View Full Version : Still talking sense - They want us to think he's crazy

Unified Serenity
21st April 2012, 22:04

The system is broken and the fix is not painless, but there here are some sensible ideas presented by Ron Paul. Of course the Main Stream Media will not allow his voice to be heard. They lie about him, ridicule him, and anyone who defends him is laughed at by talking heads like Hannity. Wake up folks, this system is sinking and eventually everyone will know it and then they will be very angry and as George Celente says, "When the people have lost everything and there is nothing left to lose, they will lose it!"

I can't help but think that's exactly what the money master puppeteers want. They have a new system waiting for us and we just have to be driven to want it badly enough.

23rd April 2012, 17:40
Long Live Liberty...( and libertarians)...He's my candidate of choice...but I don't think he has a chance of winning....so I'm torn between voting my conscience and voting realistically!