View Full Version : Strange ringing in ears?

2nd April 2012, 14:57
Hi all, just a quick question for you.

Last night i was in bed trying to go to sleep, when i heard a ringing noise in my left ear.

the noise wasnt annoying, it was very soft, and while the ringing was happening, everything went silent ( i can hear small noises in my house at night).

the way i would describe it would be that something was reset, if that makes any sense.

It has happened before a few times, no often, just random times.

Anyone have any idea if this means anything at all or anyone had similiar experiences?


2nd April 2012, 15:00
Yep a lot!

Especially today and NO Chemtrails!!!!

Make of it what you will,but I feel something is changing.

2nd April 2012, 15:03
My left ear has been ringing since late October. Now it did stop once it got warmer outside but since I've been running the AC it's started back.....

2nd April 2012, 15:04
Most likely from EMFs.

2nd April 2012, 15:17
anyone with ringing in the ears, the first thing to check is, have you got any metal in your mouth (amalgam),have had tinnitus since 1981,during the process of removing heavy metals,chemicals,parasites,yeast,fungus,mould,(which was diagnosed as ptsd,athritis etc) over the last year, the ringing in right ear has gone,the left ringing only slightly, i can now relate tinnitus starting to my first visit to the military dentist,

2nd April 2012, 15:48
anyone with ringing in the ears, the first thing to check is, have you got any metal in your mouth (amalgam),have had tinnitus since 1981,during the process of removing heavy metals,chemicals,parasites,yeast,fungus,mould,(which was diagnosed as ptsd,athritis etc) over the last year, the ringing in right ear has gone,the left ringing only slightly, i can now relate tinnitus starting to my first visit to the military dentist,

Yes I have Almagams unfortunately and usually when they spray it's quite bad,so that's why I mentioned it.

Could be EMF's for sure.

In truth4me's case it could be the A/C harmonising with other frequencies as I worked in this industry,BUT also if it's a Water Cooled one then it could be Black Mold in either case.

It's pretty bad here atm as it keeps raining on what starts out as fine warm days... until the sky fills with spreading lines and icky clouds :rolleyes:

2nd April 2012, 15:54
This thread has quite a few other Ideas on this subject
There are several other threads that have talked about this phenomenon.

2nd April 2012, 16:08
Thanks STATIC :)

Also points to note are that this also happens when either Endogenous or Exogenous DMT are present in the brain.

The launch-pad tone ;)

2nd April 2012, 16:21
I currently have a quiet ringing. no metal in me (well a nose stud) AC is off and skies are clear blue. they sprayed pretty heavy yesterday though.

i also get this thing that is really loud "pulsing" sound like when youre driving on the highway and one window is barely cracked open...idk how else to explain it. Maybe also like rushing blood but it pulses way too fast to be my blood in my ears. It only happens on a certain line in my apartment, mostly the kitchen but the line extends to the living room so i assume it has something to do with an electrical or maybe magnetic pulse or something, im not explaining it very well.

Ah well...


3rd April 2012, 03:42
I just posted in http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?31076-Ear-tones-Repetitive-s-Implants-Synchronicities-and-Ascension as well.

This may be of interest:




4th April 2012, 18:07
ok, last night an even weirder thing happened. I was trying to go to sleep, when i had the feeling i was in a dream but couldnt see anything, i was trying to pull myself from it as i got scared, (this has happened many times to me), it must have took about 1 minute to finally get out of it, but during this i heard 3 different tones of a ringing noise very close together. The sound seemed to come from the middle of my head and not my ears?

in regard to the dream like state, has anyone had this feeling but stayed with it to see what happens? it was so horrible, it just felt like something was pulling me away if that makes sense.

Midnight Rambler
4th April 2012, 18:12
I always feel like the universe is telling me something when my ears start to ring. I immediately try to gather what I was seeing or thinking to try and find out what it is that the universe is pointing out to me. :)

4th April 2012, 19:49
i agree it's EMF stuff -- HAARP, 'cell phone' towers, etc, helped by chemtrails

in '66 my hearing was tested by DuPont when i applied for a job there -- i can hear hi-pitched frequencies that most humans can't hear -- around the time all the cellphone towers started mushrooming all over the world, i began hearing very hi-pitched tones -- there are more of them every year, the sounds, i mean -- quite annoying, tho i have learned to tune them out

this is just one more way this planet is getting really noisy & increasingly difficult to enjoy, & just another reason why i'll be glad to leave this 3D body, via ascension, my ET buddies coming for me, or plain old death during the Earth Changes

4th April 2012, 20:55
Ringing in your head , ears could be a vibration. Vibrations start off soft then gradually get louder and faster which if allowed to reach a climax will allow you to have an out of body experience. A lot of people shake themselves out of this due to fear of the unknown. If you relax into this vibration you may get the experience , you allways come back to your body. Frances.

4th April 2012, 21:16
I always feel like the universe is telling me something when my ears start to ring. I immediately try to gather what I was seeing or thinking to try and find out what it is that the universe is pointing out to me. :)

I can relate. And even if it's not some type of message, it's still good to really focus and concentrate like that at various points throughout the day!

4th April 2012, 21:37
Ringing in your head , ears could be a vibration. Vibrations start off soft then gradually get louder and faster which if allowed to reach a climax will allow you to have an out of body experience. A lot of people shake themselves out of this due to fear of the unknown. If you relax into this vibration you may get the experience , you allways come back to your body. Frances.

thanks Frances, i thought it might be OBE related, but like you said its the fear of the unknown.... i would say 4 out of 7 nights i have this experience and bottled it everytime apart from once, which was slightly different.

happened about 2 weeks ago, i was falling asleep and went into a dream (wasnt scary) and there was 3 girls stood in front of me, and it was like i was concsious in my dream. i willed myself to kiss on of the girls which i did, and it felt i actually kissed her in real life (butterflies in stomach etc). Then there was a massive light behind them which kinda scared me as it was coming closer so i tried to wake myself out of it....

I need more bottle :)

4th April 2012, 21:47
Of course one shouldn't dismiss the possibility of Tinnitus Markenty?

4th April 2012, 22:16
Of course one shouldn't dismiss the possibility of Tinnitus Markenty?

I havent, to be honest i have never even heard of Tinnitus until now. Just had a quick google about it, and its certainly a possibility although the symptoms described arent similar to mine, and i only ever get the sound at night when i have fallen into sleep. It has never happened at any other time which is why i posted it here to see if there was any other explanations, but again i am not going to rule it out :) Thanks Russ1959 :)

4th April 2012, 22:40
Give your mind time to take in this new information, my vibrations stopped when I was nearly 60, they have not come back. I only managed to leave my body never got to astral travel or Be in control of it. When ever I was out of body I would go into deep sleep soon after. The experience was enlightening once I had overcome the fear I wish I had done it when i was younger . A lot of people can control the out of body experience and astral travel. Good luck Frances.

5th April 2012, 14:14
poke a hole in a speaker then play music, sound is distorted, the ear is a collection of cells,each cell in the body has an electron,proton,and neuron,(possitive,negative,earth),aluminium,barium,mercury,lead,etc,all enter the body in vapour form, it cannot stay in the blood for more than 2 hrs,or you are on a mortury slab,they are stored in organs,tissue,brain,arteries,ear walls,they along with chemicals, accumulate with time, wrap aluminium foil round 3 bare wires to a plug, turn it on,what happens, what do you think happens when emfs,send a possitive charge through the bodys cells,and metal vapour is present,those cells have been turned into candida food,which in turn,creates the conditions for everything else to grow,all happening silently, dead cells within the hearing structure,create the ringing,candida being present is also relevent, this is my thoughts, which came about after 30yrs of tinnitus in both ears, now reduced to left ear, minimal,right ear gone, i observed over 10 months of removing heavy metals,chemicals,toxins,yeast,fungus,mould,candida,etc,and always after using toilet, the pitch,and volume levels of the ringing would change,the more i took out the quieter it became, none of the above takes into account the damage done to organs etc ,the effect on the immune system,or how as metals accumulate they effect every aspect of who you are,

Maia Gabrial
5th April 2012, 14:51
Today is the first day that the ringing in my ears wasn't there! I wonder what's up....

5th April 2012, 15:24
My sister had ringing in her left ear and she went to the doctor and she had damaged her ear drum by cleaning her ears with q-tips those cotton bud on stick things but now she cleans them with olive oil instead. She could hear weird noises and ringing and it was that. When the doctor cleaned her ear she had bits of blood where she had damaged her ear. You have to be very careful with ears!!!!