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8th December 2011, 17:47
Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us

Friday 9. Dec 2011

In the industrialized West, there evolved the prevailing Pseudo-religious dogma that human beings are at the centre of 'G-d's creation in the universe'. This dogma is the ideological motivation behind the on-going de-legitimization of the verfiable contact that people have had with Extraterrestrials (ETs).

This apparent dogma has become the modern equivalent of the corresponding dogma, that "the world is flat", which Church and other elites centuries ago used to champion. In contrast, free of Western pseudo-religious based dogma, the Buddhist milieu of China, has freed their scientific community, with the support of government, and ofcommunity participation, to seek to explore UFO incidences and evidence of human contact with Extraterrestrials.

Sun Shili shows off his drawings of extraterrestials in human guise.

What is dogma?

'Dogma' is a system of obfuscations, propaganda and related ideology, which elites present as "truth", with the aim to maintain social control, and toexpand their own hold on power. Other examples of current operating dogma include schemes of socialization that aim to convince people that "capitalism promotes freedom and democracy", that "privatization is a good thing", and that "economic protectionism is a bad thing".

A notable example of dogma, in the context of the so-called 'War on Terrorism', is that "the U.S. and its coalition partners are waging war in Iraq and Afghanistan not subtantively for oil, but to promote human rights;" meanwhile well-documented human destruction, suffering and oppression worsen.

UFO research is an appreciated and duly recognized science in China

Izvestia reports that China has a record number of UFO scientific and community-based organizations. There are many who even attempt to establish some sort of a contact with extraterrestrials. Their actions are protected by the National Society of the Extraterrestrial Studies, which was founded 25 years ago. This National Society is financed by the government.

Only professional scientists and engineers are allowed members in the Society. A person also required to have Ph.D. in science and have several published works about UFOs. About a third of all members of the society are also members of the Government of China.

The study and civic appreciation of Extraterrestrials are NOT systematically marginalized as the case in the industralized West, which tries to use dogma to ridicule community and academic UFO research initiatives, and also the work of 'Exopolitics' groups.

Hundreds of scientists and engineers in China conduct thorough studies of apparent Extraterrestrial phenomenon.

Do Extraterrestrials live among humans?

Chinese scientists also say that aliens live among humans. This includes Sun Shili, a retired foreign ministry official who is now president of the Beijing UFO Research Society who also concludes that waixingren (extraterrestrials) are living among us.

Sun's first close encounter occurred in 1971, when he was sent to the remote countryside during the "cultural revolution" (1966-76) to perform the grueling task of rice planting. One day while toiling in the field, his attention was diverted to a bright object in the sky, which rose and fell repeatedly.

Nanjing, CHINA - On August 17, 2006, a disc shaped object was filmed above an apartment building and a UFO moved slowly across the top of the apartment building. Reference: Nationalufocenter.com.

At first, Sun assumed the spectacle was some sort of Cold War intelligence monitoring device - a reasonable deduction considering the times - however years later, after reading foreign materials on UFO sightings, he knew he had experienced a close encounter.

And Sun is not the only expert in the country taking these sightings seriously. According to the highly-accredited Shen ****uan, an actual rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honourary director of the government-supported China UFO Research Association, every report of an alien encounter is worth investigating.

As the alien spacecraft reached the highest point of the building, it suddenly showed seven white lights evenly displaced around the outer edge of the craft. Reference: Nationalufocenter.com.

''Some of these sightings are real, some are fake and with others its unclear,'' said Shen ****uan, a real rocket scientist, president of Beijing Aerospace University and honorary director of the China UFO Research Association. ''All these phenomena are worth researching.''

Research [ethically-based] into UFO's could help spur new forms of high-speed travel, unlimited sources of non-polluting and non-fossil fuel based energy and faster-growing crops, claims Sun Shili, president of a government-approved UFO Research Association (membership 50,000).

Shen ****uan does not readily dismiss UFO/ET reports like his counterparts in Western scientific communities, including the claims of one worker that aliens entered his Beijing home while his wife and child were present, and whisked him 265 kilometres east and back in only a few hours.

The best-known alien abduction story in China is the case of Meng Zhao Guo, a young tree farmer, from Wuchang, near Harbin in Heilongjiang province.

In June 1994 Zhao Guo and two other farm workers, working at Red Flag logging camp saw something unusual on nearby Mount Pheonix.

These lights dimmed quickly as one large light lighted up and surrounded the craft before it abruptly disappeared. Reference: Nationalufocenter.com.

The complex and bizarre encounter that followed involved Meng being hit by a beam of light, as well as allegedly experiencing an abduction and a sexual encounter with a female alien.

Meng Zhaoguo

Meng Zhaoguo, a rural worker from northeast Wuchang city, explains he was 29 when he broke his marital vows for the first and only time -- with an extraterrestrial of unusually robust build.

"She was 10 feet [3.03 metres] tall and had six fingers, but otherwise she looked completely like a human,'' he says. "I told my wife all about it afterwards. She wasn't too angry.''

During September 2003 Zhang Jingping, a Beijing-based UFO researcher, had psychologists and police technicians subject Zhao Guo to hypnosis and a lie detector test in Beijing. Zhang indicated the test results proved the abductee was telling the truth.

He also indicated that doctors had indicated that Zhao Guo's scars "could not possibly have been caused by common injuries or surgery." Meng Zhao Guo, a humble farmer with only 5 year's schooling, also indicated that he had never heard of UFOs or ufologists until after his experience had been reported.

In China Bill Chalker, an Australia UFO scientist, was able to have extensive discussions with Professor Chen Gongfu, the principal researcher of the Meng Zhao Guo case. He has asked me to assist in getting his research translated and available to western audiences. We are well underway to achieving that goal.

Research on Cao Gong's contact with ETs

In December 1999 Cao Gong, a middle-aged man from Beijing, indicated to Bill Chalker, that he had been abducted by aliens and flown to Qinhuangdao in their UFO. "They looked like humans but had large hands and were very pale, " Cao said. He said he had also met a Chinese girl in the flying saucer. Zhang Jingping's research investigation began in April 2000. The first step was hypnosis. Zhang invited a famous psychologist from Suzhou and asked him to conduct hypnosis on Cao in helping him to remember the whole incident. Then he brought Cao to the Beijing Bureau of Public Security and gave him a lie detection test. "He passed the test," says Zhang. According to Cao, who is the principal of a private school in Fangshan District, he met a Chinese girl in the flying saucer, who looked around 13 years old. "The aliens cured her disease in the flying saucer," he claimed. In order to find the girl, Zhang brought Cao to the Tangshan Bureau of Public security in July 2000. "The policemen made up a computer image photo-fit of the girl's face according to Cao's description," says Zhang.

In November 2002, Zhang led a group of students from Beihang University and set out on a trip to Qinhuangdao, in search of the mysterious girl.

"There was only a narrow glimmer of hope of finding the girl with only a computer image of her," says Zhang. They arrived in Qinglong County to the north of Qinhuangdao, and began their blind search among the county's 400,000 population. "Amazingly, we found a clue on the second day of our search. An old man in the county recognized the girl in our picture," says Zhang. They found the girl soon after that. She was 15 years old. Zhang brought her back to Beijing to meet Cao Gong. She was identified by Cao as the girl he had seen in the UFO. Zhang has now spent three years investigating this case."This case is fascinating and I was fortunate that while in China I was able to discuss the case in detail with Zhang Jingping and other researchers, and also talk to Cao Gong himself.

Fortunately in Beijing, Bill Chalker secured the services of Irene, an excellent translator, guide, and interpreter. Mr. Chalker and Irene have been working on a detailed translation of the case.

Over 400 members of Dalian's UFO Society have college degrees

In Dalian's UFO Society, 90 per cent of the 400 members have college degrees. "It's exciting for us to use science to decipher UFO sightings," said Zhou Xiaoqiang, secretary-general of the Beijing UFO Society.

While few Chinese claim to have managed to get quite as intimate with an extraterrestrial as Meng, a growing number of people in China believe in unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.

In fact, Officially registered UFO associations in China have about 50,000 members, but some estimate the actual number of Chinese interested in the subject is probably in the tens of millions.

China has a bimonthly magazine -- circulation 400,000 - devoted to UFO research. The conservative state-run media also report UFO sightings on a regular basis, in contrast with Western government organization which, as a policy, deny verifiable human contact with Extraterrestrial. UFO buffs in China claim support from eminent scientists and liaisons with the secretive military, giving their work full scientific respectability.

"If something flies over [ET spacecraft], there's a very good reason for trying to understand why they're here, why they come to us, what is their relationship between us and them," he says.

Wong is the Chairman of Hong Kong's thriving UFO club -- exploring "unidentified flying objects" or, to the uninitiated, "flying saucers."

The club meets once a month to explore otherworldly topics like "E.T. Civilization" and alien philosophies.

"In order to understand UFO phenomena, we need to have a broad understanding of different disciplines," says Albert So, university professor and Hong Kong UFO club member, "including mathematics, physics, history, philosophy, even some sort of paranormal activities and all that."

Western science and pseudo-religions share corresponding systems of dogma, which seek to deny human contact with Extraterrestrials

In order to appreciate the systematized denial of human extraterrestrial contact and influences on Human civilization, which prevails in the West, one needs to appreciate that "official science" and "institutionalized religion" in the West are two different "heads" of the same body politic. Yes, "official science" in the West talks of "evolution", and Western institutionalized religion talks of "Creation". However, both groups have reached an apparent consensus to disregard clear evidence of verifiable contact and influences by Extraterrestrials on Human civilization. This joint denial is based upon a shared oppressive ideology, which seeks to repress critical human knowledge of cosmic associations and interactions with Off-world Human and other ET civilizations.

The very same apparent dogma shared between the Western scientific and institutionalized pseudo-religious Establishment, converges in their "community of interest" associated with their joint pursuit of venality and greed. Examples of the sell-out of integrity, and associated buying into ideology and compromises to elite-induced peer pressure, is well documented in the Western scientific community, that operates in a crass materialistic societal milieu, which ignores basic principles of human rights and democracy. This very same shared dogma between Western scientific and institutionalized pseudo-religious Establishments, is also responsible for the path of oppression, genocide, wars, racisms, and environmental destruction which scientific "techologicalocrats" and self-professed "Christian" pseudo-religious missionaries and other apologists have furthered and have supported.

Jesus who supposedly inspired Western "Christian" religion, which is based on corroborations in the Bible, sought to support the need for wisdom, accompanied by peace and lovingkindness. However, the actual historical practice of institutionalized Christianity, in contrast, has been to maniupate the masses into accepting bigoted views that are designed to complement the materialistic-centred objectives of an "organized power" elite.

Saying that "the Earth is round.. and revolved around the Sun" used to be an indictable offence with the prospective sentence of capital punishment, in Western "Christian" Society which regarded such talk to be the mutterings of seditious lunatics. "Official Science" and "institutionalized religion" in the West is not substantively inspired by the free-spirited pursuit of wisdom. Rather, these Establishment milieus in the West are guided by "elite ideologues" who in contrast with China, and for their own dogma-driven agenda, seek to delude the public on Extraterrestrial awareness, and other areas.

"Brazil, India and China are taking the lead on extraterrestrial awarness", Mihir Sen, from the India Daily reports. "They want to make sure the emerging new world understands that we have to coexist with our advanced extraterrestrial neighbours." The Indian Daily reports that Extraterrestrials will be forced to more publically reveal themselves in order to try to avoid a planetary disaster which is projected to occur in 2012.

As human civilization is being destroyed under the hyprocisy which guides the Western Scientific and pseudo-religious Establishment, the timely needed enlightenment of human populations on a reported Extraterrestrial presence, could very well be led by China. The government of China notwithstanding accounts of human rights abuses, appears to have constructively prepared members of that society, on the kind of potentially vital awareness context, which Western governments continue to deny its own societal members.


PS - If some of you are still not convinced, I urge you to listen to Alec Newald's ET Interdimensional (Abduction) Experience on this thread...

(True Story) of a Man Taken for (10 Days) to an Extraterrestrial Civilization..!


This is by far the most atonishingly accurate and amazing Story I have posted on Alien Abduction here at Avalon, which answers so many of the questions most of us have wanted answered by TPTW...

In the coming days, I will post a video interview & summary where Alec outlines the following...

Yes, Draconian ET's do Control our planet.
The Highest level of Freemasonary is not 33 Degrees, it is 36 Degrees & Why?
What is the significance of the so called Owl Statue worshipped by the Elite at Bohemien Grove?
The real reason the British invaded 'The Fauklands'?
Exposes the Highest Level 'Intelligence Agency' in the world. It's not the CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, etc.
How the 'Universe' actually operates.
The significance of a place called 'Thule Island'.
A virtually unknown story of an ET Craft that was shotdown in 1982 & Why?
Plus much, much more...

To me this Man's Testimony provides the missing link to not only our past ET history, but how it all ties togther with the 'Hidden Knowledge' the Elite have fought so hard to protect and Why? they have kept it from us all these years...

If there was 1 person I would like to see interviewed by Bill, its this bloke...



8th December 2011, 17:54
hi jacko .. i agree with you in each word .. and a interview is excelent idea. great post.

Ilie Pandia
8th December 2011, 18:00
Hello Jackovesk,

Please notice that for most of the readers (members and visitors) your title: "Ex-China (Foreign Ministry Official) says (Extraterrestrials) Live Among Us.." reads like:

"Ex-China says Live Among Us.."

I really don't get the usage of the "( )" grouping in the titles of your threads. Parenthesis are usually used to put a small clarification for the word before them...

8th December 2011, 18:01
I for one appreciate large articles like this being placed on the thread and stored on avalon's hard drive. This kind of stuff disappears all the time. And it's nice to have a more dependable location for it.

8th December 2011, 18:05
Hi Jackovesk, Brilliant Thread! Thank you so much for posting this.

I would most certainly like to be updated - your next topics to post sound great. I too would love to hear an interview with Alec Newald. Is there a way to click on 'something' so that I can easily find this thread again another day? Something like a 'post it' or 'marker' of sorts in my username page as a reminder or watch list. I am still after almost a year learning how to do things and get around. Today I posted my 3rd ever thread and learnt how to copy and paste an article for the first time. lol. I know, it's embarressing, yet I remind myself the tortoise does get there in the end. smile.

8th December 2011, 18:08
Alec has been suppressed by the governments for many years. It's miracle he is still alive and keep trying to spread the truth.
They even blocks his next book release.

IMHO, Alec Newald and commader Sani Ceto are undeniable witnesses.

Alien interventions are world phenomena. It's already irrelevant whether the mighty U.S government disclose the secrets or not. Question his how each nation or races handle new reality and negotiate with aliens who act for their own agenda as they have been as will always. That's my perspective about alien phenomena.

Some members in PA have been interacting aliens. What does it tell? Hmm.. Skeptics dismiss it. Then when skeptics have alien encounters, they are a lot easier to be manipulated cause they have no idea about off-world beings. The march of dogma repeaters.

8th December 2011, 18:14
Hello Jackovesk,

Please notice that for most of the readers (members and visitors) your title: "Ex-China (Foreign Ministry Official) says (Extraterrestrials) Live Among Us.." reads like:

"Ex-China says Live Among Us.."

I really don't get the usage of the "( )" grouping in the titles of your threads. Parenthesis are usually used to put a small clarification for the word before them...

Hello Ilie,

No matter what I do, I just can't seem to stay out of trouble can I...

Ilie if you wish to take "( )" Parenthesis out, please do so...

I just want to get the 'Truth As I Know It' out to as many people as I can...

I honestly would of thought the information was more important than how I constructed the heading?



Ilie Pandia
8th December 2011, 18:19

This is a very important piece of information: "tHIs text.Is-rather!difficult_to-_REad.SinCE;I-USE,mY-own,Style" :)

As you can see, how you present the information is also very important, especially if you want it be picked up and understood by everybody.

Is really that outrageous to ask you to use the punctuation marks just as everybody else uses them and understand them? Do you really think that inventing your "own system of formatting" will help to better spread your truth? Do you honestly think so?

I won't take the parenthesis out since I don't have time to properly format every thread on this forum. This is your responsibility (each of the forum's member responsibility).

PS: It took me some time to find it but please read Bill's post here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?10504-Moving-Avatars-and-impossible-Usernames&p=89599&viewfull=1#post89599). The issue of how you present yourself and your information has been debated before. And I've also posted about this (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?10504-Moving-Avatars-and-impossible-Usernames&p=90087&viewfull=1#post90087) before.

8th December 2011, 18:28

This is a very important piece of information: "tHIs text.Is-rather!difficult_to-_REad.SinCE;I-USE,mY-own,Style" :)

As you can see, how you present the information is also very important, especially if you want it be picked up and understood by everybody.

Is really that outrageous to ask you to use the punctuation marks just as everybody else uses them and understand them? Do you really think that inventing your "own system of formatting" will help to better spread your truth? Do you honestly think so?

I won't take the parenthesis out since I don't have time to properly format every thread on this forum. This is your responsibility (each of the forum's member responsibility).

I will bare that in mind in the future, now that I have been made aware of the problem...



8th December 2011, 18:34
Great thread!! Thank you Jack..
Please sign the ET/UFO petition... all the details are on this thread....


Much love to us all!! :luv:

8th December 2011, 18:47
Hello Jackovesk,

Please notice that for most of the readers (members and visitors) your title: "Ex-China (Foreign Ministry Official) says (Extraterrestrials) Live Among Us.." reads like:

"Ex-China says Live Among Us.."

I really don't get the usage of the "( )" grouping in the titles of your threads. Parenthesis are usually used to put a small clarification for the word before them...

Hello Ilie,

No matter what I do, I just can't seem to stay out of trouble can I...

Ilie if you wish to take "( )" Parenthesis out, please do so...

I just want to get the 'Truth As I Know It' out to as many people as I can...

I honestly would of thought the information was more important than how I constructed the heading?



Surely the "please do so..." bit was scoffing? :P Are the brackets in the thread title a method of underscoring the important words in it? Brackets really have the opposite meaning.

8th December 2011, 19:29
At this rate China looks set to take command of world leadership from the "West" !

8th December 2011, 21:51
Creat post Jack , as usual your work here is
a big part of what makes PA a strong leader in the
Alternative media field .
Good work .


8th December 2011, 22:04
Thanks for posting Jackovesk - a really fascinating read. Will certainly investigate further. It is always interesting finding these corrobative accounts coming out of places like Russia and China.

The One
8th December 2011, 22:41
Hello Jackovesk,

Please notice that for most of the readers (members and visitors) your title: "Ex-China (Foreign Ministry Official) says (Extraterrestrials) Live Among Us.." reads like:

"Ex-China says Live Among Us.."

I really don't get the usage of the "( )" grouping in the titles of your threads. Parenthesis are usually used to put a small clarification for the word before them...

That is your opinion Ilie and not expressed by most

A word to the wise

As a moderator i would have expected you to pm Jackovesk instead of showing your feelings in a thread for all to see

Anyway great thread my friend :cool:

8th December 2011, 22:49
this is really exciting information and i'm sure that China, along with a few other countries will be more than happy to bring disclosure to the table, they see what's happening with it in the west. the plain truth is that people need to know and be aware and learn. thanks jackovesk.
regards, corson

Ilie Pandia
8th December 2011, 23:03
Hello Jackovesk,

Please notice that for most of the readers (members and visitors) your title: "Ex-China (Foreign Ministry Official) says (Extraterrestrials) Live Among Us.." reads like:

"Ex-China says Live Among Us.."

I really don't get the usage of the "( )" grouping in the titles of your threads. Parenthesis are usually used to put a small clarification for the word before them...

That is your opinion Ilie and not expressed by most

A word to the wise

As a moderator i would have expected you to pm Jackovesk instead of showing your feelings in a thread for all to see

Anyway great thread my friend :cool:

The One, I don't appreciate your comment.

If you look up the usage of the "( )" you will see how most of the people use it and how it is read. It is not my opinion, I did not invent this.

As to private PM please read Jackovesk's post here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?35969-Question-about-forum-moderation&p=369515&viewfull=1#post369515).

I realize I could have PMed you, but then when I do that, there are complaints of "moderating behind closed doors"...

Now please lets get back on topic and for moderation questions I am OK to PM me or write on one of the many moderation threads.


The One
8th December 2011, 23:11
Hello Jackovesk,

Please notice that for most of the readers (members and visitors) your title: "Ex-China (Foreign Ministry Official) says (Extraterrestrials) Live Among Us.." reads like:

"Ex-China says Live Among Us.."

I really don't get the usage of the "( )" grouping in the titles of your threads. Parenthesis are usually used to put a small clarification for the word before them...

That is your opinion Ilie and not expressed by most

A word to the wise

As a moderator i would have expected you to pm Jackovesk instead of showing your feelings in a thread for all to see

Anyway great thread my friend :cool:

The One, I don't appreciate your comment.

If you look up the usage of the "( )" you will see how most of the people use it and how it is read. It is not my opinion, I did not invent this.

As to private PM please read Jackovesk's post here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?35969-Question-about-forum-moderation&p=369515&viewfull=1#post369515).

I realize I could have PMed you, but then when I do that, there are complaints of "moderating behind closed doors"...

Now please lets get back on topic and for moderation questions I am OK to PM me or write on one of the many moderation threads.


And i dont agree with yours

Goodnite my friend


9th December 2011, 00:50

This is a very important piece of information: "tHIs text.Is-rather!difficult_to-_REad.SinCE;I-USE,mY-own,Style" :)

As you can see, how you present the information is also very important, especially if you want it be picked up and understood by everybody.

Is really that outrageous to ask you to use the punctuation marks just as everybody else uses them and understand them? Do you really think that inventing your "own system of formatting" will help to better spread your truth? Do you honestly think so?

I won't take the parenthesis out since I don't have time to properly format every thread on this forum. This is your responsibility (each of the forum's member responsibility).

I will bare that in mind in the future, now that I have been made aware of the problem...



All the colours and large fonts you use drive me nuts too (but this OP is pretty nice to read, kudos) but I appreciate your artistic courage. ;)

9th December 2011, 01:41
Thats why we need to be or should say use discernment and instinct like never before. Benevolent species won't cross what they respect most. That is what we can use as a ruler. Never bow to them as a God for they are equals on a soul level and will be the first to move away until we get that bit right. I do like what Alex Collier wrote.:

Responsible freedom of self-determination, becoming truly self-confident and free to unconditionally be responsible for one's self, without being coerced to accept some higher authority.

Makes you think and if we meet these off world people then we need to stand our ground and be treated equally and use respect. If they don't or appear to want something in return then the alarm bells should be running hot..

Alec has been suppressed by the governments for many years. It's miracle he is still alive and keep trying to spread the truth.
They even blocks his next book release.

IMHO, Alec Newald and commader Sani Ceto are undeniable witnesses.

Alien interventions are world phenomena. It's already irrelevant whether the mighty U.S government disclose the secrets or not. Question his how each nation or races handle new reality and negotiate with aliens who act for their own agenda as they have been as will always. That's my perspective about alien phenomena.

Some members in PA have been interacting aliens. What does it tell? Hmm.. Skeptics dismiss it. Then when skeptics have alien encounters, they are a lot easier to be manipulated cause they have no idea about off-world beings. The march of dogma repeaters.

9th December 2011, 03:53
Hi Jackovesk,

Thank you for a most interesting post and I'm looking forwad to any follow-up.

I wonder whether you are clear about the problem Ilie raised. Quite simply it's this: the brackets around "Extraterrestrials" make your heading not easily understood by an 'English' reader. They suggest that we can more or less ignore the word 'extraterrestrials', but if we do that the heading obviously makes no sense.

Having now worked out what you were wanting to say, I suggest either underlining or italicising the word 'Extraterrestrials'

Do keep your contributions coming!


9th December 2011, 05:09
Thank you Jackovesk, I'm really looking forward to the interview.

Its posts like these that makes this forum as great as it is.

I appreciate the time you and other big posters put in to sort through the dross and find the gold.

29th December 2011, 10:02
Interesting similar to the serial "The Event"

"She was 10 feet [3.03 metres] tall and had six fingers, but otherwise she looked completely like a human,'' he says. "I told my wife all about it afterwards. She wasn't too angry.''
billy meier also claimed the Pleadians had 6 fingers..yet the photo with the ray gun that chick had 5 fingers.. :p

29th December 2011, 15:23
There is much evidence, including verbal, scientific, mythological and written, stating that not only do we have off-Earth visitors living among us, but that each and every person on Earth stems from a combination of off-Earth civilizations. All seven billion(+) of us. Yes, there are visitors living among us from off the Earth. They're relatives and should be treated with due respect.

29th December 2011, 16:08
Really looking forward to your threads about these subjects you have mentioned. Always appreciate your posts. No matter how you title the threads. When I see that a thread is posted by "Jackovesk", I always read it. You add much to this forum with the information you share.

Yes, Draconian ET's do Control our planet.
The Highest level of Freemasonary is not 33 Degrees, it is 36 Degrees & Why?
What is the significance of the so called Owl Statue worshipped by the Elite at Bohemien Grove?
The real reason the British invaded 'The Fauklands'?
Exposes the Highest Level 'Intelligence Agency' in the world. It's not the CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, etc.
How the 'Universe' actually operates.
The significance of a place called 'Thule Island'.
A virtually unknown story of an ET Craft that was shotdown in 1982 & Why?
Plus much, much more...

To me this Man's Testimony provides the missing link to not only our past ET history, but how it all ties togther with the 'Hidden Knowledge' the Elite have fought so hard to protect and Why? they have kept it from us all these years...

If there was 1 person I would like to see interviewed by Bill, its this bloke...



29th December 2011, 16:22
Interesting similar to the serial "The Event"

"She was 10 feet [3.03 metres] tall and had six fingers, but otherwise she looked completely like a human,'' he says. "I told my wife all about it afterwards. She wasn't too angry.''
billy meier also claimed the Pleadians had 6 fingers..yet the photo with the ray gun that chick had 5 fingers.. :p
I don't think the person in any of the photos was an Pleaidian, but was actually a human. Aside from the "ray gun" being an obvious terran/earth model as Off Worlders do not use such "toys". And, btw. I was told that The Event Series was intended to be a "test run" of sorts to see what the mainstream audience reaction would be to the concept of Benevolent Races of Aliens/Off Worlders living among us. I cover this in my "hidden in plain sight/ passive disclosure" thread. But, in my opinion it was another poorly executed series and approach.

This is a great article, and I have no doubt what so ever that there have been Benevolent races living and walking among us. They are where the majority of our genetics and dna come from. We're all related.

29th December 2011, 17:48
What is perplexing with Chinese Ufology is the great dissimilarity with the American cases. There is no little greys, no Pleaidians, no reptilians, no horrific medical examinations/experiments on abductees. In fact there are far fewer cases of close encounters. There are teleportations, weird encounters like the two cases described, but a lack of horrifying cases. If the close encounter cases are really from outer space aliens, you would think that they don't respect national boundaries.

But they respect cultural boundaries.

I am of the opinion that extraterrestrials from other planets can only explain a small part of the phenomenon. These beings respect cultural boundaries, therefore either

1. They are confined by some natural law to act in a certain domain, or
2. They appear to the contactee/abductee according to their beliefs, more or less like when a man dies, he sees Jesus or the Budha or just a human shaped light according to his religious belief. Or,
3. A large part of the phenomenon is culturally generated. Could it be that it is the culture that produces it, which acts as a projection of the evolution of the culture?

While I do not dispute there are extraterrestrials, and even many among us, I think the possibility of hypothesis (3) is largely unconsidered.