View Full Version : Max Igan Trust Law, Equity, Birth Certificate and Simple Human Kindness

2nd November 2011, 13:36
I haven't seen much mentioned about Max on these forums so I wanted to give props to him for helping to simplify the sometimes daunting task of natural law and standing in your own power. It is through self reflection, knowledge and loving kindness that we all can begin to break through the barriers of delusion that have shackled our minds into believing we are not special.

We are all united in a struggle of both spirit and body. When we begin to see that we are all connected and the wrong we do is only a boulder we put around our own necks can we then, through knowledge and love, begin to heal ourselves and our planet......



2nd November 2011, 14:09
Thank You, Friamin!


I feel many of You will enjoy this talk linked below from the same site...
as it is in rhythm with moving from 'scarcity to abundance' in a sovereign and self-responsible light!

Lord Sidious
2nd November 2011, 14:16
Ok, government is a form of a trust, good point. Not many people speak of that.
I like his attitude to the birth certificate. He is correct, in my opinion, it is not something that you should try to run away from.
He didn't explain it like this, but the birth certificate is a certificate to acknowledge that you have a vested interest in something, much like buying shares in a corporation. You don't get the shares, but you do get a certificate to say that you ''own'' those shares.
We shouldn't use the term grantor, outside the US. The term should be settlor.
Mmm, he even speaks of the ego motivation of acquisition of ''things'' and showing off. Impressive.
I like his condemnation of this acquistion system.
I will tell him about this thread.