View Full Version : Another way to increase crop yield ?

15th December 2011, 20:57
I haven't tried it yet, but a friend of friend of mine said, if you magnetize the seeds and always water towards the south pole. You will get a much larger yield on crops or any food stuffs that you grow. My question is, how do you magnetize the seeds?

5th March 2012, 05:54
I do not believe it is possible to magnetize seeds, however I am no scientist. Is your friend's friend an experienced gardener with large yields? If you can find more info this would be interesting.

5th March 2012, 05:59
What about companion planting as well?

5th March 2012, 09:16
Could I suggest the rexresearch site for all things magnetism and gardinging etc......... a very favourite site of mine. http://www.rexresearch.com/1index.htm Just page down or search at your leisure


5th March 2012, 12:44
Many cultures in our past used sites such as stonehenge, for ceremony involveing seeds brought there to bring better yields from crops. It is a fact that seeds brought to certain leighline points do actually energize and cause the seeds to grow stronger and produce better yield from them. Does magnetism answer how it works? I do not exactly know just what is the energy running through those leighlines. Modern experiments have proved this is a real factual thing, that produces consistant results. This is another example of suppressed and now lost to most, knowledge that was known by the population in times past. We never needed GMO seed, just the truth about our history to be honestly told and known by all to benefit equeally.

5th March 2012, 12:57
I haven't tried it yet, but a friend of friend of mine said, if you magnetize the seeds and always water towards the south pole. You will get a much larger yield on crops or any food stuffs that you grow. My question is, how do you magnetize the seeds?

How does one water "toward"? I don't get it.