View Full Version : Berlin: Pirate Party garners 8.9% votes

Robert J. Niewiadomski
5th October 2011, 08:53
Hi :)

I have just found out about "Pirate Party" from Berlin.
Their message is clear: Open, online and transparent to the bone government.
With everyone involved. Aka "Democracy 2.0".

Pirate politician: We want open, online government

04 October 2011 by Nora Schultz
Magazine issue 2832.

An uberconnected world need a new politics, says Ben de Biel, spokesman for the Pirates party, who are making waves in Berlin, Germany

Who are the Pirates?
The "Pirate party" name was thought up in Sweden in 2006 as part of an initiative for more file-sharing freedom. People were fed up with being criminalised as "pirates" by the media and other organisations lobbying against free internet content. Our political goals are greater public participation and transparency - the internet simply offers the best means to achieve these.(...)
Full article: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21128325.000-pirate-politician-we-want-open-online-government.html

Below is link to the interview with the party's director Marina Weisband

Pirate Party captures big victory in Berlin, Germany!

Hank Pellissier
Hank Pellissier
Ethical Technology

Posted: Sep 29, 2011

An interview with party political director Marina Weisband.


Last week, the Pirate Party of Berlin, Germany, garnered a shocking 8.9% of the votes in the city-state’s election to place 15 representatives in Berlin’s parliament. In a story on the result, the New York Times described Pirate Party leaders as “disarmingly honest… in their 20s and 30s… with no lack of confidence.”(...)
Full article: http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/pellissier20110929

I dream of the world where there is no distinct structure called "government" composed of selected members of society but every member of society actively and directly participates in decision making proces to synchronize actions.

What is your view on that?

5th October 2011, 09:30
Great idea.

Just think what we could accomplish if everything was out in the open. Besides a government that CAN'T hide their true reasons for doing things... we can feed upon each others knowledge to create inventions that are for the betterment of the world and its people NOT the bottom line and profit potential of the corporations.