View Full Version : Questions about Dreams

17th July 2012, 20:48
Being as a newbie here and yet very curious to know more about the truth,
what do you guys think about our night dreams?
what are "they", really?..

Many skeptics and scientists would easily 'dismiss' dreams as just simply a mere remembrance & recollection of memories from our waking days.
But, just by looking at some of the posts here in this PA forum,
and even from my *own* experiences,
I do know that some dreams can be way more vivid, unexplainable (in this so-called "real-world" terms), and even sometimes eerie, 'prophetic', or beautiful beyond any human's words!

Since this is the forum about Truth-seeking, which cuts right-away to the truth of all matters,
what is your opinion on this issue?

are dreams really real?
even more, are they actually the 'key/gate' to another universe/dimension/etc, or at least mysteries, still unexplored mostly by our so-called "3D skeptical Scientists" ?..

or, as those skeptics and materialists, pragmatists 'worldly' people easily would say:
"dreams are just simply dreams. Nothing more!
now wake up and get back to the real-world/Reality!
No more sleeping, dreaming, and lazying-around! Get back to the real-world!" ?

thank you~
~regards from Indonesia~

17th July 2012, 23:49
Dreams are the consequence of a desiring mind.
Unfulfilled desires left over from the waking state will seek their fulfillment during the dream state.

Society has rules which cause individuals to repress/suppress their complete emotional expressions.
It is unacceptable to express many things in the public arena.
Showing anger, sadness, greed, even laughter, are examples of emotional behavior that is quite often unacceptable in many situations.

For example, one will lose their job if they express frustrated anger at their boss.
Instead, one sucks up this frustration and buries it within the subconscious - it is thrown into the basement of the mind.
The anger will lay suspended there within the body/mind mechanism until a moment comes when it is able to find an appropriate venue for expression.

The same goes for many other desires like sexual desires.
One cannot simply act as a wild animal and jump on the nearest woman (or man) that strikes their fancy.
Instead, desires during the day must be repressed in order to keep a society somewhat 'civilized'.

These repressed desires have the freedom to be expressed and allowed to find a proper closure during the sleep state.
This why it is said that if one doesn't dream, one will go utterly mad.

A point may come in one's life when one becomes finished with a desiring mind, as a natural consequence, then dreams will no longer be occur.


18th July 2012, 00:06
Being as a newbie here and yet very curious to know more about the truth,
what do you guys think about our night dreams?
what are "they", really?..

Many skeptics and scientists would easily 'dismiss' dreams as just simply a mere remembrance & recollection of memories from our waking days.
But, just by looking at some of the posts here in this PA forum,
and even from my *own* experiences,
I do know that some dreams can be way more vivid, unexplainable (in this so-called "real-world" terms), and even sometimes eerie, 'prophetic', or beautiful beyond any human's words!

Since this is the forum about Truth-seeking, which cuts right-away to the truth of all matters,
what is your opinion on this issue?

are dreams really real?
even more, are they actually the 'key/gate' to another universe/dimension/etc, or at least mysteries, still unexplored mostly by our so-called "3D skeptical Scientists" ?..

or, as those skeptics and materialists, pragmatists 'worldly' people easily would say:
"dreams are just simply dreams. Nothing more!
now wake up and get back to the real-world/Reality!
No more sleeping, dreaming, and lazying-around! Get back to the real-world!" ?

thank you~
~regards from Indonesia~

Welcome to Avalon...

Never stop dreaming, so go back to sleep...

I guess it would make more sense to say this existence is really the dream, what we do at night, is reality...

18th July 2012, 14:05
Indian mystic, Osho, answers a question posed by a Nashville, Tennessee reporter regarding dreams...



18th July 2012, 14:18
I tend to think that Osho is only partially right. It is well known by scientists that many animals do dream. You can find it anywhere in the web.
Osho is partiaclly right, just as Sigmud Freud. It might be true that dreams are caused by repression of instincts and impulses, but what prooves that this is the only cause of dreams.
Our imagination and capability to desire things that we cannot have is "infinite", or near to infinite.
I can't imagine a life without all those unfulfilled desires I have, because those are the ones that will eventually change the world.

18th July 2012, 16:09
funny, reading your comment I'm watching a collie sleeping on her back feet in the air, running in her dream...

18th July 2012, 16:19
the amazing thing about pets is they can join their Master in a dream...

young children having nightmares stop when a pet joins them, they become a friend in the darkness and help guide them back to more cheerful dreams...

dreams are forgotten when the child wakes, no longer in tears...

18th July 2012, 16:24
I tend to think that Osho is only partially right. It is well known by scientists that many animals do dream. You can find it anywhere in the web.
Osho is partiaclly right, just as Sigmud Freud. It might be true that dreams are caused by repression of instincts and impulses, but what prooves that this is the only cause of dreams.
Our imagination and capability to desire things that we cannot have is "infinite", or near to infinite.
I can't imagine a life without all those unfulfilled desires I have, because those are the ones that will eventually change the world.

The dream mechanism has two functions, just like genitals have two functions.
It is a vortex, which is a corridor through which commodities are passed.
Genitals are used to expel bodily waste fluids, but also to create life.

One needs to be aware which function one is referring to.
Same with dreams.

One aspect of dreams is that they are the waste matter of the impressions
one receives during the day from which one absorbs the "food" that serves one's current agenda.
Then all the other stuff is later removed during dreaming. This a nightmare is the equivalent of the end of constipation.
It may hurt at the time but brings great relief.

The second aspect of the dream mechanism is the connection of the soul to the eternal cosmos.
Hence prophetic dreams. They are live-giving.
The dreamer who passes on those visions can help those who are willing to listen to bring about a better future.
I figured this out finally after connecting a few dots....
Gurdjieffs theory of the three foods of man...
Food for the stomach, solids and liquids...
Food for the lungs, air. Inhaling air, absorbing oxygen, exhaling toxins as in carbondioxyde.
And food for the mind...impressions. Absorbing mixed impressions and expelling mind toxins.

18th July 2012, 16:47
I like that...

expelling mind toxins...

what method would you recommend if your mind is moving too fast to meditate?

¤=[Post Update]=¤

gives Brain Fart a whole new meaning... ;)

18th July 2012, 17:42
Thanks for a great thread and many great answers.

We all have different answers depending to what we have experienced so far, and that's the unique part of our experience.
What one considers a common thing in their life, the next one might think is just crazy.

I personally know by experience that this reality is just (as we call it) another dream, because I experience myself as a multidimensional being.
Experiencing many different lives simultaneously...

This must of course be experienced before you know it is so, as everything else.
I don't ask anyone to believe in me, because I know I would not even believe in this just a year ago from now.

Once again, thanks for a great thread

18th July 2012, 17:56
I have really vivid dreams, and since i was very young, ive always remembered them in detail.
when i put my head on my pillow at night, and close my eyes, for some reason, a dream from years ago, will come rushing into my mind, and it will be so fresh like i have just had it.
Ive also had prophetic dreams on a few occasions, although they were not exact in detail, but close enough, and, sometimes, ive not been aware of the dream, but i talk in my sleep a lot, much to my partners annoyance, and have said stuff which has also happened.
I value dreams, i dont know where they come from exactly, but i do know they are important, always listen to them.
I think you will know, which are nonsense, and which ones are trying to impart information to you.

18th July 2012, 17:57
I like that...

expelling mind toxins...

what method would you recommend if your mind is moving too fast to meditate?

¤=[Post Update]=¤

gives Brain Fart a whole new meaning... ;)

If the mind moves fast there could still be quiet moments where meditation just happens.

The main thing is to have an inner observer who can watch the mind's activity,
and give it the velocity when it's needed for a given action,
and slow it down when it is time to relax and smell the roses.
That observer is conscience.
Also consciousness.

18th July 2012, 18:13
I tend to think that Osho is only partially right. It is well known by scientists that many animals do dream. You can find it anywhere in the web.
Osho is partiaclly right, just as Sigmud Freud. It might be true that dreams are caused by repression of instincts and impulses, but what prooves that this is the only cause of dreams.
Our imagination and capability to desire things that we cannot have is "infinite", or near to infinite.
I can't imagine a life without all those unfulfilled desires I have, because those are the ones that will eventually change the world.

Yeah, very disappointing and superficial answer there from Osho.
I guess he was just having a bad hair day.
Actually, I love it when the great masters trip up.
Helps me to keep me connected to my own reality, which will still be there when all the gurus have disappeared in the mists of the past.

18th July 2012, 18:19
Dreams can be so many things.....

Sometimes, they can be "just a dream"
Other times, they can be an experience in another time/place/dimension
Sometimes, dreams serve a function - like processing information or bring healing.

Interpreting dreams depends a lot on context.

Last night, I had this dream where someone was trying to accuse me of molesting a kid and the reason why it was being done was because I wouldn't obey an authority figure. (Sounds a lot like scenarios that would play out when I was a kid). I didn't want to drive the school bus because I didn't have experience and didn't want to hurt anyone. Then, I started getting accused of all sorts of things - designed to 'disconnect me from my experience." (disbelieving what I see with my own eyes, not really hearing what I really heard, not experiencing what I really experienced etc). The crazy thing was that this was in a school and everything was videotaped and I kept saying look at the video. Look at where my hands and arms are. Look at how I was standing with my arms close to my body and people reaching to place things on my person or to touch me - instead of the other way around. It wasn't any use, but I kept my cool and kept presenting my case/evidence, regardless of the people making the accusations. I had the truth and I was going to tell it.

Since I had a stepmom who had MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), I spent a lot of my tween years severely confused about things and situations could change in an instant. You start questioning "what is real", "did I really experience what I just experienced"? "Am I really the sane one around here?" So, I consider my dream as a space that was created so that I could work through some of these things and feel safe (while being scared and upset all at the same time). It was a medium where those feelings could be understood and expressed in a productive way. Healing is important, but in my day-to-day world, I'm the mom of a preschooler - so is seems like it's always go, go, go...... So, at this stage, dreaming is a place where I do a lot of healing work because in my waking life - it's just not possible to do the work that I ideally want to do.

I've had dreams where I help dying people go to the spirit world (in time periods in the past - which is just weird by "normal people" standards, but hey, that's what happened) and have physically inhabited other people's bodies (and created great confusion w/the host/everyone around them/and me).

Dreams are vast and have endless possibilities; however, we need to be careful not to throw meaning on to things where there really is no meaning. That's why context and your belief system regarding dreams is important.

Dreams can be both memorable and serve different purposes in your life. Dreams are another way that the universe provides what we need when we need it. I love my dream life, but I need to learn to love being here, in this body, as well.

18th July 2012, 18:28
I like that...
expelling mind toxins... what method would you recommend if your mind is moving too fast to meditate?

gives Brain Fart a whole new meaning... ;)

Body and mind is actually one mechanism - i.e. body-mind.
Put the body into physical action & do it totally... exhaust the body-mind in an endeavor that takes it to the extreme. This, in a way, is the expelling of mind/body toxins. In the end, sit quietly and observe the silence, the dripping perspiration, the breathing, the heartbeat. Extreme effort turns to effortless witnessing.

That is what a 'runner's high' is, it comes unexpectedly out of engaging the body in an activity that involves the entire body. The bliss experienced is unforgettable.
Some runners become overly addicted to running because they are trying to repeat the experience of blissfulness that was realized through this form of engaging the body in an extreme activity. There is a sect of Buddhists in Tibet that run as a method of meditation.

The thing is that the reason why the blissfulness comes from this experience is because it was unexpected. In expecting to repeat the experience, the expectation, in itself, will become the barrier to having it become repetitious. (expectation is a function of the mind.)

Zen Masters use to give their disciples a koan to figure out - 'Find the sound of one hand clapping'. What ever answer is given by the disciple is not correct.
A koan is an unsolvable puzzle, but still the disciple makes every effort to solve it. After days, weeks, months of trying to solve this puzzle, the mind becomes completely exhausted. With the mind completely exhausted, the moment of silence is at hand.

The key to this is to be totally into it. If you are partial about it, lukewarm, it will not bring the consciousness to a sort of boiling point, so to speak.

Most Buddhist scholars misunderstand what was behind Gautama Buddha's enlightenment. It is thought that it was because he devoted 7 years studying that was the reason.
On the contrary, the 7 years of making every effort, utterly exhausting himself, is what set up the deepening silence that followed which led to his enlightened realization.

In essence, its the overly active intellect that stands in the way of experiencing one's own being.

The mind of the typical modern man is in many ways too much engaged with outside stimulus - i.e. the recycling of too many tv commercials. If the average person tries to just simply sit down and meditate, he will come away from the experience frustrated to the max. Observing the mind will reveal that it is filled with insanity. This will be too much for the average individual to tolerate. He will come away from it having a bad experience, will never want to try it again, and will probably conclude that it is not something that is for him.



18th July 2012, 21:49
Theoretically i'm not sure were this stands, "Conversations from the stream"
is an expression i use that seems to fit an aspect of sleep consciousness through which you meet up with people and have conversations. They may be work colleagues etc or may have more depth like a Tibetan monk detailing zero point energy and how souls are at near point of new birth.

good night-

18th July 2012, 22:03
Being as a newbie here and yet very curious to know more about the truth,
what do you guys think about our night dreams?
what are "they", really?..

Many skeptics and scientists would easily 'dismiss' dreams as just simply a mere remembrance & recollection of memories from our waking days.
But, just by looking at some of the posts here in this PA forum,
and even from my *own* experiences,
I do know that some dreams can be way more vivid, unexplainable (in this so-called "real-world" terms), and even sometimes eerie, 'prophetic', or beautiful beyond any human's words!

Since this is the forum about Truth-seeking, which cuts right-away to the truth of all matters,
what is your opinion on this issue?

are dreams really real?
even more, are they actually the 'key/gate' to another universe/dimension/etc, or at least mysteries, still unexplored mostly by our so-called "3D skeptical Scientists" ?..

or, as those skeptics and materialists, pragmatists 'worldly' people easily would say:
"dreams are just simply dreams. Nothing more!
now wake up and get back to the real-world/Reality!
No more sleeping, dreaming, and lazying-around! Get back to the real-world!" ?

thank you~
~regards from Indonesia~

IMO... Dreams come from our sub or conscious mind. Thereby dreams are reality! Learn from your dreams as they are reality.

18th July 2012, 22:22
Dreams can be so many things.....

Sometimes, they can be "just a dream"
Other times, they can be an experience in another time/place/dimension
Sometimes, dreams serve a function - like processing information or bring healing.

Interpreting dreams depends a lot on context.

Last night, I had this dream where someone was trying to accuse me of molesting a kid and the reason why it was being done was because I wouldn't obey an authority figure. (Sounds a lot like scenarios that would play out when I was a kid). I didn't want to drive the school bus because I didn't have experience and didn't want to hurt anyone. Then, I started getting accused of all sorts of things - designed to 'disconnect me from my experience." (disbelieving what I see with my own eyes, not really hearing what I really heard, not experiencing what I really experienced etc). The crazy thing was that this was in a school and everything was videotaped and I kept saying look at the video. Look at where my hands and arms are. Look at how I was standing with my arms close to my body and people reaching to place things on my person or to touch me - instead of the other way around. It wasn't any use, but I kept my cool and kept presenting my case/evidence, regardless of the people making the accusations. I had the truth and I was going to tell it.

Since I had a stepmom who had MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), I spent a lot of my tween years severely confused about things and situations could change in an instant. You start questioning "what is real", "did I really experience what I just experienced"? "Am I really the sane one around here?" So, I consider my dream as a space that was created so that I could work through some of these things and feel safe (while being scared and upset all at the same time). It was a medium where those feelings could be understood and expressed in a productive way. Healing is important, but in my day-to-day world, I'm the mom of a preschooler - so is seems like it's always go, go, go...... So, at this stage, dreaming is a place where I do a lot of healing work because in my waking life - it's just not possible to do the work that I ideally want to do.

I've had dreams where I help dying people go to the spirit world (in time periods in the past - which is just weird by "normal people" standards, but hey, that's what happened) and have physically inhabited other people's bodies (and created great confusion w/the host/everyone around them/and me).

Dreams are vast and have endless possibilities; however, we need to be careful not to throw meaning on to things where there really is no meaning. That's why context and your belief system regarding dreams is important.

Dreams can be both memorable and serve different purposes in your life. Dreams are another way that the universe provides what we need when we need it. I love my dream life, but I need to learn to love being here, in this body, as well.

You nailed it shut. Awesome response.

18th July 2012, 22:36
I really love reading about dreams interpretation, actually I love to think about my own dreams and find them some kind of meaning by means of certain interpretation criteria that I use in a very flexible non-cientific way.
But I can't see how could dream interpretation be a science, a scientific discipline or anything nearly exact. Faith is not an argument, faith is only faith, wishful thinking, as positive as it could be, is worthless from an epistemic or theoretical point of view. Thus I do not understand how some people speak as if the KNEW about dream interpretation.
In a similar fashion, I don't believe why any of those who write books on dreams interpretation write as though theirs was more than just a random set of doctrines.
It is fun, I know, to fantasize with wisdom. One advise, for which I apologize in advance since I have not been asked: do not believe every fantasy you create.
Eventhough, I believe dream interpretation is useful because it promotes a reflection that has a lot to do with being self critical.

19th July 2012, 17:20
thanks for all the responses~

okay, so far understood..

but, still, what about those "other-worldly" type of dreams,
or that even appears OUT of this "earthly real-world" realms??... sort of appearing from 'spiritual' planes/existence, or something like that!..
I wonder,..could those actually be the 'signs/hints' actually to enter the 'higher realms' or 'higher dimensions' such as the 4D, 5D, and so on??..
I've read somewhere too that, just like astral projection/travel, dreams is NOT tied to this "physical, material world/existence",
and maybe that's also where many 'genius, brilliant' musical and artworks *INSPIRATIONS*can seemingly come out of the night's dreams!.. (even some of the greatest musicians/artists did admit that they just "don't know where all those inspirations coming from, sometimes can even be from when they're sleeping!"..).

So,..it's certainly *not* only about 'cerebral' scientific thing,..isn't it?
perhaps, there are indeed still some mysterious aspects of dreams that still can't be explained/uncovered totally by science?
What could be the explanation for those 'mysteries' above?

19th July 2012, 17:32
Dreams are the mind, spirit, and soul digesting and categorizing conscious and sub-conscious experiences, feelings, and energies on several levels. The spark between the conscious and subconscious....A teacher for greater understanding and awareness.....on many levels.

Don't forget to get a "good nights sleep" so you can "defrag" your hard drive :)

20th July 2012, 23:41

22nd July 2012, 02:25
funny, reading your comment I'm watching a collie sleeping on her back feet in the air, running in her dream...

now, I'm not sure if this fits here or in coincidences...

her name is Aurora

right under my nose...

the 33s again and again leading up to this shooting... why 33 instead of the normal 111 or 1111?

we all knew something was coming but it eluded us...

how could the FBI issue a warning that a theater shooting was coming in May, but nothing put this guy who bought an assault rifle with thousands of rounds of Ammo under suspicion? no security companies covering theaters were notified...

who blocked the memo from being released?

24th December 2022, 10:17
Do you ever dream you’re near the end of a college semester and there’s a class you haven’t been to for months?

This dream is very frequent. Your unconscious warns you that deep inside you there is an unsatisfied need to find meaning in life. It doesn't matter if you don't believe in anything transcendent: your unconscious does believe and urges you to seek that meaning of existence, which eludes you. Keep in mind that dreams often do not mean what they seem to the naked eye, they are metaphors. In the case of this particular dream, the frustration before an important exam for which we have not studied or for which we are late is just a scenario. The message is not really related to the academic field and can take other forms (one of the most frequent is also that of the scorned lover). It is a metaphor by which our unconscious self reminds us of this deep yearning, inherent in the human condition, to find meaning in existence. This longing is deeply rooted in the collective unconscious of humanity and manifests itself during sleep not only to people with aspirations of transcendence but to everyone, including those who consciously do not have such concerns.