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2nd November 2011, 13:55
Read Complete Article, with videos and links. (http://humansarefree.com/2011/11/they-want-us-dead-eugenics-outlined.html)

Ultimate Eugenics Genocide Writeup - They want us Dead!

While we are all focusing on the coming financial collapse, as bad as that is something much more sinister is in the works. It’s very subtle if you are not paying attention. But, to the aware, it’s blatant, insidious, and just as horrific as Hitler’s Germany.

There is a small group of the world’s banking elite who have worked for a few hundred years with ingenious precision and unlimited money, to corral, coerce, and conquer every country of value on earth. For people who are normal and not rabidly greedy, it’s hard to fathom the idea of anyone trying to get control of the whole world, and taking a chunk of every measure of value traded between its people. What’s even harder to grasp is that they will stop at nothing to do it.


1. ASPARTAME (renamed AMINO SWEET or NEOTAME to thwart growing awareness) - Named commercially Equal/Sweet ‘n Low, aspartame has now found its way into 5000-6000 food products. This artificial sweetener was denied approval three times. That is, until Mr. Donald Rumsfeld was hired as the new president of the Searl Co. The company has since been sold to Monsanto.


2. GMO CROPS - Since these crops are patented; no one really knows exactly what types of genes are spliced into their DNA. They call them terminator seeds, meaning they do not produce seeds for future planting and must be purchased by farmers every year. The original theory was to blend Monsanto’s herbicide Round-Up into the gene of the plant so the crops could be sprayed with Monsanto’s Round-up without killing the plant. Way back in the 1980′s president G.H.W. Bush declared that if Genetically Modified crops looked like regular foods, then they were foods, and the government would not spend federal money on testing or researching their safety or efficacy.


3. COREXIT - During the Gulf Oil Disaster, BP defied the EPA’s ‘order’ not to apply this highly toxic deadly poison into the sea water. A ‘no fly zone’ was, and still is in force, so the public will not see that the spraying continues to this day. There has been a news black out imposed on scientists, researchers, doctors who are trying to diagnose and treat the many illnesses that the Gulf residents are sick and dying from.


4. VACCINES - Does it seem to you that every day some new vaccine pops up that we must have? Shingles? HPV? In my 33 years of working with the public on an intimate level, I’ve never known anyone who died of cervical cancer. Hmmm. Each year they guess which flu bug might come around, and we’re all supposed to line up. A couple years ago they said ‘oops, we were wrong, come in for another stab’ of a different brew.


5. FALSE PANDEMIC PANIC - An investigation into the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proclamation that the world was in a bonafide pandemic (after changing the criteria for that level 6 classification), it was discovered that there were unscrupulous and conflict of interest ties to the pharmaceutical companies. Wow! What a surprise! And yes, what was the payoff going to be? Billions of flu shots sold.


6. PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS - I think the number of deaths caused by prescription drugs each year is up to 200,000 if I’m not mistaken. And that’s not even the mistakes. That’s the number for properly prescribed meds! The drug companies trump up a crisis, like cholesterol numbers that are too high, restless legs, hyperactive kids, whatever, just when they are ready to release their shiny new pill for exactly that problem.

7. FLUORIDATED CITY WATER - This is a little trick they stole from the Hitler playbook. It’s just so expensive to dispose of the waste from aluminum manufacturing, hmmm, what could we drum up as a good use for it? Never mind that it actually causes brain damage, or makes your teeth mottled and discolored, or corrodes your bones, we’ll just put that skull and crossbones on the 55 gallon drums to warn people.


8. AEROSOL SPRAYING - Have you noticed all those pretty streams planes make in the sky over your head? I have. They can turn a clear Arizona deep blue sky cloudy, in just about an hour.

Sometimes they make puff clouds that have streamers draping off of them. Cool! But maybe in a short time, you find you can’t breath so well, or you find these cobweb like things on your plants, or it can look like it’s snowing when it’s 100 degrees! More cool! But it’s a different story when you read about the testing of what’s been collected in air samples, or in people’s blood and saliva. Micro particles of aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, zinc, and too many to list other heavy metals, along with strange bacteria and fibers.


9. FDA - How many words are the limit for regular articles? Some doctors have been known to call this the Federal Death Agency. There are countless detrimental to life additives, fillers, chemicals, artificial extenders, dyes, poison in plastic food containers, and even radiation that are just fine with the FDA for us to eat.


10. VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT DEMONIZATION - The Pharmaceutical companies have a jealousy problem. They don’t like all the money you’ve been spending on vitamins to stay healthy. It’s just driving them crazy. So they got our government to sign onto some UN treaty called Codex Alimentarius. This multi country UN gig wants to judge just how little nutrition you actually need in your vitamin pills, something like what wouldn’t be enough for your pet fly.


11. EPA - Natural gas fracking (flaming tap water). 5 year Naval war exercises on all US coasts with every horrible kind of toxin, bomb, or chemical warfare germ you can think of. They even admit this endeavor will “take” (read ‘kill’) up to 11 million sea mammals.


12. USDA - Let me give you a clue. All these alphabet soup agencies are head fakes. They were put in place by TPTB to make us think the government was protecting us and our country. And maybe for awhile, to get us believing in them, they were. But folks, the worm has turned. Look out. They are all there to enable the move to consolidate the elites’ plan for total control over our lives!


13. FUKUSHIMA - What is Fukushima? I think I’ve heard of that somewhere before. Was that the name of a country somewhere near Japan or something? Oh that’s right, there was a tsunami, and I think I heard something about a nuclear power plant. Boy, that CNN just jumps from one story to the next. Things are moving so fast these days it’s hard to keep up. But I think somebody from England said something about not going out in the rain, or eating green leafy vegetables. But everything must be OK now, because I haven’t heard any more about it.


14. THE FOOD SAFETY AND MODERNIZATION ACT - Better known as ‘The End of Small Farms and Don’t Bother Looking For Roadside Fruit and Vegetable Stands Act’. Those small time farmers are going to be too busy complying with new draconian paperwork and regulations to worry about the safety of their organic crops. While they are busy paying the piper, the crops will die of neglect anyway.


15. SMART GRID and SMART METERS - As if electro magnetic frequencies (EMF) from cell phones, cell towers, microwave ovens, HD TVs, wi-fi signals, medical CT scans, X-rays, and airport scanners, aren’t enough to fry us, we now get to have the new and improved electrical grid along with the deadly ‘smart meters’ that go with them. Here’s another gift from TPTB money grabbers who have nothing but their own agenda in mind.

Even all the corporations who are going to be bidding for a piece of the action dare not bring up the issue of safety. Not a word! This may finally be the wake-up call for all the people who refused to believe their government has anything but their best interests at heart. Once again, our dependence on electricity will be used to hold us hostage, and to make us comply with something that may very well kill us! Not to mention that ‘smart meters’ are a complete invasion of your privacy and a way for Big Brother to keep track of your every move and even control your appliances remotely if they want.


16. UNENDING WARS - Mothers, don’t let your babies grow up to be soldiers. If they make it back home, they’ll never be the same. Look up Gulf War Syndrome. They are guinea pigs for every imaginable vaccine, and unwitting victims of America’s own weapon of mass destruction called depleted uranium.

You could also become the proud grandparents of a grandchild with 2 heads and 4 legs. It has become very obvious that our government, our military, and our country have been the subjects of a coup ‘d tat. The next time someone says our sons and daughters are defending our freedom, remind them of the black SUVs and swat team raids on the beautiful Amish farmers, or the 630 citizen deaths by cop tasers, or the no warrant, no knock raids on homes of innocent people, or the sexual assault by the airport TSA because people just want to visit their family in another state.


17. OBAMA ”CARE” - Written by the insurance companies, it will be the perfect covert plan to eliminate all the ‘useless eaters’ and save the government from paying all of us pesky Baby Boomers our social security. It won’t be hard, since while they are adding 30 million people into the system, 60% of the doctors we have now will be long gone.


18. WEATHER MODIFICATION - Scientists say the technology certainly exists. I’m sure the ruling Cabal has unlimited funds to invest in it, and the Navy says they’ll own the weather by 2025. We keep having rare, deadly, ‘once every 100 years’ droughts, floods, earthquakes, temperatures, and snowfalls, so I’m really suspicious about this.

I think they own the weather now! It seems to add up to broke farmers, food shortages and sky high prices. Our government signed on to a UN treaty that prohibits all countries from using weather weapons. So, our leaders promptly privatized the U.S. weather bureau, and created numerous front companies that carry out their plans for them anyway. It’s similar to hiring that company Blackwater in Iraq. They did such a good job for the U.S. in Iraq, and they’re so proud that they changed their name to XE, as if that makes them seem any less dark.


19. FINANCIAL COLLAPSE/DEPRESSION - I forget. How many people died during the 1930s depression? One of the most telling discoveries were the thousands of coffins piled up that Jessie Ventura showed on one of his TruTV shows. That show was never aired again, and was removed altogether from the TruTV website and the internet.

Are the coffins for the masses of people who will starve during the new great depression? Why did the government order them? If they are there in case of a big natural disaster, wouldn’t the government just say so? Instead they removed the evidence from view. In detective terms, they call that consciousness of guilt.


Click to Read Complete Article, with Videos + Download Link to PDF version. (http://humansarefree.com/2011/11/they-want-us-dead-eugenics-outlined.html) - Share it to all!

Much love to all!

2nd November 2011, 14:04
Thanks for the write-up (and links if you prefer). :)

They also want to keep us fearing what they will do next. Perhaps you should add 'Fear Porn' to the list?

2nd November 2011, 14:11
Thanks for summarizing this, i applaud you. Awesome Job!

Eric J (Viking)
2nd November 2011, 14:23
Bit depressing isn't it!! ... how much control do they really have..?

I see the title of the web site is 'Humans Are Free' ... ha ha !!


2nd November 2011, 14:39
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Lord Sidious
2nd November 2011, 14:42
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

2nd November 2011, 14:47
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

It is sad to think of all the pain and suffering that has gone on over the past 36,000+ years just for money and power.

Lord Sidious
2nd November 2011, 14:51
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

It is sad to think of all the pain and suffering that has gone on over the past 36,000+ years just for money and power.

Very much so, it is.
How about we work on making sure this is the last round of the game and we start a new game?

2nd November 2011, 14:54
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

It is sad to think of all the pain and suffering that has gone on over the past 36,000+ years just for money and power.

Very much so, it is.
How about we work on making sure this is the last round of the game and we start a new game?

Yes Lord Sidious, That is exactly what we will do, Change the game and make it our turn to live!

2nd November 2011, 22:28
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

Hi Lord Sidious,
I would love to hear you elaborate on the 'news for em'.

Lord Sidious
2nd November 2011, 23:42
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

Hi Lord Sidious,
I would love to hear you elaborate on the 'news for em'.

Many, many people know of their plans aka agenda 21.
Many, many people are determined to die free.
So, their plans and our plans are going to collide, soon.

2nd November 2011, 23:45
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

Hi Lord Sidious,
I would love to hear you elaborate on the 'news for em'.

Many, many people know of their plans aka agenda 21.
Many, many people are determined to die free.
So, their plans and our plans are going to collide, soon.

The question everyone needs to ask themselves is who they will stand with!

3rd November 2011, 14:56
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

It is sad to think of all the pain and suffering that has gone on over the past 36,000+ years just for money and power.

This is how the world will always look like if we don't give up MONEY. They are corrupt, obsolete and belong to the past. A new type of economy is needed or we will stay forever enslaved.

Earth has everything we need and "shares" the resources for free. So who does decides how much I should pay for the materials I need?

Do an exercise: choose all the bad things in the world and try to link them to money. You will see that it's fairly easy. Because all the bad things happen for materialistic gains.

It's time for us to say NO to currency!

3rd November 2011, 18:28
Good job, great summary of the fun stuff ʻtheyʻ love bomb us with. Did I say love? :)

Itʻs nearly impossible to keep up with ALL the crap, it comes from every direction and involves EVERY aspect of life. It requires a balanced mind to intelligently negotiate the material and apply it to our lives.

BTW, Does anyone have a good, well researched and documented article or study of the effects of microwave ovens and how they bio-chemically affect the food and health? Iʻve seen a few but most are short, light weight or not well documented. Some are hyped and hysterical or poorly referenced. I want to give it to a scientific friend that believes, without any proof, that they are safe and teases me about not using them. Any really good material out there? -- Thanks in advance!

3rd November 2011, 18:48
By the looks of what appears to be an epic day for spraying here in So. California I would have to agree with AlexanderLight. The sky has just about been completely blanketed and they are still at it. Sorry I know this thread is not about aerial spraying but I can feel it when I breath. It just seems to be getting worse lately around here.

It's not good by any stretch of the imagination...

3rd November 2011, 19:02
Dr. Mercola's site is always good for this kind of thing.
Here are a few links:

Also see:

BTW, Does anyone have a good, well researched and documented article or study of the effects of microwave ovens and how they bio-chemically affect the food and health? Iʻve seen a few but most are short, light weight or not well documented. Some are hyped and hysterical or poorly referenced. I want to give it to a scientific friend that believes, without any proof, that they are safe and teases me about not using them. Any really good material out there? -- Thanks in advance!

3rd November 2011, 19:44
I'm eating organic these days and it is worth the extra money. It does seem like someone has decided that its time to eliminate all of the useless eaters in the world albeit slowly so we don't figure it out! Next our grandchildren will be living in a scene out of the movie "Logans Run" or "Soylent Green." If you guys haven't seen those then you need to. Excuse me I have to dash out to get my Swine Flu vaccine...............................

3rd November 2011, 20:11
I'm eating organic these days and it is worth the extra money. It does seem like someone has decided that its time to eliminate all of the useless eaters in the world albeit slowly so we don't figure it out! Next our grandchildren will be living in a scene out of the movie "Logans Run" or "Soylent Green." If you guys haven't seen those then you need to. Excuse me I have to dash out to get my Swine Flu vaccine...............................

I have been eating organic for about 20 years now. Since I have been without health insurance since 1988 it (eating organic) has been my new health insurance. I might add I am a vegetarian also for those years. No diet discussions please. Eat what you want.

My health has been exemplary for all of those years as well. I just finished my second six month stay at a holistic institute. Despite the 'bugs' that go through the community, at a rate of about 2 per season with most people 'catching it', I have remained unaffected. I also do not worry about working on people with colds, (I am a bodyworker/energyworker/massage therapist) because I will be unaffected. When I share this information with clients or others they will often say, "Knock on wood". To this I reply, "No need to. My good health and immunity are not superstitions". The effect that statement produces is always interesting to observe.

4th November 2011, 03:52
Dr. Mercola's site is always good for this kind of thing.

Thanks onawah, one of the Mercola articles may work quite well - it has footnotes to actual documented studies! Yea! I think Iʻll dole out an article every few weeks and hope to get him hooked and doing his own research.

This guy is a doctor (and a serious Taurus :) ) and will only read health and medicine articles by qualified researchers, such as MDs and PhDs in qualified research facilities. You get the picture I think. Those are the kind of articles Iʻm looking for.

I understand his position, there is more than enough junk science on the net and many of the articles I come across, while not necessarily bad, are not thorough or properly annotated and documented. They are directed at people with lower levels of education or little scientific background -- which may cover most of us. They can cause some people to jump to a lot of unsound conclusions.

Like the benefits of organic food or lethality of chem trails; unless I have the hard scientific research, evidence and good documentation without hype, drama and personal conclusions, I wonʻt send the information to anyone. People get burned out on poor quality internet info -- most of us here are a little tired of that as well.

Iʻve managed to nudge him in the direction of organic foods tho. One of the main reasons I used is the lack of chemical pesticides and fertilizers...and it worked! It appeals to his organic chemistry background.

Hey evancruz1, I have noticed the heavy spraying the last week or so in So Cal as well. Quite a bit today and my throat feels a little rough.

Perhaps the end of chem sprays will be a sign that the 1% are out of business, out of power. Iʻm looking forward to it.

4th November 2011, 08:11
Glad that article worked for you, Latte.
I think a good way to get someone turned on to organic food is to take them to a big farmer's market.
Seeing and eating beautiful, colorful produce picked fresh from the garden or farm is such a different experience than buying from a supermarket, or even a health food store, where the produce may be organic, but won't necessarily be that fresh.

The end of chemtrails is going to be cause for so much celebration! I can hardly wait....
I keep visualizing it, which is one way I find not to be bothered by it quite so much.

4th November 2011, 08:41
"Working with Bernard H. Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the University Institute for Biochemistry, Hertel not only conceived of the study and carried it out, he was one of eight participants. "To control as many variables as possible, we selected eight individuals who were strict macrobiotic diet participants from the Macrobiotic Institute at Kientel, Switzerland," Hertel explained.

"We were all housed in the same hotel environment for eight weeks. There was no smoking, no alcohol and no sex." One can readily see that this protocol makes sense.

After all, how could you tell about subtle changes in a human's blood from eating microwaved food if smoking, booze, junk food, pollution, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and everything else in the common environment were also present?

"We had one American, one Canadian and six Europeans in the group. I was the oldest at 64 years, the others were in their 20s and 30s," Hertel added. Valentine published the results of this study in Search for Health in the Spring of 1992. But the follow-up information is available only in a later edition, and also in Acres, USA.

In intervals of two to five days, the volunteers in the study received one of the food variants on an empty stomach. The food variants were: raw milk from a biofarm (no. 1); the same milk conventionally cooked (no. 2); pasteurised milk from Intermilk Berne (no. 3); the same raw milk cooked in a microwave oven (no. 4); raw vegetables from an organic farm (no. 5); the same vegetables cooked conventionally (no. 6); the same vegetables frozen and defrosted in the microwave oven (no. 7); and the same vegetables cooked in the microwave oven (no. 8). The overall experiment had some of the earmarks of the Pottenger cat studies, except that now human beings were test objects, the experiment's time-frame was shorter, and a new heat form was tested.

Once the volunteers were isolated at the resort hotel, the test began. Blood samples were taken from every volunteer immediately before eating. Then blood samples were taken at defined intervals after eating from the above-numbered milk or vegetable preparations.

Significant changes were discovered in the blood of the volunteers who consumed foods cooked in the microwave oven. These changes included a decrease in all haemoglobin values and cholesterol values, especially the HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol) values and ratio.

Lymphocytes (white blood cells) showed a more distinct short-term decrease following the intake of microwaved food than after the intake of all the other variants. Each of these indicators point in a direction away from robust health and toward degeneration.

Additionally, there was a highly significant association between the amount of microwave energy in the test foods and the luminous power of luminescent bacteria exposed to serum from test persons who ate that food.

This led Hertel to the conclusion that such technically derived energies may, indeed, be passed along to man inductively via consumption of microwaved food. "This process is based on physical principles and has already been confirmed in the literature," Hertel explained. The apparent additional energy exhibited by the luminescent bacteria was merely extra confirmation.

"There is extensive scientific literature concerning the hazardous effects of direct microwave radiation on living systems," Hertel continued. "It is astonishing, therefore, to realise how little effort has been made to replace this detrimental technique of microwaves with technology more in accordance with nature.

"Technically produced microwaves are based on the principle of alternating current. Atoms, molecules and cells hit by this hard electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100 billion times a second.

There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts. "Of all the natural substances-which are polar-the oxygen of water molecules reacts most sensitively.

This is how microwave cooking heat is generated-friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, molecules are forcefully deformed (called structural isomerism) and thus become impaired in quality.
Heating Food versus Microwaving

"This is contrary to conventional heating of food, in which heat transfers convectionally from without to within. Cooking by microwaves begins within the cells and molecules where water is present and where the energy is transformed into frictional heat."

The apparently toxic effects of microwave cooking is another in a long list of unnatural additives in our daily diets. However, the establishment has not taken kindly to this work. "The first drawing of blood samples took place on an empty stomach at 7.45 each morning," Hertel explained.

"The second drawing of blood took place 15 minutes after the food intake. The third drawing was two hours later." >From each sample, 50 millilitres of blood was used for the chemistry and five millimetres for the haematology and the luminescence.

The haematological examinations took place immediately after drawing the samples. Erythrocytes, haemoglobin, mean haemoglobin concentration, mean haemoglobin content, leukocytes and lymphocytes were measured. The chemical analysis consisted of iron, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

The results of erythrocyte, haemoglobin, haematocrit and leukocyte determinations were at the "lower limits of normal" in those tested following the eating of the microwaved samples. "These results show anaemic tendencies.

The situation became even more pronounced during the second month of the study," Hertel added. "And with those decreasing values, there was a corresponding increase of cholesterol values."

Hertel admits that stress factors, from getting punctured for the blood samples so often each day, for example, cannot be ruled out, but the established baseline for each individual became the "zero values" marker, and only changes from the zero values were statistically determined.

With only one round of test substances completed, the different effects between conventionally prepared food and microwaved food were marginal-although noticed as definite "tendencies". As the test continued, the differences in the blood markers became "statistically significant".

The changes are generally considered to be signs of stress on the body. For example, erythrocytes tended to increase after eating vegetables from the microwave oven. Haemoglobin and both of the mean concentration and content haemoglobin markers also tended to decrease significantly after eating the microwaved substances.
Leukocytosis (abnormally high number of white blood cells)

"Leukocytosis," Hertel explained, "which cannot be accounted for by normal daily deviations such as following the intake of food," is taken seriously by haematologists. Leukocyte [white blood cells] response is especially sensitive to stress. They are often signs of pathogenic effects on the living system, such as poisoning and cell damage.

The increase of leukocytes with the microwaved foods was more pronounced than with all the other variants. It appears that these marked increases were caused entirely by ingesting the microwaved substances."

The cholesterol markers were very interesting, Hertel stressed: "Common scientific belief states that cholesterol values usually alter slowly over longer periods of time. In this study, the markers increased rapidly after the consumption of the microwaved vegetables.

However, with milk, the cholesterol values remained the same and even decreased with the raw milk significantly." Hertel believes his study tends to confirm newer scientific data that suggest cholesterol may rapidly increase in the blood secondary to acute stress.

"Also," he added, "blood cholesterol levels are less influenced by cholesterol content of food than by stress factors. Such stress-causing factors can apparently consist of foods which contain virtually no cholesterol-the microwaved vegetables." It is plain to see that this individually financed and conducted study has enough meat in it to make anyone with a modicum of common sense sit up and take notice.

Food from the microwave oven caused abnormal changes, representing stress, to occur in the blood of all the test individuals. Biological individuality, a key variable that makes a mockery of many allegedly scientific studies, was well accounted for by the established baselines. So, how has the brilliant world of modern technology, medicine and 'protect the public' government reacted to this impressive effort?
A Gag Order

As soon as Hertel and Blanc announced their results, the hammer of authority slammed down on them. A powerful trade organisation, the Swiss Association of Dealers for Electroapparatuses for Households and Industry, known simply as FEA, struck swiftly.

They forced the President of the Court of Seftigen, Kanton Bern, to issue a 'gag order' against Hertel and Blanc. The attack was so ferocious that Blanc quickly recanted his support-but it was too late. He had already put into writing his views on the validity of the studies where he concurred with the opinion that microwaved food caused the blood abnormalities.

Hertel stood his ground, and today is steadfastly demanding his rights to a trial. Preliminary hearings on the matter have been appealed to higher courts, and it's quite obvious the powers that be do not want a 'show trial' to erupt on this issue. In March 1993, the court handed down this decision based upon the complaint of the FEA:"Consideration......."


4th November 2011, 08:46
They dont want us dead, they still need slave labor and to suck off our energies much like a vampire

Oh, they do.
They want most of us gone.
Our numbers are too high for their liking.
The idea is that if we were to ''wake up'' we would be too hard to deal with.
So, they cull the herd a bit and keep a few here and there to serve them.
But I got news for em, and it's all bad.

Hi Lord Sidious,
I would love to hear you elaborate on the 'news for em'.

Many, many people know of their plans aka agenda 21.
Many, many people are determined to die free.
So, their plans and our plans are going to collide, soon.

The bad news for them is that we are waking up. :typing:

4th November 2011, 09:12
I know nothing BUT a friend made a device for me when I was sick. It has a vibration, he says. He says it contains rhodium and gold. Its encased in some kind of substance which is not important but I can't see what is inside. Near as I can figure out, somehow he has got the electrons flowing between the rhodium and gold. It was the idea of the "vibration" that I found interesting. Because this device seems to work. It does a lot of things. Kills bacteria. Stops pain. Acts as a general detox. Gives me a lot of energy. Improves mental acuity. I was interested in the idea of the vibration but I am not sure what he means by that. I understand that what we eat has a vibration too. If that is the case; irradiation and microwaving would certainly interfere.

*It might not "kill" bacteria. It might just prevent them from grouping together....interfering with their communication.

4th November 2011, 13:51
By the looks of what appears to be an epic day for spraying here in So. California I would have to agree with AlexanderLight. The sky has just about been completely blanketed and they are still at it. Sorry I know this thread is not about aerial spraying but I can feel it when I breath. It just seems to be getting worse lately around here.

It's not good by any stretch of the imagination...

They are now faking the clouds, Evan - and not only through chemtrails:
Click for videos (http://humansarefree.com/2011/10/faking-clouds-covering-sky.html)

Also, please read the comments. Someone said I am paranoid. Am I?

I've read tens of articles and forum comments from people complaining for not seeing the sky in months, while others says they haven't seen in their entire lives clouds looking like nowadays.

4th November 2011, 14:46
I firmly believe they want us dumbed but not dead, otherwise who would they play their game with?........with us gone the game is over.

4th November 2011, 15:12
Here see this article about how they actually excavated the graves of plague victims to "study" the bacteria. They actually revived the bacteria:


percival tyro
4th November 2011, 19:55
Well done Alexander Light. I wish I could save the stuff on our forum but it's all too depressing.....Just read it and move on.

7th November 2011, 13:18
@Camilo, actually 500 million humans is what they hope to "achieve". In their equation, half a billion is the correct number - for a series of sick reasons.

@percival tyro, I think you should not censure the truth - no matter how depressing. People need to wake up and decide to change something in their lives - and hopefully to spread the true knowledge to others as well. My advice is for your to share this...

Love to all!