View Full Version : Peeling the Onion of Disinformation and Truth

20th January 2012, 22:29
Consider that for thousands of years you have been successfully humans with enslavement, propagated with financial control, exclusion to technologies, poverty, with your lies and getting them to fight each other in conflicts you create. Knowing this arrangement may soon be over, you are forced to employ new tactics and more clever tactics that were previously unnecessary. While you must continue to cast the simple easy lies of the past—much more clever schemes are now required: Your slaves are awakening and they aren't happy. Their outright revolt can accelerate the end of your reign. You must confuse and discredit them by creating new lies (upon lies); but as added insurance, you must dupe your enemies into joining your new causes by pretending to expose yourself, including your earliest lies:

Now, appreciate the well understood first lie, the first layer of our onion that is 80% true; because, trust is easiest gained (though perhaps fuzzy) by recognition of the majority of the story. Let's use the Catholic doctrine and rule as a good example of this lie (though 80% is generous here). Included within this layer is the perception of self-governance, honest banking, benevolent corporations, wars of self-defense, education, drugs, clean environment, etc. While this layer has worked for thousands of years with past humans (the small numbers that knew the truth were quickly eliminated). But, now things are different; time is accelerated, not the least of which is attributed to special incarnates using the electronic, internet / information age and strong "innernet" features humans are discovering they possess.

So, with this accelerated rebellion, you must work even faster creating additional layers discrediting earlier layers; in your attempt to block any truth from the sacred core you have kept hidden all these years. New Age religions, political third-parties, environmental organizations, international trusts for humanity, lower levels of secret organizations, might be good examples here.

Controlling all methods of information and entertainment, you gain the trust of ever increasing awakening humans by adding new layers that expose your earlier layers, the old lies that you yourself created.

Not only does this delay your ouster by confusing your slaves, you do it by pretending to rebel against yourself. The Occupy Movements and infiltration of forums like PA are good examples here. More important, you identify your enemies by obtaining information from and about themselves as they come to you for answers, the truths you are showing them in the "outer layers." PA, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other networks, are good examples here. Simultaneously, you intimidate any rebellion whatsoever, because you have convinced them their every thought, email and key board stroke is monitored, and with publicized legislation declaring such, you will exercise your ability to lock them into camp FEMA or worse. That is the purpose of your Fear Mongering. You only hope they are so afraid, they will not even care their liberties have vanished. That instead, they will themselves hope that the world is ending. You hope they do not come to a point wherein they realize there is nothing to lose but to speak out: You do not want them to ever realize that you: "The emperor has no clothes."

[switch persons— they are now them, you/we are now you/us]

Does this resonate and seem familiar? Are we afraid?

We must not be.

They are outnumbered and they know it. They wouldn't be working so hard to add layers to the onion so quickly if they were not even more afraid. Why?

Consider, that as you continue to peel away the layers of the world, you (we) are accomplishing a much more important task. We are peeling away the layers of "illusion and separation," uncovering the core of our souls. We are discovering that while forums such as PA have their distractions and detractors, there is in our short time, much to gain. Can we do so with kindness to each other, selflessly, and without ulterior motive? Will we call off the charade to our democratic governments, and tell them (before the elections) "game over, you're out?"

They know we have tremendous courage and are indeed fearless; they have counted on those characteristics to distract us with loss of wealth by incurring insurmountable debts, competing needlessly with each other in the marketplace, our courts, and with nationalism, maiming and killing each other in battle.

They know that intelligence without fear does not tolerate our circumstance.

That is what they are afraid of.