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16th December 2011, 10:41
See how they run....!


¤=[Post Update]=¤

Here she is describing the pyramid.


16th December 2011, 10:45
We are under attack....be aware!


16th December 2011, 11:29
When you enter 30 Tabernacle St, there is a door behind the reception. Guess were it leads to?..........Common Purpose.


16th December 2011, 11:45
(I have no way of proving any of this is true, but people do seem to be sleep walking.)

Illuminati Signal New Mind Control Technology December 16, 2011

Inception should have been called "Insertion."  The movie shows the application of behaviour-changing thought insertion.
The Illuminati goal is to enslave us. Mind control is their chosen method.
"The announcement, in the mainstream media, of the "precursor" form of this technology is meant to prepare the population for what is yet to come:  voluntary personality alteration, via thought-inducing technology."
by Aspen (henrymakow.com)

A month ago Dr. Makow published a precursor to this article which made the claim that "The Illuminati have the means to introduce thoughts, to influence nighttime dreams, and to produce visual projections seemingly in real time space. They have sponsored brain-pattern science because the ability to produce a controlling mental signal is the final key to controlling humanity."

"The operating principle of this mind-control technology is a 'sixth sense' -- the electromagnetic brain field. The scientific assessment is that this field is responsive -- therefore, control is possible."

Recently, a Daily Mail article has appeared: "'Downloading' new skills into our brains like characters on The Matrix set to become a reality, say scientists"

The article states:

"Learning a martial art, how to fly a plane or how to speak a new language without even being awake is set to become a reality, say researchers. Scientists at Boston University and ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, believe that in the future learning a new skill might involve nothing more than sitting in front of a computer screen and waiting for it to 'upload'.

"They have been studying how a functional magnetic resonance machine (FMRI) can 'induce' knowledge in someone through their visual cortex by sending signals that change their brain activity pattern.

"This process is called Decoded Neurofeedback, or 'DecNef'.

"No medication is needed and the subject doesn't even have to be awake, he or she simply has their brain activity changed to a 'target' pattern, which could be anything from that of a star footballer to a master chess player.

"Lead author Takeo Watanabe from the University of Boston said: 'Adult early visual areas are sufficiently plastic to cause visual perceptual learning.'

"In the The Matrix trilogy the characters learn new skills by having a computer physically plugged into their brains and new skills directly uploaded. The day when we are able to do something similar is not too far away, say the researchers."

My original article stated that a more sophisticated version of this technology is already in use. That was an educated guess. Profound "deep research" conducted in Illuminati-controlled labs is fed back, in seeping fashion, into the comparatively limp (and relatively under-funded) realm of mainstream academia, enough to produce hints and shades of advancements which are already well into their second- and third-tier stages of development. By this means, both society and the academic world are prepped to accept what is to come.

Meanwhile, it's of no passing significance that the authors of this article chose to refer to The Matrix. The Matrix is a film that was written and directed by the Wachowski Brothers. Notably, the Wachowski Brothers likewise scripted the consummate Illuminati film, V for Vendetta. Both films featured a key Illuminati acting tool, Hugo Weaving.

The application of this specific sort of mind control technology was described in yet another film, Inception, which was written and directed by Christopher Nolan. The film is significant for demonstrating thought insertion.

In the movie,  a team of mind-invaders introduce a thought into a subject's mind, at a level profound enough to produce life changes.

From the script:   

If you can steal an idea from someone's mind,
why can't you plant one there instead?

This isn't the usual corporate espionage, Mr. Saito.
This is inception.
The seed of the idea we plant will grow in this man's mind.
It'll change him. It might even come to define him.

In order successfully to invade the subject's mind, the environment, behavioral patterns (habits), and psychological structure first undergo scrutiny.

As I wrote, in my original article, "Targeted individuals' minds are monitored in order to establish a schedule of attention patterns, i.e. habits. Everyone thinks about a few things often. This is the entry point. Once a mental and emotional map of repetitive thought has been drawn, the initial stage of influence can begin."

Once the mind is invaded, the charade of the invasion must be maintained.

My article stated, "Intrusive thought control must be hidden. The introduction of ideas, the presentation of influential imagery, and emotional influence of behavioral choices, must all be concealed."

This is where you come in.  You build the world of the dream.  We take the
subject into that dream, and let him fill it with his subconscious.

But are you trying to fool him that the dream is actually real life?

COBB (nods)
While we're in there, we don't want him to realize he's dreaming.

How could I ever get enough detail to convince him that it's real?

Our dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up we realize things were strange.

That's why the military developed dream sharing -- a training program
where soldiers could strangle, stab and shoot each other, then wake up.


Invasion of the mind is not enough. A convincingly real dream setting is not enough. The mind must accept the reason for the setting.

As I wrote, "It is not sufficient only to introduce new thoughts, notions, and impulses which enable deep control. The receiver must eventually be willing to accept them and follow them at the conscious level. Individuals being influenced by mind control themselves perform the psychological choices which hide the external control. This is kit and key to the success of the process. Rebellion against the process would be a risk."

From the script:

Now, the subconscious motivates through emotion, not reason,
so we have to translate the idea into an emotional concept.

It's not just about depth.  You need the simplest version of the idea-
the one that will grow naturally in the subject's mind.  Subtle art.
That's the only way to make it stick. It has to seem self- generated.

(end of quote)

In all of this, we can detect a discussion concerning actual mind control technology currently at work. The Illuminati HAVE the technology to induce thoughts and -- especially -- to influence dreams.

The schematics of human thought, and tactics of invasion, have been well-mapped. Human thought is already being directly altered, mostly in select cases, but also more broadly in lighter ways, using this technology.

The announcement, in the mainstream media, of the "precursor" form of this technology is meant to prepare the population for what is yet to come:  voluntary personality alteration, via thought-inducing technology.

The "depressed" will come forth to be healed. The "criminal" will come forth to be fixed. The "spiritually empty" will come forth to be opened. "Gay" and "straight" will become bisexual.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

 Al said (December 15, 2011):
Freemasons and Illuminati are nothing. They are instruments of Satan and they are entirely worthless, stupid, and evil people. They can really only influence weak minds. The strong minds and people with character will see through all of this. There's nothing to admire about them and they have nothing going for themselves. They are utterly worthless and produce nothing but trouble. In other words, they are losers and will always remain losers. Their ultimate destination is hell, so why be in awe of them?

16th December 2011, 11:52
George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' illustrates the abuse of power and words,
and the exploitation of stupidity.

I am taking it that the Avalon community is 100% responsible for the world.
Whether or not this is the case is another matter...we have to act as if it was true – otherwise,
it would all be a bit half hearted. Total commitment to the welfare of others is needed.
So I am questioning:
If we took the elite out of the equation, can we be sure that we wouldn't still have the Animal Farm effect within us?

A. We cannot! But you can...

To expect everyone to be perfect is not practical.
This is a world of desire, conflict and strife, and that's all right.

How else would we learn?

We humans are intelligent and passionate. Desire has a very strong influence on us.
So maybe this world can never find perfect peace, and that's all right.

It is wishful thinking to hope that the world will find perfect peace in the Kali Yuga.
It's just as it is, and that's all right.

In this world of conflict, it is not possible to put everyone else right.
However, we can put ourselves right.
In putting myself right, everything else is put right.
Everything is just as it is.

To put myself right, all I need to do is stop trying change others.
Stop trying to impress others.
Stop protecting myself from others. Stop hiding from others.
This is just fear. Fearing myself.

Thinking I am not worthy is not all right.
Every sentient being deserves respect.
We need courage to respect ourselves, with all our imaginary faults.
Then true confidence arises.

We are where we are, and that's all right.
It can take many, many incarnations as practitioners to become enlightened...
this may be your last one, just as you are!

Anything that presents itself could be the last drop of karma to be exhausted.
Until then ,you will still have something unattractive dangling from your nose!
And that's all right!!!

Compassion is caring about others, more than we care for our self-image.
In caring about others, there is no time to be lonely - there is no time for 'me'.
Loneliness is, unfortunately, self cherishing. But that's all right.
We are not perfect, yet!

Compassion has to be impartial, to include everyone.
That final drop of withheld compassion could be what produces 'the change'.
This inner work is painful. It makes me want to scream and cry, “Not fair, not fair! What about meeeeee?!”
That unattractive dangling thing is ego, dropping to the ground - and that's all right.


NB To help complete the picture... George Orwell's other book '1984' mentions
four Ministries - the Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Love, the Ministry of Peace, and the Ministry of Plenty.
All exist to twist meanings. There was also Doublethink and Newspeak.

The Ministry of Love propagates love of and reliance upon Big Brother.
Through fear, if Big brother says 2+2=5 you readily agree.
“...the moment Winston realised he loved Big Brother the bullet entered his brain!”
That is mind control. Love through Fear.

Newspeak (as opposed to Oldspeak) is changing the meaning of words or limiting the use of words or devaluing words. When the number of words in usage is reduced, the ability to express an experience is reduced. We call it texting! Reduced vocabulary makes the expression of feelings difficult to communicate, and therefore we will lack the ability to empathise. We become more easy to control. Big Brother is now seen as a 'harmless', trivial TV programme..I mean programming! Moreover, it tells you who to love and who to hate.

Doublethink means the power to hold two contradictory views at the same time -
playing tricks with reality. Listen carefully to interviewers and interviewees in the media...

When I say, 'see everything as it is', I am not saying accept everything as it is.
Once one becomes a healthy human being, one can either move on, or stay and help unconditionally.

All the best


finally there!!!
16th December 2011, 12:48
This group can be found in Ireland.I only recently came across them through a movement called we the people..now I know why the system never works!!

16th December 2011, 13:38
The stimulus must be maintained for the phych-ops to work consistently. Remove the stimulus and control fades. The solution to overcoming such systems is to remove the source stimulus. Fear is the one weak link in our personal barrier that allows external influences to effect our natural thought processes. Protection= eliminate fear & remove any un-natural stimulus. IMHO


16th December 2011, 17:17
They are running everything...make sure your feet are not dancing to their tune.
Spiritguide you are right...fear creates a lack of confidence.

Ditch all humble opinions!!!

17th December 2011, 16:29
more can be found on them at ukcolom.org

17th December 2011, 16:33
Don't forget the so called food we are eating...!


19th December 2011, 20:58
They have been working us a very long time, knowing this is waking up the the psychological reality.
Knowing that this has a effect on our consciousness, we wake up to our spiritual reality.
When we know our spiritual reality, we wake up for good!

19th December 2011, 21:15
We are under attack....be aware!


Thing is Pie - and I'm with you on this - the armed forces and the police force are institutions and take orders from above. Can we expect them to think outside the box? I would love to hear from people who are CURRENTLY on the police force or other armed forces. We cannot expect them to speak out now but hopefully, when the time comes ....... ???? OMG I do really hope so . . . I really do think that when the time does come that people will remember who they truly are ........

19th December 2011, 21:20
We have to show them the way, with love and courtesy.