View Full Version : Involuntary thoughts and strong emotions, why not get rid of them??

22nd April 2012, 08:57

If you think I'm intruding, please feel free to keep your thoughts and emotions that keep you up at night and so on.

It's very simple and you can experiment with this everywhere.
You must pay close attention to your thoughts and the emotion that may arise with the thought.

I would suggest you start with small things you know you react to, so you build up some confident for the strong emotions later.
When you are in a situation you know you will react, become very alert and listen to the thought and what it tells you to feel.
Now you will probably react as you normally do, but you have also catch the thought and now you know exactly what thought sets of the emotion.

When you next time are in the same situation again, you know what thought the mind will give you so you can look at the thought and be alert to the emotion,
that will arise with the thought.

Here is the part you have to be brave when you deal with strong emotions later on, but for now you are experimenting with the lighter emotions.

As you observe the thought you will feel the emotion arise in you, now stay very alert and observer the emotion.
Feel the discomfort it causes in your body.

In this moment your mind will sometimes give you a new thought, and suggest how to get rid of the emotion you are observing.
Like, just turn the volume down or crush it with a hammer..etc

No, this is your moment to get rid of that thought and emotion permanent and for good.
stay very alert and focus and feel the emotion, ignore other thoughts and just let them pass by. Don't worry about the other thoughts that may arise,
You will get them in another moment and you will give them the same attention.

Now here is how simple it is to get rid of that thought and emotion, you just have to stay very alert and just observe and you will physically feel how the emotion dissolves in you.
What you are doing is putting the light of consciousness on the thought and emotion and it can't stand it, so it dissolves.

There is of course repeatable thoughts, that you have to do this many times with.
But as you progress the effort will become light and later on you just smile at a thought and the emotion as you put your attention on it.

Remember there is probably thousands of years of layers of pain ans suffering, from different lives you have experienced.


22nd April 2012, 10:21
Hi <8>,

I've read this post with interest.
As I understand it, You've had a kind of awakening or enlightenment process recently wherein this method you talk about in this post changed you as a person, lifted you up to another state of being, am I correct?

I read the first book of Eckhart Tolle (7 years ago) and I've used this 'looking at my thoughts, emotions and reactions' at some degree and it helped me in a big way to overcome certain conditioned reactions to certain situations I had.
For instance: When we (my girlfriend and me) began the day and I was in a cheerful mood and she was not. Most of the time I ended up being with a bad mood too. I let her emotions effect me and I reasoned: "Well, can't you put some effort in starting the day with a smile on your face? It's pretty easy when you try to... Letting it all go like you do effects people around you too, you know?"
So, I was upsetting myself just by looking at her and in doing so, I changed my own cheerful mood.
Using this method from Eckhart Tolle helped me to understand what was happening and showed me how my thoughts and emotions directed me.
It learned me to overcome this and now when a situation like this happens, I just watch it and look at my conditioned thoughts and emotions without acting on it in any way and then I can "see or feel" the pain in the other person. I remain in good spirits and sometimes I'm even able to help her overcome her bad mood too. a joke or a certain gesture.
Well I haven't mastered this yet, but in about 50%, it works for me.

What I am interested at is how this new level of awareness that you are at now, changed you.
Can you describe in what way you are a different person? Is your behaviour changed a lot?
your view on things. everything... I'd like to know.

kind regards,


22nd April 2012, 15:16
Hi Wakytweaky and thanks for the questions.

I would like to start to say, we all have our different experiences. And it is not always easy to find words to express what we really have experienced.
I guess if I put it like this, if you get a taste of your trueself within you, you know you are at peace "always"

Now, what clouds this for most people is the unconscious mind, even when people here on Avalon who think they are awake.
When they read this, they can't understand.

And that is okay, it just mean they have other things to experience before they are ready to start awakening up to this.
I know I thought I was awakening for years before I truly started to wake up.

And I guess I have to add, this doesn't make me superior to anyone else NOR do I get that feeling inside me.
If I did, it would be the unconscious mind who was telling me that and I would respond accordingly to my unconscious mind.
Of course in the beginning of my awakening the mind had several suggestions, how I could use this too be superior.
Those suggestions I can't help to smile at, because if I would act on them I would go right back to be unconscious again.

About this:

changed you as a person, lifted you up to another state of being, am I correct?

Change me YES, lifted I would not put it like that, but it might be the same thing. I am a simple person let me try to explain.
The less thoughts, the more my true self can shine through. So if I do the work and clean up my thoughts and the emotions.
My true self start merging with my mind. (thats how I see it right now)

For example as of late I don't write anything if I am not in silence, if something comes to me I write it (as I do now)
One morning I was in silence, ready to write, about 20-30 min without writing a word, it just came to me I have to walk my dog.
I do and I met this lady I briefly talked to one time before, it was really early and we were all alone.
If I had walked out 1 min earlier or later we would never had met this morning.

For some reason I can't explain she really opens up to me and I understand she is in the awakening stage.
I point out to her that Eckhart Tolle's work might be what she is looking for.

Feeling others emotions can be quite overwhelming if they are negative, but at the same time it's good training to stay present and not get dragged into the drama.
I have to admit that there was one lady who was so negative, I felt I was drowning in her negative energy.
After several weeks I decided to stay away from her, I was not yet ready for so much negativity.
I had to spend hours every day after meeting her and cleanse myself, with same techniques I normally use of course.

Well I am no master (yet)

If I put it like this, I occasionally have thoughts depending what situation I'm in.
I am 90% free from thoughts and emotions if I am not disturbed and no I am not sitting in a dark room meditating.
I don't meditate any more, all I do, is to stay in silence.

I don't have any strong emotions anymore or should I say, It seems I need others to stirring up old emotions.
I get surprised when it happens, but I enjoy to clean up one more.

How I see myself at this point.

I see myself as a formless being experience form as in this body I am in now, but I feel I have not mastered that yet.
Because when you have, you are a master,buddha ,Jesus..etc..

I guess I have to add, only because you had a profound experience or more don't make you a master or special of any sort.
Many think so and slips right back to unconsciousness, because their unconscious minds ego claimed the experience.

I see many who talk about the new special children who has come here to earth, star children indigo children crystal children.
And the unconscious parent's feed them with conditioned thoughts.

I see all the suffering to be a beautiful thing now and I am grateful for my experience and the suffering that almost claimed this body a few times.
I am now greatful for the suffering of losing my daughter, because I now understand, she was never my daughter.

I am greatful for the experience and I now enjoy being in form and understand why I am here.

The Goal is to understand this and not just for me, as far as I understand that's what it's all about being here expanding consciousness.
And if you don't get it this time, you just have to try again.

But in the greater picture of universe everything is okay and it plays out just as it should.
For example try to tell the truth to an unconscious person, they can't take that, they just seems to shut down.
They have to take baby steps because they have more to experience before it's time for them to really wake up.


22nd April 2012, 15:23
What I want to know is why do you have thoughts and emotions that you want to get rid of? Who told you, you were qualified to judge them?

Okay....find it? Now get rid of that thought.

another bob
22nd April 2012, 15:30
Thoughts are my friends, yet how can they know there is a space between them?

How can they know when it’s time for them to go?

Across the sky of mind, all my birds are leaving.

Some would try and tame these birds, but these birds have no mind to tame.

I fly through the sky at the thought of this mind!

This mind is Happiness itself!

It is happiness to feel the flight of Love!

One might say this mind is Love!

I love this mind, this mind of Love!

If this mind is Love, who then suffers, in their mind, any lack of Love?

What a wonder is this mind!

Why do they say: “Forsake this mind?” and dismissively name it, “the lie by which we are bound?”

Still, here is a good question:

Why hold the snake in your hand as if it were your pet canary?

The poison is always fatal. There is no antidote.

Death is certain, but not before the agony.

Give me that snake. I will love it.

I will hold it to my breast and let it wound me again and again.

I will kiss its fangs and swallow its venom, and I will transmute this deathly mind into the sweetest elixir.

I will offer that to You!

There are those among us that nobody knows who have surrendered everything for such Nectar. And yet somehow now, I can’t stop smiling – this late at night, one bird keeps singing.

That bird is You, the One who dreams this very mind! You live us.

Nobody else would dream to, so it must be You!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

The evidence that anything other than You exists becomes more difficult to fall for the longer one contemplates You — the Light behind the mind.

Body/Mind/Soul/Light – that’s Your Idea, as are all birds and beings You’ve dreamed up to fill Your perfect mind, Your Mind of Love.

I fly to You through the Sky of Mind, though it is really just You, flying!

When the mind falls into the heart, everyone lands back on the tree where they began, though no one has ever gone anywhere.

You flip a switch in the mind and Nothing happens.

The pure confusion this creates is Your marvelous Compassion.

Some call it the “Wound of Love”.

You’re the open wound in every heart mind –
and You, it’s perfect mending.

22nd April 2012, 17:53
What I want to know is why do you have thoughts and emotions that you want to get rid of? Who told you, you were qualified to judge them?

Okay....find it? Now get rid of that thought.

Hi and good questions..

I have to get back to you on this one, I have been contemplating.
And I feel something is preventing me to paint you an accurate picture and what I mean is a picture everybody can understand.

P.s..Thanks for the experience..

22nd April 2012, 18:06

I was struck with beauty from the poem by another bob and I was wondering if it came out of his mind just when he wrote it here, or it was maybe an existing poem.
So I googled it on google belgium www.google.be ... error.. to much text.
Ok, so I just took a sentence and googled it: If this mind is Love, who then suffers, in their mind, any lack of Love?
This came up:


So clearly this poem does not exist on Google, but I just clicked the 2th website that was on there:


Isn't that beautiful too? haha

Thanks so much for sharing <8>
I have a better picture now of what it means to get to the point that you are at now. It's a very nice picture!

I have a feeling that another bob and markpierre are doing a little "shaking the world" to let us "see" just like Don Juan and Don Genaro do in the books from Carlos Castaneda and I'm sure that another bob knows what I'm talking about. ;)

ps: bob? did you write that poem?

another bob
22nd April 2012, 18:18
What I want to know is why do you have thoughts and emotions that you want to get rid of? Who told you, you were qualified to judge them?

Okay....find it? Now get rid of that thought.

Hi and good questions..

I have to get back to you on this one, I have been contemplating.
And I feel something is preventing me to paint you an accurate picture and what I mean is a picture everybody can understand.

P.s..Thanks for the experience..

The problem is not thought per se, but the habit of identifying with thoughts that creates the illusion of a separate and enduring self, which in turn serves as the source of suffering. By allowing thoughts to arise and dissolve, without investing in any of them, leads to an interesting realization -- I am not my thoughts. Proceeding from there, the next question would be, then what am I? Sitting with this question, at the source of thought itself, without resort to some intellectual answer, can lead to another interesting realization (or recognition). What that is, is for each to find out for themselves.


another bob
22nd April 2012, 18:21
ps: bob? did you write that poem?

Hehe, please note the sites listed at the bottom -- where you will find the writings.
The one in this thread came from original writings at Feeling To Infinity.
Thanks for your appreciation!


22nd April 2012, 18:58
What I want to know is why do you have thoughts and emotions that you want to get rid of? Who told you, you were qualified to judge them?

Okay....find it? Now get rid of that thought.

Hi and good questions..

I have to get back to you on this one, I have been contemplating.
And I feel something is preventing me to paint you an accurate picture and what I mean is a picture everybody can understand.

P.s..Thanks for the experience..

The problem is not thought per se, but the habit of identifying with thoughts that creates the illusion of a separate and enduring self, which in turn serves as the source of suffering. By allowing thoughts to arise and dissolve, without investing in any of them, leads to an interesting realization -- I am not my thoughts. Proceeding from there, the next question would be, then what am I? Sitting with this question, at the source of thought itself, without resort to some intellectual answer, can lead to another interesting realization (or recognition). What that is, is for each to find out for themselves.


Hi and thanks..

Just a small picture of me contemplating this.


P.s I was out walking and as I came back home, I just started to laugh, what a experience it was for me.

another bob
22nd April 2012, 19:11
P.s I was out walking and as I came back home, I just started to laugh, what a experience it was for me.

When you reach the final destination, you find a steep cliff standing right in front of you. It is so high you cannot see its top, and so wide that its side cannot be found. At this time a person who has been to the other side of the cliff comes to tell you that on the other side lies the world of Chan. When you scale it you will enter Chan. And yet, he tells you not to depend on any means of transportation to fly over, bypass, or penetrate through it, because it is infinity itself, and there is no way to scale it.

Even an outstanding Chan master able to bring his student to this place will find himself unable to help any more. Although he has been to the other side, he cannot take you there with him, just as a mother’s own eating and drinking cannot take the hunger away from the child who refuses to eat or drink. At that time, the only help he can give you is to tell you to discard all your experiences, your knowledge, and all the things and ideas that you think are the most reliable, most magnificent, and most real, even including your hope to get to the world of Chan. It is as if you were entering a sacred building. Before you do so, the guard tells you that you must not carry any weapon, that you must take off all your clothes, and that not only must you be completely naked you also have to leave your body and soul behind. Then you can enter.

Excerpted from http://advancedbuddhism.info/2011/11/15/sheng-yen-what-is-chan/


22nd April 2012, 19:21
P.s I was out walking and as I came back home, I just started to laugh, what a experience it was for me.

When you reach the final destination, you find a steep cliff standing right in front of you. It is so high you cannot see its top, and so wide that its side cannot be found. At this time a person who has been to the other side of the cliff comes to tell you that on the other side lies the world of Chan. When you scale it you will enter Chan. And yet, he tells you not to depend on any means of transportation to fly over, bypass, or penetrate through it, because it is infinity itself, and there is no way to scale it.

Even an outstanding Chan master able to bring his student to this place will find himself unable to help any more. Although he has been to the other side, he cannot take you there with him, just as a mother’s own eating and drinking cannot take the hunger away from the child who refuses to eat or drink. At that time, the only help he can give you is to tell you to discard all your experiences, your knowledge, and all the things and ideas that you think are the most reliable, most magnificent, and most real, even including your hope to get to the world of Chan. It is as if you were entering a sacred building. Before you do so, the guard tells you that you must not carry any weapon, that you must take off all your clothes, and that not only must you be completely naked you also have to leave your body and soul behind. Then you can enter.

Excerpted from http://advancedbuddhism.info/2011/11/15/sheng-yen-what-is-chan/





22nd April 2012, 21:14
for me, the best practise is to not judge the thought, or condemn it for the negative emotional reaction.

i suffer panic attacks on occassions. they key is not to fight it. be open to it and let it flow through...without judgement. it is what it is. it is the change in our relationship to the thought that is paramount in freeing yourself from crippling emotions.

ironically, it takes using the inner warrior to allow yourself to be defenseless to it.

in love


22nd April 2012, 22:19
What I want to know is why do you have thoughts and emotions that you want to get rid of? Who told you, you were qualified to judge them?

Okay....find it? Now get rid of that thought.

Hi and good questions..

I have to get back to you on this one, I have been contemplating.
And I feel something is preventing me to paint you an accurate picture and what I mean is a picture everybody can understand.

P.s..Thanks for the experience..

It's a rhetorical question <B>, and don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying your explorations. Thoughts don't originate in you, you're just the interpreter. It's the conflict you have with your interpretations that keep you up. They engage emotional responses from the experiences that you draw on to interpret them. Lot's of lifetimes worth of experiences.
You WANT to go in to those emotions. You WANT to milk them dry.

If you think that 'consciousness' is better thoughts to usurp the ones you find distressing, you're missing opportunity. That thought will return. I used to use a trick when my mind was racing. I'd imagine myself a snowplow blade, and just let the attacking thoughts blow off past me like snowdrifts. It worked.
But I hadn't developed the discipline to follow any single one of those thoughts to it's core, and the cause of my interpretation.

You'll find in any thought that evokes emotion, dozens of traumas that that feeling is attached to. It isn't until you've engaged them all that that emotion is done with you.
Go into those emotions and feel them to their fullest. It's always surprising how quickly it passes when you willing engage it. And it seems to never return. You've seen it clearly,
and interpretations lose their value.

Have a play with it. I'm interested in what you're doing. It feels like a really important passage for you. And for me.

Cheers mate

23rd April 2012, 14:59
Thanks Markpierre for sharing that.

Before I know any better, I use a sledgehammer to crack my thoughts. It's just an experience we have to go through.
Of Course it workt, so I could get a moment of silence to meditate, but sooner or later they return.

I now also see how important we are to each other, for example a simple question may set off a chain reaction of experiences thanks to that.
Even though the questions you gave me earlier did not trigger any emotions, they made me push my mind to the limit, and I needed to experience that myself.

It feels like the whole universe is a symphony and we all carry a different tune to complete the masterpiece.
