View Full Version : Interesting Article About Brainwashing

16th April 2012, 21:16
This isn't suppose to be a dig at men...I don't want it to turn into that thread that was posted about modern women destroying earth or whatever that BS was about.

I found it to be more interesting about how humans respond to each other psychologically. Thought I'd share and see what the more enlightened people of avalon thought :)


16th April 2012, 21:29
I definitely agree that the powers that were have done their best to encourage divisiveness between the sexes (as well as between races, classes, and the list goes on).

16th April 2012, 21:42
Our society seems to raise some group up by bringing some other group down. Men and women have been brainwashed and we deal with the effects of that everyday. Modern feminism has had some benefits, but it has also had some drawbacks and we are foolish by not acknowledging them. Women have been raised up and we are enjoying the benefits of that, but there is a price to bringing our men down - and that can be seen in the fact that more women go to college than men nowadays and blue-collar men have been dealing w/more unemployment opportunities due to the decrease in manufacturing jobs - which then impacts the families to which these men are attached. I'd like to see a society where we aren't raising people up by putting other people down.

16th April 2012, 22:08
I've always 'enjoyed' the heading on the blog "Luis Manuel"... "If you were brainwashed, would you have any idea?"


17th April 2012, 00:26
Thank you for posting this. I was just pondering this sorta thing just this morning. Not the first time I've pondered it but it was returned to me this morning. Over the weekend I heard two separate comments from two different men : One was disappointment when the fellow in question thought a friend of mine much younger than what she actually is: " Oh I thought you were in your twenties (he was approaching 60--looked 90)

Och, aye the trophy bitch has got some tarnish on her.

Trolling for youth. I wouldn't have gone with him to a kennel, I dare hazard a woman half my age would half laughed her arse off at the notion but yet.....yet...that is what he expects. WHY?!!!!! What gave that wretched old troll the notion that some flamingly youthful girl should want his baggy old goat scrotum ass when someone twice her age was throwing up in her mouth a little at the thought of it.

and to myself i heard: "Well your getting to that age where you can't be picky"

I'm at the age where I'm pickier than ever lol.

That is what I and my friend were flithering about and what I was pondering this morning.

Why do men automatically think I should like them. Like i'm obligated to like them.

The really hot gorgeous stud muffins I KNOW why. They THINK everyone is slobbering after them and just dying to crawl in their arms. (we ladies know that's not true...they are ornaments, to be 'hung' (ha ha ) and admired. If they don't take themselves seriously,....we should?

On the physical level : I am fit, kept myself in fairly decent shape, and yet there's these men who are absolute physical wrecks issuing this obligation at that I MUST like them. Like them? I should be on my knees begging for their dubious charms and while I'm down there.....


Why do I have to feel attracted to you?

Not that I'm all about looks because there's enough stud muffins that have a lot on the outside and no filling in the middle.

But most times these overly demanding (and homely)men have have personalities like a hollow can. Why do I HAVE to? What are you offering me here .Nothing on the inside, nothing on the outside. I know what I'm offering, dubious as it is, and I understand I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I accept that. I don't ever feel like someone HAS to like me.

You don't take the bait and....and Some throw the money ticket at you like they are a living wallet and they are BOUND to attract a gold digger. Men attract gold diggers on their own and trust me , you all, there are just as many gold digging men as they are women. Without a doubt. If you act like walking talking wallet crowing about your three homes, and toys, and investments as if that is the only part of you that counts what do you reasonably hope to attract!!!!??? Someone who only views you the same way that you view yourself!!! The moment you talk about yourself and that hand is going to your wallet to establish how you think about yourself there's going to be another more shapely hand doing the exact same thing you are?

So there was really nothing to ponder. Some men do THINK that you are obligated to just fall in with them.

Never thought about it that way.

17th April 2012, 00:49
9eagle9 your post cracked me up. everything you said was true, i love your wording though.

sadly there are those women that fall for all that and still think the top dogs are the fat walleted abercrombie and fitch model.

17th April 2012, 06:29
9eagle9 your post cracked me up. everything you said was true, i love your wording though.

sadly there are those women that fall for all that and still think the top dogs are the fat walleted abercrombie and fitch model.

Lovely written 9eagle9, sums up exactly what I think too. Laughing my head off at 9 o'clock at my office! Thanks again.. :)