View Full Version : The Art & Science of Manifestation: How Do Dreams Become Reality?

10th November 2011, 16:38
In history we've heard accounts of people who receive information through dreams, Edison, Tesla, Beethoven.

I would like to hear YOUR thoughts and experiences on


Some Background...an excerpt

How do the things that I see come into existence?

If we trace this question back and back, eventually it becomes: What is the origin of the Universe? or even Who am I? These are the kinds of questions explored by scientists, philosophers and mystics alike, and which must be confronted also by any of us who aspire to "manifest our dreams" - to use thoughts, words and actions to become conscious creators of our experience.

Spiritual traditions address these questions through their cosmologies. Taoist cosmology, for instance, proposes that from the unmanifest (the Tao) there arose the original masculine and feminine energies (Yin Qi and Yang Qi), out of which arose the Five Elements, which in their various combinations produced the Ten Thousand Things (everything in our world). This is something that not only happened at the very beginning of time - the Origin of the Universe - but also is happening moment by moment, as the various forms of our world arise and dissolve, continuously.

When the insights of cosmology are translated into technologies for manifesting our dreams, for having our prayers become reality -- this gives us things like: the Vedic science of mantra; the movie "The Secret"; Charles Haanel's The Master Key (inspiration for "The Secret"); and the "Law of Attraction" teachings of Abraham. What all of these systems have in common is an emphasis on creating within us a strongly-positive flow of energy/qi - a connection to Source energy which acts as fuel for our creations.

For Taoist practitioners of Inner Alchemy, this increased flow of qi is generated through the practice of taiji, qigong, martial arts forms, and/or sitting meditation. Little by little, our bodies are empowered in the same way that a temple is empowered by the energetic Presence of Deities, or the blessings of Enlightened Masters.

In the short video clip "Prayers Become Reality," Swami Nithyananda describes temples as being similar to cell phones. They're places where communication with the Divine can happen, because of the spiritual technology that has been employed in their construction. In a temple, he says, it's possible to receive the Shakti (Qi) necessary for our prayers to become reality, and also the Buddhi (Intelligence) to realize that this "reality" is itself no more real than a dream.