View Full Version : In Search of the Cabal

8th August 2010, 13:19
Now, I'm very skeptical of the idea of a "New World Order" type group ruling over the planet. I've found no evidence of a global office for this group, nor have I found any proof of annual meetings. Yes, there is the Bilderberg Group, the annual Bohemian Grove meetings, and a plethora of shady secret societies; but there's one theme I've yet to find - Organization.

I believe the members of these groups have a great deal of influence over the societies of the planet, but to say they are all working in unison, together, to achieve a single goal is a bit of a stretch, in my opinion. To say that CEO's of large corporations who depend on masses to buy their products are in agreement with powerful men, like Dr. Kissinger, a proponent of population control, again, seems like a stretch.

Now, add in the leaders of industrialized nations, black budget scientists, the military, and those pesky ET's, and it becomes a real life "Where's Waldo?".

At this point, it's anyone's call. A literal braiding of agendas and plans, leaders and masses. Again, I turn to the central theme, or lack thereof, of this control game - Organization.

There is absolutely no doubt that certain, powerful individuals and groups exert a great deal of control over aspects of everyday life. I can watch the world news for thirty minutes and see evidence of this. Commercials for artificial food products. Wars fought over religion, or a misunderstanding of it. Economic games being played on every level imaginable. Scarcity and surplus, both being pitted against each other. But I have to ask myself - Is there a central architect of this nauseating system, or are there scores of "elite groups" all battling over each other, and the masses, for ultimate power?

Just a thought :p

8th August 2010, 13:56
I believe you've come up with all the right answers here, by asking the right questions and following a certain train of logic.

I believe the members of these groups have a great deal of influence over the societies of the planet, but to say they are all working in unison, together, to achieve a single goal is a bit of a stretch, in my opinion.

Not only a bit of a stretch, it is an enormous stretch. By the way great title *in search of the cabal*, it implies there is no one identifiable organization we can say control the world, we are still *searching*. Your display of critical thinking here highlights the loopholes in the NWO conspiracy theory. Thanks for the great post.

8th August 2010, 14:18
agree with majorion..

also sounds like one of the cabal asking questions about the cabal (please don't thake it personally - i do not mean the author of the thread is one).. :) l

8th August 2010, 14:36
Thanks for the comments. I feel that too many of us in disclosure, or alternative news communities, use the terms "New World Order," and "The Powers that Be," without critically thinking about the groups we're commenting on. It's quite the stretch to believe that there is a "corporate headquarters" for one, central group that controls, well, everything. I believe that "The Powers that Be" aren't one, unified group; but instead a wide array of powerful individuals and conglomerates, all rivaling each other.

Do we honestly think that a group of, oh say, three hundred, rich, powerful men from across the planet meeting annually to plot the future of an entire civilization, could agree on anything? I doubt they'd even make it past arguing about football teams :p

8th August 2010, 16:26
Another good one Cipher! :)

I wrote in other place some my thoughts about it (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?3095-Society-Patterns&p=28298&viewfull=1#post28298). In sum: we're dealing with group of people on high level, but any single one of them is pursuing his own goals and agendas BUT they are all interested in keeping the status quo intact, i.e. the power pyramid they are sitting at the top. They fight between themselves openly and closely but that does not change anything really (it's a part of their game- every new boss is as bad as an old one)

What worries me is to many "alternative researchers" are interested in battling "the ones at the top" just to replace them with themselves.

EDIT: also of note: Celine's Second Law (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celine%27s_laws#Celine.27s_Second_Law)

8th August 2010, 16:58
In sum: we're dealing with group of people on high level, but any single one of them is pursuing his own goals and agendas BUT they are all interested in keeping the status quo intact, i.e. the power pyramid they are sitting at the top. They fight between themselves openly and closely but that does not change anything really (it's a part of their game- every new boss is as bad as an old one)

I think that's a great summary of the elite games that are being played. It seems like the members of this "illuminated" crowd, so to speak, have similar interests, especially "in keeping the status quo intact," as you said. What I've also heard is that this "illuminated" crowd is, well, "illuminated." A great deal of the more powerful people seem to possess knowledge in occult matters, including information regarding ET's. Although they are working together in some aspects, as they do have a similar, invested interest; they also rival and fight amongst each other - all while showing a mutual "respect" for the opposing factions. It's a strange relationship. I'd be quite nervous to be in one of these groups. I bet the moment I'd leave for holiday, so to speak, I'd end up on some sort of traitor list :p

8th August 2010, 17:15
Well said Cypher, Bravo!

8th August 2010, 17:24
Hi ,

I have followed Avalon/Camelot for a number of years without posting anything, too busy with other venture's.
Even when I eventually joined, because I feel I had something to contribute, I did not post, instead I like to
read what people are saying and looking at what ever agenda is the topic of the day - everyone is taking there
place in what is unfolding.
To say there is "no organization" is simply not true.

Maybe start with the "Rothschilds" who have a hand in 13 Central Banks (from memory) and control everything
in the financial system worldwide.

That should keep you busy for a while ! Much more to discover if you have the passion !

"Follow the Money", when you find pieces of the jigsaw, you find the answer !

Thats it for my first post, Happy hunting !


8th August 2010, 17:41
[...] What I've also heard is that this "illuminated" crowd is, well, "illuminated." A great deal of the more powerful people seem to possess knowledge in occult matters, including information regarding ET's. [...]
If we follow "bloodlines" (so to speak), we'll see that current "top gamers" spiritual children of old feudal nobility, which in turn trace themselves to Roman nobility or eastern empire nobility. There are "secrets" passed there for sure. On the other hand the very nature of actions of a man to get into that top game, make sure that he will have a proper mindset / psychical makeup to handle of this, and do not go rogue.
It seems that for a time they tried to "keep it in the family" but genetic degradation and compounding mental deficiencies closed that route - so about the time of French Revolution rules were changed and new blood allowed. Many signs now point that similar shift will happen.
I'd risk stating that the strategists in this game seem to understand that- after all they were able to survive calamities like fall of Rome, Byzantium, French Crown, Holy Roman Empire etc. Always they found another "host" society. Wonder why, no?
As for following the money .. paper money is illusion. Do you thing those in 'top game" make deals in paper dollars? It's a tool to control us, the mundanes, mehums or whatever they call us these days.

8th August 2010, 18:01

Paper money is worthless !!! But you are led to believe that it is your "God".

When I say "Follow the Money", I mean follow the finacial trail, dollar goes up then down, euro up then down , Gold up then down, and who Benefits all these moves, the guy's who control the casino !

In 2001 or thereabouts I made a lot of money in gold (not bragging just explaining a point), because nobody knew the history of Gold, and the "Organization" was more interested in expanding and fleecing the housing bubble - They Had Created !

Try to watch "The Secret of Oz" - you can get it on You Tube - and you find the Gold market is rigged as well ! The only way to stop the game, is not to play it in the first place !

The only way to stop the banking game ( they control you ) is to not put your money in the bank !

Put the pieces of the jigsaw together and you change the game.


8th August 2010, 18:14
A few quotes from Thomas Jefferson on Money and Banking:

"I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

"Paper is poverty,... it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself."

"Scenes are now to take place as will open the eyes of credulity and of insanity itself, to the dangers of a paper medium abandoned to the discretion of avarice and of swindlers."

"Everything predicted by the enemies of banks, in the beginning, is now coming to pass. We are to be ruined now by the deluge of bank paper. "


Wealth and money have long ago parted ways, methinks.

8th August 2010, 18:56
Wealth and money have long ago parted ways, methinks.
IMO, One of the key indicators of this lies in the age-old, and still used practice of creating Foundations by the Robber Barons.

The game goes like this.
Like the occasional hard working Schmo, you somehow manage to pile up a good deal of money.
Then it dawns on you, the best way to keep it is to be able to influence government about when and how it comes after your money. This, of course, helps you pile it even faster.

A few decades of this and you wind up with a "Holy Jeezus! Look at all this money!" sized pile.

Now you are left with the necessity and luxury of "Checking out". How?
Ford Foundation.
Carnegie Foundation.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.
Here you sink a vast sum of your earnings knowing it will be forever tax free.
1. Your time is now spent on "other pursuits".
2. It looks good to the public.
3. You can continue being influential in both govt. and society as a whole with little suspicion.

But look at what they do from a different perspective.
1. None of these people were the "Kumbaya - We are the world" type.
2. None seem to have gone through some drastic change in philosophy, either.

Yet what these foundations invariably push are what can easily be described as "socialist ideals". By that I mean, notions of what society "should be doing", but that are inevitably paid for by everyone but them. In fact, I'd venture that a good number of these ideas get paid for by government.

This even feeds back to their public corporation side, in that ultimately you cannot really tax a corporation (yes, this last is a pet notion of mine). Think of it this way:
Government sets out with some "fine notion", and needs money.
Government decides that to raise it they will put a 5 cent tax on all Big Macs, Whoppers, and burritos.
What happens?
Big Macs, Whoppers, and burritos all go up 7 cents in price.
5 cents to handle the tax, and
2 cents to handle the paperwork of passing it along.

The Robber Baron's money remains "safe".

Just a thought...

8th August 2010, 19:04
Maybe start with the "Rothschilds" who have a hand in 13 Central Banks (from memory) and control everything in the financial system worldwide.

Those pesky "Red Shields" have been the biggest players in the banking game for a couple hundred years now, but they're only part of an even larger game. The Rothschilds are only another elite family with ties in another elite industry, fighting with other powerful conglomerates, and amongst each other, for reasons we don't quite understand. "The Powers that Be" aren't as organized and unified as many are led to believe. Nor are they one, single group under one, single name. There's a great deal of backstabbing and blackmailing that go on behind those securely locked doors.

8th August 2010, 19:07

Paper money is worthless !!! But you are led to believe that it is your "God".

Its not worthless. As all things it is worth as much as we believe it is worth.
And as with many of our beliefs, we do not ask if pretty package full of high words /spells is actually backed with anything.
It's a perfect examples how engineering beliefs in population serves as a tool of control. One of their secrets.

A few quotes from Thomas Jefferson on Money and Banking:
Wealth and money have long ago parted ways, methinks.

Great quotes from man who knew bit or two about the game. It shows wonderfully how deep this rabbithole is :)
Also serves as great example of typical two wing power play: Jeffersonians were attacked from British/loyalist side AND from Hamilton/Washington team, that wanted central bank, paper money and American State (as opposed to federation) ... History books (at least here) do not mention that at all.
One need to mention that man who finished what Hamilton started was no one else than man so beloved by underdogs and "alternatives" - Abraham Lincoln, with his War Against South Independence and greenback (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demand_Note) scheme, followed by "Legal Tender" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Note) that paved the way for 1913 FED ... man deeply backed by railroad construction corporations.. but some still think it was all about slaves, LOL

8th August 2010, 19:17
but some still think it was all about slaves, LOL

Hi SaiCO...
Lincoln never freed a single slave in his life, actually.
His "emancipation Proclamation" only freed slaves in states that had already seceded from the union. He might as well have declared all slaves in Borneo, or Kenya free.

The Civil War was actually about making the Federal Government's rule the dominant one, forsaking the 10th amendment altogether. In fact he stated that if he could have accomplished those ends without freeing a single slave, he would have done it in a heartbeat.

Ain't history a bunch of fun? ;)

Came back to add...
Don't get me wrong, I happen to think that slavery is one of the most vile practices possible. And I also have a particular dislike of racism (having having found myself on both sides of the issue, in this life).I'm just not a big fan of Lincoln, or how he is written up in history books. ;)

8th August 2010, 19:24
David Icke has researched this subject for years/decades. Below, I have linked a .pdf of an article written by Icke that has a great description of what you seek. When you open it, scroll down about an inch to the picture of The Round Table.

Thus, your answer. :ranger:

The Round Table-Bilderberg Network
by David Icke


8th August 2010, 19:42
IMO, One of the key indicators of this lies in the age-old, and still used practice of creating Foundations by the Robber Barons.

The game goes like this.
Like the occasional hard working Schmo, you somehow manage to pile up a good deal of money.
Then it dawns on you, the best way to keep it is to be able to influence government about when and how it comes after your money. This, of course, helps you pile it even faster.

A few decades of this and you wind up with a "Holy Jeezus! Look at all this money!" sized pile.

Now you are left with the necessity and luxury of "Checking out". How?
Ford Foundation.
Carnegie Foundation.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.
Here you sink a vast sum of your earnings knowing it will be forever tax free.
1. Your time is now spent on "other pursuits".
2. It looks good to the public.
3. You can continue being influential in both govt. and society as a whole with little suspicion.

But look at what they do from a different perspective.
1. None of these people were the "Kumbaya - We are the world" type.
2. None seem to have gone through some drastic change in philosophy, either.

Yet what these foundations invariably push are what can easily be described as "socialist ideals". By that I mean, notions of what society "should be doing", but that are inevitably paid for by everyone but them. In fact, I'd venture that a good number of these ideas get paid for by government.

This even feeds back to their public corporation side, in that ultimately you cannot really tax a corporation (yes, this last is a pet notion of mine). Think of it this way:
Government sets out with some "fine notion", and needs money.
Government decides that to raise it they will put a 5 cent tax on all Big Macs, Whoppers, and burritos.
What happens?
Big Macs, Whoppers, and burritos all go up 7 cents in price.
5 cents to handle the tax, and
2 cents to handle the paperwork of passing it along.

The Robber Baron's money remains "safe".

Just a thought...

Good read that, even made me giggle. Then of course the foundations are used for covert agendas so far off the radar that they are, all camoflaged with ideals and whatnot. :eek:

8th August 2010, 20:11
This world is not ours. This is so obvious. It is just like living in a permanent illusion. Actually have you asked yourself what are you doing here? 95% of people did not, for sure. Our reality is SLEEP, EAT, WORK, TAXES, + 1% of spare time (TV). Elite group made a great job, don't you think? Yes, they have much spare time for CABAL, making agendas, ... All what is necessary to complete their goal. Everywhere you can see are their signs and symbols, architecture, politics, money, religion, ... it's their system, their world. And we are not even part of it. OK, we are helping them to make their dreams come true. Now it is time to think about ourselves and start to create our world. Just think. It is now or never.

8th August 2010, 20:14
Now, I'm very skeptical of the idea of a "New World Order" type group ruling over the planet. I've found no evidence of a global office for this group, nor have I found any proof of annual meetings. Yes, there is the Bilderberg Group, the annual Bohemian Grove meetings, and a plethora of shady secret societies; but there's one theme I've yet to find - Organization...

Hello dear The_Cipher_Replied,

I like your questions and your posts. Like Jim Mars said; "it is in the inner circle of the secret societies that the real secrecy is maintained". It's not the Freemasons, the trilateral comity, the council of foreign relations, the Jesuits, the Vatican, the 13th families, the Rosicrucian, etc... in their whole. There will always be an amount of positives "deeds" contributed by these groups at some levels that makes it impossible to target one as "precursor of the plan". The great majority of these groups has been built upon positive impulse. But, like many good movement in history, it often gets infiltrated deep at prestigious seats in the organization and that is where the positive fruits begin to turn rotten.

The real corrupter is not human, not a human being, not a group of human being alone, but rather a Spirit of domination present in the inner circles of these groups. A philosophy, a mentality, a perspective of corruption, domination and control over the mass perpetrating a consciousness of victim in humanity. The same spirit that comes to me and you and all of us in time of anger, despair, sorrow, inspiring revenge, hate, and desolation. There is a common group of an average of 300 people who are behind all these groups. They probably are the guardians of the real secrecy. Up at the front, the public faces are presented as leaders, but they aren't. There is a "plan", an agenda with "guidelines", but its not hold by a group in particular. It's rather conflict and tensions that reigns between these groups. But in the overall, if you look back at history, covering all cultures in general, you can trace a definite continuous manipulation and control behind the scenes. Today we talk about the council of foreign relation, the bilderberger, yesterday it was the Freemason, the knight Templar or the cult of the winged serpent and tomorrow it will be some other name, with different people, but the same old philosophy of controlling the masses will fight to stay in charge.

So, we are not facing an organized group of people criminal to life, but rather a spirit present in these powerful group that is not dying with the people or even with the groups, but is always present where power rise. That's the real enemy.

Namaste, Steven

8th August 2010, 20:31
Now it is time to think about ourselves and start to create our world.

Exactly right! In all actuality, it doesn't matter if a few bloodlines, a seven member committee, a secret society, a single architect, or even a planet full of reptile beings "call the shots" on this planet. I think, as a community, we agree that there is a secretive, and very cunning, force that exerts a great deal of control over nearly every society across the globe.

By looking at the largest possible picture, we begin to realize these games being played are merely experiences. It is up to us to provide the meaning and secure the outcome of these games. Will we learn from our prior "mistakes," or will we fall into the comfort of repeating old habits; only prolonging these games. To cut this short - consciousness is the real king.

8th August 2010, 20:44
So, we are not facing an organized group of people criminal to life, but rather a spirit present in these powerful group that is not dying with the people or even with the groups, but is always present where power rise. That's the real enemy.

Again, I have to say, "Exactly right!" If we criminalize specific groups, we're getting no where. These groups come and go. These groups argue amongst each other. These groups are just groups. The real power isn't in the group itself, it seems to lie deep within members at the heart of each group. As organizations enter stage right and exit some odd years later, the "enemy," for lack of a better word, continues to reside on the stage.

This certainly reminds me of the inscription in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo that reads: "Know Thyself."

8th August 2010, 21:30
Cipher, have you looked into the true power over what is and has happened?

All of these groups and these individuals and these corporations and the politicians are but puppets to the real controllers.

Stop, please, and consider how these group factions, with all of their infighting and inner-wars could possibly coordinate a global takeover in one fell-swoop. There has to be something that is able to and has the intelligence to, coordinate all of these countries and these politicians and funnel all of the minute details of this global take-down, all at once in lockstep.

Yes? :juggle:

8th August 2010, 22:53
Cipher, have you looked into the true power over what is and has happened?

I'll start from the beginning on this.

I began researching secret societies, black budget projects, and everything in between after reading a piece of literature on artificial sweeteners at a local grocery store. I was only in high school at the time, so I'd say I got a decent running start on this topic :p

In trying to figure out who would allow for monosodium glutamate, fluoride, and aspartame to be added to our food supply, I came across a plethora of theories. The Nazi's. The Freemasons. The Reptilians. The Democrats. The Satanists. The Rothschilds. It was endless. So, I began looking into each of these groups, one at a time. That lead me to even more groups, and a few more groups, which eventually lead me back to the group I had started with. I also began calling and writing to people that study these groups. After so long of doing that, with moderate success, I began running into people who had stories. Call it synchronicity, luck, or which ever term you prefer. I had sat down for dinner, or coffee, with a good number of interesting people who, in turn, lead me to more interesting people, and books, and other forms of research. I certainly put my social life on hold during my senior year of high school!

Fast forward to now. After reading a silly article about aspartame at a grocery store, I "did my homework" on the ruling elite. And here's what I've been able to deduce:

Yes, there are "Powers That Be" in this world. They are far from the elected leaders we see on the mainstream news. Many of these "powers" can be found in secretive groups, such as The Bilderbergs, or the Trilateral Commission. A good number of these "powers" also belong to specific, elite bloodlines, like the Windsors. Some of these "powers" belong to wealthy families, as well, like the Rockefellers. A few are even ranking officials in black budget projects.

Not all of the members of these "illuminated groups" are terrible people. There are "white hats" among the crowd. There also seems to be a great deal of fighting within "The Powers That Be." Not all factions, or groups, agree with each other.

Now, who, if anyone, controls these "powers" is unknown to me. Many people speculate, but it's near impossible to definitively know. We can say, with a great deal of truth, that there are elite groups "calling the shots" around here; but we can't say who, or what, is in charge of them - If anyone, or anything.

If there is yet another group, we open a Pandora's Box of questions, now. Who controls them? :p

9th August 2010, 03:17
in Mainstream Media even - an interesting read

Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows: David Reilly
By David Reilly - Jan 28, 2010 6:00 PM PT

Bloomberg Opinion

The idea of secret banking cabals that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists who stockpile ammo, bottled water and peanut butter. After this week’s congressional hearing into the bailout of American International Group Inc., you have to wonder if those folks are crazy after all.

Wednesday’s hearing described a secretive group deploying billions of dollars to favored banks, operating with little oversight by the public or elected officials.

We’re talking about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose role as the most influential part of the federal-reserve system -- apart from the matter of AIG’s bailout -- deserves further congressional scrutiny.

Read Article (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-01-28/secret-banking-cabal-emerges-from-aig-shadows-david-reilly.html)

9th August 2010, 04:26
Cabal means scheme plot and intrigue and comes from Kabbalah

which is the mystical aspect of Rabbinic Judaism

Khazar Khaganate converted to Judaism before it was overrun by the Mongols

it's lost land inhabitants - the Ashkenazi Jews - settled within cities in Europe

many made a living from moneylending since Judaism does not forbid to take usury from gentiles

and so we have a history of tensions and conflicts between nations of Europe and the Jews

House of Rothschild is a famous Ashkenazi branch which made it big in England

Baron Rothschild was already given Palestine from the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917

for that was his prize for bringing the US into war with winning Germany

with public propaganda a former friend became a foe and Germany was defeated

not only did Woodrow Wilson let the Ashkenazi Banksters back in the US in 1912

he also acted against the advice of George Washington to steer clear of the rivalry in Europe

these plotters are are still plotting - the Cabal is alive and well

9th August 2010, 09:00
All of these groups and these individuals and these corporations and the politicians are but puppets to the real controllers.

The real controllers whom; remain completely anonymous. I've heard everything from reptilians, luciferians, masons, rothschilds, bilderberg, and have found no evidence of any accuracy here, it's all been speculation. Doesn't seem like anyone wants to take credit for controlling the world, you'd think with that kind of ambition they'd be gloating.

If you believe that a singular entity/establishment/organization control the world, please state whom specifically, and also the reasons.

9th August 2010, 10:09
The real controllers whom; remain completely anonymous. I've heard everything from reptilians, luciferians, masons, rothschilds, bilderberg, and have found no evidence of any accuracy here, it's all been speculation. Doesn't seem like anyone wants to take credit for controlling the world, you'd think with that kind of ambition they'd be gloating.

If you believe that a singular entity/establishment/organization control the world, please state whom specifically, and also the reasons.
Time to play devils advocate me thinks:evil:
Well if i was one of the controlling elite I wouldn't want anyone to know it. Far better to control the puppets so when the people get feed up they replace my puppet and not me. Why do I need to gloat I know I'm in charge and so do the people that work for me as for the rest of the worthless mouth eaters let them think Obama is running the show i got 3 more puppets lined upped after he is gone. Think about it bad ruler out in the open doesn't last long. If I'm going to be an evil elite tyrant, and be smart about it I'm going to spend just as much time, energy and money staying secret as I am plotting and stealing. If I am ever brought to light i can just give a bunch of money to charity, oh wait i just did that, meh it will work again it always works people love me. If I'm plotting half the stuff Alex Jones says I am im sertanly not going to gloat about population control until it suites my end game, but we are not quite ready for martial law yet.

I don't know who or what is in control of the "world" because they dont want me to know im not in the club. I believe there was a group in charge: reptilians, luciferians, masons, rothschilds, bilderberg, luminaty ect. but I'm just not playing that game anymore. The only reason anyone or anyone group has power is because enough people believe it. I'm not playing anymore and team PTB your time is up please exit the field it has been reserved for a nice little picknick your welcome to join us just leave your suck at the door.

Peaceful Journeys. Wookie

9th August 2010, 12:49
Didnt have time to read through the whole thread since I am at work and REALLY :pleasantry: busy
So maybe this has been mentione in one or another form already.

Anyhow, think about this.
The "Organisation" is not of this world. At least not the physical one. Most of the People involved in the top third of the Pyramid probably dont even know each other. But still they are "briefed" by the same higher comittee/force/entity.
There is no need for a mutual meeting-place, -room, time. That is a fixed concept in your head that it must work this way. This higher force doesnt need a registered logo, name or headquarter.
The headquarters are the minds of the people involved. And wherever they hold their private little sessions.
Kind of a compartmentalisation.

This interview with Roger Morneau gives a pretty good idea how it is worked out. THROUGH THE AGES


Love and light sent from the Black Forest

9th August 2010, 13:43
The real controllers whom; remain completely anonymous. I've heard everything from reptilians, luciferians, masons, rothschilds, bilderberg, and have found no evidence of any accuracy here, it's all been speculation.

Quite right! We, in the midst of our physical existence, can only prove that there are controlling individuals and very secretive groups "calling the shots" in many societies across the world. Now, who they answer to, if anyone, is complete speculation.

I hear about the reptile beings most commonly. I acknowledge the possible existence of reptile beings, but can we say that these reptile beings are the "true controllers" of the controllers we have on our planet? Or is it possible that they're just another troubled group, with high technology, taking orders from another controlling group that even they speculate over? Could the same also be said about that group? :p

9th August 2010, 16:36
Anyhow, think about this.
The "Organisation" is not of this world. At least not the physical one. Most of the People involved in the top third of the Pyramid probably dont even know each other. But still they are "briefed" by the same higher comittee/force/entity.
There is no need for a mutual meeting-place, -room, time. That is a fixed concept in your head that it must work this way. This higher force doesnt need a registered logo, name or headquarter.
The headquarters are the minds of the people involved. And wherever they hold their private little sessions.
Kind of a compartmentalisation. Exactly! Off-planet species don't pick up a phone and organize a business meeting with their puppets. It is possible that some of the puppets have direct clairaudience from the off-planet beings. They communicate through thought.

Quite right! We, in the midst of our physical existence, can only prove that there are controlling individuals and very secretive groups "calling the shots" in many societies across the world. Now, who they answer to, if anyone, is complete speculation. Not quite. There exists a goodly amount of circumstantial evidence that corners an off-planet species. There are several individual people and groups who have done the research and hold this evidence. I'm not one of those.

I hear about the reptile beings most commonly. I acknowledge the possible existence of reptile beings, but can we say that these reptile beings are the "true controllers" of the controllers we have on our planet? Or is it possible that they're just another troubled group, with high technology, taking orders from another controlling group that even they speculate over? Could the same also be said about that group? :p

Yes, according to the research that has been done, the reptilians are one of the off-planet species that are pointed to. Is there an even higher group over these reptilians? It is possible. The Universe is so vast and we as humans, have so little concept of the workings of same, that anything is possible.

9th August 2010, 17:45
the Cabal is a culture of powerful people bonded by the believes they share and working together for common causes

CFR is a branch of the Cabal influencing the US government

Chatham House is a branch of the Cabal influencing the Brithish government

Bilderberger is a branch of the Cabal influencing European politicians

the Cabal is strong in the US Israel Japan and in Europe but they have lost Russia

the Cabal wants and works to conquer the whole world with many methods and means to reach this end

9th August 2010, 18:35
There exists a goodly amount of circumstantial evidence that corners an off-planet species. There are several individual people and groups who have done the research and hold this evidence.

Like I said, I do believe there are reptile beings. Now, I personally have no idea what these guys are doing. They might be controlling our "cabal" on this planet, as David Icke suggests, but it's hard to know for sure. It's always a possibility, but we just don't know. I've heard many reports of these reptile beings as being cold, cruel, and even showing a complete disgust of anything relating to humans.

It might just be that these reptile beings are only "toying" with our elite, and some researchers mistake this as control of some kind. Maybe these reptile beings are here for a purpose other than control. Maybe we're a resource to them, and they could care less if we, as resources, are "managed" or not.

What we do know, for sure, is that there are elite groups, here on this planet, doing some pretty awful things to those they believe to be in power over. Above them, who knows what's going on. I bet they don't even know :p

10th August 2010, 06:34
Real question is: What do we do with that knowledge.
There are reptile aliens that meddle with our affairs, sure. But what to do about it, shoot them? Pointless. And I firmly believe there are great many "alien groups" that have their fields of influence, some subtle, some don't. There is no single "king" which you can "disable" and watch structure fail.

They meddle with our affairs through people. They meddle with us using existing power structure. What is done from "inspiration" and what is self-preserving mechanism of power structure is hard to tell, but I'll risk saying that 95% of actions we see are purely 3D earth based. Which actually makes our situation better as we are dealing with things of this Earth that we actually can tackle!

THE most important field of battle is belief one, as it shapes our reality. Power structure exist only because people are foolish enough to believe they need it, that that's only solution! And every time it fails, it's "normal people" (maybe with little "inspired guidance") that rebuild it!

People sometimes are fooled in thinking that "free energy" or "disclousure" would change things. That is a trap. First and foremost we need to change our morality, and I mean not in the sense "churches" tell what morality is. I mean in a sense every engineer make moral decisions: he takes a beam and ask a question: would it bear the load or not, they if answer is yes, then he uses it. Good or not is matter of application! Every tool be it structural beam or money or gun is only as good as morals of the one using it!

We, our consciousness, are the battlefield. Our beliefs, things we put our energy in, DO shape our world, but there are principles involved. Better learn them fast!

10th August 2010, 18:37
I'd say you summed it all up very well in the above post, SaiCO.

There are reptile aliens that meddle with our affairs, sure. But what to do about it, shoot them? Pointless. And I firmly believe there are great many "alien groups" that have their fields of influence, some subtle, some don't. There is no single "king" which you can "disable" and watch structure fail.

Again, very well said.

Let's say that, in fact, a race of reptile overlords has been controlling societies for thousands of years. Now what? Does that change our situation here? In my opinion, it really doesn't matter if it's reptile beings calling the shots, or a few, elite groups of humans calling the shots. It all boils down to personal responsibility. We will continue to be manipulated and pushed around until we, as a collective, withdrawal our consent.

There's no need to shoot the devils, no need to riot in the streets. It all could be solved with a change in our consciousness. Consciousness is the real king, here.