View Full Version : Sovereignty - An analysis of the Wilcock interview with Drake

Unified Serenity
9th April 2012, 13:27
Moderator Kris and I had a discussion about this important interview. I hope you all enjoy listening to it. Thanks again Kris for allowing our chat to be recorded and posted on Youtube. I think a lot of you all here are very insightful and have a lot to say, and I may be doing some more topic chats. Let me know if you want to discuss something whether you agree with me or not. As long as we share our views in a polite and professional way, I bet a lot of people might benefit from the forum chatter box:


9th April 2012, 15:20
Great discussion, so thank you US and Kris. This Wilcock and Drake interview has given me the itch. This is, to me, a top priority issue so, all I have been doing is scratching (researching)--not much commenting. One thing I found interesting that y'all didn't discuss is this...

Consider for a moment the wit of these shadowy, coniving, elistist group of cabalist puppet masters pulling the wool over the eyes of America and the world for years with their coup. Now consider they put their greed and arrogance aside for a moment and concocted and exit strategy lest their blood-sucking be spoiled by the attitude of perseverence, justice, Truth and the like. Or consider that the exit strategy was to be used in case there be some disaster they wanted to escape (natural or man-made). How ingenious (I don't use that term in reverence in this particular case) would it be to be publicly "arrested" and sent off to some secure/safe location?

I mean, collectively, millions if not billions of dollars have been spent making enormous bunkers God knows where in case of emergency. You don't spend that kind of money for it's intended function without having a sure-fire way of getting there safely.

Will they be arrested for real? I hope so. Have they just gotten careless? Has the evidence and knowlegde that opposes them just reached critical mass, and it's now in a position to end their tyranny? I hope so. Were they prepared for this? I'm not being pessimistic here--I'm just trying not to be naive.

Don't panic because the borders will be shut down, the satillites will be taken off line, and stock up on food... ? Hmmm... I can understand the reasons Drake gave for this, but what if it's a ploy? A lie heavily salted with truth? Drake may be legitimate, but what of his contacts, and what about their contacts?

Okay, back to scratching.

Just playing devil's advocate here.

9th April 2012, 15:42
Oh I almost forgot... US when you were commenting on people sitting in the lotus postition during a hurricane, and Kris made some comment about meditation not stopping bullets it reminded me of a story. My top two interests are government and spirituality so keep that in mind as I share this story from Sri Ramakrishna.

In a forest there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day he taught them to see God in all beings and, knowing this, to bow low before them all. A disciple went to the forest to gather wood for the sacrificial fire. Suddenly he heard an outcry: 'Get out of the way! A mad elephant is coming!'

All but the disciple of the holy man took to their heels. He reasoned that the elephant was also God in another form. Then why should he run away from it? He stood still, bowed before the animal, and began to sing its praises. The mahut of the elephant was shouting: 'Run away! Run away!' But the disciple didn't move.

The animal seized him with its trunk, cast him to one side, and went on its way. Hurt and bruised, the disciple lay unconscious on the ground. Hearing what had happened, his teacher and his brother disciples came to him and carried him to the hermitage.

With the help of some medicine he soon regained consciousness. Someone asked him, 'You knew the elephant was coming – why didn't you leave the place?' 'But', he said, 'our teacher has told us that God Himself has taken all these forms, of animals as well as men. Therefore, thinking it was only the elephant God that was coming, I didn't run away.'

At this the teacher said: 'Yes, my child, it is true that the elephant God was coming; but the mahut God forbade you to stay there. Since all are manifestations of God, why didn't you trust the mahut's words? You should have heeded the words of the mahut God.'

So yes, God is in all things, but are all things in God? Sounds like a koan but it's real simple. God is in that "ass-hole next to you" but they might not recognize that fact. There is a battle raging in the universe and it really just comes down to two forces--positive and negative. This can be extrapolated to all conflict. Inaction is dangerously close, nearly synonomous in most cases, with indifference--an enemy of will. Do something, even if it's just getting off the couch and going out to talk to your neighbor, like Drake said. Be passionate about it, I've found that entusiasm counters lethargy quite effectively. I realize that I have just skipped a rock along a large body of philosphy with these rippling sentences, but I'm pretty sure we are on the same page.

Unified Serenity
9th April 2012, 16:16
Excellent points Vivek! I agree with what you are saying and thinking about. I guess we did not touch the aspect much in our discussion which you bring up regarding the thinking of the elites. I tried to go into this as the co-intel aspect. Maybe we need to have a chat about the world situation and what we are really doing. I strongly believe in intercessory meditation and prayer. I believe in miracles, and I believe in reality therapy. We are here to learn lessons and sometimes the lesson is painful.

Why is man so given to seek a leader, a king, or savior? I am not saying leading is wrong, but not in the forfeiting of our own natural leading of our lives, taking responsibility for the good and bad, and the greatest lesson of unconditional love. We have been taught to need someone to take care of us. To blame others when our lives take a bad turn. Instead, we must return to brotherly love, to expel the usurper and hater who would steal and try to control others. Once we learn to live together in peace and love, the actions will follow and needs will be met in love. My mind is on too many rabbit trails, but I truly appreciate the shared views. I think many are very concerned for our world and where we may be headed. We need to learn to communicate, share out similarities, and work together. It will probably take the intervention of God/dess to straighten our confused paths and provide us with a clear foundation of truth.

9th April 2012, 16:16
Wake up everyone! The smoking gun is the papers submitted to the Hague. There are two international courts based in the Hague. The function and jurisdiction of neither is to deal with a declaration of independence of a sovereign nation, other than if such declaration should become a dispute between two states (soveriegn nations). The ICJ has no power whatsoever to ratify and enforce, by international law, the declaration of independence by a state, other than if it becomes a diuspute between two sovereign nations, acknowledged as such by the international community via the United Nations.

Drake is hiding his identity for security reasons? Check out the writings and interviews and lectures and talks of Noam Chomsky. He does not hide behind a false identity and there is no threat to his life.

Drake does not deal with the real reasons underlying the problems in the US (that it is a rogue imperialist nation that is a threat to peace and security on this planet). United States citizens want to impeach Obama because of a so-called false birth certificate (wake up folks it is genuine). The rest of the world looks on with bemusement while United States citizens ignore the real issues.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Educate yourselves. Realise that the US is not the whole world. Research other liberation movements ...

9th April 2012, 16:25
Thus emphasizing why we seek god in assholes?

Not professional sorry sorry sorry!! US knows what I mean though.

Oh I almost forgot... US when you were commenting on people sitting in the lotus postition during a hurricane, and Kris made some comment about meditation not stopping bullets it reminded me of a story. My top two interests are government and spirituality so keep that in mind as I share this story from Sri Ramakrishna.

In a forest there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day he taught them to see God in all beings and, knowing this, to bow low before them all. A disciple went to the forest to gather wood for the sacrificial fire. Suddenly he heard an outcry: 'Get out of the way! A mad elephant is coming!'

All but the disciple of the holy man took to their heels. He reasoned that the elephant was also God in another form. Then why should he run away from it? He stood still, bowed before the animal, and began to sing its praises. The mahut of the elephant was shouting: 'Run away! Run away!' But the disciple didn't move.

The animal seized him with its trunk, cast him to one side, and went on its way. Hurt and bruised, the disciple lay unconscious on the ground. Hearing what had happened, his teacher and his brother disciples came to him and carried him to the hermitage.

With the help of some medicine he soon regained consciousness. Someone asked him, 'You knew the elephant was coming – why didn't you leave the place?' 'But', he said, 'our teacher has told us that God Himself has taken all these forms, of animals as well as men. Therefore, thinking it was only the elephant God that was coming, I didn't run away.'

At this the teacher said: 'Yes, my child, it is true that the elephant God was coming; but the mahut God forbade you to stay there. Since all are manifestations of God, why didn't you trust the mahut's words? You should have heeded the words of the mahut God.'

So yes, God is in all things, but are all things in God? Sounds like a koan but it's real simple. God is in that "ass-hole next to you" but they might not recognize that fact. There is a battle raging in the universe and it really just comes down to two forces--positive and negative. This can be extrapolated to all conflict. Inaction is dangerously close, nearly synonomous in most cases, with indifference--an enemy of will. Do something, even if it's just getting off the couch and going out to talk to your neighbor, like Drake said. Be passionate about it, I've found that entusiasm counters lethargy quite effectively. I realize that I have just skipped a rock along a large body of philosphy with these rippling sentences, but I'm pretty sure we are on the same page.

9th April 2012, 16:25
I can't see the embed, link please?

Unified Serenity
9th April 2012, 16:29

9th April 2012, 16:36
Thus emphasizing why we seek god in assholes?

Not professional sorry sorry sorry!! US knows what I mean though.

Oh I almost forgot... US when you were commenting on people sitting in the lotus postition during a hurricane, and Kris made some comment about meditation not stopping bullets it reminded me of a story. My top two interests are government and spirituality so keep that in mind as I share this story from Sri Ramakrishna.

In a forest there lived a holy man who had many disciples. One day he taught them to see God in all beings and, knowing this, to bow low before them all. A disciple went to the forest to gather wood for the sacrificial fire. Suddenly he heard an outcry: 'Get out of the way! A mad elephant is coming!'

All but the disciple of the holy man took to their heels. He reasoned that the elephant was also God in another form. Then why should he run away from it? He stood still, bowed before the animal, and began to sing its praises. The mahut of the elephant was shouting: 'Run away! Run away!' But the disciple didn't move.

The animal seized him with its trunk, cast him to one side, and went on its way. Hurt and bruised, the disciple lay unconscious on the ground. Hearing what had happened, his teacher and his brother disciples came to him and carried him to the hermitage.

With the help of some medicine he soon regained consciousness. Someone asked him, 'You knew the elephant was coming – why didn't you leave the place?' 'But', he said, 'our teacher has told us that God Himself has taken all these forms, of animals as well as men. Therefore, thinking it was only the elephant God that was coming, I didn't run away.'

At this the teacher said: 'Yes, my child, it is true that the elephant God was coming; but the mahut God forbade you to stay there. Since all are manifestations of God, why didn't you trust the mahut's words? You should have heeded the words of the mahut God.'

So yes, God is in all things, but are all things in God? Sounds like a koan but it's real simple. God is in that "ass-hole next to you" but they might not recognize that fact. There is a battle raging in the universe and it really just comes down to two forces--positive and negative. This can be extrapolated to all conflict. Inaction is dangerously close, nearly synonomous in most cases, with indifference--an enemy of will. Do something, even if it's just getting off the couch and going out to talk to your neighbor, like Drake said. Be passionate about it, I've found that entusiasm counters lethargy quite effectively. I realize that I have just skipped a rock along a large body of philosphy with these rippling sentences, but I'm pretty sure we are on the same page.

The story was about discernment and not allowing a naive sense of enlightenment override common sense and sound judgement.. Finding a practical balance between spiritual/philosophical idealism and rationality.

9th April 2012, 16:53
I agree that DW has some great information on auto hypnosis that accounts for the means of programming us, how they brought us to our knees in the first place. Mostly with our agreement to our own stories.

DW makes it clear he doesn't have his own sovereignty, I mean the whole bawling on the radio, demonstrated that if one didn't see it before. Its clear he buys his own story (Edgar Cacye, the "Chosen One, " ). This is all I need to know . A person who lacks their own self authority has no means of using any sort of discernement in identifying it in others. He's no authority over himself, let along others.

Nuff said there, I'm sure people have heard me say it before and doesn't bear repeating here. It just is what it is.

But the interview Kris and Christina is excellent, ****ing awesome. Not only in content but execution. My hats off to you.

No bawling here (smile)

9th April 2012, 17:03
Wake up everyone! The smoking gun is the papers submitted to the Hague. There are two international courts based in the Hague. The function and jurisdiction of neither is to deal with a declaration of independence of a sovereign nation, other than if such declaration should become a dispute between two states (soveriegn nations). The ICJ has no power whatsoever to ratify and enforce, by international law, the declaration of independence by a state, other than if it becomes a diuspute between two sovereign nations, acknowledged as such by the international community via the United Nations.

Wouldn't the dispute be between the Sovereign people of the Republic that is America (originally operating under The Constitution for the United States of America) and the clever usurpers also known as the Corporate United States of America (operating under The Constitution of the United States of America, inacted by the 41st congress).

1. Sovereign Peoples that make up the Sovereign nation that is America.


2. The "sovereign government" (based in D.C.) that overlays the true Republic that is America.

Drake is hiding his identity for security reasons? Check out the writings and interviews and lectures and talks of Noam Chomsky. He does not hide behind a false identity and there is no threat to his life.

Well, let me ask you this: when did Noam Choamsky openly tout himself as a key figure in an underground movement of patriots acting to arrest major politcal and financial criminals in an effort to take back the Peoples sovereignty?

Drake does not deal with the real reasons underlying the problems in the US (that it is a rogue imperialist nation that is a threat to peace and security on this planet). United States citizens want to impeach Obama because of a so-called false birth certificate (wake up folks it is genuine). The rest of the world looks on with bemusement while United States citizens ignore the real issues.

The real issues are just leafs on a tree that is the United States Corportation whose seed was planted in 1871. The information Drake is dealing with is the ROOT of that problem. The imperialist agenda (i.e. PNAC) is not the will of the People. Liberty is the will of the people. Propoganda, MSN, and the psycho/sociopathic greed that is at the apex of central banking has perverted that "liberty" and effectively dumbed down the masses.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Educate yourselves. Realise that the US is not the whole world. Research other liberation movements ...

I agree with you there and that's exactly the motto of this forum (what I bolded).

9th April 2012, 17:30
I agree that DW has some great information on auto hypnosis that accounts for the means of programming us, how they brought us to our knees in the first place. Mostly with our agreement to our own stories.

DW makes it clear he doesn't have his own sovereignty, I mean the whole bawling on the radio, demonstrated that if one didn't see it before. Its clear he buys his own story (Edgar Cacye, the "Chosen One, " ). This is all I need to know . A person who lacks their own self authority has no means of using any sort of discernement in identifying it in others. He's no authority over himself, let along others.

Nuff said there, I'm sure people have heard me say it before and doesn't bear repeating here. It just is what it is.

But the interview Kris and Christina is excellent, ****ing awesome. Not only in content but execution. My hats off to you.

No bawling here (smile)

That's the exact caviat to the Sovereignty the people have in a Republic--not imposing on anothers Sovereignty, as long as they aren't harming anybody or damaging another's property. That's the core of it. I'm sure there's a whole can of worms we can throw quips at about Sovereignty as it relates to the Self, emotions, psychology, philosophy, and the grand scheme of the universe. But with the Constitution in mind, and keeping the theme of this thread in mind, Sovereignty has it's definition laid out with respects to the People and the government.

9th April 2012, 18:00
Vicek, there is no dispute for the ICJ to deal with since Pennsylvania and the the other colonies (and I in no way dispute their right to proclaim themsleves sovereign nations at all) have not publically declared this in the appropriate international forum (the UN General Assembly), or indeed to the USA government itself. The ICJ only has the jurisdiction and competency to deal with the matter if (and it surely will be disputed by the USA government) and once it becomes a matter of dispute between the USA government and Pennsylvania and other States, and once these States have been acknowledged by the UN.

I am probably an annoying mosquito for everyone on this forum, but I do have an understanding of these matters. Wake up and educate yourselves and see that Drake is not the miracle rescue (the easy option) but a hoax. But don't throw out the baby with the bath water. If independent sovereignty is what you want, then embark on that path. Take your declaration to the UN general assembly, piublish it in newspapers and on the airwaves and on TV networks, and (most important of all) send notice to the US government, and then dig in and take the risk to fight for yourfreedom.

Noam Chomskyis not in the underground movement, but h eis a radical nonetheless. I gave him as an example of how soemone can openly be radical and not be threatened. One of the many observations he makes is that the US is full of fear, yet does not acknowledge it's key role in making the entire world a dangerous and unsafe place.

Great liberators, such as Lenin, Mandela, King, Castro and so on never hid behind a secret name.

Unified Serenity
9th April 2012, 18:19
Great liberators, such as Lenin, Mandela, King, Castro and so on never hid behind a secret name.

I agree with the people taking a stand, but are you saying that Lenin and Castro are good guys? I mean let's just kill 20 million people who disagree with us and call ourselves a "liberator"? Liberation for whom is my question. Animal farm shows us all to clearly what happens when man tries this "We are all equal, but some are more equal than others" routine.

9th April 2012, 19:07
Those who are in power take in to account our inability to know equality. Our own equality. Being the masters of psychology they know how to level those who are instilled with a sense of inferiority. If one is not aware of who they truly are and prefer to be someone else and I don't care if its just plain Jane with an inferiority complex or David Wilcox who has assumed an identity other than his own, they will leverage that for all its worth.

If we find sovreignty in ourselves which is self governance it will eventually reflect in the material form of governance. I might not be a star seeded, studded alien but I do know who I am as boring as that all may be.

Politics and government were really intended as means of organizing people. Now its become a means of controling those without self governance. I have to ask myself sometimes when I see so much utter stupidity in the world, someone may have very well decided it was necessary to check this stupidity out of good intentions (also the road to hell) and it just got out of hand and became less about organization and more about control.

I know that I have to run damage control on the ignorance in my life , take authority over it, trump it before it affects me. Self governance.

The irksome part of it is people who know how to self govern and manage themselves have little interest in managing others, so thats how the controlling element creeps in there. People who want control because they have little sense of their own identity because of the influence of others.

Can we create sociopaths. Oh yes we can. I see mothers who coddle their children until they are little tyrants, and think "hmm...sociopath in the making". Who did it? Mummy's influence.

9th April 2012, 20:10
Let me put it this way.
It is not possible to beat one drama with another drama.

The awakening process here is on individual awakening and sovereign empowerment.
I am waiting, hopeful every day for the new energy open source project that will be the economical disruptive event that will open the disclosure gates.

Not another new system to beat the old system, please we got that for the last 3000 year. We know how power games goes.

In addition the legal system is built by the powerful to serve the powerful, you can't beat them there.
We can beat them (and we do) with the alternative media, and grass root technology to distinguish the power grip.

And so be it.
Joy and happiness

9th April 2012, 21:14
According to Drunvalo Melchizedek and many other "wise" people have said, this planet is in the throws of a great castatrophic series of events. These events will mean millions of people will die and the rest of mankind will survive with increased consciousness. Maybe that is going to happen and maybe not. Same goes what Drake was saying too. If it happens quite soon, come what may, I hope everything works out fine for most of us and these bastards that have run the world and cheated and caused mass genocide get their come uppances for sure.
Why bother about whether Drake is a co-intel agent or a traitor. If it happens the way he said it is planned then we will know who and what he is and what his real name is.
If it turns out he is working for the cabal and cohorts and the military take over I'm sure the American people will at least not have the wool pulled over their eyes and will know they are being fckedu. At least 100% of the population will not be brainwashed anymore, at least that's a better position than the status quo.
One thing or the other it will be fine and dandy.
I hope.


9th April 2012, 21:55
I disagree with the person who says because Wilcock was crying after he got the death threat means he has no real courage or sovereignty over himself. I know that in my own experience all the times I was the MOST brave I had to first go through a "tunnel of fear" on the way to my firm stance. A person is not only as strong as his or her weakest link; s/he is as strong as her/his strongest link as well...!

The worst that could happen that I can see if these mass arrests were to prove nonexistent or non-successful is that the awareness of the attempt will wake up a LOT more people and cause them to do some soul-searching of their own, including our troops.

We DO need to stand up for ourselves. If not me, then who?

10th April 2012, 00:38
David Wilcocks didn't understand that someone was yanking his chain?

If David followed his own advice instead of his story line he'd have realized that.

I disagree with the person who says because Wilcock was crying after he got the death threat means he has no real courage or sovereignty over himself. I know that in my own experience all the times I was the MOST brave I had to first go through a "tunnel of fear" on the way to my firm stance. A person is not only as strong as his or her weakest link; s/he is as strong as her/his strongest link as well...!

The worst that could happen that I can see if these mass arrests were to prove nonexistent or non-successful is that the awareness of the attempt will wake up a LOT more people and cause them to do some soul-searching of their own, including our troops.

We DO need to stand up for ourselves. If not me, then who?

10th April 2012, 23:58
I wonder if people that want to nay-say David and possibly Drake have taken the time to listen to all the radio shows with Drake, where any AND all questions are answered. And there are other Patriot groups in particular who is working doing something. I know who they are personally, and I can tell you that this is not the same as what Drake is speaking about. ALL OF THIS is explained in great detail on the freedom reigns show.

No one is yanking DW's chain...His research that he spends sometimes 24/7 putting together is something I will trust before anyone's opinion. I personally know of some of the people that are with Drake on freedomreigns show, I know the history and very personal details of several of them. Anyone who doesn't understand what they are talking about, could learn as it is all out in the open. I am hoping that Mozart does comment on this thread.

And I apologize if it seems like I am putting anyone down. It is not my intention, nor is it my attention to defend DW as he doesn't need it. But I see how things get turned around or we add our own stories and opinions. If people only know of those who call themselves Patriots by what the media has shown us, then they don't understand. I have never been a patriot like that, but I have cousin who along with his daughter freed 100's right here in tampa. He was falsely sent to prison for using the "constitution" to defend people...him and his daugther. She died in prision because they did not give her the medication she needed after surgery. Her own Mother talked to her hours before she died, when the daugther told her they had not given her the medication. so this story is not a story, but a fact.

So when folks like Mozart who have been part of the patriot movement and seen the horrors, most of which are just stories to the rest of us, we might consider educating ourselves a little before responding. But then this is a free country and we call can say what we wish. So that is what I am now doing.

And DW crying showed me two things, David is a real man who is not afraid to show his feelings. The other, well, if it wasn't true why the heck would he cry in front of all the listeners?

David Wilcocks didn't understand that someone was yanking his chain?

If David followed his own advice instead of his story line he'd have realized that.

I disagree with the person who says because Wilcock was crying after he got the death threat means he has no real courage or sovereignty over himself. I know that in my own experience all the times I was the MOST brave I had to first go through a "tunnel of fear" on the way to my firm stance. A person is not only as strong as his or her weakest link; s/he is as strong as her/his strongest link as well...!

The worst that could happen that I can see if these mass arrests were to prove nonexistent or non-successful is that the awareness of the attempt will wake up a LOT more people and cause them to do some soul-searching of their own, including our troops.

We DO need to stand up for ourselves. If not me, then who?

11th April 2012, 01:51
Thanks for your comments YvonneG, I agree that DW puts himself out there like many others who are trying to give us all some truth of what is going on everywhere. I respect DW very much and trust his work, it is well researched before he releases what he has to say. That does not mean he is infallible. None of us are. I do not know if all of what Drake said was truthful or not. I am not an American, and I have to consider this when I listen to someone like Drake, who to me, comes across as sincere and a patriot. Whether or not things play out the way he has suggested is anyones guess at this point. I believe he was painting a picture in very broad strokes. You do not want to provide the details to the powers that were. I would even go so far as saying he may have even slipped in some dis-info. deliberately to slip up the TPTW should they try to act on what he said. Again there is a lot of smoke and mirrors being reflected mixed in with truth. in this case it is my feeling that Drake was the real macoy . We must always consider that this sight of PA, could all be mined for info. by the PTW. I know that this has been mentioned on some of the threads on this sight. I hope they enjoy the clarity of mind of so many which contribute to this site. We are not all easily fooled. And when we think we are there are always some wonderful souls who contribute to the discussion with great clarity and bring us back on track

11th April 2012, 02:53
I have been at work and I'm posting from my phone, gotta keep it short so I'll just provide the link.


How's that taste?

Bo Atkinson
11th April 2012, 02:54
Thanks Unified Serenity, for having guts enough to speak your thoughts. I admire strong women who analyze with care. Assertive Avolonian women are critically important, to help guide us all. I was listening to another two women dedicated to Gulf/ Afghan veteran issues and recovery--Revealing that military planning actually plans for vets as expendable equipment or commodities. I wonder if this implied malice of forethought, but will welcome hearing reactions of others. This subject is inherently complicated and requires balancing many POVs with multi-track discernment. Or else we will all loose. If totalitarianism wins out, due to isolationism, through self centered stubbornness.

<iframe width="400" height="24" src="http://prn.fm/?powerpress_embed=37203-podcast&amp;powerpress_player=default" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

[Podcast] Warrior Connection - 03/18/12
Quote: "My guests were Major Denise Nichols, RN and Patricia Axelrod, Director, Desert Storm think tank. We discussed PTSD, accupuncture, patriot missile systems problems and solutions, remembered several who had died in last week, discussed recent events koran burning and civilian slaughter, update on congressional actions dear colleague letter on vet care research originated by Dennis Kucinich, general military operations, brain function, neurotoxicity, and resources."

I think it was that podcast which even mentioned Ross Perot potentially helping the cause to reveal the disgrace of commodify-ing military personnel. in the series at: http://prn.fm/category/archives/warrior-connection/ (I mention this part due to the saying: "it is not what one knows, but rather who one knows)......Paraphrasing here... Apparently some gains were made until the competing interests pulled away the funding from integrated medicine protocols to instead bribe scientists, to say it was simply stress of war. Stress which prescribes pharmaceuticals, or death by medicine. Denying damage done by the occupational hazards of war and the negligence, of disregarding whistle blowers.

I listened to your discussion on your Youtube, Unified Serenity . My feeling was 'fine', but we already have this Homeland Battlefield Bill for a totalitarian tango. Unless something powerful intercedes... Regardless of anything Drake said. Prayer makes sense, by each in their own way, their meditation or there intentionality or their personal way. You seemed to wonder why not have Chris Hedges do the task, which is purportedly assigned to Drake. But Drake described a very different sort of mission, where he really was/is needed to speak to more constitutionalist- independent minded and armed people. Chris Hedges already has hands full, speaking to more cosmopolitan, professionals, educators others and alternatives supporters: Chris Hedges: Quote:"Totalitarian Systems Always Begin by Rewriting the Law.... I spent four hours in a third-floor conference room at 86 Chambers St. in Manhattan on Friday as I underwent a government deposition. Benjamin H. Torrance, an assistant U.S. attorney, carried out the questioning as part of the government's effort to decide whether it will challenge my standing as a plaintiff in the lawsuit I have brought with others against President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta over the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), also known as the Homeland Battlefield Bill."

If his lawsuit fails, we will all likely experience directly: utterly totalitarian rule. Other nations will feel a domino effect.

To: sdv, I don't see why Drake is supposed to address intellectuals or if anyone would gain from his ID at this point, (besides totalitarians). Chompsky said: "What I talk about are the liberal intellectuals, the ones who portray themselves and perceive themselves as challenging power, as courageous, as standing up for truth and justice. They are basically the guardians of the faith. They set the limits. They tell us how far we can go. They say, ‘Look how courageous I am.’ But do not go one millimeter beyond that. At least for the educated sectors, they are the most dangerous in supporting power.”
"Chomsky reserves his fiercest venom for the liberal elite in the press, the universities and the political system who serve as a smoke screen for the cruelty of unchecked capitalism and imperial war. He exposes their moral and intellectual posturing as a fraud. And this is why Chomsky is hated, and perhaps feared, more among liberal elites than among the right wing he also excoriates."

Drake and Chompsky are in two extremely different spheres of influence, but both spheres of influence are utterly vital to outcomes. We need to study the fruits of their deeds and unfolding action.

11th April 2012, 03:27
We have been under martial law since Lincoln.

11th April 2012, 03:36
We have been under martial law since Lincoln.

Your assertion about being under martial law since Lincoln appears correct.

11th April 2012, 03:44
Ouch, you got me and I'm big on holding myself to correct grammar/spelling (unless I'm writing colloquially), so thank you sir.

And yes, the poor guy was assassinated before he had a chance to reverse it.

11th April 2012, 11:21
David W's episode on the radio showed me that he's being used as a tool to leverage his fans who can't keep from getting emotionally self identified with the teacher. If the teacher is threatened so thus must be the student. Leverage.

Basic psychological terrorism 101 and still no one sees it yet, even though its been occuring for thousands of years.

11th April 2012, 14:53
I have been at work and I'm posting from my phone, gotta keep it short so I'll just provide the link.


How's that taste?

Okay, I've got me hands on a real compooter, so let me add some snippets from this link.

First of all, there's a speech from former Congressman James Traficant Jr. addressing Congress about the bankruptcy of the united states of America and the consequential birth of the U.S. Corporation that followed it.

...It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States...

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit “money substitute” it needed.

Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the Federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves,” the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another.

Now, considering what Drake said that Pennsyvania had done relating to reestablishing it's sovereignty, I invite you to read this excerpt from the site I linked to previously.

Let’s talk about how we are now the Republic for the united States of America.

On July 21, 2010 “We the People” of the de jure government proclaimed worldwide and made our “Declaration of Sovereignty for the Republic for the united States of America” to The Hague (a.k.a. the International Court of Justice), the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the United Nations (UN).

On September 23, 2010, the first session of congress was convened by the united free state Republics of the re-inhabited united States of America. The seating of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic government were successfully established. This was completed by more than the required two-thirds majority vote of “We the People” on the land of the independent free state Republics. Delegates from more than 42 free state Republics attended, and officers for all three branches of our government have been officially sworn into office, lawfully electing interim President James Timothy Turner and interim Vice President Charles Eugene Wright, along with other established cabinet members with a presiding majority vote of 94% approval. Thus, the Republic government is officially re-inhabited and staffed for the first time since 1868 by the will of “We the People”.

Now, this is all great, but digging a little more into the website one can see that it has a touted Christian core. That's all fine and dandy, but our Nation was founded under God, and for me God is not exclusive to any one religion. Albeit I am against secular government, I am also against a government claiming one religion over another -- especially if that religion adheres to the same manifest destiny mentality as the PNAC. I was about to go on a rant, but I digress for topics sake.

11th April 2012, 15:27
I have been at work and I'm posting from my phone, gotta keep it short so I'll just provide the link.


How's that taste?

Okay, I've got me hands on a real compooter, so let me add some snippets from this link.

First of all, there's a speech from former Congressman James Traficant Jr. addressing Congress about the bankruptcy of the united states of America and the consequential birth of the U.S. Corporation that followed it.

...It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States...

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit “money substitute” it needed.

Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the Federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves,” the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another.

Now, considering what Drake said that Pennsyvania had done relating to reestablishing it's sovereignty, I invite you to read this excerpt from the site I linked to previously.

Let’s talk about how we are now the Republic for the united States of America.

On July 21, 2010 “We the People” of the de jure government proclaimed worldwide and made our “Declaration of Sovereignty for the Republic for the united States of America” to The Hague (a.k.a. the International Court of Justice), the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the United Nations (UN).

On September 23, 2010, the first session of congress was convened by the united free state Republics of the re-inhabited united States of America. The seating of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic government were successfully established. This was completed by more than the required two-thirds majority vote of “We the People” on the land of the independent free state Republics. Delegates from more than 42 free state Republics attended, and officers for all three branches of our government have been officially sworn into office, lawfully electing interim President James Timothy Turner and interim Vice President Charles Eugene Wright, along with other established cabinet members with a presiding majority vote of 94% approval. Thus, the Republic government is officially re-inhabited and staffed for the first time since 1868 by the will of “We the People”.

Now, this is all great, but digging a little more into the website one can see that it has a touted Christian core. That's all fine and dandy, but our Nation was founded under God, and for me God is not exclusive to any one religion. Albeit I am against secular government, I am also against a government claiming one religion over another -- especially if that religion adheres to the same manifest destiny mentality as the PNAC. I was about to go on a rant, but I digress for topics sake.

Whoa, Terry addressed this particular movement and Tim Turner in this interview with Drake, so that clears some things up about that for me.

Interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio/2012/04/01/freedom-reigns

11th April 2012, 16:13
Here the image of the congressional record from my trusted source:

11th April 2012, 17:11
Here the image of the congressional record from my trusted source:

It is too small to read... I see that it is the congressional record at the page where Traficant delivers his speech, but I cannot read what is in the box. What does it say?

11th April 2012, 17:18
It is too small to read... I see that it is the congressional record at the page where Traficant delivers his speech, but I cannot read what is in the box. What does it say?

This is what the box says:

Mr TRAFICANT, Mr Speaker, we are here now in Chapter 11.
Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government.
We are setting forth hopefully a blue-print for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise.

11th April 2012, 17:21
Here is the most complete version of Traficant's actual speech that I could find. It is extremely informative.

The Bankruptcy of The United States United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303 The Speaker is Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:

"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11... Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congressional session, June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers.

With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States.

This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?' . . .

Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America that the founding fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be 'money' in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute.

People traded their coupons as money, or 'currency.' Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money.
Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises and are not 'money.'

A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States Government, not 'money.' The federal United States Government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been
authorized by the Constitution for the united states of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money - gold and silver coin.

It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the
People no longer have any 'money.'

Most Americans have not been paid any 'money' for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now do you understand why you are 'bankrupt,' along with the rest of the country?

Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). Whenever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs.

Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs has everybody fooled.
They have access to an unlimited supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.

There is a fundamental difference between 'paying' and 'discharging' a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you
can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in Common Law is valid unless it involves an exchange of 'good and valuable consideration."

Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity, or justice because they have so much wealth already.

Their lust is for power and control.

Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations. .The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a 'Canon Law' as their model, adding stock and naming it a 'Joint Stock Trust' in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post facto (to 1870), although post facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 3). . .

The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. . . The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums, are the same.

Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in Gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principal.

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) "hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, -in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title.

The U.S. citizen (tenant,franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn't have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt.

They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property.

Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank.

We the people have exchanged one master for another.

This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed knowledge" of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough.

Now it's easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt. Why don't more people own their properties outright? Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?

We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest isa painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth.

The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it. America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country."


Source: http://thehive.modbee.com/node/21677

Unified Serenity
11th April 2012, 18:32
This is all great information, but I wonder if it means a hill of beans if it's not acted upon. I go back to my previous statement that much of this is distraction. Until we force change then nothing has changed. The elites control the media, the courts, government, and big industry. The image that really smacks me in the face is the frog slowly dying as the water comes to a boil. DISTRACTION keeps the people numb.

11th April 2012, 21:06
the crying was fake. he's a liar. he admits to recording people without their knowledge in the same interview he 'cried.' i cry. i'm not saying it's a sign of weakness. like others have said, he can't keep his stories straight. in the dk interview he reads as if he's not afraid of anything.
the dude is false.

11th April 2012, 21:19
Personally, I always ask this question. And I am just guessing that many more people who participate on this website always ask this question as well. In fact, it is usually one of the first questions, isn't it? To figure out where might the mis- or dis-information be? How would what benefit who the most?

So, for me, yes, I always consider this. But it seems I do not often arrive at the same conclusions as many others.

It is a bit aggravating to so often be told I have not considered this, when I have, I have, and have. I always do. And I never am positive about my conclusions. I may decide to accept this or that as probably, or possibly being true, but never absolutely.... That would be rather foolish.

But so many times, actually, most of the time, a goodly number of other posters make the wrong leap there as well, and speak out as if folks (this would be the folks they disagree with, like me, normally; the ones often referred to as "positives") take everything on faith alone, while it seems to me that quite often those positives are the very ones who actually do apply qualifications to their statements of belief, as to being, variously, just their opinion; what they hope to be true, but may or may not be likely; what they judge to be true, but do not see it as absolutely proven; what they judge to be true, and see as likely, but not definite; or any one of a number of other possibilities.

Just my opinion.

Have thought about it. It's a conundrum, certainly, but that conundrum does not in and of itself make a negative outcome any more likely.


a) their opnion
b) their belief, givequalify their statements as being

11th April 2012, 21:47
I'm listening to your above link right now. Thanks for the intel.
From the Heart,

12th April 2012, 13:41
I'm listening to your above link right now. Thanks for the intel.
From the Heart,

Here's the most recent show with Freedom Reigns and Drake. Terry and Drake talk about the birth and death of America. I was listening to it last night and fell asleep half way through I was so tired but I'm about to listen to the second half now.


Dennis Leahy
12th April 2012, 14:34
Until we force change then nothing has changed. I agree. I am ready.

Of our only 'action' is words, the stone will not budge. We have to be brilliant chess masters, make (non-violent) moves that force the change.


12th April 2012, 14:40
Here's the most recent show with Freedom Reigns and Drake. Terry and Drake talk about the birth and death of America. I was listening to it last night and fell asleep half way through I was so tired but I'm about to listen to the second half now.


At around 95 minutes Drake starts to talk about the resignations starting the first day that the declaration of sovereignty went out (in the proper manner). He doesn't know if his tongue will survive this stage because it's already hurting from biting it because it's so hard to keep this sensitive/priviliged infromation secret. He did give a time line though. He said he knows what our military backing is waiting on, he said that by the end of April (this month) a combination of things will come to pass that will change the basis of everything that we are dealing with... and it cannot be stopped.

EDIT: He said within 30 days and this interview was from April 8th.

12th April 2012, 15:06
Here's the most recent show with Freedom Reigns and Drake. Terry and Drake talk about the birth and death of America. I was listening to it last night and fell asleep half way through I was so tired but I'm about to listen to the second half now.


At around 95 minutes Drake starts to talk about the resignations starting the first day that the declaration of sovereignty went out (in the proper manner). He doesn't know if his tongue will survive this stage because it's already hurting from biting it because it's so hard to keep this sensitive/priviliged infromation secret. He did give a time line though. He said he knows what our military backing is waiting on, he said that by the end of April (this month) a combination of things will come to pass that will change the basis of everything that we are dealing with... and it cannot be stopped.

EDIT: He said within 30 days and this interview was from April 8th.

Actually he said 30 days ... 45 days at the most. But the point was, that the wheels were rolling because he was in contact with the people making the decisions ... also that the military was waiting for something to take place.

12th April 2012, 16:50
This is a great video, I'm sharing it here because I feel like the Deputy Sheriff in the video really epitomizes the fact that there are those people in positions of power that are just ignorant of the law, not neccesarily nefarious.


12th April 2012, 17:07
New interview on Freedomizer Radio streaming live with Drake and Terry right here:


12th April 2012, 17:36
This is a great video, I'm sharing it here because I feel like the Deputy Sheriff in the video really epitomizes the fact that there are those people in positions of power that are just ignorant of the law, not neccesarily nefarious.


yes, the 'stage one' information meeting went in OUR favor because we outnumbered them at the time, but the police came back with more troops and forcibly finished the eviction...

we have to STOP playing their game by their rules... they will just change the rules at a whimsical notion and turn the tables when they see a moment when we are vulnerable...

we have to think outside the box...

Unified Serenity
12th April 2012, 18:24
Quite frankly, it's going to get bloody unless you are willing to lay down and finally just admit to being their slaves and lick their boots. You see it's in your own words..... they came back with MORE. The cops were outnumbered and rather than make it a risk for themselves, they left and came back with support. I am very sorry for the eviction. I am very sorry for the thousands of homeless who did nothing wrong but couldn't pay the bank which got bailed out. The banks want to be paid twice. The elites are using our own system, getting into power, enacting laws we don't agree with, and stealing our wealth, security, freedom. This is not going to stop because we ask them to, even if its 200 million demanding them to stop. The old answer used to be to just throw them out of office and put in those who will do what's right. That only works in fair elections and if the power structure is not in effect anymore. If there are power brokers controlling what laws come before the vote, then nothing will change.

Thus, we are screwed by our own sense of what was proper and right. We expected men and women of character and ethics. It is clear we have nothing but liars and thieves running our countries now. Does a robber leave your house just because you ask them to? How do you get them to leave? You have to physically throw them out! I have never written it this clearly before. The truth for me, is it will not change. The ptb want a violent uprising because they think they can overthrow it. They will get to actively wipe out their opposition and claim the opposition was a mob, unlawful, and dangerous! The cowards to refuse to get involved like they did so many millenia ago will stand by and do nothing. The righteous who cannot stand for this lie anymore will rise up and be destroyed, and we will have a new world order. Rest assured though, it won't last for long. I am fully convinced this is all part of a divine plan, and so far they have kept their bargain and fulfill the negative side of prophecy.

12th April 2012, 19:42
Just in case anyone would like to hear some questions and answers from Drake.

2 Hour Q & A with Drake and Teri

but it starts at around 62 minutes....

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio/2012/04/12/jim-duensingfreedom-reigns (but it starts at around 62 minutes.... http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomizerradio/2012/04/12/jim-duensingfreedom-reigns)

14th April 2012, 20:14
can't wait to see what he writes when nothing happens . im sure something will save us all in the last moments - reported exclusively on wilcocks website

14th April 2012, 20:53
We have the numbers. It is just a matter of will...............and tactics. When the cops came back in force the locals should have been ready and surrounded them on every side. They count on our lack of coordination and tactical leaders. Even soldiers need someone who sees the big picture and uses them wisely. A few leaders and then some brave people to fill out the numbers would make all the difference in the world.

Obviously, there can't be too much planning. There are always weasels needing thirty pieces of silver. There need to be loose confederations that can just pull together and be coordinated in real time. No plans, just show up and use yourselves wisely. Someone in the group has to have the ability to think tactically.
Socrates said, "A mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house". He is right. Someone needs to be the carpenter.

This idea must find implementation. Know thyself. Are you willing to stand? Are you willing to be led? Can you lead? Do you have an honest idea of what leading looks like?

14th April 2012, 22:40
Tim Turner Challenges 'Drake' to Debate





14th April 2012, 22:52
Turner is looking for popularity. I would like to see an alliance. Anything else is bullsh!t and Turner's ego/megalomania.

14th April 2012, 23:06
Turner is looking for popularity. I would like to see an alliance. Anything else is bullsh!t and Turner's ego/megalomania.

Each to his own.

And calling people names and pasting labels will bring people closer together?
I don't think that strategy has every worked.

I have heard Socrates once said: "Be very careful with the words you choose to use..."

14th April 2012, 23:15
Turner is looking for popularity. I would like to see an alliance. Anything else is bullsh!t and Turner's ego/megalomania.

Each to his own.

And calling people names and pasting labels will bring people closer together?
I don't think that strategy has every worked.

I have heard Socrates once said: "Be very careful with the words you choose to use..."

Such a scold! Do not be so sure my words were not chosen with care. Who are you to presume they were not?

Protecting your intellectual/posting turf is most likely the cause of your finger-wagging.

As you said, to each his own.

Do you think an alliance of these two would not be a good thing?

14th April 2012, 23:49
Oh boy, now we have the self appointed guru of the republic for the united states challenging Drake as to the validity of his claims as to the Notices of Sovereignty supposedly submitted to the Hague and approved (we have not seen these by the way) as the world tribunal for all things righteous and proper?


15th April 2012, 02:50
I wonder if the people who chain themselves to David ever step back and look at see who his story line trips him up constantly. His program.

No I don't need to wonder , I know. There is nothing David has to offer that I don't know.That hasn't been repeated a thousand times in the last two decades. And a good portion of it is artificially generated bull****.

Yes, some DO KNOW better than David. Quite a lot actually.

I wonder if people that want to nay-say David and possibly Drake have taken the time to listen to all the radio shows with Drake, where any AND all questions are answered. And there are other Patriot groups in particular who is working doing something. I know who they are personally, and I can tell you that this is not the same as what Drake is speaking about. ALL OF THIS is explained in great detail on the freedom reigns show.

No one is yanking DW's chain...His research that he spends sometimes 24/7 putting together is something I will trust before anyone's opinion. I personally know of some of the people that are with Drake on freedomreigns show, I know the history and very personal details of several of them. Anyone who doesn't understand what they are talking about, could learn as it is all out in the open. I am hoping that Mozart does comment on this thread.

And I apologize if it seems like I am putting anyone down. It is not my intention, nor is it my attention to defend DW as he doesn't need it. But I see how things get turned around or we add our own stories and opinions. If people only know of those who call themselves Patriots by what the media has shown us, then they don't understand. I have never been a patriot like that, but I have cousin who along with his daughter freed 100's right here in tampa. He was falsely sent to prison for using the "constitution" to defend people...him and his daugther. She died in prision because they did not give her the medication she needed after surgery. Her own Mother talked to her hours before she died, when the daugther told her they had not given her the medication. so this story is not a story, but a fact.

So when folks like Mozart who have been part of the patriot movement and seen the horrors, most of which are just stories to the rest of us, we might consider educating ourselves a little before responding. But then this is a free country and we call can say what we wish. So that is what I am now doing.

And DW crying showed me two things, David is a real man who is not afraid to show his feelings. The other, well, if it wasn't true why the heck would he cry in front of all the listeners?

David Wilcocks didn't understand that someone was yanking his chain?

If David followed his own advice instead of his story line he'd have realized that.

I disagree with the person who says because Wilcock was crying after he got the death threat means he has no real courage or sovereignty over himself. I know that in my own experience all the times I was the MOST brave I had to first go through a "tunnel of fear" on the way to my firm stance. A person is not only as strong as his or her weakest link; s/he is as strong as her/his strongest link as well...!

The worst that could happen that I can see if these mass arrests were to prove nonexistent or non-successful is that the awareness of the attempt will wake up a LOT more people and cause them to do some soul-searching of their own, including our troops.

We DO need to stand up for ourselves. If not me, then who?

15th April 2012, 16:12
Each to his own.

And calling people names and pasting labels will bring people closer together?
I don't think that strategy has every worked.

I have heard Socrates once said: "Be very careful with the words you choose to use...

Such a scold! Do not be so sure my words were not chosen with care. Who are you to presume they were not?

Protecting your intellectual/posting turf is most likely the cause of your finger-wagging.

As you said, to each his own.

Do you think an alliance of these two would not be a good thing?

If you take it as 'finger-wagging, that is how your feel about it.

Its just simple logic...
If you are calling another names and using condemnatory language towards them, then I would expect nothing more than the same coming back to the source from which it was spewed from.

In this regard, its rather obvious, if you did take care in choosing these words, then you only want to create more conflict, not less.
The same with this guy "Drake". there is no desire for an alliance, just to create more conflict - to divide and conquer. This tells me the guy is only working for the de facto, perhaps unconsciously, but is still acting, perhaps unknowingly, as an agent. Follow him if you like. Good luck.

Cheers -*-

15th April 2012, 16:33
Oh boy, now we have the self appointed guru of the republic for the united states challenging Drake as to the validity of his claims as to the Notices of Sovereignty supposedly submitted to the Hague and approved (we have not seen these by the way) as the world tribunal for all things righteous and proper?

The UN is a de facto corporate entity in itself, supported by all the other de facto corporate nations. All of which ride on the corporate fiat money system created by the cabal of banksters known as the Federal Reserve. The World Bank, IMF, the BIS are all connected at the hip. When the system goes down (financial collapse), a sound money system will be what will fill the vacuum that is created. The financial backers of Rusa are there ready to implement an alternative system, so says Ben Fulford, so says Tim Turner.

From what I've read on Ben Fulford's blog, he is in total support of Rusa. What I would like to see is a statement by Ben Fulford on what his take is on what this guy "Drake" has said in David Wilcock's interview. Nothing yet. But I think it will show that he has an altogether different view on 'Drake' than what David Wilcock has expressed.

We shall see, turiya -*-

15th April 2012, 16:49
When the system goes down (financial collapse), a sound money system will be what will fill the vacuum that is created. The financial backers of Rusa are there ready to implement an alternative system, so says Ben Fulford, so says Tim Turner.

From what I've read on Ben Fulford's blog, he is in total support of Rusa. What I would like to see is a statement by Ben Fulford on what his take is on what this guy "Drake" has said in David Wilcock's interview. Nothing yet. But I think it will show that he has an altogether different view on 'Drake' than what David Wilcock has expressed.

We shall see, turiya -*-

I would be careful endorsing Tim Turner and RuSA, and I heard on freedom-reigns last night that the Drake IS NOT affiliated with RuSA in any way. At any rate, those who were a part of RAP, which was the first mutation of RuSA, have some very damning things to say about it all. First off, Tim Turner "used" to work for FEMA, and whether he still does is still up for debate,but RAP became a self appointed dictatorship and did not follow the original organic constitution. Tim Turner was basically to stand in as president until elections could be held, after the republic was restored. RAP fell apart and RuSA evolved. Many are saying RuSA is just the next mutation of RAP.

What I do know, is that the idea of becoming sovereign and taking back this country has just hit this sector of the alternative community and is relatively new outside of those who have been doing it and following it for the last few decades. those people have their Yahoo groups and their talkshoes. I've never met any Avalonian's there.

Suffice it to say, the "private v public", Sovereign v Slave" "De Jure v De Facto", fiat v asset backed, and the people helping each other address third party debt collectors and save their homes, is a huge movement in itself and deserves to move more into the mainstream light of day.

But be careful endorsing Tim Turner

16th April 2012, 03:06
When the system goes down (financial collapse), a sound money system will be what will fill the vacuum that is created. The financial backers of Rusa are there ready to implement an alternative system, so says Ben Fulford, so says Tim Turner.

From what I've read on Ben Fulford's blog, he is in total support of Rusa. What I would like to see is a statement by Ben Fulford on what his take is on what this guy "Drake" has said in David Wilcock's interview. Nothing yet. But I think it will show that he has an altogether different view on 'Drake' than what David Wilcock has expressed.

We shall see, turiya -*-

I would be careful endorsing Tim Turner and RuSA, and I heard on freedom-reigns last night that the Drake IS NOT affiliated with RuSA in any way. At any rate, those who were a part of RAP, which was the first mutation of RuSA, have some very damning things to say about it all. First off, Tim Turner "used" to work for FEMA, and whether he still does is still up for debate,but RAP became a self appointed dictatorship and did not follow the original organic constitution. Tim Turner was basically to stand in as president until elections could be held, after the republic was restored. RAP fell apart and RuSA evolved. Many are saying RuSA is just the next mutation of RAP.

What I do know, is that the idea of becoming sovereign and taking back this country has just hit this sector of the alternative community and is relatively new outside of those who have been doing it and following it for the last few decades. those people have their Yahoo groups and their talkshoes. I've never met any Avalonian's there.

Suffice it to say, the "private v public", Sovereign v Slave" "De Jure v De Facto", fiat v asset backed, and the people helping each other address third party debt collectors and save their homes, is a huge movement in itself and deserves to move more into the mainstream light of day.

But be careful endorsing Tim Turner

Funny, gripreaper, how you say to be careful of endorsing Tim Turner because he worked for Homeland Security (something that he has openly admitted in his seminars - youtube videos can be found if you really want to do your research). Well, how about this "Drake" guy (unlike Tim Turner, 'Drake' is not his real name)? He claims to have worked for NSA! What about being careful endorsing this "Drake" fellow, a guy that you don't have any verifying information on? (See links below.) Notice how he avoids identifying the particular agency from where he got his security clearances - Security of the Nation from a nuclear threat can only be the NSA.

Those that have formed Freedom Reigns are few in number, it is understood that they are complainers, Teri Hinkle is their queen. Now "Drake" comes claiming the throne of this group of disgruntled ex-RAP/Rusa members.

"Drake" poses himself as a mirror image of Tim Turner. He spouts the same lines as Tim has done several months & a year previously - "military support, those in prison for victimless crimes will be released", "the end of the IRS", "the end of the Federal Reserve", "the Native American Indian nations are on board", etc., etc., etc.

What also throws in several scenarios in what he calls "The Plan".
1) Borders will be clamped down. [duh! That's martial law!]
There will be no traffic in or out of the United States -The closure of our
national borders. (Note: the closure will be for going after the financial
terrorists who have ransacked this country of its wealth - he is
describing the next false-flag operation scenario, imo.) - a complete &
total clampdown of this nation, if need be. [any excuse can be made up
to justify this so-called 'complete & total clampdown of our nation'.]
2) Satellite systems will not work.
3) Will not be allowed to make international calls.
4) People will need to stay at home & watch a tv channel to get educated.
[mmm.... getting educated via the tv got us all into this mess, imo... sound to me this is could be another phase of brainwashing the masses in acceptance of a new 'structure'.]
5) A money-less' society will be implemented. [excuse me - that is a 'cashless
society' he is talking about - a goal of the NWO] (see the link below)
6) A temporary military dictatorship is put in place with unlimited powers? [WTF... and
we are suppose to simply accept this?]

Someone has been feeding him his material.

Funny, gripreaper, how you say to be careful of endorsing Tim Turner because he worked for Homeland Security (something that he has openly admitted). Well, how about this "Drake" guy (unlike Tim Turner, 'Drake' is not his real name)? He claims to have worked for NSA! What about being careful endorsing this "Drake" fellow, a guy that you don't have any verifying information on? (See links below.) Notice how he avoids identifying the particular agency from where he got his security clearances - Security of the Nation from a nuclear threat can only be the NSA.

1) Drake admits being an NSA Agent: www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KjZgsRt8PBc#t=2644s (www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KjZgsRt8PBc#t=2643s)
2) THE PLAN: Reference to Matial Law : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KjZgsRt8PBc#t=6340s
3) Reference of Moving to Cashless/Money-less society: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KjZgsRt8PBc#t=8369s
4) Military Dictatorship with unlimited powers will be installed (temporarily?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KjZgsRt8PBc#t=8415s

Unified Serenity
16th April 2012, 04:09
My gut tells me it's all a ruse to get us to sit on our collective Arses and do nothing while the elites continue to move the chess pieces. They want a violent reaction in society. We recently had the thread on subliminal message "KILL" backwards caught on tv. When the SHTF, there will be a massive breakdown of society. Fear will be rampant and when people panic they do stupid crazy things, often in packs. Once everything is as bad as we can imagine and everyone is begging for it to stop and for peace and brotherly love then a "savior" will provide a solution--- a new zoo where no one will realize they are just the elites "livestock", that they are in prison, and yet that is exactly how it will be.

Sorry, I know it's awfully gloomy. I also know it won't last for that long either, and we are headed eventually to a brighter future.

Bo Atkinson
16th April 2012, 09:54
This seems to be the thread of trying to rationally balance the available, public, evidence. Which perhaps satisfies more in hind sight rather than in hopeful speculation. Sure, hindsight might shift things much further, like water under the bridge.

TURIYA, Thanks for asserting this other movement. I hadn't heard much about it before. However the first two mp3s you linked did sound more like commiseration concerning wanted, appointments of power. It did not seem to indicate imminent happenings of severe proportions. Your post #58 lists some things to check, but IMO, Drake asserts timing and several, severe, imminent and unambiguous things to happen. In several months time, big changes should occur, or else the ambiguity factor enters that equation. Based on your two initial links, there was not much to use, for an independent, small person out there in the world. A small person who lives hand to mouth, more or less, needing to invest in basics.

If nothing else, i find all this posting as useful impetus to "...keep that hand on the plow..." Instead of fear, one can divert that reaction, to push forward with otherwise, more boring work. Increasingly energize the chores and push projects along with more energy. Drake's words seem to fit that effort more. Unless you might provide some mp3s which address such aspects.

Thanks all.

16th April 2012, 13:43
Thanks wavydome,

I have been following the RAP thing ever since the delivery of the Notices to the 50 de facto State governors. The process has been to "re-inhabit" our Republic form of government (not, as alleged, to create another opposing government). This process has been filled with internal conflict throughout its history, beginning with Sam Kennedy being let go because he talked too openly about what his own plans were, leaving many behind the scenes military supporters feeling a bit nervous.

I have watched the process move from the 'Elder Guardians of the Republic' to the 'RAP' to 'the Restored Republic' to 'Rusa', what it is today. The travel trek has been a roller coaster ride for many of those involved. Many people got their egos ruffled, stepped on & bloated out of proportion. Many of those that have formed a group of adversaries to Rusa were former members of RAP & Rusa. Teri Hinkle is one such person, Jim Lovell is one as well. Not sure when Deatra Loomer & "Drake" came into it. But what I do know is there is no concrete evidence that can be found in the allegations against Tim Turner. The only evidence that is shown are emails complaining about this, that & the other.

One of the most used allegations is that Tim worked for the Dept of Homeland Security. This has been something that Tim Turner has openly admitted during his seminars that were open to the public. If you go through the online youtube seminar videos, you will be able to find him saying this within the proper context. Tim Turner has always been open to the public, email address, phone number, mailing address.

Now if you take a look at "Drake", you will find no image can be found, no contact information is available. Even in the interview with David Wilcock, he avoids directly identifying the particular agency where he obtained his security clearances to protect the nation against a nuclear threat. Now, what agency is in charge of that? It can only be the NSA!

The group that "Drake" is now a part of is nothing more than a group of disgruntled former RAP & Rusa members.

I got a feeling that, although "Drake" (not his real name) may truly believe he is doing good work, it just may be that he is being used as a tool by those (NSA superiors?) that are above him in the hierarchy that he is a part of. I get a distinct feeling he is still working for the NSA. Hope people that are following his lead are not headed for problems with the de facto USG (in which the NSA is very much a part of).

Notice that Drake avoids naming the agency where he has obtained his security clearances (link below).
1) Drake admits being an NSA Agent: www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KjZgsRt8PBc#t=2644s (www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KjZgsRt8PBc#t=2643s)

Do your homework. Vigilance is the word for the day - for the next year or so. Peace.

turiya -*-

16th April 2012, 15:26
I listened to an interview sunday 4/15 and Drake was talking about all the people relying on the government for assistance and those who would no longer get that assistance. The people that have paid into the system, those who are retired, and the people that are severely injured on disability, will apparently still get their monthly checks. However, those people on welfare will be cut off. How many people in this country are on welfare? Can you imagine what will happen when they no longer have any money or food stamps? Talk about rioting... and mayhem.

16th April 2012, 15:49
i agree schneider, there is a very large populace in this country that relies on the welfare system for their support. speaking from the framework of the ptw, they are considered the very bottom of the food chain and will be the first dispelled, or eaten. i believe they are referred to as "use-less eaters."

the only thing i can think of to keep the rioting to a minimum would be to have a job placement back up system in place to put them back into the work force. however, that would take years of accomplishing as so many jobs have been outsourced over the last three decades. total mayhem is true.
regards, corson

16th April 2012, 16:09
i agree schneider, there is a very large populace in this country that relies on the welfare system for their support. speaking from the framework of the ptw, they are considered the very bottom of the food chain and will be the first dispelled, or eaten. i believe they are referred to as "use-less eaters."

the only thing i can think of to keep the rioting to a minimum would be to have a job placement back up system in place to put them back into the work force. however, that would take years of accomplishing as so many jobs have been outsourced over the last three decades. total mayhem is true.
regards, corson

Corson, great that you brought this up. There is AT LEAST 50% out there who draw one form of government check or another. Out of the other 50% who are left, many are children, which leaves about 20% of the population to actually do the work to support "the system", a term which I use loosely.

So, I think that doing a "reset" back to some imaginary time in the early 1700's where freedom reigned and everyone was self determined and tyranny was defeated and left for those European's while America forged it's way into liberty, is a lie too.

Sure, if you jumped on a boat and headed for America, you either took care of yourself or died, there was no welfare. Welfare exists because the powers at the top of the pyramid set it up that way, for the 99% to end up at the bottom of the pyramid as needy docile subservient slaves.

But the current "meme" of, hey, lets all become sovereign and tell the powers that be to go F$%& themselves while we sit at our keyboards and draw our government checks? Really?

I know I'm not talking about anyone here at Avalon, but you get the point.

Fred Steeves
24th April 2012, 22:51
That was a very enjoyable and intelligent conversation between you two ladies, thank you both for sharing that! I always like opportunities to match the actual voices and real time personalities, with the script we constantly "converse" with here on these forums. Anyhoos, now I finally have time, and am around 40 minutes into the original interview with Wilcock to see what all this Drake stuff is about myself. Kind of cart before the horse, but oh well.
