View Full Version : The 14th Amendment Robbed We the People

4th July 2010, 03:48
The 14th Amendment Robbed We the People

The US Constitution’s 14th Amendment freed slaves, but what kind of slaves were freed? The 14th Amendment starts out “All persons…” the problem here is a person (http://dictionary.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/results.pl?co=dictionary.lp.findlaw.com&topic=e4/e4b1efffd2c970a94531d44ee63d3d3b) can be either flesh and blood or artificial by legal standards. The artificial kind includes Banks, Corporations, and Government. All States and Cities were incorporated after the passage of the 14th Amendment in 1868. Since Banks, Corporations, and Government were freed they were no longer obligated to serve “We the People”. They were Free to serve Fascism. So when a politician says he is a public servant, what public is he serving? Don’t take my word for it, see the evidence:


Mercury Dime (1916-1945) See the Fascio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascio) on the reverse (Didn’t seem appropriate after defecting European Fascism). E PLURIBUS UNUM, Latin for "Out of many, one". The motto of Fascism. If they were talking about many states as one nation, why be so cryptic and use Latin? IN GOD WE TRUST, but which god are we talking about?


If WWII was a war of American Fascism against European Fascism, who won? Why the Fascists of course.

The U.S. Congress: See the Fascio? It says; IN GOD WE TRUST (not who God is).

The antichrist has three names but each name is from a different language. Devil is from the Hebrew language. Satan is from the Greek language. Lucifer is from the ancient Roman language of Latin. If the language of the Fascists is Latin, the Fascists are Luciferian Elitists. The god of the bankers, businessmen, politicians, and courts is Lucifer (the deceiver). The maxim of the Luciferian courts is; “Let he who would be deceived be deceived.” It all fits you see.

I’m not asking anyone to fix anything, only to see the truth about the world we live in.


The Statue of Liberty: (officially titled Liberty Enlightening the World) Symbol of freedom and liberty, but for whom? A gift from French Freemasons, to American Freemasons, completed in 1886. The Masons worship Baal and Lucifer (the light barer). The Torch and crown of thorns are references to Lucifer. In the movie Casablanca aren’t the French Police working with the Fascist German Military (Vichy France) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vichy_France)?

Now it has been proven that the 16th Amendment was not properly ratified. Was the 14th Amendment properly ratified? If so, who wants to introduce an amendment repealing the 14th Amendment? “We the People” does not segregate people by color or any other attribute. Starting a riot will only give the Luciferian Elitists justification to murder “terrorists”. A “terrorist” is anyone who disagrees with the Luciferian Elitist and Fascist world view. They are insane don’t you know… The compassionate thing to do for the insane is to protect them from hurting themselves and others.


Supreme Court: This institution has betrayed "We the People..." on at least three occasions:

Interpreting the 14th Amendment to free banks, corporations, and government.
Expanding the US Patent Law to include LIFE.
By appointing George W. Bush as President. (The possible difference being no 911)

The Corporation (143min)

http://www.fotothing.com/photos/d48/d48d905fe00d086af6351b60b2f64557.jpg (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1371416)

The Corporation: Watch how the corporate model fails a psychiatric examination and is diagnosed as Sociopathic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial_personality_disorder). Mussolini (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mussolini) the Fascist dictator of Italy in the 1930's is credited as defining Fascism as Corporatism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism).

4th July 2010, 04:10
The agenda of the Corporate Fanciest is to bring about a Utopian Society. As witnessed by the Georgia Guidestones (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones).


Utopia aka The New World Order: Another name for the New World Order is the New Atlantis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Atlantis). One mans utopia is another mans hell.

Perhaps you would like something historical

The New Atlantis


Or something current

Zeitgeist Movement (the giveaway is the circular city design)


For a better understand of the utopian lifestyle dreamed up by lunitics see the movie Logan's Run. Baring in mind it depicts utopia for Narcissists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism) not followers of Buda or Jesus. (Service to self not service to others.)

Logan's Run (119min)

http://www.fotothing.com/photos/9ea/9ea8a6e606f7df84fd69052c1ef6c513.jpg (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMxODIyMzg4.html)

No one over age 30 need apply.

Logan’s Run "Renew!" (Ya, like that's going to happen.)


We are talking about the same people who promised Communism to the Russian and Chinese people. You see if you are serious and not a fool you know that neither Russia nor China have ever been anything other than a Dictatorship. Global Warming (by Carbon) is a lie designed to make money and global government. The deception continues…

Socialism like Utopia is the carrot before the people. Promises of a better life that never comes is what this model is all about. Regardless of how sincere the architects are the politicians (magicians) need something to dangle in front of the masses and so they never deliver on the promises. Like the television hero that never gets the girl. Did Hawkeye ever get Hotlips in M.A.S.H.? NO!

I refer to “pollutions” as magicians because they make your freedom, and prosperity disappear.


This may be intriguing for some; it’s certainly not my idea of freedom.

JFK was no saint, but neither was he a Narcissist as witnessed by his popular words; “Ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” This is the antithesis of narcissism.


Be Free and independent!

4th July 2010, 04:25
Deleted as duplicate

Lost Soul
4th July 2010, 05:23
I disagree with your conclusions about the 14th Amendment. If anything enslaved the people, it was the creation of the Federal Reserve along with the illegal adoption of the never ratified 16th Amendment (income tax). (Some good modern books to read include Confederate Emancipation and The Bonus Army. The first addresses the debate among the Confederates to free the slaves so as to enroll them into the army. It bogged down on the issue of how to maintain the social order with the "trash" being above the newly emancipated slaves. Unable to solve it, the Confederates didn't free them (and thankfully were crushed by the Union Army). The second book, The Bonus Army, discusses the bonus to be paid to WW I veterans. Said bonus was based on their time in combat. The USCT (92nd Div?) fought first as they were loaned to the French while the rest of the US Army was organized. Thus, since black troops fought longer, they would be entitled to more money. Aware of this, Southern politicians knew this would upset the social order of the South since blacks would have more money than their "trash" counterpart, could start businesses and move ahead socially. Now, how do these two books apply here? What was contemplated for the blacks back then are being applied to us as a whole today. If the ruling elite succeed, we will all be slaves.)

The betrayal of the people by the Supreme Court was started by Franklin Roosevelt who cowered the court by threatening to stack it if it continued to strike down his alphabet soup programs as unconstitutional. So, for over fifty years the court bent over and gave the federal government virtually anything it wanted like the imprisonment of the Japanese-Americans during WW II. The most obnoxious ruling was its reliance on the commerce clause in ruling Katzenburg v. McClung (Ollie BBQ). In prohibiting racial discrimination, the Court relied on the commerce clause as opposed to some civil right legislation. This gave the federal government police powers it didn't have and simultaneously deprived the states' governments (and the people) of a lot of authority. It wasn't until Rehnquist came along that the Supreme Court started reasserting itself. The tradition continues today with Chief Justice Roberts (and that's why Sotomeyer and Kagan, if the latter is confirmed, are a threat to liberty). We have two important rulings, Heller and now MacDonald, which have confirmed the right of the people to bear arms. Kings don't want peasants who can fight back.

BTW, the selective incorporation doctrine (that some amendments applies to all levels of government whereas others don't) should die.

Finally, I do agree with you on your other views.

4th July 2010, 06:51
I agree with your interpretation that we are slaves but not as a result of the 14th Amendment. First freedom came to Banks and Corporation. Later they used their freedom to enslave the people. People are made slaves at birth as in the movie THE MATRIX only not with a bathtub and cables. We were enslaved with our birth certificate. The birth certificate made people Sole Proprietors the second lowest type of business. JOHN DOE is not the same as John: Doe. Look at the plastic in your wallet. It's all made out to JOHN DOE your business not you the human. A Sole Proprietors is below “C” corp. “S” corp. Limited Partnership, and LLC. The only business entity lower than a Sole Proprietorship is a Partnership which is formed when people are married under the law.

Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception



Lost Soul
4th July 2010, 07:02
First freedom came to Banks and Corporation. Later they used their freedom to enslave the people.

Actually, John D. Rockefeller convinced New Jersey to allow for corporate charters that could last more than ten years. Prior to that, corporate charters were for the interest of the public. If it wasn't in the public interest, the charter was allowed to expire. That's how Andy Jackson got rid of the Bank of the United States. Rockefeller didn't care for that and opened the floodgates by changing the laws. Second, the elimination of the Glass-Stevens act that restricted banking to plain, old fashioned, boring banking and allowed it to engage in risky, creative financing (derivatives), is what really plunged our system into a tailspin. Prior to that, a trial balloon was launched by Reagan who de-regulated the Savings & Loans which failed (and we spent over $126 billion to bail them out while they re-organized).

So, while there are so inaccuracies to your assertions, I still agree with the conclusion. Pace/paz/peace.

4th July 2010, 07:18
Rockefeller didn't care for that and opened the floodgates by changing the laws.

What Laws? Laws that were made after 1868? John D. was 29 in 1868. 288 cases were brought to the Supreme Court involving the 14th Amendment. Do you mean these laws?

Lost Soul
4th July 2010, 13:16
No, the laws pertaining to corporate charters. When New Jersey changed its laws, other states followed as it enabled them to compete with New Jersey for tax revenue.

4th July 2010, 14:18
I don’t see how anything you have said contradicts anything I have said, until you give me a Law to look up, we are simply talking about different parts of one elephant.

Laws passed in New Jersey were contested until they were settled in the Supreme Court. 288 cases were taken to the Supreme Court making Banks and Corporations legal persons.

I’m simply pointing out that the shortest path to shutting down the fascist agenda and the New Jersey laws is to repeal the 14th Amendment. Not that that will ever happen.