View Full Version : I am Fishead - must watch & spread

27th December 2011, 22:19
Just posted this wonderful documentary in this thread (The 1%...Psychopaths, Vampires, Aliens Who Are They?), but it actually deserves a thread of its own.

It talks about the psychopaths in politics, the financial and corporate world, etc..., a bigger army of sociopaths (keeping the former intact) and our natural tendency to influence each other with all sorts of deeds which essentially could change the current blahblah ... (cfr The Czech Velvet Revolution).

Describing it like that, why does the movie 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' come to mind ?... ;)


Andjoy and spread it like wildfire ;-))



Ilie Pandia
27th December 2011, 23:21
Way too many flashing subliminal frames...

27th December 2011, 23:47
Way too many flashing subliminal frames...

Subliminal means that you cannot perceive the message, it is being flashed too fast. You have to slow down the video to see them. Have you done this Ilie and if so, what have you seen (which minute)? If not, what do you mean? If you talk about the small, non subliminal robots, they, in my idea, describe very well what psychopaths are up to. Without them the video would not have the same impact and just a fact of killing for example, like in most movie, would go almost unnoticed by the main population. The little men do provide the understanding.


This society encourages psychopaths because corporations are by definition heartless (having a heart is not their role) and they have the same rights as human beings, the beings they should in fact be serving.

Psychopaths are often educated, talk the language, wear the suit and have the diploma to be hired in high positions. Those psychopaths do have th same profile as those that are killers, as well as the same brain wave patterns, the only differnece being they do not need to physically kill, they do it corporatively

I personnally think that it is an outstanding video to make the problem of psychopaths in this society well understood so that we can take action against them.

I am so glad that those definitions, descriptions and their impact is going mainstream, finally. Ten years ago we would find nothing on the topic of value for the masses.

It is a good description of black suits psychopaths in businesses, I have seen many in my life. It is also a good description of their destruction and the impact on the whole of society.

Ilie Pandia
27th December 2011, 23:57

There are frames that flash by with some text in them and I think I can make out the shape of a fish.

I personally do not care much about the impact, I can decide that myself w/o the flashes and the drama. I prefer slow paced, clear presentations of good information that I can absorb or not on a conscious level.

The movie may in fact have some value, but is not a presentation that I care to experience :)

Is much better for my eyes to read a text summary of it.

28th December 2011, 00:16
Yeah, I also noticed that... a lot of bleep and flash, though I can't see how the overall positive message could be distorted by that... Would be nice to watch those things in slow mo...

What I found rather peculiar was that actor Peter Coyote talks about how psychopaths (the so-called fisheads) seduce you by making you feel special. Now you're in their power until you're not needed anymore. As an actor he stares you in the eyes (you're special...). At the end of the movie he puts on a "I am Fishead" t-shirt and says:

"So imagine that the most charismatic handsome person looks you directly in the eye and says: 'You can save the world'
What would you do?
We can deal with the fishead if we remember that we're in this together and we stop looking at the top of the pyramid where the celebrities and the leaders are and we look side to side.
The advantage of being in a herd is that when as few as 5 to 6% of the total population becomes aware of something, like danger for instance, nearly everyone becomes aware.
And our succes is going to depend on the answer to two questions:
How many are we? How close are we to the five, six percent?
And what will you do?"

It gave me a mixed feeling of 'wtf' and 'yeah man'...

28th December 2011, 00:28
Personnnally, at this point, the feeling is not even mixed.

The need to awake to the manipulators, sociopaths and psychopaths is sooooo great that even a mix message would help.

Just think of bullies in schools, shootings, drug lords and bankers or corporate psychopaths. Our society is very sick and we need to understand the cause in order to find the remedies. imho

I already spread the video on Nexus as well, you said in the title of the thread to spread it, so it is.

Ilie Pandia
28th December 2011, 00:37
Peter Coyote made me aware of two things:

- someone telling "you are special" presents you with a HUGE ego trap. Doesn't seduction work in similar ways :)? Another example: you've been selected to share secret knowledge with you and so you are now special.

- the way the video is presented sends a clear message: anyone can be psychopath. That is not very different than: "your very neighbor may be a terrorist". Not sure how helpful that is... of course being naive and assuming everybody is good and loving is also not very helpful.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this, dAkapacity. You're very special! :p (You too Flash!)

28th December 2011, 00:45
The facts are Ilie that they are around 4% of the population and that you therefore personnally know some psychopaths, we all do (we all know at least 100 people don't we). However, there is very specific traits that psychopaths share and that regular folds do not share with them. One of them is empathy shared by most except psychopahts.

However, psychopaths are so good actors that they could act it. It is very very difficult for an ordinary persone, having empathy, to admit that some people's bains (the psychopatth's) are not wired like that, they do not have empathy.

I think that developing as a human being wih empathy takes more time and needs a better surrounding. This is the same for more complex beings, be plants or animals, more develop they are more gestation time and time to go through childhood is long (be physical, emotional or spiritual development).

To me, psycopahts are the ones lacking development fo further evolution, although they would say that empathy hampers gain and their own egoistical development, therefore they are more advanced.

I do see your point about the video Ilie however. I still think the video is a must and will help at large. i have the soul of a teacher and I know how difficult it is to make peoiple realise some difficult concepts, how progress is slow. So any good video would help in this psychopathy case.

28th December 2011, 01:04
Spread spread spread ! Yes... and I did that with a very charismatic writing style so as to have you in my power ;-) No, thank you for the spreading !!

About the mixed feeling... Well, I had it for a moment, but stopped feeding it. The overall message is very powerful and connects with my heartknowledge.

What I like about this documentary is that it puts things into perspective in a language the masses can understand. Are psychopaths reptilians, people who upon generations sold their soul to the devil, ...? It frankly doesn't matter. It's good to reveal basic patterns, reveal what happens to our world and it's good to pinpoint the 'enemy' that was hidden for so long, so we can do something about it. This doc focusses on our interconnectivity based on positivity, doing and being good for one another, its ripple effect. Like David Icke says, if we stop feeding the system and focus more on (consciously) networking, on the things we can do for each other, we are changing timelines. Personally I think that this gets us a lot further than trying to find out exactly if our problems are because of the Anunaki, an evil cabal, ... After the system falls like a house of cards, we can then examine further on how this could have happened.

I'm kind if tired and have difficulty constructing sensible sentences (feel like I'm missing some basic points here)...

Sloppel (goodnight) !

28th December 2011, 01:20
This is trying to paint a picture that if you don't respond emotionally to like everyone else, then that response causes you to be a psychopath. But the reality is that not feeling emotion is a trait of psychopath, but not the cause at all. According to this video I am a psychopath, but in reality I no longer let my ego control my emotions, and I consider that a spiritual advancement.

IMHO this video is less than not very useful.

EDIT: and they took out all the keyframes around the subliminal flashing so you can't pause on it without some good software.

28th December 2011, 01:27
* someone telling "you are special" presents you with a HUGE ego trap. Doesn't seduction work in similar ways ? Another example: you've been selected to share secret knowledge with you and so you are now special.

Er... Well, Mr. Coyote (isn't that a slick wild sort of dog ? ;-) didn't really say these words. He said: "Imagine someone saying it..." I agree with you that would be a huge ego trap, but if the message is to connect to others putting aside your fears (that's what I got out of it), that doesn't seem applicable here.

* the way the video is presented sends a clear message: anyone can be psychopath. That is not very different than: "your very neighbor may be a terrorist". Not sure how helpful that is... of course being naive and assuming everybody is good and loving is also not very helpful.

I never got that message... And I don't believe we're a world full of loving people either (although I think that we'd be that more if we get closer to our true selves) The fearMSMongering aspect was totally absent (to my knowledge).

Have you seen the doc? Or are you basing these conclusions on what you have read so far? If not, please do so and try to identify the moments where you noticed this. Enlighten me, because I can't do it myself (friendly sarcastic remark)

28th December 2011, 02:01

I guess everybody and everything can be questioned and that's a good thing, but I wish opinions, stories, people, etc... would be considered by their whole message...

When you say:

This is trying to paint a picture that if you don't respond emotionally to like everyone else, then that response causes you to be a psychopath. But the reality is that not feeling emotion is a trait of psychopath, but not the cause at all. According to this video I am a psychopath, but in reality I no longer let my ego control my emotions, and I consider that a spiritual advancement.

... I get your point... (or maybe not... Where did you get this message that if you don't respond like everybody else, you must be a psycho??). Agree on not feeling an emotion is a trait, not the cause, but where does it claim to be the cause of psychopathy?

A couple of years ago I had a kundalini awakening. It felt like I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was depressed, hated people, had thoughts about scraping my ex-girlfriend's face on the concrete floor and other nice things... What saved me was a deeper knowing that this was temporary... At the same time I sometimes felt like a psychowacko, or at least could become that any moment... If I had watched this doc back then, I would've felt very special among the 1% (lol)

Point is that it's wonderful that you won't let your ego control your emotions. I think it's very healthy and I wish I could say the same thing (though, to describe it dualistically, I can spot the trap ego has set for me a lot quicker :-).

But can ego surpass the idea that this doc might actually have a positive message as well?

I appreciate your stance on this, but at the same time I would like to read a more profound evaluation of the whole thing.


28th December 2011, 04:28
Just posted this wonderful documentary in this thread (The 1%...Psychopaths, Vampires, Aliens Who Are They?), but it actually deserves a thread of its own.

It talks about the psychopaths in politics, the financial and corporate world, etc..., a bigger army of sociopaths (keeping the former intact) and our natural tendency to influence each other with all sorts of deeds which essentially could change the current blahblah ... (cfr The Czech Velvet Revolution).

Describing it like that, why does the movie 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' come to mind ?... ;)


Andjoy and spread it like wildfire ;-))



EXCELENT video that takes a LONG TIME to say this : be the change you want to see.

its that easy.

28th December 2011, 04:39
Does anyone else now have the Dr. Demento Fish Heads song stuck in their head, too?


28th December 2011, 06:01
Interesting documentary I'm sure, but much too long for me. I think the point could just as easily be gotten across in less time, so more people can devote that time to it. As far as the flashing images, they are not subliminal. You can make out what it is without slowing it down. It's just a red fish. There were also some "Scary" (lol), images of people with painted faces and what not. I only watched about 8 minutes in before I figured I got the point and didn't need to finish, so I can't say for certain whether or not there were any ACTUAL, "harmful" subliminals in it, but if there are it's nothing that should/would/could affect a person who is in touch with spirit and aware of what this purportedly negative thing/image is trying to do. Anything that sheds Light on the people who are seeking to spread darkness is worth consideration at the very least.

28th December 2011, 09:35
Excellent video, thanks for posting.

This subject is very important to understand.

There is also a Fishead free app - pyschopath detector tool.


28th December 2011, 11:50
There is another thread on this documentary, started in November by 58andfixed:


28th December 2011, 12:29
Don't be so fixated on "Psychopath". The video is a good awareness raiser but I could have done without the creepy flashes of frames and sounds. I did like the way they stopped the video while we could read the name and status of the contributors.

We are ALL psychopathic in some way, so it wouldn't serve us too well to go on a witch hunt for it. If we extended our circles of empathy far enough we wouldn't eat anything and then we would be in big trouble.

28th December 2011, 14:40
Regardless of the fact that I personally did not care for the gratuitous use of blood, gore, and violence to 'make their point', the video does provide some great points about psychopaths, and particularly that 6% of the population can cause a redirection of our popular mindset - the "100th monkey" concept. This point alone is well worth the watch. The creation of expanding circles of empathy is core to this dissolution of the psychopath's power, and the creation of a just and free society.

Yes, Gandhi's quote is the focal point, and says much, with few words. We must 'be the change we wish to see in the world'.

In Unity and Peace

28th December 2011, 15:00
Regardless of the fact that I personally did not care for the gratuitous use of blood, gore, and violence to 'make their point', the video does provide some great points about psychopaths, and particularly that 6% of the population can cause a redirection of our popular mindset - the "100th monkey" concept. This point alone is well worth the watch. The creation of expanding circles of empathy is core to this dissolution of the psychopath's power, and the creation of a just and free society.

Yes, Gandhi's quote is the focal point, and says much, with few words. We must 'be the change we wish to see in the world'.

In Unity and Peace

Thank you for this post. I had not watched this video yet and now that you have warned of the blood and gore I will not watch it. I am highly suspect of anyone feeling the need to use emotional trash to make a point. It may just be misguided, but it also a sign of a person who has not transcended certain waypoints of consciousness. I am not blind and do not care to have the still blind lead me anywhere. The alternative community is tiered and there are many who still have not negotiated certain understandings that this video may be more than appropriate for.

I am very selective as to what enters my being at every level. I am happy to avoid yet another video made in what would appear to be, by your brief description, a junk food fashion.

28th December 2011, 16:52
There is another thread on this documentary, started in November by 58andfixed:


Thanks NeverMind ! Before I posted it, I checked for posts or threads with 'I am Fishead' in them. Now this thread was talking about 'I am A Fishead'. PA found no results, so I posted it. Next Time I'll be sure to check for single words other than I, am and A, of course:biggrin1:


28th December 2011, 17:31
Regardless of the fact that I personally did not care for the gratuitous use of blood, gore, and violence to 'make their point', the video does provide some great points about psychopaths, and particularly that 6% of the population can cause a redirection of our popular mindset - the "100th monkey" concept. This point alone is well worth the watch. The creation of expanding circles of empathy is core to this dissolution of the psychopath's power, and the creation of a just and free society.

Yes, Gandhi's quote is the focal point, and says much, with few words. We must 'be the change we wish to see in the world'.

In Unity and Peace

Thank you for this post. I had not watched this video yet and now that you have warned of the blood and gore I will not watch it. I am highly suspect of anyone feeling the need to use emotional trash to make a point. It may just be misguided, but it also a sign of a person who has not transcended certain waypoints of consciousness. I am not blind and do not care to have the still blind lead me anywhere. The alternative community is tiered and there are many who still have not negotiated certain understandings that this video may be more than appropriate for.

I am very selective as to what enters my being at every level. I am happy to avoid yet another video made in what would appear to be, by your brief description, a junk food fashion.

Hey Modwiz,

Yes, I understand what you're saying. The bloody and gory cartoons left me with a 'why is that necessary'-feeling which gave me doubts. Then again, I think this film could be a good thing for the unawakened to get a better understanding of why things are happening as they are. Presenting them an alternative to the madness with some science based (spiritual) concepts of expanding empathy, might just do the trick.

In the past I tried to present family, friends and strangers with my wakey (for them wacky :wacko:) concepts and solutions and their eyeballs joined forces with their eyebrows under a protective waved front head as to say I was a nutter...

Maybe the still blind (with peepholes of consciousness :pound:) don't have to lead you anywhere, but they might have the syntax for the deaf, blind and ... to open some of their 6 senses... hey, maybe open up another one... Remember that the awakening is a slow and steady process and why not help others with their baby steps / giant steps (according to who's evaluating ;-)?

So isn't it a good thing to watch & review something like this, so we know what it's about? It can be a tool to bridge the gap (at least on this level of understanding) between the few 'awakened' and herds of 'sleepy heads' if we tried to understand / get a better understanding of all parties (even the psychos - though it's good to understand their ways and then focus on what we can create by being true to ourselves and therefore others)... Okay, I'm repeating myself here... Guess you got tha point...



28th December 2011, 17:36
Your last post is exactly how I think dAcapacity. The video is excellent for global easy understanding. It is also made for the TV coach potatoes, this would knock them off a little, maybe into action.

It is also made for new generation of fast pace talk with integration of game like cartoons. It uses all the senses. Not bad if you want my opinion, for opening minds.

Modwiz, you are starting to be old..... new ways bother you..... ha ha ha :hippie: lol

28th December 2011, 17:52
Your last post is exactly how I think dAcapacity. The video is excellent for global easy understanding. It is also made for the TV coach potatoes, this would knock them off a little, maybe into action.

It is also made for new generation of fast pace talk with integration of game like cartoons. It uses all the senses. Not bad if you want my opinion, for opening minds.

Modwiz, you are starting to be old..... new ways bother you..... ha ha ha :hippie: lol

Watch out! You might get some dust on you.

In honesty, I can no longer allow vile imagery into my mind willingly. Much of it is deliberate in an attempt to keep people desensitized. The lack of sensitivity is already so inculcated that intense stimuli are needed to keep someone's attention. The violence is also part of sick minds. A lot of the videos made for our audiences are psyops, in-your-face declarations. The new ways are part and parcel of a much sicker society than I arose in. Think of people like me as canaries in mines. What looks like crap to me might just actually be crap. I will not watch the video knowing it contains unpleasant imagery. Just like I would turn down a plate of poo to eat. Even if eating some is considered OK by the younger people. It looks like that to me.

I will do due diligence and try to find out more about this video. If retraction of statements is needed it will happen.

28th December 2011, 17:58
Regardless of the fact that I personally did not care for the gratuitous use of blood, gore, and violence to 'make their point', the video does provide some great points about psychopaths, and particularly that 6% of the population can cause a redirection of our popular mindset - the "100th monkey" concept. This point alone is well worth the watch. The creation of expanding circles of empathy is core to this dissolution of the psychopath's power, and the creation of a just and free society.

Yes, Gandhi's quote is the focal point, and says much, with few words. We must 'be the change we wish to see in the world'.

In Unity and Peace

Thank you for this post. I had not watched this video yet and now that you have warned of the blood and gore I will not watch it. I am highly suspect of anyone feeling the need to use emotional trash to make a point. It may just be misguided, but it also a sign of a person who has not transcended certain waypoints of consciousness. I am not blind and do not care to have the still blind lead me anywhere. The alternative community is tiered and there are many who still have not negotiated certain understandings that this video may be more than appropriate for.

I am very selective as to what enters my being at every level. I am happy to avoid yet another video made in what would appear to be, by your brief description, a junk food fashion.

Hey Modwiz,

Yes, I understand what you're saying. The bloody and gory cartoons left me with a 'why is that necessary'-feeling which gave me doubts. Then again, I think this film could be a good thing for the unawakened to get a better understanding of why things are happening as they are. Presenting them an alternative to the madness with some science based (spiritual) concepts of expanding empathy, might just do the trick.

In the past I tried to present family, friends and strangers with my wakey (for them wacky :wacko:) concepts and solutions and their eyeballs joined forces with their eyebrows under a protective waved front head as to say I was a nutter...

Maybe the still blind (with peepholes of consciousness :pound:) don't have to lead you anywhere, but they might have the syntax for the deaf, blind and ... to open some of their 6 senses... hey, maybe open up another one... Remember that the awakening is a slow and steady process and why not help others with their baby steps / giant steps (according to who's evaluating ;-)?

So isn't it a good thing to watch & review something like this, so we know what it's about? It can be a tool to bridge the gap (at least on this level of understanding) between the few 'awakened' and herds of 'sleepy heads' if we tried to understand / get a better understanding of all parties (even the psychos - though it's good to understand their ways and then focus on what we can create by being true to ourselves and therefore others)... Okay, I'm repeating myself here... Guess you got tha point...



I said in my post that the video may be appropriate for certain types to watch. So, yes to your question to me.

28th December 2011, 18:01
Your last post is exactly how I think dAcapacity. The video is excellent for global easy understanding. It is also made for the TV coach potatoes, this would knock them off a little, maybe into action.

It is also made for new generation of fast pace talk with integration of game like cartoons. It uses all the senses. Not bad if you want my opinion, for opening minds.

Modwiz, you are starting to be old..... new ways bother you..... ha ha ha :hippie: lol

Watch out! You might get some dust on you.

In honesty, I can no longer allow vile imagery into my mind willingly. Much of it is deliberate in an attempt to keep people desensitized. The lack of sensitivity is already so inculcated that intense stimuli are needed to keep someone's attention. The violence is also part of sick minds. A lot of the videos made for our audiences are psyops, in-your-face declarations. The new ways are part and parcel of a much sicker society than I arose in. Think of people like me as canaries in mines. What looks like crap to me might just actually be crap. I will not watch the video knowing it contains unpleasant imagery. Just like I would turn down a plate of poo to eat. Even if eating some is considered OK by the younger people. It looks like that to me.

I will do due diligence and try to find out more about this video. If retraction of statements is needed it will happen.

i appreciate you all the same Modwiz - this was a tease, you know hey?

28th December 2011, 19:00
Does anyone else now have the Dr. Demento Fish Heads song stuck in their head, too?


This song must be a declaration of war against those fishieheads :becky:

Great song Laurel... I think...

I got another fish song for you, a metaphysical action story between frogmen (the truthseeker who's going deep down his/the collective unconscious mind (represented by water) to explore the state of the world he's living in) and the fish (those that can't see the deeper reality (the water they live in which keeps everything together), which makes them oblivious to cause and effect of their actions. The deeper you get, the smellier the fish... in the rotten psychopatic fishstate of Denmark)...


That's the only reason frogmen like to eat fishies...

Er... anyway, here's Mr Scruff's Fishsong ! It can do without the explanation as well


There are longer versions of the song as well for those that like to dig deeper :tongue1:

