View Full Version : Some Different Songs.

7th March 2012, 02:09
This post developed out of something I was responding to in another thread; I realised that it was inappropriate to continue with my expression there and have come here to expand on the concepts I was sharing.

I would like to offer some of the perspective I have.

I have chosen to disregard the societal programming I have received since childhood around the concepts of classification, designation and the determination to lump things together in 'groups'. I spent decades observing the actual functioning of these concepts and ultimately found them to be extremely useful in a very very limited way; this function has been expanded into areas where such concepts are only damaging, thus essentially being used to support corrupt purposes. I am aware of all the 'scientific' reasons for such concepts and practices and the arguments therefore- and I am still disinclined to hold them in my space in anything but their original limited use. Here is why.

Sui Generis is the term that I have learned is the most useful and energetically powerful to apply to my Self and essentially everything else present in the Universe. The fundamental reason for this is simple- seeing things as unique allows me to approach other sentient Beings with no preconceptions regarding *their* experience, intentions, motives, feelings and other expressions of Being. It is absolutely of no use to me whatsoever to ascribe the actions and expressions of *one* Being as belonging to any 'group' that I might identify that individual with; this is the base platform of prejudice and many, many other low frequency platforms and behaviours. I have observed those in action in various ways being played out in the dominant paradigm and am satisfied that, from my subjective place in the hologram, such actions are not those which support the richness of Life, diversity and the Universal eco-system of which I wish to be a part.

I have spent my entire incarnation here, since I first became aware of my own thinking, looking for frequencies that work within the framework of the 'Verse that I experience. This Universe, the one I particularly resonate with, is one in which there is a constant development of increasing complexity; eco-systems of all kinds (spiritual, psychological, physical, planetary, Universal etc) continue to become *more* complex, interconnected, interdependent, co-creative, not less; sentience becomes more refined, subtle, capable of connecting to finer nuances in frequency and interacting with these and one another to create infinitely richer tapestries, interconnections, expressions of possibility.

All the seeds for this Universe are present in every moment, depending on what *choices* Beings make in those moments- the richer and more robust the palette of choices the Being has, the more complex, elegant and possible is the present they are in. It's what I cultivate in my own experience of Being, it's what I have a natural gift for, among other things, so it's what I put out into the world.

I have learned that this perspective, this fluid state of not needing things to be 'real' (for a given definition of 'real' depending on the Being who is trying to insist on it) can actually drive those *not* so naturally inclined to violence and abuse. I was genuinely bewildered and ultimately terrified of this as a child; I learned that something was going on within individuals that absolutely fried their ability to handle anything different. What I came to understand was that the mechanism of classification was running rampant within them; this in combination with the concept that anything 'not us' was automatically a source of potential threat and therefore dangerous is one of the most potent and powerful expressions of the mind virus that currently grips the planet. The workings of the mind virus as I've come to know them I'll talk about eventually; right now what is important is the effect that this particular toxin of the virus creates.

IF we do not clear ourselves of this toxin we are always carriers of the expression of it. We disseminate it in our speech, our actions, our energy and it takes hold in places where there is fertile ground for it. We cannot hold the idea that 'All sentient Beings are equal' if 'unless I have justification for my reasons to hold those ones over THERE as less equal' is also present- one or the other comes to the surface and the history of this current dominant paradigm is testimony to which one does so more regularly.

Do I as an individual want to be collectivised, homogenised, lumped into a group without my permission and choice because of my skin color, my shape, my physical appearance, my language, my level of ability, my level of understanding as established by some external 'authority', my sexual preferences or any other of the myriads of classifications that are pointed at the 'collective' like swords? Or do I wish to be seen, experienced, welcomed, held space for as the unique Being and fractal of the Hologram that I Am, equal in right to autonomy and expression as every other Being in the Multiverse? If I want that for myself, how can I hold out anything less for all other Beings?

I have learned that I can express my Self and my experience so differently when I hold in the space that my perceptions, experience of how the Multiverse is, what is and is not important/relevant to me and all the other expressions of my Self that I choose, end in importance at the edge of my aura. This is my domain, this is where my rights begin and end, just as every other Being's experience, perspective, meaning, beliefs exist. I no longer have the trauma induced defense systems that my childhood experiences created in me because I have learned that there is such an enormous variety in perceptions, experiences, beliefs, interpretations and all the other manifestations of consciousness that it becomes useless to try and confine, classify, contain, control or any other action based on changing another individual. I then began to look at the stories about 'other' that I had been subjected to and discovered that it was in these that the foundations of domination and control lay.

I choose the richness and the expansion. If I meet one Otherkind (which is a term I use to describe 'not human, not of this paradigm, not predominantly homo sapiens' because currently that's the paradigm I'm surrounded by), one Other who is not my cup of tea for whatever reason, does that mean that *all Otherkind I meet* are going to be the same? If I meet one 'African' individual who is awesome to me, does that mean *all* 'Africans' are going to be the same? And what does 'African' mean anyway? Africa is a word used to describe a rich, diverse and complex eco-system of Beings and landscape, so do we need to break it down further into countries, regions, parishes? Or is there a fundamentally sound reason for giving up the process of classification entirely?

Think about it- if, in describing an individual you could not refer to their physical appearance, their gender, their species and you could not use subjective moral judgement regarding them, what markers would you use? What would be your parameters for description? If you did this automatically, how would it alter your internal perception and experience of all Beings? If, for example, I spoke lovingly of an individual, expressed to you how deeply I appreciated their gentle nature, their thoughtfulness, their humour, their exquisite way of seeing things, what sort of mental image would you be creating? And what would your response be if, upon physical meeting, I introduced you to this beautiful Being and they happened to be in the form of a praying mantis? Or a gargoyle? Or an individual with massive curling horns and red skin?

I am making these points because it appears to me to be inherently counterproductive to seek an evolved way of Being while clinging to outmoded and unhelpful ways of thinking, expressing and relating to one another. I have personally experienced the shift in cultivating an expansive and embracing perspective of Sui Generis as an understanding and platform from which to experience and relate to other sentient Beings without the need for judgement, controversy, conflict, resistance, dissonance and all the other subtle emanations from which coarser expressions arise- such as war, hate crimes, domestic violence, rape, domination and control- which is what most would say they wish to see fade from the planet. Until there is a modelling of a possible and useful alternative the collective are going to fall back onto what they know. I wish to be an example of a possible alternative.

I offer that creating dissonance between individuals, no matter how justified one might seem in doing so, only serves the agenda of those who enjoy and feed of such dissonance- and that encompasses all such Beings regardless of external appearance and biological origin. I offer that cultivating a more conscious way of relating to other Beings regardless of external appearance and biological origin is one of the most powerful ways that we can undo the mind virus and other programming that is and may be pointed at us, because to focus consciously on such things begins the process of both internal *and* external transformation- it is absolutely not passive, as anyone who has actively engaged in transforming their own consciousness will tell you.

Every interaction with another Being, no matter the context, becomes a powerful anchor point for the consciousness one is desiring to manifest because the foundation of the interaction will be the evolving understanding of the Sui Generis of the one being interacted with; I have experienced this personally, the growing expansion within *me* as I am willing to hold the Sui Generis of another . I have learned that I can decline the opportunity to interact with the perspective of another without needing to run all the rationalisations, justifications and judgements that I have experienced being the 'way things are done' within the system.

Imagine how different interactions will be when we can lovingly and without any load whatsoever, be it to or from us, embrace or decline another individual's expression of Being, when we can explore the perceptions and experiences of other individuals without moral, psychological or any other kind of analysis, when we can meet and experience each other without any kind of classification or generic filter.

That's what delights and inspires me, what I am doing here in this forum and within the wider scope of my physical Life as it currently expresses itself. I am interested in exploring the ramifications of such a perspective- for me, it has meant that I no longer run judgement regarding the evolution process that another individual engages in, as long as this embraces 'do no harm'; if there is the expression of harm I strive to engage in non-judgement while I engage in appropriate self or other defense (as in the case of a child or some other individual for whom self defense is difficult or impossible). I'm interested in interactions and ways of Being that use these perspectives as start points.

There are other perspectives that I would like to share- the mind virus and what I call the Wetiko sickness (and discovered others who call it similar), how raising the vibrations of a Being counter viral and parasitic expressions, how engaging in any kind of conflict feeds the mechanisms and paradigms that are currently running, just to name a few- and for now I'm really interested in things that can offer possible answers to the question 'what can I *do*?'.

Any answers that rely on such things as mass consciousness awakening, the ability or currency required in order to move out into the country and start a community, engaging in much finger pointing 'out there', long lists of Terrible Things That Suck without any pointers as to what how these things might be addressed don't actually work for me, because I don't want the visions of my future to rely on or involve such things if I am not in the moment able to supply such currency, be in the high vibration community or prevent the poisoning of a village's water supply in Peru: if I cannot do those things *in this moment*, what can I do? So here I am, living my perception and offering what I have.

Perhaps one of the conversations that might emerge is 'how to express one's experience without infringing upon the Sui Generis Being of another'...

7th March 2012, 02:58
Ahh Generalizations/stereotyping 101! Love the way u think! Many times have I stepped back and thought of what your saying, and u explained it very well.

I do not understand the necessity to "group" individuals into certain categories based on outward appearance!? This seems so foreign to me and has been frustrating to watch for a good part of my life. It seems peoples perception would stem from how they view "self" and others around them. I naturally identify self and others as a BEING within, and a biological machine without, so its as if "two" entities are before me...the being to connect with on the inside and the "mask" outside. However we have been conditioned to label and place constraints upon the being mainly based on the mask ONLY.

Sui Generis is the term that I have learned is the most useful and energetically powerful to apply to my Self and essentially everything else present in the Universe. The fundamental reason for this is simple- seeing things as unique allows me to approach other sentient Beings with no preconceptions regarding *their* experience, intentions, motives, feelings and other expressions of Being. It is absolutely of no use to me whatsoever to ascribe the actions and expressions of *one* Being as belonging to any 'group' that I might identify that individual with; this is the base platform of prejudice and many, many other low frequency platforms and behaviours. I have observed those in action in various ways being played out in the dominant paradigm and am satisfied that, from my subjective place in the hologram, such actions are not those which support the richness of Life, diversity and the Universal eco-system of which I wish to be a part.

It seems u answered your question, 'how to express one's experience without infringing upon the Sui Generis Being of another'... very well in your own paragraph above...approaching another being without any preconceptions respects the Sui Generis of another, and allows them to express without the "feelings" of limitation that would normally be "picked" up from that being subconsciously whether we realize it or not. Very important topic, thx for bringing it up :)

Lefty Dave
7th March 2012, 03:04

I welcome you to Avalon...songsfortheotherkind...

I enjoyed your post...a most interesting position you are taking...being non judgmental is a difficult position to defend in today's world...
also, reminded me of 'WingMaker' philosophies ..(.the original ones)

and mind virus,,,,sounds like you are fighting the 'archons' ...and winning !

Very refreshing to 'hear' someone express themselves so eloquently ...

Thanks for the thread...look forward to reading more in the future...


Lefty Dave
7th March 2012, 17:47
Thought I'd readdress this thread...as the masses may have missed it last night....I like this new Avalonians' way of expression...can we give a WELCOME to someone who can articulate their thoughts so well....?

8th March 2012, 00:55
Ahh Generalizations/stereotyping 101! Love the way u think! Many times have I stepped back and thought of what your saying, and u explained it very well.

thank you. :) I have been inspired to really explore my own experience and way of Being since coming to this Forum- my passion has always been evolution and now it seems that things are really amping in terms of my internal landscape. I am experiencing increased signal and figure that as I have no other avenue of expression for it than here, here is where I may as well direct it. :D

I'm interested in how these ways of Being can transform my external expressions of them- at the moment they are inspiriting ( I love how close that word is to inspiring) me to make a film that expresses these concepts as I experience them to be. My relationships in the physical are also being transformed *and* it still feels like I have waaaaaaay more energy than can be comfortably embraced within my physical Being so I'm also in an almost permanent state of 'sending', transforming energy like the trees do- take in one thing, send out another- while tuning into anything else I'm led to. I walk on my tippy toes a lot. :D

Sui Generis is the term that I have learned is the most useful and energetically powerful to apply to my Self and essentially everything else present in the Universe. The fundamental reason for this is simple- seeing things as unique allows me to approach other sentient Beings with no preconceptions regarding *their* experience, intentions, motives, feelings and other expressions of Being. It is absolutely of no use to me whatsoever to ascribe the actions and expressions of *one* Being as belonging to any 'group' that I might identify that individual with; this is the base platform of prejudice and many, many other low frequency platforms and behaviours. I have observed those in action in various ways being played out in the dominant paradigm and am satisfied that, from my subjective place in the hologram, such actions are not those which support the richness of Life, diversity and the Universal eco-system of which I wish to be a part.

It seems u answered your question, 'how to express one's experience without infringing upon the Sui Generis Being of another'... very well in your own paragraph above...approaching another being without any preconceptions respects the Sui Generis of another, and allows them to express without the "feelings" of limitation that would normally be "picked" up from that being subconsciously whether we realize it or not. Very important topic, thx for bringing it up :)

:) I'm really really curious to see what a relatively large group of switched on Beings decide to do together, or at least hold the space for...

8th March 2012, 01:00

I welcome you to Avalon...songsfortheotherkind...

I enjoyed your post...a most interesting position you are taking...being non judgmental is a difficult position to defend in today's world...
also, reminded me of 'WingMaker' philosophies ..(.the original ones)

and mind virus,,,,sounds like you are fighting the 'archons' ...and winning !

Very refreshing to 'hear' someone express themselves so eloquently ...

Thanks for the thread...look forward to reading more in the future...


I am not familiar with the philosophies you mention. :)

I want to write about the mind virus as I experience it, I have only come across the concept of 'archons' since coming to this forum so I am have a nebulous idea of what you're referring to.

Thank you for the encouragement and heh, I've discovered my interest in writing again so... *laughing* I've been told in the past about my writing.....

Lefty Dave
8th March 2012, 01:56
Your term 'mind virus' just seemed to fit...


My reference to WingMakers was about style of writing...yours has a similar 'feel'...a lot of thought behind the expression...

8th March 2012, 09:42

My reference to WingMakers was about style of writing...yours has a similar 'feel'...a lot of thought behind the expression...

OH, this is exquisite. I know this material, even though it comes from a different point in the hologram-
These life principles are Source Intelligence templates of creation. They are designed to create reality from the perspective of the Sovereign Integral and hasten its manifestation within the fields of vibration that has thus far repelled it - yes, this is the signal that I'm exploring, talking about; the templates, the things that *work* all through the frequencies regardless of context and interpretation, an undoing of the same old, same old, same old...

How amazing. And I definitely prefer their language to the 'plain English' version- I understand this language and its frequency much more richly than the plain.

*still reading* Oh, they use 'sovereign entity' to describe the Sui Generis Being! I see why my writing reminded you of this- thank you! These writings are so familiar in their signal, even in their differences...


8th March 2012, 14:30
I love the wingmakers..taught me alot!!! :luv: :love: :hug: :grouphug:

9th March 2012, 07:41
It's so familiar, like listening to something remembered from a dream- I keep reading and laughing in delight, saying 'oh, THAT'S what that is' or 'oh, I use *these* words to describe that'- I love how there is no god- I'm familiar with the concept/Being they refer to as Prime Creator, just in a slightly different aspect than what they're referring to- you get that far back into the signal, it's like talking with an Ent, only much, much more so...

9th March 2012, 23:23
There are other perspectives that I would like to share- the mind virus and what I call the Wetiko sickness (and discovered others who call it similar), how raising the vibrations of a Being counter viral and parasitic expressions, how engaging in any kind of conflict feeds the mechanisms and paradigms that are currently running, just to name a few- and for now I'm really interested in things that can offer possible answers to the question 'what can I *do*?'. .......
Perhaps one of the conversations that might emerge is 'how to express one's experience without infringing upon the Sui Generis Being of another'...

I like what you have to say. I thought of your post with Paul Levy's interview today

Paul Levy says our species is clearly in the middle of a mass psychic epidemic, which he calls malignant egophrenia and Native Americans call wetiko psychosis. There is a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul whose origin is within ourselves that has the potential either to destroy our species or wake us up, depending upon whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us. We'll discuss how Wetiko operates, what it needs and how it mutates. Paul talks about co-collective creation, our unconscious mind and shadow self. He also explains how Wetiko can actually be the greatest gift.


10th March 2012, 08:56
There are other perspectives that I would like to share- the mind virus and what I call the Wetiko sickness (and discovered others who call it similar), how raising the vibrations of a Being counter viral and parasitic expressions, how engaging in any kind of conflict feeds the mechanisms and paradigms that are currently running, just to name a few- and for now I'm really interested in things that can offer possible answers to the question 'what can I *do*?'. .......
Perhaps one of the conversations that might emerge is 'how to express one's experience without infringing upon the Sui Generis Being of another'...

I like what you have to say. I thought of your post with Paul Levy's interview today

Paul Levy says our species is clearly in the middle of a mass psychic epidemic, which he calls malignant egophrenia and Native Americans call wetiko psychosis. There is a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul whose origin is within ourselves that has the potential either to destroy our species or wake us up, depending upon whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us. We'll discuss how Wetiko operates, what it needs and how it mutates. Paul talks about co-collective creation, our unconscious mind and shadow self. He also explains how Wetiko can actually be the greatest gift.


Wetiko psychosis, absolutely; the way I found that word, Wetiko, was directly after asking for a descriptor for the patterns and behaviours I had been observing all my life. I still have no recall at all as to how the information popped up on my computer, *and* I love how the computers are being used as portals for consciousness these days. *grinning* After I discovered the Wetiko term so many things clicked into place for me, another of my 'ahhhh, *there* it is!' moments.

Everything interconnects with me. I have been experiencing this even more strongly since coming to this forum. :)