View Full Version : Indigo and star children

15th September 2011, 19:44
hello all,i just recently became a grand father on may 16th of this year....ive been blessed....my grand child i believe is a indigo child,she can pick up on my thought almost as she is communicating with her thoughts...very extrordinary feeling...i talk to her and tell her about the arch angels,and the plieadians,and our star brothers and sisters... she is so full of light and love it brings tears to my eyes quite freqently ... she is pure love i cant wait until she talks and speaks and tells me...ive noticed she is far more advanced then normal children her age...maybe i can get some feed back from the forum on how i can nurture her gifts....love light and abundance...thirdeye....

she smiles and coos and brightens right up as i speak these things with her..what else i noticed is she has golden orbs around her crib when she sleeps at night...i thought i was seeing things but they are there and very brilliant bright orbs...what i would like to know does anyother avolonians have young children ar grand children that expierence the same things....

16th September 2011, 00:17

If you tell her all this stuff from an early age and knowing as you do that little ones repeat and copy everything, how do you know you won't just be conditioning her to say whatever makes grandpa smile? I ask because a lot of the ones I've seen on youtube seem like they're just making an adult happy by playing along and I worry about what will happen to the kids if they actually believe they're something they're not and eventually become hateful of 'love and light' in the same way kids forced to be Christian/Jew/Muslim do when they realise they've been lied to. I could really have done with some commas in there.

16th September 2011, 02:06
congrats thirdeye!!

i believe my children (twin girls) are Crystal children. my understanding is indigos came first (old indigos and new indigos) to set the path for the new "breeds" of crystals, starseeds, and very new and rare rainbows. but what are labels except to limit a person....

my girls appear slower then others so they dont fit the "advanced" description. i see it as they just like to take their own time and figure things out the way they want to. they dont seem to care too much about how things are suppose to be done. theyre very smart and each have their own special talents that combined they make a super baby. they figure things out fast like how to get out of play pins and open locked doors. they arent talking much yet (they turned 2 in june) but theyre very empathic and have their own form of communicating. they've already shown signs of being healers, interacted with ghosts, talk to animals, and one, when asked where her eyes were, she pointed to the middle of her forehead like duh mom! but now im just ranting on about my girls :)

Its great that she has such a great grandpa as you! i hope her parents are ready for the ride of their lives! I too am concerned about nuturing their gifts and not molding them into something i think they should be or accidently smothering them and blocking something. things like vaccinations or GMO/processed foods will do that. unfortunatly i dont have the funds to buy organic all the time but if her parents have the means urge them to at least make sure she's eating organic. Being as shes only 4 months i suppose they have a bit till that happens. When they do start talking and asking billions of questions that children ask i plan on answering them with more questions like what do you think it is..of course that wont work with every question and i dont know how that will work but instead of answering with your thoughts and truths let them come up with their own. I also plan on introducing them to many different thought process, age appropriate of course, instead of just one that, no matter how enlightening it is, can still be closed minded.

i let them do crafts and arts as much as my sanity can allow with the mess. I feel this is a great for expressing what they can't say. scribbles can say a lot... the shape the color... the other day they stashed markers in their room and when i went to get them up from nap time they had drawn murals on the wall but interestingly enough the number 241 was written clear as day among the scribbles. Still trying to figure out what the hell that means. Again they're two and haven't had any schooling in writing in anyway whats so ever and it was written as if i wrote it.

make sure she keeps her imagination alive. Careful about putting her in mainstream schooling such as daycare. If she does need to be in daycare then your role as grandpa enlightener needs to be strong to keep her alive and awake. I still plan on sending my kids to normal school but having our own teachings at home. I dont want to isolate them but instead teach them how to cope with the screwed up world we live in so they can carry out their life mission to the fullest. gentle remind her to remember what shes here for...she knows. Most of all don't tell her a thought she has is wrong.

Im a young mother and just starting this journey myself so i still have a lot to learn about it but those are my thoughts and what i plan to do. maybe something will resonate with you maybe they wont but thats ok :)

congrats again and good luck with this journey


ps theres a reason she came to your family.

Omni connexae!
16th September 2011, 03:31
Congratulations THIRDEYE,

I'm an indigo child.

If I could give any advice it would be this:

Keep her away from: the TV, the internet and sponge-bob square pants!

And... nourished traits > imposed traits


etheric underground
16th September 2011, 04:15
Hi third eye.
I was born out side the normal definitive for an indigo but Im one through and through.
What you may find is that your grandchild is a crystal child.
Where they differ is that they dont have some of the star traits .....they have them all.
That is if given love, light and free reign to enhance and refine there innate abilities,
they will be the epitamy of what humans can attain in the future.
Crystal children are amazing i have a special one in my family(my niece MAYA)
What we learnt from an early age is that you cannot keep secrets i.e Xmas and birthday
presents because their telepathy skills are advanced and they read you to know what they are going to
Secondly they have total recall of past lives.. My niece likes this life better as her mommy and daddy were
parted from her on a train wearing grey like pyjamas and a number on there top in her last.
She at the age of 3-4 explained how she was put on a train with other kids, taken to a camp and her life was ended.
Reminds me a little of schindlers list.
They are also very focused on what is right and wrong. She has amazing feelings and understanding of all animals,
and has been a vegetarian by choice since she began eating solids. ( the rest of the family are meat lovers)
My knowledge on these amazing kids so far is quite simple.......
Love them, nurture there necessities and allow them to blossom with a firm and fair attitude.
God bless ya and if you need any more answers let me know....look forward to hearing your journey

16th September 2011, 04:37
Hi Thirdeye. What a wonderful gift to have in your life. I agree with independent observer. I have a lot of gifts, and was told that I would be special and was a 'new age' soul and a lot of stuff about reincarnation and so on. Mother apparently did rituals to 'bring me in' and then brought me to her 'teacher' after I was born, who pronounced that I was special and would make a great difference in the coming 'new age'.

And what did all that do?... It has been quite a burden and brought great confusion to me. Much of my inquiry has been used to unravel all the stuff she told me as 'fact'. Be careful what you tell your grandchildren. Instead, ask them what they see, what they think, what their answers are, and what they remember. They are closer to 'coming in' than adults, and they are probably a lot clearer than you and other adults are at this time. As they are programmed about what to think and what to do by their parents, school, other children, books, movies, TV and the internet they will likely begin to loose some of the clarity they have now. The best thing you can do to nurture them is to allow, allow, allow. Let them be and know what they do deep within. Even if that means they do not wish to have cooked food, or 3 meals daily... let them do what they intuitively know is right for them.

Oh, and support their spending a lot of time in nature. Even if that means they eat dirt and get exposed to thorns and bugs. Nature supports consciousness. In fact nature is conscious.

And... don't sweat it, relax. They came here with a path in mind, and it will do that in its own way.

I envy you a bit. You are so lucky!

Omni connexae!
16th September 2011, 05:40
If you tell her all this stuff from an early age and knowing as you do that little ones repeat and copy everything, how do you know you won't just be conditioning her to say whatever makes grandpa smile?

Just wanted to second this. THIRDEYE, I feel it is crucial for you to seriously ask yourself ^these questons. Consider very strongly what Anno has wrote.

16th September 2011, 05:55
I highly recommend watching this documentary........I myself grew up an indigo. I can't tell you how awesome it would have been to have someone understand me growing up, your grand child is extremely lucky! I'd say more than anything, try to give tips to her parents on how to raise her, as obviously they will be around her the most. This is essential. I would also say from personal experience that I absolutely hated rules (and still do). However I am not a rebel. I respond to reason, not to rules. So teach her why she should/shouldn't do things, instead of just telling her not to do them like so many other parents do. Also, if you find that she ever requires discipline, speak to her like an adult, and let her understand what she has done wrong, and for her to choose the appropriate disciplinary action for herself. You would be surprised by what happens when you offer her this, although by the sounds of it that is still a few years away.

Enjoy the many incredible experiences you will have with this precious child.



16th September 2011, 06:01
Oh, and also in terms of education - The original meaning of the greek word, 'education', does not mean cramming things in to someones head, but actually to bring out the knowledge that is already there. So answer her questions with other questions, let her come to her own realisations and understanding, and start to experience the incredible mind that I'm sure she has.

16th September 2011, 07:14
My Son is the classic indigo. He has always questioned every teacher he has had, correcting their mistakes. He has always done math in his head and been counted wrong for not showing work. He finds new ways of solving problems in Chemistry and Calculas, and teaches the teachers. Some teachers appreciate it, most don't. Luckily, he got accepted into "gifted" program in
5th grade, based upon IQ test. He had a really great "gifted" facilitator, who guided him and encouraged him to follow his gifts. Also, he was surrounded by others like him. This group of boys are still friends. They are all musicians also.(My son plays piano, drums, wants to to vocal lessons and guitar). In my state, being in the gifted program is covered by the law for disability.

As an infant, he was way ahead of all milestones like rolling over, bearing weight, walking ect. He was breastfed for 2 years. He did have all required vaccines because I didn't know better. We didn't start eating organic until 3 years ago. He has no medical problems except environmental allergies. We sometimes have telepathic communication. I have been a stay at home Mom for his whole life. He did not go to preschool because he did not want to.

He has been a teacher to me. I have a daughter too, her gifts are different. I will post about her later.

As your grandchild grows, Let Her Be Your Teacher.

16th September 2011, 19:07
i would like to thank you and express grattitude for yor input againn ty soo much....love light and abundance thirdeye....