View Full Version : Scientists postulate Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

11th February 2012, 21:39
Research findings continues work of DNA Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Francis Crick
I could not get the images to imbed here from the article, but you can see them and read the article at

by Peter Jiang and Jenny Li
Saturday 11. Feb 2012

Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulate that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Frances Crick, and other scholars in this area. Current findings are consistent with reports of Professor Sam Chang, who discreetly released information on his own apparent findings, in association with the Human Genome Project. Scientists are beginning to complain more and more about political attempts to compromise the integrity of their important work for humanity. The discreet releasing of findings, is one apparent way in which scientists try to cope with scientific peer pressures to conform to prevailing political pressures.

Details of findings have been published in part, by Dr. Michael Salla, who is a learned scholar on extraterrestrial research. Exo-scientists and other researchers base their findings, in part, on carefully collecting data, which includes well corroborated documented observations by contactees and "whistleblowers", as well as other documentation. These verified reliable sources have come into contact with representatives of non-Earth Human civilizations living in human populations at-large, and also in official capacities.
J. Watson and F. Crick (right) http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/Frontpage/2007/01/26/01340.html

Francis Crick and partner, James Watson, startled the academic world in 1953 when they deciphered the structure of the DNA molecule.

"Exo-science" is the study of extraterrestrial phenomenon. "Exo-science" is further associated with "exopolitics" which embraces the need for humanity to have open contacts with Extraterrestrials on a representative democratic basis, that respects Earth's sovereignty.

In today's "global economy" an "official science" which denies the analytical study of spiritual phenomena, as a legitimate context for understanding human reality, has been created over time. The "science" which is legitimated by institutions that are closely linked to this "global economy", tends to seek to analyse only certain aspects of 'materiality'. Priorised subjects by this "official science" are limited to areas which complement the agenda of constituencies of individuals who seek to manipulate the "recognized" body of human knowledge for power and control. That scientific priorisation context, has notably sought to exclude extraterrestrial relationships to humanity, in order to keep humanity ignorant of its apparent potential "locked" heritage within its own DNA.

Dr. Francis Crick concluded Extraterrestrial orgins in the Human Genome, in relation to his well renown DNA research.

Indeed, efforts to seek a scientific context for the appreciation of spiritual phenomena, has also been frowned upon by the elites of institutionalized religions, which like "official science", seek to control humanity within systems of accepted doctrine and dogma.

Collaborative exo-scientific research efforts inspired by Dr. Michael Salla, suggest that within the estimated over 20 types of extraterrestrial genes within human DNA, lies psycho-kinetic abilities associated with the genetic memories of ancient extraterrestrial races. These apparent psycho-kinetic abilities are associated with the focusing of the creative collective consciousness of be-ing in the universe.

These psycho-kinetic abilities, for example, could be viewed to manifest from time to time, when human beings in the process of trying to save another life, for example, have been recorded as executing, "great physical and other acts" which seem to go beyond the realm of understanding by "official science". The recorded healing abilities which individuals, for example, in aboriginal communities across the world have demonstrated in relation to their spirituality, which had also been recorded of Jesus, could be viewed to be associated with accessing this DNA "memory". "Official science" which seeks to complement the interests of various companies who seek to commercially profit from drugs and other therapies, has apparently sought to deny the awesome potentials of humanity for an elevated quality-of-living, by accessing an apparent E.T. DNA memory.

Does Earth represent a genetic frontier, to some Extraterrestrials?

There have been eyewitness accounts globally, including the broadcasted video footage of professional broadcasters, by millions of people of apparent extraterrestrial spacecraft. Exo-scientists indicate that this is because "these Extraterrestrials have sought to observe, or intervene on Earth, as a result of human beings having the genetic footprints of their ancient forbearers." It is important to note that exo-scientists do not claim that all extraterrestrials observed by humanity, do so because of a genetic association with humanity, although "genetics" is a reported prime motivation.

Earth, therefore, appears to represent a "strategic genetic frontier", between scientifically ascertained extraterrestrials who "seeded", Earth, and other extraterrestrials with varying genetic agendas.

Further visible indications of apparent Extraterrestrial contact in Human DNA

The existence of diverse ethno-racial communities of humanity on Earth, perhaps, provides a further visible appearance of extraterrestrial (E.T.) 'genetic communities'. African tribes, including the Dogon, notably, cite evidence of having origins from races of "supernatural creatures that came down from the sky."

Evidence and testimony on the original "seeding" of Earth by spiritually-inspired, ethical Extraterrestrials

Exo-scientists indicate that 'ethical' Extraterrestrials inspired the communalistic and environmental protection oriented philosophies of Native-Canadian, African, and other tribes.

The knowledge of astrological facts within diverse tribal communities is associated with claims of extraterrestrial contact long before modern astronomy, further corroborates exo-scientific claims of evidence of extraterrestrial contact in Human DNA.

Aboriginal tribes in the Americas, Africa, and elsewhere embraced the "animistic" spirituality of the original reported spiritually and technologically advanced human and other extraterrestrials who "seeded" Earth. These tribes were apparently inspired by original constituents of human and other extraterrestrials to be custodians of "Mother Earth", and to live in harmony and balance with nature.

.Then came reported genetic and cultural manipulation by competing extraterrestrial interests

Exo-scientists suggest that subsequent interventions on Earth by other extraterrestrials, largely sought to manipulate Earth humans genetically, technologically, and also by dysfunctionally inspiring religious dogma, and accompanying rituals. Apparently, these extraterrestrials performed 'great feats' in order to be worshipped as 'gods'. The reported next step was to provide technology to these Earth humans so that these humans could create impressive looking "rich" structures of religious worship, laid with gold and other mined mineral resources, of religious worship to these extraterrestrial 'gods'. This corrupting of human spirituality, would further dysfunctionally inspire crass materialism. This apparent influence is shown in structures which include the Great Pyramids, Temples, and into other religious structures which include Churches. Dr. Salla's and other exo-scientific work, further attests to this milieu.
Hopi Indians

"...Hopi Indians [in the western U.S.] speak of how the 'Star Beings' could travel about the skies in beams of light like the sun, but in the blackness of night. Stories like these are identical to what I've personally heard an African medicine men (shaman) claim. Same exact scenario, that before the missionaries came onto the scene, it was also common place among all tribes and shaman that our orgins were from "out there"..." . Reference: Netscientia.com

These religious structures became centres in the creation of competing rituals and dogma between different "E.T. cult" groups. As these religious structures became of increasing importance as centres of communities, bigotries in turn, were cultivated by the elite emissaries of the manipulative "Extraterrestrial gods" and were used to successfully pit one group of humanity against the other.

According to collaborative exo-scientific research, led by Dr. Salla, alleged manipulative E.T. groups provided Earth Humans with advanced technology, to further instil an agenda of control against willing Earth elites, who were indoctrinated by these "gods". The creation of technology would also be used to inspire the creation of weapons of war, in which wars would be waged in the name of defending "religious" systems, in turn guided by Extraterrestrial "gods" who sought to "divide and rule". The manipulative Extraterrestrials sought to create false gods in their own image.

"The purpose of these "false gods" was to repress the development of a collective consciousness among Earth Humans, based upon the founding universal conventions." Also according to the collaborative research of exo-scientists, "the purpose of the creation of systems of religious dogma was designed to instil petty hatreds and antagonisms that would repress "the conventions of peace, love, and wisdom, (which was attributed to the creation of our universe), and which would have otherwise protected Earth Humans from being exploited, as a genetic and overall planetary resource."

Some of these Extraterrestrials, which apparently included Human Extraterrestrials who rebelled against the communal spirituality and "free will" ethic of original Human Extraterrestrials who had "seeded" Earth, reportedly simply sought to exploit the Earth for its mineral resources. According to the exo-scientific research findings of Dr. Salla, "Other rebelling materialistic-oriented working groups of Human and other E.T., viewed Earth Humans to be useful specimens to be incorporated in genetic experimentation programs."

Apparently, socially conscientious Extraterrestrials, according to the collaborative research findings of Dr. Salla and exo-scientists "fearing the implications to manipulative Extraterrestrials genetically influencing Earth humans into becoming barbarians like Genghis Khan or Adolf Hilter, sought to "seed" "star children"." These "star children" were "seeded" into humanity without the apparent knowledge of the Earth humans they came into contact with, to help, in the apparent view of Extraterrestrials to "elevate and inspire the socially creative potentials of humanity."

Notwithstanding this, 'ethical Extraterrestrials' according to representation by contactees, abide by strict "Galactic community" directives of non-interference on Earth, including the non-execution of "genetic experiments". However, Exo-scientists indicate that the "crop circles" phenomena is a notable example of mostly "ethical Andromedans" seeking to inspire humanity in the form of crop circle messages.

Modern Earth Human DNA therefore reportedly has the genetic memories which are associated with origins of Humanity in the universe as part of a diaspora of "over 130 billion human beings", and a subsequent millennia of uncoerced biological contact, and also the coerced biological experimentation with a mix of Extraterrestrials. These are some of the understandings at which one arrives, as a result of the pioneering work of some diligent researchers. These researches notably includes Francis Crick.

The work of Nobel Laureate Dr. Francis Crick, and other on ET contact in Human DNA
DNA Double Helix

Exo-scientists are critically inspired by the work of Dr. Francis Crick. In his book Life Itself: Its Origins and Nature (1981), Crick -- a Nobel prize-winner and the co-founder of the shape of the DNA molecule -- claimed an advanced civilisation transported the seeds of life to Earth in a spacecraft. Nobel laureate Dr. Francis Crick who posits an extraterrestrial origin for life on Earth, is not alone in this viewpoint within the scientific community. The same year that Life Itself was published (1981), Sir Fred Hoyle authored Life from Space, in which he took essentially the same position. In fact, in an article that year in Nature, he wrote:

"The likelihood of the formation of life from inanimate mater is one to a number with 40,000 noughts after it.... It is big enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup, neither on this planet nor on any other, and if the beginnings of life were not random, they must therefore have been the product of purposeful intelligence." (Hoyle: 1981, 294:148).

Dr. Hoyle opted for a kind of pantheistic intelligence that created life spores in other parts of the Universe, with these spores ultimately drifting to Earth to begin life as we know it. Because of the tremendous (and impressive) complexity of life-and the obvious design behind it -- other scientists who challenge "official science" supported by political elites, are beginning to endorse this conclusion as well. Leslie Orgel, one of the well-researched heavyweights in origin-of-life experiments, is also on record as advocating this scientific position (1982, pp. 149-152).

Like the issue of Global Warming, and on-going Ozone Layer depletion, non-dogmatic scientists have blamed political elites for ignoring clear evidence of the Non-Earth origins of human beings.

Dr. Francis Crick was one of the two scientists who discovered the structure of DNA during the 1950s. Certainly an important discovery in the history of science, this came after lengthy research and a great pooling of information and expertise. Crick won the Nobel Prize for his work. Dr. Crick applied the same rigorous disciplinary standards to his Extraterrestrial origins findings.

In his book Life Itself, Dr. Crick said that creatures from another solar system brought the seeds necessary for life to lifeless planets and, thanks to their kind intervention, life began here.

Nobel Laureate Dr. Crick's work, is consistent with the apparent findings of "Professor Sam Chang" of the Human Genome Project, who has been credited for seeking to release scientific findings concerning evidence of Extraterrestrial contact in Human DNA.

Exo-scientific representation on the origins of the universe

Dr. Michael Salla, and other associated extraterrestrial researchers make representation that our universe was born as an expression of a "collective consciousness". Dr. Michael Salla specifically documents that 'black holes' were an entry point for beings and other entities who came together to spawn our universe. Furthermore, Dr. Salla's exo-scientific documentation also indicates that these beings and other entities, sought to inspire 'the universe' into existence, as an 'experiment', based on principles of "Free Will". That is to say, all beings and other entities are represented as having sought to be a part of the genesis of 'the universe' without any coercion. The collective consciousness of the universe is deemed to have manifested in the thoughts, feelings, and sensations of be-ings, who spawned 'the universe'. Therefore, the universe would expand as an expression of this consciousness.

The genetic-cultural origins of Earth Humans

Exo-scientists indicate that the Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull; it is 500 light years from planet Earth. Exo-scientists claim that Pleiadians are a humanoid race that visits Earth often and whom exo-scientists also claim we share a common ancestry.
Billy Meier indicates that he maintains contacts with the Pleiadians. He has provided corroborated evidence of having extraterrestrial contact to scientists. Mr. Meier indicates that 'Pleiadians' call themselves Plejaren (pronounced pleh-yar-en) according to their system, which bears the name Plejaren. Reference: Burlingtonnews.net, and Galactic-server.net.

"In the beginning, Earth was colonized by E.T. races, including human, insectual, botanical and reptilian species interests." Dr. Salla's collaborative team of exo-scientists indicate. Land continents first supporting advanced human colonies were Lemuria and Poseidia (Atlantis) "which sank over 23,000 years ago."

Many African tribes have linked their origins with Lemuria.

Dr. Salla's accounts indicate that "Each Universe is represented as a kind of living organism." The collective consciousness of this particular universe is represented is having been inspired by principles of peace, love, and wisdom, associated with "Free Will". But, because of the other polarity of fear which the original beings and other entities allegedly agreed to experience, the universe has also experienced "extremes of war, hate, and destruction."

The critical exo-scientific study of the universe, thus requires a holistic sensitivity to contexts of analysis associated with consciousness, which has been divested from "official science". Therefore, prevailing scientific paradigms on Earth retard the body of human knowledge from a full appreciation of the complexity of human experiences, in the broader context of the universe.

If spirituality is indeed a real phenomenon in the universe, then a critical context for science must endeavour to appreciate it, into a potential integral part of human knowledge and understanding.

Exo-scientific research testifies to Earth Humans having originated in the Lyra system of the universe. Lyrans apparently grew into Sirian, Arcturian, Antarian, Pleaidian, Andromedan, Cignus Alphan, Alpha Centauri, Sagittarius A & B, and Cassiopia.
Photo of Pleiadian spacecraft

"One of the first 'contactees' to describe Lyra was Billy Meier who received much public attention as a result of his alleged visits from Pleiadians from 1975 to 1986, Mr. Meier supported his representation with material evidence that continues to confound those sceptical of Mr. Meier's claims."

"Comprehensive investigations by a number of individuals and organizations found that Meier's evidence was not fabricated and therefore constituted significant support for his testimony of extraterrestrial contact." Dr. Salla, and other researchers document. Due to the amount of physical evidence he had provided over the years, Meier has gained great credibility, and the consistency and coherence of his testimonies suggest that he is indeed an important spokesperson for an extraterrestrial race.

Dr. Salla and other associated researchers also document that, "In a 1998 interview, Clifford Stone, a retired US army Sergeant who served in the US Army for 22 years, in association with other interviews, confirms the existence of extraterrestrials, who are 'human' and "can easily integrate with human society"; and are visibly "indistinguishable from the rest of humanity". These officials also indicated that "These races are described to be from star systems such as Lyra, Pleiades, Sirius, Procyon, Tau Ceti, Ummo, Andromeda and Arcturus, and who have provided some of the genetic material for the seeding of humanity on Earth."

Exo-scientists claim that the Pleaidians are our far distant first cousins and ancestral forbearers of some of our races. The Pleaidians are also descendants of the Lyrans who came from Lyra in spacecraft. The Lyrans would send down scout teams consisting of scientists and engineers and agricultural specialists to explore the surface of possible habitable planets and to explore them and return data and information to the mothership. One of these planets apparently included Earth. Each planet was explored and based upon its unique nature, colonies were then sent down to settle. It is in this way that the Pleaidians are so interested in our world and humanity on Earth. Exo-scientists claim that Pleaidians have been visiting Earth for at least 79,743 years.

Exo-scientists also further claim that they are very similar in many ways to humans beings on Earth, however, they are emotionally and spiritually more evolved than Earth humans are at this time. But Dr. Salla's and other associated exo-science researchers indicate that "they too have gone through their growing pains, as Earth humans are going through them right now." Dr. Salla and other learned exo-scientists in association with contactee further claim "Pleaidians have made attempts to share with us the benefits of their experience. So we ourselves don't have to experience the same kinds of setback and possible destructions, but at present, not enough people on Earth are listening."

"As the human race fragmented in the universe, genetic clusters of humanity moved, travelled, and settled many different planets in many systems as space travel evolved. Humans became aware of other planetary civilizations in these systems. Different cultures meet and grew. Belief systems clashed or spread. New thoughts of philosophy or technologies came into being. Humanity was evolving. A very strong social community developed between all in the Lyra System. Exo-scientists also further testify that "The Lyrans were a very peaceful race on the whole," Dr. Salla and associated exo-scientists further document.

"The Lyrans learned to adapt to virtually all of the planetary environments that they settled. They learned to live in complete harmony with their respective planets. They developed agricultural communities that were literally awesome. They were not only efficient and could feed billions of beings, but it was actually enhancing the planet itself and creating an even wealthier environment. All aspects of life seem to benefit from the Lyran's commitment to be at one with their home planets."

At the same time, the life expectancy living in planets without the kind of pollution, and social oppression on Earth is represented by exo-scientists as apparent "being much higher than on Earth."

These particular communities of Human Extraterrestrials represented themselves to exo-scientists as having economic systems that "were not in service of self, and having a community-ethic "beat as one heart, and shared and moved in the same direction as a whole and would try to make sure that none of their race would lag or fall too far behind the whole." In other words, "The needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few." They were an incredible role model for all humanity that followed to this present moment.

Earth scientists who have sought to collaborate with the prevailing capitalist system of selfishness and greed, inherited by manipulative Extraterrestrials, would not seek to make humanity aware of such a cultural-genetic lineage. In the view of these scientists who have been co-opted from the dogma of political economic power, such awareness would inspire Earth humans into alternatives to capitalism, which would better facilitate their pursuit of an elevated quality-of-living for all.

Such Establishment scientists are not genuine searchers for critical information, but instead seek to spread a disinformation agenda. They have also been deployed to execute an apparently useful tactics by manipulative extraterrestrial "gods".

"The Pleaides is an open star cluster consisting of 254 stars and many times that planetary bodies. Many of the stars are very young. This is located in the constellation of Taurus", exo-scientists say.

Three of the star systems have human life as we know it, the most advanced is the system of Taygeta. And the other is the system of Taro which circles Alcyone. Most of the Pleaidians look like us in both size and stature, build, colour of hair, and in other ways.

Exo-scientists indicate that Pleaides life spans specifically also apparently far exceed human beings on Earth. Pleaides technology has made it possible to travel anywhere in our Universe at speeds faster than the speed of light. "They are capable of using the Earth's oceans for undersea operations," Dr. Salla documents, in association with other extraterrestrial researchers.

Apparently Pleaidians are very concerned about our misuse for our sciences today on Earth, and are correspondingly concerned "that we have completely lost our spiritual center or harmony with our sciences." They have no use for money, politics and religious rituals and doctrines, which are used my manipulative elites on Earth. The Pleaidians "as our most benevolent races who have visited Earth, are worried, that we will destroy our planet and ourselves."

All Earth's languages are derived from an ancient Pre-Sumerian language which Exo-scientists report "was spoken in Lyra and in the Pleaides. The Pleaidians as well as other groups have left descendants on the Earth in the past." They have said they are willing to help us but not to the point of changing our own evolution and then therefore becoming responsible for us as a race. They say we create our own future as we go, and that we need to correct our own mistakes ourselves or suffer because of them.

Humanity and the origins of the universe associated with creative collective consciousness

The original Lyran extraterrestrials who apparently "seeded" Earth, were inspired by a consciousness associated with a spirituality, that grounded their sciences into humanistic dimensions of service to the "greater good", in contrast with elite-driven greed on Earth. Lyrans apparently refer to the collective consciousness of love, peace, and wisdom which inspired the universe as the Isness (G-d).

The "worship" of the Isness (G-d) is silent and solitary; free from all self seeking. There are no priests nor "saviours" authorized to come between a human being as a 'soul' and our collective consciousness in the universe. In the Lyran documented existential context, "each experience is personal, different than another and should not in any way be meddled with or judged. Each soul should become conscious of the divinity that is itself. "The Lyrans sought to create no shrines, no temples except nature itself, and the process of humankind caretaking nature, as an infinitely spiritual exercise of being. Be a real, natural, human beings," Dr. Salla and other colleagues document. In the Lyran system of social ethics and spirituality, real faith may not be formulated in creeds, as have been taught by manipulative extraterrestrials who have sought to condition humanity as servants associated with systems of repressive dogma. These Lyrian social ethics apparently include according the alleged representations between Adromedans and Alex Collier, the rejection of "saviours", and "messiahs" who have been used by "manipulative ETs to undermine the vital sense of social and environmental responsibility among Earth humans, for each other. The apparent idea in the undermining system, was to get Earth humans to throw their arms in the air waiting to be saved or liberated by a saviour, as elites oppressed and pillaged.

"In the Lyran apparent scientific appreciation of our universe the "Isness" as the expression of the collective consciousness of the universe, is only interested in your intent, the path of your heart," Dr. Salla also documents. A civilization of beings can, for example, choose a relative path of evolution associated with an affirmed quality-of-living for all, accompanied with spiritual renewal, or pursue a 'regressive' "de-evolutionary" path of greed, and oppressive power, as Earth's elites, which eventually results in self-destruction.

Indeed, The work of Erich von Däniken and former NASA research consultant and scientist Richard C. Hoagland reveals definitive proof of apparently self-destroyed civilizations on Mars. The surface of Mars shows Great Pyramid structures similar to Earth.

Humanity on Earth realising potentials for elevating quality of living from a course of on-going self-destruction, can be potentially achieved by OUR coming to grips with apparent evidence of Extraterrestrial contact in Human DNA. Humanity on Earth apparently needs to vitally re-integrate spirituality as a component in the scientific appreciation of the universe, that in turn, is vital to "unlock" the hidden potential for an elevated quality-of-living.

Humanity on Earth, also apparently needs to use the core spirituality of its own be-ing, to overcome any genetic contact with apparently competing manipulative interests, who according to Dr. Salla and other colleagues, have sought to sabotage human potential.

Recommended Readings on elevating human quality-of-living:

Human Development and the Quality-of-Life, ISBN: 1897035353; Quantuum Economics: Wage Slavery or the Quality-of-Life, ISBN: 1894839609; and Capitalism is Not Democracy, Part I, ISBN: 1894934636; Babylon and Beyond, ISBN: 9780745323909. Get these books from The Canadian National Newspaper Book Café.

Other research on Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA was done by Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin

Humbling was the prevalent adjective used by the scientific teams and the media to describe the principal finding that the human genome contains not the anticipated 100,000 - 140,000 genes (the stretches of DNA that direct the production of amino-acids and proteins) but only some 30,000+ -- little more than double the 13,601 genes of a fruit fly and barely fifty percent more than the roundworms: 19,098. What a comedown from the pinnacle of the genomic Tree of Life!

Moreover, there was hardly any uniqueness to the human genes. They are comparative to not the presumed 95 percent but to almost 99 percent of the chimpanzees, and 70 percent of the mouse. Human genes, with the same functions, were found to be identical to genes of other vertebrates, as well as invertebrates, plants, fungi, even yeast. The findings not only confirmed that there was one source of DNA for all life on Earth, but also enabled the scientists to trace the evolutionary process how more complex organisms evolved, genetically, from simpler ones, adopting at each stage the genes of a lower life form to create a more complex higher life form culminating with Homo sapiens.

The Head-scratching Discovery

It was here, in tracing the vertical evolutionary record contained in the human and the other analyzed genomes, that the scientists ran into an enigma. The head-scratching discovery by the public consortium, as Science termed it, was that the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree.

How did Humankind acquire such a bunch of enigmatic genes?

In the evolutionary progression from bacteria to invertebrates (such as the lineages of yeast, worms, flies or mustard weed which have been deciphered) to vertebrates (mice, chimpanzees) and finally modern humans, these 223 genes are completely missing in the invertebrate phase. Therefore, the scientists can explain their presence in the human genome by arather recent (in evolutionary time scales)probable horizontal transfer from bacteria.

In other words: At a relatively recent time as Evolution goes, modern humans acquired an extra 223 genes not through gradual evolution, not vertically on the Tree of Life, but horizontally, as a sideways insertion of genetic material from bacterial

An Immense Difference

Now, at first glance it would seem that 223 genes is no big deal. In fact, while every single gene makes a great difference to every individual, 223 genes make an immense difference to a species such as ours.

The human genome is made up of about three billion neucleotides (the letters A-C-G-T which stand for the initials of the four nucleic acids that spell out all life on Earth); of them, just a little more than one percent are grouped into functioning genes (each gene consists of thousands of "letters"). The difference between one individual person and another amounts to about oneletter in a thousand in the DNAalphabet. The difference between Humankind and Chimpanzee is less than one percent as genes go; and one percent of 30,000 genes is 300.

So, 223 genes is more than two thirds of the difference between me, you and a chimpanzee!

An analysis of the functions of these genes through the proteins that they spell out, conducted by the Public Consortium team and published in the journal Nature, shows that they include not only proteins involved in important physiological but also psychiatric functions. Moreover, they are responsible for important neurological enzymes that stem only from the mitochondrial portion of the DNA the so-called "Eve DNA" that humankind inherited only through the mother-line, all the way back to a singleEve. That finding alone raises doubt regarding that the "bacterial insertion" explanation.

A Matter of Extreme Significance

Unless further scientific research can establish, beyond any doubt, that the only possible source of the extra genes are indeed bacteria, and unless it is then also determined that the infection (horizontal transfer) went from bacteria to Man and not from Man to bacteria, the only other available solution will be that offered by the Sumerian texts millennia ago.

Until then, the enigmatic 223 alien genes will remain as an alternative and as a corroboration by modern science of extraterrestrial civilizations, and their apparent genetic participation in the Human Genome.

A Shaky Theory

How sure are the scientists that such important and complex genes, such an immense human advantage, was obtained by us -- rather recently-- through the courtesy of infecting bacteria?

It is a jump that does not follow current evolutionary theories, said Steven Scherer, director of mapping of the Human Genome Sequencing Centre, Baylor College of Medicine.

We did not identify a strongly preferred bacterial source for the putative horizontally transferred genes, states the report in Nature. The Public Consortium team, conducting a detailed search, found that some 113 genes (out of the 223)are widespread among bacteria though they are entirely absent even in invertebrates. An analysis of the proteins which the enigmatic genes express showed that out of 35 identified, only ten had counterparts in vertebrates (ranging from cows to rodents to fish); 25 of the 35 were unique to humans.

It is not clear whether the transfer was from bacteria to human or from human to bacteria, Science quoted Robert Waterson, co-director of Washington University's Genome Sequencing Center, as saying.

But if Man gave those genes to bacteria, where did Man acquire those genes to begin with? Zecharia Sitchin concludes that Human Genome was manipulated by Extraterrestrials.

Reference: Original report documented by the Public Consortium is in Nature, Feb 15, 2001 and of Celera Genomics in Science of Feb 16th, 2001.

Example of Report on an 'ethical' Extraterrestrial sighting in Africa

On 14th September 1994, a UFO streaked across the sky over Southern Africa.

Two days later, something landed in a schoolyard in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, with three or four things beside it, according to investigator Cynthia Hind. The primary witnesses were 62 schoolchildren, who had little or no exposure to TV or popular press accounts of UFOs.

Cynthia Hind interviewed them the day after the encounter and made them draw pictures of what they had seen. Below is one actual photographs of what the children drew and some of their statements. OTHER PHOTOS.

The door opened, and a little man go out that had on a black suit. He was very slim, and the suit was black. It was silver and the ring around it was red... lights along the edge.

I saw one over here, they had eyes like that. They were kind of, like, looking at us. They were, like, kind of astonished.

Many of the children received the same telepathic message from the beings.... to take care of the planet or civilization will be doomed.

"I think they want people to understand that we're actually making harm on this world and we have the responsibility to restore balance between our technological and spiritual growth. As I see things, as a civilization, we r more advanced technologically, than spritually and tp bring the balance back, we need to operate from our love centres where truth & forgiveness reign!!" - SAUFOR

Zimbabwe UFO report screened on South African TV Channel 1 Program Agenda:
Zimbabwean children witnessed UFO together

"Tonight at 8.30 SA time we were treated to the rare spectacle of a half a dozen CHILDREN AGED 8-12 attesting on TV to the fact that a group of them had seen a group of four or five UFOs. Sentients with large eyes, long black hair wearing shiny black one piece suits had made themselves known. The ships had then departed. The witnesses to this encounter are a group of schoolchildren at the Areal School in a town called Ruwa not far from the capital of Harare. The date is 16 September 1994. Cynthia Hind, Southern Africa's most well known UFOlogist had a few words to say, but the children stole her show with their innocent and honest faces. They had all drawn crayon pictures of the craft. The pictures were all the same.. This I saw with my own eyes. We had Dr. John Mack on the same show. What is he doing in Africa? But the star of the show was the South African Sangoma Wiseman CREDO MUTWA. He is well known for his disturbingly correct prophecies. One of these was the prediction of Hendrik Verwoerds assassination. Credo Mutwa stormed the program with figurines of aliens looking exactly like the various races we suspect to co-inhabit our planet with us. These figurines have long been in the possession of the African nations. He attested to the fact that the African nations co-exited with aliens in Africa for hundreds if not thousands of years. He made the disturbing allegation that the Europeans who first 'colonised' Africa were mistaken for these 'other,' star people. Credo Mutwa has also said that AIDS can be cured by a SONIC SCAN or AUDIO FREQUENCY scan of some kind. This does not harm the person, only the virus. Surely this is worth investigating?..."

Reference: "SAUFOR XPLoReS Ruwa, Zimbabwe - 16 September, 1994."

11th February 2012, 21:42
This is awesome! Even more confirmation of what some of us have been saying for a very long time. Thanks for the great find and thread Onawah

11th February 2012, 21:44
This article seems to be from 2007 (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_adn08.htm) or thereabouts. I would like to find more evidence of this, as I believe the topic is explosive and deserving of more attention. If you can find anything more recent, that would be excellent. I haven't really been able to, other than what the mainstream puts forth (http://www.openculture.com/2011/08/our_extraterrestrial_dna.html) about meteorites. Panspermia remains an underexplored subject.

11th February 2012, 21:55
The copyright date for the Canadian Nation at the bottom of the article at the link is 2007, but the date at the top of the article is Saturday 11. Feb 2012.
Most of the info is not new, however, though some of it may be.
Of course, it may be that info from current research is harder to come by these days...
It is a fascinating subject though, and this article is taken from a broad base of sources.

David Trd1
11th February 2012, 21:58
compelling reading and a good summation of research in this area.

really enjoyed.


11th February 2012, 22:21

so is it just me that thinks that the Pleiadian woman looks like Beyonce Knowles?

maybe beyonce is an alien... lol

11th February 2012, 22:22
I want to go to her planet. Shhh. Don't tell Sira. :cool: J/k, she already knows. LOL

11th February 2012, 23:17
I am so pleased this information has been brought to our attention again. I would say one of the most important scientific discoveries of our times. This was posted 2011 in may last year on Avalon and not much attention was paid. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?1683-Scientists-confirm-Extraterrestrial-genes-in-Human-DNA&p=222934#post222934

I hope this time people will research this info and listen.

11th February 2012, 23:26
It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).

11th February 2012, 23:29
It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).
I absolutely disagree with you. Seriously what do you REALLY think all that 'Junk' DNA is for then? It's not Junk DNA, it's part of the 22-24 different races that contributed to our DNA/Genetics when we were engineered as a race. The variances were later caused by different ET/ED races influencing different regions of the planet. Do you know with a little DNA re-sequencing we would seriously be able to have the ability to breath in both air and water. That's just one of the things we have the genetics for.

11th February 2012, 23:40
It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).

Show the evidence that this is bunk,

11th February 2012, 23:42
According to Alex Collier, a total of 22 extraterrestrial races have provided genetic material for the ‘human experiment’. These include Reptilian, Gray and Anunnaki races described earlier as well as those races in this second group which Collier describes as ‘benevolent’:

That we, as a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, are possessors of a vast gene pool consisting of many different racial memory banks, also consisting of at least 22 different races. Because of our genetic heritage, and because we are spirit, the benevolent extraterrestrial races actually view us as being royalty.

Good read here.


11th February 2012, 23:49
It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).
I absolutely disagree with you. Seriously what do you REALLY think all that 'Junk' DNA is for then? It's not Junk DNA, it's part of the 22-24 different races that contributed to our DNA/Genetics when we were engineered as a race. The variances were later caused by different ET/ED races influencing different regions of the planet. Do you know with a little DNA re-sequencing we would seriously be able to have the ability to breath in both air and water. That's just one of the things we have the genetics for.

Who knows what it is for? Could have been what we used when we evolved. What do you think the appendix is for?

If it is part of the "...22-24 different races that contributed to our DNA/Genetics when we were engineered as a race" - why was it 'turned off'?

"Do you know with a little DNA re-sequencing we would seriously be able to have the ability to breath in both air and water."
-Can you be more specific as to which part of the DNA can do this so it could be verified? Maybe you mean it was used when we evolved from fish?

"The variances were later caused by different ET/ED races influencing different regions of the planet."
-I thought you said it was when we were created? Now you are saying that it was added later.

BTW when I said there is no evidence I was specifically referring to the claims that the: "scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA Research findings".
That article doesn't link to any evidence and there are no credible sources outside it either.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).

Show the evidence that this is bunk,

Sure thing - just google the DNA experts name and the claim made in the thread title. You will find millions of sources ;)

11th February 2012, 23:55
Go back and reread what I wrote, you obviously don't understand what I said and I was very specifically clear about what I said and how I said it. But, then I refuse to argue with someone that still believes in the insanity of evolving from a single cell on sheer accident that obviously doesn't understand the complexity of DNA and Genetics. There is no way possible that we evolved from fish or a single celled organism, how would a single cell know to become an kidney and a lung cell? That's scientifically and biologically impossible. We were genetically engineered. Seriously where is YOUR proof this stuff is bunk? Where is YOUR evidence?

How about instead of being disrespectful to the Original Poster and not contributing anything productive to the conversation if you don't agree with it you can politely say "I don't agree with this theory and here is why I don't agree with it" and provide your evidence for the "theory of evolution" which is still to this day "just a theory" as there is more holes in Evolution than in the Genetically Engineered By ET/ED's Theory.

I said, we were genetically engineered then the variances were later caused by different races having influence on different regions. Read This Sentence At least 10 times so you can understand it clearly.

Many of Earth's oldest scriptures imply that human development was guided by gods(ET/ED's) (notice the plurality of this word, it's not used in it's sigular form) who descended from the sky (IE: ET/ED's). Even anthropologists are aware of the unusually fast development of Homo sapiens. Some anthropologists estimate that the species Homo sapiens appears to be millions of years ahead of schedule.

Whereas the evolutionary development between Advanced Australopithecus and Neanderthal took more than two million years, evidence has been found on Earth that Homo sapiens (Cro-Magnon) emerged approximately 35,000 years ago. What is even more intriguing is that while the remains of man are continually discovered, archaeologists have found remains from an even earlier Homo sapiens in the areas of western Asia and Northern Africa.

These remains date back 250,000 years before Cro-Magnon man. It should be stated here that Homo sapiens has no evolutionary precursor.

Nothing evolved into Homo sapiens - the species simply appeared.

11th February 2012, 23:55
Alex Collier was close, he said we have 22 species of Alien DNA in our sub human platform and that we were considered royalty in The Universe.

Hi WhiteFeather, this has got absolutely nothing to do with alien DNA in humans, but Rudolf Steiner said about 100 years ago that the spiritual beings i.e. Angels, archangels, Archai etc worship mankind as their religion. I thought that was kinda neat.


12th February 2012, 00:05
Go back and reread what I wrote, you obviously don't understand what I said and I was very specifically clear about what I said and how I said it. But, then I refuse to argue with someone that still believes in the insanity of evolving from a single cell on sheer accident that obviously doesn't understand the complexity of DNA and Genetics. There is no way possible that we evolved from fish or a single celled organism, how would a single cell know to become an kidney and a lung cell? That's scientifically and biologically impossible. We were genetically engineered. Seriously where is YOUR proof this stuff is bunk? Where is YOUR evidence?

I didn't think we were 'arguing' - sorry you see it like that. As for misreading your post please point out where I misunderstood.
Yes I do believe we evolved from single-celled organisms (evolution is provable, scientific fact backed with mountains of evidence). But I do not believe it was an accident at all. Again when I said this stuff is bunk I am referring to the article claiming the "Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA Research findings continue". It is a lie - a fabrication and the onus is on the writers to prove it.

EDIT: I noticed you have updated your post. So I will reply here; evolution is provable, repeatable and solid. The quote (wherever you got it from) does in no way indicate anything useful to your point.

12th February 2012, 00:07
We were Genetically modified by The Keepers of The Garden, if you will. We are an experiment in layman's terms. And they do come and visit to see how we are evolving as a species and to tend their garden thus preventing any weeds from growing.

12th February 2012, 00:08
@ MMA-Fan

I'm not debating this with you then, or conversing? There is so much evidence including scientific and other wise that disproves evolution. But, there is no point in this conversation with you. Nor do I really have the time for such insanity. As you obviously don't know but the rudimentary basics of biology, genetics and DNA. Agree to Disagree I suppose because that's just the way it is going to be far as I am concerned.

There is literally no other explanation for how just about everything on this planet just "showed up" fully formed. Evolution is a absolute Myth! This planet was Terra-Formed and Humans were genetically engineered.

12th February 2012, 00:09
Alex Collier was close, he said we have 22 species of Alien DNA in our sub human platform and that we were considered royalty in The Universe.

Hi WhiteFeather, this has got absolutely nothing to do with alien DNA in humans, but Rudolf Steiner said about 100 years ago that the spiritual beings i.e. Angels, archangels, Archai etc worship mankind as their religion. I thought that was kinda neat.


I beg to disagree.

12th February 2012, 00:25
I have to wonder why someone who buys the conventional theory of evolution has troubled to become a member of Avalon...
This forum was created so that those who think outside the box have a place to discuss and share information that goes beyond what conventional thinking dictates.
Perhaps, MMA_Fan, you would like to start a thread about conventional theory and present the evidence you consider to be incontrovertible.
However, I imagine you will find that very few Avalonians would agree with you, if anyone at all would even interested in such a discussion, and would probably be viewed by most as a waste of Avalon space.

It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).

12th February 2012, 00:32
Thanks billyji. It appears that the same article was on the website at that link in April of 2010, so none of it is recent news, apparently, but still of current interest, I would say.
Dr. Michael Salla might be a good source of more recent info along these lines, if any has been published since then.

I am so pleased this information has been brought to our attention again. I would say one of the most important scientific discoveries of our times. This was posted 2011 in may last year on Avalon and not much attention was paid. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?1683-Scientists-confirm-Extraterrestrial-genes-in-Human-DNA&p=222934#post222934

I hope this time people will research this info and listen.

12th February 2012, 01:54
from one of the lyricusmagna post on David Icke forums who known as OnyxKnight which correlate with Alex Collier and it make sense.

So what happened to Lemuria?
They became jealous.
The Lemurians?
Jealous? At who?
At their own creation.
The 'Created' surpassed the Creators.
The Created were made out of primitive life forms, yet portrayed genetic royalty.
So I'm guessing, this is when they put the slave system in order, yet again,?
What happened then?
Humans were happy as slaves as well.
They were happy?
Yes, they felt fulfilled. Happy. Satisfied. They didn't know much of anything really. Let alone slavery and what it was.
You said genetic royalty? Explain please.
Richest genetic pool in the galaxy.
Why is that?
You are a genetic marble of 23 civilizations, you represent them all, genetically.
How did that happen?
8 worked on you in Lemuria, 9 worked on you in Atlantis, 6 in Hyperborea.
Worked? On us?
Yes, genetic engineering, splicing genes, modifying DNA strains … you are familiar with this Alexander, no?
Yes, but if we represent 23 civilizations, how do we all look human, like those funny Nordics that people talk about?
The ones who added their genes the last, had their creation look like them in appearance.
So they added their genetic material the last?
Who was the original prototype?
The original prototype was a mammal species that existed on the planet you call Mars.
I see. Mammal species exist on other planets as well? I thought we come from apes…
Mammals come from your planet Mars, they were brought on Earth later on. This mammal later produced the Ape family.
Ok so we and apes do have something in common . Who were the first ones who added their genes to this mammal?
Species from the system you named Epsilon Boötis.
Ok, who are they?
Some of the ones you call "Reptillians".
Ok, now you pull my leg? Reptillians? I see you like reading David Icke as well hehe
They are not reptile. They are related to the reptile species on your planet in a non-genetic way but they are a different kind of life forms.
I don't understand, then why do people call them Reptilians?
Because humans have a bizarre need to label everything, and give names to anything newly discovered by them.
But why, if they are not reptillian at all?
Humans don't like listing all the differential characteristics between the species getting listed time after time, so therefore they use names. It's easier for you to do so. If it looks close to a reptile, it's a reptile. To a human.
A-ha ..... So you tell me you don't use names?
Why should we? The information exchange between ETs of my kind is so fast, they know which species We refer to in a one thousandth of a second. That's a lot faster then saying Reptillian, no? Yet I use full description each time.
You guys are insane .... -_-
Define insane Alexander?
So what happened afterwards with humans? You say they were happy in slavery. What happened afterwards?
Atlantis steals genetic material from Lemuria's Created, and makes it's own Created.
I see. They were copying the Lemurians?
Yes. Eve was created from Adam's rib, no?
And Eve? Who's she? Don't tell me that she is the mother of all mankind?
Eve is a symbolical representation of an individual that became the alpha female in her Green Tribe.
Er ... Green Tribe?
Yes Atlantians made their Created ones green skinned.
So Adam and Eve were green skinned humans?
But you just said, they made them green skinned …
Yes, they made Eve's tribe green skinned, Not Adam's.
What about his tribe?
He was red skinned Created one.
Red? Like Native American red? American Indians?
Not exactly. A lot more red. Dark red skin, like tomato.
Why this difference?
Genetics. Lemurians make zink based blood system in Created ones. Atlantis makes copper based one.
So Adam and Eve really existed?
In a metaphor - yes. Adam is a symbolical representation of an entire tribe of Created ones. So is Eve.
Interesting … So what happened after the reintroduction of the slave system?
Some groups in Atlantis plan to make Adam tribe and Eve tribe to meet. To make themselves more research material
Oh, did they meet? Lemurians allowed that?
Yes. In secret. Lemurians didn't knew.
Then what happened?
Lemurians find out about the meeting, and they get very angry.
Because of the meeting of the two tribes?
Yes, and because Atlantians stole genetics from their Created ones. They take both Created tribes back to Lemuria, with the idea of making more slaves
Oh, ok, what happened next?
Atlantis gets angry as well, they prepare an ultimatum. They want all of the Created ones freed.

Edit: just notice i posted wrong link, here's correct link for conversation with Logos http://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=133901&page=8

12th February 2012, 02:32
250 human genes that are found NO WHERE else on Earth... had to come from somewhere.

Fellow Aspirant
12th February 2012, 04:09
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

The title of this thread is wrong - misleading at best. The accompanying article does not contain ANY confirmation of scientific findings about extra-terrestrial DNA having been found in human DNA. At all. Period. The scientists mentioned are willing to "postulate" (i.e. offer up a theory); they are said to have "apparent findings" to back up this postulation, and reference is made to ...

"Collaborative exo-scientific research efforts inspired by(italics mine) Dr. Michael Salla, suggest that (italics mine) within the estimated over 20 types of extraterrestrial genes within human DNA, lies psycho-kinetic abilities associated with the genetic memories of ancient extraterrestrial races."

... as well as a heading that states ...

"visible indications of apparent(italics mine) Extraterrestrial contact in Human DNA ..."

Further down, as the struggle to identify the source of some unexpected bits of DNA is described, the authors of the piece themselves make the huge leap into wild speculation as they go with the conclusion of Zecharia Sitchin:

"But if Man gave those genes to bacteria, where did Man acquire those genes to begin with? Zecharia Sitchin concludes that Human Genome was manipulated by Extraterrestrials."

This is an old piece of previously published conjecture. It was badly written when it first saw the light of day, and the intervening span of time has not improved it.
And, while most if not all of the claims may be true (and I for one, am inclined to believe many of them) they are NOT SCIENCE, as the writers of the article themselves are at great pains to point out. The headline is simply wrong.

As much as we might wish that there was scientific proof of all or any of the claims made by "exo-scientists", none exists. Wishin' won't make it so.

Please be more careful with your thinking, especially if you're going to publish it online.

12th February 2012, 04:32
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

The title of this thread is wrong - misleading at best. The accompanying article does not contain ANY confirmation of scientific findings about extra-terrestrial DNA having been found in human DNA.
Good point.

The original title of this thread "Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA Research findings continue" came directly from the linked article at http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/Frontpage/2007/01/26/01340.html

As often happens, the headline editor over dramatized what was in the article.

I just changed the title of this current thread to "Scientists postulate Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA", changing the word "confirm" to "postulate" and removing secondary title words at the end. This new thread title comes from the opening sentence of the article, which I am hoping is less misleading.

12th February 2012, 04:55
The title of the thread was the same as the title of the article itself (until Paul changed it) ; I didn't just make it up.
That's common practice, so that anyone can easily check to see if the article has been posted previously.

I did not publish anything--I simply posted something.
Not the same thing at all.

The opening statement in the article reads:

Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulate that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA.

Postulate can mean:

A statement, also known as an axiom, which is taken to be true without proof.

a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

In other words, postulating is similar to theorizing.
One postulates, or assumes a theory to be correct in order to discuss it.
Which is a normal way to proceed in scientific investigation.

I hope that clarifies things for you.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

The title of this thread is wrong - misleading at best. The accompanying article does not contain ANY confirmation of scientific findings about extra-terrestrial DNA having been found in human DNA. At all. Period. The scientists mentioned are willing to "postulate" (i.e. offer up a theory); they are said to have "apparent findings" to back up this postulation, and reference is made to ...

"Collaborative exo-scientific research efforts inspired by(italics mine) Dr. Michael Salla, suggest that (italics mine) within the estimated over 20 types of extraterrestrial genes within human DNA, lies psycho-kinetic abilities associated with the genetic memories of ancient extraterrestrial races."

... as well as a heading that states ...

"visible indications of apparent(italics mine) Extraterrestrial contact in Human DNA ..."

Further down, as the struggle to identify the source of some unexpected bits of DNA is described, the authors of the piece themselves make the huge leap into wild speculation as they go with the conclusion of Zecharia Sitchin:

"But if Man gave those genes to bacteria, where did Man acquire those genes to begin with? Zecharia Sitchin concludes that Human Genome was manipulated by Extraterrestrials."

This is an old piece of previously published conjecture. It was badly written when it first saw the light of day, and the intervening span of time has not improved it.
And, while most if not all of the claims may be true (and I for one, am inclined to believe many of them) they are NOT SCIENCE, as the writers of the article themselves are at great pains to point out. The headline is simply wrong.

As much as we might wish that there was scientific proof of all or any of the claims made by "exo-scientists", none exists. Wishin' won't make it so.

Please be more careful with your thinking, especially if you're going to publish it online.

12th February 2012, 09:36
I have to wonder why someone who buys the conventional theory of evolution has troubled to become a member of Avalon...
Because being a member of Avalon does not mean you have to believe in any old rubbish just because it's 'alternative'. And again, evolution is provable, scientific fact and if you deny that it's clear you haven't looked into it.

This forum was created so that those who think outside the box have a place to discuss and share information that goes beyond what conventional thinking dictates.
It was also created to find truth and not spread misinformation. You can't find truth by believing what you want to believe and ignoring evidence just because it is accepted by the scientific community as proof and is not 'outside the box'. Actually it was an 'outside the box' theory when it was first postulated then shown to be fact.

Perhaps, MMA_Fan, you would like to start a thread about conventional theory and present the evidence you consider to be incontrovertible.
Creating a thread on Evolution doesn't interest me TBH.

However, I imagine you will find that very few Avalonians would agree with you, if anyone at all would even interested in such a discussion, and would probably be viewed by most as a waste of Avalon space.
Then that would be very sad and only display a great degree of ignorance if people only wanted to discuss what they believed in in the first place. That is beneath Avalon IMHO.
I know theories that sound sexy are more interesting and I enjoy reading them hoping to look for evidence. Again - this article is bunk - no evidence.

12th February 2012, 11:02
Good day everyone.

I was excited last year when i saw this information as it complimented my own personal research. I realize again this is not evidence for other people but for me it was conformation that we as a human race were seeded by many universal civilizations working together. 24 of them to be exact.

I disgussed it here on Onyxknights thread last may. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?15909-My-ET-contact-experiences--discussions-Q-A-panel-etc.-/page16

A copy of the comments here.

Hi OnyxKnight,
I am pleased to see you speak of the 24 civilizations. Can you comment on the following please.
As far as my research goes the 24 elders that sit around the throne of God mentioned in the book of revelations in the Bible, are the same 24 civilizations that seeded the twelve tribes, This was the latest seeding of Humanity. and there are many sub civilizations that work with the 24.
Have you heard the following names of those civilizations and Can you confirm some of the names of those civilizations.

Alteans. Who seeded the Atlantis.

Hoovans, Who seeded Sumarians, Hebrews, and Jehovah was a Hoovan.

Ashans, Who seeded, Scandivanians, Chinese, Phoencians, and also brought, Music and Art.

Zeneels, who were the Alchemists and Healers.

Other names are. Aragon, Myrex and Mora-Triomne work together, Ancore, Spectra, Zeemed, Zenthorp, Loanness, and Elarthin.

Do you recognize any of those names as members of the 24.

Thank you again for sharing. Much appreciated.

Hello all, its me

I decided I'm gonna answer some questions and explain some things.

An interesting reference has been made by Billyji regarding the 24 civilizations that have been part of the "teams" that created us (Connected with this is also a post made by Gong, that I will partially answer to here). I don't know the details, as I haven't studied the Bible in detail only some passages that have been mentioned by my contacts. But on my latest contact that was on the 17th this month, they did tell me some pretty interesting things and details regarding us and our creation, as I told them that I was to post about it soon on the internet. They also corrected me on a few things that I had been wrong about before. Before this contact happened, if I was to answer your question, I would have dismissed the whole "root races" thing etc. But it seems that there was about a dosen different human species created back then, who with mixing have remained only 4 distinct variants today. I will talk about that more in the Ancient History post (its still incomplete).

Alteans might be a a form of the word Atlantians, a Pleiadian group from Atlas, who actually was the first to establish Atlantis from the cultures who were involved there. The Ashans could be those groups who were first to arrive and establish colonies on Ashaolon (Antarctica). Elarthin is similar to a designation I have heard about regarding an amphibian race who I know as Elarathon, but they haven't been involved with our creation as far as I know. Still interesting nonetheless. I have no information on the names of the rest you listed. Its quite possible that they are names of cultures who were involved with our creation, but bearing a different name then those I know of.

Maybe you would recognize some of what I will talk about in the 'Ancient History' post, and then correct me on it. I'm talking about, appearance-wise. Also the various kinds of human variants that have been created/provolved, and later some survive, other go extinct etc

^ ^ I've decided I'm gonna answer and discuss things this way from now on, still making quotes, but not clogging the post with quote pieces that hang after every paragraph. I hope you guys like this. If not let me know :).

Thank you for responding to my question above Onxyknight. I look foreward to your new history thread for more.

Bless ya.

12th February 2012, 11:22
It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).

Lol... Even gravity is questionable... we monkeys are experts in finding evidence for everything... Claiming something is "bunk" displays little understanding for what is unknown.

You and I know better than that.

You and I know nothing. There is no evidence, only filtered experience, which is bunk!

Sounds like a great theory to me - much more compelling then the "bunk" I learnt at school.


12th February 2012, 12:39
It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).

Lol... Even gravity is questionable... we monkeys are experts in finding evidence for everything... Claiming something is "bunk" displays little understanding for what is unknown.
Gravity is a scientific theory which means it is backed by mountains of evidence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory
I can easily claim that article is bunk because because, as another poster has said, it is just a postulation.

You and I know nothing. There is no evidence, only filtered experience, which is bunk!
That's why we created the scientific process. If we can test, rinse and repeat we know it is a 'truth'.
Of course there are some things which are not accepted by the community as a whole with which many of us on here have had experiences with that others wouldnot believe. But if you are going to claim there are 22 extraterrestrial DNA coding that is something that could be proved using the scientific method. So why hasn't it?

Sounds like a great theory to me - much more compelling then the "bunk" I learnt at school.
Like I said - it sounds good and I believe in ancient astronauts for sure but show me the DNA evidence.



12th February 2012, 13:17
[/I][/I]Gravity is a scientific theory which means it is backed by mountains of evidence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory
I can easily claim that article is bunk because because, as another poster has said, it is just a postulation.

Indeed there are "mountains" of evidence to support scientific theories - they are still theories none the less. The earth was flat, and we evolved from apes, for a very long time. Gravity may yet be as it is theorized, but there are some fundamental issues in relation to what we have been told ie. moon.

You and I know nothing. There is no evidence, only filtered experience, which is bunk!
That's why we created the scientific process. If we can test, rinse and repeat we know it is a 'truth'.
Of course there are some things which are not accepted by the community as a whole with which many of us on here have had experiences with that others wouldnot believe. But if you are going to claim there are 22 extraterrestrial DNA coding that is something that could be proved using the scientific method. So why hasn't it?

Very true... I personally would not say something is bunk just because it has not been adopted by mainstream science.

Sounds like a great theory to me - much more compelling then the "bunk" I learnt at school.
Like I said - it sounds good and I believe in ancient astronauts for sure but show me the DNA evidence.

Lack of DNA evidence is a very limiting way to dismiss a theory... Ancient civilizations exist without any source of DNA for proof. Yet there they are...




12th February 2012, 13:39
Lack of DNA evidence is a very limiting way to dismiss a theory... Ancient civilizations exist without any source of DNA for proof. Yet there they are...
We can trace them back through DNA. For example the native americans share DNA going back to North Asia: http://pandora.cii.wwu.edu/vajda/ea210/SiberianOriginsNA.htm

I get your point though. Without DNA we can still build quite a strong picture of where people migrated to and from and how homosapiens exist.
The problem with that article it it says there is proof and it is in the DNA yet they don't show it. All they say is such and such postulates this and that.
That Michael Salla doesn't seem like a safe bet either. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Salla

"Salla admitted to the Washington Post that the evidence supporting his claims about the existence of aliens was found by him "on the internet." [10]"





12th February 2012, 15:20
The article of course does not come even slightly close to what a "scientific paper" would require in order to be published, but of course it is not a scientific paper. As such, there is no reason to believe or dismiss what it postulates.

I consider myself a scientist and personally I have come to see most scientists as blind to the extreme, willing to believe what is in standard publication. They don't even think about most things and simply are happy to stay in their little self made boxes and claim that everything is explained in that box. When questions are asked, if it is not in the box, the explanation is that someday it will be. In other words, let others do the work.

I don't understand why people still argue about Evolution. Evolution is simply a small part of observational biology. There is also Natural Selection, Mutation (many many sources are the cause of that), Genetic Engineering, etc... All of these are tools to explain individual studies of the fossil record, including trying to understand why a fruit fly's previously considered "junk DNA" genes would be expressed and grow legs on its head when tampering with the incubation temperature: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drosophila_embryogenesis

The number of possible combinations of AGCT base pairs is infinite. It is becoming easier and easier to do your own DNA re-sequencing with off the shelf equipment (last I checked, it was down to about $10,000). Meanwhile, faster computers are coming online which allow for the simulation of protein folding in near real time. These tools allow both the student and experimenter to learn more and more just what constitutes life, assuming of course they severely limit the nature of their experiments.

It is not accidental that human cloning is officially banned in most countries. Cloning is the fastest method of conducting studies since one can greatly limit the number of experiments due to elimination of large number of variables that would normally constrain a regular study and its publication. As such, you will not find "published" (in regular scientific publication) results of such experiments. Knowing the greed of drug companies, one can safely assume that such experiments are happening throughout the world in all kinds of shady places. I would think that drug companies would then try to legitimize their work by only using the results from clone studies to experiment with various drug formulations, which now would be safe to publish.

So whether the postulations of the article are true or not, I see absolutely no reason why they cannot be.

If I was an ET, I would indeed consider earth as a fabulous laboratory. To ensure the validity of my experiments I would indeed make agreements with other competing ETs to limit my experiments to certain types of things so that the others could also conduct their own long term studies.

Of course one would start arguing about morality and the soul, etc, but I feel that most scientists are not bound by such constraints which they would consider "arbitrary", as evidenced by our own history of Mengele's and company.

The real question in my mind is whether people are ready to accept human chimeras, such as eagle winged humans? Will not most simply kill such creatures and call them abominations? Do not most humans consider their form as sacred and immutable and severely punish those who would interfere with it?

There are infinitely more questions of course, but I think that the real debate has not yet been started.

13th February 2012, 17:02
I remember in school, when we were covering DNA and genetics, I asked why humans had so much of this 'junk' DNA. The class had just learned about the Theory of Evolution, so we had discussed survival of the fittest, dominant genes, mutations etc. etc. Everyone was agreed that in order for a species to survive, it had to evolve and adapt to its environment through generational changes.

So when I asked the teacher how it was possible for humans to evolve to the present day (surviving so many hardships), while carrying so much useless DNA... she couldn't answer. It just seemed like we had accumulated a serious amount of genes for no apparent reason - not for our survival, not for our progression. This did not sit well with someone who has to know everything!

Thank you for sharing this OP, it's a good read!

Aetheric Traveler
13th February 2012, 19:31
Evolution is provable??? !!!!

Thanks a lot. NOW, I had my gut-busting belly laugh for a whole day!!!

Just look at Genome Number 2 and ask how supposedly Darwinian evolution can combine 2 genes at the telemeres to make man from a 24 chromosome pair animal into a 23 chromosome pair animal.

I've heard and seen all the ridiculuous stab-in-the-dark conjecture about how it's part of natural selection- BUNK BUNK BUNK.

It's no different than claiming your computer running windows 98SE crashed it's operating system, restarted itself and changed it's written in stone programming to Windows Vista Professional all by itself.

The only thing that evolves is Spirit. Spirit is what manifests matter. Matter cannot evolve. It can only be changed by Spirit.

Failures in the Gene Code are almost always detrimental, usually fatal and certainly don't create billions of code changes that are positive to create species after species.

I'm sorry in advance for this next comment, but anyone who believes in Darwinian Evolution after learning about Genome #2 and manifestation of matter from spirit is a lost soul, refusing to see the light of his own Divine Grandeur. The punishment is carried with the belief. Argue for your limitations and they shall certainly be yours.


13th February 2012, 20:17
For those that believe Darwin's evolutionary ideal is the epitome of human understanding regarding our genesis, I would like to know what you think of this:

DNA BioComputer Reprogramming (http://www.rexresearch.com/gajarev/gajarev.htm)

Or, perhaps, this:

"Junk DNA" (http://www.psrast.org/junkdna.htm)

95%, if not more, of science is hypothesis and theory. There are very few proven "facts". It is incomplete. A belief system. The best scientists are quick to state this in their research. The scientific method is a good start, but is by no means the only or necessarily the best way to go about determining universal or axiomatic truths. It is a process, not the final result.

14th February 2012, 02:47
I would just add to this that as with most revolutionary theories, entrenched academia resists until they can resist no more.
And whatever research has or is being done along these lines is probably not being shared with the public.
TPTW don't want us to know about our ET origins, anymore than they want us to know about ETs.
I should think that would be amply clear by now to anyone who reads this forum, at least.
Unless, again, you are simply unwilling to think outside the box, in which case, again, I respectfully suggest that you are on the wrong forum.

Aetheric Traveler
14th February 2012, 03:21
Junk DNA???

Second big laugh of the day.

Just because molecular biologists cant' figure out what it's for, well, then, obviously, it must be JUNK!!!

How preposterous!!!

I'm still laughing.

Laughing at human foibles, human pride, human ignorance, human insanity.

A young doctor tried for years to cure a disease and gave up in total dejectedness. While sitting at the bar, drowning the sorrows of his failure, an old doctor came up and sat next to him.

"Why the deluge of alcohol to drown out your misery?", the old doc asked the young one.

The young miserable doctor replied, "I've just found out the disease I've been trying to cure...... doesn't have a cure. It's incurable."

"Proud, silly, young, inexperienced fool," said the old doc, "Just because you have not been the one to find the cure doesn't mean a cure doesn't exist. How arrogant of you to think so. What it means is you haven't asked the right questions yet to allow you to find the answers you're looking for. If you quit, someone else will do it. They will find the cure for what you ignorantly call an incurable disease."

And with that, the old doc left. Junk DNA is like that. Just because today's scientists haven't found what the material is for, doesn't mean it's junk. How Arrogant!!!

14th February 2012, 03:40
The way I understand it, is that the JDNA, is part of what was contributed from the other ET/ED races that were involved in our genetic engineering and that we are capable of so much more, only if we were advanced in knowledge enough to understand how to "tweak" or "re-sequence" the right parts. It's all genetic and dna memories of those who contributed to our creation.

And that we didn't exactly evolve from apes/primates. But, an small lemur like animal that was tweaked by "The Founders" or Progenitors or what ever you want to call them. They along with the other races that have a hand in our creation combined bunch of different DNA from their own kinds to create "us" and that we're considered Genetic Royalty because of us being such a huge mix of different races.

Aetheric Traveler
14th February 2012, 05:32
Sorry, D-I-D,

Just can't buy into that line. Pun intended.


14th February 2012, 05:40
I trust my sources, which includes 27yrs of contact with an Off World Humanoid Race. But, hey it's still a free-ish country. If you don't want to believe it, that's your choice.

14th February 2012, 09:02
I would just add to this that as with most revolutionary theories, entrenched academia resists until they can resist no more.
And whatever research has or is being done along these lines is probably not being shared with the public.
TPTW don't want us to know about our ET origins, anymore than they want us to know about ETs.
I should think that would be amply clear by now to anyone who reads this forum, at least.
Unless, again, you are simply unwilling to think outside the box, in which case, again, I respectfully suggest that you are on the wrong forum.

I read once that the scientific community doesn't become more moderate over time, but that the old scientists who were entrenched in their views die off and are replaced by more open-minded scientists (who likewise become entrenched in their views) and that the change in the scientific consensus is a result of all these Scientific Fundamentalists dying off and being replaced. Either way, I think you're right about the scientific community opposing nearly anything new.

14th February 2012, 21:17
I was thinking about this topic again today, and I remebered reading something about DNA.

If our DNA is used to manifest our physical body through the expression of genes, then 97% of our genetic make-up is not expressed through any perception of ours. Ie, the 5-sense construct of our physical body. DNA is how beings decode the energy around them, and formulate physicality from various energy fields. So what if this 97% is doing something, just not something we're distinctly aware of?

And even if they are dormant/extinct remains of past genetic manipulation, it just goes to show how much potential we have... given we're only running at 3% capacity. :)

15th February 2012, 18:05
Evolution is provable??? !!!!

Thanks a lot. NOW, I had my gut-busting belly laugh for a whole day!!!

Just look at Genome Number 2 and ask how supposedly Darwinian evolution can combine 2 genes at the telemeres to make man from a 24 chromosome pair animal into a 23 chromosome pair animal.

I've heard and seen all the ridiculuous stab-in-the-dark conjecture about how it's part of natural selection- BUNK BUNK BUNK.

It's no different than claiming your computer running windows 98SE crashed it's operating system, restarted itself and changed it's written in stone programming to Windows Vista Professional all by itself.

The only thing that evolves is Spirit. Spirit is what manifests matter. Matter cannot evolve. It can only be changed by Spirit.

Failures in the Gene Code are almost always detrimental, usually fatal and certainly don't create billions of code changes that are positive to create species after species.

I'm sorry in advance for this next comment, but anyone who believes in Darwinian Evolution after learning about Genome #2 and manifestation of matter from spirit is a lost soul, refusing to see the light of his own Divine Grandeur. The punishment is carried with the belief. Argue for your limitations and they shall certainly be yours.


It's provable. To claim otherwise is just ignorance. Yes spirit evolves I agree with you but so does biology. You say 'matter' but remember that biology and chemistry use matter as the sum of it's parts.
As for the vista / 98 comparison well, that is daft.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

I would just add to this that as with most revolutionary theories, entrenched academia resists until they can resist no more.
And whatever research has or is being done along these lines is probably not being shared with the public.
TPTW don't want us to know about our ET origins, anymore than they want us to know about ETs.
I should think that would be amply clear by now to anyone who reads this forum, at least.
Unless, again, you are simply unwilling to think outside the box, in which case, again, I respectfully suggest that you are on the wrong forum.

I read once that the scientific community doesn't become more moderate over time, but that the old scientists who were entrenched in their views die off and are replaced by more open-minded scientists (who likewise become entrenched in their views) and that the change in the scientific consensus is a result of all these Scientific Fundamentalists dying off and being replaced. Either way, I think you're right about the scientific community opposing nearly anything new.

Probably more down to funding and laws than anything else.

15th February 2012, 18:13
I would just add to this that as with most revolutionary theories, entrenched academia resists until they can resist no more.
And whatever research has or is being done along these lines is probably not being shared with the public.
TPTW don't want us to know about our ET origins, anymore than they want us to know about ETs.
I should think that would be amply clear by now to anyone who reads this forum, at least.
Unless, again, you are simply unwilling to think outside the box, in which case, again, I respectfully suggest that you are on the wrong forum.

I am thinking outside the box. The 'box' as you call it is the cult mentality that manifests on alternative forums that refuses to accept that mainstream science is sometimes correct. Because thousands of smart people have spent years researching things over and over and shared knowledge across the planet only to be called liars or idiots by those who watched a youtube vid and read an alternative book.
Many posts on here have proved that quite well so thank you for that.

Aetheric Traveler
15th February 2012, 23:11
Evolution has never been proven. Claiming it to be so leads to incessant ranting of pure conjecture. To each his own.

16th February 2012, 20:41
from one of the lyricusmagna post on David Icke forums who known as OnyxKnight which correlate with Alex Collier and it make sense.


Thanks Apokalypse

I was wondering where my notes on the Logos conversations went, I am not able to find them home, so the only other place is the vault. I was looking for them since somebody few days ago asked me where the green skinned humans were from (Atlantis or Lemuria - I had forgotten).


About the rest of the topic - yall haven't done your homework - regarding scientific evidence of this, or how how science papers are made to look for public eyes. Of course they won't use definite and absolute phrases when it comes to this kind of topic.

That there has been tampering with our genetic pool (however it was before - yall can adopt any theory you want - IT WASN'T LIKE THE ONE TODAY, THAT'S FOR SURE), will show you the simple fact that we have something called "Junk DNA" and another one - that rice has more genes that we do!!!

Some speculate that what has kept us for so long is a vastly stronger immune system than the rest of the life forms here on Earth. If our immune system is this strong with active genetics that barely sustain us in the form we are today, then what will it be when all our genetic "lego cubes" from the Junk DNA come in place one day?

What's missing from this is the introduction of epigenetic markers. Those are what make certain genes active or inactive (from the present bunch, or the Junk DNA sea swimming in us).

For example - this is why there are high cancer rates in USA. Yall been fed with food that knocks off a particular epigenetic marker. And when that ones is missing, you develop cancer at some point in your life.

Same goes with HIV. Its not at all how they present it to be.

Some of our epigenetic markers reside in our cell's mitochondria. If they find a way to limit their function in the cell (and I'm sure they work on that very hard) - WE ARE DONE FOR.

I wish I could say more, but I'm unable at this point, I need to get going, I said enough I think.

Till next time, take care (and do your homework!)

17th February 2012, 15:30
Well, I am late to this party, but I believe it was in Hancock's FingerPrints of the Gods where I learned of Crick's beliefs regarding the probabilities of the building blocks of life assembling themselves by accident, and what I learned there and since was that Evolution fails to explain this huge leap of how these things happened by chance. I think MMA_Fan might want to expand his reading list to understand why great scientists such as Crick came by this point of view, using reason and probability given the age of the Earth to refute Evolution via chance from basic chemicals to protiens to the DNA code of Life we currently find.

While this line of reasoning does not prove ET involvement, I think it demolishes the theory of Evolution as Cause.

To say Evolution is proven as Cause is a joke. In a few years, no scientists will still hold to this belief system, I predict.

Nobel laureate Francis Crick calculated nature’s chances of producing one small protein: 1 in 10 to the 260th power.(10) Crick reminds us there are only 10 to the 80th power (1 followed by 80 zeros) atoms in the whole universe(11); he concludes even the elementary components of life "cannot have arisen by pure chance."(12) Mathematician Emile Borel states an event will never happen when the odds are less than 1 in 10 to the 50th power.(13) Sir Fred Hoyle calculated nature’s chances of producing the 2000 enzymes found in life: 1 in 10 to the 40,000th power.(14) He states: "The Darwinian theory of evolution is shown to be plainly wrong."(15) He concludes: "Life cannot have had a random beginning(16)...but must have come from a cosmic intelligence."(17) Nobel laureate Ernst Chain said: "To postulate that the development and survival of the fittest is entirely a consequence of chance mutations seems to me a hypothesis based on no evidence and irreconciliable with the facts."


DNA Cannot Be Explained by Non-Design
At this point, there is an important detail that deserves attention. An error in the sequence of the nucleotides making up a gene would render that gene completely useless. When it is considered that there are 200,000 genes in the human body, it becomes clearer how impossible it is for the millions of nucleotides making up these genes to have been formed, in the right sequence, by chance. The evolutionary biologist Frank Salisbury has comments on this impossibility:

A medium protein might include about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene controlling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in its chain. Since there are four kinds of nucleotides in a DNA chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could exist in 41,000 forms. Using a little algebra (logarithms) we can see that 41,000=10600. Ten multiplied by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed by 600 zeros! This number is completely beyond our comprehension.264

The number 41,000 is the equivalent of 10600. This means 1 followed by 600 zeros. As 1 with 12 zeros after it indicates a trillion, 600 zeros represents an inconceivable number.

The impossibility of the formation of RNA and DNA by a coincidental accumulation of nucleotides is expressed by the French scientist Paul Auger in this way:

We have to sharply distinguish the two stages in the chance formation of complex molecules such as nucleotides by chemical events. The production of nucleotides one by one-which is possible-and the combination of these within very special sequences. The second is absolutely impossible.265

For many years, Francis Crick believed in the theory of molecular evolution, but eventually even he had to admit to himself that such a complex molecule could not have emerged spontaneously by chance, as the result of an evolutionary process:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle.266

The Turkish evolutionist Professor Ali Demirsoy was forced to make the following confession on the issue:

In fact, the probability of the formation of a protein and a nucleic acid (DNA-RNA) is a probability way beyond estimating. Furthermore, the chance of the emergence of a certain protein chain is so slight as to be called astronomic.267

A very interesting paradox emerges at this point: While DNA can only replicate with the help of special proteins (enzymes), the synthesis of these proteins can only be realized by the information encoded in DNA. As they both depend on each other, they have to exist at the same time for replication. Science writer John Horgan explains the dilemma in this way:

DNA cannot do its work, including forming more DNA, without the help of catalyticproteins, or enzymes. In short, proteins cannot form without DNA, but neither can DNA form without proteins.268

This situation once again undermines the scenario that life could have come about by accident. Homer Jacobson, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, comments:

Directions for the reproduction of plans, for energy and the extraction of parts from the current environment, for the growth sequence, and for the effector mechanism translating instructions into growth-all had to be simultaneously present at that moment [when life began]. This combination of events has seemed an incredibly unlikely happenstance...269

The quotation above was written two years after the discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick. But despite all the developments in science, this problem for evolutionists remains unsolved. This is why German biochemist Douglas R. Hofstadter says:

'How did the Genetic Code, along with the mechanisms for its translation (ribosomes and RNA molecules), originate?' For the moment, we will have to content ourselves with a sense of wonder and awe, rather than with an answer.270

Stanley Miller and Francis Crick's close associate from the University of San Diego, California, the highly reputed evolutionist Dr. Leslie Orgel says in an article published in 1994:

It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids, both of which are structurally complex, arose spontaneously in the same place at the same time. Yet it also seems impossible to have one without the other. And so, at first glance, one might have to conclude that life could never, in fact, have originated by chemical means.271

Alongside all of this, it is chemically impossible for nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA, which possess a definite string of information, to have emerged by chance, or for even one of the nucleotides which compose them to have come about by accident and to have survived and maintained its unadulterated state under the conditions of the primordial world. Even the famous journal Scientific American, which follows an evolutionist line, has been obliged to confess the doubts of evolutionists on this subject:

Even the simpler molecules are produced only in small amounts in realistic experiments simulating possible primitive earth conditions. What is worse, these molecules are generally minor constituents of tars: It remains problematical how they could have been separated and purified through geochemical processes whose normal effects are to make organic mixtures more and more of a jumble. With somewhat more complex molecules these difficulties rapidly increase. In particular a purely geochemical origin of nucleotides (the subunits of DNA and RNA) presents great difficulties.272

Of course, the statement "it is quite impossible for life to have emerged by chemical means" simply means that life is the product of an intelligent design. This "chemical evolution" that evolutionists have been talking about since the beginning of the last century never happened, and is nothing but a myth.

But most evolutionists believe in this and similar totally unscientific fairy tales as if they were true, because accepting intelligent design means accepting creation-and they have conditioned themselves not to accept this truth. One famous biologist from Australia, Michael Denton, discusses the subject in his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis:

To the skeptic, the proposition that the genetic programmes of higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million bits of information, equivalent to the sequence of letters in a small library of 1,000 volumes, containing in encoded form countless thousands of intricate algorithms controlling, specifying, and ordering the growth and development of billions and billions of cells into the form of a complex organism, were composed by a purely random process is simply an affront to reason. But to the Darwinist, the idea is accepted without a ripple of doubt - the paradigm takes precedence!273

264 Frank B. Salisbury, "Doubts about the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution," American Biology Teacher, September 1971, p. 336.
265 Paul Auger, De La Physique Theorique a la Biologie, 1970, p. 118.
266 Francis Crick, Life Itself: It's Origin and Nature, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1981, p. 88. (emphasis added)
267 Ali Demirsoy, Kalitim ve Evrim (Inheritance and Evolution), Meteksan Publishing Co., Ankara, 1984, p. 39.
268 John Horgan, "In the Beginning," Scientific American, vol. 264, February 1991, p. 119. (emphasis added)
269 Homer Jacobson, "Information, Reproduction and the Origin of Life," American Scientist, January 1955, p. 121.
270 Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Vintage Books, New York, 1980, p. 548. (emphasis added)
271 Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on Earth," Scientific American, vol. 271, October 1994, p. 78. (emphasis added)
272 Cairns-Smith, Alexander G., "The First Organisms," Scientific American, 252: 90, June 1985. (emphasis added)
273 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, London: Burnett Books, 1985, p. 351.

Maia Gabrial
17th February 2012, 15:36
I absolutely disagree with you. Seriously what do you REALLY think all that 'Junk' DNA is for then? It's not Junk DNA, it's part of the 22-24 different races that contributed to our DNA/Genetics when we were engineered as a race. The variances were later caused by different ET/ED races influencing different regions of the planet. Do you know with a little DNA re-sequencing we would seriously be able to have the ability to breath in both air and water. That's just one of the things we have the genetics for.

I'm just wondering if they're just telling US that it's junk DNA.... but they've been keeping the truth to themselves....? I never believed the junk theory anyway. But what I did believe was that God didn't create junk - EVER. And that we're awesome creatures....!

17th February 2012, 20:46
Well, I am late to this party, but I believe it was in Hancock's FingerPrints of the Gods where I learned of Crick's beliefs regarding the probabilities of the building blocks of life assembling themselves by accident, and what I learned there and since was that Evolution fails to explain this huge leap of how these things happened by chance. I think MMA_Fan might want to expand his reading list to understand why great scientists such as Crick came by this point of view, using reason and probability given the age of the Earth to refute Evolution via chance from basic chemicals to protiens to the DNA code of Life we currently find.

While this line of reasoning does not prove ET involvement, I think it demolishes the theory of Evolution as Cause.

To say Evolution is proven as Cause is a joke. In a few years, no scientists will still hold to this belief system, I predict.

Crick actually believed in Evolution;

In Crick’s view, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, Gregor Mendel’s genetics and knowledge of the molecular basis of genetics, when combined, revealed the secret of life.

Crick felt that it was important that evolution by natural selection be taught in schools and that it was regrettable that English schools had compulsory religious instruction.

BTW I read Hancock and listen to his interviews.

17th February 2012, 22:32
My reading though was Crick did not feel Earth had been around long enough for Evolution to have produced all the life found here from scratch - thus his speculations about PanSpermia - this is the distinction I make about Evolution - it works as an ongoing process but Life did not arise on Earth - it came from elsewhere, I suspect.

I understand he particularly supported teaching Evolution in schools to counteract the Religious Fundamental Creationists who were trying to use his statements and speculations to support their positions.

It will not be much longer before Biological Life is shown to be much older than Earth, I suspect.

17th February 2012, 22:55
If it is part of the "...22-24 different races that contributed to our DNA/Genetics when we were engineered as a race" - why was it 'turned off'?

IMO,,,They needed us to mine for them, as worker ants if you will.

18th February 2012, 20:03
Don't be quick to dismiss "evolution" as a mechanism for propagation and development of life forms (it is but one example how life forms appear, develop and continue to exist).

I think what the majority of you dismiss is the natural selection aspect of evolution. Or our place on the tree of life.

Evolution explains (to some point ) the branching and complexity of life forms today, but it doesn't explain human origins. From all life on the evolutionary tree, we stand out, and in a bad way (as if we don't belong here).

18th February 2012, 22:45
Don't be quick to dismiss "evolution" as a mechanism for propagation and development of life forms (it is but one example how life forms appear, develop and continue to exist).

I think what the majority of you dismiss is the natural selection aspect of evolution. Or our place on the tree of life.

Evolution explains (to some point ) the branching and complexity of life forms today, but it doesn't explain human origins. From all life on the evolutionary tree, we stand out, and in a bad way (as if we don't belong here).

We stand out because we have branched off so far from our animal cousins. Ever since we played with stone and fire we have been on a journey where we alter the environment around us.
Animals such as otters and capuchins use technology as well. As do beavers and diving spiders. Given enough time and the right context they too might end up on the internet or in space.

19th February 2012, 04:09
We stand out because we have branched off so far from our animal cousins. Ever since we played with stone and fire we have been on a journey where we alter the environment around us.
Animals such as otters and capuchins use technology as well. As do beavers and diving spiders. Given enough time and the right context they too might end up on the internet or in space.

In other words, you find evolution to be a perfect explanation for human origins?

Aetheric Traveler
19th February 2012, 06:15
Once a person with any sense does the mathematics involved regarding the supposed evolution of complex proteins into gene sequences that evolve into other gene sequences that supposedly give rise to entirely new organisms,........


If you conclude otherwise, then, you as a human being have now missed out on the greatest opportunity of your life, which is it investigate your own DIVINITY!!!

And this friends, is why the Powers That Were, paid Darwin to come up with a theory that could be used to brainwash, whitewash, divert the truth and subjagate humanity into not looking to experience SELF-REALIZATION for themselves. ....... and they have been quite successful at it, haven't they?

Never once has there been the tiniest bit of proof of any of these so-called protein or gene evolutions. For people who don't particularly believe in God, this represents the largest Irony of Leaps of Faith ever.

But the ruse goes on......


19th February 2012, 09:26
We stand out because we have branched off so far from our animal cousins. Ever since we played with stone and fire we have been on a journey where we alter the environment around us.
Animals such as otters and capuchins use technology as well. As do beavers and diving spiders. Given enough time and the right context they too might end up on the internet or in space.

In other words, you find evolution to be a perfect explanation for human origins?

It is the best explanation with all the evidence that we have (at this time). I only believe it is the process though and not some accident.

19th February 2012, 19:43
It is the best explanation with all the evidence that we have (at this time). I only believe it is the process though and not some accident.

Alright, now the logical question - How did evolution cause the 'Junk DNA' phenomena?

19th February 2012, 20:14
It's bunk. No evidence (unfortunately).

Please don't feed the trolls ^

19th February 2012, 20:24
It is the best explanation with all the evidence that we have (at this time). I only believe it is the process though and not some accident.

Alright, now the logical question - How did evolution cause the 'Junk DNA' phenomena?

By lifeforms dumping DNA when they didn't need it any more or having the potential there and not making use of it as they branched.

The term 'Junk DNA' is 40 years old now and only refers to the parts that no use has yet been found for.
That list is still getting smaller - so junk DNA may actually be a misnomer.