View Full Version : Can you transfer ones negative feelings and physical pain into another person

21st September 2011, 21:11
If someone was very ill, or filled with negative energy, is it possible to transfer there pain into another person, willingly of course. So that they can get better and heal.

so if my friend was ill, could i transfer there pain into me without them knowing to help them.

21st September 2011, 21:32
Yes it is very possible. its' not that much different then being emphatic, only in this case you are literally healing them, not just feeling it.

Some will come out and say they need to know it's coming, but if your friend has already consented then go for it.

Just remember to clear negativity from you self before you start, meditate if you must.
Then do your healing, but make sure you cleanse your self after as well.

21st September 2011, 21:44
That's what those who take the Boddhisatva vow promise to do. Help heal the world, be the last to ascend past materiality. Lojong practice, in Buddhism, is a good way to simutaneously awaken the heart of compassion and serve your fellow humanity by easing the pain in general and living a life with a natural mind that is geared toward awakening, peace and exuding positive energy.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gVr6GAlVhI&feature=related

Here is Pema Chodron discussing a related practice, Tong lin, which is a way to be either general or very specific as to how you want to help others with their pain:

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwqlurCvXuM

Maia Gabrial
21st September 2011, 22:03
If someone was very ill, or filled with negative energy, is it possible to transfer there pain into another person, willingly of course. So that they can get better and heal.

so if my friend was ill, could i transfer there pain into me without them knowing to help them.

That's not a good idea. One, you'll take on their karma. Secondly, this is their experience, as hard as that may sound. It may be something from a past life for all you know.... If they want to heal, only they can make it happen. I had a friend who could heal people very successfully. The whole laying on of the hands and all. She had healed another friend's husband of cancer for a short time; but when it came back, he told her that he was done with life. He wanted to let go. My friend understood this and did nothing more for him. However, his wife refused to accept it and blamed her for his death.

You didn't share the details of your friend's pain, but if your friend wants to heal, then by all means, seek out every type of alternative healing that's available. You sound as though you love them very much, even willing to take on their pain. Please don't take this harshly, but the reasons for the pain is theirs to work out. This is where you can help them. Talk about....It would even fascilitate your own healing as well. From what I understand, once a person understands WHY health problems arise, the healing comes....
I hope this helps you...

Lord Sidious
21st September 2011, 22:11
How would one learn to do this?
I have people I care about carrying around baggage I would like to relieve them of.

21st September 2011, 22:22
Generally speaking, I would agree with Maia about just attempting to reach out energetically and siphon someone's pain from them, as, first, you'd have to have their permission for that to even turn out halfway right and you would be taking on their karma. But even that is a tricky thing, since, by helping people in general, we are, in a sense, taking on their karma. My best understanding of it is, if someone is about to fall off a cliff and you save them, then you are in a sense responsible for them. If you get in between 2 combatants in a fight and take a blow for one of them, you're just putting off that person's karmic recompense until someone else can knock the shiza out of them.

Since we try to help each other all the time in these ways, we are entangled in karma through our lifetimes that is not always our own. That is why I like the path of Lojong and Tong lin, as described above. I took a seminar last summer, read a few books, engaged in the meditations, it is difficult, for some who were with us then, it was impossible. It gives rise to feelings of anger in self that you might have thought you'd moved past, brought up people you thought you'd forgiven but really hadn't. All of which is good work, but necessary work. Lojong and Tong lin have been practiced over millenia. Of course, there have been many who have utilized it in order to achieve higher heights of consciousness, I know you, LS, are familiar with Buddhism as a spiritual science - the meditation aspect at least - not a collection of fables and myths, necessarily. Tong lin is a powerful meditation practice, one that can be done individually (self, family members, friends, etc.) or collectively (cities, countries, the world, universe, etc.), preferably both.

I appreciate it it because the visualization and energetic aspect are geared toward manifesting the highest potentiality, which is buddha-hood. So you're not 'taking' the energy yourself, you are, in a sense, replacing the energy. There are some good books out there on it and, I'm sure, some good vids and other resources.

21st September 2011, 22:30
I've taken on people's fear and carried it for them at times and they've said it makes a difference (Fear and I are old friends lol).

C.S. Lewis talked about carrying the pain of his wife's cancer at times.

Just ask permission. Never without permission.

21st September 2011, 23:00
The answer is yes......the methods are many.....follow your heart carrying love and the will to know and you will find the gifts along the path.

Lord Sidious
21st September 2011, 23:06
I am not worried about carrying the karma of those I care for, that is fine by me.
I would like to be able to help them by taking some weight off of their shoulders.
I can take it.

22nd September 2011, 01:42
Embody Love -this is what the other person is too

22nd September 2011, 10:59
Karma is personal and can only be neutralised by the individual themselves. One cannot accept nor take on another's karma. It is governed by the law of the unfolding universe. We cannot change it but we need to understand it and in doing so we aid the individual's healing processes. IMHO

22nd September 2011, 11:23
so if my friend was ill, could i transfer there pain into me without them knowing to help them.

Yes its possible. Not advisable though.

It is a serious step, and potentially a huge freewill violation against the one that does not know. Also, you may not really understand the full impact of what you are letting yourself in for.

Finally, lets say you do this, and your friend found out? How do you think they would feel about it?

I have been in serious pain in the past (acute and severe renal colic). I would not have wished it on anyone for any reason. If someone took it and suffered what I did in my place, I would be absolutely DEVASTATED.

Please - really really think this through.


¤=[Post Update]=¤

Karma is personal and can only be neutralised by the individual themselves. One cannot accept nor take on another's karma. It is governed by the law of the unfolding universe. We cannot change it but we need to understand it and in doing so we aid the individual's healing processes. IMHO

There are exceptions to this rule. Rare, in our paradigm of existence but they exist.

22nd September 2011, 11:46
I've seen some people who were professional healers who would just kind of suck a lot of negative energy out of their clients' energy fields and into their own, without really knowing how to cleanse themselves. Such people eventually get more and more black or dark brown energies in their energy field, then suffer burnout.

That's not how to heal another person. What you do is kind of radiate positivity or higher-dimensional "energy" except it's beyond energy as we normally know it. When I do a healing I don't think, but I let "the force" flow through me, so to speak -- even though I know it's my "force", my Higher Self. I find that if a person has some huge trauma they want healed, that "force" fills up the dark areas, which are like holes in their energy field.

Unfortunately, psychotherapists, counsellors, social workers, nurses, doctors, naturopaths, and so on, don't get proper training, or enough training, in how to be a professional psychic healer and not "catch" some of the mud their clients are stuck in. They do certainly get some kind of training to the effect that an experienced practitioner will have mastered the art of detachment. The more the ability to detach, paradoxically the more the healer can care for and be "one" with the client, and the more they can detach fully and therefore not get stuck in any of the clients' junk when they go home at the end of the day.

As for the idea that everybody has "their" karma and it shouldn't be interfered with, here are some thoughts and questions. Firstly, in Sanskrit what the word karma means is whatever you create. That's all. So, why can't I as a healer or friend co-create a little with another person who'd like some help or a second point of view? Secondly, how does a believer in "non-interference" account for how mothers must really be messing with their young children's karma? Thirdly, as I experience it all a true healer ever ultimately does is to reconnect the individual with their own inner power. Fourthly, karma, being a creative type of thing, can and should vary from moment to moment. It's what you are creating, and not some sort of external chainmail somebody or something else allegedly imposes on you. If you don't like "your karma", then why not have the courage to create a totally new and different "you" right now, and be that instead? Why not make your life exciting -- even if it means going through a little discomfort?

22nd September 2011, 12:05
In order to heal one must understand where illness comes from have a read http://courseinmiracles.com/teachers_manual/how_is_healing_acommplished5.htm let us know.

Enjoy RJ

22nd September 2011, 16:38
Thank you all for your wisdom and insite. For this to happen do I mediate to begin the process or do I let their pain and suffering wash over me. They cannot now what i am doing, i love her and if i have to suffer i will.

Tarka the Duck
22nd September 2011, 17:53
Hello Celtic
Your sincere and deeply felt wish is, I feel, what matters here.
As Rahkyt mentions, there is a practice on compassion that is at the heart of Tibetan Buddhism - Tong Len - giving and receiving.
Interestingly (and controversially), I was at a retreat recently in the UK, where the lama spoke about Tong Len - and cautioned people against doing the practice for distant and disembodied sentient beings to make themselves feel better, while conveniently ignoring those under their noses who may need help...
You seem to be someone to whom that certainly doesn't apply ;)

There is so much suffering, and when it hits so close to us, it is so hard to watch.
If enlightened beings, who wish us wellbeing and happiness, cannot intervene to relieve this suffering, then I do wonder what we can do...having the intention and wish is maybe the most we can hope for.

Much love for you and her

22nd September 2011, 19:47
This is a really tough one, and I hope what I say will not upset anyone.

During the summer I spent some time with a Tibetan teacher and monks. There were several readings from a new book about the life of the lama's teacher. The lamas teacher was a very high lama in Tibet when the Chinese invaded. This an account of life in a concentration camp.

The lama and many other lamas spent twenty five years in prison. Life was so horrific that several lama practised the ejection of consciousness ( leaving the body), others dashed their heads against the wall and smashed their heads in. This action is unheard of for spiritual people.

The point is, there was nothing to be done about another's suffering, it is not possible. We all have the intention and wish to help others. Maybe physically we can, and we can certainly pray, but that is about it.

All enlightened beings do not wish sentient beings to suffer, but we have to do the work and join up the dots ourselves. This is tough bit, we create our situation = cause and effect =karma. It cannot be taken away from us, that could make things worse.

I believe we can reduce the effects of karma, but this is to do with our attitude to what comes up in our life, and to stop over reacting. Over reacting puts more karma back in our karmic bank. We need to be karmically bankrupt!

This does not mean we do not care. Compassion is very important, but we have to be aware of what is called...grandmother's compassion!

One interesting fact: the lama's teacher said he did the best practise in prison, and had total compassion for those who imprisoned him. In fact in the last seven years, a chinese doctor took compassion on him and several other lama, and so they practised in solitary confinement. Who could ask for more!

It all depends on your view.

22nd September 2011, 22:33
One can facilitate healing, but the healing is done by one's self. There are no healers except the self......IMHO

22nd September 2011, 22:53
By Tapping into the Source Field or consciousness if you will.... and as mentioned By David Wilcock in his new book SFI, i believe you can well make it happen. What we think, we are and what we become by our thoughts or consciousness. Give it a shot!

22nd September 2011, 23:15
If someone was very ill, or filled with negative energy, is it possible to transfer there pain into another person, willingly of course. So that they can get better and heal.

pray the pain unto Jesus Christ as He can take it

give God the pain as He can surly bear the burden

don't cling to the pain give it up to God

22nd September 2011, 23:26
My father, although he doesn't know it, is incredibly "psychically" powerful. His emotional state gets projected to everyone around him with quite the intensity, but he is rather oblivious to this. His presence can be "felt" without sight. If only he was aware of how powerful he is ... what he could do with that gift ... I have it a bit as well but to a lesser degree -- I think everyone has it to some degree.

If he's pissed off about something .. magically, so is everyone else. When he laughs genuinely - everyone laughs because they feel what he is feeling.

Just to give an example of how your question rings true for me. (is it possible?)

But for a conscious transfer that you are speaking of - both parties contributing to that effect will be far better have far more chance of succeeding IMO. I also assume that you would know how to process this energy once you receive it? If not, it may not be very good for you if the energy transfer actually does take place. My 2 cents.

23rd September 2011, 06:29
Thank you all for your wisdom and insite. For this to happen do I mediate to begin the process or do I let their pain and suffering wash over me. They cannot now what i am doing, i love her and if i have to suffer i will.

My personal experience with this happened from Feb-March of 2008. It's a very long story, I will give short version. My Mom had been diagnosed with lung cancer at 56 in 2006. She decided to take chemo, radiation and had surgery....she wanted to live, she wanted to fight the cancer. Cancer was not spreading, tumors getting smaller. Then unexpectedly, February 3, 2008, I received a call from ER nurse saying Mom had a stroke, and that she was being transferred to hospital 30 miles away, and it was very serious and I should bring my kids.

Needless to say , I rushed to that hospital with my kids still in their pajamas. She was unconscious, had been intubated, and having seizures. When the neurologist arrived, he said it was a brain bleed, he did not know what damage had been done or if she would make it. She was transferred to ICU.

She stayed unconscious for about two weeks, partly because of medication needed to allow intubation. A prayer book, that she kept in a plastic ziploc bag, had been brought from home and placed under her hands. (She always took this with her when she travelled....She believed it offered her protection) One night as I sat by her bed, I opened the baggie to see what it was. It was a crucifix and a St. Jude Prayer book from the 1930's given to her from an old ,black psychic friend of the family (I believe she practiced Hoodoo).

I begain reading the book and praying to the Saint of Lost Causes. I prayed that I may carry some of her burden, I prayed that my lungs would breath for her and give her oxygen. I think it was a 9 day novena. When I would go home I would light Holy candles in my home for her. Many times I was told she might die during the night. I was told she was having organ failure. I saw her urine bag filled with blood. I was told her body was shutting down.

After about 10 days, she began to wake up. They gave her a trac. She was unable to speak, but she could write. She asked for a coke with ice. She asked me to get a birthday card for our elderly aunt and take it too her, ect. Soon the Hospitalist Dr. came to talk to me and her husband. She told us that she was only living for us and we needed to remove her oxygen from her trac and she would die with in 5 min to 24 hours. The Dr. tried to tell my mom also, but she fell asleep during the conversation. This didn't seem right to me, let my mom die from lack of oxygen. I demanded she be weaned from intubation!

She was moved to respiratory rehab section in the hospital. She was weaned off intubation in about 2 more weeks. She got to go home and spend 3 weeks there until she had to go back to hospital. I asked her during that time if she was mad about being intubated, and she told me she was not. She was considered a Miracle case at the hospital and she was proud of that.
I asked her if I could lay my hands on her and she obliged.

She was not happy I had opened the baggie and touched the prayer book. It was only to be opened in case of emergency. When she died, I became very physically ill vomitting and fever. I could bearly help make funeral arrangements. Also the prayer book was stolen (by one of her sisters).

I never heard of getting another person's Karma, until reading this thread. I believe this has happened to me. After her death, terrible things have been done to me by people she had relationships with. I have been wondering where all the anger towards me, from people she had relations with was coming from.

Even if I eventually get cancer as a result, I am glad I got 6 weeks more time with her and I know she didn't want to die, she told me.

23rd September 2011, 08:21
The only way to change your karma is to stop creating it. Meaning stop holding on to concepts and your ideas. You are greater than your ideas.
You certainly cannot change another's karma, you do not know their whole story. Even the Buddhas cannot do that!
Although we do have a collective karma, that is why we are here together.

Karma = cause and effect = all those ideas about yourself you dearly cling to = which creates the same re-action to every situation = your button gets pressed and off you go again!

Break out of the egg!

23rd September 2011, 11:02
I think while it's certainly possible the main problem is that if the thought patterns/lifestyle choices haven't changed then the person will no doubt be in that pain again at some point in the future (probably sooner rather then later) I think it would have would be more helpful to the person if you helped them to work through why they are in pain and to heal themselves so that it doesn't come back.

23rd September 2011, 11:30
What a decent lesson in discerning how self-responsibility comes about.

if my friend was ill, could i transfer there pain into me without them knowing to help them.

Everything is possible, that said, can't you come up with something smarter? No offense, but there are other ways. Your friend's higher self must allow this to happen anyways, that could happen without your friend consciously being aware of it.

How about visualizing your friend being healthy and fine? How about burning the pain in God's light? How about finding the root of the pain and plucking it?

If you take on somebody else's pain, who's gonna help you? Someone else again taking on your pain ad infinitum?

I would like to be able to help them by taking some weight off of their shoulders.
I can take it.

You might well be able to do so, but I'd like to see everyone transcend their issues instead of hero-volunteers solving other's problems.

That's what those who take the Boddhisatva vow promise to do. Help heal the world, be the last to ascend past materiality.

Exactly, their vow does not contain taking on the karma of other's but helping others to solve their karmic issues.

by helping people in general, we are, in a sense, taking on their karma

It depends on whether helping is done by interfering or by catalizing innate potentials.