View Full Version : Donald Trump links autism with vaccinations

Ilie Pandia
7th April 2012, 08:27
I am not a big fan of "The Donald", but I really have to thank him for this interview.

He links, in no uncertain terms, autism and vaccinations.

Here is a quote from what he had to say:

“I’ve gotten to be pretty familiar with the subject,” Trump said. “You know, I have a theory — and it’s a theory that some people believe in — and that’s the vaccinations. We never had anything like this. This is now an epidemic. It’s way, way up over the past 10 years. It’s way up over the past two years. And, you know, when you take a little baby that weighs like 12 pounds into a doctor’s office and they pump them with many, many simultaneous vaccinations — I’m all for vaccinations, but I think when you add all of these vaccinations together and then two months later the baby is so different then lots of different things have happened. I really — I’ve known cases.”

Read about it here (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/04/02/trump-warns-fox-news-viewers-autism-caused-by-vaccines/) and at the end of the article you can find the full audio interview.

Nanoo Nanoo
7th April 2012, 09:33
I can recommend a good barber :-)

7th April 2012, 10:00
Thanks for this post Ilie Pandia,

I was raised in the understandings of hidden dangers of vaccines. I wasn't vaccinated until I had to join the Dutch army.

I live in Belgium and I recently received a letter from the government that we are due to let our 1,5 yr old little girl vaccinated.
If we don't give her the vaccines, we will have to pay a fine and if we then still resist, I think we even might have to do time in jail.
I hope we can find way's to delay the process to infinity. We have contact with a Homoeopath doctor who is willing to write letters, that she cannot have these vaccines, due to all sorts of reasons. I hope that'll do the trick, because I'm really going to put up a big fight before they can vaccinate my kids.

7th April 2012, 10:07
Thanks for this post Ilie Pandia,

I was raised in the understandings of hidden dangers of vaccines. I wasn't vaccinated until I had to join the Dutch army.

I live in Belgium and I recently received a letter from the government that we are due to let our 1,5 yr old little girl vaccinated.
If we don't give her the vaccines, we will have to pay a fine and if we then still resist, I think we even might have to do time in jail.
I hope we can find way's to delay the process to infinity. We have contact with a Homoeopath doctor who is willing to write letters, that she cannot have these vaccines, due to all sorts of reasons. I hope that'll do the trick, because I'm really going to put up a big fight before they can vaccinate my kids.

And if you aren't successful, then at least check to see if you can do single vaccines rather combined. Some doctors will go outside of the normal vaccination schedule at least in the US.

7th April 2012, 11:53
I live in Belgium and I recently received a letter from the government that we are due to let our 1,5 yr old little girl vaccinated.
If we don't give her the vaccines, we will have to pay a fine and if we then still resist, I think we even might have to do time in jail.
I hope we can find way's to delay the process to infinity. We have contact with a Homoeopath doctor who is willing to write letters, that she cannot have these vaccines, due to all sorts of reasons. I hope that'll do the trick, because I'm really going to put up a big fight before they can vaccinate my kids.

This is a major violation of your basic human rights. It is so absurd and we need to find a way that we can challenge it. Do you have a constitution/bill of rights and a constitutional court and/or public protector in your country?

Earth Angel
7th April 2012, 15:45
its great when someone with the mouth and the power behind him like Donald Trump speaks out on this, all the parents who have tried to be heard and the organizations get nowhere......Maybe this will have an impact at last.......its terrifying to think the government of any country thinks they can force you to do something that you fear will harm your child......something is wrong with this picture.

7th April 2012, 15:49
Thanks for this post Ilie Pandia,

I was raised in the understandings of hidden dangers of vaccines. I wasn't vaccinated until I had to join the Dutch army.

I live in Belgium and I recently received a letter from the government that we are due to let our 1,5 yr old little girl vaccinated.
If we don't give her the vaccines, we will have to pay a fine and if we then still resist, I think we even might have to do time in jail.
I hope we can find way's to delay the process to infinity. We have contact with a Homoeopath doctor who is willing to write letters, that she cannot have these vaccines, due to all sorts of reasons. I hope that'll do the trick, because I'm really going to put up a big fight before they can vaccinate my kids.

change religion here you cannot inject anything (Jehovah I think) and get a letter from the church that you are forbidden vaccination. It would work in US and Canada.

7th April 2012, 16:31
Some homeopaths have made antidotes to each vaccine. Or are willing to. Maybe better to stay under the radar and then antidote, if that is possible.

7th April 2012, 17:23
This is a major violation of your basic human rights. It is so absurd and we need to find a way that we can challenge it. Do you have a constitution/bill of rights and a constitutional court and/or public protector in your country?

I have no idea what the law system in this country is. Law is not my forte :(

change religion here you cannot inject anything (Jehovah I think) and get a letter from the church that you are forbidden vaccination. It would work in US and Canada.

Maybe that would do it indeed. If nothing else works, I'll definitely consider that. Thanks!

It's quit amazing indeed that a public figure like Donald trump speaks out on this. I wonder why that is. Maybe he's positioning himself like Drake said people would, now they find that the ship is sinking haha.

But seriously. It's about time that this whole vaccination terror will come to an end. There is so much evidence that the cure is worse then the remedy in this case. There is so much evidence that vaccines are no cure at all in most cases.
It's unbelievable that the real reason that lots and lots of serious diseases are almost gone now and that has to do with a bunch of clever doctors that called themselves : the Hygienists. (In Dutch it is, but I can't find them on the English section of google, so they must have had another name in English)
They found out in 1840 to 1850 through research that most diseases had their origin in bad hygiene and with this knowledge they changed the human world. Nowadays we all know that it is important to have hygiene. Strangely there are no statues for these guys and they are merely named in the history books, but the vaccination program has taken all the credit for downsizing the numbers for the diseases the vaccines are for. You can look it up in the statistics, that when a vaccine was launched, the numbers for that disease were almost down to zero anyway.

I've seen with my own eyes that little children changed so much after having vaccines. Not after an hour or a day, but in the months following after their shots. Their skills of movement, their behaviour, everything changes and not for the better.

I Strongly believe that it is very hard for a human soul to stay attached to the human body after having vaccines. That's why you get so much psychological disorders like autism and ADHD etc.

7th April 2012, 17:31
I would def fight like your little babies life depended on it. There are many high tales of the things they put in those lil syringes. If even 1 percent of them are true thats enough to fight till the last breathe on never letting my child have them. I have begged my father to never get the seasonal flu vacs and I cannot convince him of it. I wish I could, he always is sick afterwards and is progressively getting weaker and weaker to colds and flus as time goes on. They will never inject me or my children with anything.

7th April 2012, 19:36
I suspect that it is not just vaccines that have led to the rise in autism.

I suspect that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is right in considering the rise in autism to be one of several consequences of a general decline in gut health, due to such things as changes in diet, antibiotics and vaccines.

For an introduction to her work, see for example The GAPS Diet: Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (http://www.faim.org/nutrition/gaps-diet.html), at the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine site, from which this is quoted:
Problems with gut health can begin with the infant in-utero. The mother's gut flora is often compromised because of the factors noted above, so healthy flora are not passed on to the fetus. After birth, the typical infant problems of infections, antibiotics, over vaccination, poor food-weaning and other issues can arise and the road to poor health begins. As the child develops, the lack of beneficial flora can lead to a damaged and more permeable gut wall that cascades into malabsorption, food allergies, toxicity, immune system decline and possibly auto immune disorders.

10th April 2012, 17:55
This is my understanding of autism and the vaccination program has been used to insert it into the human population:
Autism has now reached epidemic proportions. CNN said this week that autism has grown 78% since 2000 and now in the US 1 in 88 children have autism. In the UK it is reported that 1 in 100 adults has some degree of autism and skyrocketing. Rarely is a savant the product of the disease but most commonly a person requiring special care for their whole life.

But here is the real shocker - autism is not natural but manmade. It originated from a mold that came out of a Petrie dish. It’s been in development since the 50’s.

Obviously the culprits are the Nazi scientists brought over in Operation Paperclip and installed in labs around the US such as at Plum Island, NY. They’ve tried a few times to create a real impact with this disease. This is a successful mutation.

It’s been inserted into the human DNA but needs metals and something else to activate it. It causes a mucus-like barrier around the cells that stop cells from communicating with each other.

This has the potential to cause loss of human freedoms like never before seen - by the creation of laws to supposedly ‘protect’ society from their experiment. By changing the public health laws, education laws, employment laws, accessibility laws, pension laws etc. etc.

This cannot be allowed to occur or there will be more and more of this kind of control through laboratory-created problems/reactions/solutions. The information that this is man made must become well known and those responsible held accountable.

This tragedy must be recognized for what it is: a crime against humanity. Those families whose child has been are afflicted by this evil creation are in our prayers and all efforts to must be made to help them.

It is possible that EMF devices stronger than Don Croft’s Terminator might be useful in stopping its aggressive growth.