View Full Version : The BIG secret to power in 3-D space/time.

25th April 2012, 14:33

I first posted this kind of post in ATS (Above Top Secret), but soon afterwards I got banned by ATS, as it's controlled by the CIA and they don't want good, positive information getting out there that cuts too close to the bedrock truth of how the elites gained and kept their power in the Twentieth Century.

You can find that article if you google: " Historical Mozart big secret to power " and that article should pop right up. Right after I posted that, boom, banned. Well, I googled it and here it is:


ATS can kiss my royal ass.

So now I'm going to post this same basic thing here.

The elites have long known that the key ways to create and maintain power here in 3-D space/time was to do two critical things. Those two critical things are the two sides of what I call the "Central Coin of Concentrated Power" (CCCP).

So here's the secret:

1) Limit, meter and control money.

2) Limit, meter and control energy.

Control those two things and you have the world in your hands. It's that simple. It's the central coin of power -- money on one side and energy on the other. One cannot control the world without controlling those two critical things.

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."

President James Madison

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance.

The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President.

So, about #1.

The key to keeping the power of money is to monopolize it, to monopolize the issuance of it and to keep at bay any competitors who could threaten that kind of control by any means. The end of keeping the money monopoly justifies the means of enforcing that monopoly.

Look at this list of countries that had usury/interest-free banking as of the year 2000:

Afghanistan (destroyed by war; central, usury/debt-based banking established)

Iraq (destroyed by war; central, usury/debt-based banking established)

Sudan (destroyed by covert military action; usury/debt-based banking established)

Libya (destroyed by war; usury/debt-based banking established)


North Korea


Now the only countries that have interest/usury-free banking are:

Cuba (embargoed by the US for decades; the limit of trade limits the success of Cuba's banking)

North Korea (the US is always saber-rattling and demonizing North Korea)

Iran (economic sanctions, saber-rattling and intense efforts to engage Iran into WWIII)

See the pattern there?

Most of you are well-versed about how the money monopoly happened in the US with the unlawful establishment of the Federal Reserve, so I won't go into the details about that. Just understanding the central point that establishing money monopolies by establishing usury/interest/debt-based central banks is the key to creating and maintaining money monopolies.

About #2

Concomitant with the money monopolies, one must also maintain energy monopolies by whatever means possible, by aggressively and violently suppressing the development and promulgation of any sort of device that could break the energy monopolies that are maintained by the money masters.

It's technically oligopolies, not monopolies, of the energy industries, but the dark bastard elites control ALL of the corporations that provide centralized, capital-intensive energy. So, the net effect is to monopolize energy and stop the development of free energy.

Look at this article: http://www.rense.com/general72/oinvent.htm

And you'll see how the energy monopoly was maintained. Over 5,000 free-energy-related patents were suppressed, often violently. Over 5,000! Five thousand times attempts to break the energy oligopolies were stopped!

Five thousand times people came up with ways to break that energy monopoly, but they were violently suppressed by the money masters.

Many years ago, I came up with an idea and a rough prototype for a magnet-based device that would have used gravity to create the force/pressure on the magnets to create the free-energy device that I felt would revolutionize the world, so I very excitedly went to see my local genius physicist friend who also was very spiritual and connected with higher-dimensional beings.

So I told him about my device that I had made and he sadly smiled and said:

"Welcome to the long list of thousands of people who have come up with similar ideas, only to have SWAT teams swoop in, take all of their equipment, computers, etc, and threaten or kill the inventors."

If you take your invention and develop a working prototype of it, the satellites will detect it -- down to just 125 watts of energy -- and within 72 hours, locate you for the SWAT teams to swoop in and take you down.

What you have created is what's called an "over-unity device", so if you get as far as an initial powering it up and keeping it running for several hours, you will certainly put your life in danger."

I was just crushed with that news from my friend. I had no idea that the bastards had satellites back then (this was in the mid-90s) that could detect over-unity devices. I was mad as hell and had to camp out at the local river for a week to get over this.

So the solution for this problem is the same solution that I had proposed in my ATS article: take down the bastard elites and break both their money and energy monopolies and you can free the world from their domination. Back then the idea of taking down the bastard elites was just a pipe dream and many people thought that I was nuts with my frequent talks with them that this was absolutely necessary if we were ever to be free. Just a pipe dream.

So I sure hope to God that these mass arrests of the bastards really, REALLY would happen. Every day that it does not happen makes me more and more nervous.

But there are so many positive developments towards the final defeat of the "supranational sovereignty of intellectual elite and world bankers" -- quoting David Rockefeller -- with the help of our ET buddies, etc, that I'm greatly encouraged that we will finally defeat those snobby-assed elites very soon this year.

Look at that Rockefeller quote:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years.

But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries."

Well, I have one thing to say to Rockefeller:

UP YOURS and your supranational sovereignty of intellectual elite and eff'n world bankers! Bah, humbug!

And who are We the People?

We are a galactic sovereignty of intellectual, enlightened and wise badasses!

So there!

25th April 2012, 14:45
Hi Mozart

I was in the process of building a device and started to chat on the old furum about it, a few members became very chummy and then demanding. They wanted me to send them the plans and I ofcourse refused. Had to report the one member to admin because of the things I was being almost threatened with.

Shortly afterwards, I began getting strange calls anytime day or night, I had a power outage and something was moving around my house very quickly and then I had things dissapear in my house. I stopped what I was doing and made it known on the site. The problems soon stopped too.

Watch yer back my friend, you never know who is watching, listening and chatting to you.


25th April 2012, 14:54
Watch yer back my friend, you never know who is watching, listening and chatting to you.

Ammit ~

Exactly. It's astonishing at how fast they can zero down on you and stop you. So eff'n fast.

But keep the idea of your invention fresh in your mind. Trouble-shoot it the best that you can in your mind. Play around with crude prototypes about it and tell no one.

Then once the bastard elites are defeated, you could come on out with your device and contribute to our world in positive ways.


25th April 2012, 15:03

I have it all backed up on different formats including paper. spread all over with trusted friends. I no longer keep the documents in my house.

25th April 2012, 15:25

I have it all backed up on different formats including paper. spread all over with trusted friends. I no longer keep the documents in my house.

There ya go, Ammit. That's the way to do it. Smart move, bro.


25th April 2012, 15:44
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

25th April 2012, 15:51
Mozart thanks for a well written easy to read article. It all really makes sense and it all fits together with what is going on in the world today.

It would be so good if everyone would "not care" about making money. If we could barter as much as possible and only have the resources we need but not just to accumulate wealth for the sake of wealth. Then the elites would have one less thing to control.

It is so odd that so many people spend their life trying to accumulate $$$ when it is really all in vain in the end...

25th April 2012, 16:48
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

I have said a few times on this forum (and many times over the last 20 years) that everything is recorded by the watchers - every phone call, every text message, every email, every chat message and probably every keystroke. The more you try to encrypt things, the more closely they watch.

A couple of years ago, I received a series of "downloads" regarding designs for free energy devices - some while I was awake, some while I was sleeping. One time, when I had a big "aha" moment, I noticed several tiny coloured lights moving around me. I laughed out loud and said "thanks, you guys are awesome!" I don't know what they were/are but I call them my "helpers".

Like Ammit described, the information I received has been disseminated and I honestly don't know where all the copies are now, so even if they somehow probe me, they won't find it. I am not interested in commercialising the designs as they are intended to be free.

25th April 2012, 17:07
here's something to consider-- it seems to me that 'money' is now actually just digits in a computer at a bank, usually hidden in an off shore account some where........ where are all the great computer tinkerers that can break those codes and redistribute that wealth into other carefully hidden accounts?
regards, corson

25th April 2012, 18:46
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

I have said a few times on this forum (and many times over the last 20 years) that everything is recorded by the watchers - every phone call, every text message, every email, every chat message and probably every keystroke. The more you try to encrypt things, the more closely they watch.

A couple of years ago, I received a series of "downloads" regarding designs for free energy devices - some while I was awake, some while I was sleeping. One time, when I had a big "aha" moment, I noticed several tiny coloured lights moving around me. I laughed out loud and said "thanks, you guys are awesome!" I don't know what they were/are but I call them my "helpers".

Like Ammit described, the information I received has been disseminated and I honestly don't know where all the copies are now, so even if they somehow probe me, they won't find it. I am not interested in commercialising the designs as they are intended to be free.

... and how about every thought? For I, an ordinary citizen, once spotted a very well-defined HAARP signature in the clouds formation, per Mr. Tom Bearden's description and wanted to take a couple of pictures with the cell phone to post on Avalon. As I was doing it, I was thinking if "they" know I would do that they probably wanted to cripple my phone. Then it occurred to me that now that I did think of it, they probably had acknowledged my thought and would do just that just to show that they could. Sure enough, the phone died that evening.

Well, maybe it was only a coincidence.:(

25th April 2012, 18:52
This raises an interesting question, if over-unity devices are detected and automatically set upon by SWAT teams? Wouldn't this be the perfect way to stage some embarrassing exposure for the elites? I.E. prepare a device in one location, set it up in a staging area with profuse amounts of hidden cameras, staged to look like some sort of regular office unrelated to energy research. Then remove the device just prior, the S.W.A.T. team comes in and stages an embarrassing raid of a public building for no reason. Assert your rights, then release the captured videos up on youtube later to fan the flames of public sentiment.

If you did that enough times you could cause some serious damage to reputations and that might help send things tumbling down. Why not use their overzealous tactics against them, after all, they can't have the S.W.A.T. team admit why they're really there, so it should present some fun opportunities to mess with them a bit and get some good footage. Just my two cents. ;)

25th April 2012, 19:13
This raises an interesting question, if over-unity devices are detected and automatically set upon by SWAT teams? Wouldn't this be the perfect way to stage some embarrassing exposure for the elites? I.E. prepare a device in one location, set it up in a staging area with profuse amounts of hidden cameras, staged to look like some sort of regular office unrelated to energy research. Then remove the device just prior, the S.W.A.T. team comes in and stages an embarrassing raid of a public building for no reason. Assert your rights, then release the captured videos up on youtube later to fan the flames of public sentiment.

If you did that enough times you could cause some serious damage to reputations and that might help send things tumbling down. Why not use their overzealous tactics against them, after all, they can't have the S.W.A.T. team admit why they're really there, so it should present some fun opportunities to mess with them a bit and get some good footage. Just my two cents. ;)

Love it! Very clever... but who would report it? :doh:

25th April 2012, 19:17
This raises an interesting question, if over-unity devices are detected and automatically set upon by SWAT teams? Wouldn't this be the perfect way to stage some embarrassing exposure for the elites? I.E. prepare a device in one location, set it up in a staging area with profuse amounts of hidden cameras, staged to look like some sort of regular office unrelated to energy research. Then remove the device just prior, the S.W.A.T. team comes in and stages an embarrassing raid of a public building for no reason. Assert your rights, then release the captured videos up on youtube later to fan the flames of public sentiment.

LOL! Gotta love this out-of-the-box idea! Nice one, TVM.

So since they are recording and watching everything that we say here ... well, up yours, you bastards and we'll start to sting you jackasses!


25th April 2012, 19:20
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

Is it that bad Corey? ****


25th April 2012, 19:29
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

I have said a few times on this forum (and many times over the last 20 years) that everything is recorded by the watchers - every phone call, every text message, every email, every chat message and probably every keystroke. The more you try to encrypt things, the more closely they watch.

A couple of years ago, I received a series of "downloads" regarding designs for free energy devices - some while I was awake, some while I was sleeping. One time, when I had a big "aha" moment, I noticed several tiny coloured lights moving around me. I laughed out loud and said "thanks, you guys are awesome!" I don't know what they were/are but I call them my "helpers".

Like Ammit described, the information I received has been disseminated and I honestly don't know where all the copies are now, so even if they somehow probe me, they won't find it. I am not interested in commercialising the designs as they are intended to be free.

... and how about every thought? For I, an ordinary citizen, once spotted a very well-defined HAARP signature in the clouds formation, per Mr. Tom Bearden's description and wanted to take a couple of pictures with the cell phone to post on Avalon. As I was doing it, I was thinking if "they" know I would do that they probably wanted to cripple my phone. Then it occurred to me that now that I did think of it, they probably had acknowledged my thought and would do just that just to show that they could. Sure enough, the phone died that evening.

Well, maybe it was only a coincidence.:(

And maybe not


¤=[Post Update]=¤

This raises an interesting question, if over-unity devices are detected and automatically set upon by SWAT teams? Wouldn't this be the perfect way to stage some embarrassing exposure for the elites? I.E. prepare a device in one location, set it up in a staging area with profuse amounts of hidden cameras, staged to look like some sort of regular office unrelated to energy research. Then remove the device just prior, the S.W.A.T. team comes in and stages an embarrassing raid of a public building for no reason. Assert your rights, then release the captured videos up on youtube later to fan the flames of public sentiment.

If you did that enough times you could cause some serious damage to reputations and that might help send things tumbling down. Why not use their overzealous tactics against them, after all, they can't have the S.W.A.T. team admit why they're really there, so it should present some fun opportunities to mess with them a bit and get some good footage. Just my two cents. ;)

TVM you have just told them your plans. :p


¤=[Post Update]=¤

This raises an interesting question, if over-unity devices are detected and automatically set upon by SWAT teams? Wouldn't this be the perfect way to stage some embarrassing exposure for the elites? I.E. prepare a device in one location, set it up in a staging area with profuse amounts of hidden cameras, staged to look like some sort of regular office unrelated to energy research. Then remove the device just prior, the S.W.A.T. team comes in and stages an embarrassing raid of a public building for no reason. Assert your rights, then release the captured videos up on youtube later to fan the flames of public sentiment.

LOL! Gotta love this out-of-the-box idea! Nice one, TVM.

So since they are recording and watching everything that we say here ... well, up yours, you bastards and we'll start to sting you jackasses!


I just love reading your efn posts Mozart


25th April 2012, 19:43

I first posted this kind of post in ATS (Above Top Secret), but soon afterwards I got banned by ATS, as it's controlled by the CIA and they don't want good, positive information getting out there that cuts too close to the bedrock truth of how the elites gained and kept their power in the Twentieth Century.

You can find that article if you google: " Historical Mozart big secret to power " and that article should pop right up. Right after I posted that, boom, banned. Well, I googled it and here it is:


ATS can kiss my royal ass.

Excellent post, Mozart. I'm glad you chose this forum to re-post it on.

I'm less optimistic that the Supranational Sovereignty of Intellectual Elites are losing control of money or energy on this planet ... but I could easily be wrong.

25th April 2012, 19:49
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

Is it that bad Corey? ****


Check out this thread I created in january to link to Deep Thought's posts concerning the technologies they may have available and in use to monitor and control.


including such goodies as

Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed - Part 4

By Deep_Thought

Hardware hacking taken to a whole new level...

The brain emits weak radio waves that can be detected and matched against a database of neural network patterns to reveal what was being thought.

Amounting to a security flaw, a radio transmitter can "replay", or transmit, those same frequencies and patterns causing a person to experience sound, images, thoughts, feelings, tastes and smells.

In the last article, we refined our figures for the detection of weak radio emissions, from a single neuron, at orbital distances. Whilst the signal was weak, less than -200dBW, it was nothing outrageous that a modern satellite array could not detect. In this article, I have decided to fill in some of the missing blanks when it comes to the actual mechanism that betrays our thoughts.

The loss of all the Freedoms and Constitutional rights this country was supposedly based on is a major issue for me, and why I hope there are also 'white hats' either within or without but capable of having an 'influence' on the activities of this organization. I join Mozart with the

up yours, you bastards

for those in (perhaps partial) control of these organizations which stopped being about USA National Security and became about Dark Cabal Security and ultimately Citizen Control.

25th April 2012, 19:58
I have been the victim of this stealth theft of ideas bit on a bit smaller scale.

I masterminded single handedly a unique and futuristic concept amd shelved it for a couple of years
thinking that thd world was not ready, it was my downfall as the idea had somehow been replicated.

Sure enough, oneday I saw it advertised I MSM, footwear for dogs.

At least they hadnt the creativity for wording, I called it "Pooch Boots".

Back to the drawing board :-(

25th April 2012, 20:14
here's something to consider-- it seems to me that 'money' is now actually just digits in a computer at a bank, usually hidden in an off shore account some where........ where are all the great computer tinkerers that can break those codes and redistribute that wealth into other carefully hidden accounts?
regards, corson

until Usury (interest) is abolished; it does not matter who holds the money, it only matters who collects the interest.

redistributing funds will just kick the can down the road, the system needs to be purged and remade...

the ONLY time Jesus got angry / violent was at money changers (bankers, agents of usury (interest)) Islam also has strong commandments about interest free banking... SOME people know the truth of how evil it is... not many.

even this "dragon society" nonsense (my take) of redistributing some vast wealth that was created via interest does nothing but kick the can down the road again... we will come back to this situation again and again until interest is abolished...

I have several other opinions on what needs to change but it's nothing new or unique, just know that redistributing money is simply going to postpone, not cure.

25th April 2012, 20:29
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

Is it that bad Corey? ****


Yes sir, indeed it is. And that is before the new giant NSA complex is built this year. It has been going on for some time too...

25th April 2012, 20:33
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

Will they soon require us to give them an imprint of our butts? I will be glad to provide that to them at no cost.

25th April 2012, 20:34
Watch yer back my friend, you never know who is watching, listening and chatting to you.

Ammit ~

Exactly. It's astonishing at how fast they can zero down on you and stop you. So eff'n fast.

But keep the idea of your invention fresh in your mind. Trouble-shoot it the best that you can in your mind. Play around with crude prototypes about it and tell no one.

Then once the bastard elites are defeated, you could come on out with your device and contribute to our world in positive ways.

~Mozart smoking gun to show that Avalon and others forums are monitored don't you think....

26th April 2012, 02:25
I use black backdrops with white lettering.

I can't read anything in purple.

26th April 2012, 02:51
I use black backdrops with white lettering.

I can't read anything in purple.


Oh, that's a bummer, but I saw your profile page and I can see why.

What if you highlighted the text field of my posts? I assume that the vast majority of people here have white backgrounds, so the purple text works for those backgrounds. I'd hate to give up the purple for my text, as I really like the color.

I'm leaving this one in black this time.


26th April 2012, 03:51
I can't read anything in purple.
I'm pretty sure some other members, especially using dark background colors, have similar problems.

Here's Mozart's opening post, without the COLOR fonts:


I first posted this kind of post in ATS (Above Top Secret), but soon afterwards I got banned by ATS, as it's controlled by the CIA and they don't want good, positive information getting out there that cuts too close to the bedrock truth of how the elites gained and kept their power in the Twentieth Century.

You can find that article if you google: " Historical Mozart big secret to power " and that article should pop right up. Right after I posted that, boom, banned. Well, I googled it and here it is:


ATS can kiss my royal ass.

So now I'm going to post this same basic thing here.

The elites have long known that the key ways to create and maintain power here in 3-D space/time was to do two critical things. Those two critical things are the two sides of what I call the "Central Coin of Concentrated Power" (CCCP).

So here's the secret:

1) Limit, meter and control money.

2) Limit, meter and control energy.

Control those two things and you have the world in your hands. It's that simple. It's the central coin of power -- money on one side and energy on the other. One cannot control the world without controlling those two critical things.

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."

President James Madison

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws"

Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance.

The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President.

So, about #1.

The key to keeping the power of money is to monopolize it, to monopolize the issuance of it and to keep at bay any competitors who could threaten that kind of control by any means. The end of keeping the money monopoly justifies the means of enforcing that monopoly.

Look at this list of countries that had usury/interest-free banking as of the year 2000:

Afghanistan (destroyed by war; central, usury/debt-based banking established)

Iraq (destroyed by war; central, usury/debt-based banking established)

Sudan (destroyed by covert military action; usury/debt-based banking established)

Libya (destroyed by war; usury/debt-based banking established)


North Korea


Now the only countries that have interest/usury-free banking are:

Cuba (embargoed by the US for decades; the limit of trade limits the success of Cuba's banking)

North Korea (the US is always saber-rattling and demonizing North Korea)

Iran (economic sanctions, saber-rattling and intense efforts to engage Iran into WWIII)

See the pattern there?

Most of you are well-versed about how the money monopoly happened in the US with the unlawful establishment of the Federal Reserve, so I won't go into the details about that. Just understanding the central point that establishing money monopolies by establishing usury/interest/debt-based central banks is the key to creating and maintaining money monopolies.

About #2

Concomitant with the money monopolies, one must also maintain energy monopolies by whatever means possible, by aggressively and violently suppressing the development and promulgation of any sort of device that could break the energy monopolies that are maintained by the money masters.

It's technically oligopolies, not monopolies, of the energy industries, but the dark bastard elites control ALL of the corporations that provide centralized, capital-intensive energy. So, the net effect is to monopolize energy and stop the development of free energy.

Look at this article: http://www.rense.com/general72/oinvent.htm

And you'll see how the energy monopoly was maintained. Over 5,000 free-energy-related patents were suppressed, often violently. Over 5,000! Five thousand times attempts to break the energy oligopolies were stopped!

Five thousand times people came up with ways to break that energy monopoly, but they were violently suppressed by the money masters.

Many years ago, I came up with an idea and a rough prototype for a magnet-based device that would have used gravity to create the force/pressure on the magnets to create the free-energy device that I felt would revolutionize the world, so I very excitedly went to see my local genius physicist friend who also was very spiritual and connected with higher-dimensional beings.

So I told him about my device that I had made and he sadly smiled and said:

"Welcome to the long list of thousands of people who have come up with similar ideas, only to have SWAT teams swoop in, take all of their equipment, computers, etc, and threaten or kill the inventors."

If you take your invention and develop a working prototype of it, the satellites will detect it -- down to just 125 watts of energy -- and within 72 hours, locate you for the SWAT teams to swoop in and take you down.

What you have created is what's called an "over-unity device", so if you get as far as an initial powering it up and keeping it running for several hours, you will certainly put your life in danger."

I was just crushed with that news from my friend. I had no idea that the bastards had satellites back then (this was in the mid-90s) that could detect over-unity devices. I was mad as hell and had to camp out at the local river for a week to get over this.

So the solution for this problem is the same solution that I had proposed in my ATS article: take down the bastard elites and break both their money and energy monopolies and you can free the world from their domination. Back then the idea of taking down the bastard elites was just a pipe dream and many people thought that I was nuts with my frequent talks with them that this was absolutely necessary if we were ever to be free. Just a pipe dream.

So I sure hope to God that these mass arrests of the bastards really, REALLY would happen. Every day that it does not happen makes me more and more nervous.

But there are so many positive developments towards the final defeat of the "supranational sovereignty of intellectual elite and world bankers" -- quoting David Rockefeller -- with the help of our ET buddies, etc, that I'm greatly encouraged that we will finally defeat those snobby-assed elites very soon this year.

Look at that Rockefeller quote:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years.

But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war, but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past centuries."

Well, I have one thing to say to Rockefeller:

UP YOURS and your supranational sovereignty of intellectual elite and eff'n world bankers! Bah, humbug!

And what are We the People?

We are a galactic sovereignty of intellectual, enlightened and wise badasses!

So there!

Tane Mahuta
26th April 2012, 04:36
Excellent post mozart!...

One day these inventions will be released to Humanity!!

It's only a matter of time!!


Positive Vibe Merchant
26th April 2012, 05:43
Is there any way to anonymously upload plans that cannot be linked back in any way to you/a person? False email/ false name, set it up, let it go...


I guess then you have to rely on u-tube or whatever to keep it up there. Lol

Great thread Mozart


26th April 2012, 05:59
Back to the OP, another aspect of power is art. If you can control the ability to speak to the heart and soul of humanity, then you can ensure they do not wake up.

Undoubtedly this has been done, as now there's a complete lockdown of all mass artforms. Dance, movies, books, computer games, even comics are impossible to create and get solid distribution on now unless you play their game, and that game is certainly not aimed at putting out material that awakens the loving and creative heart of humanity. Look at the art being fed to children - The Hunger Games, Twilight, Lady Gag, etc etc.

Money and energy are powerful sure, but art is mighty too because it's influence forms people.

I hear you guys that have great new technology and can't get them out, because we have been squashed in our attempts to even get some basic wholesome stories out there for kids.

26th April 2012, 07:05
Is there any way to anonymously upload plans that cannot be linked back in any way to you/a person? False email/ false name, set it up, let it go...


I guess then you have to rely on u-tube or whatever to keep it up there. Lol

Great thread Mozart


Yes, actually...you could contact Anonymous or put it up on ThePirateBay.org and it'd be on the Internet until about the end of time if it worked. ;)

TVM you have just told them your plans. :p


As the gurus of Encryption say: "Security through obscurity never works in the long term."

Any time anyone has to usurp the regular legal system under the auspices of "National Security" is ripe for opportunity to exploit and expose the corruption or conspiracy beneath such an action. :)

26th April 2012, 07:12
I don't know if anyone mentioned this....

Unfortunately, the two things mentioned above as the main forms of control are in fact only secondary.

First and foremost is the "Manufacture/Ownership/and CONTROL OF ADVANCED WEAPONS".

In order to implement the other two one needs to be able to force them into place - so control of advanced weapons is first and foremost.

Then would be the control of the media.

And finally control of the Money

Followed by energy.

Followed by Medicine/Poison/Genetics

It's funny how people can be easily fooled into thinking they are living in a society without a gun pointing at their head.

We can't overthrow a controlling power who owns the most advanced weapons and who is not intent on surrendering them.

Unless a superior force with advanced weapons comes in and over powers them - I personally can't see anything changing.

One would have to hope that the superior force also has adopted more "caring and sharing" ways of organizing society -

Which begs the question: How often do we see people who like to use force, studying their books on "Caring and sharing"?

Perhaps, "mass non-conforming"? But when the same people can genetically create a new crop of humans, just like they have always done, what is going to stop them from just killing of the "mass non-conforming revolutionary's" and make a newer dumbed down (fluorinated/chemtrailed) batch.

I dislike giving good people bad news - unfortunately, it looks like we are in a hell realm. Damned if we do , damned if we don't!

Wishing you all profound peace and absolute freedom now and always!

26th April 2012, 09:20
First and foremost is the "Manufacture/Ownership/and CONTROL OF ADVANCED WEAPONS".

Then would be the control of the media.

And finally control of the Money

Followed by energy.

realitycorrodes ~

Thank you for your contribution to this thread and your opinion.

I beg to differ from your opinion, though you are right about the critical need for weaponry for the maintenance of control.

If you look at history -- which came first?

1) The Federal Reserve?

2) The US military-industrial complex?

History suggests that the Federal Reserve came first before the weaponry really got advanced with the military-industrial complex's rapid growth through WWI and WWII.

History also shows that energy -- the Standard Oil monopoly -- actually happened prior to the Federal Reserve and it played a key role in getting society up to the point of having the elites to be able to fund the Federal Reserve, but it took deception and manipulation of the governmental and legal processes, not superior weaponry and firepower.

The Rothschilds funded the Rockefellers in the 1860s to enable them to have the funds to out-compete, to buy-out, to shock, to dominate and to overwhelm any and all of their competitors, to the point which Standard Oil became an energy monopoly, thus giving the Rockefellers a tremendous amount of financial power that was big and strong enough to play the world game on par with the Rothschilds, albeit the Rothschilds still maintaining vast, vast amounts of greater wealth.

The Rothschilds did not gain their wealth in Europe by superior weaponry -- they gained it by cunning, brilliant moves with which they gained full control over the Bank of England, so once they got that, there was no stopping them whatsoever.

So here's how the sequence of developments went ...

1) Rothschilds funded the Rockefellers in the 1860s.

2) Rockefellers gained power/money with the rapid growth of the oil (energy) monopoly.

3) Then the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers created the Federal Reserve.

... and their conquest of America was complete.

They had it all: monopolies over MONEY and ENERGY.

The money monopoly came first, then the energy monopoly.

Then with the key Central Coin of Power in hand, they set out to KEEP that coin of power by doing numerous things, like take over the media, the education, the world of business, the stock markets, the arts/entertainment, and most of all, the world of weaponry.

They used their twin monopolies of money and energy to manipulate the world to the point of initiating WWI and WWII, so by the end of the second war, they had a key goal achieved -- superior weaponry, like you (realitycorrodes) pointed out.

So they were able to greatly expand their entire power base via the domination of every sphere of influence, often at the point of their aiming their advanced weapons at the frightened, terrorized and murdered people all over the world.

They instigated constant wars/conflicts so that they could keep on testing/using their weapons, always striving to improve their weapons to the point which they REALLY became ADVANCED, stunningly advanced.

Their dominance in the world at the 'barrel of their gun(s) was stunning. And 'guns' represents the whole of their arsenal -- missiles, bombs, planes, ships, troops, etc.

We can't overthrow a controlling power who owns the most advanced weapons and who is not intent on surrendering them.

Unless a superior force with advanced weapons comes in and over powers them - I personally can't see anything changing.

Both of those statements are absolutely true.

Until very recently, there was no way in hell that we, the people of the world, had even a remote chance of overthrowing the bastard cabal ... specifically because of their sheer firepower and advanced weaponry that they had developed; however, something happened that totally changed the equation here on Earth -- the intervention by the good-guy ETs.

If it weren't for the divine intervention by our good-guy ETs, I can guarantee that your (realitycorrodes) position about the advanced weaponry would have held sway and that there'd be no way that we could possibly throw them off.

But thanks to our good-guy ETs, we now have a fighting chance to overthrow those bastards with their advanced weaponry. Not only that, but their advanced weaponry has been failing all over the world.

Guns -- thousands of them at the same time -- have failed to fire; tanks have failed to fire and to run; missiles have failed to launch and have been found to not only have the electronic circuits fried, many of them have had entire warheads missing, and even entire missiles missing; whole planes have disappeared from super-secure DUMBs, from which there's no way that they could have disappeared, etc, etc.

Many hundreds of specific incidents by now -- and are currently happening right now as you read these words -- have happened with the massive and worldwide interference by our good-guy ETs to stop the advanced weaponry that was once wielded by the damn dark bastard elites who really were itching to kill most of us off.

These incidents have been witnessed by thousands of military people, as Drake has confirmed, so once the mass arrests happens and the truth comes out, tons of amazing witness testimony will come pouring out, shocking and delighting the world, to the dismay of the bastard elites, who will be glumly watching TV inside the the FEMA camps wearing orange suits, surrounded by guards, dogs, etc. Karma is a bitch, man!

So history shows that:

1) The money monopoly happened first in Europe.

2) Then the energy monopoly happened in the US.

Then their Central Coin of Power was complete. Then they:

3) Used their Central Coin of Power to quickly make the world wars happen.

4) All the while advancing their weaponry to astonishing levels of efficacy in the Twentieth Century.

But then the good-guy ETs came in and messed everything up for the damn elites, fully nullifying the the sheer advantages that they had gained with their advanced weaponry.

Thank God ... literally.

Tane Mahuta
26th April 2012, 10:08
Is there any way to anonymously upload plans that cannot be linked back in any way to you/a person? False email/ false name, set it up, let it go...


I guess then you have to rely on u-tube or whatever to keep it up there. Lol

Great thread Mozart


Yes, actually...you could contact Anonymous or put it up on ThePirateBay.org and it'd be on the Internet until about the end of time if it worked. ;)

TVM you have just told them your plans. :p


As the gurus of Encryption say: "Security through obscurity never works in the long term."

Any time anyone has to usurp the regular legal system under the auspices of "National Security" is ripe for opportunity to exploit and expose the corruption or conspiracy beneath such an action. :)

Here's what I do....

Infomation I have regarding free energy..

I burn to a CD/DVD and hand out to those wishing to be enlightened..


26th April 2012, 13:06
Lol! At birth u get Ur catalog number and contract of slaveship (birth certificate) and tht is just a small part....for god sakes get rid of the machine!!!!!

Bo Atkinson
26th April 2012, 14:39


"Welcome to the long list of thousands of people who have come up with similar ideas, only to have SWAT teams swoop in, take all of their equipment, computers, etc, and threaten or kill the inventors."

If you take your invention and develop a working prototype of it, the satellites will detect it -- down to just 125 watts of energy -- and within 72 hours, locate you for the SWAT teams to swoop in and take you down.

What you have created is what's called an "over-unity device", so if you get as far as an initial powering it up and keeping it running for several hours, you will certainly put your life in danger."


So there!

Mozart, Ammit and others, thanks for all the interesting posts.

I'm really wondering... Why aren't inventors posting basic-descriptions and art-work of their hot-concepts up here on avalon? We say we no longer expect fame and fortune. We come to the world, to share experience. If we let 100s of cat's outside the bags, then we win the casino card game. We take all the hearts-cards, queen of spades, win, win (actual card game also called 'hearts'). No?

Also wondering: Just how are off-grid-people able to run 200 watt plus devices, without having drawn power form the grid, use those devices, sometimes portable devices. Use batteries powering complex devices which don't match average usages etc and not get swat teamed to ruination? If everyone had such concepts , post them on boards everywhere.

George Green's ET has said there are the AI beings greys or whatnot who want to back engineer the human soul or what ever... Sooo, no way to beat em with tech. We are just a bunch of loosers. We have to stay slave-like, in a picturesque cattle pen of bureaucracies. Flatter our fears praising some sort of doom. Feed the AI glitch on fear worship.

If we hold back, we play loose-loose, greedy goons win this round. Martians terra-form earth to a desert planet? We all go back to square one: 1d and 2d games. Become bacteria or viruses for another ascension, been good to know you.

If there is supernatural, 4d or 5d anti-social manipulation on this planet, could there also be an anecdote? Old lore says such a level of power subdivides with internal-oposition, competition, greed.... or selfish-group-self-defeat. At the least we are already there, looking at the global-extinction--plan in progress (wars, 911, gulf, Fukushima, banisters, etc...) It would seem a lot of angry insiders are tossing cogs in the wheels by now. Which makes me wonder,

If we really expect the gestapo to pillage our lives, any time soon, (rabbit hole grape vine says so)... What have we got to loose when we got nothing to loose? Besides really loosing it? Me, i'll go out postulating harmony, done with fear.


26th April 2012, 15:08
nice to hear u say wavy...about nothing to lose...everyone will experience there end of the world...we are death in slow motion...mind as well make some waves on the way out! Or a typhoon whichever is preferred :-)

26th April 2012, 15:21
Another important part of the power is the food supply. You can grow your own food without money or power. You can even live without money or power. However, you can't live without food. That is why the last important front for the PTB is the food supply. Starting with GM crops. IE: Monsanto. The seeds are not reproduced with each new crop. So the seeds need to be "repurchased" with each new planting season. The GM crops are cross pollinating with the traditional crops and altering their gene structure so that they are no longer as viable, because their reproductive gene to create new seed is being switched off.

The honeybees are being killed off, so if you manage to be able to plant some of the traditional seed there will not be any pollinators around to make them grow.

The water is being polluted through pesticide run off, chemtrail spraying, fracking wells, etc., etc., etc. so there will not be fish to feed yourselves with.

When there is no longer any natural way to feed yourself it will be time for all paper money to be done away with. (As is already happening in Sweden). Then because you may loose your government issued “card”. It will be necessary that it be implanted under your skin with an invisible barcode/implant chip.

Now you are branded just like the cattle that the PTB believe you to be. Now you are able to be corralled and controlled as needed.

So lastly it has all fallen into place. World domination by the Illuminati is complete!
(This is where I need to be able to insert the sound effect of the evil genius laugh- ARGGHH-HAA-HYAA-HAA!!)

26th April 2012, 18:05
Another important part of the power is the food supply. You can grow your own food without money or power. You can even live without money or power. However, you can't live without food. That is why the last important front for the PTB is the food supply.

Amysenthia ~

You are totally right in that we can grow food without money and grid-based power, but the catch is this: land.

The vast majority of land here in America has been converted to property with those color-of-law titles and deeds. There may be some specific bits of land that have been converted into Land Patents held in Fee Simple, but I have yet to meet someone whose land was successfully kept free via the Land Patent process.

So with the money/energy equation that favors the damn elites, they can easily dispense with the few people who'd dare to buck the system and try to grow their own food, sans money and petro-based or grid-based energy.

Yes, there are many people who are already growing their own food and using their own off-the-grid power, etc, -- many thousands of them -- but the catch is that they MUST PAY their property taxes, or lose their land. And many are doing that with the payment of property taxes to keep the damn gummint away ... for a while, at least.

But the really horrible thing is that, because it's a "property" in which the corporate "government" has superior title to it, they can force you to comply with THEIR "standards" if you are growing any food for resale in anyway ... and that's what they are planning to do with all sorts of horrible legislation to try to criminalize one's growing of food if such growing is done without permits, without complying with their codes, regulations that are designed to utterly kill off the gardeners and small farms for the benefit of the corporate agri-biz giants.

Land is the key and the bastards can remove you off your land at any time that they want once they get the legislation in that would criminalize the growing of food.

We need to change the system. Wholesale. Now.


26th April 2012, 18:35
All of us are ALREADY categorized and on color and numerically coded threat assessment database with our activities highly cataloged. Yes YOU! Debate it if you want but it’s already done... and click... zeros and one's are rolling right now as I make this post. Nothing is sacred or private anymore. The “Watchers” have watchers that are watching the Watchers who are also being watched. Spooky isn’t it? You have to LOVE/HATE Technology don't you?

Will they soon require us to give them an imprint of our butts? I will be glad to provide that to them at no cost.

LOL, I say we ALL scan a copy and fax it to them today... Just to be safe fax it to all of the three letter agencies. Too funny. :thumb:

26th April 2012, 21:15


"Welcome to the long list of thousands of people who have come up with similar ideas, only to have SWAT teams swoop in, take all of their equipment, computers, etc, and threaten or kill the inventors."

If you take your invention and develop a working prototype of it, the satellites will detect it -- down to just 125 watts of energy -- and within 72 hours, locate you for the SWAT teams to swoop in and take you down.

What you have created is what's called an "over-unity device", so if you get as far as an initial powering it up and keeping it running for several hours, you will certainly put your life in danger."


So there!

Mozart, Ammit and others, thanks for all the interesting posts.

I'm really wondering... Why aren't inventors posting basic-descriptions and art-work of their hot-concepts up here on avalon? We say we no longer expect fame and fortune. We come to the world, to share experience. If we let 100s of cat's outside the bags, then we win the casino card game. We take all the hearts-cards, queen of spades, win, win (actual card game also called 'hearts'). No?

Also wondering: Just how are off-grid-people able to run 200 watt plus devices, without having drawn power form the grid, use those devices, sometimes portable devices. Use batteries powering complex devices which don't match average usages etc and not get swat teamed to ruination? If everyone had such concepts , post them on boards everywhere.

George Green's ET has said there are the AI beings greys or whatnot who want to back engineer the human soul or what ever... Sooo, no way to beat em with tech. We are just a bunch of loosers. We have to stay slave-like, in a picturesque cattle pen of bureaucracies. Flatter our fears praising some sort of doom. Feed the AI glitch on fear worship.

If we hold back, we play loose-loose, greedy goons win this round. Martians terra-form earth to a desert planet? We all go back to square one: 1d and 2d games. Become bacteria or viruses for another ascension, been good to know you.

If there is supernatural, 4d or 5d anti-social manipulation on this planet, could there also be an anecdote? Old lore says such a level of power subdivides with internal-oposition, competition, greed.... or selfish-group-self-defeat. At the least we are already there, looking at the global-extinction--plan in progress (wars, 911, gulf, Fukushima, banisters, etc...) It would seem a lot of angry insiders are tossing cogs in the wheels by now. Which makes me wonder,

If we really expect the gestapo to pillage our lives, any time soon, (rabbit hole grape vine says so)... What have we got to loose when we got nothing to loose? Besides really loosing it? Me, i'll go out postulating harmony, done with fear.


Wavydome, the thing with humans is that they are too fearful or too greedy of their ideas. I posted on another thread that we could win this battle if we only cooperated together. Most of us have access to the internet today, we can still do something great with it before it's too late. I suggested that those who have the technology for free energy should give this knowledge to the public. IF this knowledge keeps being hidden away the power elite will have an ownership to our lives. We can get these guys, I bet there have to be quite a few of them in this world by now, develop this technology and we, the commoners of this planet, can find ways to distribute this technology to the rest of the world.

The ones who think they own us, and why wouldn't they, humans are prone to too much fear, cannot kill millions of us. If millions of us got involved in this project in destributing free energy devices throughout the world, these God-like gurus would be destroyed over night. I am not a smart ass, am basically a nobody, but I know we can win. In fact, we should have won a long time ago.

26th April 2012, 22:51
Thank you for your "recent history". Unfortunately, your perspective only works if one believes history began with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers in the 1860s and even then it is not taking into account the individual guns that are pointed at various key politicians heads and their loved ones. Tends to influence us all when a key player is acting with a gun pointed against their head.

We can agree to disagree, although you make some good points about recent history.

Just a lazy man's example of why weapons are first and foremost and always have been is sort of explained in the link below.

Just behind the veil of money and energy there is actually always a gun. Even if that gun is singular, and is used to only assassinate one key political person (e.g. JFK wanting to look into the Federal Reserve) - hence that one single weapon was the main thing to maintain the Federal Reserve and has always been. The colonies always wanted to maintain their colonial script - but superior physical force always dictates who gets to decide - that force can be openly obvious as in standing armies or it can be a hidden unseen/unknown gun behind the scenes - all it takes is a little imagination.


Weapons have always played a crucial role in society, moulding and changing the course of history. They have destroyed civilizations and created new ones. In the ancient days, when Egypt was at its peak, the Hyksos invaded it only because they had superior weapons made of iron. They thrust into Egypt using chariots — a tactical and logistical innovation which amazed the Egyptians.

The Macedonians surged ahead of all other civilizations by introducing siege weapons such as the catapult, and field weapons such as the pike, which was employed to deadly effect by heavily armed infantrymen arranged in phalanxes. The Romans subsequently improved the quality and technology of siege equipment, arms and armor, and battle tactics.

Gunpowder, a Chinese invention, was introduced on to the battlefields of Europe in the Middle Ages, thereby revolutionizing military strategy and introducing a whole new range of propellent-based ordnance. The Germans after their defeat in World War I, began devising new methods of creating superior grades and types of weapons, such as the jet fighter, while World War II in general caused an arms race which culminated in the development of the atomic bomb.


My apologies maybe I was not quite correct by saying "Advanced weapons" - to be more correct I would change it to "stronger/more influential physical force/threat".

"What goods money when we are dead!" can't bribe a dead man.


If you wanted to change the system, first up you would need to be able to communicate (media) with groups of people to get a demoncratic majority - assuming we are in a democratic situation (which we are not!).

However, in order to do that we would need to be freely able to protest - but we are not - police prevent us from protesting by using "physical force". Or the hidden powers introduce "implanted violent protesters" in order to give the police more reason to use their "physical force" to prevent people getting their message out to more people (media).

So we can't get access to the media because "physical force" is first and foremost.

I remember some years back that a prominent protester from the US came to Australia. But having done nothing illegal in the US or Australia - he was deported for no reason. He did not come to Australia to be deported straight away. He was "physically made to leave" due to some superior force or threat - obvious to some, but not to others!" If he physical was able to stay he would have...but he did not....why? Some kind of physical threat (physical imprisonment maybe - but how would they get him into prison if he did not want to go physically - maybe physical force???? or maybe physically threaten his familly??? I don't know I am just suggesting (what seems obvious to me but not to others).

If we could somehow be exempt from "physical force" then the next step towards freedom is the media - which is allowing open communication with as many people as possible so a genuine democratic decision can be made as to which is the best way to go for the majority of people.

Once the media is accessible the third kind of slavery which is only prominent after the first two have been well established can then be openly exposed to be the "element of slavery" it really is....i.e. money (of the fractional reserve kind, totally backed by nothing).

Now in a way "energy can be used as a weapon" so I may have to concede on semantical grounds that "energy used as weapon" would indeed be the first cause behind all slavery.


If I really wanted to I could find out who you are and come and kill you - so you would not have the opportunity to present your concepts of thinking money is the main form of slavery. And everytime anyone else wants to come forward to suggest the same thing, I would just secretly kill them as well.

Can't argue with killers!

27th April 2012, 12:57
Look at this list of countries that had usury/interest-free banking as of the year 2000:

Afghanistan (destroyed by war; central, usury/debt-based banking established)

Iraq (destroyed by war; central, usury/debt-based banking established)

Sudan (destroyed by covert military action; usury/debt-based banking established)

Libya (destroyed by war; usury/debt-based banking established)


North Korea


Now the only countries that have interest/usury-free banking are:

Cuba (embargoed by the US for decades; the limit of trade limits the success of Cuba's banking)

North Korea (the US is always saber-rattling and demonizing North Korea)

Iran (economic sanctions, saber-rattling and intense efforts to engage Iran into WWIII)

See the pattern there?

Very interesting info. Thanks a ton

27th April 2012, 13:39
Another important part of the power is the food supply. You can grow your own food without money or power. You can even live without money or power. However, you can't live without food. That is why the last important front for the PTB is the food supply.

Amysenthia ~

You are totally right in that we can grow food without money and grid-based power, but the catch is this: land.

The vast majority of land here in America has been converted to property with those color-of-law titles and deeds. There may be some specific bits of land that have been converted into Land Patents held in Fee Simple, but I have yet to meet someone whose land was successfully kept free via the Land Patent process.

So with the money/energy equation that favors the damn elites, they can easily dispense with the few people who'd dare to buck the system and try to grow their own food, sans money and petro-based or grid-based energy.

Yes, there are many people who are already growing their own food and using their own off-the-grid power, etc, -- many thousands of them -- but the catch is that they MUST PAY their property taxes, or lose their land. And many are doing that with the payment of property taxes to keep the damn gummint away ... for a while, at least.

But the really horrible thing is that, because it's a "property" in which the corporate "government" has superior title to it, they can force you to comply with THEIR "standards" if you are growing any food for resale in anyway ... and that's what they are planning to do with all sorts of horrible legislation to try to criminalize one's growing of food if such growing is done without permits, without complying with their codes, regulations that are designed to utterly kill off the gardeners and small farms for the benefit of the corporate agri-biz giants.

Land is the key and the bastards can remove you off your land at any time that they want once they get the legislation in that would criminalize the growing of food.

We need to change the system. Wholesale. Now.


Can u say surfer days...has anything changed? Lol....New World tride and true would not have a tax on air,land,food,YOu

27th April 2012, 15:00
I'm really wondering... Why aren't inventors posting basic-descriptions and art-work of their hot-concepts up here on avalon?

wavydome ~

Thank you for your wonderful questions.

If we really did have paradigm-busting descriptions of free energy devices posted here on Avalon, I'd expect Avalon to be mercilessly attacked with numerous attacks of all kinds, including DNS attacks, viral attacks, etc.

But perhaps the dark bastards now are so busy saving their own arses that they cannot mount and sustain attacks on Avalon when there are many other sites out there that are already putting out tons of information about free energy devices?

This website has a TON of free-energy-related information:


Here's a website that is sort of like a "Wikipedia" of free energy:


And this one is one that focuses on "Zero Point" energy -- which is the same as "Free Energy":


And last, but not least, is the late Brian O'Leary's webpage and he's one dedicated dude who has dedicated his entire focus for the release of free energy and I just totally love this guy...


I want to express my gratitude to Brian O'Leary and his contributions to our world, especially in the realm of advancing free energy. I'll miss transcribing his words and seeing him in conference videos.

Also wondering: Just how are off-grid-people able to run 200 watt plus devices, without having drawn power form the grid, use those devices, sometimes portable devices. Use batteries powering complex devices which don't match average usages etc and not get swat teamed to ruination?

No, it's not the power drawing off the grid -- it is the fact that over-unity devices create very unique energy fields that are detectable by satellites that have been put up there for a very specific purpose ... detecting any and all over-unity devices out there that fire up and are running.

In order to keep an effective lid on the development of free energy devices, it's essential for the dark elite bastards to be very, very aggressive in shutting down such devices at the earliest-possible stage of their development, so they figured out a way of detecting them in the earliest-possible stages via satellite use.

Even if any new free energy device was developed off the grid with generator power, which is very easy to do, the devices can be detected if they put out 125 watts, or more of power; coupled with the brutal force of the police-state SWAT teams to stop the free energy devices cold by grabbing anything and everything that the inventor has, plus either killing or threatening the inventor, the dark bastard elites have been very, very successful in keeping a tight lid on free energy devices.

If there is supernatural, 4d or 5d anti-social manipulation on this planet, could there also be an anecdote? Old lore says such a level of power subdivides with internal-oposition, competition, greed.... or selfish-group-self-defeat.

Yes there are tons of antidotes to the power of the negative, service-to-self 4th-density and 5th-density beings. Earth is under a quarantine and has been so for quite some time. The quarantine is being enforced by the Council of Saturn, which is a council of 6th-density beings, so we humans on Earth do not need to worry about any sort of takeover by 3rd-density negative beings who would be far more advanced in terms of technology.

The power of the negative energy pales compared to the power of positive energy. The negative, life-destroying energy is allowed to exist and to function here in this 3rd dimension reality because of the necessity of it to allow one to evolve through the use of karma; however, the power of positive, life-affirming energy exceeds the power of negative energy exponentially.

The Law of Exponents applies here in the balance of power/energy of negative energy and positive energy. Negative energy multiplies by the power of the summation of the negative powers, e.g., 5 + 5 = 25, so you have a power factor of 25 in this example of negative energy/force.

But positive energy multiplies by the power of exponents, 5 to the 5th power, so that's 15,625 of a power factor of positive power, which is far, far greater than the power factor of only 25 for the negative energy.

So that's why the positive forces here in, on and around Earth can keep the negative forces limited in their abilities to wreak havoc on Earth.

27th April 2012, 15:30
The best of all is Rexresearch.


The most important thing about over unity devices, regarding the general understanding of them..is that various types are very dangerous for the continuance, in safety, of the local space-time fabric.

Some are almost ok, many are heinously dangerous.

There is no free ride, here. When you get into this area of technology, the need to be your brothers educator and keeper, well......all the dials go to 11. It moves into areas and forces that the vast majority of people.....simply do not understand.

Yet, to give them the constructional details is like giving 5 year olds, sticks of lit dynamite, in the middle of kindergarten.

They have to be educated on the realities of what they are integrating with, and this requires that they fundamentally confront ALL of their inner demons. ALL. BEFORE, and during, NOT after their exposure to this type of energetic manipulation. Otherwise.....

Coins have two sides, you know.

27th April 2012, 16:22
Just behind the veil of money and energy there is actually always a gun.

Totally true.

The colonies always wanted to maintain their colonial script - but superior physical force always dictates who gets to decide - that force can be openly obvious as in standing armies or it can be a hidden unseen/unknown gun behind the scenes - all it takes is a little imagination.

It was the superior physical force that freed the Thirteen Colonies, so the European Bastard Elite had to change their tactics and hide behind the veil of soft power -- laws, manipulation of media, creating false-flag events, confusing society, deception, etc -- hence the War of 1812 with the central aim of stopping the Original Thirteenth Amendment. The dark bastards succeeded in stopping it, so then they continued their strategy of soft power to the area of money ... by starting their Bank of United States -- TWICE -- in the 1800s.

Weapons have always played a crucial role in society, moulding and changing the course of history. They have destroyed civilizations and created new ones.

Totally true. But this strategy failed with their defeat in the Revolutionary War, so they had to change their strategies and they did so by shifting their focus from hard power (weapons, military, wars, etc) to soft power (manipulating laws, monopolizing money, then energy) to continue their goals of world dominance.

And they could NOT have accomplished this shift without their domination of money in Europe.

Back when the world was smaller and simpler, hard power was the single most-dominant force that determined where the energy of soft power would flow; however, all that changed when the dark bastard European elites lost their ability to use hard power to control America, so it was critical for them to change tactics and apply soft power and they did so with cunning brilliance in their takeover of not only the new upstart, America, but just about the whole, frigg'n world via their most-powerful weapon of choice: central banks that they own.

When the world is smaller that's dominated by tribal societies, hard power holds sway; when the world is much larger and far more complex, it's essential go use the route of soft power first, then backed by hard power, if one wants to dominate the world like how the dark bastard elites did.

So we can't get access to the media because "physical force" is first and foremost.

Yup, that's totally true, also. The force of the police state did, indeed, enforce the power of the unlawful, awful dark bastards who have overthrown our Republic form of government via soft power, then used their hard power to maintain that power.

But it's different today, now that events have pulled the rug out from under the dark bastards and what's the biggest difference that got the ball rolling? Cutting off the supply of money to the dark bastards, that's what.

Then the cutoff of the money triggered a cascade of a series of events (starting in the 2000s) that has led us to where we are today with the dark bastards -- despite the sheer police power that they had, and still, wield today -- on the retreat and facing utter defeat.

And how were they defeated? By soft power ... denying them money, firstly; then the ETs helped out by destroying over 50 DUMBs, not to mention a ton of other things that they did -- thousands of things -- to screw up and trip up the dark bastards, to the point which they've lost their coherence and ability to manipulate world events to a large degree, but they still have some degree of power, so they have to be very closely monitored until they are arrested, rounded up and thrown into those FEMA camps.


27th April 2012, 17:53
I don't understand why people who DO have some kind of knowledge about, or prototypes for, free energy devices don't just climb to the nearest treetop and start shouting the instructions to make one? I truly don't understand why it's even being talked about here? Ammit's story sort of explains it... I mean, he was threatened and harrassed, so fine, I understand why he backed down... but then couldn't he have gone and posted the instructions on 4chan or something? (I don't mean to pick on you, Ammit, and I'm not judging, it's just that your story sticks out in my head after reading this thread).

I'm sure there are many more people here who have knowledge and/or blueprints and/or protoypes. So why are you holding on to this technology and bogarting it for yourselves? Is it because you want to patent it and make money off of it? Then shame on you. Is it to prevent the PTB from stealing the idea and patenting it themselves? Still, shame on you (someone holding a patent is not going to stop our community from "illegally" recreating the technology and disseminating it far and wide). Is it to wait for the PTB to be banished or run for the hills? Once again, shame on you! (What if the development and dissemination of home-grown free energy devices is specifically the thing that will cause the PTB to go away?)

So, I'm begging you all here. If you really do have knowledge/blueprints/prototypes of free energy devices, PLEASE do us all a favor and upload the detailed plans to a place like 4chan, or wherever you would like to, actually. Multiple places would be preferable (redundancy would be a good thing here). If you would like to remain anonymous about the upload, my advice is to cruise around with a laptop using a freshly-installed operating system that you have not used WHATSOEVER for any personal business, so as not to have your name or any linkable information on it, and then find a public hotspot you can wi-fi into. If you really can't find a hotspot, then maybe you can find a corporation's unsecured wi-fi signal as you drive down the street. Please don't do this from a personal individual or family's unsecured wireless signal, and try not to do it from a small business where the owner might be a sole proprietor.

But really, I don't have to think twice about this... if I had knowledge like this I would immediately upload plans and probably a video of me constructing it to every single website I can think of where people go to find their next viral video.

Just thinking out loud I guess.

28th April 2012, 05:51
Hi Mozart! This is the first time I had seen this post...I'm sad to say I'm not surprised ATS banned you for it, but I liked it when you said this:

"ATS can kiss my royal ass." I concur. Everything I've seen on ATS lately is divisive to an extreme people can't post an idea without getting flamed or banned it's sad.

Your post was interesting, by the way. Some day we'll be free of all these corporate d-bags, and life will be much better. I'm looking forward to the mass arrests. Speaking of mass arrests, you might find this interesting if you haven't seen it already.


Bo Atkinson
28th April 2012, 09:58
All very interesting thoughts here. I'm just getting around to reading Machiavelli/ The Prince... Free pdfs to load into my mp3 player at work. Lots of work, just beyond the edge of paying jobs, ha. No matter, i'm working out a picturesque sort of back-to-land self-slavery. Gotta love it. The main trick is keeping fit through manual labor, raising the vibes back to nature, owning little materiality of market value, selling key little services through contracts. Float along, but waking up. Yes, getting good nutrition is a huge challenge, took me decades to figure out, at the eleventh hour. It wasn't the diet started out with, but it works well. Eat less, that is the hard part. I don't mind, i'm looking at the many roots and things with taste. So it seems Machiavelli actually died poor, leaving behind his famous book, (lost and forgotten in his day). We hear it laid the ground rules for demons, to pillage the poor and focus all power through militancy. Siege tactics for economies, to mash subsequent ages into conformity.

It may be this solar maximum cycle, which will burn out low vibe greed models. Though we still see a few shadows of cabal tactics. I heard a neat radio show on a recent US Supreme Court decision(?) which reinforces penalties against federal whistle blowers for speaking out... (As in reporting non compliance of superior police officers, who abuse the law). The new buzz words here, used in the ruling, (the current conclusion), was something to the effect: "In all such abuse cases, we must rule in favor of government efficiency" or some such. Ya efficiency like Machiavelli described. Beat them down, etc... However there are many actions pushing for justice.
Also from pt2 of the show, the outcome is probably going to be: "more deep throats" (going back the mother of all gates-- Watergate).

Mozart, it sounds like you refer to Ra, (Law of One).... Interesting conclusion there, seemed to be: Many planetary models were tried in 3d, but only the ones with doses of STS (service to self) , could manage to wake up the indolent souls. Perhaps the worlds which were totally caught up in "new age glory" barely got souls beyond staring at their navels (and do nothing proactive, or 'harvestable'). So here we are, all working hard, at waking up. The STS on our backs. Parasites and predators hounding at the ankle... Ouch, ya, so i'm waking up now, throw me a little more crust. See the excitement coming. Shower love on them, like a card game just over, just a few pennies lost. That sort of works for me.

PS-- Meant to add "ya" ....that pesn.com notes two energy units, heading to market, this-year?

http://pesn.com/2012/02/13/9602039_H...n_Cold_Fusion/ I find him to be well informed on technology.

http://www.redicecreations.com/radio...RIR-120412.php .... His recent interview.

28th April 2012, 15:52
If there are any ET's helping out, I sure hope they do something with the Japan mess. That other article about the MOX rods with 6% plutonium really spooks me.

Can the satellites detect your free energy device if it is inside a Faraday cage?

28th April 2012, 16:29
I don't understand why people who DO have some kind of knowledge about, or prototypes for, free energy devices don't just climb to the nearest treetop and start shouting the instructions to make one? I truly don't understand why it's even being talked about here? Ammit's story sort of explains it... I mean, he was threatened and harrassed, so fine, I understand why he backed down... but then couldn't he have gone and posted the instructions on 4chan or something? (I don't mean to pick on you, Ammit, and I'm not judging, it's just that your story sticks out in my head after reading this thread).

I'm sure there are many more people here who have knowledge and/or blueprints and/or protoypes. So why are you holding on to this technology and bogarting it for yourselves? Is it because you want to patent it and make money off of it? Then shame on you. Is it to prevent the PTB from stealing the idea and patenting it themselves? Still, shame on you (someone holding a patent is not going to stop our community from "illegally" recreating the technology and disseminating it far and wide). Is it to wait for the PTB to be banished or run for the hills? Once again, shame on you! (What if the development and dissemination of home-grown free energy devices is specifically the thing that will cause the PTB to go away?)

So, I'm begging you all here. If you really do have knowledge/blueprints/prototypes of free energy devices, PLEASE do us all a favor and upload the detailed plans to a place like 4chan, or wherever you would like to, actually. Multiple places would be preferable (redundancy would be a good thing here). If you would like to remain anonymous about the upload, my advice is to cruise around with a laptop using a freshly-installed operating system that you have not used WHATSOEVER for any personal business, so as not to have your name or any linkable information on it, and then find a public hotspot you can wi-fi into. If you really can't find a hotspot, then maybe you can find a corporation's unsecured wi-fi signal as you drive down the street. Please don't do this from a personal individual or family's unsecured wireless signal, and try not to do it from a small business where the owner might be a sole proprietor.

But really, I don't have to think twice about this... if I had knowledge like this I would immediately upload plans and probably a video of me constructing it to every single website I can think of where people go to find their next viral video.

Just thinking out loud I guess.

Some people have tried some of these approaches to getting the technology out there, it did not end well.

28th April 2012, 16:35
Hi Mozart! This is the first time I had seen this post...I'm sad to say I'm not surprised ATS banned you for it, but I liked it when you said this:

"ATS can kiss my royal ass." I concur. Everything I've seen on ATS lately is divisive to an extreme people can't post an idea without getting flamed or banned it's sad.

Your post was interesting, by the way. Some day we'll be free of all these corporate d-bags, and life will be much better. I'm looking forward to the mass arrests. Speaking of mass arrests, you might find this interesting if you haven't seen it already.


This has happened to several blog sites. This has been such a successful Group/Site that you can expect US/AVALON to be next. Infiltrate then divide and conquer. It sounds so simple of a plan but it works so well. Let's all be on guard for these tactics and not let it happen here... please.