View Full Version : Thank you for your suggestions

16th November 2011, 08:54
hi to all Avalonians who were kind enough to send me their suggestions to me over Winter Ugh! thread.
Just to update some work some do not, I think I mentioned I was dyspraxcic this does not lend to the problem.
Since then I have studied a little about conditions dyspraxcia/dyslexia and one thing I have found is if we are hungry and not feed with in a very short time become very irrational and short almost ballistic in temper.

I began to wonder why this would be, my conclusion and you don't have to believe me is that in this spectrum there maybe a chemical imbalance in the brain that does not handle an empty stomach and the chemical reaction of that situation. Well we know people with migraines very often vomit and feel some relief afterwards.
I only found out about my irrationality when I was hungry from a friend and when I mentioned it to another friend who had known me longer, she was most suprised I had not realised the connection.
Since then I either do not allow myself to become very hungry which can happen in a matter of seconds or control my irrational mood by heading for the nearest reasonable eatery.
So I overcome and feel a lot better but to be on the safe side I have ordered vitamin D3 and hopefully will be walking around grinning like an idiot and singing my head off.
Again thanks