View Full Version : Standing in your own power

3rd January 2012, 14:16
What does it mean to stand in your own power? For most of our lives we are taught to rely on someone or something to give us guidance, understanding, and strength. This is fine but at what point do you get to stand in your own strength?
The greatest leaders in history are the ones we almost never hear about; they are the people who never ask to be leaders but are placed in that position due to circumstance and need. Picture in your own life a person that fits that idea in your mind of what makes him or her good leader, and then what do they do that is different from others. Now compare those people to those who profess to be good leaders, at what point do those who profess to be good leaders teach others to lead themselves, at what point do they give up their power or influence to help others to stand in their own strength, to stand in their own knowledge, to stand in their own conviction.
All too often we give up our power of faith to others and let them direct our course, we let them tell us what we need to do and we let them make our choices for us; but at what point do we begin to make our own decisions? To make our own mistakes/ to make our own dreams come true. So much of our energy is lost when we donate it to others to make choices for us, then we wonder why we are sad, depressed, angry, and unhappy.
The real truth behind freedom is “Standing in your own power!” Make your decisions based on what your heart tells you and not what your mind (emotions) react to. Break free from the training you have been conditioned to believe that you have to rely on someone else to “Lead” you. Strengthen your knowledge, strengthen your conviction, strengthen your leadership and then lead by example and not by borrowed light. Do not get me wrong we can gain strength and knowledge from each other and help each other to be strong, but If you want to be happy, if you want to be successful , if you want to be free then simply....

Stand in your own power

3rd January 2012, 14:20
Also, arm yourself with patience and keep your vanity, however innocuous it may be, under check, because the majority of the people -- not all, but the majority -- will never even perceive your light as being your own. :-)

3rd January 2012, 14:52
Well said! Thank you!


3rd January 2012, 15:03
No one can do it for you. We have everything we need.

3rd January 2012, 15:41
Great post Dig.

jorr lundstrom
3rd January 2012, 16:04


5th January 2012, 13:54
if we know what we need to do then why do we give our power away so Easily

5th January 2012, 15:20
great post dig xx believing in yourself and your instincts is very powerful and is in us all blessed be aquamarine x

5th January 2012, 22:03
Great thread Digg! I believe when oneself acknowledges ones own power and self worth we acquire an abundance of power within, and we learn as we go just how important that power is to us and to give that power to someone else we diminish our self worth. Our Hearts will never lie nor decieve us.

Blessings and Love Always,

6th January 2012, 00:36
Possibly the best thread I've seen on Avalon in a while!

To me, this year is one of moving into ones own power and integrity. Of being your own person and not being a victim or a follower. For too long humans have given away their power of choice. The time is 'now' to stop that!

6th January 2012, 02:16
Possibly the best thread I've seen on Avalon in a while!

To me, this year is one of moving into ones own power and integrity. Of being your own person and not being a victim or a follower. For too long humans have given away their power of choice. The time is 'now' to stop that!


No one outside you has your truth. Time to stop looking for someone to give it to you. Your truth is yours to discover. Your path is your path. Honor everyone's path because it is unique and right for them just as your path is uniquely yours. We are discovering ourselves, the truth of who we are and becoming sovereign beings.

6th January 2012, 02:20
I'll bet there are many 'stories of standing in your own power' here in Avalon. I personally would like to hear them. Here is one of mine:

I developed a bladder infection at age 19 - very common for women as you may know. I was put on a course of antibiotics and my trip into ill health began in earnest. For the next 19 years I got one urinary tract infection after another... over... and over... and over... and over. Finally I became allergic to all medications modern medicine had created for these. Now I not only had infections, but I felt extremely ill from the antibiotics used to 'cure' them.

Finally my doctor went on vacation and I had to see a 'fill in doctor' for my next 'new' infection. He looked at me and said point blank, "We are waiting until you get a little worse, and then we are going to put you on a list for a kidney transfer". This information hit me like a bucket of ice water in the face. I finally clearly saw what their path of healing for me was. I looked at this new information and made a decision to either cure myself or die .. but at least as a whole person without body parts cut out and replaced.

The very next day while standing in line at the health food store, the person in front of me gave me my first clue in a conversation with another customer. I instantly recognized that this information was specifically for me ... and I followed the clue. Within 10 days my 22 year old infection went away. And it never came back.

I have gone back to a doctor for help with a couple of other things that came up since then. However, each time I've weighed the advice they gave, and then did my own research. In each case I decided on a different course of action than the one they recommended.

From birth we are taught to turn our health over to doctors, clinics, and hospitals. We go to these places like children seeking help from our wiser 'parental figures'. Stepping out of this pattern leads to power and a new relationship with our bodies.

6th January 2012, 02:53
if we know what we need to do then why do we give our power away so Easily

As children we are taught to respect all authority...parents, teachers, police, ministers...and were punished if we did not obey.

Without further counsel as we grow up, some continue obedience to other's authority, some rebel for the sake of rebellion, and only a very few discover their own power.

My cousin Patty and I were born six months apart and lived four houses from each other growing up. We hung out together a lot in our teen years especially, but lost touch for a while after we each married and moved to different states. Some 5 years later, I saw her at the funeral of a family member and was struck by how comfortable she was in her own skin...that's the only way I could describe it at the time.

It was in our sharing later that I mentioned the difference I found in her and asked about it. 'It's simple', she said, 'I've just taken responsibility for my own life...good, bad, or whatever...it's my choice and I refuse to give it away'. She had become her own authority and stood comfortably in her own power, and it showed. Most of all, I wanted to be as at peace with myself as she appeared to be with herself.

The most difficult part for me was breaking the programming of my youth and not giving in to the programming surrounding us all that urges us to relinquish our own authority....congress passes laws for our safety; doctors poison us with their drugs and cut our bodies apart for our healing; everyone knows what's best for us, except us...so they would have us believe.

So here I now stand in my own power, thanks to my cousin who showed me the way by living it herself.

Aetheric Traveler
6th January 2012, 03:44
I am the only me I can be.

I am Me.


6th January 2012, 04:00
Well said and thank you for the reminder.

6th January 2012, 13:54




AnyONE care to add on???

6th January 2012, 15:10
Everyday I speak to individuals around me or on the phone, I was talking with a salesman yesterday in south carolina buying some industrial wheels and we started discussing the awakening that is happening within and collectively. He was on the same page as many of us here, and he told me his brother travels the world spreading his knowledge for this awakening as well in groups far and wide. Spoke with a friend last night on the phone locally who is riding the curve as well. This is a very exciting time/ shift we are in and everyday I feel myself turning within gaining my own strength. Many thanks to the Avalon family here for the bumps and especially one avalon member who I met in person who showed me more in a few months than my entire lifetime.

8th January 2012, 01:30
As most of will no agree the time for action is now, others can help us to open up to the possiblity and in turn we are the ones to release our souls and spirit from bondage of staying inside the box, Peace to all

8th January 2012, 02:47
To me, standing in my own power means having a hierarchy of priorities and not allowing anybody or anything else to re-arrange those for me. I do have an example from my own experience which I think quite dramatically demonstrates the difference between standing in one's own power and being a blossom on the wind of circumstance.

The last thing I remember before the event was that it was late one night and the house was dead. I remained awake doing god knows what. I blinked into consciousness very much aware that I was on some alien vessel. I will say three things now for which I had no evidence but which I felt I knew intuitively: 1, that I was on a ship and not in a building; 2, that I was disembodied and that when I had been 'abducted', my body was left behind or else otherwise separated from me, and; 3, that I was undergoing some sort of procedure akin to one which one might undergo in a hospital (the sense was that I was moving between theatres, for example).

I had the feeling of being lead by a being which was in front of me. The feeling of being lead felt much more like I was on a floating stretcher which was being pulled or, in rather loaded speech I might say as a dog on a leash, rather than feeling as though I were being lead as one might be by a tour guide. The being which lead me was small and floated in much the same way I felt I was floating and it had a sense of being a predominantly psychic rather than physical entity; it had the sense of limbs but which were either very atrophied and curled up towards it or which were currently unexpressed psychic limbs (if that makes any sense).

This entity had much in common with what are called grey aliens, but it looked like none I've ever seen elsewhere. The impression was that it was generally fawn in colour and was nearly completely head. It had its back to me as it lead me through this corridor (which curved; the corridor itself, as a cross-section, was somewhere between octagonal or round, and the impression of the outside of the corridor was of space above the Earth, as though on the outer rim of a circular craft). Anyway, this entity seemed to sense, after a very short while, that I had come to consciousness and turned around. As it did so, it looked at me with large, black eyes (which seemed typically grey) and I could feel this entity trying to suppress my consciousness with its will. In response, I unleashed some sort of shock wave as I 'loudly thought' "No! I am sovereign!" I snapped back to the seat I had been in with a violent intake of breath.

8th January 2012, 03:28
What does it mean to stand in your own power?

Use It for the betterment of Humanity..!

I watched the film Gladiator again the other night, witnessing the Corrupt Roman Empire's Rein enforcing The People's Serfdom through Terror brought a Tear to my eye...

The battle between the loyal Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius and the Evil Emperor Commodus is exactly what is going on today i.e. Humanity vs TPTW...


I allow myself to feel the Emotional Rage at times and during the film just after Maximus took out Commodus, whilst sitting in the dark in my favorite chair I drew the Emotional Energy from Within and with both raised fists in the air pointing skywards...

I visualised that pent up Emotional Energy circumventing the Earth asking the Universe to make those who are responsible for causing Earth's Problems in (ALL) Shapes & Forms Accountable for their Crimes against Humanity..!

I was locked in a Powerful Trance for about a minute and after I could literally see the Energy Flowing out of my raised fists...

I knew I was heard, and this Madness will STOP..!


8th January 2012, 10:39
Great post Dig! What you wrote really speaks to me and is something we should all strive for. There are far, far too many people who take everything in at face value either because of naivety or sheer laziness. Enough is enough! We've been conditioned to be passive and docile for too long by the PTB and now is the time to wake up and in turn help others rise above this fog of "don't worry, it will be alright in the end".

Thank you for expressing it so eloquently and reminding us that the worthy things in life take effort, discipline, and focus.

8th January 2012, 10:43
"...as long as i do my own thing i'm my king"

8th January 2012, 12:46
"...as long as i do my own thing i'm my king"

Presumably you mean "as long as I do my own stuff, I'm my graf"? lol

13th February 2012, 02:49
Don’t get caught in the trap of desperation, even if it has a new bottle with a pretty label, snake oil is still snake oil. Do not sell yourselves short. As has been stated here by some very good members, strength comes from the heart and Spirit and not the mind or body

13th February 2012, 20:20
One with Power oozes Silence

13th February 2012, 20:23
One with power has no need for demonstration.

14th February 2012, 17:11
"Hit the Restart Button: Decide by Design"

Goal: Upgrade in Belief System

Summary: You are in charge, equipped with the Power of Choice. Decision. Decide by design. Allow no one to blindfold your Birthright.

Reminders of What You Already Know:
- Change the wish-list to a reality-list.
- No magic required. It only takes a change in beliefs. Maybe only a 5-10 degree turn for a substantial gain of a fresh perspective. You know the ones, the beliefs that hold one captive for a lifetime. What a waste of a Brilliant Wonder!

For your sake, please, please, wake up.
Knock-knock. Who’s there? A Brilliant Wonder who doesn’t see as yet. And many of us do see the real you. We’re not giving up. But you are in charge. One of the many gifts given is the Power of Choice. Decision. Decide by design.

Some humans have bought into giving away power by believing that others have the perfect solutions for our concerns. We’re so busy taking their advice we fail to see how out of balance they really are themselves.

They are working hard at pointing out how you ‘should’ make it neater, better, cleaner, faster, thinner, smarter, quicker, greater, smaller, rounder, smilier. All the while unable to see that their sage advice is their own wish-lists for themselves. (I promise not to bring up the mirror analogy thing.) There’s a relationship imbalance of care, support, encouragement, from the subtle to the overt sabotage.

Coming Full Circle:
Here comes the but - in the end - blame (this may be too harsh a word, but I’ll continue because I’ve let go of the belief of ‘must be perfect’) continuing...in the end, blame comes full circle. A 360 degree Realization. You are responsible for how your life plays out. If that means saying good-bye to non-supporters so be it.

Top of the reality-list:
Your discovery of the ever expanding, Blessed You. Let me be the first to say, kudos and congratulations for your decision. Not only have you grown in light, but you’ve provided the other(s) a chance for a lighter, light-life, too.

Brilliant Wonder, You are in charge. You are the Power of Choice. Decision by design. Decide by design. Hold the mantra until it become a part of you without any thought of action on your part.

Namaste, my Avalonian Family

14th February 2012, 17:18
Old Clothes for a New Body Doesn’t Work: Time to choose whether you are on board with the part of humanity that is committed to this overhaul in wardrobe.

     When you have a chance to see this from a broader perspective, you can let it all go. We each came in with a plan of action. A piece of a larger part to play. When you step out of the ego mind and allow the larger to unfold you never need ask - Why me? Why them? Only thank them for their bravery and their loving compassion for signing up to participate here on planet Earth.

Zealots that screech eternal damnation to those who don’t follow their way. The only way.

     Different Perspective: God is only Love. Out of Love birthed creation. So Only Love sees Love. And isn’t a seeing so much as a State of Love. Even before the Silence. All is Inclusive. All is All. So “All” is the The Absolute/God/Light (whatever name you use).

     All that is NOT Love is the human’s creation turned inside out. We, the mini-creators, are capable of great feats of Love. It is ego-mind that goes out of balance. It is invested in keeping it that way. Awareness is the key to drop the veil of illusion.

     In reality there is nothing and no-thing to change. It’s all perfect. It’s human eyes that paint the perspective upon this canvas. So what are your colors? And do these colors influence others out of the illusions of the false?

Peace and Joy,

15th February 2012, 13:19
Synchronicity is nature’s gift
to carry in your bag of tools.
She only asks that you remember to use
and it will grow even strong still.

15th February 2012, 16:07
You know Jack, I completely understand attempting to use one's own power stand for the betterment of humanity..it seems that we should but......


The reality of it ....is its just not going to happen...or rather somehting is going to have to happen in order for them to wake them up.....and you and I have seen it with own good eyes here in Avalon. We see it everywhere.

I have done that for many years, showing people not only why they need to get rid of the social conditioning but what its goign to do for them in terms of life enhancement when they do. Given them tools to use to rid themselves of the affliction of not knowing who they are. They don't want it. They want to be able to do the things I do but when you show them how....they want what they don't want. So half my life has been taken up in this. I'm not supported in this. I don't mean financially, it doesn't support who I am, my power, and all this whining about how I have something that no one else 'gets to have' is wearing thin. It's throwing power away.

I'm tired of people complaining about what they don't have and then throwing every excuse in the book at me to resist having it. I don't want to hear about it anymore. It's like watching starving people at a buffet complaining they can't eat because they can't find a napkin. Real power doesn't need excuses, or stories, or something outside of one's self.

All I ever wanted to do was work with horses as a child, as a young adult, as an older adult . Work with horses and people. But all my life there was some person who was uncomfortable with the notion of me doing so. My mother, my ex husband, someone who trivialized this place because they didn't like the idea of it, I had to be something meaningful and do 'for others'. Service to others. Be safe so they could feel safe. Or there's no money or support in it. But there is where I see my power coming back to me in the people who transform themselves using the medium of horses. I'm not implying everyone needs to jump on horse, but where my power is really at and I couldn't go there because 'people were uncomfortable ' with the notion. The same way they are uncomforable with people who are expressing the living part of themselves because it doesn't mesh with some holy rolling role that people adopt.

My mistake is that because this is so effortless for me, and everything is effortless when you are in your power, that I figured I should just give it away.

Not anymore.

I had to keep disempowered people feeling safe. I have already decided I'm not keeping that space anymore, If someone is that disconnected from themselves I'm not helping to create a space where they can be comfortable destroying themselves, but neither am I putting my life, my spirit, on hold anymore.

Or people pattting me on the head and treating it like it was 'her little hobby'. A horse really brings out your power . But always I have to go help humanity . Well I can't help anyone who doesn't want to help themselves .I will only support people who are willing to share power, and that means finding their own. People who say maybe I haven't found it yet but its not in this clutter of BS that people want to use to resist real empowerment.

Why am I denying my life because those people don't want to get their life in order? I'm up to my ears listening to people deny their own power, and then blaming it on others espeically those who are attempting to help them find their power.

I decided in a half ass way that my life, my power, needed to be nutured .

So I leased a horse. Then the universe gave to me three horses. Then on top of that a space to train and instruct with horses. Just fell in my lap , I didn't have invest anything but just by accepting that there was my power. But I can't devote as much time as I want to it because ...there's humanity wandering around in circles waiting for a ufo to come get them. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't 'need' to do this anymore.

I'd like to say let them all run over the cliff, and that is essentialy what I am saying but not in those terms exactly but i have invested so much time and money in creating a safe place and a safe way to do intiate empowerment only to have people act like I'm their abuser. If they want what they don't want, let them have (or not have it) . But I have put my power, my LIFE, my living spiritual expression, on hold for these people who are running over cliffs for no appreciable reason. What reason do I have to do that? I've asked Spirit and Spirit just says "You don't'. I just give them something to think about, to react to to keep their stories going, they don't want to 'do' it.

Enormous talent and abiltiy but its being wasted. There's no fruits of one's labor being reflected back in my life except for a few .Every task I put my hand to should be fruitful. There is no power to see in others only but a few. And those few, you don't have to expend vast amounts of energy, you only have to hold that space with them.

So I thought , You are powerful you are not standing fully in your power by using it to help humanity, they don't want this. They resent you for having what they don't want.

Power is reciprocated.

I see you, your power, you see mine. You put your power out there, they want it , but they don't want to reciprocate so power is not shared so energetically its not kept in motion. They are not standing in their power or even attempting to find it. They use it to keep their stories and excuses going. That is abuse of power, they can't find their own so they will abuse others and then complain about the abuse of power up at the top of the pyramid.

So over the weekend I called some friends and clients who actually do, do their empowerment work and I said, I will always be available to you but I'm not doing this anymore. I am not being true to my own power and half my life is gone to this and the rest of my life, my living expression, is going to be mine. It is my gift, my life to manage and I'm managing it . And they were shocked: If I had your ability I'd not back away from it. They could not imagine me not doing this anymore.

No. No no. YOu do have my ability, I'm not the one backing away I'm just swining the pearls here. And that was it ,and I told Spirit I'm going to put myself where true power is expressed, I'll use the medium of horses and if I'm on not the right track or if I am I know you will show me. So I ran an ad on Monday. The response I had to that ad overwhelmed me, in one day it equaled a years worth of response and intiation from the disempowred people 'I was attempting to help'. This is what is going to support me, because I'm giving it away in baby sitting but using the third party medium of a horse to bring out their own power. They want to do it, they can't do it fast enough. Just that simple re-framing back into my power. It has been so overwhelming I've had to field work off to other people in my community which empowers them, and supports them. Just in one day its all being reciprocated. Instantly given the means to expand on our power. I'm dumb founded.

and the shils and the cons will be delighted that I'm not going to be there anymore but I am, I'm just doing it a different way. Know they will have more to contend with since this is freeing up my power, rather than wasting it.

And the whole time this was under my nose, watching people transform themselves with horses, losing thier fear, becoming aware of that something pure is communicating with them, accepting them, being aware of something greater than themeslves being created by their particpation. This was occuring the whole time, and out of 'obligation' I was watching the people playing with their own feces.

And the only people I'm sticking my neck out for from this point on are the ones who are willing to empower themselves. Who are doing their work, to find where they got lost at. For the ones who know something is wrong with todays 'new' social conditioning but don't quite know what it is. People like you, I'd stick my neck out for. For those who stuck in their co dependency on artificial emotions, and stories, and crap like that....no not anymore. They can run over the side of the cliff but they are not taking my power with them.

What does it mean to stand in your own power?

Use It for the betterment of Humanity..!

I watched the film Gladiator again the other night, witnessing the Corrupt Roman Empire's Rein enforcing The People's Serfdom through Terror brought a Tear to my eye...

The battle between the loyal Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius and the Evil Emperor Commodus is exactly what is going on today i.e. Humanity vs TPTW...


I allow myself to feel the Emotional Rage at times and during the film just after Maximus took out Commodus, whilst sitting in the dark in my favorite chair I drew the Emotional Energy from Within and with both raised fists in the air pointing skywards...

I visualised that pent up Emotional Energy circumventing the Earth asking the Universe to make those who are responsible for causing Earth's Problems in (ALL) Shapes & Forms Accountable for their Crimes against Humanity..!

I was locked in a Powerful Trance for about a minute and after I could literally see the Energy Flowing out of my raised fists...

I knew I was heard, and this Madness will STOP..!


15th February 2012, 16:59
”My mistake is that because this is so effortless for me, and everything is effortless when you are in your power, that I figured I should just give it away.”

It's like watching starving people at a buffet complaining they can't eat because they can't find a napkin. Real power doesn't need excuses, or stories, or something outside of one's self.

Mistake is another way of saying, “Here’s a place I jump off from.” Sounds like mission accomplished!

I chuckled at your metaphor: “Starving people at the buffet can’t eat because they can’t find the napkin.”

Some thought provoking material here. Thanks for putting pen to paper, 9eagle9.

15th February 2012, 17:49
What does it mean to stand in your own power? For most of our lives we are taught to rely on someone or something to give us guidance, understanding, and strength. This is fine but at what point do you get to stand in your own strength?...

...those who profess to be good leaders teach others to lead themselves, at what point do they give up their power or influence to help others to stand in their own strength, to stand in their own knowledge, to stand in their own conviction....

...Stand in your own power

I agree with your premise: Don’t wait for permission to stand in your power. It is your birthright. You’ve only got to step up to claim it.

I differ on one point. Namely, a confident leader is one that empowers others. When there is true power - there’s nothing to give up. There's only energy exchanging with energy.

Thanks, Dig.

21st February 2012, 13:31
You know Jack, I completely understand attempting to use one's own power stand for the betterment of humanity..it seems that we should but......


The reality of it ....is its just not going to happen...or rather somehting is going to have to happen in order for them to wake them up.....and you and I have seen it with own good eyes here in Avalon. We see it everywhere.

I have done that for many years, showing people not only why they need to get rid of the social conditioning but what its goign to do for them in terms of life enhancement when they do. Given them tools to use to rid themselves of the affliction of not knowing who they are. They don't want it. They want to be able to do the things I do but when you show them how....they want what they don't want. So half my life has been taken up in this. I'm not supported in this. I don't mean financially, it doesn't support who I am, my power, and all this whining about how I have something that no one else 'gets to have' is wearing thin. It's throwing power away.

I'm tired of people complaining about what they don't have and then throwing every excuse in the book at me to resist having it. I don't want to hear about it anymore. It's like watching starving people at a buffet complaining they can't eat because they can't find a napkin. Real power doesn't need excuses, or stories, or something outside of one's self.

All I ever wanted to do was work with horses as a child, as a young adult, as an older adult . Work with horses and people. But all my life there was some person who was uncomfortable with the notion of me doing so. My mother, my ex husband, someone who trivialized this place because they didn't like the idea of it, I had to be something meaningful and do 'for others'. Service to others. Be safe so they could feel safe. Or there's no money or support in it. But there is where I see my power coming back to me in the people who transform themselves using the medium of horses. I'm not implying everyone needs to jump on horse, but where my power is really at and I couldn't go there because 'people were uncomfortable ' with the notion. The same way they are uncomforable with people who are expressing the living part of themselves because it doesn't mesh with some holy rolling role that people adopt.

My mistake is that because this is so effortless for me, and everything is effortless when you are in your power, that I figured I should just give it away.

Not anymore.

I had to keep disempowered people feeling safe. I have already decided I'm not keeping that space anymore, If someone is that disconnected from themselves I'm not helping to create a space where they can be comfortable destroying themselves, but neither am I putting my life, my spirit, on hold anymore.

Or people pattting me on the head and treating it like it was 'her little hobby'. A horse really brings out your power . But always I have to go help humanity . Well I can't help anyone who doesn't want to help themselves .I will only support people who are willing to share power, and that means finding their own. People who say maybe I haven't found it yet but its not in this clutter of BS that people want to use to resist real empowerment.

Why am I denying my life because those people don't want to get their life in order? I'm up to my ears listening to people deny their own power, and then blaming it on others espeically those who are attempting to help them find their power.

I decided in a half ass way that my life, my power, needed to be nutured .

So I leased a horse. Then the universe gave to me three horses. Then on top of that a space to train and instruct with horses. Just fell in my lap , I didn't have invest anything but just by accepting that there was my power. But I can't devote as much time as I want to it because ...there's humanity wandering around in circles waiting for a ufo to come get them. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't 'need' to do this anymore.

I'd like to say let them all run over the cliff, and that is essentialy what I am saying but not in those terms exactly but i have invested so much time and money in creating a safe place and a safe way to do intiate empowerment only to have people act like I'm their abuser. If they want what they don't want, let them have (or not have it) . But I have put my power, my LIFE, my living spiritual expression, on hold for these people who are running over cliffs for no appreciable reason. What reason do I have to do that? I've asked Spirit and Spirit just says "You don't'. I just give them something to think about, to react to to keep their stories going, they don't want to 'do' it.

Enormous talent and abiltiy but its being wasted. There's no fruits of one's labor being reflected back in my life except for a few .Every task I put my hand to should be fruitful. There is no power to see in others only but a few. And those few, you don't have to expend vast amounts of energy, you only have to hold that space with them.

So I thought , You are powerful you are not standing fully in your power by using it to help humanity, they don't want this. They resent you for having what they don't want.

Power is reciprocated.

I see you, your power, you see mine. You put your power out there, they want it , but they don't want to reciprocate so power is not shared so energetically its not kept in motion. They are not standing in their power or even attempting to find it. They use it to keep their stories and excuses going. That is abuse of power, they can't find their own so they will abuse others and then complain about the abuse of power up at the top of the pyramid.

So over the weekend I called some friends and clients who actually do, do their empowerment work and I said, I will always be available to you but I'm not doing this anymore. I am not being true to my own power and half my life is gone to this and the rest of my life, my living expression, is going to be mine. It is my gift, my life to manage and I'm managing it . And they were shocked: If I had your ability I'd not back away from it. They could not imagine me not doing this anymore.

No. No no. YOu do have my ability, I'm not the one backing away I'm just swining the pearls here. And that was it ,and I told Spirit I'm going to put myself where true power is expressed, I'll use the medium of horses and if I'm on not the right track or if I am I know you will show me. So I ran an ad on Monday. The response I had to that ad overwhelmed me, in one day it equaled a years worth of response and intiation from the disempowred people 'I was attempting to help'. This is what is going to support me, because I'm giving it away in baby sitting but using the third party medium of a horse to bring out their own power. They want to do it, they can't do it fast enough. Just that simple re-framing back into my power. It has been so overwhelming I've had to field work off to other people in my community which empowers them, and supports them. Just in one day its all being reciprocated. Instantly given the means to expand on our power. I'm dumb founded.

and the shils and the cons will be delighted that I'm not going to be there anymore but I am, I'm just doing it a different way. Know they will have more to contend with since this is freeing up my power, rather than wasting it.

And the whole time this was under my nose, watching people transform themselves with horses, losing thier fear, becoming aware of that something pure is communicating with them, accepting them, being aware of something greater than themeslves being created by their particpation. This was occuring the whole time, and out of 'obligation' I was watching the people playing with their own feces.

And the only people I'm sticking my neck out for from this point on are the ones who are willing to empower themselves. Who are doing their work, to find where they got lost at. For the ones who know something is wrong with todays 'new' social conditioning but don't quite know what it is. People like you, I'd stick my neck out for. For those who stuck in their co dependency on artificial emotions, and stories, and crap like that....no not anymore. They can run over the side of the cliff but they are not taking my power with them.

What does it mean to stand in your own power?

Use It for the betterment of Humanity..!

I watched the film Gladiator again the other night, witnessing the Corrupt Roman Empire's Rein enforcing The People's Serfdom through Terror brought a Tear to my eye...

The battle between the loyal Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius and the Evil Emperor Commodus is exactly what is going on today i.e. Humanity vs TPTW...


I allow myself to feel the Emotional Rage at times and during the film just after Maximus took out Commodus, whilst sitting in the dark in my favorite chair I drew the Emotional Energy from Within and with both raised fists in the air pointing skywards...

I visualised that pent up Emotional Energy circumventing the Earth asking the Universe to make those who are responsible for causing Earth's Problems in (ALL) Shapes & Forms Accountable for their Crimes against Humanity..!

I was locked in a Powerful Trance for about a minute and after I could literally see the Energy Flowing out of my raised fists...

I knew I was heard, and this Madness will STOP..!


I love horses myself and I am looking toward starting what you are looking into and have started. What a powerful tool of light to stand in :)

21st February 2012, 13:37
What does it mean to stand in your own power? For most of our lives we are taught to rely on someone or something to give us guidance, understanding, and strength. This is fine but at what point do you get to stand in your own strength?...

...those who profess to be good leaders teach others to lead themselves, at what point do they give up their power or influence to help others to stand in their own strength, to stand in their own knowledge, to stand in their own conviction....

...Stand in your own power

I agree with your premise: Don’t wait for permission to stand in your power. It is your birthright. You’ve only got to step up to claim it.

I differ on one point. Namely, a confident leader is one that empowers others. When there is true power - there’s nothing to give up. There's only energy exchanging with energy.

Thanks, Dig.

I would say, where people choose to focus their energy is where they are either successful or bound by self pity. I would like to use this analogy, once you have been bucked off a horse the best thing you can do is to get back on, I have literally been bucked off horses 7 times in my life and each time I have gotten back on. If no one knows about horses then they should understand one thing, horses like dogs can smell fear, if the rider is not confident in his or her own abilities the horse becomes confused and takes the bit in its teeth.