View Full Version : Chile man that had contact with ET

15th July 2010, 17:53
This is my first post, so ...

Dont know if you, already saw this video:
This is about a man, that is from Chile, and had contact with ET, in the radio,
The et called their own name as "friendship" and they helped the man, because he was going to die, with lung cancer.
Now, ther eis much things he does not say, so , the investigation teem, wanted to do some hypnosis on him.

And he told, that he saw this word or words i dont know...

He does not knows what he just wrote, and he also spoke a language.. unknown to him.

this is the words...

though the char next to "pi" is reversed from the picture, if that is the same character : קך Πא (the forum font)
on geek there is these characters: ᴦ Ϟ π ϰ ρ Ρ Π Γ (times new roman font)
on Hebrew there is these: ח ה ד ך א ק (times new roman font)
I think this is Hebrew or geek, or some mixed.
Perhaps its nothing, perhaps, the words are mirrored, or reversed...
the thing is he saw that words somewhere, it could be on a gate, a machine, it could be anything.

the word part is here:

the full video is here:

15th July 2010, 18:04
the only letter i recognize as a greek letter isn the 3 from the left side. its the "P" in greek and if i see its as greek letters then the 2nd from the left is the "R" in greek.

The fith from the left is also a "P" but looks like capital or different style from the 3rd... weird...

15th July 2010, 18:30
right.. its weird.
tis kinda of a code.
OR an ancient style perhaps?
but what about the aleph letter, the 4rd from telft to right,, notice its reversed!? coud this be mirrored? i think he says he saw on an hologram :s

He says this are "herogliphs" that correpond to a book called facts.. where if we read the bible in 3 dimension, ONE can discover everyerthing! About everything.
the bible has everything...