View Full Version : Bankster fine $-where should it be spent?

5th August 2012, 19:47
Thoughts inspired by this thread of Rocky_Shorz:

And then reading this:

“Congress has estimated that a full retro fit to our power grid to withstand a large scale EMP strike could cost up to half a trillion dollars. . .” ...doesn't that sound cheap when compared to banksters fraudulent profits?

from: http://www.onesecondafter.com/pb/wp_d10e87d9/wp_d10e87d9.html

And having read this: (an article about bank fraud in the US, tried and convicted).


And reading about the Libor trials where major banks are admitting fraud and getting fined...

And considering all the bizzillions(sp?) of pennies that were stolen from millions of bank customers in the participating banks, I can't help but think that in a logical world those fines should all be spent on retro-fitting all the power grids so that there will not be a “one second after”.

And the left over trillions spent in production of FE machines, so that the grid can come down gradually and recycled into whatever is needed at that time.

Where is all this fine money going? Who is keeping track? How do the extortees get paid back?

(And yes I've read that purportedly Robert Holmes father of the alleged Colorado movie theater shooter is author of a software program that does this. If true, though, do depositors and taxpayers get it back?)

If I were techie enough I'd create a Hitler video "Hitler Discovers He's Underwater On The Bunker Mortgage". But I'll have to leave it to your imagination....

5th August 2012, 22:04
I am extremely happy to see more thread on this subject. If we can come together and make some noise we can get some movement on this issue. It is time we stop leaving it up to others... take on the responsibility yourself... for yourself and for you children/grandchildren...
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