View Full Version : Moon secrets (in German)

3rd December 2011, 18:56
This was posted recently in a Swabian newspaper in Germany...


Mysteriöse Geheimgänge auf dem Mond
Astronomen entdecken rätselhafte Löcher auf der Oberfläche des Erdbegleiters

Mysteriöse Geheimgänge auf dem Mond
Köln / sz Was haben Forscher in der letzten Zeit nicht alles über den Mond in Erfahrung gebracht. Seit Kurzem wissen wir zum Beispiel, dass unser engster Begleiter Falten bekommt wie ein altes Gesicht. Um etwa 100 Meter ist der Durchmesser des Trabanten in einer Milliarde Jahre geschrumpft. Er schrumpelt sozusagen zusammen wie eine Traube zur Rosine.
Inzwischen haben sich Selenologen, so nennt man Mond-Geologen, aber von den Runzeln des Erdbegleiters abgewandt, um sich rätselhaften Löchern auf seiner Oberfläche zu widmen. Dabei handelt es sich offenbar um tiefe Gruben. Wissenschaftler mutmaßen, dass es sich um Eingänge zu Tunneln handeln könnte, die einst von Lavaströmen durchflossen wurden. Von Furchen und Löchern des Mondgesichts haben Wissenschaftler jetzt eine dreidimensionale Karte erstellt. Das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt hat sie aus 70000 Aufnahmen erschaffen. Lunare Liebhaber können sogar einen virtuellen Flug über den Mond unternehmen.

Also see this 3D view video...

3rd December 2011, 19:15

I love this video.

3rd December 2011, 19:17
A quick translation form Bing Translator, as I speak Zero Duestch

Mysterious notable on the Moon
Astronomers discover mysterious holes on the surface of Earth companion

Mysterious notable on the Moon
Cologne / sz what researchers recently not all about the Moon in experience brought. Recently, for example we know that our closest companion is getting wrinkles as an old face. About 100 meters, the diameter of times declined in a billion years. He schrumpelt so to speak together like a grape to the raisin.
Since then Selenologen have, so it is called turned away Moon geologists, but from the wrinkles of Earth companion, to devote himself to mysterious holes on its surface. Apparently, this is deep pits. Scientists speculate that it could be around entrances to tunnels, which were once crossed by lava flows. Scientists have now created a three-dimensional map of ruts and holes of Mondgesichts. The Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt who created it out of 70000 images. Lunar lovers can take even a virtual flight over the moon.

3rd December 2011, 19:21
Where is Ulli and Chiquetet? We need a translation.


3rd December 2011, 19:26

I love this video.

very nice info thank you

3rd December 2011, 20:13
"Mysterious Secret Passages on the Moon
Astronomers discovered puzzling holes on the surface of the "earth-companion"

What did scientists not find out about the moon in recent times? Since lately we know that our companion gets wrinkles like an old face. In the last 1 billion years its diameter decreased by 100 meters. It's virtually shrivelling like a grape becoming a raisin.
But by now moon-geologists turned away from the moon's shrivelling to look at the mysterious holes on its surface. Those are apparently deep pits. Scientists speculate them to be entrances to tunnels, through which streams of lava were once flowing. Scientists now created a 3d map of the holes and furrows. The German Center of Air- and Spacetravel compiled it out of 70.000 individual images. Lunar enthusiasts can even undertake a virtual moonflight."

Well, if the moon is really a UFO, how can it decrease in diameter? And how would we know now the difference, we haven't measured the moon's size 1 billion years ago. The moon today perfectly eclipses the sun at a solar eclipse and there are tons of mathematic improbabilities, considering the sizes of earth, moon and sun and their orbits.

If this virtual map of the moon would be complete, it should show a lot of structures on the dark side of the moon, no mention of that, the article doesn't seem to be very significant to me. Just some "our scientists are so advanced and there is nothing to be found out on the moon but some boring geologist's back-room analysis".

3rd December 2011, 22:56
I just watched the vid posted by 161803398. and all I can say is WOW!

When the space agencies recently sent their satellites to explore the Moon, then accidentally crashed them on the Moon, I found that highly questionable, concluding that they are not losing their satellites, they are crashing them deliberately...


Well, I have this hunch that it is a way to send a message to the occupants of the Moon, to say the respective country has 'arrived' in terms of making it into the club of high technology and the ability to send an object to the Moon. These satellites are not losing control, nor are they accidentally crashing, IMHO, I believe that they are sending a message.

I was amazed by the elevators, and am not sure about that, and also the color does bring out quite a different terrain than I have ever seen. On another site which was frequented by John Lear (to whom this video was dedicated), he used to state often that the moon was towed to its current location, and that he felt that it more a space station, and he always used to point to a specific area which was coloured blue, which might be an electrical generator or even a dome, and the vid kinda confirms that his location and many others are in fact of that colour and that there may in fact be life there.

Some even say that alien abductions result in the abductee being taken to the Moon for the horrible experimentation and John Lear thinks that the greys are watching over us, and our souls go to some machine on the moon, and that the Sun is in fact a base station too, which is like a solar airport!

Fascinating topic, I thank ll those that have taken great pain to provide a different perspective than that which is available in the Mainstream.

3rd December 2011, 23:00
Chiquetet, Thank you very much for your translation, I was struggling there.

4th December 2011, 03:47
Years ago I saw a picture on a UFO website taken from an aeroplane of what looked like three birds flying in formation but they had no heads. They were like that creature you see at the end of the video but they were kind of folded up to look a lot like birds. I always wondered what on earth they could possibly be. And here one appears in this video.

I think there is a precedent for the PTB lying about the moon because I think it was also done with North America. I speculate that people were told stories about the earth being flat and you'd sail your boat right over the edge or about monsters living in the sea for the same reason Nasa tells stories about the moon looking like plaster of paris and there's nothing there but rocks.