View Full Version : Countdown to 2012: What Would You Like to See Happen?C

29th December 2011, 10:31
2012 is right at our doorsteps now... so as we pass through this doorway into the most famous and fabled year of our times I'd like to hear what you are envisioning, or can envision, as a "best case scenario". I ask it in this way because I've come to understand how powerful a simple thoughtform can be, and therefore how important it is to focus on that which you want, as opposed to that which you don't want to have happen. Great teachings passed down through the ages and multitudes in our current era keep reminding us of this all-important truth... energy flows where attention goes, ask and it is given, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened, the law of attraction, manifest your destiny... etc.

This could also be looked at as an experiment or exercise in oneness... oneness in mind... oneness in kind. So no naysayers or questions please... this is meant to be a brainstorming thread in support for a positive outcome for this historic time of transition... so I challenge y'all to add any elaborate or simple tidbits into the mix... like adding ingredients to a cake... and if all goes according to plan... we'll get to "eat" it too. You can add a list of things you'd like to see, describe detailed scenarios, talk about the human spirit, ascension, or whatever else tickles your fancy.

I'll start off by envisioning people all over the world begin recognizing how important it is to show compassion for their fellow humans, and for the planet as well... and thereby begin a revolution in positivity. This would quickly bring about a snowball effect in consciousness culminating in a complete restructuring of the old self-destructive monetary system, and transforming into a melting pot of diversity and ingenuity designed for making this world a much better place to be.

And so may it be...
We are the Key

29th December 2011, 10:44
Thanks, Valley. Best case scenario would include the monetary transition, extraterrestrial disclosure, worldwide free energy implementation, the beginning of cleaning up and replenishing/rejuvinating all ecosystems on our glorious Mother Earth, and then in February..;)

I would ask for as smooth a transition as possible. I believe that the relative lack of visible change worldwide augers well for this smooth and fast transition. I have detailed some visions I would like to come to pass in other threads, but know that what's really going to happen is going to more enjoyable and uplifting than anything I could conceive of at this point in my evolution.

Heartfelt wishes for a smooth journey for all souls, and deep gratitude for our Mother.

29th December 2011, 11:03
As TelosianEmbrace said.

Adding that all the war mongerers throughout our planet lay down their weapons, Melt them down and use the materials for the betterment of our planet.

Blessed 2012 when it comes everyone.


29th December 2011, 11:08
You might be interested in joining in a global conversation to help create humanity's new cultural story. I just found out about this yesterday.


It's good that you started this here, but it will be better when it's out for all the world to see. We really do need to do this, NOW.

Foreseeing a better future.

Words of Joy
29th December 2011, 11:47
I would like to see all religions line up with eachother as truth comes out. :party:

29th December 2011, 12:30
In terms of the purely mundane world, I would like to see the disintegration of global(ist) capitalism into decentralized but networked communities able to sustain themselves from their own landbase. In the downtime from the basic work of keeping ourselves feed and sheltered there is an enrichment of our own communities (art, music, social activities, spiritual development - and aren't they all the same?) and a sharing of this enrichment with the communities we are networked with, across the world. "Think globally, act locally" - remember that?

I can see this happening in areas such as the Occupy movement, permaculture, artist run spaces, and other various collective exercises being carried out all over.

In terms of the broader picture, the spiritual or whatever you may choose to call it, there needs to be a massive reorientation in the paradigm of human consciousness. One of the easiest ways to see of this coming about is acknowledged extraterrestrial contact or full disclosure of pre-established extraterrestrial contact. Slobbe said, "I would like to see all religions line up with eachother as truth comes out." A sentiment I fully agree with and one that reminds me of the appendices to Dune by Frank Herbert where he explains the single religion of Dune emerging from the various religions of Earth facing up to the catastrophic consequences of space travel. "SPACE TRAVEL!" By this he mean interplanetary travel and at the moment I cannot see us truly achieving this withing the next 12 months without a little outside help (or a release of inside documents). However, true, established alien contact - in whatever form you see this: extra-planetary, higher dimensional, ascended, etc - would certainly cause the terribly terrestrially focused Earth religions, and states, to reassess their petty pissing matches. I can only hope that it may be a benevolent encounter and that we unite in harmony rather than against a common enemy - away with yer false flags.

I also still hold a certain fondness for Terence McKenna's Timewave Zero theory, with all its holes and ambiguities, and tend to anticipate his concrescence as tantamount to either the connection with another sentience, as stated above, or a technological singularity. Perhaps both, as to my mind the singularity would be the creation of a true artificial intelligence and being slapped in the face at million miles a nanosecond with all the implications that thatentails. I am quite fond of Alan Moore's description of the singularity as the moment when, "...we move from a fluid culture to a culture of steam. At which point all bets are off." (quoting from memory, forgive me).

A mixture of hopes and speculations there I guess, but in short, I'd like see things changing radically for the better. The above are a few ways I could see this coming about.

It could be an interesting year, Avalonians. Let's get the good stuff happening.

29th December 2011, 16:49
I know you asked for the best case scenario and I think TelosianEmbrace laid it out pretty well. I've said all along though, I'll be happy as long as I don't have to file a tax return in 2013. :)

29th December 2011, 17:57
My vision is for world where there is no governments, no federations, no ruling bodies or committees of any kind. NONE! There are no countries or borders. There is no money. We don't even have to barter. You get what you need, and you help others get what they need. There is only people living together in love. Everything that exist, be it plant, animal, or people, live in harmony. All life in every form is considered equal. And that includes the inanimate things such as rocks, dirt, or anything else that we have a tendency to say is "not consciuos". All is equal. Being connected with 'Source' allows us to manifest a beautiful world for all. We have no need for technology, therefore we have no need to rape and pillage the earth. For those that wish to make things, it will be done with the full realization and consent of all life forms that are affected. You would graciously ask permission of Mother Earth, plants or whatever if you can create what you want using the natural ingredients of the earth. And you would give thanks for being allowed to do so. :wave:

30th December 2011, 02:03
What I expect is Heaven on Earth. No less will do, and I have always done and will continue to do my part to contribute to that. :) If it does not occur in one year, then so be it. But I expect major changes in months and years to come. I, like most of us have a great role in this lifetime. Our role is to shine a light in the darkness and awaken the mass consciousness. The old time is gone, and there is no returning to it. The age of love & light has already begun. The Dark Age is long gone and thank God for that.

30th December 2011, 02:08
Thanks, Valley. Best case scenario would include the monetary transition, extraterrestrial disclosure, worldwide free energy implementation, the beginning of cleaning up and replenishing/rejuvinating all ecosystems on our glorious Mother Earth, and then in February..;)

I would ask for as smooth a transition as possible. I believe that the relative lack of visible change worldwide augers well for this smooth and fast transition. I have detailed some visions I would like to come to pass in other threads, but know that what's really going to happen is going to more enjoyable and uplifting than anything I could conceive of at this point in my evolution.

Heartfelt wishes for a smooth journey for all souls, and deep gratitude for our Mother.

DITTO, well said T.E.

30th December 2011, 02:21
the annunaki open a portal and send the ptb and the cabals, and all corrupt bankers/politicians, and evil selfish people into another dimension of earth in the stone age and make them start all over with nothing....

30th December 2011, 11:40
Beautiful words/works my friends. A movement in the right direction will get us off the ground.
A visual image that came to mind while thinking about this thread was a ball of energy representing 2012, and every time someone feeds something positive into it, it just keeps getting brighter, and brighter, and... :flypig:

1st January 2012, 06:05
!!!Happy New Year!!!

I am holding the vision for 2012 as being the year we finally move out of the old paradigm of greed for power and profiteering, and start stepping into the new paradise or Golden Age.:peace:

1st January 2012, 06:41
as a number one concern, a search for the potentiality of paz mundial.