View Full Version : I have a theory...

5th August 2010, 20:13
Hey ever have a theory crop up in your head, (about anything) and find it dosen't fit into any of the threads :confused: well now it can.

It dosen't matter how loopy :crazy: just as long as you can show your reasoning..and here's the tricky part without using other peoples ideas etc as your own.

i.e I have a theory that we are all part of an ants dream, because...I often dream life is a dream. Is a gooden

were as David Icke says.."etc" is a dud.

To start the ball rolling...I have a theory that the dinosaurs did not die out because of a meteor/astroid. But were infact killed off by a lack of oxygen.
I think this because, The earth has evidence of having had a much richer oxygen atmosphere and gradually over time the oxygen levels have decreased. The fossil evidence of giant dragonflys means the oxygen levels must have been very high. So if the oxygen levels dropped then creatures unable to survive on a poorer atmosphere would have died. Large brains and bodies require much more oxygen.

P.s I think this is what killed Neanderthal man as well, since there has been recent evidence that his/her brain was much larger than our own.

PPS I think sock fairies take the odd sock which goes missing in the dryer.

5th August 2010, 20:17
LOL. Quite possible. I agree with the oxygen though I'm no biologist in any means.

Let's take it to another level ;) hahaha

What if extinction events on earth are seen on the physical level as extinction, but in actuality with all the forces being focused on the event it is actually an evolutionary transcendental experience for the beings on the planet.....the point being, what if "Reptillians" are dinosaurs LOL

5th August 2010, 20:25
I rekon it's a package deal , that and the gravity increased , making the bigger ones unable to be supported by the ground , perhaps a high magnetic planet came close enough it passed on some of its magnetism , there's evidence of a big downsizing of the physical animals , climate change , some mammoths snap frozen mid meal , asteroids hit causing fires that reduced available foodsource for vegos ...of couse the carnivours had heaps , for a while then over populated causing thier own problems with competition I don't think it's just one thing , a series of events related and interrelated over relatively short time periods methane gas rupture can be added in there a few times

5th August 2010, 20:36
Or,,, just suppose it was realised that the wrong creatures were put here to assist in the evolutional growth, and had to be removed!!! Maybe they ate too many early renditions of man and had to be halted....

5th August 2010, 21:31
I've read, in a few articles, that some researchers believe Earth's gravity to have been less than it is today. So, if the gravity of this planet was less a few million years ago than it is today, it is quite possible that certain forms of life could grow to larger sizes without a problem. Most paleontologists have trouble understanding why enormous, cumbersome creatures such as the dinosaurs flourished for so many eons. According to the idea of "survival of the fittest," they should have, logically, not flourished for such a long time. If Earth's gravity, back then, happened to be less than it is today, well, it would have been much easier for such large creatures to live.

It would certainly solve a few of our mysteries - as well as open up a Pandora's Box of new questions!

I haven't heard anything about the oxygen theory, but who knows, right?

5th August 2010, 23:16
I had a theory when I was 21... as to why we think "why are we here?" I reasoned, that with infinite probability, anything can be created, so just as in Douglas Adams.. if a bowl of petunias and a whale can be created out of nothing.. then so can God (eventually). Imagine this supreme being, in the middle of nothing... with no idea as to how it got there? So after a bit of thought... and tinkering, it comes up with the idea of creating a world full of people who are eventually going to ask 'why am I here?' ..they might actually offer some insight into how God came to be here too.

Course, looking at this now, it seems incredibly like the computer program (called Earth.. or Bob... or Gaia if you prefer) created by deep thought, which was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass seconds before it's 4 billion year program completed. But at the time I was convinced I was onto something. (ahh.. the surety of youth!)

Now... I have much more affinity with this expressed as the idea that it is consciousness itself trying to experience itself. So we have tai-chi out of wu-chi... somethingness out of nothingness.. and us all feeling like separate individuals, trying to figure life out, when yet, simultaneously we are all part of one consciousness (and if we knew this intrinsically, consciousness could not experience itself as it does - or God if you will).

maybe consciousness is just making life hard for itself!


5th August 2010, 23:26
A friend of mine thinks Jupiter used to be a second sun, and when it died so did the prehistoric world with it.

6th August 2010, 01:23
A friend of mine thinks Jupiter used to be a second sun, and when it died so did the prehistoric world with it.

There is an ancient Egyptian Myth concerning the loss of the light of the moon. And that this is what gave rise to the phases of the moon. Before this time, the moon had no phases. It was thus at one point a source of visible light rather than a reflector of light. The idea that other bodies within the solar system a part from the sun could be luminous is thus supported by the ancients.


6th August 2010, 03:20
Now... I have much more affinity with this expressed as the idea that it is consciousness itself trying to experience itself. So we have tai-chi out of wu-chi... somethingness out of nothingness.. and us all feeling like separate individuals, trying to figure life out, when yet, simultaneously we are all part of one consciousness (and if we knew this intrinsically, consciousness could not experience itself as it does - or God if you will).

maybe consciousness is just making life hard for itself!


This consciousness that is experiencing itself is a "piece" of the trillions and trillions of sparks that are "bits" of our own creator, which makes us all creators in our own right. This is my gut feeling and theory of self discovery at it's finest level, we are all one, simple really