View Full Version : Crystal energy: A quick question.

5th November 2011, 23:53
Hi Avalonians,

One evening this summer, I attended an Umbanda ceremony (afro-brazilian spiritism) in Brazil where I experienced a healing incident with a crystal.

Upon seeking the counsel of one of the mediums who was at the time incorporated by a spirit guide I began feeling as if I was about to faint. Upon voicing my concern to the medium he promptly gave me a (rose quartz) crystal to hold onto. He told me that holding it would make me feel better. After briefly admiring its beautiful pink colour, I gently took it and held it for a few minutes. As I did so I felt a bolt of energy glide through my arm all the way up to my mind, this continued for a few minutes and I slowly began to feel lighter. I remarked to the guide that I was starting to feel better and handed the crystal back to him. As he took it from me I looked at it.. gasping in the process.. because it had now become completely transparent. Stunned I voiced my disbelief to him.. his response.. a gentle knowing smile.

I am very much a novice to all this and I would love for those that are more schooled in such matters to perhaps share your opinions on what may have taken place. What did the energy do? Why the colour change? Did it affect my crown chakra?

Thank you very much.

6th November 2011, 05:41
Crystals can go out if they are pushed beyond their means, just as a tourmaline needle will break if it defends you from something big enough. That you are uncertain of a connection to the crown chakra suggests that the crown chakra was never involved.

Fundy Gemini
6th November 2011, 05:45
No answers, but how incredibly interesting!

6th November 2011, 08:26
I'm not sure about the crystal but I have been in Brazil at Umbanda ceremonies. There are definite entities which have been involved with this religion for a very long time. There is no reason one of them could not have been inhabiting the crystal or using it as a conduit for healing.

At the end of 10 days in a Brazilian jungle compound, with a group who practiced Umbanda, I was unsure whether the entities involved were actually dangerous. I was given a 'living' rock to keep in water. I was to use this rock to stay in touch with the shaman there (a remarkable man) and be able to call on him.

My decision when I got home? Shortly after my return to the USA I came under severe psychic attack. As part of the clean up to address this I took the 'living rock' far into the forest and buried it so that its influence was well away from my body.

I am certain I saw a lot of magic and mystery while in Brazil, but I'm not certain if it was pro-expanded consciousness, or against. I also had a healing, there were strong physical sensations to it, however I was uncertain of the result. (In my case I felt excruciating pain during the healing. The next day I felt like I had 1000s of worms crawling under my skin for 24 hours after the healing... not painful, but kinda creepy.) Better safe than sorry, so I severed the connection to the people and entities there.

As for your question. It may be one you keep alive for a lifetime without ever finding a solid answer. Thanks for sharing the story though.

7th November 2011, 00:22
Thank you all for the responses.

Rantaak so you are essentially saying that I used up the crystal's energy and sucked it out of its colour as a consequence? I only ask about the crown chakra because I felt such a great impact on my mind.

Dawn, thank you for sharing your experiences however i'm sorry to hear of the not so positive effects you endured. It's important to clarify though that and as I'm sure you know Umbanda distinguishes itself from the darker practices governing Candomble, Macumba, Santeria that are employed to invoke negative entities for negative purposes. During the 20th century, Macumba split into two religions: Quimbanda and Umbanda. Umbanda represented the more acceptable 'white magic' traits of Macumba, while Quimbanda retained the 'black magic' traits i.e. animal sacrifices etc. Nevertheless there are some Umbanda groups that may retain some of the more negative Quimbanda aspects or invoke some of the negative Orixas. So you may have experienced something in relation to that and after a quick google search I may have found the meaning behind your rock experience.
Briefly translated: Otá, okutá or okuta in the candomblé and in other related afro-brasilian religions, is a stone-fetish. From what I gathered it's a conduit for connecting to an Orixa. There's even particular instructions on how to keep it... in a jar with things like honey, sweet oil, 'ori' (butter), palm oil.

My personal experience that evening however I have to say was drastically eye opening and consciousness expanding. Before I attended the ceremony I had been attending weekly healing sessions at a Kardecist Spiritist Centre and I was very intent on getting myself further guidance/healing for things I happened to be experiencing during that period in my life. So I jumped at the opportunity to go to an Umbanda ceremony simply to pursue this goal and expecting nothing else to come from it. How wrong I was! A few mins into the ceremony and while the mediums began incorporating the guides I began to feel my hands and feet becoming sweaty only to switch to cold and back to sweaty continously. I felt mentally heavy as if the atmosphere around me was becoming denser. I also saw a pink light where no pink light should have been. Before this experience I had never considered myself a medium/psychic.. when I came to speak with the medium/guide and detailed to him the symptoms I had experienced during the course of the evening he told me that I had now reached the stage of my life path where I was to begin to develop my mediumship. This took me by complete surprise.

But yes as you rightly commented... I'm sure this question will never find a solid answer. :)

8th December 2011, 18:00
A few months ago I came across an article in a science magazine that reported on some research done with crystals. Our brains give off vibrations, even while sleeping. This research found that because all things vibrate, and thus give off waves, that certain vibrations could affect the brain, and thus the body, in good or bad ways. It is possible, they said, for the correct crystals, and thus the correct vibrations, to balance the brains patterns. I could not find the name of the magazine, but the point here is that even practical science (observe and report) understands that all things interact, and there are many more ways to heal than we are currently using. So your experience was real, and could have been observed, if we could see the interaction between the particular crystals vibrations and your own. Feng Shui also uses crystals in the art of placement and design. - www.whiteknightstudio.com

8th December 2011, 19:28
Symbolseeker thank you for your comment.

Yes I was confident that what I had experienced had been an energetic/vibrational interaction however at the time of posting the thread I hadn't found much information either scientific or esoteric that provided a good explanation for what exactly had transpired. Even though I knew there's a lot out there I just hadn't come across any of it myself so I was hoping some members of Avalon could enlighten me a little.

It's a shame you don't remember the name of the article though.

8th December 2011, 19:42
You might want to read about the work of Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) who was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. Did a lot of very interesting research into crystals.

Here is quote from a website:
"In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut® crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies."

Sounds like an interesting guy. Here is the link:


8th December 2011, 19:59
I have some experience with crystal healing, though I am certainly not an expert.
All I can say is that crystals can certainly be used to transmit and/or store healing energy and information, and can be used as conduits for connecting one entity to another, as well as for amplifying whatever energy they are in proximity to. I'm convinced that they were used in Atlantean times as a source of energy for technology, and for balancing earth energies.
Different types of crystals have different uses, for example, some are better for storing information, some are better for healing purposes.
Cloudy crystals are known to become clear with use.

8th December 2011, 20:07
You might want to read about the work of Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) who was a research scientist for IBM’s San Jose facility for 27 years. Did a lot of very interesting research into crystals.

Here is quote from a website:
"In the 1970’s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut® crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies."

Sounds like an interesting guy. Here is the link:


I was honoured to see a healing table based on his work, where 7 vogel cut crystals were held over the chakkras. Light is sent through, to increase the chakkra spin and therefore their ability to hold light and uplift the energy field. Apparently there are a limited number of these 'tables'. The person who had it has unfortunately passed, but I studied Crystal Healing extensively with her in Hawaii and can vouch for her abilities. I wonder where that table is now?

9th December 2011, 01:17
There's a very informative article about Vogel crystals here:
I am expecting to get a Vogel crystal soon, gifted to me by the author of that article, James Tyberonn, and I am really looking forward to working with it!

9th December 2011, 01:48
Rantaak so you are essentially saying that I used up the crystal's energy and sucked it out of its colour as a consequence? I only ask about the crown chakra because I felt such a great impact on my mind.

That would be my first guess. The crown chakra is what facilitates the connection to the higher self (the gender-less spirit-force that wrote the entire script for every life you will ever have, which experiences and learns vicariously through YOU and all of your other incarnations). Mind and mentation have a tendency to take place in the third eye chakra (perpendicular to the crown chakra from the pineal gland). This can relate to thought-forms, visions, and most manners of perception outside of listening, which takes place via the throat chakra.

9th December 2011, 06:45
OP deleted.
Could not get the images to show up.

9th December 2011, 07:03
Very happy to see this post! I don't have much experience with the healing powers of crystals, but am intrigued as I find out more and more about them and their properties. I saw something recently on Ancient Aliens that said a crystal will retain the same constant temperature despite fluctuations in its outside surroundings and quartzite crystals have actually been found in UFOs, leading some to believe that they are the key to inter-dimensional travel. Also, the inhabitants of the "mythical" Atlantis are said to have discovered that crystals can be "tuned" to control weather patterns, which ultimately lead to them imploding volcanoes due to gross misuse. Not sure if this helps or if I went way too far off on a tangent, but this is something that has been on my mind recently and I wanted to share.

9th December 2011, 07:45
DawnOfANewEra, you might enjoy reading some of the information on the
site about the use of crystals in Atlantis.
There is a lot of that kind of info on that site, and also on this one, where there are archives of the earthkeeper newsletter:
Here is a good place to start:
It's channeled information, but the channeler is also a very experienced geologist, world traveler and metaphysician.

9th December 2011, 13:59
Have you read this thread and listened to the interview? There may be a connection.


10th December 2011, 04:54
It does sound like lavender Rose Quartz, and to note, ~ Brazil has some of the largest and beautiful crystals in the world.
Rose Quartz
Lithium Quartz

17th December 2011, 21:52
I just found this inspiring article about Marcel Vogel

by Susan Barber

There are a myriad of sources, in books and on the Internet, where you may learn about healing with crystals. Their focus and complexity, like the crystals themselves, come in many assorted flavors.

Marcel VogelMainly, this data consists of sincere teachings by alternative therapists. But if you research the subject, you also will find reams of other material about crystals – claims, sometimes hyperbolic, of those who sell them; texts so technical that they are virtually unreadable by the layman; and channeled discourses of Ascended Masters and other Extra-Terrestrial informants – to name a few.

In all of this plethora of information, one source, one man, stands above the rest. His name is Marcel Vogel. In this article, we will refer to him, as his friends did, as Marcel – to distinguish him from the Vogel, or ''Vogel-cut® crystal,'' which was his legacy.

Rumi DaWe spoke with Rumi Da, Marcel's protégé, close friend, and the steward of Marcel's crystal technology, who told us this revealing story:

The last time I was with Marcel, it was his 49th wedding anniversary and he was 72 years old. We were looking in his notebook, and then he closed it, with a really deep sigh, and he said, ''You know, sometimes I think I should stop this work because it's so potentially dangerous.'' A month later, he was gone.

At Marcel's funeral, in 1991, the eulogy, delivered by a medical doctor, includes a description of the man and his accomplishments:

Those of us who are scientists or physicians and who worked with Marcel Vogel were well aware of his scientific achievements: his extraordinary work with phosphors, bioluminescence, luminescent paints, and the design of magnetic-disc coatings in computers. He was one of the most prolific scientists in IBM history, with over 100 patents in his name. Yet, until his recent honorary Ph.D., he possessed no official university degree. He made his mark because of the brilliance of his mind, his prolific ideas, and his seemingly limitless creativity. (Eulogy by Dr. Bernard McGinty)

Rumi Da admits that, although Marcel was a scientist's scientist who normally chose to interact with officialdom from that model, he was really a shaman, pure and simple. ''Marcel often held workshops for people in the medical profession,'' Rumi Da said. ''They would walk in as MD's, and walk out wearing feathers.''

The Vogel Crystal: Marcel's Legacy
Not to minimize Marcel Vogel's 100-plus patents and his awesome vision, he made two overwhelmingly important contributions to building the necessary bridge between science and Spirit. The first is central to this article:

He developed a way of cutting quartz crystals in order to magnify their power exponentially for healing purposes.

The second contribution is equally important, and we will discuss that in its place.

We asked Rumi Da (also known as Ron Carson), how he ended up devoting so much of his own life-work to crystal technology. According to his answer, apparently it was Destiny. ''When I was between five and eight years old,'' he said,'' I was watching TV and this strange character named Elmer Fudd – you remember Elmer Fudd? – came on dressed up like a swami, wearing a turban, and staring into a crystal ball. And I remember looking at him and saying to myself, ''That's what I want to be when I grow up.''

It was not until he was nearly 30 years old, however, that the Vogel crystals emerged into Rumi Da's life, in the form of an audiotape series by their inventor. Stuck in San Diego with nothing to do for a couple of days, he bought the whole set and ''held a Marcel-a-thon.'' After that, ''I called him. I organized a seminar for him, then I went to his lab and – well, I became his associate. Eventually, we became more friends than associates.''

Marcel was not only famous, but also somewhat notorious, Rumi Da said. ''This basically came out of the work that he'd done on human-plant communication,'' which made its way into the now-famous book The Secret Life of Plants.[†] ''This was all new, and it was a challenge to science.''

But it led, finally, to Marcel's work with crystals. ''The plants could not handle all the psychic energy he was focusing on them in his experiments. They were dying, OD'd on energy. So Marcel turned to quartz crystals, instead.

''And he found that the unfaceted ones were very limited in what they could do. But the real problem was, they were all different, so they all gave different results. That kind of thing is a nightmare for science, because it means you can't duplicate an experiment. So Marcel cut the crystals in order to have repeatable experiments.''

Tree of LifeMarcel tried many different shapes for cutting crystals – six-sided, single terminated, double terminated, and so on. But he had had a vision of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. And although he didn't know what that meant at the time, he kept returning to this shape. Eventually, it became the four-sided underlying pattern for what is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal.

Why Use Vogel Crystals for Healing
Crystals, as Marcel knew, can both store and recover information. A group of Stanford scientists proved this in concrete terms when they succeeded in putting a 3-dimensional image of the Mona Lisa into a quartz crystal and then retrieving it (Newsweek, September 1994). We also know that crystals can broadcast information; early radios, in fact, were called ''crystal sets.'' And crystal or silicon technology is the basis of computers.

The purpose of using a Vogel crystal is to amplify and cohere the thought and energy that you wish to direct into your body/mind or that of another person.

Amplification we can understand, but coherence is a somewhat difficult concept in physics terms. Simply put, however, at least where light is concerned, coherence is the property exhibited by lasers. If you take ordinary light and make it coherent, what you end up with is a laser beam!

So the thought and energy we put into a Vogel crystal not only becomes amplified, but incredibly concentrated and focused. Literally, a Vogel crystal adds to our intent the power of a laser beam.

We can begin to understand why Marcel Vogel might have seen danger in this technology.

Why Not All ''Vogels'' are Vogels
Omega 5In order to measure the energy that a crystal was putting out, Marcel developed a radionic device known as the Omega 5. The benchmark ''rate'' on this device for a Vogel crystal is 454. Even very powerful uncut crystals might have only a 333 rating. Other shapes, he found, have different, mostly lesser values, and all are different from authentic Vogels.

There are many crystals that Rumi Da calls ''Vogel like.'' In other words, they have been cut into the characteristic shape, with the broad end cut at an approximate 51-degree angle (like the Cheops pyramid) and the other, ''firing'' end cut at a more acute angle in relationship to it.

Most of these, he says, are machine made and imprecise. ''With a true Vogel, if you hold the crystal between thumb and forefinger and twirl it, you can see that the girdle – the place where the tip facets joins the body of the crystal – is perfectly straight. With most counterfeits, the line moves up and down, like a roller coaster.''

But even master stonecutters cannot reproduce a true Vogel, because the shaping of the crystal is done ''in a sacred manner,'' holding in mind the person who is going to be using it, and it is then programmed in such a way that the crystal cannot be used for harm.

If you try to do something potentially harmful with a Vogel, the tip will break off, or worse [we always would recommend ''getting permission'' before involving yourself in any work of this kind--ed]. Rumi Da said:

I'll tell you a story to illustrate this. It happened to me. I was in a restaurant and found myself sitting at a table beside two people who had a little 7-day-old baby that was a cocaine addict.

I happened to have with me a 6-sided smokey Vogel, and smokey quartz is kind of an energetic sponge, it will absorb toxicity. So I said I wanted to see if I could help the baby. And I put the crystal on the child's chest.

After about 30 seconds, this gorgeous crystal just exploded. It broke into about 6 pieces, and those fell onto the floor and broke into more pieces.

I asked Marcel about it, and he said, ''Never put the crystal on the body of a child.'' And he explained to me that a baby's etheric body is not yet fully formed, and the crystal's power was too strong for it. So either the crystal had to break or the baby had to break, and because the crystal had been programmed not to do harm, it shattered.

Ruefully, Rumi Da added that he wished Marcel had told him this before his $500 crystal ended up in pieces on the floor. But Marcel liked people to learn by doing. ''He wasn't the kind of person who would rob you of your own experience. He would give you just enough to go on, and then let you find out for yourself. But he was always interested to hear what you had discovered.''

Another way in which a Vogel can break is if its rightful owner achieves a major spiritual break-through. ''A person's vibration changes when this happens, but the crystal can't change. So what happens is that the point will break off. You have to send it back to be recut to resonate with your new vibration.''

A crystal must be faceted not only with geometrical precision along the ''C'' or growth axis, Rumi Da tells us, but must also be worked with right attitude, understanding, and consciousness. It is not simply a matter of mechanically cutting the same general shape.

If a Vogel Isn't Made for You,
Does that Mean It Won't Work?
''We give workshops,'' Rumi Da answered, ''and bring Vogels with us for people to practice with. And sometimes, someone in the workshop will find a crystal that they resonate with.''

And sometimes, he admitted, he has seen counterfeit Vogel-like crystals that are very powerful. ''If you happen to find one that has a high vibration and also resonates with your energy, you may have good experiences using it,'' he said.

But there are some things that a genuine Vogel can do that the counterfeit cannot. For example, faceted quartz crystals can structure water. ''But when you remove the crystal, you can tell through the Omega-5 device that the structuring of the water begins to decay. It only lasts for a couple of days. With Vogels, the structuring is permanent. And with some, after you take the crystal out, the vibration actually continues to go higher for about half an hour.''

The Aaah Factor
I wondered whether it made a difference how big your crystal was, and Rumi Da said, ''Only if you need the awe factor.'' Or that's what I thought he said, but he explained it this way. ''You are doing a lecture, and you take out this little one-inch Vogel, and nobody is impressed. So you take out a 9-inch Vogel, everyone in the room goes 'Aaaah!' Sometimes, the Aaah Factor makes a big difference.

Small Vogel''There was one time when Marcel worked with a woman and he talked to her for a long time, and then at the end he used the crystal, and she left, and she was healed. And he asked me if I'd noticed anything different about this session. The answer was, he hadn't cleared or charged the crystal. The woman didn't need it. But if Marcel had not pretended to use the crystal, she would have been disappointed and she would have undone everything that they'd accomplished.''

So, if the Aaah Factor makes a difference, then, yes, the size matters. But in reality, a one-inch Vogel is just as powerful as any other size.

Working With Your Crystal

Because Marcel used scientific instruments to measure his results, he was able to develop an entire technology in the handling, clearing, and programming of crystals. Rumi Da has shared some of this with us, and we include this information for those of you who would like to try to incorporate it into your work – whether for self-healing or in helping others.

Many texts say that you should use salt, or salt water to cleanse most crystals. Marcel felt otherwise. Dry salt, he claimed, can scratch the surface, or finish, where some of the programming is stored. And salt water leaves a film. Marcel also tested other forms of clearing, such as smudging with sage or cedar. These things, according to Rumi Da, did not work. Here's how Marcel says to clear a crystal:

Take a slow, deep breath as you focus on the crystal with the intent to clear it.
Then, pulse out your breath, in a burst through the nostrils.

You can do this from anywhere. In workshops, people learn to clear their crystals first while holding them, then at a distance, and then from the next room. This way, they learn through experience that the distance doesn't matter.


You are going to be putting Love and well-being into your crystal. It helps to recall a real, physical experience of love. Rumi Da says that sometimes he even thinks about his Schnauzer licking him on the face. ''Just pure love.'' The technique is pretty much the same as for clearing:

Breathe in the Love and well-being.
Hold your breath and focus and concentrate this feeling.
Pulse your breath out, this time mentally directing the Love and well-being into the crystal.


If you have done this correctly and with loving intent, Rumi Da said, you can hold your breath and you will feel your body resonate with the crystal, and it will vibrate in your hand.

For some people it takes practice to feel this and others feel it right away. You may feel a reality shift.

Once it has been cleansed and charged, you mentally put into the crystal whatever else it is you want to work with. But, again, the foundation is Love, Rumi Da said. ''That is an absolute requirement. Will is not enough.''

I asked why we can't simply learn to do these things ourselves. Since we are simply energy, anyway, why do we need the crystal?

''Marcel and I used to have this conversation a lot,'' Rumi Da answered. ''Why can't you just point your finger?

''Basically, I think what Marcel would say is that the crystal amplifies and coheres whatever you put into it. So wherever you are, the crystal is going to amplify and cohere that.''

Healing with Vogel Crystals
Because the crystal holds whatever pattern you put into it, and then broadcasts that pattern wherever you want it to go, as long as what you are doing is lawful you can change the functioning of glands and organs in the body.

With diabetics, for example, they've done work using the crystals to duplicate the work of a healthy pancreas.

Rumi Da told of a case where one man was able to stop using insulin completely through the agency of working with a Vogel crystal.

''Now don't go out and do something stupid,'' he said, ''because this kind of work is experimental. You need to do it under the supervision of an M.D. But many people have been able to decrease their insulin needs by three-fourths, or even completely.''

But The Greatest of These Is Love
We said that we would talk about Marcel Vogel's second main legacy. And it was this: He absolutely proved, using scientific, double-blind experiments in his laboratory, that the power, the matrix, the whole web of All That Is consists of Love.

At Marcel's funeral, the same Dr. McGinty we quoted earlier had this to say:

I was one of a group of 16 physicians privileged to work with him over a number of years with body energies, especially the capacity to focus healing energies with crystals in the treatment of illness. All of us had an extensive background in acupuncture and appreciated the ability to manipulate body energies.

Under Marcel's guidance, some of us began to learn the process of transmitting thought, especially loving thoughts, unconditionally, to our patients. It brought us an even greater capacity to appreciate the power of the mind to influence illness, the power both to heal and exacerbate disease. And, most important of all, to appreciate the incredible presence of unconditional Love and its capacity to trigger transformative shifts in a patient's psyche.
. . . .

[I]t is for his work with Spirit, his great spiritual strength, his wonderful capacity to love that I will always remember Marcel.

''Marcel always said that Love is the glue of the universe,'' affirms Rumi Da. ''All healing is a consequence of loving.''
† Tompkins, Peter, and Bird, Christopher O. (Harper & Row, NY, 1973).
I don't know if this last image is of a real Vogel crystal, but I think it's really beautiful.

20th December 2011, 01:13
Thank you for all the responses to this thread.

Cjay I read the thread and listened to the interview and other than the brief mentioning of crystal technology during the interview I did not feel much of a connection.

Nomadguy thank you for the images.. The crystal I held was a small Rose Quartz, something like this to be exact.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7148/6540737769_d4c4933d8d.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71318005@N07/6540737769/)
rose quartz (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71318005@N07/6540737769/) by misericordia1 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71318005@N07/), on Flickr

Yes Brazil has a spectacular array of crystals.. in Brasilia where I am from originally there is a pyramid which has the largest crystal ever found in Brazil sitting on top of it while it points to the sky under a mandala. I meditate with the incredible energies in the temple on my every visit to the city.
Read more about it here: http://www.brasiliabrazil.info/brasilia-temple-of-legiao-da-boa-vontade.html

Here is a picture of the Temple:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7156/6540764137_b2689fbf6d.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71318005@N07/6540764137/)
Templo Legiao Da Boa Vontade (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71318005@N07/6540764137/) by misericordia1 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71318005@N07/), on Flickr

The cathedral in Brasilia at sunset.. breathtaking
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7156/6540739699_e96fcaa56a.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71318005@N07/6540739699/)
Brasilia Cathedral at Sunset (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71318005@N07/6540739699/) by misericordia1 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71318005@N07/), on Flickr

It's a shame that many people aren't aware of Brasilia and it's mysticism.

Onawah.. Thank you very much for posting that extremely informative article. As far as I'm aware I have never come in contact with a Vogel Crystal but would duly love to. :)

28th December 2011, 09:40
Hi Misericordia, You are welcome for the article about Vogel Crystals.
Is there a link with a photo of the large crystal in the Temple in Brazil that you could share?
There are some wonderful articles about crystal at the earth_keeper.com site, including some about Arkansas and Brazil, which you might enjoy.
We are having a conversation about crystals and stones on the Here and Now thread tonight which you might enjoy beginning here:

19th January 2012, 11:23
Hi Onawah. I wasn't aware about Arkansas's crystals, how interesting.. also thank for the links I will read them promptly.

Here is an image i managed to find of the crystal.
http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2575/4164587164_26b0d7905b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexcesario/4164587164/)
Templo da Paz - Grande Cristal - LBV (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexcesario/4164587164/) by Alex Cesário (http://www.flickr.com/people/alexcesario/), on Flickr

29th November 2015, 21:31
what you felt with intense pain and sense of worms coming out of your body were lower vibrational energies, evil, perhaps an astral implant. negative energies are assimilated into our physical plane as worms and snakes.

29th November 2015, 21:45
incorporating any spirit Umbanda can use any of the elements serving different purposes, often the same element. What you guys need to understand that what happens in a house is manipulation of energy. May be to remove low power or to increase your vibration, healing and teaching diverse knowledge. The crystal that was delivered was magnetized with the energy of the medium and this spirit was used as a bridge to access their energy and to clean, it is one of the main objectives of the meetings, in addition to guidance for life. The color change was because you've been displaced from his body, his central eye was open and its videncia capabilities open at the time, is very common. Yes, all work touch all the major chakras to desobistrui them, so you had vision and strange sensations, is not used to. The mediums feel, see, talk all the time with the environments and spirits.