View Full Version : Puppet OR Human, what are you?

11th June 2012, 09:41

I have put down a few thoughts of mine, you are welcome to contribute.

Voting anyone in to govern the people in any way or form is to give your freedom away.
Most people can't think for themselves, because they are so conditioned.
If you feel that we have to have some shape or form of a government to function.
You are as some would call it brainwashed into believing just that.
You have not yet broken free from the conditioning you have gone through in your life up to now.

If we imagine a scenario where we just kicked everyone in charge right now, there would be chaos in the cities.
But that is not what I am proposing, I am saying that if you and slowly more people take your own power back.
By not voting and stick to your human rights as an human being.
And no matter how good a deal sounds, you express your sovereignty to be and the be free.

There is many laws written on paper, there our founding fathers tell us how to live.
And even this are taken away to get more control.

What many fail to see, is that even the old laws were made to take your human rights away.
So why fight for save even this laws?, it's just words on a paper.

You have the human right to be free because you were born here on this planet.
They have made maps and drawn imaginary lines and given some areas names, that we now call countries.
There is no countries, it's just in your mind, it's what they have made you believe.

Are you gonna be a puppet in their game? OR are you gonna claim your human rights?

If you don't change, how can you expect to see a change in the world?
Its not about going out in the streats protesting, it's about being conscious.


Eagle Eye
11th June 2012, 10:40
It's sad but there are many who enjoy beign slaves of this goverment or elite, also there are others who can't or are affraid to think outside of mass opinion.

11th June 2012, 12:35

11th June 2012, 12:50
Most people can't think for themselves, because they are so conditioned.

The more the people of a collective are unaware, the more laws are needed.
With greater awareness, more consciousness, the less laws are needed.

If you feel that we have to have some shape or form of a government to function.
You are as some would call it brainwashed into believing just that.

Government should be nothing more than providing a service. Like running the Post Office.
Is the man who runs the Post Office elected? One is hired into the position according to qualifications & merit.

If we imagine a scenario where we just kicked everyone in charge right now, there would be chaos in the cities.
We don't have to imagine chaos in the cities. Chaos exists right now.
No one has been kicked out, and there already is the chaos.
We now live in the age of 1984 doublespeak where a Nobel Peace Prize laureate makes war and calls it a "humanitarian kinetic movement".
War= peace; up= down; left=right; right=wrong.

They, the politicians, have made a human being just a chess piece, and they have created so much fear, fear that without government there will be anarchy, disorder and chaos and that everything will be destroyed. And the strangest thing is that we go on believing this nonsense. Governments have not done anything for the people except exploit them, exploit their fear, and set them against each other.

But that is not what I am proposing, I am saying that if you and slowly more people take your own power back...
First become aware. Then giving power away will no longer occur. Then there is no need to take it back, because it wasn't given away in the first place.

A continuity of war somewhere or the other on earth is almost an absolute necessity for politicians to exist.

With the members of society becoming more aware of this fact, then less young people will volunteer for the military.
Taking away the wars from the politicians is the most important step that needs to be taken. They will lose their grip over the people.

Awareness is the priority, everything else will fall into place after this.

Thanks for posting -*-