View Full Version : I feel engulfed in energy sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night.

23rd April 2012, 01:52
This has only happened to me a few times, and personally I think it's kind of cool. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and my entire body is pulsating with incredible energy. The only comparison I can make to the feeling is that of Ecstasy, a.k.a MDMA. What's even weirder is I will be conscious of it before I technically even wake up. When I do open my eyes, and become aware of my surroundings the pulsating energy continues for another couple of seconds. I'm curious and fascinated, and I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or opinions on this. Thank you and much love to you all.

23rd April 2012, 03:19
I woke up in the middle of the night the other day and my legs felt HOT like I had been running for over an hour. Very Strange. I have also been waking in the morning with more energy then in the last year or so.

I have also noticed in my daily activities periods with in the day where I am getting tiny white pulses of light in my vision.

23rd April 2012, 03:30
I've only had one weird experience in my lifetime. I was laying in bed one night awake and meditating. Then with my eyes closed, I got high def 3d color images like I was standing outside in broad daylight. This went on for a few minutes and I opened my eyes and looked at my wife sleeping next to me. I was not dreaming. I closed my eyes and was instantly back in a high def 3d world. This went on for over an hour. I remembered everything like I experienced it. I looked back at my wife more than a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Finally I had to get up for work.

I told quite a few people and nobody seemed to experience anything like that. I searched other forums but couldn't find anybody who experience anything quite like this. So I began looking for things on youtube which directly led me to the new age movement of which I've remained a part.

It has never happened again and I have no 3 eye experiences. In any case, if anyone has had an experience like that I would love to hear what you have to say about it. Any insight would be helpful.

Thanks FF

23rd April 2012, 04:22
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