View Full Version : I dont think the aliens will come when we are in the 3d world?

20th October 2011, 02:33
I think its possible that we wont see the aliens until the planet ascends. There has been alot of talk about the planet earth separating becoming two world, a 4th dimensional world and a 3rd dimensional world. I dont think the aliens will come and visit the 3rd dimensional world but they are waiting in the 4th dimension. They will come after the planet ascends, not while the planet is still in the 3rd dimension.

20th October 2011, 02:42
That hadn't occurred to me, but it makes sense.

Lord Sidious
20th October 2011, 02:54
Just for your consideration, we are in ''4D'' already.
The fourth dimension is time.

20th October 2011, 03:00
LS: It is possible that dimension has been confused with density.

ET have been here physically on a one on one basis, or a group basis; but I think what was being referred to was any kind of mass free-for-all-anyone-can-see-it disclosure - and for that yes, I think that is unlikely until all the humans alive have achieved a working measure of harmony.

20th October 2011, 03:03
Hmmmmm doesn't make a lick of sense to me

I find this line of thinking very curious. . . . especially sense we are already seeing them . . . and they already live among us . . . . and by golly some even seem to like us measly little 3D humans.

Geez people . . . all this self 3D human self loathing is getting tiresome.

20th October 2011, 07:39
We live within 4 dimensions now the forth being liner time. The E.T's wont land until we have all reached 4th density. Which is when we vibrate more to the unconditional love Christ frequency. Half way into 4th density we will reach the 5th Dimension where we have the capability to see time all happening at once and can travel to any point in our history and future.

20th October 2011, 11:47
What if the planet has already ascended and the aliens are already here?
Is it not a case of letting go of our attachment to the vibrational habits that bond us this 3/4 d place. Waiting for the planet to ascend us, without making an energetic effort and your'll miss this 5d presence.

20th October 2011, 14:49
I begin with an apology because I’m very aware that many of my posts seem antagonistic and directly oppose the “general” line of thinking on PA.

I judge any type of philosophy and belief system with the following test: Is the information, knowledge or so called “truth” available to ALL humans across the earth, past, present or even future. Can the “regular” human achieve it or do you have to be special or in an elite group or have access to “special” knowledge?

If so I feel it is not and cannot be Truth.

Is the regular human everywhere in this world aware that they have to somehow achieve this “higher vibration” or let go of their “attachment to a vibration habit that bond them to 3 or 4D”? How does the regular human inhabitant of the world know that they need to “make an energetic effort or they’ll miss being 5D”??

Because if this is Truth then my friends we are ALL in deep trouble and WE ALL will be sitting in what many here on PA seem to think is a 3D podunk existence. Because what would be the actual percentage of humans who would be or are aware that we are supposed to be achieving this “godlike vibrational frequency”??

Is having these “I’m gonna be special when I vibrate at the speed of light and because of the higher vibration bring about multiple dimensions” unconditional love to our fellow 3D humans? Because that belief in itself puts a “condition” on loving all humans and their “pitiful vibration”.

And what is this belief that aliens are somehow godlike and are judging our humanity. Are we not or should we not be our own judge?

If the aliens don’t like how my frequency is vibrating them I’m just fine with them moving on to the next planet or dimension or whatever.

20th October 2011, 15:16
A little more off topic ... hey blufire ... all set up in the mountains now I trust???

You are better prepared than 99% (no not *that* 99%).

Hats off to you for walking the walk :yo:

20th October 2011, 15:56
Why speculate dimensions?

U R E.T.!!!!

Your flying around on a huge chunck of rock, that acts as a space ship.

Many read this forum....I suggest you all go to the mountains...find a clearing and just look up at the sky at night....ask yourself if you wanna see a "space ship" and just wait...


20th October 2011, 18:41
As a matter of fact I am back in”them thar hills”!!

At the beginning of my decision to make such a complete lifestyle change I was quite frankly scared out of my wits that I had made a monumental mistake.

So I settled myself as much as possible and put out an energy request for validation.

My farm and business in Kansas sold within the week

So here I am happily nestled within very magical and mysterious mountains.

. . . . .and I’m listening and waiting patiently . . . . . . and as thunder24 suggested looking and watching the clear 3D mountain skies . . . . . .

A little more off topic ... hey blufire ... all set up in the mountains now I trust???

You are better prepared than 99% (no not *that* 99%).

Hats off to you for walking the walk :yo:

20th October 2011, 19:02
who knows? I like the movies when you don't get told the punch line ending; the rollercoaster ride can be quite enjoyable :) Like someone said maybe they have been here for donkey's years, however to avoid sending the whole show from going bat-guano loco, maybe we have to get to a certain tipping point, keep raising our and others connectivity nice and steady like till......................... well that would spoil the ending of the first film; then comes the sequal :P


p.s. could those aliens in the front row lower their antenna please I paid good, wait I never paid, oh well keep wiggling you antenna dudes/dudettes (not sure on the politically correct labal and my galactese is likely to start a war :P )

Alex Laker
20th October 2011, 19:22
I am not adhering to any particular school of thought about anything that may or may not happen in the next year when I say this, but the global paradigm is changed by global events. If there is any truth, then only those who have gone looking for it would find it, and even then if it is based on speculation and things which 99% of the world has no understanding of, such a truth is verging on opinion and sheer extrapolation - at least from the point of view of the 99%. Indeed, a truth will only become self-evident (a term which has baggage, but one which I feel is surely the only possible kind of truth), if its existence is revealed on a global scale. Indeed, truth is only truly true if there is not one single person who can doubt it because they have not seen it with their own eyes or been affected by it directly. Those who know truth must also have proof. Proof being the tool by which those who know truth reveal it to those who don't. Now surely if indisputable proof exists, then there is a means by which all people can know the truth because there is indisputable evidence is there for them to see. Any proof though must be incontrovertible.

All that is to say that if the concept of a human shift in density exists, then there is no proof, because 99% of the world does not acknowledge its possibility. And it would surely not be fair to 'ascend' only those who were fortunate to find the truth before proof was shown to them. In essence, no-one knows truth, because no-one can agree on what that is or even believe there is some higher awareness. The only way for any of this to be true is for a higher awareness to show up and tell everyone at once that there is a higher awareness - and prove it.

So I think, therefore, that in the context of the question you ask; we can only ascend if the aliens show up first...

Alex Laker
20th October 2011, 19:34
Just to reflect on my post above, everything I say is not my actual solid opinion, as I'm not sure I have one. Rather they are ideas about how the world may work based on things I have seen and heard. Indeed, to be a spirtually effective and positive person who some might say 'vibrates at a higher level', you might not necessarily need knowledge of higher dimensions. You don't seek reward for your kind actions and do not act in service to any kind of dogma, and are simply a good person. Perhaps that is the test.

20th October 2011, 19:44
They have always been here and live among us, it's true.

Yet a tiny minority is really aware of this and even less are aware of having experienced evidence first-hand.

We are in quarantine, it's only when we live up to our role as self-responsible stewards of this planet, that we will really explore the cosmos and interact more naturally with others.

Just for your consideration, we are in ''4D'' already.
The fourth dimension is time.

From my understanding, time is not a dimension, but an illusion.

When there is often the reference to a shift out of 3d, it does not mean at all the 3 axes of space, I figure, but rather refers to 'vibrational octaves'. That said, we really do live in 4d and 3d at the same time in my understanding, because 3d is where the physical body exists in and 4d is the octave, in which the astral body, that can well travel without the 3d body during dreams or OBEs, resides.

Alex Laker
20th October 2011, 19:50
When there is often the reference to a shift out of 3d, it does not mean at all the 3 axes of space, I figure, but rather refers to 'vibrational octaves'. That said, we really do live in 4d and 3d at the same time in my understanding, because 3d is where the physical body exists in and 4d is the octave, in which the astral body, that can well travel without the 3d body during dreams or OBEs, resides.

I have wondered this. Whether when people say 3D, does the D stand for dimension or density? Are these two distinct concepts whose borders have become blurred or are they analogies of the same basic ideology?

20th October 2011, 19:52
what if the ET's that you say we may meet when Earth ascends are really just us, or our next dimensional selves?

20th October 2011, 19:58
When there is often the reference to a shift out of 3d, it does not mean at all the 3 axes of space, I figure, but rather refers to 'vibrational octaves'. That said, we really do live in 4d and 3d at the same time in my understanding, because 3d is where the physical body exists in and 4d is the octave, in which the astral body, that can well travel without the 3d body during dreams or OBEs, resides.

I have wondered this. Whether when people say 3D, does the D stand for dimension or density? Are these two distinct concepts whose borders have become blurred or are they analogies of the same basic ideology?

It shows how insufficient words are, doesn't it?

It appears, it's perfectly ok to label vibrational octaves or densities 'dimensions' and to label the x, y and z axes as well as time 'dimensions' as well. And it just so happens, that 3d is an appropriate way to label our physical surroudings either way you slice it.

I once heard, one should not cling to to a word. Words can be useful for hinting at something, but they become obstacles when being attached to them. As the Buddha said "My teaching is like a boat designed to help cross a wild river. What use is there for the boat once I reached the other side? None. I can leave it right at the shore and move on."

Is the regular human everywhere in this world aware that they have to somehow achieve this “higher vibration” or let go of their “attachment to a vibration habit that bond them to 3 or 4D”? How does the regular human inhabitant of the world know that they need to “make an energetic effort or they’ll miss being 5D”??

One does not have to be told, that absolute love is the only truth, to find out.

One does not have to be told, that it's possible to make a dimensional shift, to make it.

If you read for example Drunvalo Melchizedek's 'Flower of Life', he very explicitly says that it is not at all necessary to read his books or learn about sacred geometry and all the rest of it, to make a shift.

20th October 2011, 20:13
What if the planet has already ascended and the aliens are already here?
Is it not a case of letting go of our attachment to the vibrational habits that bond us this 3/4 d place. Waiting for the planet to ascend us, without making an energetic effort and your'll miss this 5d presence.

If the ascension has already occurred then we must have missed the boat.

We live on an awesome planet but the company is a bit rough. Since these rough types feel like another genetic pool stream I will step out and state my belief that the "separation", if it ever manifests, has not yet happened.

You can feel the membranes starting to form in preparation though.

20th October 2011, 20:18
what if the ET's that you say we may meet when Earth ascends are really just us, or our next dimensional selves?

I dunno. Deja vu? :biggrin1:

20th October 2011, 21:01
LS: It is possible that dimension has been confused with density.

Sometimes people use words in different ways. I have to keep reminding myself, when I see the word "dimension" on this forum, it is probably not intended exactly in just the ways I am familiar with it, from my math, physics and vector computing backgrounds.

etheric underground
21st October 2011, 00:56
THEY / WE have been here all along........
Our star families have considerable interraction with
humans on all levels all the time. Just because CNN, and FOX
dont tell you they have landed on the whitehouse lawn doesnt mean
they havent landed. In fact when the truth for the masses is released
I do believe even Avalonians will be amazed at there presence already.

21st October 2011, 02:11
I try not to get involved in these discussions about higher level beings,...as the discussions are from a different source than where they are at.

When I reach up to 'speak' their language, more dreaming at type awareness, they are in a different uni-verse and don't translate directly into English terms or analogies. So make the best of it, you got us humans. Learn to live with humans and perhaps they will show themselves (out of curiousity).

Which means stop accepting yourself as equal to humans when you go into your own mind you will discover we think we are different than everyone. Learn to clear out these ideas and then you will begin to see reality as it is. Everyone is your equal. You just don't recognize them as that now. YOu just are thinking you see yourself as the same, human, but in reality you think yourself quite differently. You think you are less, resistant, envious, etc. Just a bunch of foggy notions. Not really here and present.

What human would want to meet you (let alone another civilizations)? with all these notions any hoot?

21st October 2011, 14:19
From a tabula rasa i see ascension in a new light;

A paracetamol tablet exists as a tablet. Place it within a glass of water and it will very slowly dissolve into the water but with much debris. However change the composition of the tablet to effervescent and then place it within the water. The paracetamol dissolves and disappears within the water. It still exists but not in it's original form. It is still within the water and now perceives all within the water (hello et's) For the paracetamol to transcend the vessel it needs to?

Recent solar flares have served as an insight into our and the planets effervescent transcendence from density to vibrational fluidity.

p.s what a headache

21st October 2011, 14:51
Well heres a new way to look at it. It is hard to drop down to 3rd density for them maybe. If we are moving up then they won't need to use all that energy to decloak now would they? We would literally see the worlds we don't see in our senses we have now but if we woke up suddenly and the fifth density energys were us now, then automatically it would seem they decloaked on masse. Even new worlds in our solar system would appear in front of us too. Now If we are really that close and we can raise our personal vibrations or frequencies then we will see, and no doubt communicate way before the earth and the rest of us merges into the new energy (5TH) . Just a thought!! :)

I think its possible that we wont see the aliens until the planet ascends. There has been alot of talk about the planet earth separating becoming two world, a 4th dimensional world and a 3rd dimensional world. I dont think the aliens will come and visit the 3rd dimensional world but they are waiting in the 4th dimension. They will come after the planet ascends, not while the planet is still in the 3rd dimension.

21st October 2011, 15:09
We are in quarantine, it's only when we live up to our role as self-responsible stewards of this planet, that we will really explore the cosmos and interact more naturally with others.

I don't believe that. The black-ops guys don't seem to have had any trouble communicating with e.t or travelling in space - They're just not sharing that aspect of reality with us.

I think it has far more to do with us regaining our self-determination and soveriegnty as a species. This will be something we have to start ourselves, but cannot finish on our own (as the playing field is not anywhere close to being level). Once we have shown the intent to regain our sovereignty (and this will happen - as it already is. Plus the natural energies coming in from the universe is also triggering us to do this more and more, helping humanity's consciousness evolve), they will be able to help us along. I'll be more about them aiding our cause and giving us a "lift-up" so-to-speak rather than direct intervnetion. Something in me tells me that contact will happen on a local level first, rather than a massive global push. Small groups to introduce themselves at a grassroots level. By the time it goes global, we'll all be used to the idea and comfortable with it, having met them ourselves either in person or in our dreamstate.

21st October 2011, 17:24
We are in quarantine, it's only when we live up to our role as self-responsible stewards of this planet, that we will really explore the cosmos and interact more naturally with others.

I don't believe that. The black-ops guys don't seem to have had any trouble communicating with e.t or travelling in space - They're just not sharing that aspect of reality with us.

Now what have these black-ops guys really seen? It's not like they explore the universe freely and are welcome everywhere. They got glimpses of what is possible, only what they were granted to see by their masters. That is not the kind of exploration of space that I envision.

Quarantine means ETs could visit us on a mass scale openly and share whatnot and so on, but we are not ready for that, we must mature, thus we are in quarantine.

I think it has far more to do with us regaining our self-determination and soveriegnty as a species. This will be something we have to start ourselves, but cannot finish on our own (as the playing field is not anywhere close to being level).

Self-determination is key indeed. Yet we have never been on our own as completly disconnected from all the others, we have started and progressed with others' direct or subtle assistance and we will always be connected and assisted, but rescue without participation is not an option. We will have our opportunity to do the same, to assists others. I think even if we wanted to accomplish something 'alone', it would not be possible because there is life just everywhere and we cannot really seperate from that.