my assessment, but ah well, each to their own. Its his forum after all. Time will definitely tell with what is about to happen, and soon!

I do sense a tone of anger or heartbreak there as well. Which is understandable but why take it out on us who have been here all along trying to make our way along a confusing path? Yes, it's his forum, I understand, but this is a forum of many people with all kinds of thoughts and ideas. Why not let those ideas play out naturally instead of trying to stick a dam in the river?

I say that defeats the purpose of the forum in the first place. But hey, I am just a member of this community, no one important.

Nearing, it was a little of a bubble-buster for me. I was really hoping for a "Big Enlightening "Wow" Experience". From Bill's perspective, it is mudane, business as usual. Maybe, I'm a dreamer, hoping for a sensational finish, but if nothing happens at all, I will be a little let down.

12th September 2011, 15:05
Maybe, I'm a dreamer, hoping for a sensational finish, but if nothing happens at all, I will be a little let down.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is by William Blake (Auguries of Innocence):

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

12th September 2011, 15:12
The "splitting of the two earths" to me sounds totally off.

My take was that the earth had been split into a duality paradigm all along...since eons ago.
My take is that what is happening now is a massive reunification event.
Just look at all of us reading these posts in different parts of the world...
these messages would have taken months to deliver just 60 years ago, dependent where one was living.

you're wrong there, imo. duality doesn't refer to a split eons ago. duality means we experience separation from all-that-is. unity means oneness. oneness can only be experienced by those who choose to experience it, because of free will. since not all of us want to experience it there will have to be a split. those who ascend will once again experience unity with all-that-is, the others will continue their experience of duality. you could say that those who ascend are splitting off from the current way humanity exists on earth, they're taking the exit, as explained before.

Maybe I'm not wrong at all. When I met the first live-in-total-unity-person it was 1983 and she was raised by parents who had been raised by unity conscious parents themselves. So she was a third generation Baha'i.
She didn't see the world as you and I do at all. Even the huge cities where the big world changing decisions are made didn't feature in her consciousness. Her world already had a world capital, Haifa, Israel. I found that totally impressive at the time.
Later I realized that most Baha'is still do their own dividing, the Baha'i world versus the non Baha'i world. It used to creep up in so many conversations, and when I pointed out that this was in total contradiction to Baha'i beliefs about oneness they would show quite a bit of displeasure, as I was being too critical, and hence dualistic for their liking.
I learnt my lesson though, unity must begin within one's own being....knowing all aspects of the self, warts included.

Anyway my point is about timing here. Time is the greatest mystery. Can there be a future single event when for many people that event has already happened in their past?

Bill stated it just recently....it is an event that is spread over time, and I would go as far as saying that it already happened to Goethe in the 18th century. So many enlightened seers in the 19th century.
Now with Internet access a lot more people are getting it. There is a new generation growing up, all with cosmic consciousness paradigms bombarding them.
I just wonder about those poor souls in sub Saharan Africa...what chances do they have?

Ulli, with your comment about the Saharan Africans, I'll share what I heard from George Kavassilas. He said we may be surprised who ascends. His example was a single mother of 3, working 2 jobs, not meditating or not reading spiritual materials, etc. with goodness in her heart will ascend. It is where your heart lies. I hope he's right. People who have love in their hearts and are doing the best with what they have and what knowledge they have been privy to, will ascend.

What do you guys think about this?

12th September 2011, 15:33
Knowing what we do about consciousness as cause
I wonder what would happen if a large enough group here
agreed to use the prase
"Free Energy Now"
as a signature underneath all of our posts?

I''ll give it a shot.

12th September 2011, 15:40
Maybe I'm not wrong at all. When I met the first live-in-total-unity-person it was 1983 and she was raised by parents who had been raised by unity conscious parents themselves. So she was a third generation Baha'i.
She didn't see the world as you and I do at all. Even the huge cities where the big world changing decisions are made didn't feature in her consciousness. Her world already had a world capital, Haifa, Israel. I found that totally impressive at the time.
Later I realized that most Baha'is still do their own dividing, the Baha'i world versus the non Baha'i world. It used to creep up in so many conversations, and when I pointed out that this was in total contradiction to Baha'i beliefs about oneness they would show quite a bit of displeasure, as I was being too critical, and hence dualistic for their liking.
I learnt my lesson though, unity must begin within one's own being....knowing all aspects of the self, warts included.

Anyway my point is about timing here. Time is the greatest mystery. Can there be a future single event when for many people that event has already happened in their past?

Bill stated it just recently....it is an event that is spread over time, and I would go as far as saying that it already happened to Goethe in the 18th century. So many enlightened seers in the 19th century.
Now with Internet access a lot more people are getting it. There is a new generation growing up, all with cosmic consciousness paradigms bombarding them.
I just wonder about those poor souls in sub Saharan Africa...what chances do they have?

Ulli, with your comment about the Saharan Africans, I'll share what I heard from George Kavassilas. He said we may be surprised who ascends. His example was a single mother of 3, working 2 jobs, not meditating or not reading spiritual materials, etc. with goodness in her heart will ascend. It is where your heart lies. I hope he's right. People who have love in their hearts and are doing the best with what they have and what knowledge they have been privy to, will ascend.

What do you guys think about this?

That means I'll be left behind. All my chakra tests show strong upper and lower chakra activity
but dismal in the heart area.

12th September 2011, 16:52
He said we may be surprised who ascends. His example was a single mother of 3, working 2 jobs, not meditating or not reading spiritual materials, etc. with goodness in her heart will ascend. It is where your heart lies.

That means I'll be left behind. All my chakra tests show strong upper and lower chakra activity
but dismal in the heart area.

No surprise with the example for me at least.

@Ulli, your chakra tester is bust!

12th September 2011, 17:06
He said we may be surprised who ascends. His example was a single mother of 3, working 2 jobs, not meditating or not reading spiritual materials, etc. with goodness in her heart will ascend. It is where your heart lies.

That means I'll be left behind. All my chakra tests show strong upper and lower chakra activity
but dismal in the heart area.

No surprise with the example for me at least.

@Ulli, your chakra tester is bust!

You are kind, but I do know what I am talking about.
I worry about my Capricornian coldness
and where that will leave me when my time comes.
This is what Gurdjieff said about the soul,
(which connects via the heart centre, the way I understand it)

Blessed is he who hath a soul,
Blessed is he who hath none,
Woe and sorrow to him who hath it in conception.

12th September 2011, 17:36
I'll be left behind. All my chakra tests show strong upper and lower chakra activity
but dismal in the heart area.

I know I'm not 'perfect' and that doesn't bother me for a second, I do make efforts to learn, experience and evolve, but not to be perfect, just to do something useful with my time. Enlightenment and returning to the source is everyone's destiny eventually, so I just enjoy the ride, however it unfolds :)

And I wouldn't place a bet on whether or not I'm going to go with 'the shift', I intend to do it, if it's possible, but judging the chances for it to happen and 'me' to go with it is just beyond the scope of my view.

I love you come rain or come shine. :hug:

12th September 2011, 17:41
I'll be left behind. All my chakra tests show strong upper and lower chakra activity
but dismal in the heart area.

I know I'm not 'perfect' and that doesn't bother me for a second, I do make efforts to learn, experience and evolve, but not to be perfect, just to do something useful with my time. Enlightenment and returning to the source is everyone's destiny eventually, so I just enjoy the ride, however it unfolds :)

And I wouldn't place a bet on whether or not I'm going to go with 'the shift', I intend to do it, if it's possible, but judging the chances for it to happen and 'me' to go with it is just beyond the scope of my view.

I love you come rain or come shine. :hug:

I guess I set myself up for kisses and hugs with my statement, yet it is true.
I love you, too.
When I was your age I would have given a similar answer
by since I passed sixty different thinking is creeping in.
Hey, maybe those thoughts are not mine at all?
I need to ask Omni about this.

12th September 2011, 17:53
... I do know what I am talking about.
I worry about my Capricornian coldness

(which connects via the heart centre, the way I understand it)


For all she and I know, that single mother also has capricorn coldness, but she doesn't worry about it!
What we get here on the receiving end is your Avalonian warmth Ulli, so please don't worry about it.

PS does anyone have a near-perfect star chart, and what would that mean if they did and we others didn't? Just wondering

12th September 2011, 18:03
First, due to Ulli's influence, I changed my signature to something proactive as she suggested. And Ulli that shows that you have goodness so don't worry. You are the change we want to see.

Secondly, Nearing directed to me to Ian Lungold, and in perusing his sight, one link led to another and I found updates and articles from the Mayans. One is by an Elder grandmother, Flordemayo entitled:
Something Monumental Is Going To Happen by Flordemayo

“Let me tell you what the Maya are saying. I’m not here representing the Maya, but I’m going to say what I know. 2012 is the end of a cycle for the living creatures on this planet. Between 1985 and 2012, there has been and continues to be a transferring of energy in the cosmos that is enormous. People feel that something monumental is going to happen. Humans have practically destroyed everything around us."

“There’s a lot of contamination: air contamination, water contamination, and earth contamination. The high winds and calamities that we’re having are due to the negligence of what we’re doing here. We don’t need four automobiles in a family. Destruction is coming about due to our negligence and greed and the Maya have it written down as a prophecy."

“One of the predictions concerns how we’re going to have seven days of darkness. When this takes place, a lot of people that don’t have a spiritual basis are going to go nuts. I have been assured that this will not be the end of the world. It really means, according to the Maya, that the earth is going to go through a period of gestation and enter into a new period. I saw in a vision that we’re going to have two suns. We need to get ready."

“We all need to cultivate a strong connection with spirit, with God. I’ve explained what I feel my God is, but we all have different opinions and feelings about God. You need to have such passion and devotion to God that you can surrender totally. Without that kind of commitment, you can’t be a healing presence in the world.”

(A side note – During the remote viewing sessions of the date Dec. 21, 2012 during the Cancun Prophets conference with former SRI/CIA scientist Russell Targ, a great many delegates could only see the world as grey or dark.)

Flordemayo- is a Mayan member of Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and protégé of Don Alejandro Oxlaj a head of the Mayan Council of Elders, Flordemayo is a highly regarded Mayan “priestess”.

Flordemayo’s curandero remedies, Spirit Medicine of the grandmothers, are hand-made using traditional herbs, prayers and ceremony. These remedies have been passed down to Flordemayo through oral tradition for many generations. They are remedies for every type of situation, designed to cleanse, heal, protect and promote spiritual growth. She has studied extensively with her brother, a herbero in Nicaragua, for the last seven years. Currently working out of her home, she uses her kitchen to prepare remedies as has been done for generations.

Since 1999 Flordemayo has been a part of the Wisdom of the Grandmother’s Foundation. Currently Flordemayo is a member of the Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. Flordemayo and the grandmothers have travelled around the world uniting people in a circle of prayer.

Here is the link if you would like to check out more articles and updates.


The newest prophecy article is:

"Message from Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy: KEEP GOING!" September 6, 2011

12th September 2011, 18:10
ulli, I am at times in that place too. But I don't think it's so much not having my heart chakra fully engaged, but more having had my heart trampled on over and over. Sort of a worn down feeling that accumulates as we go through life.

If one really lives authentically in an unauthentic world such as ours, one is bound to feel 'used up' and get 'cold' from it. So, I believe you are in very good company.

I don't have the answer as to what to do about it at the moment. You'd have to catch me on a much more upbeat day.

That's not today.

12th September 2011, 18:59
I saw in a vision that we’re going to have two suns. We need to get ready.

That is interesting! I have never heard that before until of late. This is twice now in the last few days that I have seen this mentioned by someone on this site. What is interesting to me is that 10 years ago, or there abouts, i wrote a story about what our world would look like one day - in our future - and I opened this mystical story with the imagery of the two suns we will have, and the changes that will impact the planet. Coincidence?

12th September 2011, 19:03
Since there is much talk about Calleman's work and the end of the MC on the forum of late, I thought I would start a thread offering those who haven't read his books some videos to get up to speed on it.

Ian Xel Lungold's lectures on the Mayan Calendar (based on Calleman's research) (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?30277-Ian-Xel-Lungold-s-lectures-on-the-Mayan-Calendar--based-on-Calleman-s-research-)

I hope this helps the discussion.

13th September 2011, 00:59
I've been reading about these dual earth's ever since someone gave me a Lynn Grabhorn book years back. I had an issue with the concept then - and I still have an issue with it now.

I don't argue the science or the interpretations of prophecies regarding the split of earth/assension/consciousness etc. What I DO have an issue with is when people define it as the "soul" that is ascending and that the people who 'ascend' will dissapear.

In my view and from my undertanding, the soul can't ascend. It already exists at every level of consciousness; like stacking dolls. The largest dolls encompases all of the smaller ones, but each smaller doll is only aware of the dolls inside of itself and the doll immediately "up" from it in line.

In the body (our physical body) we have 'ties' to each level of consciousness through our Charka system (energy anchor points for each level of consciousness). All these levels of consciousness are currently inhabited by our soul, but we are currently aware only of that consciousness in which we exist (except for those few who have ties to upper levels of their consciousness through various means/gifts/talents etc).

Of course each 'higher' level of consciousness also has these ties in whatever form of 'body' (each body being lighter than our currently dense physical body by nature of their vibrational level; corresponding with the vibrational/rotational level of the corresponding chakra) would have these ties as well, but in the higher bodies there would be ties both to the lower levels (an awareness of what is happening, say, on the base physical level) as well as well as what is happening in their level and (possibly) the level or two above them.

If this is correct, then "Assension" is nothing more than human consciousness becoming aware (actively aware) of the 'next' level of consciousness; aware of it to the point that it becomes their 'default' state or 'default' vibrational level.

Does this mean that the physical body of the person on the physical plane dies or dissapears? Not as long as the connection of the next level of consciousness remains intact. The body of the person - the person themselves would still move and breath and go about living and yes, die if some of the earth changes happened and they were in the way. But at this point the death of the physical body at the lower vibrational level wouldn't matter because the person has been effectively living at the next level of consciousness anyway.

13th September 2011, 01:24
If this is correct, then "Assension" is nothing more than human consciousness becoming aware (actively aware) of the 'next' level of consciousness; aware of it to the point that it becomes their 'default' state or 'default' vibrational level.

Does this mean that the physical body of the person on the physical plane dies or dissapears? Not as long as the connection of the next level of consciousness remains intact. The body of the person - the person themselves would still move and breath and go about living and yes, die if some of the earth changes happened and they were in the way. But at this point the death of the physical body at the lower vibrational level wouldn't matter because the person has been effectively living at the next level of consciousness anyway.

I like your definition of Ascension! It rings true.

13th September 2011, 02:24
Consciousness is awareness of existence, universal and essential to existence, but it does not create existence. To have consciousness there must be existence. To have existence there must be consciousness. Human consciousness is the basic nature of one's being. It is an awareness of oneself as a fundamentally conscious being. When consciousness emerges, it emerges simultaneously inside space-time and outside space-time to form and awaken the human genius within us.

As conscious beings, we are simultaneously emerging from profound forces that emanate from many levels of consciousness which operate over different time frames and span patterns that are both individual and collective in nature and expression. This multidimensional union links human consciousness and cosmic consciousness with metaphysical form and physical form to create a window of reality between worlds. It allows us to personally experience and share the world of nature and the world of the metaphysical as illuminated beings in the openness of a shared reality.

13th September 2011, 02:34
That means I'll be left behind. All my chakra tests show strong upper and lower chakra activity
but dismal in the heart area.

Lol :lol:

Yep someone needs a goup hug today.

Let's see ... with that "cranky capricorn heart" why would you be doing 100s of free astrology readings for all of us avalonian nuggetheads???

"Free energy now on" your signature??? Bah humbug!!! Let em eat cake!

Sure ulli ... you are in a heap of trouble.


13th September 2011, 02:48
That means I'll be left behind. All my chakra tests show strong upper and lower chakra activity
but dismal in the heart area.

Lol :lol:

Yep someone needs a goup hug today.

Let's see ... with that "cranky capricorn heart" why would you be doing 100s of free astrology readings for all of us avalonian nuggetheads???

"Free energy now on" your signature??? Bah humbug!!! Let em eat cake!

Sure ulli ... you are in a heap of trouble.


actually, that was fun.

The Truth Is In There
13th September 2011, 07:05
Ulli, with your comment about the Saharan Africans, I'll share what I heard from George Kavassilas. He said we may be surprised who ascends. His example was a single mother of 3, working 2 jobs, not meditating or not reading spiritual materials, etc. with goodness in her heart will ascend. It is where your heart lies. I hope he's right. People who have love in their hearts and are doing the best with what they have and what knowledge they have been privy to, will ascend.

What do you guys think about this?

i think we're being told to "live from the heart" because love is what conquers fear. love is high in vibration and fear is low. if you want to ascend it is only natural that you have to do something to raise your vibrational level.

BUT as long as you can't let go of the things that tie you to the 3rd dimension you'll still stay here. you won't ascend into the 4th or 5th dimension if that's against your free will. and if you decide that you want to stay with your family, your friends, your material possessions or whatever 3rd dimensional concept it is that you can't let go then you'll stay here.

the enlightened ones of the past ascended because they let go of everything that tied them here. if someone can't LET GO from one second to the next then i don't believe that person will ascend, even if he/she is "living from the heart".

and i also think that that is not something that you can just decide to do, it has to happen naturally. you can't just say "well, i guess i could live without my children if i had to" (or my car, or my house, or my friends, whatever..). you have to feel, to know, that even if you let go you won't miss these things because they'll always be there because you are these things, you are everything, and so you can let go of all thoughts and concepts that are based on DUALITY and again become UNITY. it's not easy to describe, it has to be felt i guess.

In my view and from my undertanding, the soul can't ascend. It already exists at every level of consciousness; like stacking dolls. The largest dolls encompases all of the smaller ones, but each smaller doll is only aware of the dolls inside of itself and the doll immediately "up" from it in line.

In the body (our physical body) we have 'ties' to each level of consciousness through our Charka system (energy anchor points for each level of consciousness). All these levels of consciousness are currently inhabited by our soul, but we are currently aware only of that consciousness in which we exist (except for those few who have ties to upper levels of their consciousness through various means/gifts/talents etc).

Of course each 'higher' level of consciousness also has these ties in whatever form of 'body' (each body being lighter than our currently dense physical body by nature of their vibrational level; corresponding with the vibrational/rotational level of the corresponding chakra) would have these ties as well, but in the higher bodies there would be ties both to the lower levels (an awareness of what is happening, say, on the base physical level) as well as well as what is happening in their level and (possibly) the level or two above them.

If this is correct, then "Assension" is nothing more than human consciousness becoming aware (actively aware) of the 'next' level of consciousness; aware of it to the point that it becomes their 'default' state or 'default' vibrational level.

Does this mean that the physical body of the person on the physical plane dies or dissapears? Not as long as the connection of the next level of consciousness remains intact. The body of the person - the person themselves would still move and breath and go about living and yes, die if some of the earth changes happened and they were in the way. But at this point the death of the physical body at the lower vibrational level wouldn't matter because the person has been effectively living at the next level of consciousness anyway.

i'd say your concept is right, you just use different terms. the way i see it we as incarnated beings are aspects of our higher self. the higher self directly connected to us then is also just an aspect of an even higher expression of ourselves and so on, up to the creator. yes, it IS always just us, in ever expanding levels of consciousness, because we are everything, BUT our current point of view is in the 3rd dimension, in duality, and once we ascend (move our point of view to a higher level, one of unity) we don't need the 3rd dimensional vehicle anymore and since we created it in the first place (remember, matter is an illusion) it will simply disappear, or rather, we'll move our viewpoint to a higher expression in an infinite number of parallel universes in which this vehicle doesn't exist, because we don't need it anymore. everything already exists and all we really ever do is move our point of view to the "reality" we want to experience and our "reality" adjusts itself accordingly.

13th September 2011, 11:17
I saw in a vision that we’re going to have two suns. We need to get ready.

That is interesting! I have never heard that before until of late. This is twice now in the last few days that I have seen this mentioned by someone on this site. What is interesting to me is that 10 years ago, or there abouts, i wrote a story about what our world would look like one day - in our future - and I opened this mystical story with the imagery of the two suns we will have, and the changes that will impact the planet. Coincidence?

The trouble with most ideas on this subject is the presence of the second sun somewhere in the vicinity of the Sun, as if it had to be that way. As a layman, I would expect a binary system might have its B star just about anywhere. No one sees it during the night for instance, although that too is perfectly possible.

13th September 2011, 11:45
The "splitting of the two earths" to me sounds totally off.

My take was that the earth had been split into a duality paradigm all along...since eons ago.
My take is that what is happening now is a massive reunification event.
Just look at all of us reading these posts in different parts of the world...
these messages would have taken months to deliver just 60 years ago, dependent where one was living.

you're wrong there, imo. duality doesn't refer to a split eons ago. duality means we experience separation from all-that-is. unity means oneness. oneness can only be experienced by those who choose to experience it, because of free will. since not all of us want to experience it there will have to be a split. those who ascend will once again experience unity with all-that-is, the others will continue their experience of duality. you could say that those who ascend are splitting off from the current way humanity exists on earth, they're taking the exit, as explained before.

Maybe I'm not wrong at all. When I met the first live-in-total-unity-person it was 1983 and she was raised by parents who had been raised by unity conscious parents themselves. So she was a third generation Baha'i.
She didn't see the world as you and I do at all. Even the huge cities where the big world changing decisions are made didn't feature in her consciousness. Her world already had a world capital, Haifa, Israel. I found that totally impressive at the time.
Later I realized that most Baha'is still do their own dividing, the Baha'i world versus the non Baha'i world. It used to creep up in so many conversations, and when I pointed out that this was in total contradiction to Baha'i beliefs about oneness they would show quite a bit of displeasure, as I was being too critical, and hence dualistic for their liking.
I learnt my lesson though, unity must begin within one's own being....knowing all aspects of the self, warts included.

Anyway my point is about timing here. Time is the greatest mystery. Can there be a future single event when for many people that event has already happened in their past?

Bill stated it just recently....it is an event that is spread over time, and I would go as far as saying that it already happened to Goethe in the 18th century. So many enlightened seers in the 19th century.
Now with Internet access a lot more people are getting it. There is a new generation growing up, all with cosmic consciousness paradigms bombarding them.
I just wonder about those poor souls in sub Saharan Africa...what chances do they have?

Ulli, with your comment about the Saharan Africans, I'll share what I heard from George Kavassilas. He said we may be surprised who ascends. His example was a single mother of 3, working 2 jobs, not meditating or not reading spiritual materials, etc. with goodness in her heart will ascend. It is where your heart lies. I hope he's right. People who have love in their hearts and are doing the best with what they have and what knowledge they have been privy to, will ascend.

What do you guys think about this?

Oh absolutely! It's not about a life of meditation in solitude, it's about being a positive influence on those around you. THAT is true spiritual work. We do spiritual work every day of our lives that we spend doing the best we can to be the best we can with what we have. There will be many a soul who ascends who has never gone to church and never meditated. One of the biggest problems we face at the moment is that we consider the definition of "spiritual work" to be a lot narrower than it actually is. There are many out there who do not get the recognition they deserve.

Oh, and I also agree with the person who said free energy now. Note I did not say free-energy now :) The two terms have totally different meanings :) I bet it will take a while for some of you to realize what I just said ;)

13th September 2011, 12:06
There are many out there who do not get the recognition they deserve.

But it's not really about recognition is it? I think the lack of recognition is often extremely beneficial.