View Full Version : Predict the future in dreams

Eagle Eye
2nd February 2012, 14:52
Its happening from time to time to dream about an event and see the same event in real life. It's not dejavu because I remember lots of dreams and sometimes I write them if they are important one or something to learn about. So my big question is: if our brain can predict the future subconsciously than there must be a way to do it consciously.

2nd February 2012, 15:00
I would say that it is infinately more important to learn to live in the present than it is to know the future.

Appart from that assesment, i understand your fascination with the subject.
I have 100% accurate predicting dreams too but to make them conscious, i haven't a clue.

.maybe we could ask Brockbrader to lend us his yellow cube. Or perhaps de-calcify your pineal gland and give it a good activation.

2nd February 2012, 17:44
All information is out there, it's just a matter of tuning our receivers to the right channel. History is full of prophets who could see the future consciously.

Personally, I've noticed my own dreams becoming more and more prophetic. One simple example is my ex wife. We may go for months without speaking, but every time I have a dream with her in it I hear from her the next day. This has happened without fail for the last year or so.