View Full Version : I am here to learn can u help me?

13th July 2010, 23:40
Since I can remember when I was a little boy I experienced what I can only describe seeing snow or static like when the tv has nothing but fuzz. This fuzz is filled with transparent colors. At first it only happened when I closed my eyes. Now once I become aware of it it stays in my feild of view even with my eyes open. Out of this fuzz I see blinking images and shapes but for some reason they are not clearly defined. could I be seeing my auric field or merkaba??? If this has happened to you or you have an idea of what this is I would love to hear it!!!



13th July 2010, 23:44
Is the pattern uniform over the entire field of your view?

Do you see changes in this pattern when it is close to other people?

Do you see "concentrations" of any particular colours ?

When do you see this, all the time or some of the time? How is it when you are going off to sleep?


14th July 2010, 00:07
it seems like consistant all around and I this fuzz kinda like fuzz on tv colors blinking on and off very rapidly and then when I focus on a certain spot in my field of vision and image or shape blinks in and out towards me then as it gets close it rerurns and starts blinking in and out towards me but I can never make out fully what it is. I haven't noticed if it changes around people or not. Also if my attension is focused on another area then another shape starts blinking towards me in a different color. I used to think I was going crazy. I would also like to add that these blinking colors are see through and when I notice it in the day time I notice that I can see through them.

14th July 2010, 01:07
The light that is seen by those that can see aura's is not the sort of light you can photograph. People that see aura's often have to "defocus" thier normal physical eyes in order to allow the attention to focus on the perceptual input from elsewhere.

My first thought is that I think you are seeing some kind of background aura, but I was hoping that your answers to my questions would provide a stronger case for this, but they did not.

Since you have not tried. Spend some time looking to see if you can see aura around people.

I sense this is an important question for you. There is no better person to ask than your higher self.


14th July 2010, 01:27
I can see auras around people mostly when I am tired. I do have a visual impairment because I was born 3 months premature my right eye was blind from birth. when I was born I weighed under 2 lbs. I have also been very sensitive to other peoples energy and it can affect me and sometimes it is overwhelming. My parents encouraged me to meditate since I was 15 (23 years ago) and sometimes while in the gap I noticed that I could see the whole room and when I open my eyes it was just darkness. I think maybe I sometimes use my third eye or minds eye???

14th July 2010, 01:49
"i think" i understand what he sees. It looks like a picture noise (if you know), something like that. There are everywhere and in colours and... not, hard to explain. Shapes (geometric but not only) are being formed and just floating but not related to the "noise" apparently. It's like you see energy in a strange and vibrating but calm way. I am seeing like this since i first started to see or at least since i remember first seeing and i know somebody else who sees this way. We don't know how else one can see we can't remember different and many times i asked myself how other people see.

II have also been very sensitive to other peoples energy and it can affect me and sometimes it is overwhelming.
I fully understand what you are talking about.

14th July 2010, 02:08
Hello rlevan, and welcome. The fact that you are here with us or should I say here at all is a miracle. I'm sure
you are well aware of this... Being born 38 years ago, weighing less than 2 pounds is quite something to
say the least. You survived because you must have had a great medical team and because you are a fighter.
Much respect. I'm curious if the excessive oxygen severely premature babies were given way back then has
anything to do with your ability to see auras? Just a thought. Glad you made it... peace,

14th July 2010, 04:41
My parents encouraged me to meditate since I was 15 (23 years ago) and sometimes while in the gap I noticed that I could see the whole room and when I open my eyes it was just darkness. I think maybe I sometimes use my third eye or minds eye???

Yes I think you are already working this out for yourself.

You can always ask your higher self in meditation.

I think it sounds like you have great parents!


14th July 2010, 07:09
Ride the wave.

Do you see colors and shapes with sounds, or numbers or the such. Synthenesia. Spelling?????

I personally see dots of light and dots of dark that is pretty much constant. Anywhere from the size of a period to a tennis ball
Have you ever attempted to travel when intense moments of your description occur. Not necessarily for the faint of heart considering the probablistic nature of the experience, but I personally think you are simply perceiving the world as energy.

You are a lucky human, because it is genuinely presenting itself to you in a visual and physical and emotional manner. Energy condenses into matter. You are looking at condensed energetic properties perhaps......