View Full Version : How has your opinion about God been affected by your research into ET activities?

11th July 2012, 05:41
It's hard for me to believe that this physical universe is the result of a series of evolutionary steps without a creator playing a role particularly early on. When I try to imagine the very first step that explains how the first something emerged from nothing, I look for a divine magician.

But as I have worked my way through the material involving alien exploitive abductions of humans, and the hideous ritual abuse conducted by their human illuminati agents, I have to say that my faith that a benevolent god reigns supreme in this universe has weakened if not disappeared.

Does God even exist? God must. This universe says so.
Is God actively benevolent in regards to Earth? Maybe, maybe not.

If God is actively benevolent in regards to our planet, how are these egregious crimes against humans, including children, permitted by the most powerful being?

I'm not just referring to nasty behaviour in the physical plane, but possible interference in the process of reincarnation, possible interference on the astral plane.

Should God permit this? I don't think so.

11th July 2012, 05:45
Like every other aspect of life, my opinion of God and "it's" existence has been on a long wild roller coaster ride. I admit it is difficult to remain hopeful these days.

11th July 2012, 06:55
I would say that you cannot assume that something comes from nothing. What if nothing comes from something? Think of it the universe as a living creature that is a life conscious itself. The greater conscious of this universe is what many may call god which is why in a way we are all a part of god, not separate , and from the conscious. In my opinion these actions are allowed because we choose to learn from them. In some way we learn to better understand ourselves and grow from bad actions against us. Even the bad guys can learn and grow from their bad actions and other people's love. As much as people like to destroy evil forever into the abyss of source it plays a major part of learning and mastering love.

11th July 2012, 07:24
I think as I've reasearched ET/ED's, ancient archeology, and spirituality my opinion of there being a supreme being watching over us hasn't necessarily diminished, but has definitely moved away from the old man in a white beard traditional image - where God is a conscious entity that is involved with smiting and blessing humanity. I do believe that there is a universal conscious that we are all projections/part of, but just as we don't think about the battle between our white blood cells and the viruses/diseases they are fighting off on an individual level, this higher power isn't involved as to what goes on here on our level.

I do believe that everything does happen for a reason, including suffering, diseases, etc., but it is beyond our comprehension with the tools we have; just as a veterinarian is tending to a wounded animal, the animal doesn't understand what is going on other than that this superior being is causing it pain. Maybe that's a silly analogy, but you get the idea :). That's not to say that I think we need to kick back, put our feet up and just go with the flow - I think that we are all being tested constantly by this universal consciousness, and need to live up to a high moral and selfless lifestyle, letting love be the forefront of our emotions. In the end of the day, I never felt that the religious explanation of God clicked with me - it always seemed too shallow and demanded that we accept things without really asking any questions, and the fact that so many respected religious figures oftentimes show such poor character helped me question this at an early age.

So in a nutshell, I do believe that there is a benevolent force that watches over our existence - we are given the tools to rise above the selfishness, temptation, evil, etc but it doesn't do the job for us. Just a parent lets their kids go off on their own and learn from the their mistakes, we are here to learn to fend for ourselves and repeat the lesson as many times as it takes until we get it and can move forward.

11th July 2012, 09:17
I think it is very hard not to anthropomorphize god. He needs not be considered as archetypal sage - with white beard and white robes - to still show the motivations of man. A god that actively does anything, or permits anything, is still a god that has been given humanity. Its a very human form of myopia!

In regards to aliens, who's to say what our scientific and spiritual actualization as a race will bring. Perhaps the federal reserve will be comprised of superhuman eugenicists usurping our energy currency in the fourth dimension...I'd consider we would have the propensity for similar astral crimes. The real offense here is what we want to believe to be untouchable - our soul. All the things I've been exposed to suggest its way above tampering with. I must need to dig a little deeper. But I'm still not seeing god in all of this.

No matter who the river drowns, the river never stops flowing.

"If I was really created in God’s image
then when God was a boy
he wanted to grow up to be a man
a good man
and when God was a man
a good man
He started telling the truth in order to get honest responses.
He’d say,
“I know.
I really shoulda wore my cross
but I don’t wanna scare the gentiles off.” "
-Buddy Wakefield

11th July 2012, 10:26
Yes, the reality of ETs/EDs, demons, angels, etc. has impacted my belief in God/Gods. I believe God is a ET and his "prophets" are also ETs.

11th July 2012, 10:30
From all the evidence, I'm of the opinion that 'god'/source/creator is Real... but to anthropomorphize such an omnipotent entity/Energy is simply 'childish'. However, it is a convenient and 'acceptable' approach for less scientifically developed physical beings to allow any understanding of such an All-Powerful / All-Knowing entity.

It's my own feeling that God/Source/Spirit has made Creation (through Pure Unconditional Love via powerful All-Encompassing Energies) in such a way that ALL Things/Perspectives/Actions (Positive & Negative) are Possible, for to deny any One possibility, would inherently thus deny All possibilities. I see this as not only as an expression of the flow of energy in a toroidal model, but also the embodiment of Embracing Free Will.

As such, this Creation by God/Source/Spirit is LOVED, Guided (within bounds), and Embraced in It's Entirety, Regardless of the actions of the beings it has caused to exist.

In Unity, Peace and Love

Bo Atkinson
11th July 2012, 10:46
Thanks everyone for sharing insights. God may or may not infer a precise meaning, depending on the conversation and the conversationalists involved. I'll try to say just a little here and then get outside to build something practical.

My first studious effort to learn deeper meanings and to experience western-god-concepts came readily combined with ET activities... All rolled in to one : titled The Urantia Book. It was said to have been channeled or inspired into a sleeping subject around 1930. In any case it provided so many angles to study all at once, which is my preferred method of study, (integrative). It even had an interesting section on cosmology as it relates to material science. While the subject of biblical history gave me much more foundation to better understand all the furor with fundamentalists. (Who always harassed me with fundamentalism and fighting between their many factions. About subjects like the last days, etc...) This study lasted me about 20 years because it provided many other key words to look up in libraries and provide talking points. That could have been narrowed down to a year on the internet, but it happened before interconnected PCs. Most of the people i met were restricted to specific topic areas. It let me at least seek to discuss their areas, since i lived in a very, culturally-reserved area of the west.

Besides this book, many other sources peeked my interests, but never did i have the aware abducting type or the more exciting type of long lost ETs coming to visit. Although there were other varieties of experience not in the traditional ET grouping, per se.

So i did access the many lectures, blogs, books concerning ETs. One of the most interesting commentators, IMHO, is George Kavassilas, who just published a great book: Our Universal Journey Here is one excerpt concerning the hierarchy which infers far more levels of "off planet" beings between us and 'Source'. Though each commentator will word-smith and brand customized meanings. In a subject so far beyond the history of English language:

Excerpt From Kavassilas' book: Our Universal Journey:
This wayward faction of the gods/archons then went about doing everything they could to study and learn fractilisation and this new compressed version of Light and life. Once they felt they had learnt enough to create from it, they immediately went about doing what they did in the cosmic arena, and started creating their own realities and domains for their own purposes within the galactic arena. Because of their intentions, the foundational energies of manifestation resulted in their realities not being in harmony and synchronicity as are the rest of the realities and domains. In the first few eras and epochs their realities were based on more of an authoritarian rule and so as a result they attracted the more aggressive and warrior types. This helped them to establish their presence and assert an authority very quickly within this galaxy.
This in turn enabled them to create large empires by influencing certain key races; for example, the Draconians. These methods also resulted in the great saga of the Orion Epoch, with a great many wars taking place which transmuted a huge amount of the Universal Male Warrior Archetypal energy. The Orion Wars saw some of the most intense and vicious battles ever known. The level of technology that was used there was the most sophisticated ever created. The depravation of spirit at times was horrendous. The tortures that took place and the methods that were being used were absolutely abominable. Many of the tortures were about cracking the Great Void not only on a cosmic level but also within an individual being. However, after a while the gods came to learn that this method of force is tiresome and risky as some of them fell both physically and energetically descending into the bottom dimensions.
As most who were involved learnt a great deal from that epoch, this remaining faction of the gods decided to change tactics. After studying and learning everything they could about this new compressed version of Light they then began to create a very highly sophisticated version of control with the most basic and yet most calculating of formulas ever known, ‘passive aggressive’. They fooled multitudes of peoples into believing that they were free by creating realities using a light that mimicked the Light of the Universe. As time passed, some of these gods assimilated at first hundreds, then thousands, then millions of races into false realities and paradigms. Granted, their realities had a very unique and appealing expression, which was part of the attraction for many. Unfortunately, these creations had more of a mesmerising and smothering effect. They seem to entrance and eventually entrap beings because they were working to guide awareness and intent away from ones Soul Essence. Their agenda was to steer and funnel the energy of awareness and intent towards the gods and archons themselves and to their version of life, so they could feed off that energy and become more empowered by it. Therefore, despite the glitz and the glamour of these realities, their functionality, intentions and ethos was in the opposite direction compared to that of the Galactic Mother.

11th July 2012, 10:53
Thank you Kindred. You said exactly what I wanted to say but in a much more well-informed sounding way.


11th July 2012, 10:58
In a time long forgotten... our ever unknowable Source of all creation... was just sitting alone... thinking... about all that He could create... so He created a fan... He then rolled up in His hands... a huge ball of creational matter... and He threw it at the fan... hehehehehehehehehe chuckle chuckle chuckle chuckle. works for me...

love and peace

Unified Serenity
11th July 2012, 11:24
It's hard for me to believe that this physical universe is the result of a series of evolutionary steps without a creator playing a role particularly early on. When I try to imagine the very first step that explains how the first something emerged from nothing, I look for a divine magician.

But as I have worked my way through the material involving alien exploitive abductions of humans, and the hideous ritual abuse conducted by their human illuminati agents, I have to say that my faith that a benevolent god reigns supreme in this universe has weakened if not disappeared.

Does God even exist? God must. This universe says so.
Is God actively benevolent in regards to Earth? Maybe, maybe not.

If God is actively benevolent in regards to our planet, how are these egregious crimes against humans, including children, permitted by the most powerful being?

I'm not just referring to nasty behaviour in the physical plane, but possible interference in the process of reincarnation, possible interference on the astral plane.

Should God permit this? I don't think so.

I do believe Job asked God something similar, the response was telling. Life is hard, but ultimately to come before the God of the creation is hard to imagine. I truly believe in God/dess existence. I do not think we can fathom it in any sense of the word. Those who have said it was dreadful. It might be for lots of reasons. I know we are loved, but can you imagine your creation sounding so high and mighty when did they set Orion into the sky, or leviathan in the earth? When did they do anything and they are questioning you? Dear Lord, just let me make a statement some don't like and it's quite evident of what they think of lesser creatures. That being said, I already admitted it's a darn good thing I am not God cause I seriously doubt anyone on the planet would exist.

In a nutshell, God gave us free will and a beautiful world. We chose to disobey God well, to become as smart as God, and in doing that he allowed us to go our own way. All the evil you see, is a direct result of man's choices my dear. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

Ron Mauer Sr
11th July 2012, 11:24
Prior to the reading of "Flying Saucers Have Landed" by George Adamski (circa 1954), the God concept included the image of an old man who was likely to punish me for seriously incorrect behavior. But God had gotten better as he got older because he was no longer demanding the sacrifice of children as described in the Old Testament.

Now there are no boundaries. God is the sum total of all that is manifest and not manifest, all that is known, unknown and unknowable. God is pure love without judgement. And every being that thinks he/she is prime creator eventually discovers that he/she is the child of yet another creator.

Fred Steeves
11th July 2012, 11:48
In trying to comprehend all of the "good, the bad, and the ugly" we see, I think this little story says a lot. Make of it what you will.

“When Narada came to Vishnu and said, “What is the secret of your Maya (illusion of separateness)?” Vishnu took him and threw him into a pool. And the moment he fell under the pool he was born as a princess in a very great family, and went through all the experiences of childhood and being a little girl, finally married to a prince from another kingdom and she went to live with him in his kingdom.

And they were in tremendous prosperity, and palaces and peacocks and all that sort of thing, then suddenly there was a war, and their kingdom was attacked and utterly destroyed, and the prince himself was killed in battle. And so he was cremated, and she, as a dutiful wife, was about to throw herself, weeping, on the funeral pyre and burn herself, an act of sadhi or self-sacrifice, when suddenly, Narada woke to find himself being pulled out of the pool by his hair.

And Vishnu said, “For whom were you weeping?””

11th July 2012, 12:32
Creator of all that is unseen and seen is. Total comprehension is the endless journey we are embarked upon. Universal and eternal are but some of the discriptives assigned, but this dimentional reality says we must move on regardless of what we think we know. Dust to dust regardless of the path.

11th July 2012, 12:46
“When Narada came to Vishnu and said, “What is the secret of your Maya (illusion of separateness)?” Vishnu took him and threw him into a pool. And the moment he fell under the pool he was born as a princess in a very great family, and went through all the experiences of childhood and being a little girl, finally married to a prince from another kingdom and she went to live with him in his kingdom.

And they were in tremendous prosperity, and palaces and peacocks and all that sort of thing, then suddenly there was a war, and their kingdom was attacked and utterly destroyed, and the prince himself was killed in battle. And so he was cremated, and she, as a dutiful wife, was about to throw herself, weeping, on the funeral pyre and burn herself, an act of sadhi or self-sacrifice, when suddenly, Narada woke to find himself being pulled out of the pool by his hair.

And Vishnu said, “For whom were you weeping?””

You're on to something Fred. What I know of is at least a reflection of the values and nature of what 'God' is.
What I have trouble accepting is the lack of awareness of that in minds that I hear speculating about what ETs are and
what their agenda would be. They'll reflect that nature or they won't represent a true agenda.
What's your neighbor's agenda? What's the green grocier up to? Those bloody bankers?
Of course they're there. Why not? How are questions useful if the answers aren't particularly useful?
Get responsible for oneself is the real answer. That's all they'd be able to tell us. New modes of transportation? Bid deal.
Spirit as 'you' is here as well, and that's how we wake up, connecting the dots to ourSelves and that God awareness
Through these lives that we script and play out.
It's a lot bigger than meeting alien looking 'other' minds and sharing cultures.
Narada's dream was perfect. Next time he wakes up in bed with an alien girl and that raises issues. Maybe he's the alien.
Eventually those scenarios will have effected a change.
We don't evolve as species, we evolve as single entire Selves.
This next change is a biggie. Everything is included.
If we want to speculate about something, lets speculate about why we don't stay focused on that.
That's really the next change for humans.
I guess my opinion has changed, but not about God.

11th July 2012, 14:15
As a young child some of my deepest and most probing questions were "does god exist" and if so "who is he"

I have now answered those questions enough to satisfy myself but in doing so spawned many others..
What I believe now I would not have believed nor accepted back then or even 5 years ago.

An analogy to explain my view of God..
The human body is comprised of different systems i.e. skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system etc..

Each of these systems is broken down further to its own organizational makeup, we reach the cellular level and so on and so on..
All of these parts make up the whole (Body) and contribute to it's experience.

Now liken God to our Body and imagine all life that exists (on this planet, every other planet, in this dimension and every other) all working (collectively or not) to make up one big body and contribute to it's experience, a body that is intelligent and aware.

edit: I am just trying to illustrate my thoughts on who God is, NOT what God looks like.
*God* may not take the form of a 'body' as such and may not even take any particular form.

We are all one, all a part of the whole.

11th July 2012, 19:44
I now understand the word "God" to exist as a man made construct used usually to refer to any being of vastly superior (apparent) power to themselves. God is generally used to refer to anyone who's own intelligence or abilities so vastly outmatch our own as to make them seem almost magically impervious to anything we could do. The concept however of a "First source" does seem plausible, although I know just enough to know that trying to imagine what that might be would be rather futile. I distinctly separate "God" from "Source" in my choice of wordings so to give religious culture its due respect. More people on this planet Appropriate the word "God" with a big G as shorthand for Jehovah and far be it for me to fight them on that.

But really beyond those vague ideas not an awful lot has changed.

11th July 2012, 19:58
It has been galvanized by my research.

11th July 2012, 20:02
i cant say my opinion about "god" has changed but my bigger picture about spiritualy and the so called ET-phenomenon has changed, 15 years ago it wasnt able for me to see the connections and thats a very interesting and important aspect for me today, since its all about souls and spiritual growth i guess :)

since im not a religious person at all let me quote something "By their fruits ye shall know them" specialy in this times its something i try to remember myself everyday.

the so called ET-phenomenon was very important for me years ago, i realy invested plenty of time and read alot, but today i tend to see how it is used to detract people and implant fear and false promises so i tend to invest my time in other subjects since i dont like my power get drained like that.

rmauersr had a realy nice post, i liked it :) i can sign that pretty much.

11th July 2012, 20:31
I've always known that God is love. And now I know that love is God.

11th July 2012, 20:40
In all honesty, it has not changed my views or my opinions about God in the least.

Perhaps "aliens" are really the higher evolved spiritual beings that were talked about in the bible. Who knows? Perhaps we are all a part of "God", our "Creator".

I still believe without a doubt that there is a higher conciousness and a organized collectiveness to all this craziness, even though at times there doesn't seem to be. But if we truly look with our heart, we can find traces of God/Creator in everything.

I think we are only one very, very miniscule part of a tremendously vast universe. There are probably more "beings" than we can even imagine. There are probably an infinite number of realms etc. too.

That's just my two cents...:becky:

11th July 2012, 21:37
Whether God is an ET or not, to me doesn't matter. But I think perhaps, through media, the human populous is subjected to irresistible temptations(alcohol,drugs,sex etc), that make us prime candidates for demonic oppression/possession. Once that door is open, for a demonic spirit to enter, the problems snowball. I have a feeling that this is part of the big picture where the NWO is concerned. Their goal? To create negative energy to feed on. The more I dig into this area, the more I am convinced that SIMPLY, we are in a battle between good and evil.

But back to the ET thing, it seems to make sense that all of us, God and demons included, are ETs/IDs.

11th July 2012, 21:47
That about sums it up for me. M6*

Unified Serenity
12th July 2012, 01:30
In all honesty, it has not changed my views or my opinions about God in the least.

Perhaps "aliens" are really the higher evolved spiritual beings that were talked about in the bible. Who knows? Perhaps we are all a part of "God", our "Creator".

I still believe without a doubt that there is a higher conciousness and a organized collectiveness to all this craziness, even though at times there doesn't seem to be. But if we truly look with our heart, we can find traces of God/Creator in everything.

I think we are only one very, very miniscule part of a tremendously vast universe. There are probably more "beings" than we can even imagine. There are probably an infinite number of realms etc. too.

That's just my two cents...:becky:

Yes, and like that star trek episode, there is a beacon out in space near earth calling it "Planet X" and a standing order to stay away as we are most dangerous of God's children who are very sadly not learning things very well. Maybe Earth is called the short bus out there. LOL

12th July 2012, 01:31
I don't think God is an E.T as we know them. I totally believe in God
the creator. I believe he/it created the E.T's to but not like you are thinking.

I think E.T's are demons in disguise. They can change their form at will, at best
or make us think that they are in a different form, in the least. I'm not sure which
one it is yet.

I also believe that there is not one bible on this planet that tells the absolute truth
about God and biblical history. Not one.

I've heard so many different versions of how E.T's came to this planet and created
man and woman, it really isn't even funny any more. Since those stories changed so
much, i took all those stories out of my mind and went back to God creating
mankind. It's the only story that remained consistent throughout the centuries.

In the beginning, God created adam and eve. Eve sinned and then caused adam to
sin. God gets miffed and curses all future men and women because of the sins of
the first two.

This makes God look stupid. Why would he condemn all future humans for the sins
of 2 people? Doesn't make any sense at all. Any good scientists, once it's discovered
that their experiment has failed, usually destroy their work and start all over again. This
is what God should have done.

To make things worse, God cast satan down to earth and then decided to put mankind on
the same planet as him/it. God had to have known the satan would try to influence mankind
in the wrong way. After all. God knows all things before we even think of them, doesn't he/it?

That's like putting good cells and a virus all together in one experiment and expecting everything
to be alright. It doesn't work. The virus will destroy the good cells or alter them, every time.

Worse of all, we get no protection by God, from any form of evil. Evil runs rampant on this
planet, even now.

So, to put it out there, point blank, God set us up to fail. There is no question in my mind about that.

AS David Icke would say, Problem, Reaction, Solution. God set up mankind to fail right from the
start of the game. Mankind, for the most part, is following the way of the evil one, whether it be in
little ways or big ways. In the end, God wants to see how many people can overcome all the odds
and be perfect in his eye's. Those chosen 144,000 people will get to go straight to heaven. The
ones, the goody two-shoes type will get to live on earth in peace and harmony forever. The rest get
blotted out of existence. Satan and his followers and any remaining humans that don't follow Gods

This is where i am at now, in my thinking. Does anyone see it differently than i do?

12th July 2012, 01:51
God gave us free will and what we do with it in this life is our choice. We can be the most evil creature on the planet or strive to be the best we can be. My faith in God is tested daily as it is with everyone. When things happen to me it is usually because I am not doing what is expected of me. Just as my earthly father tried to keep me from harm by warning me and diciplining me, I believe God allows things to happen so we grow and learn and become stronger.

12th July 2012, 01:52
if there is a design , there is a designer. I believe God is energy , pure light, pure spirit. its our perception of the overwhelming presence of that energy that our minds create a picture, that makes us feel safe about something beyond our comprehension. We may not like it sometimes but , God always brings his word to pass. In fact the study of things with the access of the internet confirms nothing just appears or happens, there is always a purpose , a circle if you like, a path, a choice, the more you know, there's no way all things just happened because two atoms smashed together, or the moon just in the right place to protect earth from the power of the sun , or the tree giving air to us and us giving back air to the tree... Life is a dance. a symphony , and we are all players. enjoy your movie , you helped make it. On with the show...

12th July 2012, 13:07
It's hard for me to believe that this physical universe is the result of a series of evolutionary steps without a creator playing a role particularly early on. When I try to imagine the very first step that explains how the first something emerged from nothing, I look for a divine magician.

But as I have worked my way through the material involving alien exploitive abductions of humans, and the hideous ritual abuse conducted by their human illuminati agents, I have to say that my faith that a benevolent god reigns supreme in this universe has weakened if not disappeared.

Does God even exist? God must. This universe says so.
Is God actively benevolent in regards to Earth? Maybe, maybe not.

If God is actively benevolent in regards to our planet, how are these egregious crimes against humans, including children, permitted by the most powerful being?

I'm not just referring to nasty behaviour in the physical plane, but possible interference in the process of reincarnation, possible interference on the astral plane.

Should God permit this? I don't think so.

when i read the title of the thread, i thougt "an opinion on God???" how can one have an opinion on God, this question is like asking a virus to have an opinion on humans or worst, on the universe. This is utterly ludicrous.
Then, i read your post.
And I thought "oh, this posts is about a god that is outside of us, a good or bad grand father, and this is what we should have an opinion on". "Should God permits this", you said, and I thought "God is life creation, it is the creations that permits or not, God has not much to do with it directly, it is the way its creation chose to experience that is the culprit"
Then came the following "as long as we do not understand our inner value, our inner capacities, our inner being, our godly being, we will make these kind of mistakes you describe in your post".