View Full Version : The Nature of Personal Reality

David Hughes
9th February 2012, 02:03
I just finished reading ‘The Nature of Personal Reality’ by Jane Roberts and thought that I would share some parts that I had highlighted that particularly resonate with me, and that are highly relevant when it comes to imagining, believing in, and creating a future world with Free Energy based technology. Replace the You’s with We and Our in the text below and the power that we have as a group becomes very evident. If one person ‘meditating on a vision’ works, imagine what a group of like minded people can achieve….

The following are direct quotes from the book. Enjoy

"You see and feel what you expect to see and feel. The world as you know it is a picture of your expectations. The world as the race of man knows it is the materialization en masse of your individual expectations."

"You project your thoughts, feelings, and expectations outward, then you perceive them as the outside reality. When it seems to you that others are observing you, you are observing yourself from the standpoint of your own projections."

"The characteristics that were yours at birth were yours for a reason. The inner self chose them. You did not arrive at birth without a history. Your individuality was always latent within your soul, and the “history” that is a part of you is written within unconscious memory that resides not only within your psyche, but is faithfully decoded in your genes and chromosomes, and fulfilled in the blood that rushes through your veins."

"There is nothing in your exterior experience that did not originate within you."

"Basically you create your experience through your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality. Another way to understand this is to realize that you create your experiences through your expectations."

"You are what happens to you."

"You make your own reality. There is no other rule. Knowing this is the secret of creativity."

"You form the fabric of your experience through your own beliefs and expectations."

"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you. You must first recognize the existence of such barriers-you must see them or else you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences. They will represent the boundaries of your experience."

"Your environment is the physical picture of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs made visible. Since your thoughts, emotions and beliefs move through space and time, you therefore affect physical conditions separate from you."

"You are here in physical existence to learn and understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes all experience. There are no exceptions."

"Look about you. Your entire physical environment is the materialization of your beliefs. Your sense of joy, sorrow, health or illness – all of these are also caused by your beliefs. If you believe that a given situation should make you unhappy, then it will, and the unhappiness will then reinforce the condition."

"Your conscious beliefs direct the functioning of your body. It is not the other way around."

"Your beliefs and the reason for them can be found in your conscious mind. If you accept the idea that the reasons for your behavior are forever buried in the past of this life, or any other, then you will not be able to alter your experience until you change that belief."

"You are here to aid in the great expansion of consciousness. You are not here to cry about the miseries of the human condition, but to change them when you find them not to your liking through the joy, strength and vitality that is within you; to create the spirit as faithfully and beautifully as you can in flesh."

"In a manner of speaking, the conscious mind is a window through which you look outward – and looking outward, perceive the fruits of your inner mind."

"You are not your ideas, nor even your thoughts. You are the self who experiences them."

"The creative power to form your own experience is within you now, as it has been since the time of your birth and before. You may have chosen a particular theme for this existence, a certain framework of conditions, but within these you have the freedom to experiment, create, and alter conditions and events."

"The conscious mind is like a gigantic camera with the ego directing the view and the focus."

"The ego is your idea of your physical image in relation to the world."

"Listen to your own train of thought as you go about your days. What suggestions and ideas are you giving yourself? Realize that these will be materialized in your personal experience."

"If you dwell upon limitations, then you will meet them. You must create a new picture in your mind. It will differ from the picture your physical senses may show you at any given time, precisely in those areas where changes are required."

"Imagination also plays an important part in your subjective life, as it gives mobility to your beliefs. It is one of the motivating agencies that helps transform your beliefs into physical experience. It is vital therefore that you understand the interrelationship between ideas and imagination. In order to dislodge unsuitable beliefs and establish new ones, you must learn to use your imagination to move concepts in and out of your mind. The proper use of imagination can then propel ideas in the directions you desire."

"As it took a while for the unsatisfactory beliefs to become materialized, so it may be a time before you see physical results; but the new ideas will take growth and change your experience as certainly as the old ones did."

"The conscious mind is a vehicle for the imagination in many ways. The greater its knowledge the further the reach of imagination."

"Some of your beliefs originated in your childhood, but you are not at their mercy unless you believe that you are. Because your imagination follows your beliefs, you can find yourself in a vicious circle in which you constantly paint pictures in your mind that reinforce “negative” aspects in your life."

"People with like ideas reinforce each other’s beliefs."

"According to your energy, power and intensity, you can help change the beliefs of many people, of course."

"To be healthy you must believe in health. A good physician is a changer of beliefs. He will replace an idea of illness with one of health. Whatever methods or drugs he uses will not be effective until this change of belief takes place."

"Because they are held in such high esteem, the suggestions given by doctors are paid particular attention. The patients emotional condition is such that he or she readily accepts statements made under such circumstances less critically than usual."

"Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures."

"Your existence before and after death is as much a normal phenomenon as your present life."

"When you understand the nature of reality and your part in forming it, then you can no longer look to others to solve your problems for you, and you realize that your own beliefs are the rich creative elements that you yourself must mix and match."

"Since your conscious beliefs determine those unconscious functions that bring about your personal experience, your first step is to enlarge those beliefs."

"For five or ten minutes a day at the most, then, use natural hypnosis as a method of accepting desired new beliefs. During that period concentrate your attention as vividly as possible upon one simple statement. Repeat it over and over while focusing upon it for this time."

"You share an existence with others who are experiencing their own journeys in their own ways, and you have journeying in common, then. Be kind to yourself and to your companions."

9th February 2012, 05:13
Thanks Tyler,

Great wisdom in these quotes. :)