View Full Version : King Arthur - Is It Real

The One
30th October 2011, 20:27
The legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is well known, having been told for centuries and immortalized in films and books. The questions, however, remain about the reality of the man; did he ever actually exist? There are scant mentions of him in historical documents and those references that do exist were written down centuries after he supposedly lived. In the quest to verify facts about his life, archeological remains are examined and historians give their theories about his would-be life.


30th October 2011, 22:47
Thanks TheOne interesting but still inconclusive.........

Obviously Camelot was in somerset...LOL and I love the apple connection as we are the home of cider....hence my avatar name....

Now the true Arthur as we know from this 80's doc was was a herioc figure prancing around to sound of coconuts & having trouble with the Franks...


David Trd1
31st October 2011, 07:25
The legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is well known, having been told for centuries and immortalized in films and books. The questions, however, remain about the reality of the man; did he ever actually exist? There are scant mentions of him in historical documents and those references that do exist were written down centuries after he supposedly lived. In the quest to verify facts about his life, archeological remains are examined and historians give their theories about his would-be life.

Hello The one. thanks for the vid.
Weather he exsisted or not i would imagine is someting that can never be proven completey now.But in my view its the story that resonates with people and the themes therein.it has quite a few similarities with the story of jesus.The degridation of the female.i.e.magdalene being a prostitute,guinevere being unfaithful to arthur in the traditional legend.both these themes underly both storys which ulimately turn us away at the subconsious level from our female aspect.Also the cross on the mound and the sword i the stone,and i believe the sword represents knowledge and truth not the modern interpretation by different religious fundamentalists with would have us believe that it represents the physical annihilation of all opponents to said belief.

For me anyway its the themes of such stories that are the most important thing and what they are trying to teach and tell us and how they may have been twisted and contorted by such powers that would benifit.

None the less it would be interesting to discover if he ever exsisted of was the man we were lead to believe.

For anothe take on the legend try check out ''The Dragon Queen'' By Alice Borchardt ,clearly a fantasy wrapped up in myth but an interesting read none the less.

sorry if i ran away from the centreline of topic.

And as this is my first post ...HI:o