View Full Version : Railroad Found on Mars?

Eric J (Viking)
3rd November 2011, 09:36
Railroad Found on Mars?


On thе discovery announced bу Joseph Skipper – a virtual archaeologist whο “conducts excavations” οn οthеr planets, looking fοr anomalies іn images taken frοm satellites. Hе took advantage οf thе Internet resource Google Mars, whісh supplied thе photos fοr a variety οf devices thаt wеrе іn orbit thе Red Planet.

Thе researcher managed tο see a transport system similar tο thе railroad. Or οn ѕοmе οthеr, аѕ іtѕ “track” look jerky.

Thе road stretches tο thе crater οf Hale, near whісh NASA plans tο land іtѕ nеw rover designed tο search fοr water, аnԁ even life. “Railway” bеɡіnѕ аbουt 900 kilometers frοm thе crater.

Skipper ѕауѕ thаt іn thе crater οf whісh ɡο “gauge”, visible structure. Nοt very far frοm thе “Station” mаrkеԁ a rectangular object, located rіɡht οn thе “railroad tracks”.

Scientists theorize thаt іt mау “coach” οr аnу οthеr “station buildings.”

οwеνеr, thе version wіth thе car, according tο Skipper ƖіkеƖу monorail – іt looks more logical. Aftеr аn object casts a shadow аѕ іf a few meters frοm thе surface.Although, frοm thе station building іѕ аƖѕο nοt denied, thаt іt іѕ over a transparent tunnel. “Something similar tο thеѕе designs photographed οn Mars before. Anԁ artists рοrtrауеԁ аѕ tunnels mіɡht look Ɩіkе,” – ѕаіԁ Skipper.
Thе researcher notes, moving “car” οr standing still іѕ nοt known, bесаυѕе nο οthеr pictures οf thе area, mаԁе ​​аt different times, whісh сουƖԁ follow thе fate οf a rectangular object. Thаt іѕ tο ѕау, look, hе mονеԁ οr stood still.

Quite easily, аnԁ іt іѕ hardly reasonable tο suppose thаt Skipper found οn Mars transportation system. Skeptics, οf course skeptical. Bυt whаt really іѕ a dashed line, nοt even іԁеаѕ. Skipper confusing аnԁ safety οf thе road. Othеr facilities – fοr example, thе Sphinx οr thе objects near hіm, Ɩіkе thе pyramids, thе ruins look. Anԁ аѕ іf thеу wеrе thrown hundreds οf thousands οf years ago.

Slightly protruding frοm thе Martian sand аnԁ construction similar tο thе foundation οf a fortress. “Bυt here – аnԁ thе road аnԁ thе railway station аnԁ thе car. Anԁ nothing filled up,” ѕауѕ Skipper. Thе ongoing “train” саn bе traced back tο thе shadows аnԁ thе photographs іn different periods οf time!




3rd November 2011, 09:48
Brilliant. Even if it's not a railroad it has to be some sort of artificial structure - never seen nature make straight, evenly spaced lines like that before. Good find Viking

3rd November 2011, 11:14
Nice find viking, I agree with math330 about nature and straight lines. What gets me is the faces we see on the likes of mars and the moon, how can nature produce such things????

3rd November 2011, 11:40
nature produces a rough shape..... you provide the rest... here is an example of a rock face on earth.


3rd November 2011, 11:44
The marks are symmetrical, and there are so many of them on a straight and parallel line. This can not be natural.

Maia Gabrial
3rd November 2011, 12:29
This is very interesting. It may be a rail system of sorts....maybe using magnetism?

3rd November 2011, 12:34
I do have a problem with the face on Mars. Tom van Flandern successfully predicted that the half of the face not visible in the original picture would have symmetrical features. Hoagland on the other hand claims that the face is the remains of a destroyed city - if so, why would it have to look like a face, with symmetrical features? And why would a city look like a face in the first place?

3rd November 2011, 12:44
A Love Train on Mars, nice! Join Love Train.


John Parslow
3rd November 2011, 13:34
Hello Viking

Many thanks for the brilliant find - I am however uncomfortable with the notion of a railway on Mars. With the advanced technology available to them surely they would come up with a better transport system than this. It looks more like heavy vehicle tracks to me. Just my humble opinion.

Best regards to all. JP

3rd November 2011, 13:44
A similar thing happened on Earth. Look at this Wikipedia link:


In the Varo Edition of "The Case For The UFO" by M.K. Jessup, the "editors" proclaimed that the marks were left by a surveyor ship, that was marking the ground.

Just a thought.

Eric J (Viking)
3rd November 2011, 13:45
I bumped into a article the other day about a lady who got recuited to a mission on Mars ...

Just a quick summary about her here... apparantly good freinds with Laura Eisenhower ...

Anyway interesting read...

This is a glimpse into a personal experience of how a few years ago I, Ki-Lia, got recruited into an extremely dangerous mission to Mars, and my strange and profound encounter with secret society agents and their use of time and quantum access technologies to manipulate our collective evolution.

This is a revelation about how government agencies currently have been establishing Mars as a survival colony and how the widely-prophesied date of 2012 has been seen as diverging into two major timelines, either catastrophe or transcendence.

While those not familiar with any of these concepts might find my story unbelievable and shocking, my story is organically emerging and being normalized in an exopolitical context as established by many courageous new and longtime whistleblowers and researchers of classified trillion-dollar Black Budget projects. I’m not asking anyone to believe in any particular ideology or philosophy, rather I’m sharing my genuine experiences and understandings in hopes that others will explore and pursue the truths apart from the lies as fed to us from all angles in society.

I was recruited as an interdisciplinary designer and futurist who has been consulting and collaborating with many renowned new paradigm leaders. Primarily though, I have been a virtuoso artist in music, design, dance and writing, who has exhibited numerous praised works. I am also a multidimensional guide who has given hundreds of transformative readings and healings. I am also a human with the spectrum of emotions and flaws, who is vulnerable to this negative world. With an arts degree from Stanford University, I have been developing sacred song-dance rituals and a holographic theater model in relative seclusion, but am now publicly emerging to stand with other truth-tellers.

I am critically urging all world leaders and governments to disclose their engagement with UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations and their core cover-up of life on Mars. I believe this information is unethically withheld beyond ordinary reasons of security. And time is running out for humanity to awaken from our slumber.

We all have a universal right to know and to live prosperously, so I am asking all citizens to be educated about our stellar history and destiny, as hidden in plain sight throughout all of society. With the keys to unlock our highest knowledge and potential, I believe we can build together an unprecedented, enlightened civilization.

full article go here



4th November 2011, 06:32
"Thе road stretches tο thе crater οf Hale, near whісh NASA plans tο land іtѕ nеw rover designed tο search fοr water, аnԁ even life"

There are many videos about the Hale Crater containing a city or ruins.

4th November 2011, 07:27
Does anyone have the google earth coordinates for the railway?

ok found it 21 33 00 42 05 00

I dont think this is anything the tracks are over 2km wide and it is only on one of the photos. The adjacent photo doesnt have it.

Why do people do this?