View Full Version : The Mechanics of the Matrix

21st August 2012, 18:16
This is my life from now on. This is what I eat and breath - the truth.

This is my thread. Mine.

Not mine like this -


But mine like this -


Please stay, think, share.

But try to not cause a ruckus. None of this -


This is a thread of information, fresh ideas, and growth.

It's about taking the power back and uncovering the truth of reality. A thread for realization - demystified.

There is a certain systemization behind the scenes that gives things an outward appearance deserving of fear and awe, because we think it is a mystery beyond our power. We lack understanding.


This is about seeing the rope for the snake.

Demystification doesn't equal disenchantment, it means freedom.

This thread is about understanding the machinations and the mechanics of the system that is the universe we find ourselves in.

We find ourselves.

Gods and devils, angels and demons, aliens and ghosts.

Energy systems, archetypes, and consciousness.

Physics and psychology. Astronomy and geometry.

This is where science meets spirituality.

Feel free to be creative. Thinking outside the box may not be that demanding for the kind of people here, so I'll challenge everyone to think outside the tesseract.

If you get it, good. If not, then just wait until the first couple of pages (the third page rocks) to get a feel for the type of information I will be posting here. There's plenty of it.

Some of it is from others, and some of it is original. Discussion is encouraged and I know there is a slew of members with valuable insights to contribute here. Please don't hesitate.


I have more questions than anything.


In here, it's not about drawing conclusions ... it's just about drawing ...


21st August 2012, 18:40
Gratulations Vivek for starting your own thread-I found your posts always interesting and helpful with a good and healthy dose of realness.
And of course the information and knowledge you provided the last couple of months.
I am looking forward for the things to come in your thread.

21st August 2012, 19:08
i am so glad to see you posting again vivek. i hope that i can be a worthy contributor here, although i am not as awake as others, i strive to gain more knowledge everyday.
warmest regards, corson

21st August 2012, 19:15
Life is just an experience, a kind of amusement park.

Enjoy the ride my fellow conscious entity

Much love -

21st August 2012, 19:39
Yeah good idea for a thread Vivek.

This is something that i spend a lot of my time contemplating on.From our very limited perspective it's always going to be difficult to look too far behind the curtain but one can't help but to try and feel out some of what might be behind it.

For quite some time i've thought that this reality was and had been shaped and partly controlled by a heirarchy of negative entities....parasites,demons,et's,extra dimensionals,archons,demiurges.AI's and assorted other beings,conscious energies and other unknown life forms and influences etc.Of course there would also be positive and neutral forces involved but for the most part it appears that the Earth has been the domain of the darker forces for a very long time.

Lately i've been contemplating that this reality might be a type of adjustable,cyclical,holographic,3d reality program matrix that is used for learning,experimenting,growing etc.A type of soul nursery and a place to experience things such as a wide range of emotions,negativity extremes,awakening etc.The construct of this reality from our perspective might be sort of fixed in the short term but might also be flexible depending on the consciousness within it.As the consciousness changes so does the surrounding reality.Cosmic cycles might also add unknowns to the mix.

It might be a combination of both of these things and many others as well.Hard to say really but interesting to think about.I don't think that it has happened by chance.The universe/multiverse has been around for a long time and our little corner of it might be another variation of the ongoing change and growth of it.


21st August 2012, 20:30

Alright, so in this video Jung gives the statement, "We are the origin of all coming evil."

This is a very powerful statement, because when we break it down we can see that the origin of evil is something internal. There is no supra-physical evil entity with the freewill to rationalize it's future actions in order to maximize it's malevolence.

Don't ask me to prove it because I can't. What I can do though is ask you to entertain some of the following ideas.

Let's look at a thought. There is the tangible brain, made up of fleshy matter; then there is the mind, not so tangible.

When I think of an apple, an MRI could show which area of neurons is firing, but what about the visualization I'm seeing in my head of the apple?

What about our mind's eye, what about our imagination?

Esoterically there are two types of manifestations of energy - the gross and the subtle.

Strictly speaking, the gross is all of the aspects that we can quantitatively measure and physically observe.

The subtle is the energy that isn't manifested in a way we can observe physically. It is fine as opposed to gross.

According to Physics there is observable, visible matter and then there is dark matter (and dark energy). Don't equate dark with 'not light', you could have an x-ray light bulb on in a room and it would still be dark (even though x-rays are a form of light). Physicists call it 'dark' because they can't see it, but they know it's there because they can indirectly measure it by it's effects on familiar matter.


Are you seeing the correlation yet? Esoterica versus Physics?

Gross and subtle, visible and dark.

Brain and mind.

Below is the Freudian model of the psyche.


I initiate a thought. Apple. A gross, physical process takes place consciously. This is the neuronal synapses taking place in the brain - above water in the Freudian model. Also, below water - subconsciously - the intangible subtle thought of the apple emerges (submerged).

Now, according to Jung there are two basic substrata underlying consciousness. These are the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.



In the personal unconscious are complexes. The apple becomes a complex when certain emotions and feelings are tied to it. Take Snow White for example, she has a bad apple complex. Whenever she sees an apple she becomes hysterical. On a personal unconscious level, her experiences have molded and attached certain things to the thought of an apple that when ever she sees a physical apple her thoughts color the reality with her thought complex of an apple.

Then there is the collective unconscious.

Collective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal unconscious is a personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species.


According to Jung, in the collective unconscious there are archetypes.

The origins of the archetypal hypothesis date back as far as Plato. In the seventeenth century Sir Thomas Browne and Francis Bacon both employ the word 'archetype' in their writings, Browne in The Garden of Cyrus attempts to depict archetypes in his citing of symbolic proper-names. Jung himself compared archetypes to Platonic ideas. Plato's ideas were pure mental forms that were imprinted in the soul before it was born into the world. They were collective in the sense that they embodied the fundamental characteristics of a thing rather than its specific peculiarities.

The concept of psychological archetypes was advanced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, c. 1919. In Jung's psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes for ideas and may be used to interpret observations. A group of memories and interpretations associated with an archetype is a complex ( e.g. a mother complex associated with the mother archetype). Jung treated the archetypes as psychological organs, analogous to physical ones in that both are morphological constructs that arose through evolution.


So in our Snow White example, she may also have an evil stepmother complex. This complex along with her bad apple complex may associate themselves with the Mother Archetype. If Snow White ever gets a good mother her complexes may color the experience for her and she would be living in the perverted version of how her mind is interpreting reality.

Let's pretend these archetypes are real (I didn't say alive). They would exist in the field of the physicists dark energy, the yogis subtle realm, and the psychologists subconscious world. They would have to be made up of something, some stuff (i.e. subtle or 'dark'). A construct of this energy - the same energy your thoughts are made up of in your mind.

Esoterically I think this would be in the astral plane.

So there are these archetypes in the astral plane. I'm going to throw in thought-forms, egregores, angels, demons and yes - souls.

Picture all of those I just mentioned floating around as lifeless shells, with programming and no free will. That sounds too mystical, so let's instead say that the shell is wired like an open loop control system. They are wired for a specific function. Similar to Sri Aurobindo's typal beings - they play a part, they serve a purpose.

Picture these lifeless shells as spiritual solenoids. Very advanced solenoids, but unconscious. Solenoids convert energy into motion.

If our conscious thought is a form of energy and we direct it at one of these solenoidal energy constructs then it converts that thought energy into movement - which we subjectively would interpret as will power and through the lens of our personal subconscious we project agenticity onto this now animated shell.

The lifeless rope becomes a dancing snake.

So what about evil? What was Jung saying in the video at the beginning of this post?

There's a saying - guns don't kill people, people kill people. Same concept with this. The potential for evil exists, we make it real - we collapse the wave function.

There is a scene in The Matrix when Neo gets unplugged and wipes the blood from his lip after fighting Morpheus in a simulation program. Neo is puzzled and says, "I thought it wasn't real", to which Morpheus replies, "Your mind makes it real."

It's not a matter of whether the devil or God exists, it's a matter of buying into your beliefs. This means that by giving the energy of your thoughts away you sell yourself out, if you really believe it. This isn't about believing though it's about understanding better and claiming your power back. There is a middle ground without all of the shades of grey.

There is evil in the world, but maybe instead of executions we should be giving out exorcisms and education on these matters.

These are just ideas. Not statements of fact.

Here is Philip Zimbardo on The Psychology of Evil:


21st August 2012, 20:40
i am so glad to see you posting again vivek. i hope that i can be a worthy contributor here, although i am not as awake as others, i strive to gain more knowledge everyday.
warmest regards, corson

Corson, you are more than worthy! In my opinion, eagerness to learn is the best indicator of being 'awake' and I think we share the same enthusiasm.

21st August 2012, 20:44
Yeah good idea for a thread Vivek.

This is something that i spend a lot of my time contemplating on.From our very limited perspective it's always going to be difficult to look too far behind the curtain but one can't help but to try and feel out some of what might be behind it.

For quite some time i've thought that this reality was and had been shaped and partly controlled by a heirarchy of negative entities....parasites,demons,et's,extra dimensionals,archons,demiurges.AI's and assorted other beings,conscious energies and other unknown life forms and influences etc.Of course there would also be positive and neutral forces involved but for the most part it appears that the Earth has been the domain of the darker forces for a very long time.

Lately i've been contemplating that this reality might be a type of adjustable,cyclical,holographic,3d reality program matrix that is used for learning,experimenting,growing etc.A type of soul nursery and a place to experience things such as a wide range of emotions,negativity extremes,awakening etc.The construct of this reality from our perspective might be sort of fixed in the short term but might also be flexible depending on the consciousness within it.As the consciousness changes so does the surrounding reality.Cosmic cycles might also add unknowns to the mix.

It might be a combination of both of these things and many others as well.Hard to say really but interesting to think about.I don't think that it has happened by chance.The universe/multiverse has been around for a long time and our little corner of it might be another variation of the ongoing change and growth of it.


I'd like to pursue this idea further about holograms and our dimension. All this talk about extra-dimensional beings and it's looking like the 3rd dimension is sandwiched between the 1st and 2nd dimensions and it's '3d' inhabitants are actually inter-dimensional beings (that's us).

Very cool stuff. Glad your here, and I hope you stick around.

21st August 2012, 20:48
This page took me a long time to find, and as far as I'm concerned it's golden.

There is a lot of information on it. Feel free to extract what stands out to you and paste it here.


21st August 2012, 20:57
Dark Plasma and the Origin of Angels, Aliens, Deities and Ghosts


21st August 2012, 20:57
Dear Vivek,
I send you crystal, and flowers, and bookmarked your thread.


21st August 2012, 21:16
In the personal unconscious are complexes. The apple becomes a complex when certain emotions and feelings are tied to it. Take Snow White for example, she has a bad apple complex. Whenever she sees an apple she becomes hysterical.On a personal unconscious level, her experiences have molded and attached certain things to the thought of an apple that when ever she sees a physical apple her thoughts color the reality with her thought complex of an apple.

Snow White might also be influenced by a mental parasite or psychic attachment so as to produce an emotional response(loosh) whenever she sees an apple.This emotional energy might be used as food and to also maintain the matrix.

There's a saying - guns don't kill people, people kill people. Same concept with this. The potential for evil exists, we make it real - we collapse the wave function.

There might be another parasitical influence here influencing the pulling of the trigger through an emotional over reaction or a complete takeover of the mind.We might sometimes be influenced to manifest evil without realizing the cause of it.This might be 3d evidence of higher dimensional negative influence.

21st August 2012, 22:00
4 - 7 percent of the universe is made of matter, the othe 93 percent is made of stuff. we all have alot to learn about the space we live in called the milkyway...93 percent of non-physical energy...we cannot see or touch but we feel it everyday.... happy treasure hunting Vivek...

Nanoo Nanoo
21st August 2012, 22:21
Excellent thread :-) this is a subject i have been studying for a while now.

In your original post i saw the diagram of subconcious and collective subconcious. In my study the ego centre is fixed and determined by your ego or magical ( for want of a better word ) personality. This is made up of your experience of physical mind accumulation. Then the soul complex resides more in the subconcious. And heres where it gets fun. When going out into the first vale it " can " be made up of collective subconcious Or a qureants desired subconcious Or a desired and appointed conciousness.

This is achieved by energetic ritual. Ritual is really just another term for string of events. Eg when you fill up the car with gas you go through a ritual. You drive in, select a pump, open up, fill your tank, pay the ferry man and drive away.

Getting back to the outer realm or vale, you may decide to call on a particular conciousness to go into. In there you may find answers or information that you desire.

Anyway this has been my experience, perhaps will ring for some.


21st August 2012, 22:54
I was thinking of the ego being the soul, and the soul being the same of the same type of energetic construct as an archetype, thought-form, etc..

The way it functions would be like a polarizing filter. Without it we would be able to experience and "see" the raw energy of existence, but we experience reality through the filter of the ego/soul complex.


So in the above image, the unpolarized light would be akin to the raw energy of pure existence and the linear polarizer (acting as the ego) would allow us to only view a sliver of it.

Now, the quarter wave plate is interesting as it slows down one aspect of the light in order to make it circularly polarized (can be left-handed or right-handed).

There could be a number of metaphorical filters that we have taken on that warp and retard our experience of consciousness.

21st August 2012, 23:20
Vivek, what would happen if the quarter wave plate malfunctioned and slowed down all aspects of light, what would happen then?
warmest, corson

21st August 2012, 23:35
Vivek, what would happen if the quarter wave plate malfunctioned and slowed down all aspects of light, what would happen then?
warmest, corson

Waveplates are made of birefringent crystals so I'm not sure if they malfunction like that. Prisms slow down white light and disperse it into it's constituent colors though.


Here's more on birefringence: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birefringence

It's also cool (and not a coincidence in my opinion) that calcite crystals are found in the pineal gland. Calcite is known for it's birefringent properties.


21st August 2012, 23:52
... also the pineal gland is innervated with neurons. This fact coupled with the discovery of calcite micro crystals in the pineal gland makes me think of interferometry.

Interferometry makes use of the principle of superposition to combine waves in a way that will cause the result of their combination to have some meaningful property that is diagnostic of the original state of the waves. This works because when two waves with the same frequency combine, the resulting pattern is determined by the phase difference between the two waves—waves that are in phase will undergo constructive interference while waves that are out of phase will undergo destructive interference. Most interferometers use light or some other form of electromagnetic wave.


So we have information in the form of light, electrically transmitted via neurons into the pineal gland and it gets bounced around, refracted, reflected and all that by these calcite micro crystals (and water) then it is reabsorbed by the rods and cones in the gland. This "new" information is then interpreted by the brain. This is a closed loop system (with feedback) and it's cyclical. Information enters, it is divided, split, rearranged, and then reinterpreting by the brain (an organic computer) and contrasted with the original information or repeated and contrasted with previous reconstructions.


The light source is the neurons, the mirrors and beam splitters are the water and calcite crystals (respectively or vice versa), and the detector(s) are the rods and cones.

This could account for our ability to reflect (pun intended) and ponder by comparing and contrasting different ideas. After all, it is "the mind's eye".


This idea is explored in more depth and detail here: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=544607&viewfull=1#post544607

22nd August 2012, 01:10

22nd August 2012, 02:04

22nd August 2012, 03:14

Thru-out human history, and probably before that, every culture has had a name for 'them'. The most common north American name is 'ghost lights', but, the most appropriate name is that in the Tibetan Buddhist Book of the Dead,

PRETAS - which means 'Hungry Ghost', because they 'feed' off the negative emotions and energy of the living.

Do They Exist

First, we must address the question of whether there is Life-After-Death, does something of what is 'me' survive the death of my 'current' body ?

It's one of those questions, albeit a very major issue, that is still open to anyone's opinion, and varying degrees and theories thereof.

I am inclined to 'believe' that the answer is most definitely - yes.

Until now, we've had no choice but to struggle with this question in terms that are totally unacceptable as conclusive scientific-method proof. We've been using terms such as spirit, soul, higher plane, another dimension, heaven, cloud 9, hell, and many similar vague descriptive.

We are today, so far as we officially acknowledge, the 1st to have the scientific and technological knowledge and equipment, to prove it.

And our science is proving that Life-After-Death is perfectly 'natural', in complete accordance with all that we call the Laws of 'Normal' Physics and Quantum Physics.

A lot of research evidence is exponentially mounting to substantiate this, as has been superbly presented by such notable documentary producers, like Canadian Steven Rumbellow of Renegade Productions, in his 1995 production, 'Ghosts'.

Nature Of Every Day Human Perspective

Nature, our meaning of that word, encompasses far more than the average person ordinarily considers on a regular daily basis, when we do contemplate it at all.

Most of us tend to think of trees, flowers, animals, insects, even rocks, The average person tends not to contemplate things like bacteria, let alone quarks, or stars, but in fact, the Universe itself, and everything in it, is Nature, and the marvel is, for the most part, even by common every day limited human perceptions, it all operates the same way, in all the major aspects of continuing existence and the 'cycle' process.

Everything in our Universe exists, continues to exist, in one 'form' or another, by what could all be referred to as -

The need to eat to survive.

Whether it be on a time scale of milliseconds, or millennia, everything eats to survive, including stars and galaxies, and conversely, everything gets eaten, one way or another, sooner or later.

Which of course means that for one thing to live, another must die.

We humans understand this, for we too must eat to survive. And, though some of us may not particularly like it, we also understand why a lion must kill and eat a lamb, because many of us, who are not vegetarians, do likewise; that is -- eat lamb, though few actually do the killing.

However, many vegetarians frequently kill their prey to eat, but vegetarians are extremely loathe to see it in that perspective.

Nature can be thought of as a collective of un-countable interactive, inter-dependant, ecosystems.

When those ecosystems are, with fluctuation margins built in, operating within balanced parameters, all is well, despite any one individual's perspective, for although the about-to-be-eaten may feel otherwise, it is after all, - nature's way.

An individual can potentially avoid being 'lunch', though not eventual death, and that too, is - nature's way.

Nothing in Nature is intrinsically evil, nor even good for that matter, it just is.

Good and Evil is our own personal interpretation of whatever something is.

For example - Almost everybody thinks Maggots are very - icky evil things, because we don't like the thought of them eating us. People who eat maggots do not feel that way about them. I wonder how the maggots feel about people who eat maggots.

When maggots eat carcasses - dead bodies - they are helping to decompose that carcass, and the by-products they leave behind can be eaten by micro-organisms, which all life, including humans, and stars, galaxies, and the Universe itself, depend on.

Maggots are the larvae of hatched eggs of flies. While a dead carcass does attract flies, which lay eggs in it, which soon hatch as maggot larvae,

We actually also 'carry' the eggs of flies around in our bodies while we live, and when we die, they too are triggered to hatch in to maggot larvae, which then eat our flesh.

This is one major way that forensic investigators use to tell how long something's been dead, by the comparisons of stages between internal, and external sources of maggots.

If internal source maggots were to Eat you while you're still trying to live your life, then this would be an ecosystem imbalance, nature-out-of-whack. It is only when overwhelming imbalances occur in an ecosystem that there is a problem.

Maggot eggs are not the only things in our bodies that want to eat us, far from it.

In fact, this is most likely what the dead do to us too.

That is the problem-perspective we have with Hungry Ghosts, more about which later on in this article.

Scientific 'Nature' of the Universe

Albert Einstein proved that E=MC2, Energy = Mass x the speed of light 2.

This also means that all matter in the Universe is in fact - Energy, in a state of existence that we perceive to be solid matter.

Astronomers estimate that we can currently 'see' about 10 % of our Universe, and of that 10 %, 90 % of what we can see of the universe is Plasma 'Energy',

Plasma is a body of charged particles, all oriented in the same 'way', and by this orientation, they become electro-magnetic.

Since it's well known that our brains generate their own electromagnetic field, it seems logical to surmise that 'ghosts' are also electromagnetic in essence.

Here's an interesting point to make note of, however.

Any honest ghost hunter will tell you that Electromagnetic sensors are basically totally useless for ghost-hunting. This is because electromagnetic fields, however weak, are everywhere in the Universe, and very very prevalent in every day life because of all our machines.

Any lamp or electrical wire in a wall, or even our own bodies, will produce a reading.

Plus, they will also tell you that most of the time, when somebody who claims to be able to sense the presence of a ghost, the EM sensor will produce no reading at all.

Does this mean that the EM sensor is faulty ? or the medium is wrong or lying ? or that ghosts are not electromagnetic in essence ? or that ghosts don't exist ? or that, like H2O existing in various states, gaseous vapour; liquid water; ice; are there instead various states of electromagnetic energy ? that we do not yet have sensors to detect the various states.

Nobody yet truly knows.

When astronomers detect H20 on other planets, moons, asteroids and comets, they cannot tell what state that H2O is in, only that it is there in some state or another.

Just a few days ago, after decades of trying, scientists finally declared that there very definitely is a LOT of water on Mars.

If it's always been there, why did it take so long to know for sure ?

Maybe because they've only recently improved their detection equipment.

So, perhaps there are other states of electromagnetic energy we can't yet detect.

The sensor that does seem to register 'something' is the temperature sensor. Whenever the presence of a ghost is suspected, often there is a definite very specifically centred on the spot where the ghost is thought to be, a lower temperature than anything surrounding that spot is recorded.

What we do know about the physics of the Universe is that cold is the absence of heat, which is a form or state of energy.

And, there is a common high school experiment that demonstrates, that heat travels to cold, not the other way.

It seems logical therefore to surmise that ghosts are cold because they are energy in essence, which dissipates, leaving them 'low' on energy, and they need more to continue to exist, and therefore, by common law of physics, they absorb surrounding heat energy, thus resulting in recordable cold spots around where they are.

So, without any definitive proof of whatever their essence truly is,

This article shall refer to 'ghosts' as being electromagnetic in essence.

Whatever their essence actually is, does not, I believe, negate the overall theory of where ghosts go, and what some of them, the Pretas, do to the living.

Plasma is considered to be the 4th State of Matter, solid, liquid, and gas, being the other three.

Physicists recently announced their discovery of a previously unknown state of Matter they are currently calling Quantum Matter, which they say appears to co-exist 'inside' and 'outside' of our Universe as we perceive it.

This is very important to remember later on in this article, in regards to 'Where Do Ghosts Go', and Transient Luminescent Events.

It is well known and documented for quite some time that the human brain generates it's own ElectroMagnetic Field, which can and has been photographed, and what many believe is what has been referred to for several thousand years as the 'halo' or 'aura'.

Astronomers recently announced that some as yet not understood form of EM Plasma Energy is flowing thru-out the universe, between all suns, and galaxies.

Recent stellar maps, when combined with these energy flows, very spookily resemble - the human brain and it's EM activities.

Physics dictates that Plasma must be 'charge' balanced, positive balances negative. A 'small' plasmic body' can itself be charge imbalanced within a larger collective, so long as the larger total 'collective plasmic bodies' maintains a charge balance.

This is one reason why and how 'small body' particles 'travel' within an EM field, seeking by natural laws of Physics to achieve it's own EM charge balance, which is the very same process we avail ourselves of to power our zillions of electrical machines.

A plasmic body 'tends' to maintain itself because of the co-hesive-ness of all it's charged particles having the same energy frequency signature, created by the unique specific collective spins of each particle's atomic quarks. Much like every person's fingerprints or DNA being unique. Think of how a drop of water maintains itself, the surface tension of the curved 'spherical' aspect of the drop of water.

Our planet is a giant electro-magnet, compared to our own human scales. The field-lines of EM Energy travel all around it, and thru it.

These field lines are made up of EM charged particles, which 'travel' in a tight circular looping pattern that forms what is called a Flux Tube, or Tunnel.

Billions of these Flux Tubes make up much of the EM field lines of charged particles around our planet.

Between the planet's surface, and it's Ionosphere, which itself is Plasma, is something called the Schumann Cavity, actually first discovered by Nicola Tesla, a massive resonating 'chamber' of charged particles of EM Plasma.

When thinking of resonance, think - Tuning Fork.

When you 'thwack' a tuning fork, both forks vibrate exactly the same, they whip back and forth very fast, x times per second. The number of times per second is called the frequency. That both forks do it exactly the same, actually enhances and magnifies the effect and the energy in each fork, and this is called the resonance effect of the tuning fork.

We have been using this Schumann Cavity to transmit energy around the planet for over 100 years, for radio and TV and handphone communications, and other uses.

It's been proven that our brains, our entire bodies, are, have, an EM 'essence', similar to that which our planet generates.

Dr. Persinger of Laurentian University, who apparently does not, yet, want to believe in ghosts, has done a lot of work in proving that the human mind is an EM 'entity', vulnerable to external influences from both natural and man-made EM fields, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, handphones, hydro lines, and spy agencies.

He has discovered that human emotions and perceptions respond to very specific frequency EM energy signatures.

Indeed, apparently, both the Russians and Americans possess technology to 'influence' individuals, and even large masses of people, millions globally, to do or make decisions based on emotional manipulation triggered by specific frequency microwave EM broadcasts with very specific energy signatures.

In the United States this technology is most often referred to as HARP, first invented by Nicola Tesla back in the 1930's, and much later a very large version actually was built in Alaska. It is considered to be one of the most important weapons of war, and mass manipulation tools, ever yet developed.

It is quite probable that this technology was used during the Gulf War to induce 100's of 1,000's of Iraqi soldiers to surrender, as seen on TV reports, because of overwhelming fear of being killed in battle, which was induced and magnified by this machine.

It works because the resonant EM energy level of both the human brain, and all life, and the earth's EM field, and the planet's Ionosphere, exactly match at around 8 Hertz, discovered by Nicola Tesla, and was the foundation of a weapon he designed to be used during WWII.

At it's most destructive, it can devastate the earth's magnetic field, causing massive changes to global weather patterns, resulting in horrendous hurricane storms, trigger tornadoes, earthquakes, and even volcanic eruptions.

At it's most subtle levels, it can be used to induce emotional responses in the masses, which can be whatever emotion they choose to trigger.

This could be utilized to trigger mass surrenders, like in Iraq, or support for a presidential candidate or policy, or, turn the masses against each other, by heightening fear and prejudice between political or ethnic groups.

Thus substantiating that the human brain can indeed be 'triggered' by external EM fields.

What's important about this regarding our subject of Hungry Ghosts is, whatever Man has invented, it's been found that Nature has done it first.

How does the above relate to life-after-death and where do ghosts go?

Somewhere between 125,000 and 250,000 people die every day.

When we die, our EM Plasmic 'souls', are naturally 'swept' in to the planet's EM field, traveling in a spiraling fashion so tight it forms it's own tunnel called Flux Tubes, and travels either up in to the sky, or down in to the earth, which exactly match the descriptions of 'Tunnel Travel' by NDE's and OBE's, and in such ancient texts as the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

'Transference' upwards from the surface of the planet into the Schumann Cavity and Ionosphere can be quite more dramatic.

25 times every minute of every day, Lightning, which is Plasma energy, flashes UP from the ground, carrying along with it, many 'souls' of the dead.

This reverse lightning as it's sometimes called, blasts it's way in to the Shuman Cavity, where the energy can circle around the planet for a long time, or continue on upwards into the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.

We use the Schumann Cavity for many energy transference uses, radio, tv, cell phones, etc. The signals bounce off the bottom of the Ionosphere too, which is how they travel 'over the horizon',

This UP lightning, and other meteorological factors, combine together to create lightning / thunderstorms, around 1500 raging around the planet on any given day.

Above them, another form of Lightning Plasma also blasts Upwards from the tops of the storms, towards the Ionosphere.

Usually Blue or Red in colour, these flashes were only recently proven to exist.

When they 'flash', they momentarily trigger the appearance of another mysterious form of Plasma Energy in the high atmosphere, giant bodies of Plasma Clouds some currently call Transient Luminescent Events, because they are only visible to us for a few seconds at a time.

Looking somewhat like a cross between a jelly-fish and a mushroom, these giant Plasma bodies are usually about 100 km bottom to top, and about 150 km across the 'mushroom' top.

They 'flatten out' on top where they contact the Ionosphere.

Up to 25, and more, of these TLE's have been counted overtop large storms.

Because the TLE's are only visible for seconds at a time, conventional belief is that they come in to being, from the energy of the upward lightning blasts, and almost instantly dissipate in to the ionosphere.

BUT, what if they don't dissipate. What if, instead, they exist all the time, but are just usually invisible to us.

Remember earlier in this article I mentioned that physicists recently announced they believe they have found a 5th state of matter and energy they call Quantum Matter, that they believe exists both inside and outside of our perceivable Universe.

These TLE's could be Quantum Matter, which since we could not always perceive it, nor all of it, would appear to us as existing for only a few seconds at a time, when in fact
they are winking in and out of our ability to perceive them being 'lit up' as it were, by the upward blasting lightning.

If this is the case, then, perhaps these TLE's are what we've been calling for several thousand years, Valhalla; one of the higher planes of existence; the other side or other world; or as in some religions, the Heavens.

Many new age groups in fact believe that spirits do usually reside in the highest levels of our atmosphere,

and, there have been numerous case reports since the advent of the airplane of 'ghosts' and 'ghost lights' in or near the airplanes while flying thru the top or overtop of thunderstorms, including sightings of strange upward blue-lightning blasts at the time.

Did you see Robin Williams's movie, 'What Dreams May Come' ??

After all his earthly family dies, horribly - he dies, horribly. And goes to a 'cloud' heaven, faces his life and it's mistakes, learns to fly, saves his wife from hell, and re-unites his earthly family, etc.

I believe the place he went to, -- is one of the TLE Plasmic 'Clouds'.

The Sun

Most every one with a modicum of education knows that our Sun burns with a nuclear ferocity, which fluctuates constantly. Every 11 years or so, tensions and pressures build up, and Solar Flares erupt, sending various sizes of massive Blasts of matter and energy in to space, which often strike our planet, causes northern and southern lights, and, can knock out modern communications, power transfer systems, and fry satellites out of the sky. And, because every living creature on earth is in large part, an electrical entity, we all can be affected by these massive energy/matter surges too.

More on that later.

What very few people know is that energy flows the other way too.

The earth's plasma energy works it's way up thru the various atmospheres, to sooner or later wind up in the Ionosphere, and from there, when it fills up, it spills out, and much of that spill, has been satellite photographed (only recently) 'traveling' in the general direction of our sun.

This 'spill-out' happens every 27 days or so, which almost exactly matches the half-way mark of how long the soul is said to linger close to the body after death as stated in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Ok, back to Pretas - or Hungry Ghosts

World Renowned Canadian Writer/Investigative Journalist, Joe Fisher, who committed suicide in 2001, no longer able to fight against the unrelenting pressure of depression and negative emotional energies, wrote quite a few books about Paranormal subjects, including his most famous, 'Hungry Ghosts', which he learned of from the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

In his 2 books of the same title, and several others, he recounts how he came to realize the existence of them, and how and why they interact with the living.

Pretas die unhappy, unfulfilled, and 'feed' off the living to sustain their existence and presence on the 'earthly plane', as they say.

They are little 'balls' of plasma energy, and that they died so negatively feeling, their EM charges have a 'negative' energy signature as their intrinsic 'nature', and are 'out of balance'. Physics dictates there must be balance, so they naturally are compelled to 'balance' their charge, and so, just as masses of bacteria seem to co-operate to achieve various needs, mobility, transportation, reproduction, 'feeding',

Pretas 'naturally' try to get what they need from us, living humans, attracted to us because they too used to be living humans, and are therefore the living are the most similar in energy signatures.

Paranormal 'lights', many of which are described as 'little balls' of energy, have often been seen and recorded whizzing around the living.

A California group of investigators somehow managed to photograph these things quite a bit during one particular case, including the entry and exiting by them in to and out of - people's heads.

The human brain is very complex, we're only beginning to understand it. We've only relatively recently learned that part of it operates by the use of what are called Neuro-transmitters.

There are sacks full of charged particle ions of copper, zinc, etc, inside every brain cell. These are triggered to cross the synapse gap to trigger specific EM signals, which result in many processes, including the stimulation of emotions, the first transmitters to be identified. We get those charged particles from what we eat.

I believe Pretas do something very similar.

Having been human, they are naturally attracted to living humans, because of the close similarity of energy frequency signature.

They enter our brains, and stimulate negative emotions, not because they consciously want to do that, simply because their 'intrinsic nature is that of energy with a 'negative signature', established at the time of death, because they died so 'emotionally negative', which produces specific EM energy transfers, of the frequency and resonation they require to sustain their existence.

In other words, they feed off us, like leeches and parasites, and, maggots.

Source: http://www.spi.com.sg/spi_files/hungry_ghost_2003/main07.htm

See also: http://www.clarity-of-being.org/dark-force-true-nature.htm

EDIT: See http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=546207&viewfull=1#post546207, and page 3. Actually, there's incredible information all over the thread - check it out!

22nd August 2012, 05:12

22nd August 2012, 05:40
Holographic Being | Holographic Memory | Holographic Ancestry
by Iona Miller


Mind Control Countermeasures

What you "see" is not always what you "get." Many people mistakenly take their own visions literally without "seeing through" the various possibilities that are outside their belief system, knowledge or skill base. Deeper reality is not remote in the physical sense but in a psychological sense. The archetypes of the collective unconscious are arrayed behind the scenes of current worldwide conditions, of crisis and confusion. They mirror our own states back at us, whether we perceive them as such or interpret them plausibly or not. The noise of ordinary consciousness and beliefs drowns out the signal. Unconsciousness is the background of our ordinary awareness.

Our organism is very much at the center of such effects. The organismic source is our human bodies and the focus of human consciousness. The fantasy principle dethrones reality, but can be dissociative or compensatory. The human mind is a meme-scape. Pre-conceived concepts vie with structures, concepts with images. Like scientists who ignore assumed truths, we leapfrog over our beliefs and personality deficits, claiming idiosyncratic imagination is literal reality. It couldn't be further from the truth and symbolism is utterly lost. The metaphor that might heal us enslaves us.

Perhaps images like the holographic universe have an implicate order. Can we have a sense of the cosmos in the world without projecting myriad fantasies on it that we embrace literally? Has the world become so horrible it is unreasonable to be realistic? We may need to look at our drives and wishes, rather than the fantasy content. Psyche constructs reality. Our experience of so-called reality is always mediated by our image of it. Even if all the contents of the psyche are real, that doesn't mean they are realistic. That psyche is real is still a radical proposition, but psychic politics certainly color the self-image and ideas of everyone. We observe and participate with images.

It is not a question of nature or nurture (genes alone or experience alone). Rather, everything is both. We inherit the structures that make our experience what it is. But the structure itself is “empty,” and each human culture “fills” it with its own specific adaptations. It is difficult to define an archetype and set boundaries that distinguish it from others. In a hologram each part contains all the information but in lower resolution. Archetypes have this holographic quality. There are patterns within patterns within patterns. Some overlap with others, and some are nested inside others.

Archetypal realities, passed on through DNA, are expressed in distinctive neuronal tracts in the brain. They include customs and laws regarding property, incest, marriage, kinship, and social status or roles; myths and legends; beliefs about the supernatural; gambling, adultery, homicide, schizophrenia, and the therapies to deal with them. A mythic and visionary language of immediate experience encompasses themes of deepest, highest, and ultimate concern.

Most fantasy-based individuals are at a complete loss to coherently explain their own conventional behavior much less anomalous events and their deep meaning, much less the cultural unconscious, or mythological unconscious matrix. But they try, and become utterly entrenched in their belief that they are right about the nature of the world and reality. We have pseudo-memories about our personal lives. Why not moreso for our collective life?

The subject matter often revolves around catastrophe, creation and the mythopoeic forces of mankind. Ignorant of such dynamics, interpretive mistakes and displaced psychic contents proliferate into errors of fact. Propaganda, media distortions, memes, and disinformation compound the social problem of misapprehension further. Shameless self-promotion by personalities of such ideas leads to cults. They make up myths about the myths of by-gone eras. Roiling unconscious images can be fatally confusing. Thought illusions culminate in projections and projections of mythology. Jung suggested symbols live only as long as they are pregnant with meaning.

Philosophy arose from criticism of myth, from discussing and challenging it. In science, we criticize, reject and eliminate theories. At the edge of the abyss of the unknown, new signs and symbols emerge. Credible theories and paradigms must include biology, physics, and neurophysiology.

Is it God or Memorex?

One of the reasons people "see God", or a guru, or anomalies may be because our brains are constructed to see reality through the eyes of others. There are heaps of mirror neurons which are there to make us feel the 'other'. Miirror neurons do for psychology what DNA did for biology. They provide a unifying framework and help explain a host of mental abilities.

As in the psychochemical processes of empathy or falling in love, a complex feedback loop sustains a state of mind. But when we empathically transpose ourselves into someone else's position, we expose ourselves to that reality -- cognitively and emotionally. The unconscious complicates empathy, both ways. Mirror neurons might well play a role in bonding, language and self-awareness.

Naively, we take too much as self-evident. But 'seeing' is not always 'believing', though many make this error or leap in logic and formulate their choices and future accordingly. Yet, there is only one way to learn what consciousness is. Experience. But we have no satisfactory explanatory edifice for consciousness. Would such a theory release in each of us our own inner knowledge of the creativity of our own consciousness, and its infinite possibilities? The problem is trying to define a verb, a dynamic, as if it were a noun.

But we do recognize the effect of consciousness. It functions to mediate states of consciousness, high and low psychobiological arousal. Consciousness is the subconscious lifted up by the physical body. When the body fails, the consciousness collapses back into the subconscious. All our thoughts come from the subconscious which can see our intentions but not our world. This relates somehow to intention being imaginary and not of the physical frictionized world (King).

Gerald Edelman postulates that the flows of information in the brain are mediated through ‘re-entrant' feedback loops. As evolution provides new cognitive functions, new re-entrant loops are established. Even language itself is an archetype -- a chaotic field of dynamic associations. A subtle net of tropes, grammar, symbols, and meaning, the program language begins in limbic resonance. Some phenomena generate their own language patterns, nomenclature, and internal coherence of meaning and representation.

In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order. At its deeper level reality is a sort of super hologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach into the super holographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past.

Or not. A fantasy of such penetration or phenomenon inside the head is not the same as that penetration.


Holographic Archetypes

Like psychic DNA, the collective unconscious contains "inherited" psychic material that links us not only to other humans in the present but also to our ancestors from the past. According to Jung's theory, though each of us appears to function independently, in actuality we're all tapped into the same global mind. Symbols interact with and condition our biohologram. The Collective Unconscious is essentially a Hologram.

Symbols arise from and are embedded in the environment as holographic fields of energy. They are morphogenic veils of primal forces. If your brain acts like a self-contained hologram, it is ossible your consciousness is actually a piece of a much larger hologram of overall human consciousness. Jung noticed that patterns spontaneously appear over and over around the world. They also appear as our Ancestral Memories or holographic wisdom field.

In the archetypal world, everyone is the same, all around the world... we are all Gods, and our emotional addictions to pain and suffering, contempt, insecurities, doubt, failure, is holographically-recorded and can be holographically healed. All archetypes are a form of human expression that is both holographic and physical. Physical formations of archetypal sequences cause humans to behave in parallel manners to each ancestor that is associated. Integration is a function of intentionality -- conscious and unconsciously maintained, or incorporated. Integration occurs both without effort, as a redesign of the central processor of our minds, and voluntarily as a deliberate effort to understand, find meaning, and as rectification of our behavior towards others and towards ourselves.

Imagination is structured by the archetypal potentials of the unconscious. Archetypes structure the possibility to generate and entertain such ideas. The archetype itself cannot be known but structures everything we come to know. Their totality functions as a psychic organ. Universal themes appear in distinct cultural garb.

Over millennia, all the archetypes have emerged in stories, deities and cultural forms. One of the striking points of religious faith is that they aren't true. In early history people didn't know the ‘real' reasons things happened, so it's no surprise that their explanations were wrong. But then, why would we want to retrieve such superstitions?

Kuhn reminds us that even the most absurd or confused explanation of a phenomena can find acceptance in the absence of a competing idea. Once any explanation is offered for a phenomena, it has an explanation from that time on. Succeeding speculations might be able to explain the relevant phenomena better than its predecessors. Deities, as archetypal role models, are the opening gambit in the drama of understanding human subjectivity. Folk tales function the same way.

Deities or archetypes may have evolved to smooth interpersonal relations by including an understanding of human types, along with rules for helping the different types relate with one another. They are reflections of ancient evolutionary pressures, with a dash of neuroanatomy. We still have yjr same pressures today so the ancient archetypes still "work", regardless of objective existence of gods and goddesses.

Burke (2003) describes how the underlying pattern or strange attraction between transference and holography extends to other processes both within and outside the field of psychology. Such processes include projection, projective identification, splitting, memory, biology, creative discovery, theology, synchronicity, chaos, and nonlocality. Identifying the similar patterns of these processes demonstrates the existence of an underlying holographic archetype in which essential qualities of the whole are present in each of the parts of the whole. The autonomy of the overall human is present in each conscious and unconscious component part of the human psyche.

Cognition, itself is a holographic archetype. Many essential qualities of the whole are reflected or contained in each of the parts that make up that whole. It is a subtle net of metaphor, analogy and simile. Holographic archetypes effectively echo their resonant patterns through literal and symbolic reflectaphors. The passing forms of the holographic archetype include the hologram, psychic structure, synchronicity, wisdom traditions, memory, the process of scientific discovery, chaos in physics, nonlocality and virtuality in physics.

As unconscious structuring principle, the archetype lies beyond normal consciousness and emerges suddenly and dynamically from the (holographic) psychoid field, with a powerful emotional charge that invests it with significance. Everything that happens is conditioned by the moment in which it happens. The universal field imposes the conditions. Matter is not inert but receptive to holistic patterning. If the mythic world taught our ancestors how to manipulate the empirical world, it also taught them to manipulate that mythic narrative itself for control purposes. Socioeconomic power enforces its mythic narrative.

The psychoid field imposes holistic function. Autonomous inner forces arouse compelling opportunities to enact archetypal behaviors. They guide our perceptions and behavior, usually without our awareness. Limbic action of complexes is a big part of the holistic dynamics of the psyche. Dreams report what goes on beneath the veil of conscious awareness. To the consciousness of the 'thinker', knowledge is thought. Period. Without thought, the consciousness of the 'thinker' collapses into psychosis.

With archetypes come the potential for wisdom, relatedness, sociality, ambiguity, paranoia, projection, identification, denial, inflation, subpersonalities (fragmentation), defensiveness, obsession, hypnotic dissociation, the contagion of participation mystique, mythologizing, complexes, compensation, and self-delusion. Compensation may calm or disturb consciousness. There is no imperative for the ego to integrate these alternative perspectives, private and public myths. The unconscious can produce deep wisdom and utter nonsense. It is up to the ego to discriminate. The value of myths is purely heuristic, not pragmatic.

Trances People Live

Identity is a characteristic of the primitive mentality and the real foundation of participation mystique, which is nothing but a relic of the infantile non-differentiation of subject and object, the primordial unconscious state. The further we go back into history, the more we see personality disappearing beneath the wrappings of collectivity. Any individual's existential condition is just a typical variation on the collective themes of the eternal human condition. Our particular individuality emerges from a collective mythic existence.

Individuals may have an unconscious identity with some era, person, group, or object. Participation mystique means a mystical connection in which one cannot clearly distinguish self from other, bound to it by a direct relationship which amounts to partial identity or transference. Unfortunately, that is tantamount to giving part of yourself away. It is the mostly unconscious instinctive human tie to symbolic fantasy and mythic emanations leading to literalisms and concretism, the attempt to turn the imaginal into events.

Mythological motifs project themselves into situations and objects, including other persons. Everything unconscious about ourselves is projected. When the boundary between consciousness and the unconscious is blurred, either intentionally or unintentionally, the ego has a hard time differentiating between what belongs to itself and what belongs to the other. The two become identified with each other.

When a projection is strongly fixated, it may be next to impossible to separate one’s projected material from the person who is carrying the projection. Whether it is a person or an object, suddenly, all those things outside become carriers, unconsciously, of what resides within. Such illusory states left unconscious turn toxic and consuming. Denial leaves room for serious errors of fact. It is a warning against extreme conscious attitudes which inevitably get compensated by the Shadow. In the process Jung termed enantiodromia, projections can break or revert into their opposites as psyche seeks to equilibriate or rebalance itself.

Culture Vultures

Rightly or wrongly, every phenomena is subject to being named, labelled and interpreted, including the sense of self as the biological basis of consciousness. In the struggle to narrate its experience, the mind tends to label phenomena and to spontaneously generate ideation and imaginally fill in the gaps in awareness. Subcultures are dynamic marketplaces for knowledge construction, authenticating and authorizing claims within an overall belief structure. Such authority structures may be benign, toxic, exploitive or malignant.

It's only a small step from known psychological mechanisms that generate illusions to perceiving an entity 'out there' with the archetypal characteristics of a personality - e.g. the pater noster or any 'other', the Not-I, who interacts with us in the way we interact morally with others. This is where social selection really favors mirror neurons that can produce neurological tricks we interpret subjectively, according to our beliefs.

Social order is organized around both faulty and plausible knowledge of reality. Ritual is a creative process used to construct meaning worlds. But they don't reliably produce intuitive experience with consensual meaning. Most often such experience and interpretations are idiosyncratic, cannot be validated, and are rooted purely in beliefs as assumed truths.

Most of this retrieved esoteric knowledge reflects superstitious ideas arising prior to the seventeenth century. Archaic consciousness of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic lies buried within us, but to try to relive them itoday may mean being less than wholly present now. Such beliefs effectively 'teleport' one back in time into less sophisticated modes of ideation.

In archaic identity there is no differentiation between object and subject and no distinction between lived experience and what the subject believes he or she perceives about the world. Perceptual competance is self-assessed in grandiose terms without cognitive and emotional balance. Credibility is conferred by the untutored crowd based on otherwise unworthy persons, with charisma and emotional appeal. Orthodoxy of interpretation gives rise to organizations.

The recognition and withdrawal of projections usually provokes a state of disenchantment or, conversely, elation and inflation of the ego. However, these processes can also open the way to a practice of the symbolic life and of human relations without too much alienation or mystification in the therapeutic process. This is a ‘knowing’ of the things of life and their inherent mysteries through the experience of the mundane as well as the spiritual. It is an immersion in the mysteries of nature and the seeking of knowledge through mystical participation.

Neurological Attractors

The "sensed presence", including the God-image, arises when the right hemispheric sense of self falls out of phase with the left hemispheric self. The right ‘self' is experienced as an external presence. Commonly, a person feels that the sensed presence is not themselves at all, but an outside, ego-alien, being -- "Not-I." The two hemispheres can act independently, as shown in ‘split brain' studies, giving the person a partitioned awareness. The sensed presence might be likened to a temporary split brain, but limited to its senses of self (Persinger, 1993).

If the experience involves one of the amygdala more than the other, the result might be an emotionally intense experience. If one amygdala or the other really dominates the experience, then a terrifying demon, or a deeply comforting angel might be the result. If the experience involved the sensorimotor cortex, it could include feelings of movement, which can be extrapolated into sensations of flying, rising or falling.

If the experience includes the lower (ventral) portion of the temporal lobes, where long-term memories are stored (Squire, 1991), it might include exotic memories, such as ‘buried' childhood memories), ‘past life' memories, memories of encounters with aliens (Schnabel, 1994). These mysteries are seen to be truths which one had only forgotten, as their content is perceived through neural avenues that usually manifest memories. All these implicate the parahippocampal gyrus, the entorhinal cortex, and the perirhinal cortex, where long-term memories are accessed or consolidated (Miller, 1998). Several brain structures outside the limbic system further color excitation or inhibition of the functions below the limbic system, such as the thalamus (whose pulvinar nucleus can induce aura vision when stimulated), or the reticular formation, which has been implicated in the life reviews (Taylor, 1979).

The sensed presence is only one example of a whole class of experiences called visitor experiences, or just visitations (Persinger, 1989). It falls at one end of a spectrum. At the lower end we should expect to find the sensed presence, and at the other, we find a very affective being, such as God or Satan in a fully extrapolated environment, complete with heavenly or hellish sounds, smells, bodily sensations, etc. One approach to the phenomena develops self-delusions or cults, while the other develops psychologies or defines neurological pathways.

Naked Awareness

As the experience deepens in intensity, recruiting more and more brain structures, it can include visions, smells, tastes, vestibular feelings of falling or rising, parasthetic feelings of tingles, and energtic effects in the body. Visual components emerge as the temporal lobes spill over to the occipital lobes. The Presence becomes a figure of some kind; an angel, a ghost, the spirit of a beloved dead friend or relative, a guru, a God. Spiritual claims arise in a vacuum of other more plausible theories and are most often conditioned by unscientific cultural tropes. Paradoxically, junk science is often enlisted to support such claims.

The idea that we are naked before the moral deity is a real mirror neuron trick. If we can 'feel' them, they can feel us by the same mechanism is a faulty conclusion. Self-generated illusions aren't necessarily reciprocal, but they do form self-amplifying feedback loops and strange attractors, even Black Holes and "gravity wells" in the psyche. Experiences are just qualitative perceptions associated with feelings and attitudes about them -- sensations and abstractions. But observations of nature and cosmos can only be accurate if physical occurances are correctly conceived and unconscious mental mechanisms understood.

Esoteric knowledge is "acquired" in a moment of intuition when sensory perception and thought combine. Knowledge is an important part of religion that also gives rise to incompatible concepts and understanding, rooted in historically diverse traditions, cultures, paradigms and frames. Esotericism, a medieval repository of alternative ideas, seeks congruence of material and spiritual ideas attached to natural phenomena. It is a subjective hermeneutic interpretation. Traditional worldviews are challenged by other ways of perceiving reality.

So even if everyone 'sees' God it doesn't mean a figurative or 'non-figurative' God exists. Of course we also have the genetic argument that religious belief is selected for because it fosters larger more dominant societies. Again this is no reason for God to exist. It also doesn't mean individual experiences aren't "real" - but they can be caused by a variety of brain variations such as full-blown or sub-clinical temporal lobe epilepsy (TLTs, or temporal lobe transients) or peculiar EM wave interaction or intrusions from the environment, as demonstrated by Dr. Michael Persinger's ongoing "God Helmet" experiments at Laurentian University.

He theorizes that the sensation described as "having a religious experience" is merely a side effect of our bicameral brain's feverish activities. Simplified, the mind generates a "sensed presence" when the right hemisphere of the brain, the seat of emotion, is stimulated in the cerebral region which controls notions of self, and then the left hemisphere, the seat of language, is called upon to make sense of this nonexistent "entity."

Do We Have to Believe What We Believe? Literally?

We can also program ourselves into a variety of beliefs by immersing ourselves in subcultures of such beliefs until we "see the light" according to that dogma or groupthink. Critical thinking is replaced by "true belief." This is the basis of cult conversion and propaganda campaigns, changing values and focus by influence strategies and covert hypnosis, creating a lived trance that is a "foregone collusion."

Naked awareness is a core experience that presents mystically, as numinous. We fool ourselves with a trick of our own mind, when the truth of primordial ground or fuller Awareness lies below all such contrived or confabulated notions, or any 'content' of mind. Intention without intelligence is useless. Intentionality is striving for the future. History rewritten by amateurs or the 'lowest common denominator' is no better than a politically motivated version, and possibly even more fantastical.

To remain balanced and integrated, we have to also be rational about consciousness through experience, even though the only way to become experts about consciousness is by studying and exploring our own different consciousness experiences and states. Everybody knows we can change the focus of our own attention. Structural coding includes informational, energetic and material factors. But it's still scientific heresy to say all energy contains consciousness, and virtually no one can speculate about what 'level' of consciousness that might be.

Confabulation occurs in particular when people study and retrieve their individual notions of the spiritual practices and histories of by-gone eras, which brings "old wine in new bottles" (OWINB), old superstitions into the attention and worldview of the person. You cannot know a culture without living in it, and pretending you did is even more ineffectual. You can hopelessly interweave it with commonly accepted facts, dressing it in the Emperor's clothes of plausibility. Robert Anton Wilson called such retrievals "reality wormholes", and cautioned against taking them literally. Joining with others in "movements" just amplifies and co-opts personal experience into a sociopolitical agenda.

Any mega-trend, the latest vogue or version of "OWINB", by the recently 'initiated' but somehow 'blessed' may contaminate the individuation process and experience with "imported" notions and interpretations, rather than allowing organic emergence as individuation. 'Initiation' is, after all, only a "beginning", more about 'becoming' than 'being'. It implies you are less-than-whole, even though you always carry your own potential and are inescapably holistically connected. Yet, you can become more aware of rather than unconscious of such states, experientially.

Mind vs. Its Contents

Marshall McLuhan also noticed such thinking patterns in social cycles. Thus, such thinking is an archaic cultural artifact, not a fact confirming process. Retrievals are revivals of systems that failed to sustain themselves the first time around, becoming obsolete for a variety of reasons. Rather than a step forward, retrievals of obsolete forms, processes and beliefs are a step backward, a step into another limited figurative form, a step away from the "now."

Archetypal dynamics originating within can push us toward external imports of attitudes and beliefs, by promising social secondary gains -- fitting in, "belonging", or whatever infantile needs remain from our childhoods. But all that is 'natural' is not necessarily healthful to our adjustment or psychophysical well-being.

McLuhan's "cool" style explores rather than explains, it requires participation and engagement, and it will only frustrate or annoy those who approach it as detached observers wanting evidence and facts to support the many claims. McLuhan's often misunderstood heuristics has aphorisms, like "figure/ground," the role of cliches, and the laws of media, and McLuhan's analytical and predictive tools. His four effects include: enhancement, obsolescence, retrieval, and reversal. Retrieval is to obsolescence as enhancement is to reversal.

You can intervene in this cycle and catch yourself in the act of programming your own beliefs and short-circuit the process. The problem occurs when people try to turn their imaginal events, which are neither real nor unreal into concrete events, and then create 'movements' of them which invariably become riddled with polyglot or ecclectic dogma...a mishmash of misperception, then convince themselves there is "reality" in it. The subtext is, it challenges the natural authority of people.

This toxic narrative is particularly so among those "selling spirituality." First they create an existential 'problem' in your head or define one in the social landscape in some fantastical way, then provide a psychosocial solution -- usually in "kool aid" form. If only this or that were so, it would not be so horrible. Chomsky points out, "but it's hard to be a decent person when you have your boot on someone's neck. In a patriarchal family, the abusive father doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. If you oppress people, you have to have a reason for doing it; in order to look yourself in the mirror, you have to make up a story."

In the '60s, McLuhan predicted computers would break down barriers of global communication and “enhance retrieval, obsolesce mass library organization, retrieve the individual’s encyclopedic function and flip it into a private line to speedily tailored data of a salable kind.” He also predicted a rise in the cult of personality.

Sophistry or Sophistication?

Sophistry or Sophism in the modern definition is a specious argument used for deceiving someone. In ancient Greece, sophists were a category of teachers who specialized in using the tools of philosophy and rhetoric for the purpose of teaching aretê — excellence, or virtue — predominantly to young statesmen and nobility. The practice of charging money for education (and providing wisdom only to those who can pay) led to the condemnations made by Plato (through Socrates in his dialogues). Plato regarded their profession itself as being 'specious' or 'deceptive', hence the modern meaning of the term.

Plato is largely responsible for the modern view of the "sophist" as a greedy instructor who uses rhetorical sleight-of-hand and ambiguities of language in order to deceive, or to support fallacious reasoning. In this view, the sophist is not concerned with truth and justice, but instead seeks power. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle all challenged the philosophical foundations of sophism.

Some scholars, such as Ugo Zilioli argue that the sophists held a relativistic view on cognition and knowledge. However, this may involve the Greek word "doxa," which means "culturally shared belief" rather than "individual opinion." Their philosophy contains criticism of religion, law, and ethics. Though many sophists were apparently as religious as their contemporaries, some held atheistic or agnostic views (for example, Protagoras and Diagoras of Melos). Plato and Aristotle regarded philosophy as distinct from sophistry, the latter being regarded as specious and rhetorical, a practical discipline. Thus, by the time of the Roman Empire, a sophist was simply a teacher of rhetoric or a popular public speaker. To mistake such for wisdom would be an error of class.

The term originated from Greek σόφισμα, sophisma, from σοφίζω, sophizo "I am wise"; confer σοφιστής, sophistēs, meaning "wise-ist, one who does wisdom, one who makes a business out of wisdom" and σοφός, sophós means "wise man". But you must remain alert for who these things serve, what hidden agenda on the part of the self-appointed mage is in motion? The shadow is the stage assistant of the magician and Trickster. Magickal assistants have many ancient names -- gods, angels -- daemons, but the "shadow" is an obvious extension of the person.

Trickster anthropology includes theorizing ontological ambiguity, transgression and transformation. Anthropology now talk of flows, communities of practice, and mobile cultural geographies in what appears to be a radical shift of object, from social structures and a standardizing view of collectivities, to individuals, processes, entities and agencies.

Anthropologists of religion have long grappled with the figure of the 'trickster' - the playful, deceitful, shape-shifting archetypical spirit whose resistance to categorical stasis and ontological certainty is a reminder that cosmology can often escape human determination and containment. Through diverse ethnographic instances and contexts, we explore the idea of 'anthropological tricksters' in the more encompassing domains of politics, kinship, and social identity, where ambiguity may not be just transitive but indeed constitutive. The field is exploring novel ways of recording and theorizing ontological transgressiveness and transformation.

Sophistry is part of the speculative basis of language based subcultures -- persuasion and rhetoric with a dash of charisma. Such persons may believe wholeheartedly in their own self-delusion and zealously try infecting others with it. But why? The question remains, but often has a narcissistic basis. Argumentation skills don't necessary lead to truth. Arguments can be utterly fallacious, "bait and switch" pseudophilosophy, or a confidence trick. Deiliberately flawed reasoning and arguments may even be less harmful than those unconsciously produced by those with self-deluded good intentions based in fraudulent assumed truths. The effect of both on others is still exploitative.

Bread & Circuits

The situation is compounded by netlife: From magicians and mediums to immersive media, and from the circus to cyborgs, the celebration and/or mistrust of illusion has been a central theme across a range of cultures. Notions of fakery and deception remind us that our identities that are performative. The figure of the ‘mark’ of the fairground scam remains culturally ubiquitous, perhaps more so than ever, in an era of (post) mechanical reproduction.

Is new technology a flight from the real or merely a continuation of older cultural forms? Is it necessary, or even possible, to define reality in relation to the illusory? What realms of ‘otherness’ remain to be embraced? We can discuss staged illusions across a spectrum of historical, geographical and cultural contexts, including: 3D cinema, the paranormal, the music hall, digital trickery, the fairground, magicians and illusionists, theatre, science, the museum, the magic of cinema, the gothic, digital gaming, role play, social networking, the circus, advertising, illusory bodies and genders, theme parks and digital animation. The unknowable isn't always the spiritual.


Each age has its quest for the Holy Grail, however you define it. The New Age dogmas may be even more difficult to escape than the conventional ones whose boundaries are well known. Supernatural beings don't influence us, rather it is the human who allows himself to be influenced by others.

You can make yourself believe anything, moreso, by repeated exposure to such notions and engaging in self-confirmatory searching for material and individuals that support those erroneous conclusions based on partial information or even disinformation. This is the basis of mind control in cults. Groupthink repels rather than persuades the spiritually mature because it is the opposite of self-actualization and self-realization which is true gnosis, or self-knowledge.

It is in the interpretation of such phenomena that people depart from 'reality' into self-delusion, religious and otherwise.

Does consciousness supervene on all identical worldlines and where the multiverse differentiates (or as bundles of worlds divide), where the first person experience is indeterminate. Secondly, does local causality then apply?

"Space" as the master trope of this century, and in the domain of 21st century (post) humanists, is a concept gaining significant attention in rhetoric and composition. Even a lifetime of compulsive dissent may be totally off-track, supporting nothing more than a false personality rather than health and well-being. We voice great moral indignation about other people's atrocities but not our own. Thomas Aquinas called it intentional ignorance - when something is not nice to think about.

What some people often miss is, in the emerging, more unified paradigm, that which we usually think of as "objective" (and/or "objective truth"), really turns out to also be instances of very strongly repeatable subjectivity. This sort of reveals what is coming at us and that what we really experience are forms of strongly repeating, stochastically repeating and the rare-to-never repeating instances of subjectivity.

After a fashion everyone gets to strongly, stochastically and rarely repeatable subjectivity, and our much loved objective certainty shimmers away. So, we feel a chill run through us, or we encounter a sense or a presence. And, we KNOW that it is of the rarely repeatable category. A fully cloaked being sitting on the bed and scaring the whiskers off the cat, or Christ in his full, compassionate sensitivity, but also hidden from direct view.

One may notice that even now some people think of physical life and also spiritual life. Much of the physical life IS strongly repeatable, but not all. And much of the spiritual life is rarely repeatable and certainly not on our whim and control. So, some paradigm transition, some adjustment in the world-modeling is deeply warranted.

Do we just take a load off and tune in, structurally code into the strong, stochastic and rare flavors of repeatable subjectivity? Do we remain fascinated with following the high weirdness of our faulty perceptions or try to see through the dynamics of the process in motion? In this sense, archetypes and anomalous phenomena function like magicians of the psyche, deluding us with misdirection. Does the paranormal contradict scientific explanation or merely elude it?

If the archetypes have a location; neurostructures that instantiate them, it's not impossible that we can believe in god because we have a brain center that specializes in fatherly images seems not unreasonable. Behavioral paradigms have been found to have neural representation, puberty being the best known of them. The archetypes are often, if not usually, found in the various deities worshiped in a culture, and they reinforce the roles people experience during the different phases of their lives, able to advise or give guidance about almost any situation.

Particularly clever stratagems would be remembered..Over millennia, all the archetypes have been made explicit in stories, deities and cultural forms.One of the most salient aspects of many points of religious faith is that they aren't true. In our early history people didn't know the ‘real' reasons things happened, and so it's no surprise that their explanations were wrong. So, why would we want to retrieve such superstitions?

According to Philosopher/historian of science, T.S. Kuhn, even the most absurd or confused explanation of a phenomena can find acceptance in the absence of a competing idea. Once any explanation is offered for a phenomena, it has an explanation from that time on. Each succeeding speculation is better able to explain the relevant phenomena better than its predecessors.The deities are the opening gambit in the drama of understanding human subjectivity, and many of the lessons they offer are still the best lessons available, especially for children, or the uneducated, which represents most of the people on earth. Folk tales function the same way.

Deities or archetypes may have evolved to smooth interpersonal relations by including an understanding of human types, along with rules for helping the different types relate with one another. If the deities are just reflections of ancient evolutionary pressures, with a dash of neuroanatomy thrown in, we still have same pressures today so the ancient archetypes still "work", irregardless of any objective existence of gods and goddesses.

Source: http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/brief.html

Quantum Physics and Holograms Video: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/45567-quantum-physics-teleportation-and-holograms-video.htm

22nd August 2012, 13:32
I have not had the time to process the vast quantities of knowledge you are sharing here, but I just want to give it an initial WOW!

You have shared much to contemplate. I hope I have the time and inspiration to positively add further to this thread in the future.

Thanks Vivek

22nd August 2012, 13:41
all the technical/analytical info makes my head spin [tho thanks, Vivek] -- from the right-brained p.o.v., the matrix was activated & is maintained thru the manipulation of various frequencies of the vibrational spectrum

the archetypes as documented by C G Jung -- these are the symbols installed/implanted in the collective Human unconscious by the archons , imo

22nd August 2012, 15:33
I have not had the time to process the vast quantities of knowledge you are sharing here, but I just want to give it an initial WOW!

You have shared much to contemplate. I hope I have the time and inspiration to positively add further to this thread in the future.

Thanks Vivek

all the technical/analytical info makes my head spin [tho thanks, Vivek] -- from the right-brained p.o.v., the matrix was activated & is maintained thru the manipulation of various frequencies of the vibrational spectrum

the archetypes as documented by C G Jung -- these are the symbols installed/implanted in the collective Human unconscious by the archons , imo

I think science and spirituality are approaching the same thing from two different angles, and using two different languages.

One is describing reality using the jargon of scientific academia, and the other is describing the same reality using the poetic language of spiritualism.

“The poet is intimate with truth, while the scientist approaches awkwardly.”

- From Autobiography of a Yogi

What's cool to me is how the lines blur when you get down to the core concepts. That's what's important - getting at the concepts of it all. This is where imagination comes into play.

About archetypes, thought forms, and the like ... I think that our ancestors understood the dimension of thought, and that it was only as real as we make it out to be. I think these core archetypes are very ancient, and were created by our ancestors for some reason - to aid in survival, conscious experimentation, or maybe they were just having fun. The point is that it is our thoughts and beliefs that dictate their animations and we lend them the power to act out whatever they were programmed to do.

Somewhere along the way, we forgot. It could be that a group of selfish people kept the information privileged, and thereby mysterious to everyone else. Let's say these people felt like they should be in charge of all other people, and they colluded to keep this information secret by forming mystery schools. Secret societies (egregores (http://beaconofmasoniclight.blogspot.com/2007/09/what-is-egregore.html)). Now, they had power over these ancient archetypes just by knowing the real nature of their existence and by telling other people that the archetypes were beyond the their grasp of power they rendered everyone else powerless. They upheld their privileged status by the very people that believed they were godly, when in reality they were charlatans.

The otherwise lion-hearted people were kept in the dark, turned into powerless sheep because they lacked knowledge and believed in the illusions sold to them by the control-hungry select.

Another implication of this is that every thought we have goes somewhere and decays there unless we reinforce it with the replenishing energy of our conscious thoughts. Conscious reinforcement.

Think about the brands of the major consumer companies of the world.


They are images with thoughts attached to them. They are identities - brand identities. They are as real as the ego, and as unreal as the ego. They have personalities. They didn't always exist; they were constructed. They could operate just like archetypes do. They really do make people feel a certain way. Talk about a psychological operation - it's a program.

There's a Hollywood version of the theme I'm talking about with brands and conscious thought.

Here's a plot summary from IMBd:

Set in a dystopian future where corporate brands have created a disillusioned population, one man's effort to unlock the truth behind the conspiracy will lead to an epic battle with hidden forces that control the world.

Here's the trailer:


Freemasonry and egregores: http://beaconofmasoniclight.blogspot.com/2007/09/what-is-egregore.html

22nd August 2012, 19:38
brand identities which on the surface seem harmless like any other symbol do have underlying concerns with me. i have noticed that on the random occasion when i purchase food from mcdonalds, my brain keeps telling me to eat it everyday after that. i can actually hear a voice say 'that was good, lets eat that again.' the same thing happens when certain foods are purchased from other places as well. it gets in there and sets up house among my neurons and it takes several days to dislodge it. scary to think that the construct is so destructive. i am beginning to see a pattern of programming within every aspect of our daily lives with nearly everything that we surround ourselves with. thanks Vivek, there is so much information here, it will take me a while to embed it all into the brain cavity - but that is a good thing!
regards, corson

22nd August 2012, 22:38
Evan Grant on Cymatics


Here is the link to the Journal of Cymatics webpage: http://cymatica.com/

The sound of the sun visualized from the new Cymatics exhibit at the Smithsonian (http://cymatica.com/2012/07/25/new-cymatics-exhibit-at-the-smithsonian/).


22nd August 2012, 22:46
This video is incredible!

Description from YouTube:

The Plasmasonic is one of the first stereo audio modulated Tesla coil systems. Music is modulated directly from the high voltage, so there are no speakers used to produce the sound - it all comes from the high voltage arc!


22nd August 2012, 23:04
With regards to brands. I have Fender guitars and I love them. I have a Gibson too. I got a bumper sticker I will place on the right surface when I think of it. Probably on the Gibson gig bag that is holding one of my Fenders after I bought an Epiphone hard case for my Gibson. LOL
Gibson didn't give me a bumper sticker. :(

Back to brands: I don't wear t-shirts much unless I go out into muggle-land, but I refuse to pay twenty dollars for a Fender shirt when I could get a better Calvin Klein one for a third of the price. I should pay extra to advertise for a company????

How many people pay extra to advertise for a company thinking it confers status on them? Too many, and it is all corporate brainwashing for those who are not examining what they do and why.

Little guys work hard to bring quality to a product and create a brand name. The big guys, (parasites) come along, buy it and then precede to gut it. Leaving nothing but a husk with a recognized name on it. On and on until enough wake up.

22nd August 2012, 23:23
modwiz, i so agree with you. like you, i refuse to pay them to do their advertising for them. ridiculous..... i have fought long and hard battles with all of my children over this issue all of the years that they were growing up and wanting name brand clothing, shoes, toys,,,,,,,, the list is endless! but now, they all know what the score is.

Vivek, the PAMTC video is outstanding. so, the tesla coil produced enough energy to light an unplugged bulb? if i weren't beginning to understand some things, i would have thought that this was a magic trick. thanks!
regards, corson

22nd August 2012, 23:46
What if all of the brands where complexes subservient to a more powerful archetypal, programmed, system of control - money. The chief deity in the land of want.


People worship it, big companies pay homage to it, if money asked a fat cat up top to sacrifice his own son he might consider it if he didn't have his morals straight. Profits before people doesn't sit right with me either.

23rd August 2012, 00:13

23rd August 2012, 00:45

I highly recommend this video. It is time for people to get a better view on how the Universe works and get rid of all the supposition and hooey. There is one place in the vid, not sure where, that a electric current in plasma is demonstrated and the spiral pattern is the same as DNA. That opened some portals of meditation.

The way it works. Electric fields create magnetism which attract .......stuff. Like our bodies? Just one thought.

23rd August 2012, 00:47
The Conscious Electromagnetic Information (CEMI) Field Theory


See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_theories_of_consciousness

¤=[Post Update]=¤

Electromagnetic Fields, Consciousness, Psychology, and Entrainment



23rd August 2012, 00:49
I like your thread. ^_^

So I brought a riddle.

First you know unity, then you see how it works and finally you see how it is working.



phoebe = saturn 9 = φόβος = angst oder furcht




I suppose it only takes one ring to rule them all. ;)



Rockefeller Center - Prometheus inside a ring @ the RCA building.

Stealing fire form Zeus is rivaling god...

23rd August 2012, 03:31
The Detailed Universe



Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons: The Standard Model of Particle Physics


Electromagnetic Spectrum Basics



23rd August 2012, 04:21
frac·tal (frktl) n.

A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. Fractals are used especially in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures in nature.

Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fractal


Phi is "nature's most ubiquitous fractal scaling ratio" (http://www.cosmometry.net/phi-fractal-scaling)



DNA Could Act as Antenna

“For a long time, there have been signals in water. Something is happening around a kilohertz,” said Widom, lead author of a paper posted April 15 on the preprint website arXiv. “You have to look for natural energy levels in the system that would give you a kilohertz frequency. With the lengths of DNA and the mass of the electron, you get the right frequency range for these signals.”

“Different species have different lengths of DNA” in their chromosomes, he said. “These lengths probably determine frequency.”

Widom noted that electromagnetic radio transmissions were not in principle so different from electron transmission between bacteria connected by nanowires. Such bacteria have been described in recent years. Their nanowire-enabled transmissions may allow networked microbes to communicate.

“This could be a wireless version,” said Widom. “Bacteria that set up nanowires are, on an evolutionary scale, fairly old. It’s occurred to me that more modern bacteria may use wireless.”

Widom is especially curious about whether cells in higher life forms might also use electromagnetic signaling, perhaps in coordinating DNA code with protein-making cellular machinery. But as a theoretical physicist, he doesn’t plan to investigate the phenomenon himself. That’s for other researchers to do, Widom said.

“We’re just saying that this gets you to the right frequencies,” he said. “We’re right at the very beginning.”

Full Article: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/04/bacterial-radio/

Below is the summary of a study conducted by Columbia University and published in the International Journal of Radiation Biology.

DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields.


To review the responses of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in different frequency ranges, and characterise the properties of DNA as an antenna.


We examined published reports of increased stress protein levels and DNA strand breaks due to EMF interactions, both of which are indicative of DNA damage. We also considered antenna properties such as electronic conduction within DNA and its compact structure in the nucleus.


EMF interactions with DNA are similar over a range of non-ionising frequencies, i.e., extremely low frequency (ELF) and radio frequency (RF) ranges. There are similar effects in the ionising range, but the reactions are more complex.


The wide frequency range of interaction with EMF is the functional characteristic of a fractal antenna, and DNA appears to possess the two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self symmetry. These properties contribute to greater reactivity of DNA with EMF in the environment, and the DNA damage could account for increases in cancer epidemiology, as well as variations in the rate of chemical evolution in early geologic history.

Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21457072

Now here's a little more on fractal antennae: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal_antenna

Also, since it is DNA, here's some information on helical antennae: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helical_antenna

23rd August 2012, 05:49
Exotic Matter and Energy
by Iona Miller



To look at the nature of the froth of vacuum fluctuation in its fundamental relationship to this universe, we must lift the veil on the activity occuring at the subatomic threshold where Nothing becomes Something. This veil has for the history of mankind been the point past which no observation has ever been made, in fact, cannot be made, because it is metaphysical (beyond physical) as we have understood it in the past. But now, just because it is non-observable directly does not mean that it is non-detectable. In fact, this non-zero exotic energy does exert an influence and create observable changes in conventional physical spacetime. It was defined by Einstein as the Cosmological Constant, the antigravity force he introduced into general relativity.

The cosmological constant is a term in cosmological equations, symbolized by the Greek letter lambda, employed to denote theoretical antigravitylike force. Discovered in 1998, it describes a kind of cosmic antigravity that controls the expansion of the universe, yet with no discernable effect on cosmic structures that are smaller than a billion light-years across. If the force were stronger, it would have stopped stars and galaxies--and life--from forming. Research shows that the force that drove the early expansion of the universe looks a lot like lambda, stretched quantum waves of vacuum, leading to nonhomogeneous regions, leading to density variations, leading to galaxies. Apparently, lambda didn’t fall to zero at the end of the inflationary epoch but has continued to function, at a reduced level ever since. A universe composed only of normal matter cannot grow in the fashion ours has been demonstrated to be since its gravity would always be attractive. Observations require that expansion is always accelerating with time.

According to Einstein’s theory, the expansion can speed up if an exotic form of energy fills empty space everywhere. This strange “vacuum energy,” or exotic energy is embodied in Einstein’s equations. Unlike ordinary forms of mass and energy, the vacuum energy adds gravity that is repulsive and can drive the universe apart at ever increasing speeds. There is now evidence for a strange form of energy imparting a repulsive gravitational force. In the general theory of relativity, the source of gravitational forces (whether attractive or repulsive) is energy. Matter is simply one form of energy. But Einstein’s cosmological term is distinct. The energy associated with it does not depend on position or time--hence the name “cosmological constant.” The force caused by the constant operates even in the complete absence of matter or radiation. Its source is the curious energy that resides in empty space. Fields are responsible for the transmission of forces. The “inflation” field is simply a function of space and time whose oscillations are interpreted as particles.

The inflation field imparts an antigravity force that stretches space. Associated with a given value of the inflation field is a potential energy. Research shows gravity is too weak to combat the expansion. Scientists wonder why the rate of cosmic expansion is just enough to counteract the collective gravity of all the matter in the universe--it is a great Mystery, which makes our very existence possible. Any significant deviation from pefect balance would have magnified itself over time. If the expansion rate had been too large, the universe today would seem nearly devoid of matter. If gravity had been too strong, the universe would have already collapsed in a big crunch. Important where inflation is concerned, the quantum picture of the vacuum points out how not all vacuums are created equal. The fluctuating quantum fields in a vacuum have all possible wavelengths and move in all possible directions. If the values of the fields cancel out when averaged over time, that is a classical vacuum, or old-fashioned empty space.

But when they don’t cancel out, physicists call this a “false” vacuum, which contains more energy than a classical vacuum. The first moments of cosmic history show the ambient energy was so great that the entire universe was in a false vacuum state. The energy of the false vacuum acts as a kind of antigravity, and can cause space to balloon at an exponential rate. During inflation, the universe was nearly empty, its energy content having been swallowed up into the false vacuum. Once it decayed to a classical vacuum, its excess energy precipitated like raindrops into the myriad hot particles of the big bang. Owing to supercooling, cosmic space could have remained in the false-vacuum state for longer than we previously suspected before disgorging itself of the energy that drove its inflation. Indeed, the universe may never have completely stopped inflating--and this prospect has lately returned to favor, since supernovae measurements have disclosed an anomolous acceleration or inflation throughout deep space.

It is possible to test for a nonzero cosmological constant: In such a universe galaxies will be further away than the redshift would indicate under the standard model. A diverse set of observations now compelingly suggest that the universe possesses a nonzero cosmological constant. It corresponds to the energy density of the vacuum and no known principle demands that it vanish. The cosmic antigravity symbolized by lambda could push omega, the mass density parameter, toward the critical value of one. It is dark energy, the missing part of the equation in accounting for the mass energy density of the universe.

Ordinary matter only makes up a small part of this total. The extent of the invisible mass is vast. More comes from hot and cold dark matter, but now scientists have observed by inference the missing dark energy with its property of accelerating space and expanding the cosmos faster than had been believed likely before 1998. This expansion rate, the non-zero value of the cosmological constant, and the allocation of mass density determine the age, size, shape, and fate of the universe. The original vacuum was a seething foam, full of virtual particles and antiparticles. Quarks, electrons, neutrinos, and their antiparticles are born from the vacuum. But as soon as they materialize, particles and antiparticles encounter and annihilate one another, turning into radiation. The packets of radiation (or photons), in their turn, disappear, giving birth to particle-antiparticle pairs. There is a constant interaction between matter, antimatter, and radiation.

The universe is bathed in a soup of quarks, electrons, neutrinos, photons, and antiparticles. Russian physicist, Sakharov discovered that nature has a slight preference for matter. For every billion antiquarks that arise from the vacuum, one billion and one quarks appear. The preponderance of quarks over antiquarks means that some protons and neutrons remain. For every billion particles and antiparticles that annihilate one another and turn into a billion photons, just one particle of matter will remain, which is exactly the proportion observed in the universe today. All the antimatter disappears. Everything--galaxies, trees, stars, flowers, humans--arose from the primordial vacuum. The idea of creation ex nihilo, from nothing, is a religious concept that is now confirmed by cosmology.

The inflationary model of the universe is giving way to what Stanford scientist Andrei Linde calls “the self-reproducing inflationary universe.” Linde’s model is based on advanced principles of quantum fluctuations in the inflationary universe. Because it is rooted in advanced principles of quantum physics, it defies easy visualization. Quite simplified, it suggests quantum fluctuations in the universe’s inflationary expansion have a wavelike character. Linde theorizes that these waves can “freeze” atop one another, thus magnifying their effects. The stacked-up quantum waves in turn can create such intense disruptions in scalar fields--the underlying fields that determine the behavior of elementary particles--that they exceed a sort of cosmic critical mass and start birthing new inflationary domains.

The vacuum itself is such a scalar field, a massless charge field, electrostatic scalar potential. In ordinary vector analysis, a scalar is a quantity completely characterized by magnitude only. Multiple vectors summing or multiplying to zero are present though virtual. The energy of each infolded dynamic vector component is trapped inside the local vector zero system. Physically a zero vector can be a system having a very distinct real substructure of nonzero vector components. These infolded vector components are highly dynamic. (Bearden, 1988).

Trapped energy constitutes a scalar potential in spacetime. Enormous energy may be enfolded and trapped. This constitutes vacuum polarization. The zero-vector system is thus a vacuum engine and a virtual state engine as well. The scalar field is composed of two time fields: one in positive time and one in negative time that is a phase conjugate replica of the first. Thus, the timeless, lengthless vacuum exists both in positive and negative time, and its potentials are scalar potentials. When the vacuum is uncurved, equal amounts and components of positive and negative time exist. When it is curved at a point, the positive and negative time components are unbalanced at that point.

The multiverse, Linde contends, is like a growing fractal, sprouting inflationary domains that sprout more inflationary domains, with each domain spreading and cooling into a new universe. In this model, our universe is just one of the sprouts. Each particular part of the multiverse, including our part, began from a singularity somewhere in the past, but that singularity was just one of an endless series that was spawned before it and will continue after it. Each universe in the multiverse is a separate closed volume of space and time. The other universes are unavailable to us, just as the interior of a black hole is unavailable.

We cannot even know if the universes are finite or infinite in number. Some details of the fluctuation of ripples in background radiation may help us determine the truth. Till then, the theory hangs on assumptions we must make about the physics of very dense states of matter, (Lemly, 2000). This is the cosmological aspect of the vacuum density energy, but it also has quantum mechanical implications. The non-zero value of the vacuum potential, a virtual or unzipped phase space, underlies quantum processes and influences the random perturbation of subatomic entities.

It is possible to engineer this vacuum, to tap its vast potential. The geometrical underpinnings of this vector equilibrium were first discovered and explained by Buckminster Fuller in his tour de force Synergetics I and II. Vector Equilibrium describes an all pervasive source of energy potential and is anomolous in that its properties are of neither waves nor particles, nor spacetime bound: the vacuum fluctuation is the energy gradient of No-thing taking place No-where or Now-here. It is an eternal source of infinite energy, an inexhaustible fount, or Plenum.

The vacuum is a pure virtual particle, massless charge flux; a virtual state, timeless spacetime itself. It is a highly dynamic state where everything is disintegrated. It is filled with massless charge, or rather is identical to massless charge (disintegrated dynamicism). It is a plenum, not an emptiness. It is also pure action, undifferentiated. Sidney Coleman, a theoretical physicist from Harvard, has been investigating the nature of the vacuum and its relationship to the cosmological constant. He, and other physicists can’t decide whether the total energy in the vacuum should be positive or negative, but they agree that it is huge.

Coleman asserts, “the cosmological constant is zeroed out by wormholes; invisible, submicroscopic rips in the fabric of spacetime that tunnel out of our universe, linking it to an infinite web of other universes.” The modern vacuum is a seething inferno of fiercly bubbling, fleeting particles. The vacuum has no fixed lengths or rate of time flow per se. The stress of the vacuum is a sort of conglomerate potential “pressure,” where the individual stresses of various types of particles, if integratd by external means, would sum into the overall stress (pressure). Variation of the stress of vacuum between two points in a frame represents a “curved spacetime” or “accelerated frame.”

The stress energy of the vacuum means “fragments” of energy, more subtle than electromagnetic energy, turn against themselves and lock into a “vector zero summation.” This zero-point energy of the vacuum is increasingly being regarded as composed of an incredibly dense structure of virtual electromagnetic energy, even at zero degrees absolute. This quantum foam was dubbed “superspace” by J.A. Wheeler. Superspace consists of pure massless charge flux, pure scalar waves. The actual electrical charge of the vacuum appears to be enormous, if we could only measure it discharging to an uncharged region. Thus it is space (actually spacetime) that is incredibly dense, and matter that is ethereally thin. Spacetime goes through matter, rather than matter through spacetime, (Bearden, 1988).

Direct engineering of artificial potentials by patterned zero-vector force field summations is the secret of the long-sought “unified field theory.” It is also the secret of the unification of mind and matter into a single scientific discipline. The vacuum is spacetime. Only changes in (derivatives of) spacetime can be perceived, detected or observed, but not spacetime itself. In negative time, gravity is a repulsion not an attraction. Gravitational potential is revealed as simply infolded electromagnetics, and electromagnetics is simply the outfolding of the internal contents of gravitational potential. The key to engineering the vacuum is to let the EM force fields fight themselves to a cancellation, forming a vector zero. If we do this in a nonlinear medium (modulator), the summing/multiplying EM vector forces are locked together and remain as an infolded EM system inside the EM vector zero. This now is a gravitational system. By merely varying (in phase) the summing EM components, one varies the local energy density of vacuum. Rigorously that is a gravitational wave.


Quantum cosmology attempts to merge two tremendously successful views of the universe. One of these is cosmology, the study of the universe on the largest scales, which rests on and embodies Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The other is quantum mechanics, which deals with the realm of submicroscopic particles and how they interact. Quantum mechanics has been overwhelmingly useful in describing atoms and atomic nuclei, and cosmology has done so in describing the universe at large. The rational of the cosmological constant derives from the uncertainty principle, which applies to variables like energy and time.

According to Coleman: What it says in this case is that the precision with which you can measure the energy of any system, such as a piece of empty space, is limited by the duration of the measurement; the shorter the time, the greater the imprecision. And this indeterminacy can never be resolved simply by more accurate measuring instruments; it is inherent in the system itself. Over a short enough time the system can assume just about any energy--and it does. In a world ruled by quantum mechanics, the energy of the system in any fleeting instant can be seen only as a wavelike function.

As a consequence, the vacuum of empty space is not empty; it is pervaded by fluctuating fields of energy that, when large enough, manifest themselve as particles--individual photons, for example, or particle pairs consisting of an ordinary electron or quark and its anti-matter twin, which burst into existence and then annihilate. The vacuum is thick with these short-lived "virtual" particles. It looks empty only because each particle's visit to existence, according to the uncertainty principle, is so infinitesimally brief as to be undetectable. But the effects of these virtual particles en masse may be detectable. Virtual particles ought to have one effect in particular: their energy ought to warp space. The deformation would be entirely independent of that wrought by ordinary matter, and so, Einstein notwithstanding, it would constitute a nonzero cosmological constant. How big would the constant be? That depends on how often virtual particles appear in a given volume of space, and it also depends on the type of particles. Virtual quarks and electrons have much the same effect as their "real" counterparts: they cause space to contract. But virtual photons, or any other force-transmitting particles, have the opposite effect: they cause space to expand. There are a whole bunch of things that contribute to the cosmological constant. Some are plus, some are minus, so we expect some of them to cancel. But not the whole lot...

The cosmological constant is very nearly zero. The mechanism, according to Coleman, is similar to virtual particles in that it arises from quantum fluctuations. But this time the fluctuations aren't those of energy fields [zero point energy]; they are fluctuations of empty space itself [vector equilibrium fluctuations]. Stephen Hawking invented the quantum wormhole in 1988. Just as quantum mechanics says there is a certain probability that particles can appear from nowhere in a vacuum, quantum cosmology says there may be a certain probability that a small chunk of space and time will suddenly pop into existence. That is what a wormhole is--a fluctuation in the space-time field, just as a virtual particle is a fluctuation in an energy field.

The wormhole could connect to any one of an endless number of preexisting parallel universes that are otherwise inaccessible to us. There is no reason to assume our universe is the only one; webs of parallel universes are equally possible. They can be imagined like balloons connected to one another by thin, rubbery necks of space-time--those are the wormholes. The regions inside and outside the balloons and wormholes are outside space-time. It doesn't exist. One meaningful consequence of wormholes is that they might contribute information to our universe in the form of values for the constants of nature. They might also fix the energy density of the vacuum--the cosmological constant. Somehow wormholes arrange things so that the value of the cosmological constant is zero--so that the huge virtual particle components cancel exactly.

According to quantum cosmology, this is by far the most likely outcome. Dark matter, the invisible gravitating substance that seems to make up part of the missing mass of the universe may reside in parallel universes. Such matter would affect our universe's gravity and is mecessarily "dark" because our species of photon is stuck to our membrane (flat universe), so photons cannot travel across the void from the parallel matter to our eyes. Such parallel universes might be utterly unlike our own, having different particles and forces and perhaps even confined to membranes with fewer or more dimensions. They may have identical properties to our own universse, yet be folded to appear very distant. Dark matter could be composed of ordinary matter, even ordinary stars and galaxies, shining brightly on their own folds, yet emitting no apparent light in our universe. Gravity-wave detectors may find evidence for these folds by "observing large sources of gravitational radiation that cannot be accounted for by matter visible in our own universe." (Arkani-Hamed et al, 2000).

Zero point energy is the kinetic energy that remains in a substance when its temperature is absolute zero. The vacuum has zero point energy, also. Any potential is just a bunch of trapped dynamic vectors, hence trapped vector (translational) energy. It is translational energy that is locally trapped and not translating. The potential is thus like an accumulator or capacitor. It can be "charged up" and "discharged." The vacuum is increasingly being regarded as composed of an incredibly dense structure of virtual electromagnetic energy, even at zero degrees absolute.

Superspace consists of pure massless charge flux, pure scalar waves. If compacted this energy density of the vacuum is enormous. Here, in the vacuum, spacetime is incredibly dense, and matter is etherically thin. Spacetime goes through matter, rather than matter through spacetime. And this energy density of the vacuum does interact with electromagnetic fields and matter to give observable effects, such as the Lamb shift. In his inflationary model of the hot Big Bang, Alan H. Guth considers matter to consist of scalar-field particles, (SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Dec. 1991).

"Such field particles are not the stuff of everyday life, but they do arise naturally in many theories." Indeed, they are believed to be the dominant form of matter under the extremely high energy conditions similar to those in the early universe. According to the inflationary model, they lead to a kind of negative pressure. Gravity effectively becomes a repulsive force, and inflation occurs. At the end of the inflationary era, the decay of the scalar-field matter producing the expansion heated the (initially cold) universe to a very high temperature. Although the scalar field is largely homogeneous, it still may have small, inhomogeneous parts. According to quantum theory, these inhomogeneous parts cannot be exactly zero but must be subject to small quantum fluctuations. (In fact, all types of matter are subject to such quantum effects, but for most purposes the fluctuations are so small as to be totally insignificant.)

The rapid expansion of the universe during inflation magnified these initially insignificant microscopic fluctuations, transforming them into macroscopic changes in density [ref. chaos theory and the pumping up of micro- to macroscopic changes as one of the characteristics of chaos]. Inflation itself depends on a number of assumptions. For example, it would have occurred only if the scalar field began with a large, approximately constant energy density. This approximately constant energy density is equivalent, at least for a brief time, to Einstein's famous (or infamous) cosmological constant. Therefore, like it or not, the success of inflation rests on certain assumptions about initial conditions [another aspect of chaos theory].

"What happened before inflation? How did the universe actually begin?" In the pre-inflation era, the size of the universe tends to zero, and the strength of the gravitational field and the energy density of matter tend to infinity. That is, the universe appears to have emerged from a singularity, a region of infinite curvature and energy density at which the known laws of physics break down. Near a singularity, space-time becomes highly curved; its volume shrinks to very small dimensions. Under such circumstances, one must appeal to the theory of the very small--that is, to quantum theory. In quantum mechanics, motion is not deterministic, but probabilistic. A quantity called the wave function encodes the probabilistic information about such variables as position, momentum and energy. For a single-point particle, one can regard the wave function as an oscillating field spread throughout physical space. Because of the uncertainty principle, the kinetic and potential energy of a system cannot both be exactly zero. Instead the system has a ground state in which the energy is as low as it can be. (Recall that in the inflationary universe, galaxies form from "ground-state fluctuations.") Such fluctuations also prevent the orbiting electron from crashing into the nucleus. The electrons have an orbit of minimum energy from which they cannot fall into the nucleus without violating the uncertainty principle.

Though it is still considered an extravagant claim, the fundamental assertion of quantum cosmology is that quantum mechanics applies to the entire universe at all times and to everything in it. In a theory of the universe, of which the observer is a part, there should be no fundamental division between observer and observed. The wave function of the entire universe can't collapse each time an observation is made. In cosmology, there is only one system, which is measured only once. We hope to describe the universe accurately, particularly in its earliest moments, when all of space had barely been born--when in fact neither space nor time can be clearly defined as anything like the space or time of today. We have to search, in the spirit of Einstein’s search for a unified field theory, for a view of the universe that combines quantum mechanics and general relativity.

So far, the best minds, even Stephen Hawking, can’t come up with a coherent theory that incorporates both gravity, as described by general relativity, and quantum mechanics. Such a melding--a workable quantum cosmology--has frustrated generations. They seem as incompatible as water and sand, and together create a quicksand mire of seemingly insoluble problems that suck us down as neither alone can. The inescapable task of the quantum cosmologist is to propose laws of initial or boundary conditions for the universe. Stephen Hawking's idea is called the no-boundary proposal, which admits many possible histories. Perhaps, the universe has tunneled from "nothing." The evolution described by inflation and the big bang would have subsequently occurred after tunneling.

This is consistent with the Qabalistic explanation of the emanation of Kether from Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur--the veils of negative existence. The picture that emerges is of a universe with nonzero size and finite (rather than infinite) energy density appearing from a quantum fuzz. After quantum creation, the wave function assigns probabilities to different evolutionary paths, one of which includes the inflation postulated by Guth. Although some theorists disagree, both the no-boundary and tunneling proposals seem to predict the conditions necessary for inflation, thereby, eliminating the need for assumptions about the scalar-field matter that drove the rapid expansion.

The no-boundary and tunneling proposals eliminate assumptions about the density perturbations. Although inflation explains their origin, the exact form and magnitude depend on certain assumptions about the initial state of the scalar-field matter. The inflation model assumes the inhomogenous parts started out in their quantum mechanical ground state--the lowest possible energy state consistent with the uncertainty principle. But Hawking's no-boundary proposal states that everything must be smooth and regular on the bottom cap of the space-time tube. The condition implies that inhomogeneous fluctuations must be zero there. The fluctuations enter real-time as small as they can be--as the quantum mechanical ground-state fluctuations demanded by the inflation model. The tunneling proposal makes the same prediction, for similar reasons. So, quantum cosmology alleges the universe appeared from a quantum fuzz, tunneling into existence and thereafter evolving classically.

Quantum creation scenarios produce gravitational waves of a calculable form and magnitude. Gravitational waves interact very weakly with matter as they propagate through space-time. Therefore, when we observe them in the present universe, their spectrum may still contain the signature of quantum creation. But gravity waves are hard to detect, so quantum cosmology can't be verified conclusively yet to determine whether the no-boundary or tunneling proposals are the correct ones for the wave function of the universe. Quantum cosmology is thought to resemble neither general relativity by itself, nor quantum mechanics by itself, but “something” different from both. Or, perhaps, better said “no-thing” different from both. There is still no clear theory of quantum cosmology to tell us how the early universe produced its gravity waves, even though Hawking makes some predictions about the primordial gravity waves from the big bang.


Gravity waves are ripples of spacetime. The idea of spacetime iself as a dynamic entity--one that can bend, stretch and take on different shapes--still seems radical. Even more startling is Einsteein’s prediction that spacetime can ripple like a flag in a strong breeze. Perturbations of matter produce radiating ripples or waves, in the very fabric of spacetime. Gravity waves penetrate all matter. Gravitational waves can traverse the universe, carrying the imprint of the distant events that gave them birth, (Frank, 2000).

Einstein perceived that the best way to conceive of gravity would be to think of it not as affecting objects in space, but rather as affecting space itself. This realization that gravity bends space marked a key moment in Einstein’s path toward the general theory of relativity. The theory also predicted accurately that gravity bends light, because gravity bends space and light travels through space as directly as possible. It only travels straight in the absence of gravity. Einstein saw that if an object with mass--the sun, for instance--bends space into a sort of dimple, then the motion of any object with mass would move that dimple in space from place to place. This produces a changing distortion of space, which creates a ripple, a moving wave in the fabric of spacetime. Einstein realized that the ripple created by the motion of mass spreads outward in space in all directions. So any other mass it encounters is set in motion as the ripple passes by. These ripples make objects move with respect to one another as the wave passes by, but only in incredibly small amounts.

Gravity waves come in various types, which differ in their waveforms, that is, in the shapes of the waves that emerge from a violent event of a given kind. They also differ in their wavelengths, the average distance between wave crests, and in the total amount of energy that the gravity waves carry off from the scene of cosmic violence. The big bang that began the universe was by far the greatest explosion of all time. This bodes well for detectable gravity waves, since the more rapid motion of more massive objects leads to stronger waves. But they have traveled 15 billion light years, and the expansion of the universe has weakening these primordial waves. However, the early moments of expansion have actually strengthened these waves enough to detect with today’s technology. Detection still involves two unknowns: How strong are the primordial gravity waves, and how strong are competing sources of gravity waves which can create interference or false signals?

Astronomers are on the threshold of a solution to the problem of primordial gravity wave observation. They are trying to discern the subtle stretching and shrinking that passing gravitational waves would cause. The task is so challenging that detectors must measure changes in length that are less than a thousandth of the diameter of a proton! General relativity merges space and time into a seamless four-dimensional entity. The presence of mass or energy curves spacetime. That curvature meanifests itself as an attractive force between objects--gravity. The motion of massive objects can generate waves of curvature--gravitational waves--that ripple through the fabric of spacetime. It is a shedding of energy in the form of gravitational waves. Nearly all models of the early universe produce a background of wave radiation, (Weiss, 2000). They distort spacetime, like tugging on a piece of woven fabric; it creates a strain on spacetime. It is a pressure wave, like sound; but unlike sound which is a wave of compression and expansion of a substance in space, gravitational waves are a warping of space itself.


According to the latest research, the universe is self-generating. It was preceded by and evolved from a quantum fluctuation of spacetime. This energetic vacuum provides the energy needed to power the Big Bang. The vacuum contains virtually infinite energy, even though the exact nature of this all-pervasive force is not known. Even solid matter is mostly empty space with most of the matter condensed in the nuclei of atoms. But, the vacuum is not empty; it is a plenum or fullness. It is the basic, fundamental underlying reality and everything in the universe is its expression. If this mass-energy is to be located at all, it must be in the flat empty space, the regions which are completely free of matter and fields of any kind. It is either there in the emptiest of empty regions, or it is nowhere at all. According to David Bohm and F. David Peat (1987):

Current quantum field theory implies that what appears to be empty space contains an immense “zero point energy,” [i.e., it remains even at temperatures of absolute zero, when thermal energy oscillations are absent] coming from all the quantum fields that are contained in this space.

Matter is then a relatively small wave or disturbance on top of this “ocean” of energy [which used to be called the Dirac sea]. Using reasonable assumptions, the energy of one cubic centimeter of space is far greater than would be available from the nuclear disintegration of all the matter in the known universe! Matter is therefore a “small ripple” on this ocean of energy. But since we, too, are constituted of this matter, we no more see the “ocean” than probably does a fish swimming in the ocean sees the water. It consists of particles and antiparticles being spontaneously created an annihilated in an on-going Armageddon.

Everything that ever existed or can exist is already potentially there in the nothingness of space which contains all of being. And in mystical terms, the vacuum is a manifestation of conscious Spirit. Since we usually think of a vacuum as being completely empty, the concept of a vacuum energy density seems like a contradiction. We do not observe the vacuum energy because it is “locked into” the structure of physical reality. Only minute surface quiverings are visible as short-lived “virtual” particles. When attempts are made to calculate its potential--the actual energy of the vacuum (or cosmological constant, a term used in relativity theory), that energy is seemingly essentially infinite.

This superforce is the unimaginably vast zero-point energy of the vacuum, but we cannot measure nor experience it directly. The vacuum which is utterly dark is nonetheless suffused with an electromagnetic field that fluctuates in gentle random waves of all wavelengths, and each wavelength has its own zero point energy. Further, since there is an infinity of vacuum fluctuations, their sum total must be infinite--an infinite energy density.

The “nothingness” of the physical vacuum contains much more energy than all of the matter in the universe. Nothing can therefore be viewed as the source of the whole Creation. But at the fundamental level, the vacuum must obey a quantum mechanical description, which means that the vacuum is not really empty after all. The vacuum is governed by the uncertainty principle, which arises because of the wavy nature of physical reality at small size scales and leads to the possibility of vacuum energy. The uncertainty principle has important consequences for the concept of a vacuum.

In QM the vacuum cannot really be empty, because apparently empty sapce is filled with particles flickering briefly in and out of existence. The energy required is borrowed from the vacuum and then quickly repaid when the particles annihilate each other and subsequently disappear back into nothingness. These particles are called virtual particles because they have no real lives. They live on borrowed time and always annihilate just after their spontaneous appearance out of the vacuum. Empty space is seething with these ghostly entities. These virtual particles can endow the vacuum with an effective energy density that it would not otherwise possess. Quantum behavior thus leads naturally to the concept of empty space being allowed to have an energy density.

The universe can become dominated by vacuum energy in many different ways. Many particle theories suggest that nature contains entities known as scalar fields. These quantum mechanical fields can have intrinsically large energy scales, far larger than those explored by present-day particle accelerators. The potential energies of scalar fields can make dramatically large contributions to the vacuum energy. They could have dominated the energy density of the universe at very early times, and driven the inflationary stage of the expansion of the universe. The vacuum energy has the curious property of exhibiting a negative pressure that pushes outward at an accelerating rate. This process has recently been observed and accounts for the infinite expansion at an accelerating rate, which has become the foundation of the revolution in cosmology that took place in 1998. This research sealed the long-term fate of the flat universe as one of an open model where expansion continues on unabated forever.


There are several implications of the fundamental nature of reality for us as human beings. There are cetain deductions we can draw about the nature of our existence and future from these discoveries, and the technologies which might be applied to engineering the vacuum potential and its effect on quantum processes. What can possibly explain the exitence of a nonzero cosmological constant, with its inherent acceleration of spacetime throughout the known universe? Why does gravitational attraction work in the opposite to oppose that runaway expansion at just this moment in deep time? The effectiveness of this opposition depends on the average density of matter, which steadily declines as the universe expands. The cosmological constant generates an unvarying tendency to increase the rate of expansion, but we live in the charmed era of universal evolution where they are roughly balanced, and this is no coincidence. If the gravitational force of conventional matter and the lambda force of acceleration were not roughly balanced, this universe could not support life at all, as we know it. Thus, the weak Anthropic Principle has been invoked to account for this anomoly, though other universes may be quite different. We happen to live in the era when the cosmological constant and the density of matter make roughly equal contributions to the curvature of space.

The Anthropic Principle singles out the time span between one billion and one trillion years A.B.B. as the interval in which any intelligent forms of life can exist. The early or later universe will not support our existence as we know it. So we can't find ourselves in any universe that doesn't allow us to flourish, though they may technically exist outside our ken. It is not that the cosmos is as it is in order for us to be here, but rather that it is as it is because we are here. Once a universe is born it never dies, but its ability to support life, stars and galaxies may.

The possibility of multiple universes leads to the conception and title of a "multiverse," the set of all possible universes. The farther we look into space and its quantum processes, the more we can tell about the competing influences of the density of matter and the cosmological constant. The nature of those strange particles is unknown and for the moment less important than their overall density in the universe. But research in both cosmology and quantum mechanics points to the ubiquitous importance of the vacuum potential in all aspects of existence, both of the universe and ourselves. The vacuum is just a conglomerate of potentials, nothing more, nor less.

All is motion; even apparent nothingness is in violent continuous upheaval. The vacuum is composed of stress and its internal vector patterns; the energy is tapped in the local medium. Stress is merely a set of equal and opposite forces. Potentials alone can interfere with conventional matter, even in the absence of EM force fields, and produce real force effects in charged particle systems. The sole agent of the interference of scalar potentials can induce EM changes, according to the experimentally proven Aharonov-Bohm effect, even in the total absence of EM force fields (which are not the primary agents at all). These virtual fields accelerate virtual masses, but are not observable as a force field or physical medium of one or more observable particles in space. It is a system of oppositely paired forces, a stress field, which is a scalar potential. It is highly charged, and the ambient vacuum scalar potential has very high magnitude, which can be decomposed into sets of bidirectional forces. The observable universe is just the externalized translation part of the energetics of the interaction. Hidden or infolded internal wave structures exist in all scalar potentials.

Bearden (1999) points out the importance of these realities: "In QM, there's a special kind of potential you can make, that can connect spatially separated things and translate energy between them, in hidden fashion and essentially instantaneously. This 'connection at a distance' directly results in action-at-a-distance. [He suggests] in that artificial quantum potential you [can] make, you can put in a hidden EM wave Whittaker structure, hidden 'pipes inside spacetime' itself. Then you have established hidden EM-wave-energy channels through spacetime, connecting widely sparated entities together. You can then put energy and specific energy patterns, vacuum engines...directly through those hidden channels. You can have the hidden energy emerge at a distant point and interact in and on a distant physical system there. This distantly-emerging interaction energy can be positive (disordering, or scattering) or negative (reordering)."

He suggests this as a mechanism for Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields which direct species' evolutionary adaptation. It is simply a pure-and-simple species quantum potential, created amongst members of a species. The hidden structure acts like jillions of little "vacuum engines" to change and correct internal structure.

"Then one day the internal corrective charge is sufficient to breach the quantum threshold. One could also say that the spacetime potential occupied by the species members is now sufficiently curved and structured to serve as a specific-signal-pattern energetic source for genetic change. Breaching this threshold causes specific new genetic changes to occur in the entire species ina single jump. At that point, the actual genetics of egg fertilization (conception) is altered, and shortly thereafter members of the species start being born with new changes, specifically designed to counter or partially counter the former detrimental aspects in the species overstress." According to Bearden, "Sheldrake's morphogenetic field is a species quantum potential and the charged-up Whittaker structure is the inducing agent."

Living systems use this inner, hidden energy channel in addition to the external energy channel of ordinary electromagnetics. The distinction between a living and nonliving system is simply the fact that the living system deterministically uses the inner EM energy channgels inside Whittaker-structured scalar potentials. And those EM potentials are centered on the atomic nuclei of atoms comprising the living system's molecules, cells, tissues, and mass. The mind/brain/body problem can only be solved by looking at these interior energetics, or we will neer understand life, memory, personality or thought. The vacuum potential, a hidden internal EM energy channel, is the primary channel of biological control as well as human intent. Bearden gives his definition of mind:

"The mind consists of stabilized Whittaker structures inside the living system's bio-potential. Thoughts are a special class of changes/waves in that overall Whittaker-structure ensemble. The personal unconscious is a single small, localized sample of yet a greater collection that represents even deeper unconsciousness."

"The conscious mind is a serial process, one thing at a time. The unconscious mind is totally conscious, but it is parallel processor, jillions of things at one and the same time. The serial conscious mind can only make sense of a single slide in the slide projector at a time. When it looks at the unconscious mind, it sees a multitude of slides in the projector simultaneously, hence it just sees blackness, or nothing recognizable at all." "Jung's collective unconscious, for example, consists of archetypal infolded EM structures acting in common in an overall bio-quantum-potential for the entire species. Gaia, the living earth/biosphere, really does scientifically exist as a common bio-quantum-potential with infolded living EM structures for the entire earth biosphere.

The biopotential in a single body is an overall quantum potential that links and joins all the atoms and cells of the body." "The 'spirit' of the biosystem is its 'living biopotential, its living quantum potential. We already know that a potential is everywhere nonzero all the way out to infinity. So the spirit of the living system is, in the virtual state, everywhere in the universe, and everywhen as well. It's all a giant hologram, not only in space, but in spacetime." The entire universe is everywhere alive, with everything.

The conclusion is inescapable: all life is eternal; nothing is ever lost. "A thought or thoughtform is just a specific, dynamic Whittaker structure in the hidden EM channels of the biopotential. Thoughts and thoughtforms are real. They are virtual spatially, but they occupy one 'real' spacetime dimension, time. Physics and metaphysics share one common, nonobservable dimension: time. So long as physics continues to have to have time, which is nonobservable a priori, then it also must contain everything that is a structure or action in time...The choice of fundamental physical units in physics is arbitrary. You can build all of physics from time as the single fundamental unit. That means that you can build the whole observable, detectable physics model out of the totally unobservable and nondetectable." "With Whittaker EM engineering, you can conceivably "make" thoughtforms to order, and input them directly into the mind and longterm memory.

If we view the conscious mind as a special serial computer, we have enow found where the software is, for mind, longterm memory, and personality. As scalar EM technology develops, we will have direct access to the software, so to speak, for the very first time. And we will be able to engineer it at will." This mixed-blessing will be one of the most powerful tools ever for either education, mind control, or mind/body heaing. "One can actually engineer physical reality, change the laws of nature, and determine if a thing shall even emerge into physical quantum change at all, or if it shall change its physical form. Mind-wise, eventually one will be able to directly input material into the mind, whatever is desired." We could remove the causes of mental diseases and cure them as well, increase lifespan, and conquer genetic diseases. But it also opens us to the possibility of pulling our a personality-structure from a person, and inserting another. Or to alter a given personality structure in pre-programmed ways. It will be possible to to provide direct input inside the mind, surrepititiously, from a distance and without the knowledge and consent of the individual affected." This implies "instant telepathy," also. But also the hazards of forced internal change, or enslavement, or the destruction or overwhelming or jamming of the mind or immune system, to induce virulence, or perhaps homogeneity. Identity is just the absence of all distinction, after all. The absence of functional distinction in time consitutes the creation of identity in time. The whole arises when and only when the distinction between the parts is lost.

Source: http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/exotic-matter.html

23rd August 2012, 17:47
The Hutchison Effect



23rd August 2012, 18:57
Fractals - The Colors of Infinity

by Arthur C. Clarke


Video description from YouTube:

No Beginning & No Ending, Shown & Proven in No Limit of Time...

Arthur C. Clarke presents this unusual documentary on the mathematical discovery of the Mandelbrot Set (M-Set), in the visually spectacular world of fractal geometry.

This show relates the science of the M-Set to nature in a way that seems to identify the hand of God in the design of the universe.

Dr. Mandelbrot in 1980 discovered the infinitely complex geometrical shape called the Mandelbrot Set, using a very simple equation with computers and graphics.

*The Mandelbrot Set has been called the thumbprint of God

24th August 2012, 22:40




26th August 2012, 02:18

What is the Global Consciousness Project?

For the many people who feel interested, but don't find the time to read the website or published papers, this is an introduction to the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) and what we have learned over more than 12 years of serious research. We begin with a very brief overview of findings. They actually do need background and detail to be properly understood, but I am sympathetic to the desire to "get to the point." The rest of the GCP website will sharpen that point and put flesh on the interesting bottom line bones.

In the smallest nutshell: The behavior of our network of random sources is correlated with interconnected human consciousness on a global scale. There is a highly significant overall effect on the GCP instrument (more on that below) during special times we identify as "global events" which bring great numbers of people to share consciousness and emotions. The effect is a tiny deviation from what's expected, but the patient replication of tests has gradually created very strong statistical support for the reality of this subtle correlation of human consciousness with deviations in random data.

The probability that the effect could be just a chance fluctuation is less than 1 in a billion, an impressive bottom line statistic that is composed of small effects accumulated in more than 350 tests. The correlation is subtle, so much so that individual event results are too weak to be reliably interpreted. Yet because we are able to combine results across many replications, we overcome a very small signal to noise ratio -- real effects gradually accumulate, while the unstructured noise is self-canceling.

The GCP instrument is a network of random number generators (RNGs, sometimes called REGs) spread around the world. There are currently about 65 or 70 nodes in the network, and at each one, random data trials are recorded continuously, one trial per second, day after day over the past 13 years. The result is a database of synchronized parallel sequences of random numbers. The data are archived on a server in Princeton, and subjected to formal analysis testing whether there are departures from expected randomness corresponding to global events.

The GCP effects are not seen primarily as deviations of the individual RNGs (which we often call "eggs"), but can be seen as an increase in the average correlation between pairs of eggs separated by distances up to thousands of kilometers. This means that although the direct effects are too small for us to detect, they occur in synchrony and this leads to detectable changes in the network as a whole. By definition the eggs are independent and should not show any relationship at all. But during moments of importance to humans, the devices show slight correlations with each other. This is a fact that does not fit readily into scientific models, so understandably it is a fact that remains to be accepted. It presents a challenge to status quo physics and psychology. When and as the data are brought into perspective, they may help place mind and consciousness in more broadly competent models of the world.

There are other measures of structure in the data. Independent analysts have been able to identify a significant effect of distance, though not in the measure of distance between event and the REGs. Rather, analysis shows that the pairwise correlations -- links between pairs of REGs -- are weaker for large distances, dropping to zero at about 12,000 kilometers, roughly the earth diameter. There is also a characteristic temporal structure. The effects, on average, only become significant when we have data sequences of half an hour or more, and the effect persists for only a few hours, up to about 3 or 4 hours. This suggests that a "moment" in global consciousness is somewhat like a moment in individual consciousness, but with a time scale that is vastly different. A perception takes less than a second in my mind. For an effect of global consciousness to show up in our data as detectable structure it appears to require at least half an hour. The difference is a factor of at least 1000, maybe as much as 10000.

Another, possibly more profound and directly important finding is that the effects we see influenced by factors that are familiar from human psychology. For example, the effects are larger in proportion to the importance of the events we examine, and they are larger if the level of emotional involvement is high. We see stronger effects when events embody or evoke deep feelings of compassion, but smaller effects when the level of fear is high. That last point seems counterintuitive to many, but upon consideration, the relationships make sense and they bear strong implications for us. Compassion is an interpersonal, connecting emotion, while fear drives us toward personal survival; it separates us.

There are many details, but this outlines the major findings. The bottom line is that something associated with mass consciousness is changing the physical world -- our network of physical random number generators. We don't have full-fledged explanations yet, but the database accumulated over years is rich. It holds information that should lead to understanding, not only of the GCP effects, but to a richer, more comprehensive view of consciousness.

Source: http://noosphere.princeton.edu/

26th August 2012, 02:23
Berkeley scientists create visual pictures from brain waves
By Melissa Bell

University of California, Berkeley, scientists have managed to create a close approximation of what our thoughts look like. First they mapped brain wave response to 18 million seconds of random YouTube videos. Then, patients viewed a series of videos, and those brain waves were matched with the correlating visuals from the first test.

The result is this video of the clip watched and the matched brain wave activity. It’s amazing how close some of them appear to the original, and it’s equally amazing how some images become written words in our thoughts. The procedure may eventually help create visuals of our dreams.



Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/berkeley-scientists-create-visual-pictures-from-brain-waves-video/2011/09/23/gIQA1f4aqK_blog.html

26th August 2012, 02:39
Physical Basics of Informational Interaction
from the Institute of Practical Psychophysics


26th August 2012, 03:01

26th August 2012, 03:19
Another Form of Energy is Discovered that has Infinite Possibilities

A Description of Recent Researches of T. G. Hieronymous


T. G. Hieronymous
( 1956 )


"Complete theories do not fall from heaven"... Freud.

This well exemplified the attitude of many people --- that if an idea is not completely developed and the theory so foolproof as to be beyond question, then they want no part in it.

Following Benjamin Franklin’s discovery of electricity, a scoffer caustically asked, "Of what use is that kind of knowledge?"

To which Franklin kindly replied, "Of what use is a child? He may grow into a man."

We are very much in the same position as Franklin. We have discovered a new force or rather we have uncovered a force that has been here since the beginning of time but only a few have recognized it.

The BIG question is, "What shall we do with it?"

At the moment, we are doing two things: continuing research and acquainting interested people with the idea in order to get their cooperation. That is the reason for this paper. This is the first time the subject has been discussed publicly before an audience.

Eloptic Radiation Theory

There is an all-pervading media that is capable of being set into activity by certain forces. This media might be the same as that which is described by electronic and electrical engineers and physicists as the ether in action at higher harmonics than so far explored, or it may be a finer media. Since it acts as if it were different, let’s call it the FINE MEDIA for descriptive purposes at the moment.

Our material world is made up of combinations of a few units, some of which are called electrons, protons, and neutrons. These units act as if they were precipitations out of the Fine Media, because these units may be disintegrated or put back into their original state in the Fine Media. There is much in today’s scientific literature that points the way to these conclusions in addition to our own research results. The Fine Media can take on or manifest several different qualities, such as frequency and cohesive force.

Just as the ether can be caused to vibrate at different bands of frequencies to manifest as electricity, radio, heat, light, ultraviolet, etc., so can the Fine Media be caused to manifest in many ways.

When the Fine Media is properly influenced, it can be caused to coalesce to the point where material units such as electrons, protons, and neutrons are formed. When these units are desired to be grouped together, a still further manifestation of the Fine Media takes the form of the cohesive force necessary to form the nits into elements such as helium, iron, gold, and uranium. A still further manifestation of the cohesive force is necessary to form elements into compound or complex groups.

When such units are formed into elements or compounds, there is a stress field, or aura, around or radiating from such elements and complex groups. This field or aura has a frequency that is characteristic for each nuclear and molecular combination.

For example, chromium having in its nucleus 24 protons and 30 neutrons will have a slightly lower frequency than will iron with 26 protons and 28 neutrons, even though both nuclei contain the same total number of 54 units each.

This phenomenon is the basis of the idea covered by patents and its use as an analyzing medium, the subject matter of this paper.

It takes a certain amount of energy to cause the Fine Media to coalesce so that the units, protons and neutrons, will be formed and a lesser amount of energy to combine the units into the group of particles called the element, e.g., hydrogen, silver or mercury, and still a lesser amount of energy to form the molecules of the various compounds.

Such an element or compound can be disintegrated back into its components or units or even completely back into the Fine Media from whence it came. The atomic bomb action obeys this principle.

To disintegrate an element and change it back to its units takes energy, the amount depending upon the way the energy is applied. Assume a very heavy weight suspended by a long chain. To cause this weight to oscillate over, e.g., one foot with one blow from a hammer might require a hammer of very large proportion and a giant to wield it.

On the other hand, if a small boy gave the weight a push, then waited a bit and gave another push and another, all timed properly, the weight would begin to swing andintime would be swinging through the arc of one foot.

When a single blow in the form of a fast-moving particle, such as a neutron or alpha particle, accelerated in a cyclotron, is the "hammer", and the nucleus of an element is to be broken up, the "hammer" must strike a tremendous blow (millions of electron volts) to crack the nucleus.

On the other hand, if a small amount of energy is fed into the nucleus at its proper frequency, the nucleus will easily, slowly, quietly fall apart into its units, just by neutralizing the effect of the cohesive force or binding energy as it is sometimes called. Thus a little energy of proper frequency steadily applied may do more than an enormous amount of energy applied in the brute force manner.

One of the most used but least controlled and understood methods of setting the Fine Media into oscillation is by the Mental-Emotional output from a human being. Just as the crystal in a radio power oscillator sets the frequency, and the energy applied to the plate circuit determines the power output, so does the Mind act to set the frequency and the Emotional Body to furnish the power.

Every time we generate an emotion we start a wave motion in the Fine Media. Such a wave motion can travel infinite distances, and it continues to oscillate until some counteracting wave motion is set up to neutralize the original or until the original wave motion is absorbed by someone or something that is in the proper frequency relation to it.

Just as a radio receiver that is tuned to the exact same frequency as a transmitter acts as if it were connected via some invisible medium to the transmitter by responding exactly as the transmitter is activated, so does a specimen of certain things act as if there were a connection between it and the parent body form which it was taken by responding exactly to all activities of the parent body.


At this point, the scoffer usually says, "That’s all bunk!" Suppose we digress a moment and see to whom he directs his verdict of "bunk".

Almost 20 years ago, Dr Robert Millikan, former president of the California Institute of Technology and Nobel Prize winner in physics for his work in weighing the electron, was speaking before a joint meeting of all the technical societies of Kansas City, MO. He showed a large number of slides, the last of which was a smooth curve with "f" along the left margin and "e" across the bottom. He said, "Some day we will find that each of the elements of material matter vibrates at a frequency, each different from the other."

The writer was thrilled beyond words because some of the material in this paper had at that time already been discovered.

Years laterm Dr I.I. Rabi of Columbia University won the AAAS prize for his work on nuclear resonance. Quoting from Science News Letter for January 6, 1940, on this work, we read, "Atoms can act like little radio transmitters broadcasting on ultra short waves."

The Associated Press release of December 30, 1939, went further and said about Dr Rabi’s findings, "Man himself as well as all kinds of supposedly inert matter constantly emit rays. The existence of such rays coming from man and all living things, and probably from the inanimate, has been suspected by a few scientists for many years. Today brought experimental proof. The discovery shows that every atom and every molecule in nature is a continuous radio frequency broadcasting station. Those who believe in telepathy, second sight and clairvoyance, have in today the first real proof of the existence of invisible rays which really travel from one person to another."

Another Associated Press release next day states, "Scientists who have studied Dr Rabi’s report said it furnishes for the first time a logical explanation of such things as telepathy, heretofore a quasi-scientific phenomenon, and the ‘feeling’ that someone else is approaching in a dark room. It may also prove to be the source of attraction or repulsion between individuals since all the atoms of the body are continually broadcasting weak but detectable radio signals."

David Sarnoff, president of RCA, speaking before the 7th International Congress on Rheumatic Diseases in New York (June 1, 1949), said, "Men do not understand how their thoughts and emotions are born, and by what power they grow to fruition. Is this force electricity? When we understand each other, is it because we are attuned to each other electrically or electronically? If so, we should learn the electrical characteristics of the human body."

On March 7, 1951, the Miami Herald (FL) printed a UP release from Copenhagen, Denmark, Agricultural expert Herluf Hansen said, "Any mental disturbance is immediately reflected in the pig sty. Keep your temper, talk friendly to your pigs, and caress them. The financial result will be excellent."

The same paper on march 16, 1950, carries this, "If beautiful blondes run away at your approach, if dogs growl at you without explanation, cheer up, maybe it’s not your face after all. Might be your body vibrations."

This is the theory put forward today b y Austrian psychologist Dr Hubert Rochracker, who says, "The human body sends out minute vibrations that, for good or ill, affect all our daily lives."

Norman Hillier of New York, speaking at a convention of the National hair Dressers and Cosmetologists Association in Des Moines, IA, said, "A quarrel with her husband will have repercussions in milady’s hair in five minutes." It reduces the life of a permanent.

The United Press (July 7, 1949) under a Paris dateline quotes two Frenchmen, Jules Clate and Andre Coatrieux, "Every metal and every person, living or dead, sends out short waves of different length. Personal wavelengths are as individual as fingerprints. Eventually we hope to develop it for diagnosing disease."

You are all acquainted with the work of Dr J.B. Rhine of Duke University I extrasensory perception and his study of the mind and the way it can control things. Every doctor has recognized the effect of the emotions upon the physical body. Expression such as "that man gives me a pain" and "this business makes me sick" may be literally true, according to Dr Edward Weiss of Temple University Medical School. "The body has some sort of 'organ language' for the outlet of tense emotions, which mimic almost any disease", said Dr Weiss.

The work of Dr Felix Bloch and his group at Stanford University and by Dr E. M. Purcell and his group at Harvard, the two groups working independently but simultaneously in 1945, confirmed the work of Dr Rabi and carried it further.

Anyone who is interested will find that hardly a week goes by without some press article or technical reference that ties in and touches on some phase of this phenomena.

Eloptic Energy

A form of energy hitherto unknown has been discovered, and a basic patent has been issued covering its use.

The name ELOPTIC has been coined and assigned to the energy. The word is taken from the first two letters of electricity and the word optic, because the energy has some, but not all, of the characteristics of both those forms of energy.

Eloptic energy radiates from or is in some manner given off from, or forms a force field around, everything in our material world under normal conditions at ordinary room temperature and without any treatment of any kind. Each element and combination of elements that make up our material world gives off this energy; however, the energy from each element differs in frequency from the radiation coming from every other element. Thus, we have a means of determining the contents of an unknown material by analyzing the radiations from it without in any way destroying or disturbing the object or material in question, or having to excite it in any manner.

Eloptic energy obeys certain laws just as does electricity, heat and light, and we have uncovered man, but not all, of these laws and have learned much about the utilization of eloptic energy.

Just as electricity in its infancy had few uses because little was known about conductors, insulators, and the laws governing the action of the force, so is the use of eloptic energy today limited only by available technology.

We have barely scratched the surface of the possibilities; however, there are quite a few uses that have been developed and much is already known about the behavior of eloptic energy.

We have identified the radiations from over one-third of the elements of material matter; the ones easily obtained in relatively pure form such as beryllium, carbon, magnesium, aluminum, iron, copper, zinc, silver, tin, tantalum, platinum, gold, lead, bismuth, etc. Carnotite ore has been analyzed for radium and uranium. Many ore samples have been analyzed to determine the various elements contained in them, and the findings have been verified by more extensive chemical, spectrographic or other analytical methods.

Combinations of two or more elements give off a characteristic frequency of radiation by which the combination may be identified. For example, hydrocarbons such as benzene and toluene have been analyzed and the findings verified by spectrographic and chemical analysis.

Each of the tissues of the body give off a characteristic frequency of radiation by which it can be identified and the virility or vitality of the tissue may be determined by noting the intensity of the radiation.

Each disease entity gives off a characteristic emanation by which its presence in the body and something of its virility may be determined.

Eloptic energy can be conducted along light rays, focused with lenses, refracted with a prism and its effect implanted upon photographic film.

An aerial photograph film taken at several hundred thousand feet elevation can be used to determine what was in the objects photographed on the ground, such as people and metals in buildings, cars, etc.

The apparatus can be set for any elements such as iron, a stylus placed on the spot on the film to be analyzed, the energy implanted on the film can be picked up by the stylus, conducted through the instrument, and if there is the eloptic energy of iron on the film it is evident that there was iron on the ground, radiating the characteristic iron frequency even though not visible to the eye.

Plants can be analyzed to determine whether the root, stem, or fruit contains the elements necessary for proper nutrition, such as iron, copper, manganese and other trace elements. The plant or fruit can also be analyzed to determine whether it contains arsenic or other poisons from sprays.

Foods, poisons, drugs, etc., can be checked to determine their effect upon the body or any particular tissue of the body. Those foods or drugs to which a person is allergic and those which are compatible can be quickly identified.

Just as a photograph can hold the emanation of the object photographed, so can a specimen, an article of clothing, a drop of blood, urine or perspiration carry the emanations of the person from whence it came.

Such a specimen will carry all the emanations from all parts of the body of the person from whom the blood was taken. Its emanation and those taken directly from the body of the person will be the same. Thus, many of the characteristics of the person from whom the bloodor clothing came can be determined.

Thus far, only the analytical phase of the utilization of eloptic energy has been discussed, and that only in a very limited way; but it should be evident that eloptic energy has desirable applications in the fields of: (1) Laboratory chemical analysis, (2) Mining, (3) Prospecting, (4) Medicine, (5) Nutrition, (6) Animal husbandry, (7) Horticulture, (8) Military intelligence, (9) Criminology, and (10) General betterment of humanity.

Naturally, as time goes on and research is continued, many additional uses for eloptic energy will be discovered. We already know that eloptic energy can be generated or picked up from a natural source, filtered, amplified and directed into a tissue of the human body, a plant or animal to produce certain desired effects.


When the eloptic energy from an unknown material is caused to refract through a proper prism, it behaves in the same manner as energy from the visible portion of the spectrum, except that the angles of refraction are much more acute.

It must not be inferred that eloptic radiations and visible light and ultraviolet radiations are the same or related because they all may be refracted through the same prism or that the frequencies are related. Eloptic radiations will behave similarly to the radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum in some respects and entirely different in other respects, showing that they are probably not the same energy at all.

For this reason I prefer to call it the Finer Media.

A 31.5° glass prism with an index of refraction of 1.505 was used in one experiment (see circular coordinate chart). Eloptic energy from a number of elements was caused to enter the prism at an angle of incidence of 5.5° .

Using the face of the prism as "0", carbon (element # 6) refracted at an angle of 18.25° to the face of the prism, and bismuth (element # 83) at 48.25°. Later, hydrogen gas was found to refract at 16.45°, a range of 31.8° for 83° of the elements of the material world.

Another arrangement employing a 24° prism with an angle of incidence of 17° showed hydrogen approximately 7° from the face of the prism, and bismuth at 62.3°, or a range of 5.3° for the same 83 elements.

A 19 black plexiglass prism of 1.847 index of refraction with an angle of incidence of 19 allowed bismuth to refract through at approximately 65.7° and carbon at 12.15°. All of the angles were measured with a protractor in a somewhat crude way because of the construction of the apparatus, but they are very close to being correct.

If a 90° arc is drawn with the center at the point of eloptic energy emergence at the face of the prism, between a line projected out in the direction along the face of the prism, it will be found that all of the radiations are refracted out in this quadrant (see Prism Refractor sketch). If the arc of the quadrant is divided into 1600 parts with "0" on the line extending along the face of the prism and 1600 on the line perpendicular to the face of the prism, then it will be found that with a certain apparatus arrangement, one of the isotopes of beryllium (Atomic # 4) refracts through at approximately 186 on the scale and that bismuth (Atomic # 83) refracts through at 1097 on the scale, and all of the other elements and their various isotopes refract through in their proper relationship, the one having the lowest nuclear weight indicating a higher frequency and a more acute angle of refraction, and the one with a heavier nuclear weight indicating a lower frequency and emerging at a less acute angle. The tests show that eloptic energy obeys some of the laws of refraction just as does the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Radiation from the Nuclei of Elements

A series of experiments has been carried out that points rather conclusively to the assumption that the radiation that comes from the various pure elements is from the entire nucleus and not from the planetary electrons or from either the neutrons or the protons alone.

The best obtainable pure specimens of the elements Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron and Nickel were used. Tests were run on Radiation Analyzer # 508. Energy peaks from these elements were measured and the prism dial settings for each peak were noted. A study of the number of energy peaks for the various elements indicated that the number coincided in most case with the number of isotopes of the respective elements.

One important item was that one of the peaks for chromium and one for titanium were very close together; that is, they refracted through the prism at near the same angle. The same for another peak of chromium and one for iron, and another for an iron peak and a nickel peak.

The number of protons in each of the isotopes was multiplied by their individual mass weight of 1.00758 and the number of neutrons were multiplied by their individual mass weight of 1.00894 and the two products added to get a factor representing the differnce in two isotopes of the same nuclear particles but with a different number of neutrons and protons in each nuclei.

Thus, titanium with 22 protons and 28 neutrons has a factor of 50.41708, while chromium with 24 protons and 26 neutrons has a factor of 50.41436, a difference of 0.00272, chromium being the lighter, in nuclear weight.

Titanium = ( 22 x 1.00758 ) + ( 28 x 1.00894 ) = 50.41708
Chromium = (24 x 1.00758 ) + ( 26 x 1.00894 ) = 50.41436
Difference = 0.00272

These factors and the prism dial settings were used to produce the curve shown (Nuclear Weight Factor vs Prism Angle). One outstanding fact noted was that the lighter the factor value, the lower the dial setting or higher the frequency of the emanating energy. Another was the smoothness of the curve. Nearly all points are in proper relationship. Irregularities are probably due to slight variations from a true flat of the prism surface.

While plotting this curve, it was noted that in a few cases, there were apparently too many energy peaks for some of the elements. Further study revealed that there were radioactive isotopes of the so-called man-made variety that would fit into these spots. It had already been noted that known radioactive elements gave a much more violent radiation than the so-called stable variety. Tests were then made on the various isotopes to determine the distance that the radiation, or rather, the force field, seemed to extend out from the specimen. Vanadium showed that the three isotopes radiated 18.5", 5.5", and 15.5" respectively, indicating that apparently the middle one was the stable one and the other two were radioactive. The same thing was done for Iron and the distances were 16.5", 8.5", 17", 13" and 10" respectively. This looked like there might be a discrepancy as there should not be a radioactive isotope at the point of higher degree of radiation. A reference to the percentage of material usually found in the various isotopes showed that the isotope that radiated 17" was the one that runs about 90.2% prevalence. It could be that some of the iron of this weight was radioactive or there might have been some contamination from manganese which has a radioactive isotope of the same weight.

After this same procedure had been followed for all the places where there might be a question, and everything seemed to fall into proper place, it was decided to try it on elements at the heavy end of the list. Bismuth showed four isotopes in a row with radiation distances as follows: 13" for the stable and lightest isotope, and 24.5", 22", and 26", respectively, for the radioactive isotopes. Then a gold link bracelet of very old gold, an heirloom made before the days of so much alloying, was used. The lightest was the stable isotope with a radiation distance of 6", with two others of 12.75" and 14.5" for the two radioactive isotopes.



Molecular Combinations

The field of exploration into molecular combinations is too vast to be covered in this paper. In fact, not enough work has been done to warrant such detail.

The chief chemist of the analytical laboratory of a large corporation learned, through a mutual friend, about some of our work while the patent application was being processed in Washington and were not too anxious to divulge much information, but after several letters we agreed to help him. One of his letters said, "We have recently expanded into a new field of research and some of the problems encountered are giving us a great deal of trouble. Your apparatus may be the answer."

We allowed him to bring his specimens to our laboratory and we spent two days with him, most of the time in getting equipment ready for the tests. Finally, we analyzed the contents of four bottles marked A1, A2, A3, A4. We had no idea beforehand what was in them.

We poured a small quantity of liquid from bottle A1 into a pyrex beaker, placed it in the instrument, and proceeded to "tune in" to all the "broadcasts" that came from the beaker and its contents. Then we did the same for the liquid in bottles A2, A3, and A4. As soon as we had listed the five energy peaks from the empty beaker, six from A1, nine from A2, four from A3and nine from A4, and had charted them with relation to each other, the chemist said, "Now I know my trouble. A1 is a solvent that works fine, A2 is supposed to be the same. Our tests and those of the oil company who sells it to us say it is the same as A1, but it will not work right and is causing us much trouble. It is quite obvious that A2 has been contaminated by A4, which is toluene. A3 is benzene."

The three contaminants marked (*) were in both solvent A2 and toluene. The empty beaker contained oxygen and boron, silicon and calcium, per Corning Glass Company and a separate spectrographic analysis.

He took a copy of our test data back with him, and in about a month he wrote, "We have finished our chemical and spectrographic analyses on the production solvent samples we tested in your laboratory, and I have gone over the data obtained in your laboratory. Toluene has nine characteristic groupings within the molecule, five of these are unique to toluene and four are also found in the benzene molecule. The data from your laboratory is consistent with these facts."


Progress to Date

Think of electricity today and then try to picture Ben Franklin with his first "condenser" charged by electricity from a cloud via a kite string. Perhaps some of you remember seeing in museums some of the early day electrical apparatus and how peculiar it appeared. Remember the first crystal detector wireless set you ever saw, and then look at a modern radio installation.

We are just now learning which materials are conductors and which are insulators of eloptic energy. Our present apparatus is very crude compared with what we expect it to be in a few years with the help of physicists who really want to develop this idea.

Our present method of detection depends upon the sense of touch of the operator and that requires training, just as a chemist, a radio operator, a good cook, an artist, all require training. Some day we will have learned more about eloptic energy so we can get it to ring a bell, light a light, or actuate a meter. Until then, we will be dependent upon present methods.

We have been able to impose eloptic energy upon an electric current and amplify it, but since it is not electricity it alone will not operate electrical devices.

So far we have found nothing that does not lend itself to being analyzed as to its elemental content with the exception of the air around us and those materials of which the apparatus is composed, unless there is a fair quantity available.

Despite some of the limitations and apparent crudity of the apparatus and techniques sofar developed, it can do things in the laboratory in a few minutes that are absolutely impossible or may take long periods of time by chemical analysis. It can quickly point the way for chemical analysis to follow in order to eliminate many of the time-taking tests when an unknown is to be analyzed. It is especially valuable where there is only a small quantity of the material available. A drop of unknown liquid will work better than a gallon. The material to be analyzed is on no way changed or destroyed during the analysis. Only the emanation normally radiating from it are utilized.

We are not chemical engineers, physicists or mathematicians, but we have spent over a quarter of a century observing and experimenting, blindly most of the time, to uncover a force or energy or phenomena, about which there had, until recently, been nothing written that we might follow.

When the US Patent Office issues a basic patent with half a dozen method claims covering the use for analysis of an energy that was not mentioned in any acceptable standard text, it should be quite evident that this is not a wild dream of a disordered mind.

Source: http://www.rexresearch.com/hieronym/1hieron.htm



26th August 2012, 03:24
Inexplicable Superconductor Fractals Hint at Higher Universal Laws
By Brandon Keim


What seemed to be flaws in the structure of a mystery metal may have given physicists a glimpse into as-yet-undiscovered laws of the universe.

The qualities of a high-temperature superconductor — a compound in which electrons obey the spooky laws of quantum physics, and flow in perfect synchrony, without friction — appear linked to the fractal arrangements of seemingly random oxygen atoms.

Those atoms weren’t thought to matter, especially not in relation to the behavior of individual electrons, which exist at a scale thousands of times smaller. The findings, published Aug. 12 in Nature, are a physics equivalent of discovering a link between two utterly separate dimensions.

“We don’t know the theory for this,” said physicist Antonio Bianconi of Rome’s Sapienza University. “We just make the experimental observation that the two worlds seem to interfere.”

Unlike semiconductors, the metals on which modern electronics rely, superconductors allow electrons to pass through without resistance. Rather than bouncing haphazardly, the electrons’ movements are perfectly synchronized. They flow like a fluid, but without viscosity.

For most of the 20th century, this was possible only in certain extremely pure metals at temperatures approaching absolute zero, cold enough to quench all motion but that of quantum particles, which interact with each other in ways that defy the classic laws of space and time.

Then, in the mid-1980s, physicists Karl Muller and Johannes Bednorz discovered a class of ceramic compounds in which superconductivity was possible at much higher temperatures. The temperatures were still hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit below zero, but it wasn’t even thought possible.

Muller and Bednorz soon won a Nobel Prize, but subsequent decades and thousands of researchers have not yielded a theory of high-temperature superconductivity. “High temperatures should destroy the quantum phenomenon,” said Bianconi, who decided to investigate another odd property of these materials: They’re not quite regular. Oxygen atoms roam inside, and assume random positions as they freeze.

“Everyone was looking at these materials as ordered and homogeneous,” said Bianconi. That is not the case — but neither, he found, was the position of oxygen atoms truly random. Instead, they assumed complex geometries, possessing a fractal form: A small part of the pattern resembles a larger part, which in turn resembles a larger part, and so on.

“Such fractals are ubiquitous elsewhere in nature,” wrote Leiden University theoretical physicist Jan Zaanen in an accompanying commentary, but “it comes as a complete surprise that crystal defects can accomplish this feat.”

If what Zaanen described as “surprisingly beautiful” patterns were all Bianconi found, the results would have been striking enough. But they appear to have a function.

In Bianconi’s samples, larger fractals correlated with higher superconductivity temperatures. When the fractal disappeared at a distance of 180 micrometers, superconductivity appeared at 32 degrees Kelvin. When it vanished at 400 micrometers, conductivity went quantum at 42 degrees Kelvin.

At -384 degrees Fahrenheit, that’s still plenty cold, but it’s heading towards the truly high-temperature superconductivity that Bianconi describes as “the dream” of his field, making possible miniature supercomputers that run at everyday temperatures.

However, while the arrangement of oxygen atoms appears to influence the quantum behaviors of electrons, neither Bianconi nor Zaanen have any idea how that could be. That fractal arrangements are seen in so many other systems — from leaf patterns to stock market fluctuations to the frequency of earthquakes — suggests some sort of common underlying laws, but these remain speculative.

According to Zaanen, the closest mathematical description of superconductive behavior comes from something called “Anti de Sitter space / Conformal Field Theory correspondence,” a subset of string theory that attempts to describe the physics of black holes.

That’s a dramatic connection. But as Zaanen wrote, “This fractal defect structure is astonishing, and there is nothing in the textbooks even hinting at an explanation.”

Source: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/08/superconductor-fractals/

26th August 2012, 03:31

Video Description from YouTube:

The Measurement Problem and the Double Slit Experiment.
In this fascinating interview, physicist Tom Campbell, formerly with and now a consultant for NASA and other agencies, discusses the current problems facing the scientific community's search for a Grand Unified Theory of Everything. String theory, holography, zero-point field theory, and other vogue models have failed to produce any significant results other than speculation, conjecture, and contradiction-hampered popular films such as 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' While Campbell doesn't merely criticize these theories, he offers a fresh interpretation of the root of the problem: the Double Slit Experiment.

Campbell also discusses information theory, virtual reality, process fractals, the quantum erasure experiments, video games, and the unavoidably primary role of conscious observers within our reality.

Through what he calls the data base, he also discusses accessing the Larger Consciousness System, explaining that past life access can be a valuable tool.

Tom has excelled as a working scientist, a professional physicist dedicated to pushing back the frontiers of cutting edge technology, large-system simulation, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis.

26th August 2012, 03:43
Giant Veil of "Cold Plasma" Discovered High Above Earth
by Dave Mosher

Clouds of "cold plasma" reach from the top of Earth's atmosphere to at least a quarter the distance to the moon, according to new data from a cluster of European satellites.

Earth generates cold plasma—slow-moving charged particles—at the edge of space, where sunlight strips electrons from gas atoms, leaving only their positively charged cores, or nuclei.

(Find out how cold plasma might also help explain why Mars is missing its atmosphere.)

Researchers had suspected these hard-to-detect particles might influence incoming space weather, such as this week's solar flare and resulting geomagnetic storm. That's because solar storms barrage Earth with similar but high-speed charged particles.

Still, no one could be certain what the effects of cold plasma might be without a handle on its true abundance around our planet.

"It's like the weather forecast on TV. It's very complicated to make a reasonable forecast without the basic variables," said space scientist Mats André, of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics.

"Discovering this cold plasma is like saying, Oh gosh, there are oceans here that affect our weather," he said.

(Related: "Warm Plasma Cloak' Discovered Enveloping Earth." (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/01/090107-warm-plasma-cloak.html))

The Trick to Finding Cold Plasma

Researchers already knew that some cold plasma existed in the ionosphere, about 60 miles (100 kilometers) above Earth's surface. But few researchers had looked for the clouds between 12,400 and 60,000 miles (20,000 and 100,000 kilometers) high.

(Also see "Pictures: Giant Walls of Plasma Seen on Sun." (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/11/pictures/111117-sun-walls-plasma-science-space/))

André and his colleague Chris Cully suspected the plasma could be out there, but they knew the positive charge of spacecraft wasn't helping any search efforts.

Similar to the way cold plasma is created, sunlight strips electrons from spacecraft materials, making their hulls positively charged. Like two matching magnetic poles, a spacecraft would simply repulse any cold plasma around it.

To find the stuff, André and Cully instead analyzed anomalies in data from the European Space Agency's Cluster II spacecraft.

This group of four satellites swings around Earth in a highly elliptical orbit. At the orbit's peak, the probes reach nearly halfway to the moon.

The enormous distance gives researchers a chance to sweep through and monitor Earth's magnetic field and electrical activity, including the influence of "hot" charged particles emitted by the sun.

Anomalies in the Cluster II data turned out to be shockwaves from cold plasma particles moving around the satellites.

Cold Plasma a Space Weather "Elephant"

In the end, the pair found that cold plasma makes up between 50 and 70 percent of all charged particles within the farther reaches of Earth's magnetic field.

(Related: "Mini Magnetic Shield Found on the Moon." (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100414-moon-magnetosphere-solar-wind/))

André says it's now time to start updating space-weather models to take the extra cold plasma into account—at this point, for instance, nothing is known about how the plasma might affect solar storms.

This influence is "not a minor thing in space weather," André said. "It's an elephant in the room."

Source: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/01/120126-solar-storm-cold-plasma-earth-space-science/

26th August 2012, 04:17
Are We Living Inside a Brain?
by Jay Alfred


In the 1930s and onwards, neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield developed a surgical procedure for epileptics in which he operated on a patient’s exposed brain while the patient remained fully conscious. When an electrode was placed on the patient’s temporal lobe, the patient had a complete flashback to an episode from earlier in his life. (Applying the electrode to other parts of the brain did not produce this.) The scenes always moved forward, and only forward. If music was involved, this followed the precise original tempo; the full score of which the patients would be able to hum with total accuracy — much as an autistic savant would be able to reproduce music with almost complete accuracy — like a recording on a video or compact disc.

Penfield, in his book The Mystery of the Mind recounted, “They were electrical activations of the sequential record of consciousness, a record that had been laid down during the patient's earlier experience. The patient ‘re-lived’ all that he had been aware of in that earlier period of time as in a moving-picture 'flashback'.” He said, "Each time I re-stimulated, she heard the melody again. It began at the same place and went on from chorus to verse." Penfield concluded that the brain stores everything its owner has ever experienced in its original form. The flash-backs seemed to play themselves out in their proper order like scenes in a movie. "Since the electrode may activate a random sample of this strip from the distant past," he reasoned, "and since the most unimportant and completely forgotten periods of time may appear in this sampling, it seems reasonable to suppose that the record is complete and that it does include all periods of each individual's waking conscious life".

The brain’s temporal lobe (particularly in the right hemisphere) has also been implicated in near-death experiences where "life reviews" occur. Life reviews have been described as viewing a movie, a video, a vivid 3d color display of a person’s entire life or segments of it. Some have described it as viewing a 3d hologram of a person’s life in full color, sound, and scent. The scenes can go into a preview mode, viewing scenes in little bursts; at random, skipping from one scene to another; in fast-forward mode, viewing scenes at a tremendous speed; or in slow-motion or paused, in order to focus on a particular detail. This is similar to the “Penfield movies” described above.

The movie-like record of experiences that Penfield observed is also identical to what has been observed and recounted by readers of the “Akashic records”, including metaphysicists and mediums. These records include the autobiographical memories of others and accumulated knowledge on specific subject matters. Metaphysicists hold the view that the Akashic records are memories encoded in space. (“Akasha” in Sanskrit means “space”.) But how exactly could these memories be encoded in space? The purpose of this article is to provide a physical model of how this can happen.

Neural Networks in Space?

There is mounting evidence that the “ordinary matter” that is currently familiar to physicists makes up less than 5% of the universe. More than 25% of the universe is composed of what is called “dark” (or invisible) matter. Astronomers have detected a vast network or web of filaments, composed of dark matter, which provides the scaffolding for the large-scale structure of the Universe. Using NASA's X-ray satellite observatory, Chandra, these filaments were found stretching for millions of light years through space, with one passing through our own galaxy. These invisible filaments of dark matter are detected only because higher density ordinary matter tends to accumulate and condense in them through gravitational attraction. The ordinary matter generates ordinary electromagnetic radiation that can be measured by scientists.

The visible galaxies in the universe are therefore not isolated and disconnected but appear as nodes (with embedded vortexes) at the junctions where filaments cross. According to the European Southern Observatory (ESO), "All recent computer-simulations of the early universe have one prediction in common: the first large-scale structures to form in the young universe are long filaments connected at their ends in nodes. The models typically look like a three-dimensional spider's web, and resemble the neural structure of a brain." The appearance of this web bears an uncanny resemblance to a cross-section of the brain packed with networks of neurons.

Neural Networks in the Human Brain

There are more than a 100 billion neurons in the human brain. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body in many ways but there is one key difference: Unlike other cells, neurons have specialized extensions emanating from their cell bodies, called axons and dendrites, which are designed to transmit and receive information. Neurons maintain different concentrations of positive ions (charged particles) across their cell membranes giving rise to potential differences (and resulting voltages) which change with chemical activities. A cycle of electrical depolarization, hyper-polarization and then repolarization allows neurons to fire action potentials in rapid bursts in a specific direction along the axon. Beside neurons, there are also ten times more “glial cells” in the human brain. These cells provide the scaffolding in which neurons are held together. According to Peter Russell, these cells act as liquid crystals which resonate with ambient electrical fields. This allows them to detect faint electrical currents and amplify them several thousand times in the same way that transistors do.

The current most popular theory of memory formation in neuroscience states that networks of neurons forming different patterns provide the physical basis for memory. This theory was provided by Donald Hebb, who explains memory as a process of reactivating the same pattern of neurons that were activated at the time of the original experience. Thinking of ice cream activates one network of neurons in the brain, while thinking of rats fires up an entirely different network with a different pattern or structure. Experiences change the anatomy or strucutre of these neural networks. Different structures represent different memories. According to “Hebb’s rule” the repeated activation of the same network strengthens the connections between the neurons in the network. These strengthened networks form the biological substrate of memories. If there are infrequent firings, the connections weaken from the lack of stimulation and gradually disappear. In other words, repeated stimulation of the same networks is necessary for memories to form.

While this explains the experiences of “ordinary memory” for most of us, we know from the study of autistic savants that they are able to spontaneously recall prodigious amounts of information from just one encounter with the stimulus, even decades after the event, with photographic clarity. There appears to be no need for rehearsal, reinforcement or repeated stimulation to strengthen synapses. How does Hebb’s rule fit into all this? This suggests a different type of memory mechanism or a different substrate which allows for almost immediate long term potentiation to take place alongside “ordinary memory”. This rapidity could fit better with the workings of an "electronic brain".

Neural Networks in Space Plasma

According to the author’s Dark Plasma Theory, much of dark matter is in the form of magnetic plasmas of exotic particles i.e. dark plasma. A filamentary network is both a signature feature of invisible dark matter and magnetic plasma. Mitua Uehara and his colleagues have suggested that plasma physics should be considered a part of biological investigation, stating that "Plasma physics can be useful in the investigation of the physical properties of living cells. Concepts like charge neutrality, Debye length, and double layer are very useful to explain the electrical properties of a cellular membrane". The concept of “plasma biology” and the recent finding of a web of dark matter filaments in space then allow us to think of a filamentary network of currents that could serve as a substrate for the encoding of memories in space.

According to Dark Plasma Theory, dark matter filaments in space are the result of plasma dynamics. This would mean that currents of charged dark matter particles are coursing through these filaments. (This charge is a feature of dark, not ordinary, electromagnetism. Dark electromagnetism is a counterpart of ordinary electromagnetism and is allowed in modern physical theories. Dark matter, in itself, does not interact with ordinary electromagnetism.) Furthermore, these currents form patterned networks, just like neural networks in the brain.

Spiked increases and decreases in current flow would serve as signals through the network. Over time, tiny filamentary currents grow into larger filaments if signals are sent through these channels more frequently, strengthening the connections in the network. In others, where activation is less frequent, the current decreases and the connections cease. This activity generates Hebbian-like networks (much like in human brains) to form in dark plasma.

Negative currents are inhibitory and positive currents are excitatory. The summation of these currents at the nodes provides a net charge which will “fire” to propagate a positive or negative charge forwards to alter the structure of the network. Furthermore, when output currents are fed back as input currents over various timeframes, causing loops to occur, they construct associative memories in the network which self-organizes through adaptive resonance and learns. In this way memories are encoded in the dark matter in the space around us as in the gray and white matter within our brains, in the different patterns of fliaments and nodes in specific networks. Human brains which intercept and link to these networks generate images and sounds associated with the memories.

The human brain contains mainly chemical synapses with few electrical synapses. Signaling at electrical synapses is much more rapid than across chemical synapses. These synapses are often found in neural systems that require the fastest possible response, such as in defensive reflexes. It is hypothesized that the neural networks in dark plasma terminate at electrical synapses. We would therefore expect memories to be encoded much more rapidly in dark plasma, allowing rapid long term potentiation and encoding of photographic-like memories.

Earth’s Brain – the Dark Noosphere

Teilhard de Chardin views the noosphere as the “collective consciousness” of human-beings which emerges from the interaction of human minds on Earth and is enriched as the population of human beings on Earth increases. According to Dark Plasma Theory the visible Earth sits inside a Jupiter-sized dark plasma sphere which is similar in size and shape to Earth’s magnetosphere. The dark magnetic plasma generates filaments which synapse at nodes (with embedded vortexes) which are the analogues of the axons/dendrites and cell bodies in a human brain. These filaments in Earth’s brain have also been identified as “ley lines” and the vortexes as “sacred sites” or portals in the general metaphysical literature. As in the cosmic brain, the Earth's (dark electromagnetic) brain provides a suitable infrastructure for the rapid encoding of memories. Dark plasma, unlike ordinary plasma, is long-lived even at room temperatures. This is due to several factors, including the observation that the exotic particles making up the magnetic plasma, as theorized in Dark Plasma Theory, are of similar mass. This allows the ionization energy of the particles to be much lower.

The Akashic records that have been accessed by various readers of the human species are fairly recent memories encoded in Earth’s brain. According to metaphysicist, Charles Leadbeater, when the observer is not focusing on them, the Akashic records simply form the background to whatever is going on – “reflecting the mental activity of a greater consciousness on a far higher plane which is accessible to us”. Observing the dynamic and visual Akashic records would be like watching a larger brain's movie from a distance. We inhabit this much larger brain and are encoding memories not only within our own biochemical brain but within this dark noosphere. This encoding process in Earth’s brain may be taking place during REM (Rapid Eye Motion) sleep via the left hemisphere of the brain and through the bioplasma body interface when our carbon-based body undergoes paralysis allowing our bioplasma body to decouple from it to communicate more freely with the dark neural networks that we are embedded in. This facilitates long term memory consolidation. Resonance between similar circuits in the human brain and Earth’s brain may also play a part in reinforcing memories.

Most of the memories of the human species are encoded within a few kilometers of the Earth’s crust i.e. within what can be described as the “geocortex”. These include autobiographical memories of individuals and various cognitive maps. In the wider space, memories of body maps of life forms, which play an important role in morphogenesis and the evolution of the species, may also be encoded. Associative memory ensures that thoughts relating to the same subject matter are agglutinated – resulting in libraries, databases and specific types of environments – as recounted by readers of the Akashic records and ensures that “like attracts like”. Both heaven and hell may be accessed through association pathways in Earth's brain. No doubt, this is also the physical substrate which forms the basis of Carl Jung's "collective unconscious" and the Buddhist “alaya” or storehouse of memories.

But aren’t the Akashic Records in the Brain?

At this point the reader may be justified in asking, “Is there really a need to hypothesize another brain for the encoding of memories when the biochemical brain itself can provide sufficient complexity to encode practically all memories, given its billions of neurons and trillions of connections?” Firstly, a theory of a larger brain is required because Hebb’s rule does not explain the immediate encoding of prodigious amounts of information in the absence of repeated stimulation and the automated, photographic quality of the memories during recall episodes in humans. A non-biochemical substrate is therefore suspected. Secondly, the biochemical brain cannot account for certain types of memories, principally detailed memories of remote places and autobiographical memories of other persons which are routinely uncovered by forensic psychics, mediums, sensitives and remote viewers. Thirdly, recent experiments have shown that correlated neural signals may be detected by fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans and EEG (ElectroEncephaloGram) readings in the brains of subjects who are physically isolated from each other. Fourthly, the source of human genius is currently still not very well understood in scientific studies. It is often ascribed to an external source by the geniuses themselves. Fifthly, intelligence is routinely exhibited by life forms with either no brains or very little “gray matter”. How is that possible if the biochemical brain is the sole provider of intelligence and storehouse of our memories?

EEG and fMRI Correlations in Physically Isolated Subjects

Experiments have been conducted which show correlations between EEG readings of human experimental subjects who act as “senders” and “receivers”. More recently these correlations were also observed using fMRI brain scans. There are now six published fMRI psi studies, five of which report significant findings. In one experiment, discussed by Dean Radin, light was flashed at the sender on one end. The receiver, who was inside a nosiy fMRI machine, showed activity in the occipital lobe (in the primary and secondary visual cortex) which correlated with the flashes of light. 20 studies of EEG and fMRI correlations have been discussed by Robert Charman. He concludes that there is evidence that direct communication between physically separated human brains can and does occur.

Furthermore, Radin’s analysis of RNG (Random Number Generator) experiments showed strong evidence for attenuation due to distance between sender and receiver. He therefore belives that psi is not completely independent of distance. He cites Fiona Steinkamp’s analysis of ESP card guessing tests which also found a decline in effect sizes with increasing distance. The effect of distance on effect sizes cannot be accounted for by “quantum entaglement” models of telepathy which require immediate correlations and would be unaffected by distance. Furthermore, these models, strictly speaking, do not allow actual information transfer.

However, the dark neural networks discussed in this article require that there be a time difference for signals to propagate and attenuation in effect sizes. If Earth’s brain was mediating the transfer of signals from one human brain to another, it will have to span a distance. The time taken for the transfer, althogh still fairly rapid, will take some time – possibly a fraction of a second for short distances and a longer time for signals travelling from one continent to another. The effect sizes would be expected to be attenuated. Unlike ordinary electromagnetic currents, the dark currents generated between senders and receivers will not be affected by electromagnetic shielding during an experiment as dark matter, in itself, will not electromagnetically interact with such a shield.

The Global Conscsiousness Project uses RNGs all over the world to record any apparently non-random movements during major news events. It was noted that prior to certain events, the RNG data would spike. The biggest spike was seen about two hours before the first 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre.

This provides some evidence of mass presentiment (i.e. unconscious precognition) indicating that human brains are tapping into a larger brain or neural network which processes time in a different and more expansive way.

These recent scientific studies provide persuasive evidence that there are deep invisible interconnections between human brains which are physically separated. This article proposes that Earth’s brain has been the silent and invisible intermediary between these physically separated human brains.

Psychics, Mediums, Clairvoyants and Mystics

The role of forensic psychics in fighting baffling crimes appears to be growing. These psychics (who are really acting as mediums) often feel the pain of the victim in specific parts of their body and in some cases viewed the crime scene from the victim’s or attacker’s point of view i.e. through the "eyes" of the deceased victim or assailant. In other words they were retrieving the autobiographical memories of the victims and attackers from some unknown source. Observing a medium like Lisa Williams during a “reading” shows her not only recalling the deceased’ intimate autobiographical memories as if she was somehow operating from within that individual’s brain but, most notably, also feeling the physical pain that the deceased suffered – whether it was due to a disease like cancer or a gun shot wound at specific sites in her body which correlates accurately with independent information.

Paramahansa Yogananda, a modern mystic, recounts how his consciousness, while in meditation, was transferred to a captain of a sinking ship far away. He lived the harrowing experiences of the captain for several minutes. Then, as the dying captain slipped into unconsciousness, consciousness was transferred back to Yogananda. In other words, he lived another person’s experience. Many cases like this have been routinely reported and documented.

These readings by mediums or psychics are similar in nature to readings of the Akashic records, the “Penfield movies” or the experience of undergoing a life review during a near-death experience. Persons undergoing a life review during a near death experience often feel the emotions of others who are affected by their actions (which would otherwise be unknown to them). For example, a pilot during a war experienced the pain and anguish of a whole village when he unleashed his bombs on them. This can happen if the life review emanates from a higher brain centre which has access to the autobiographical memories of numerous other persons, many of whom may be unknown to the subject until the life review, but are linked in Earth’s brain through association pathways. Although “mirror neurons” in the brain allows us to experience the emotions of others, the detailed nature of these experiences and the new information generated would suggest a genuine extra-cranial process, mediated by Earth’s brain.

Remote Viewing and Creativity

In "group consciousness", telepathy and remote viewing, the Earth's "neural networks" are actively used by participants.

According to Melvin Morse, “Remote viewing doesn’t involve actually seeing something as much as it involves processing information through our right temporal lobe from the patterns of information contained in the universe”. These patterns of information are the neuronal networks in dark plasma within which the visible Earth is embedded. This is one method that remote viewers may employ. Harman and Rheingold believe that the research on remote viewing suggests that "the creative/intuitive mind could be getting information in ways other than from the lifelong learning of the person". Many discoveries, scientific and artistic ideas come about when scientists or artists are not actively thinking about them. Where does this intelligence emanating from below our conscious radar come from?

Paranormal Imprints

According to the paranormal literature, ghosts sometimes do not appear to be conscious. They are completely oblivious to observers, and always look and act the same – almost like in a “Penfield movie” or memory being replayed or relived over and over again. These are called "imprints" or "residual hauntings" in the paranormal literature. Events that trigger them include fights, murders, rapes, kidnappings, or wars. Famous examples of imprints include the many Civil War Battlefields across the United States. In the battlefields of Gettysburg Pennsylvania the roar of cannon fire and the sounds of gunshots can often be heard in the evening hours. The smell of gun powder can also sometimes be detected in and around the road where fierce fighting took place for many hours during the Battle of Antietam in Sharpsburg Maryland.

Paranormal researchers believe that imprints occur when a vast amount of paranormal energy is left behind and is replayed time after time at the same location. However, it is still not clearly understood how these "energy imprints" take place. Some popular theories include the notions that the building materials "soak up the energy" of the location and replay these stored energies at a later time or it is energy stored in the atmosphere which is activated by changes in the atmosphere.

According to Dark Plasma Theory "imprints" in the paranormal literature are memories encoded in Earth’s dark geocortex. They are triggered because of interactions between our brains and the Earth's brain. When a person intrudes into a location in Earth's brain in which a part of a memory is encoded, the associative memories are activated and replayed – much like what happened when memories were activated and replayed by Penfield when he applied an electrode to specific locations in his patients' brains. However, most of the time these activated memories remain in our subconscious - only a powerful memory (usually endowed with strong emotions) in the Earth's brain can surface in our conscious awareness making us see and hear the scenes. Genuine mediums and sensitives, however, may sense Earth's memories and are conscious of the replays more often than others.

The Mystery of Prayer

When a person prays, signals are sent from his or her brain to different parts of the “association cortex” in Earth’s brain depending to whom the prayer is directed to. If it is directed to a well-known deity, the relevant associative memories, generated by human brains over the ages and found in fairly localized regions in the Earth’s brain with respect to that deity, are activated. Signals are then projected out through the pathways in Earth’s brain and received by individuals who are also focusing on the same target and who may become participants of the intention of the prayer. Distant healing may also use such a process.

Animal Intelligence

Butterflies have more photo-receptors in their visual system than we do, making their visual systems much better than ours in certain respects. However, while we have a big occipital lobe in our brains to process visual information the butterfly does a superior job with brains that are mere specks two millimeters in size. Scientists have no clue as to how they do it. Plants and amoeba go about their complex activities without having brains. The brainless single-celled slime mould solves mazes every time it is tested. Where is this intelligence and information processing power coming from? Mother Earth? The life-forms lower down the evolutionary chain (with no or tiny brains) may often be using non-local intelligence to compensate for deficits in their biological cognitive system. Autistic savants, whose brains are impaired, may also use this non-local intelligence to compensate for deficits.

Autistic Savants and Missing Brains

Neuroscientists believe that autistic savants have access to regions in the brain that function like supercomputers. But where is this supercomputer located…in our wet biomolecular brain?

Across the world, there are hundreds of cases of people with hydrocephalus - a condition where large cavities form in the brain. There are also hundreds of cases where people have either been born with an underdeveloped brain, or have had large areas of their brain damaged in an accident or remove in surgery. Nevertheless, many of them function normally. Some scientists believe that the remaining cortex takes over the functions once provided by the removed cortex. However, this explanation becomes questionable especially in cases where hardly any brain is left in the cranium. There is cynicism even among neurologists.

Some neuroscientists claim that, perhaps, we have underestimated the work of the deep sub-cortical structures in the brain. However, neuroscientists have studied the sub-cortical structures intensively and there appears to be no evidence currently that these structures in a normal brain can actually perform the cognitive functions currently attributed to the cortex. Instead of sub-structures we have to turn our attention to super-structures. We need to look at the supercortical structures which interface with Earth’s dark noosphere.

Invisible Supercortical Structures and Meta-Neurology

Penfield noted, during his surgical experiments, that his patients, while reliving their memories, can distinguish between their current experience and the vivid memories that they were recalling. In other words, they experienced two “streams of consciousness” and knew that they were observing their memories. They firmly believed it was not them but the surgeon who was generating the flashbacks. This led Penfield, a highly experienced neurosurgeon, to come to the conclusion that the mind was separate from the brain and was supported by a “different form of energy”.

According to Dark Plasma Theory our carbon-based bodies are intimately linked to a series of invisible bodies composed of dark plasma that co-evolved with our visible bodies over millions of years. These dark bioplasma bodies and their brains act as the interface between Earth’s brain and the biological brain. The biological brain is therefore supported by an invisible superstructure, composed of dark matter, which develops during life. This invisible superstructure comprises a complex of subtle (dark) electromagnetic bodies, which are capable of transmitting and receiving information from non-local sources within Earth’s brain. The study of these invisible structures and their interactions with the physical-biomolecular brain are the subject of a field that the author described as “meta-neurology” in 2006.

The electromagnetic nature of the subtle body makes it a better candidate to carry-out the complex calculations and recall that savants have, with the help of Earth’s brain. A "photographic" recall, CD-like audio recall, fast calculations and video player-operations such as "fast-forwarding" and "rewinding" suggest an electromagnetic substrate which can be found in our dark subtle bioplasma bodies.

In certain diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer’s disease, circuits that are required to record the incoming signals from supercortical structures may also be damaged. Hence, while there is access to Earth’s brain, there is no ability to recall the information, particularly in waking consciousness. The biological damage, however, does not extend to the supercortical structures (as they are composed of different types of matter that only weakly interact). At death the undamaged bioplasma body decouples from the carbon-based body and lives within the dark noosphere – giving it the ability to interact with Earth’s brain even more directly, diluting the sense of being an isolated individual.

Internalization of the Universe and Individuation

It is theorized that as brains evolve (in particular, the neocortex) and become larger (in proportion to the body) the more the life-form gets cut-off from non-local intelligence and has to rely on local intelligence in the brains housed within their bodies. Human beings, in particular, have become increasingly estranged from non-local intelligence. We create our own universes within our brains which compete with information coming from Earth’s brain for our conscious attention.

However, evolution may have stepped in to correct this. The prefrontal and temporal lobes in the human brain underwent the most significant development during the evolution of Homo sapiens. The right temporal lobe in the human brain (or metaphorically, the “East Gate”) could have evolved more significantly in Homo sapiens to circumvent complete blockage to Earth’s brain to give our species an evolutionary advantage, specifically, unprecedented creativity in the animal kingdom.

On the one hand, the memories generated by our experiences are relayed into Earth's brain through the left hemisphere probably during REM sleep. On the other hand, we reconnect with Earth’s brain when certain neural processes or circuits in our brains break down or is “switched off” intentionally (as in meditation, induced trances and the ingestion of psychoactive drugs) or unintentionally (as in reverie or brain damage due to accidents or medical conditions such as brain lesions, tumors and biochemical imbalances) while others are “switched on” in the right hemisphere (in particular the temporal lobe) to record the experiences and enable conscious recall. Hence, neural signals from the biological brain are output from the left hemisphere into the bioplasma interface which is then transmitted to Earth’s brain while input signals from Earth’s brain arrive via the bioplasma interface to the right hemisphere.

Direct and Indirect Readings

Currents form quite readily in plasma following lines of least resistance and magnetic field lines. During a direct reading of the Akashic records a current is generated in the brain of the reader’s bioplasma body which connects as a cord to Earth’s brain allowing information to be streamed across. (This is similar to the “silver cord”, frequently reported by Out-of-Body experiencers, that connects the physical-dense body to the bioplasma body.) The low density currents do not become “entangled” like copper wires as they can easily pass through each other just as collisionless dark matter objects pass through each other. In a sense, this is like connecting to the internet, except that we are connecting to a much larger and older net – the “Gaia-net” or the G-Net.

During an indirect reading, a medium like Lisa Williams will generate a current that will manifest as a cord which attaches her bioplasma body to the bioplasma body of the deceased. In this case, it is the deceased who is accessing his or her own autobiographical memories from the Akashic records and transferring them to the medium. This is confirmed by Lisa’s eye movements during the reading which alternates between looking outwards to some “spirit” in the environment and looking downwards (as though listening or viewing introspectively from her mind’s eye).

Different Brains, Different Realities

Different brains generate different “worlds”. On the one hand, this means that each person who accesses Earth’s brain would contextualize the information received (in his or her brain) in terms of his or her own understanding and expectations. On the other hand, it also means that Earth’s brain does not process inputs in exactly the same way as human brains. Hence, an individual’s memories may be modulated by Earth’s brain. Furthermore, Earth’s brain may construct space and time differently. This supports the claim by some that the information received in precognitive dreams (i.e. dreams relating to a future event) is ultimately derived from the Akashic records which are encoded in Earth’s geocortex. The networks of currents in the brains of life-forms are an integral part of the network of currents in Earth's brain. In other words, each living brain is a functioning module or nucleus in Earth’s brain.

We are the Eyes and Ears of Gaia

If Earth has a brain then how does it obtain its sensory inputs? This it does by generating life-forms. The myriad of life-forms (including human beings) on Earth are in fact the many eyes and ears of Gaia. It is in the interest of Gaia to generate life-forms so that it can see, hear, taste, touch and smell and become aware of itself. Gaia does not only possess a biological body but is an entity that thinks, dreams and remembers. Her memories can be accessed by the Rain Man in all of us. These include the autobiographical memories of every person who has ever lived on this planet. Your life’s memories are not solely yours – it is also Gaia’s and the rest of humanity’s.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2009

Source: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/column.php?id=173727

Here is a list of other articles by Jay Alfred: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/columnindex.php?cat=Jay%2BAlfred

26th August 2012, 04:24
From Plasma Crystals and Helical Structures Towards Inorganic Living Matter

Tsytovich, V. N.; Morfill, G. E.; Fortov, V. E.; Gusein-Zade, N. G.; Klumov, B. A.; Vladimirov, S. V.

New Journal of Physics, Volume 9, Issue 8, pp. 263 (2007).

Complex plasmas may naturally self-organize themselves into stable interacting helical structures that exhibit features normally attributed to organic living matter. The self-organization is based on non-trivial physical mechanisms of plasma interactions involving over-screening of plasma polarization. As a result, each helical string composed of solid microparticles is topologically and dynamically controlled by plasma fluxes leading to particle charging and over-screening, the latter providing attraction even among helical strings of the same charge sign. These interacting complex structures exhibit thermodynamic and evolutionary features thought to be peculiar only to living matter such as bifurcations that serve as 'memory marks', self-duplication, metabolic rates in a thermodynamically open system, and non-Hamiltonian dynamics. We examine the salient features of this new complex 'state of soft matter' in light of the autonomy, evolution, progenity and autopoiesis principles used to define life. It is concluded that complex self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter that may exist in space provided certain conditions allow them to evolve naturally.

Source: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007NJPh....9..263T



26th August 2012, 06:42


Schumann Resonances

This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952. Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the electromagnetic spectrum beginning at 3 Hz and extend to 60 Hz, and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.86 (fundamental), 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances

26th August 2012, 13:37
vivek i just caught wind of this thread and it is sooo right up my ally, in terms of what i want to focus on.. thanx for the info.. i pre-thanked a couple posts as i flick through. i know they will be worth it.
going to have to save it all though and go through it over time.. cheers mate..

another thing that finds a question in me is the storage of everything we have done in our lives.. the universe has to back it up for us right? whatever we are connected to in an energetic way has to store our thoughts somehow.. and would it be the faster than light communication that most people are searching for?
and it holds our past and maybe our future, ah the mind starts going of in all directions at this point.

26th August 2012, 18:02
I've been thinking about this the last week or so. I've read what other people think the pineal gland is, and it's great and all - but it still smacks of "beyond my grasp." I understand what they are saying about it, but the way the spiritual aspects about it are explained seems "magical" or too "mysterious" to be practical for me to understand how it interacts with the physics and biology of what we observe and experience as reality. It's difficult to relate to the these vague aspects of it's function without subjectively interpreting the phenomena as mystical. So, re-thinking about what it is and how it might function, I have some ideas.


Breaking it down into it's constituent parts

The pineal gland primarily consists of:

Glial Cells
Calcite Microcrystals

The popular belief is that the pineal gland contains rods and cones, like the retina. This is not completely true. The pinealocytes in the gland have organelles called synaptic ribbons. The proteins that make up these synaptic ribbons are encoded by the CRX gene. This gene is only expressed in photoreceptor cells, bipolar cells, and pinealocytes. That's it. Ribbon synapses allow for the processing of complex electromagnetic information. In the retina the rods and cones receive an array of electromagnetic information from our environment, and the ribbon synapses "catch" this information effectively enough for us to be able to see the visible spectrum of light. Rods and cones are in the retina, not the pineal gland. Synaptic ribbons are a feature of rods and cones, and it's this characteristic that pinealocytes share with rods and cones.

Why would the pineal gland have cells with these "high-level processors" (ribbon synapses)? Here's where it gets cool. The gland is innervated by neurons from the sympathetic nervous system. They come from four ganglia: superior cervical ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion ganglia, otic ganglia, and trigeminal ganglion. Those terms sound very technical, but crudely these ganglia relate to (among many other things, but this is for conceptual simplicity) touch, smell, hearing, and taste.

So now we have pathways of information between four senses, and the fifth sense is covered by these pinealocytes - a cousin of the photoreceptor cells in the retina.

Okay, now the calcite micro crystals.

Properties of Calcite

Calcite exhibits a property known as birefringence, or double refraction. It splits a beam of light. Calcite crystals act as beam splitters.


Beam splitters are also used in holographic interferometry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_interferometry) and laser interferometry (usually with glass and silver film).


Scientist use this technique to analyze information about a beam of light. The beam is split into two parts and those parts are superimposed on each other, creating an interference pattern.


The pattern is examined and compared with the other patterns of the beam, and information is then garnered about the light.


That's laser interferometry. There's also electronic speckle pattern interferometry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_speckle_pattern_interferometry).

Calcite crystals are also piezoelectric. This means that under mechanical stress, they will produce an electric charge.


Quartz crystal is also piezoelectric. Quartz watches take advantage of this feature, and push button ignitors in gas stoves utilize quartz as well to create an electric spark.

Piezoelectric crystals are used in crystal oscillators (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_oscillator).

Another possibility for the pineal gland is that it could function similar to a capacitor.


The micro crystals would act as insulators and the synaptic ribbons would be the conductors. After a days worth of thinking we need to sleep to "recharge".

Another factor is DNA, it acts as an antenna (see links in 2nd half of this post (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542946&viewfull=1#post542946)) and it is a dielectric, and of course it is present in the pineal gland. It is tightly coiled in the cell so could it act as an inductor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductor)?



If so there would be all of the parts (crystals, inductors, capacitors) necessary for an oscillator circuit (http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/oscillator2.htm). I mean, how cool is that?

Another very interesting feature is that the orientation of micro crystals, when in a liquid medium, is highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields. This property is utilized in Liquid Crystal Diode (Display) televisions.


Tying it Together

The brain produces an electromagnetic field. When we have a certain thought or experience there are little EM fields in our brain. This could effect the phase (orientation) of these calcite micro crystals in our pineal gland. Now they are in a unique orientation and when information from the neurons enter the gland they are split and refracted in ways unique to that orientation. The resultant interference patterns (very complex) are picked up by the synaptic ribbons of the pinealocytes and sent back to other parts of the brain where it is processes the uniquely reconstructed information. People interpret things in different ways, right?

This loop could be what makes us able to reflect and think for ourselves. It's a feed back loop.

The thought or experience would have a very subtle, unique electromagnetic signature. This signature could be packaged as a memory in the hippocampus. When it is "unpacked" the micro crystals assume that specific orientation, and the data is "seen" in the minds eye, and, because of the sympathetic "sensory" neural innervations of the pineal gland, the memory is "re-experienced". Certain smells or sounds trigger different memories. Cool to think about anyway.

Holographically, a thought - being an orientation of micro crystals diffracting light in a unique manner - may actually imprint the aether (just like light imprints a film in holography) and it could be stored in the earth's plasmosphere.

Esoterically, this would be the Akashic Records.

These mechanisms could also provide the basis for a scientific explanation of phenomena like telepathy. The phase of certain people's pineal crystals could be sensitive enough to pick up another persons EM field.

There is also something called brain sand in the pineal gland. It's calcification. Could account for degenerative memory (not wholly) with age and you know when people are "stuck in their ways" - well that could be the equivalent of "screen burn". The liquidity of the medium the micro crystals are "suspended" in becomes more and more calcified and less able to shift phases.

A Few More Thoughts

Semiconductors also use crystalline structures, semiconductors are used in Light Emitting Diodes (http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/led.htm) or LEDs.



Technology is currently being developed that makes use of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OLED).




Crystal diodes only allow current flow in one direction. Specifically, they have high resistance in one direction and low resistance in the other. If we think of the dimension of time, then could these calcite micro crystals act as an advanced biological, temporal diode that gives us the illusion of a current of time flowing in one direction? We can even think of our experience of consciousness being an outward phenomena, maybe the people that are masters of OBEs actually have tweaked that feature of crystal diodes and "internally" entered the dimension of thought, turning their consciousness on an inward (i.e. high-resistance) path.

All very cool, blurring the lines between science and spirituality, or is it proving spiritual concepts with science? Either way, very cool. I'm going to give my fingers a rest.

26th August 2012, 19:08
Standard (limited) Perspective of Magnetic Lines of Force

Flower of Life Magnetic Lines of Force

Ferrofluids and Magnetic Fields



27th August 2012, 00:39
Complex Systems Theory (http://www.stephenwolfram.com/publications/articles/general/84-complex/2/text.html)

Information Theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_theory)

Chaos Theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory)



27th August 2012, 01:38
Fractal Brains: Fractal Thoughts
Our Brains are fractal, with far reaching branches
by Dr. David Pincus

Researchers from the University of Cambridge took a big step forward this year in understanding how our brains work. It seems that the brain has a fractal organization. This likely gives us much of what we consider human. And at a deeper level these findings may help to connect us in a very fundamental way to the rest of the natural world.

The research team of Kitzbichler, Smith, Christensen, and Bullmore published their results in an article called "Broadband Criticality of Human Brain Network Synchronization," which is available on-line for free. I've had the article for about six months and had been meaning to post something on it. So at the outset I'd like to thank "Neel" for getting me going to actually re-read the article and post something with an interesting question he posed about neurological complexity and intelligence to the Chaotic Life blog at Psychology Today last month. I'd also like to thank my friend and colleague from NY, Grant Brenner for alerting me to the article when it first came out.

The design, results and context for this study are very sophisticated, and the implications are quite abstract. So I'm going to do my best to be clear. First the context: Many natural systems exhibit fractal organization and behavior. A fractal is a branchlike structure. Think of a tree: (1) Trees have many more small branches than large ones. This characteristic is also sometimes called a "power-law" or "inverse power law" or a "1/f" organization. Each of these terms means that there are exponentially more small branches compared to big ones. (2) Trees are "self-similar," meaning that small branching patterns resemble larger ones. This characteristic is also sometimes called "scale invariance" or "scale free" because no matter the size you are looking at, the general branching shape is the same. (3) The complexity of tree branching patterns can be quantified. Fractals are called "fractals" because they exist in fractional dimensions. A line fits perfectly in one-dimension. A plane (like a piece of paper) fits in two-dimensions. Fractals fit in between a line and a plane (or in the real world between two and three dimensions). More simply, because they are so complex, with huge numbers of tini tiny branches, trees never quite reach three dimensions. If you put them in a box, there will always be some space left over.

You may quickly recognize that many other natural structures besides trees are fractals: Neurons, rivers, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, geological fault lines, snow-flakes, and so on.

Natural systems also produce fractal behavior over time or in dynamics. Earthquakes are a common example. There are many more small earthquakes than large ones (which is nice by the way). Other examples include the size of extinction events in animal species, numbers of academic publications (a few researchers do huge amounts of work and the rest of us do just a little), numbers of hits to web-sites, wait times in stop-and-go traffic, and word usage in literature (i.e., zipf's law).

Why do systems do this? There are many reasons. Essentially, fractal systems have many opportunities for growth, change and re-organization. Yet they also are very robust. They maintain their coherence; they hold together well, even under tough circumstances. They are balanced in this respect, between order and chaos. They are simple, yet also very complex. This balance is often referred to as "criticality," thus the title of the article: "Broadband Criticality." And the term "self-organized" is often added because systems tend to become fractal on their own, simply by putting a lot of system components together and allowing them to exchange information. Think of a party. All you need to do is come up with enough people at the same place and time and they will start to form complex patterns of connection with one another.

Self-organizing critical systems are also very good at connecting, both internally and also to other surrounding systems. The branches of a tree are connected in a very lovely way. If you shake one branch, you'll see broad shaking across the tree. Fractal structures hang together nicely. Yet they branches may be trimmed without affecting the overall structure. Indeed, if you trim them far enough out (above the growth bud, "post-traumatic growth" or "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger") they will often grow even stronger, with more complex connections in the outer branches. Finally, branchlike patterns easily connect to other systems - a literal web of life. A tree with many fractal branches (and also roots) can better connect to the sun (and soil) to gather and exchange life sustaining nutrients.

In the past 10 to 20 years, researchers in psychology have been finding increasing examples of fractal patterns across each of the domains of psychology: Including intentional behaviors, visual search, and speech patterns. In my own lab within the past few years we have found that interpersonal relationships are organized as fractals and most recently that the self-concept is a fractal, with complexity being associated with health in both the psychological and social domains. Furthermore, it appears that fractal complexity (or rigidity) is routinely exchanged among biological, psychological and social processes. Fractal personality structure helps us to grow and connect, as do fractal relationships, and each likely has direct influences on physical health by encouraging integration and flexibility among circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems.

The study by Kitzbichler et al (2008) has added to much prior research suggesting that the brain exhibits fractal behavior. This makes a necessary link between the physical processes of the brain and each of the larger scale fractals we see in broader personality and social relationships. It is clear that biological, psychological and social dynamics are highly interlinked across scales, each impacting the other over time in myriad ways. With fractal organization at each of these scales, one may propose that they in some respects they are all part of the same fractal tree so to speak.

Kitzbichler et al (2008) used two measures of synchronization across brain systems: (1) the "phase-lock interval" and the "lability of global synchronization." The phase-lock interval is the amount of time that different brain regions are doing the same thing together - the amount of time in which they are synchronized. Essentially, this is a time-based measure of brain system coordination. The other measure, "lability of global synchronization" is a space-based measure. This measure tells you how global are the shifts in brain system synchronization, how broad are they, how far reaching.

Leaving out the many wonderful technical details of their analyses, they found that both measures showed clear-cut fractal patterning. This means that the amount of time that different brain regions spend in sync is branchlike - with many short linkage times and fewer long ones. And the spread of these linkages across brain regions was branchlike too, with many small spreads and few large ones.

These results, along with the evidence that has come before them, provide a much truer picture of how the brain is organized and how it works. Such is the core of basic research. The applications of these results may be considered to be virtually unlimited, and will over time impact every branch of applied neuroscience - intelligence, consciousness, empathy, body-mind medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy.

What I would prefer to speculate upon instead would be the broader implications. Indeed what these robust results within the brain suggest is a possible mechanism for the "Broadband Connectivity" we share with the rest of the natural world. Inasmuch as fractal dynamics in broadband synchronization exist at every scale of measurable reality - from quantum to cosmic, perhaps human consciousness is both simply and profoundly a portal through which such fractal connectivity flows. Perhaps the linkages that so effect our growth and integration at the biopsychosocial scales extend much deeper into the roots of matter, and much farther into the cosmos than modernist science has ever imagined. Science appears to be nearing a period of neo-vitalism, with scientifically grounded ways of exploring the attractive worldview of our root-civilizations - that everything in life is connected and that all of the universe is alive within these connections.

Sure - some connections are more proximal than others. Kitzbichler et al. found that functionally connected brain regions were more likely to find and stay in sync with one another for longer periods of time, yielding fractal complexity measures that were less flexible than the connections among more distant regions. Similarly, one's life-partner will be more likely to drive you crazy than the moon.

Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see if certain systemic states encourage coherence, magnifying the connections among apparently separate systems. For example, the human stress response is a likely candidate for increasing the short-term coherence among biological, psychological and social processes. When you are stressed, your bodily systems band together, your psychological systems become clear and focused, and your social dynamics become coherent as well as you band together and form strict leadership hierarchies. Does human stress have broader impacts? Can their effect be measured even as far as the quantum realm? Conversely, can quantum systems become "stressed" leading them to reach into our macro world? Maybe so, maybe not. One thing is for sure, this blog is already way to long and abstract to fully consider these possibilities. Perhaps another day..?

Source: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-chaotic-life/200909/fractal-brains-fractal-thoughts?page=1

Maybe on some other planet, there are beings whose brains have evolved fractally, like ours, but with one more variable of complexity. The addition of one measly degree turns out to be orders of magnitude more complex in structure (in fractals).



27th August 2012, 01:54
Buckminster Fuller: Everything I know


27th August 2012, 04:55


27th August 2012, 05:17
A History of Prime Numbers


28th August 2012, 03:11
This is incredible, here is a plethora of educational links. Browse through them and you'll see why I'm so excited.

There are 120 FREE classes over 16 different categories from 16 different Universities at this link: https://www.coursera.org/

MIT, Harvard, and Berkley have gathered under the roof of edX to offer free courses too: https://www.edx.org/

Interactive examples and tutorials: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/category/new

On http://www.lecturefox.com/ there is a wide range of free university lectures to browse.

There's www.udacity.com too.

Here's the website where I found all of this "educational freeware" and there's a lot more (different categories such as math, science, art, programming, etc) - http://www.educational-freeware.com/

Now this site is just plain fun: http://www.escapemotions.com/experiments.html

All very cool.

Here's one more VERY helpful website for math and science: http://www.hippocampus.org/

28th August 2012, 08:18
I was thinking of the ego being the soul, and the soul being the same of the same type of energetic construct as an archetype, thought-form, etc..

The way it functions would be like a polarizing filter. Without it we would be able to experience and "see" the raw energy of existence, but we experience reality through the filter of the ego/soul complex.


So in the above image, the unpolarized light would be akin to the raw energy of pure existence and the linear polarizer (acting as the ego) would allow us to only view a sliver of it.

Now, the quarter wave plate is interesting as it slows down one aspect of the light in order to make it circularly polarized (can be left-handed or right-handed).

There could be a number of metaphorical filters that we have taken on that warp and retard our experience of consciousness.

Thanks Vivek for a very interesting post, especially the ego filter. It struck a chord in me because I have found that the bigger a persons ego is, the less receptive they are to accepting the explanation of alternate realities and views. I know it is a lot more complex than my quick analysis and factors such as professional indoctrination and education also can have an influence and most important, are they ready yet.

28th August 2012, 15:28
I was thinking of the ego being the soul, and the soul being the same of the same type of energetic construct as an archetype, thought-form, etc..

The way it functions would be like a polarizing filter. Without it we would be able to experience and "see" the raw energy of existence, but we experience reality through the filter of the ego/soul complex.


So in the above image, the unpolarized light would be akin to the raw energy of pure existence and the linear polarizer (acting as the ego) would allow us to only view a sliver of it.

Now, the quarter wave plate is interesting as it slows down one aspect of the light in order to make it circularly polarized (can be left-handed or right-handed).

There could be a number of metaphorical filters that we have taken on that warp and retard our experience of consciousness.

Thanks Vivek for a very interesting post, especially the ego filter. It struck a chord in me because I have found that the bigger a persons ego is, the less receptive they are to accepting the explanation of alternate realities and views. I know it is a lot more complex than my quick analysis and factors such as professional indoctrination and education also can have an influence and most important, are they ready yet.

Hi, Litenites. Thank's for posting! You made me think of something.

There have been studies that have demonstrated the effects of L-Dopa on peoples pattern seeking ability and their ability to make abstract connections. Basically, participants of the study that were labelled "skeptical" became more "abstract-pattern seeking" when given L-Dopa. L-Dopa increases the level of the neurotransmitter - dopamine - in the brain. You can read more on that study here (it's very interesting): http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-playing-field/200807/the-neurochemistry-superstition

Now, an idea was explored here - http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=544607&viewfull=1#post544607 - that described a means for the imagination to be, well, imaginative. One of the implications is that the micro crystals in the pineal gland have a "set" number of degrees of freedom based on the "liquidity" of the medium (unhindered this number would be practically infinite). The ability to process the information resulting from the different phase orientations of the crystals would be correlated to the number of pinealocytes in the gland (and probably the habitual neural pathways that are "carved" with time in other areas of the brain regarding cognition). Ideally, this number would be ridiculously high. The higher the number of degrees of freedom (of both ability of micro crystals to phase shift with electromagnetic fields and of the physical number pinealocytes - more importantly, their synaptic ribbon organelles, that can process the reconstructed information) the less "narrow-minded" one is. The degrees of freedom could be affected by calcification of the gland (this is called "brain sand"). The effects of limiting the phase shifts of the micro crystals would be akin to screen burn on a monitor.

There's also the weight of left-brain beliefs scaling against the challenges of the right-brain rebel. This video describes it well (I think it's in the second half): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFsR_GCVT0k

Remember the dopamine? There are new studies that have uncovered the existence of dopamine receptors in the pineal gland, but this is linked to waking up in the morning by inhibiting melatonin binding to it's receptors.

Melatonin is also produced by the pineal gland, from the neurotransmitter serotonin. Some hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD, molecularly resemble serotonin and effect the serotonin receptors.


It's all interconnected and extremely cool.

Also, that picture that's with the post you quoted. In some 3d movies they use liquid crystal filters that rapidly shift phases between two orientations. One phase makes the light come out of the projector with left-handed circular polarization while the other phase makes the light project with a right-handed circular polarization. These phases shift very fast and the result is two slightly offset images on the screen, each with oppositely polarized light. When you wear the 3d glasses, one lens is polarized to only permit the "left-handed" (counterclockwise) picture and the other lens will only pick up the "right-handed" (clockwise) picture. This results in a 3d effect for the viewer.

29th August 2012, 02:22


29th August 2012, 02:45

Here's an excerpt from wikipedia:

The Local Bubble is a cavity in the interstellar medium (ISM) in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way which contains the Local Interstellar Cloud and G-cloud (as well as others). It is at least 300 light years across and has a neutral hydrogen density of about 0.05 atoms per cubic centimetre, or approximately one tenth of the average for the ISM in the Milky Way (0.5 atoms/cc), and one sixth of the "Local Fluff", or Local Interstellar Cloud (0.3 atoms/cc). The hot diffuse gas in the Local Bubble emits X-rays.

The very sparse, hot gas of the Local Bubble is the result of supernovae that exploded within the past ten to twenty million years. It was once thought that the most likely candidate for the remains of this supernova was Geminga ("Gemini gamma-ray source"), a pulsar in the constellation Gemini. More recently, however, it has been suggested that multiple supernovae in subgroup B1 of the Pleiades moving group were more likely responsible.


See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Interstellar_Cloud

Then there's this excerpt from NASA:

The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist. In the Dec. 24th issue of Nature, a team of scientists reveal how NASA's Voyager spacecraft have solved the mystery.

"Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system," explains lead author Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University. "This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all."

Full article: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2009/23dec_voyager/



Also, here's some important links on Plasma Oscillations and Landau Damping:



29th August 2012, 03:00
The Complexity and Chaos full audiobook.






















29th August 2012, 03:23
Video Description from YouTube:

NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope is finding hundreds of new objects at the very edge of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many of them have one thing in common: Astronomers have no idea what they are.

Video Description from YouTube:

A NASA space telescope named "GALEX" has found stars forming in extreme galactic environments, places where researchers thought stars should not be. The finding could affect astronomy much as the discovery of microbial extremophiles affected biology in the 1970s.

29th August 2012, 03:46

Some excerpts of interest:

... The physics of complex plasma systems containing a micro-particle component (dust) is a new and quickly emerging area at the frontier of physics and theoretical physics, plasma physics, solid-state physics, space physics and astrophysics.

... The complex plasma systems are highly capable for self-organization and can dynamically adjust their microscopic and global parameters through self-consistent nonlinear responses to changes in the external control parameters and/or plasma conditions (e.g., gas/plasma composition, pressure, or input power/ionization) or in the internal dust subsystem (e.g., the dust charge and/or size variation). The dust structures are often observed in laboratory experiments; they range widely in size, shape, order, symmetry and can represent different forms of self-organization such as clouds and voids, 3D and 2D crystalline lattices, strings, clusters, complex agglomerates.

... Complex plasma is a system where self-organization occurs in many ways. Complex plasma systems represent a unique mutual arrangement of two ensembles of charged species, namely an ionized gas (plasma) and a solid disperse phase (dust). Depending on the specific environment (for example, it can be space or laboratory plasmas) and prevailing conditions of the system, the two charged particle species can be arranged differently with respect to each other.

... In the micrometer size range, a large (a few thousand or ten thousand electron charges) electric charge accumulated by the dust particle favors the charge-induced self-organization of the plasma-dust system into strongly coupled dust particle structures – dust (or plasma crystals). The dust-plasma crystal formation is one of the most striking examples of the dust self-organization when micrometer-sized particles form regular arrays exhibiting various lattice-like structures.

... Dust structures in plasma are perfect examples of complex systems because of many various constituents, with the extensive and intensive interactions between them, as well as numerous space and time scales involved.

Wow! Here's another article on the subject: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2011/11/inorganic-cosmic-dust-points-to-non-carbon-life-forms.html

29th August 2012, 03:55
Article From: http://science.howstuffworks.com/weird-life.htm

Are we looking for aliens in the wrong places?
by Jacob Silverman

Helix-shaped plasma crystals, which may be a form of so-called "weird life,"
could potentially be found in the rings of Saturn

The universe is filled with massive clouds of dust. From past studies, scientists have learned that this cosmic dust can, in the presence of plasma, creates formations known as plasma crystals. An international team of researchers published a study in the August 14, 2007, issue of the New Journal of Physics that indicates that these crystals may be more sophisticated than anyone realized. In simulations involving cosmic dust, the researchers witnessed the formation of plasma crystals displaying some of the elementary characteristics of life -- DNA-like structure, autonomous behavior, reproduction and evolution.

Before we get into how it works, let's talk about plasma. Plasma is the fourth state of matter. When gas is superheated, electrons are torn from atoms and become free floating. The gas then becomes ionized, carrying a positive charge. This superheated mix of ionized gas and free-floating electrons makes up plasma. Stars are mostly plasma, as is about 99 percent of the matter of the universe, though plasma is much less common on Earth, where we're used to dealing with solids, liquids and gases. Besides being found in stars and in our sun, plasma is transported by solar winds and magnetic fields, often coming into contact with dust clouds like those the researchers studied.

When plasma comes into contact with a dust cloud, dust particles gather an electric charge by sucking up electrons from the surrounding plasma. This core of electrons in turn pulls in positively charged ions, forming plasma crystals. In the scientists' simulations, which were performed on the International Space Station and in a zero-gravity environment at a German research facility, the plasma crystals sometimes developed into corkscrew shapes or even the double-helix shape of DNA. These helix-shaped crystals retain an electric charge and show what the researchers called a self-organizing ability.

In simulations, plasma
crystals sometimes assume
the double-helix
shape of DNA

Once in helix form, the crystals can reproduce by diving into two identical helixes, displaying "memory marks" on their structures [source: New Journal of Physics]. The diameter of the helixes varies throughout the structure and the arrangement of these various sections is replicated in other crystals, passing on what could be called a form of genetic code.
They even seem to evolve. The formations become sturdier over time as weaker structures break down and disappear.

The researchers want to test whether dust clouds in a non-simulated environment, such as those in Saturn's rings, form helixes and exhibit these behaviors. But the plasma crystals are fragile and difficult to test. They also require a consistent flow of plasma or else they "die."

If they exist in the simulated form, the researchers believe that the crystal organisms could be found in the rings of Uranus and Saturn, which are made up of small grains of ice.
So they form DNA-like shapes, reproduce, pass on their structure or genetic code, "eat" plasma, evolve and die. But are these supposed organisms a real life form?

Are plasma crystals alive?

In July 2007, a group of American scientists, in association with the National Research Council, issued a report recommending that scientists search for so-called weird life on other worlds, in space and even on Earth. Weird life is believed to be far different from life forms we're used to seeing. Weird life may be organisms that don't depend on water or that don't have DNA at all. Some people even believe that weird life existed on Earth in the ancient past and that it may still exist on this planet. In reality, scientists don't know what weird life is, but its presence has many reexamining notions of what alien life may be and where it might be found.

Whether or not the plasma crystals are an example of weird life is difficult to determine. Some of the questions regarding these potential organisms come back to the debate about what life is. For example, on Earth, we consider life to be carbon-based and dependent on the presence of water. Life forms also perform certain basic functions, like reproducing, evolving and metabolizing. But even using those functions as a classification can be tricky. David Grier, a physics professor at New York University, told New Scientist that "there is no mathematically rigorous definition of life," which makes it difficult to call these crystals "alive" [source: New Scientist Space].

Gregor Morfill, one of the experiment's participants, said that while the crystals contain a lot of the "hallmarks" of life, they're still "just a special form of plasma crystal" [source: New Scientist Space]. Another of the researchers, V.N. Tsytovich, said that the clusters have "all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter" [source:Science Daily]. The researchers also stated that while they're not ready to confidently state that these structures represent a new form of life, their study should add to the discussion of how scientists define life [source: USA Today].

If the plasma crystals do exist in their simulated form, they live and develop at a pace at least a hundred thousand times slower than Earth's biological organisms. The question is then raised: given their fragility and slow pace of development, can they become intelligent or sentient?

If they are considered life, it may mean that these organisms are the most common life form in the universe, given the prevalence of plasma and massive interstellar dust clouds. There has also been some suggestion that these inorganic life forms somehow spurred development of organic life on Earth.

Source: http://science.howstuffworks.com/weird-life.htm

29th August 2012, 03:59
Could alien life exist in the form of DNA-shaped dust?
by Stephen Battersby

Could alien life exist in the form of dancing specks of dust? According to a new simulation, electrically charged dust can organise itself into DNA-like double helixes that behave in many ways like living organisms, reproducing and passing on information to one another.

"This came as a bit of a surprise to us", says Gregor Morfill of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany. He and colleagues have built a computer simulation to model what happens to dust immersed in an ionised gas, or plasma.

The dust grains pick up a negative charge by absorbing electrons from the plasma and then this charged 'nucleus' attracts positive ions, which form a shell around it.

It was already known that this system can produce regular arrays of dust called plasma crystals, and some experiments have even generated spiral structures. Now, Morfill's simulation suggests that the dust should sometimes form double helixes.

Like DNA, the dust spirals can store information. They do so in the scaffolding of their bodies, as they have two stable states - one with a large diameter and the other with a small one - so a spiral could carry a series of wide and narrow sections.

The specific order of these sections can be copied from one dust spiral to another, like a genetic code. The researchers aren't sure how it happens, but they think each narrow section of spiral creates a permanent vortex of moving dust outside it. So if another spiral drifts alongside it, that vortex pinches the same length into its narrow state.

Genetic code

The spirals even feed, in a sense, as they need fresh plasma to survive and grow, suggesting they may compete with one another for food. Since they are also capable of passing on their genetic code, then perhaps they could evolve into more complex structures.

But that is very speculative, says Morfill, explaining that the simulation is far too simple to include such complex processes as evolution. "It has a lot of the hallmarks for how we define life at present, but we have not simulated life," Morfill told New Scientist. "To us, they're just a special form of plasma crystal."

"It's interesting," says astrobiologist Chris McKay of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, US.

"Some people have argued that life is a self-organising system [that is out of equilibrium], but you could say that of a hurricane," he told New Scientist. "What these guys have done is one step up from pointing at a hurricane and saying it's a living organism. They argue there's a way this can store information, which is a central feature of life. But it's somewhat disappointing that this is only theoretical work."

"Claiming that something is (or is not) alive is almost pointless because there is no mathematically rigorous definition of life," agrees David Grier of New York University in New York City, US.

Life in Saturn's rings?

The team is now setting up an experiment to find out whether real dust spirals exist. It's tricky, because gravity will tend to disrupt the delicate dust structure, but they can get around that to some extent by compressing the dusty plasma, increasing electrical forces within it. To go much further, they will have to find another way to counteract gravity - perhaps by using magnetic fields, or by putting their experiment in free-fall on the International Space Station.

Alive or not, these dust structures could exist in nature. There are many places in space where small grains of material are immersed in a plasma.

"In our solar system, the places most likely to have the right conditions are planetary rings, especially the rings of Saturn and Uranus," says Morfill. There the "dust" would actually be fine ice grains, and the nourishing plasma would be supplied by the solar wind, channelled by planetary magnetic fields.

But Grier says the dusty spirals may be difficult to form in space, since they require grains of uniform shape and size: "I cannot imagine this will happen in space on a large enough scale to be observable."

If there are any ice-grain creatures roaming the rings of Saturn, though, the pace of life would be leisurely, because plasma-crystal processes run more than a hundred thousand times more slowly than the biochemistry of Earth. So even if they are alive, there's no need to worry about them possessing malign alien intelligence. They probably won't have had time to evolve very far.

Article Source: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12466

29th August 2012, 06:36

29th August 2012, 06:48
A Simple Tabletop Experiment Could Have Profound Implications for the Origin of Life


See also:



29th August 2012, 17:20

The Crystals at the Center of the Earth
By Alexis Madrigal

Seismic waves traveling between Earth’s poles move faster than those moving east-west, and now scientists think they may know why.

The iron alloys in the solid inner core of the Earth appear to have crystallized in such a way that it’s easier for energy to pass on the north-south axis than on the east-west, as described in a new study led by Maurizio Mattesini, a geologist at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, which appeared in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“The structure of the atoms looks different in one direction than the other,” explained Norm Sleep, a Stanford geologist who was not part of the new study,

In the textbooks of yore, the Earth’s inner regions like the mantle and core were presented as simple, fairly homogeneous regions. But the geology of the core is turning out to be much more complex as scientists make use of more and better seismographs to generate better data about how seismic waves travel through the planet.

The outer core is composed mostly of liquid iron. The inner core is solid ball about 750 miles in diameter, or a little less than the maximum width of the state of Texas, which formed as the Earth cooled over geologic time, said David Stephenson, a geologist at CalTech.

“The center of the earth is literally a crystal,” said Stephenson. Over time, it grew and now is no longer a single crystal but an aggregate of them.

In the mid-1990s, geologists began to notice an interesting thing. Seismic waves traveling north-south were reaching their destinations about 3 percent faster than waves moving along east-west paths.

“It’s one of these things that’s been detected for some time but kind of why it occurs has been somewhat of a puzzle,” Sleep said. They didn’t know why, but then again, the middle of the globe is perhaps the most difficult place to gather data on Earth.

The new paper suggests that as the crystals formed, they received a particular alignment. That alignment, known as anisotropy, makes it easier for waves to travel in one direction than the other.

The most significant thing about the new paper, Stephenson said, is that the researchers were able to match up the results that seismologists have been getting on the speed of seismic waves through the core with new laboratory tests with particular kinds of iron crystals.

Article Source: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/05/crystals-earth-core/


Okay, this is getting really cool.

Here are some ideas.

Mainstream science thinks that the core is made of iron. This is based on indirect measurements of different phenomena of earth regarding planet density, seismic activity, and the magnetic field. This makes sense within the framework of what science understands. There is a potential for new theories that might make sense later and would fit our observations better though. An example being the plasma universe. That's why I think science is so great, because of what we don't understand. There's so much room for growth and new scientific discoveries are made every day that challenge what we thought we new.

Okay, so get this. What if the core is not crystalline iron, but some other form of hyper-dense crystal. This would make sense considering the piezoelectric effect of many crystals. The pressure of the planet applies mechanical stress to the core. Now we have a charge. A big charge. The planet is rotating. Now, we have a moving charge which produces a magnetic field!

Moving the pieces of this thread around paints some awesome pictures regarding the interaction of light, crystals, plasma crystals, fractal structures of "higher" temperature superconductors, electromagnetic fields relating to consciousness, self-organizing structures, and complex systems. The concepts are incredible.

Just had another thought, what if the core was a giant, confined ball of plasma? This topic has been dismissed because seismic waves that pass through the center of the earth do not behave as if they have passed through a plasma.


Plasma crystals have been identified to be in a "solid" (or "dusty") form and a liquid form. So, what if the conditions at the center of the earth have allowed a hyper-dense conglomeration of these plasma crystals in "solid" state form surrounded by a liquid state? A possibility maybe?

29th August 2012, 18:23
Just had another thought, what if the core was a giant, confined ball of plasma? This topic has been dismissed because seismic waves that pass through the center of the earth do not behave as if they have passed through a plasma.


Plasma crystals have been identified to be in a "solid" (or "dusty") form and a liquid form. So, what if the conditions at the center of the earth have allowed a hyper-dense conglomeration of these plasma crystals in "solid" state form surrounded by a liquid state? A possibility maybe?

Alright so let me play the role of the Credible Hulk here and follow up this idea with information that could potentially back this up.


Here's an excerpt from the Department of Physics and Astronomy the University of Iowa (emphasis added for information relevant to this specific post):

Dusty plasmas are ubiquitous in the universe; examples are proto-planetary and solar nebulae, molecular clouds, supernova explosions, interplanetary medium, circumsolar rings, and asteroids. Within the solar system there are the planetary rings, cometary tails and comae, and dust clouds on the moon.

Here's the full PDF -http://www.physics.uiowa.edu/~rmerlino/Dusty_Plasma_Primer_v3.pdf

Here's a basic illustration of the Nebular Hypothesis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebular_hypothesis) -


This next video illustrates the most popular theory of planet formation (nebular hypothesis).


In the video it says that planets form "from the leftover matter" of an exploding star. Well, that leftover matter happens to be dusty plasma.


Here's more on cosmic dust.


And the behavior of micro crystals forming, self-organizing, and replicating in plasma is detailed in articles and PDFs throughout the thread.

So, could these plasma crystals - over a long period of time and in the right conditions - self organize and conglomerate into dense enough structures to attract more objects around them? After a time the objects coagulating around them would build up the pressure around the dense plasma crystal formation and have a piezoelectric effect giving the structure a positively charged "side" and a negatively charged "side". As it rotates it could generate a magnetic field.

Here's more on the Piezoelectric Effect: http://www.explainthatstuff.com/piezoelectricity.html

I'm going to keep reading and search for some material on plasma vortices, and noctilucent clouds too. Will post more later.

29th August 2012, 20:34
You know what, I dig on the whole hollow earth theory, so rethinking the piezoelectric effect induced by gravity on the core structure I'm going to propose another possibility. The piezoelectric effect could be the result of centrifugal forces acting on the structure from it's own spin. Bam.


That actually fits pretty well. The effect of equatorially stretching the "hyper dense plasma crystal structure" (have to think of a better name) at the core would produce a positive charge "facing north" and a negative charge "facing south" ... Or maybe it would make the regions around the equator one polarity and the polar regions would both be the same polarity (opposite of the equator).

That would make for some strange effects at the equator.

I just drew it out on paper, and I think the charges induced by this process would cause it to oscillate (and possibly wobble). I'm going to go do some digging.

EDIT: You know what if there were an electric field the crystal formation would oscillate with the frequency of the field. I think. I'm going to come back to this one in particular - moving on ... for now.

29th August 2012, 21:51
Well, that was quick. I kept running into gyroscopes while searching for information.


Check out this video: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/45617-how-gyroscopes-work-video.htm

There are devices called piezoelectric gyroscopes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrating_structure_gyroscope#Piezoelectric_gyroscope

Still have to read more to see if it could tie in. If not, it's still really cool, especially how gyroscopes display "anti-gravity" properties while spinning.

30th August 2012, 02:45

The following article was copied and pasted from http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/primer/lightning/ltg_tle.html

Transient Luminous Events

Large thunderstorms are capable of producing other kinds of electrical phenomena called transient luminous events (TLE's). The most common TLE's include red sprites, blue jets, and elves.

Red Sprites can appear directly above an active thunderstorm as a large but weak flash. They usually happen at the same time as powerful positive CG lightning strokes. They can extend up to 60 miles from the cloud top. Sprites are mostly red and usually last no more than a few seconds, and their shapes are described as resembling jellyfish, carrots, or columns. Because sprites are not very bright, they can only be seen at night. They are rarely seen with the human eye, so they are most often imaged with highly sensitive cameras.

Blue jets emerge from the top of the thundercloud, but are not directly associated with cloud-to-ground lighting. They extend up in narrow cones fanning out and disappearing at heights of 25-35 miles. Blue jets last a fraction of a second and have been witnessed by pilots.

Elves are rapidly expanding disk-shaped regions of glowing that can be up to 300 miles across. They last less than a thousandth of a second, and occur above areas of active cloud to ground lightning. Scientists believe elves result when an energetic electromagnetic pulse extends up into the ionosphere. Elves were discovered in 1992 by a low-light video camera on the Space Shuttle.



Here is an article with more information about the Transient Luminous Event phenomena from National Geographic: Huge Mystery Flashes Seen In Outer Atmosphere (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/06/0625_030625_atmospherethunder.html)


Next up - Noctilucent Clouds and Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes.

30th August 2012, 03:33

Excerpts from Wikipedia -

Polar mesospheric summer echoes

Polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) is the phenomenon of anomalous radar echoes found between 80-90 km in altitude from May through early August in the Arctic, and from November through to February in the Antarctic. These strong radar echoes are associated with the extremely cold temperatures that occur above continental Antarctica during the summer. Rocket and radar measurements indicate that a partial reflection from a multitude of ion layers and constructive interference causes at least some of the PMSE.
Generally PMSE exhibits dramatic variations in height and intensity as well as large variations in Doppler shift. PMSE exhibit strong signal power enhancements of scattering cross section at VHF radar frequencies in the range 50 MHz to 250 MHz, at times even to over 1 GHz, that occur in summer at high latitudes.

PMSE occurs in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and is sometimes accompanied by noctilucent clouds.

Noctilucent cloud

Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the "ragged-edge" of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. Noctilucent roughly means night shining in Latin. They are most commonly observed in the summer months at latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the equator. They can only be observed when the Sun is below the horizon.

They are the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 kilometres (47 to 53 mi). They are normally too faint to be seen, and are visible only when illuminated by sunlight from below the horizon while the lower layers of the atmosphere are in the Earth's shadow. Noctilucent clouds are not fully understood and are a recently-discovered meteorological phenomenon; there is no record of their observation before 1885.

Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restrictive conditions; their occurrence can be used as a sensitive guide to changes in the upper atmosphere. They are a relatively recent classification. The occurrence of noctilucent clouds appears to be increasing in frequency, brightness and extent. It is theorized that this increase is connected to climate change.



These next two paragraphs where taken from this study - Dusty plasma in Earth’s mesosphere: formation and evolution of polar mesospheric clouds (http://ocs.ciemat.es/epsicpp2012pap/pdf/PD2.006.pdf)

One important feature of the polar ionosphere un- der summer conditions is the presence of dust layers (very thin on the atmospheric scale) located at alti- tudes of 80 to 85 km (noctilucent clouds, or NLC) or about 90 km (polar mesospheric summer echoes, or PMSE). NLC consist of submicron-sized parti- cles. They can be seen by the naked eye at sunset, whereas PMSE (apparently consisting of charged nanometer-sized particles) cannot be observed by optical methods and manifest themselves by strong radio reflections observed with radars at frequen- cies between 50 and 1000 MHz. In the literature, NLC and PMSE are frequently grouped together under the common term polar mesospheric clouds (PMC).

Interest to the description of dusty structures in the ionosphere has significantly increased since the 2000s owing to the development of the methods of investigation of dusty plasmas. Furthermore, the great interest to these structures is due to their possible connection with climate change and, in particular, with the Earth global warming process.


So, now we have dusty plasma here, in our atmosphere. This is called dirty plasma (http://www.mps.mpg.de/de/projekte/sousy/sousy_result.html). We know about dusty plasma crystals being able to self organize, replicate, and "survive". We know about the relationship between electromagnetic fields and consciousness. We know about complex systems theory. These are all ingredients for the big question. Is there another form of life living "on" earth in the upper reaches of our atmosphere? Ever heard of sky fish, or rods?

30th August 2012, 03:57
I guess the follow up question to consider is: If this exotic form of life could hypothetically exist, would it be intelligent? Or would it be no more intelligent than any other animal (there are some pretty smart animals).

Check this theory out. There's a biophysicist named Dr. Levengood who studies the formation of crop circles.

Here is a synopsis of Plasma Vortex Theory copied and pasted from http://kentheberling.com/CropCircles/Theories/plasmavortex.html

Atmospheric-associated plasma formations may plausibly originate in regions where t here are clear indications of energy exchange between the ionosphere (60-100 km) and electrical storms in the upper atmosphere (Franz et al. 1990). Currently under consideration are ion plasma vortices which form in unstable regions and act as heat and angular momentum transporters. In fluid dynamics, gases, including air, are considered as having liquid properties (Prandtl and Tietjens 1957). In such a scheme the descent of a vortex through a liquid produces unstable secondary products which form complex, symmetrical patterns such as circles, rings, triangles, double lines and ovals with tubes or 'paths' extending from them (Levenoood 1958). In its descent to the crop surface the shaping of these features of vortex instability would be guided by variations in the Earth's magnetic field (Rossi and Jastrow 1961). At the crop surface the heat, ionization, associated electric fields and angular momentum would be transferred to the living plants. Taken as a whole, ionized air plasmas are electrically neutral, although internally, charge separation takes place and t hey can have high concentrations of positive ions and free electrons (Lehnert 1961), which in contact with plant tissue might produce transient heating and account for a number of the plant transformations.


Orbs = balls of plasma?

Here's a link with more information on Dr. Levengood's research: http://www.ourstrangeplanet.com/the-san-luis-valley/guest-editorials/high-heat/

There's a book by Keven J. Anderson entitled, Hidden Empire. The concept is about exotic life forms (like the ideas discussed above) that never had a need to communicate with the "organics" as the humans are called in the series. Humans only discover these forms of life when they develop the technology to ignite gas-giant planets and turn them into stars. Basically, the humans became enough of a nuisance for the "alien/exotic" life forms environment that they had to step in and establish contact.

30th August 2012, 04:04
Ball Lightning as a Self-Organized Complexity


30th August 2012, 18:11
The following article was copied and pasted directly from the Astrobiology Magazine's webpage linked to at the bottom of this post.


'It might be life, Jim...'
Based on a Institute of Physics news release


Summary: Physicists have discovered life-like structures that form from inorganic substances in space. The findings
hint at the possibility that life beyond Earth may not necessarily use carbon-based molecules as its building blocks.

Physicists Discover Inorganic Dust with Lifelike Qualities

Could extraterrestrial life be made of corkscrew-shaped particles of interstellar dust? Intriguing new evidence of life-like structures that form from inorganic substances in space are revealed in the New Journal of Physics. The findings hint at the possibility that life beyond Earth may not necessarily use carbon-based molecules as its building blocks. They also point to a possible new explanation for the origin of life on Earth.


Researchers have demonstrated the formation of microscopic
strands of helical structures in plasma clouds. The researchers
say that these structures undergo changes that are normally
associated with biological molecules like DNA and proteins - such
as dividing and forming copies of the original structure.
Credit: Tsytovich, V.N. et al. 2007

Life on Earth is organic. It is composed of organic molecules, which are simply the compounds of carbon, excluding carbonates and carbon dioxide. The idea that particles of inorganic dust may take on a life of their own is nothing short of alien, going beyond the silicon-based life forms favored by some science fiction stories.

Now, an international team has discovered that under the right conditions, particles of inorganic dust can become organized into helical structures. These structures can then interact with each other in ways that are usually associated with organic compounds and life itself.

V.N. Tsytovich of the General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science, in Moscow, working with colleagues there and at the Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany and the University of Sydney, Australia, has studied the behavior of complex mixtures of inorganic materials in a plasma. Plasma is essentially the fourth state of matter beyond solid, liquid and gas, in which electrons are torn from atoms leaving behind a miasma of charged particles.

Until now, physicists assumed that there could be little organization in such a cloud of particles. However, Tsytovich and his colleagues demonstrated, using a computer model of molecular dynamics, that particles in a plasma can undergo self-organization as electronic charges become separated and the plasma becomes polarized. This effect results in microscopic strands of solid particles that twist into corkscrew shapes, or helical structures. These helical strands are themselves electronically charged and are attracted to each other.


Many of the ingredients for life as we know it formed in outer
space. The Earth formed from star dust, and later meteorites
and comets delivered even more materials to our planet.
But scientists are still unsure which molecules played the most
important roles in life's origin. Credit: European Space Agency

Quite bizarrely, not only do these helical strands interact in a counterintuitive way in which like can attract like, but they also undergo changes that are normally associated with biological molecules, such as DNA and proteins, say the researchers. They can, for instance, divide, or bifurcate, to form two copies of the original structure. These new structures can also interact to induce changes in their neighbours and they can even evolve into yet more structures as less stable ones break down, leaving behind only the fittest structures in the plasma.

So, could helical clusters formed from interstellar dust be somehow alive? "These complex, self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter," says Tsytovich, "they are autonomous, they reproduce and they evolve".

He adds that the plasma conditions needed to form these helical structures are common in outer space. However, plasmas can also form under more down to Earth conditions such as the point of a lightning strike. The researchers hint that perhaps an inorganic form of life emerged on the primordial Earth, which then acted as the template for the more familiar organic molecules we know today.


Source: http://www.astrobio.net/pressrelease/2434/it-might-be-life-jim

There is more information about this on page 3-4 of this thread as well as speculative (but equally as interesting) theories for it's implications regarding various "fringe" science or "metaphysical" phenomena (pages 1 and 2 I think). Incredible stuff.

31st August 2012, 00:01
The following article was copied and pasted from http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/rbsp/news/electric-atmosphere.html

The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science Target

Two giant donuts of charged particles called the Van Allen Belts surround Earth. Credit: NASA/T. Benesch, J. Carns

Our day-to-day lives exist in what physicists would call an electrically neutral environment. Desks, books, chairs and bodies don't generally carry electricity and they don't stick to magnets. But life on Earth is substantially different from, well, almost everywhere else. Beyond Earth's protective atmosphere and extending all the way through interplanetary space, electrified particles dominate the scene. Indeed, 99% of the universe is made of this electrified gas, known as plasma.

Two giant donuts of this plasma surround Earth, trapped within a region known as the Van Allen Radiation Belts. The belts lie close to Earth, sandwiched between satellites in geostationary orbit above and satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) are generally below the belts. A new NASA mission called the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP), due to launch in August 2012, will improve our understanding of what makes plasma move in and out of these electrified belts wrapped around our planet.

"We discovered the radiation belts in observations from the very first spacecraft, Explorer 1, in 1958" says David Sibeck, a space scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and the mission scientist for RBSP. "Characterizing these belts filled with dangerous particles was a great success of the early space age, but those observations led to as many questions as answers. These are fascinating science questions, but also practical questions, since we need to protect satellites from the radiation in the belts."

The inner radiation belt stays largely stable, but the number of particles in the outer one can swell 100 times or more, easily encompassing a horde of communications satellites and research instruments orbiting Earth. Figuring out what drives these changes in the belts, requires understanding what drives the plasma.

Video: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?collection_id=55971&media_id=148559091

Plasmas seethe with complex movement. They generally flow along a skeletal structure made of invisible magnetic field lines, while simultaneously creating more magnetic fields as they move. Teasing out the rules that govern such a foreign environment – one that can only be studied from afar – lies at the heart of understanding a range of events that make up space weather, from giant explosions on the sun to potentially damaging high energy particles in near-Earth environs.

To distinguish between a host of theories developed over the years on plasma movement in those near-Earth environs, RBSP scientists have designed a suite of instruments to answer three broad questions. Where do the extra energy and particles come from? Where do they disappear to, and what sends them on their way? How do these changes affect the rest of Earth's magnetic environment, the magnetosphere? In addition to its broad range of instruments, the RBSP mission will make use of two spacecraft in order to better map out the full spatial dimensions of a particular event and how it changes over time.

Scientists want to understand not only the origins of electrified particles – possibly from the solar wind constantly streaming off the sun; possibly from an area of Earth's own outer atmosphere, the ionosphere – but also what mechanisms gives the particles their extreme speed and energy.

"We know examples where a storm of incoming particles from the sun can cause the two belts to swell so much that they merge and appear to form a single belt," says Shri Kanekal, RBSP's deputy project scientist at Goddard. "Then there are other examples where a large storm from the sun didn't affect the belts at all, and even cases where the belts shrank. Since the effects can be so different, there is a joke within the community that 'If you've seen one storm . . . You've seen one storm.' We need to figure out what causes the differences."

There are two broad theories on how the particles get energy: from radial transport or in situ. In radial transport, particles move perpendicular to the magnetic fields within the belts from areas of low magnetic strength far from Earth to areas of high magnetic strength nearer Earth. The laws of physics dictate that particle energies correlate to the strength of the magnetic field, increasing as they move towards Earth. The in situ theory posits that electromagnetic waves buffet the particles -- much like regular pushes on a swing -- successively raising their speed (and energy).

As for how the particles leave the belts, scientists again agree on two broad possibilities: particles go up, or they go down. Perhaps they travel down magnetic field lines toward Earth, out of the belts into the ionosphere, where they stay part of Earth's magnetic system with the potential to return to the belts at some point. Or they are transported up and out, on a one-way trip to leave the magnetosphere forever and enter interplanetary space.

"In reality, the final answers may well be a combination of the basic possibilities," says Sibeck. "There may be, and probably are, multiple processes at multiple scales at multiple locations. So RBSP will perform very broad measurements and observe numerous attributes of waves and particles to see how each event influences others."

To distinguish between the wide array of potential theories – not to mention combinations thereof – the instruments on RBSP will be equipped to measure a wide spectrum of information. RBSP will measure a host of different particles, including hydrogen, helium and oxygen, as well as measure magnetic fields and electric fields throughout the belts, both of which can guide the movement of these particles.

RBSP will also measure a wide range of energies from the coldest particles in the ionosphere to the most energetic, most dangerous particles. Information about how the radiation belts swell and shrink will help improve models of Earth's magnetosphere as a whole.

"Particles from the radiation belts can penetrate into spacecraft and disrupt electronics, short circuits or upset memory on computers," says Sibeck. "The particles are also dangerous to astronauts traveling through the region. We need models to help predict hazardous events in the belts and right now we are aren’t very good at that. RBSP will help solve that problem."

While the most immediate practical need for studying the radiation belts is to understand the space weather system near Earth and to protect humans and precious electronics in space from geomagnetic storms, there is another reason scientists are interested in this area. It is the closest place to study the material, plasma, that pervades the entire universe. Understanding this environment so foreign to our own is crucial to understanding the make up of every star and galaxy in outer space.

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) built and will operate the twin RBSP spacecraft for NASA’s Living With a Star program, which is managed by Goddard Space Flight Center for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.

Source: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/rbsp/news/electric-atmosphere.html

31st August 2012, 00:12
An Introduction to Kirlian Photography (IKRA 1970)


31st August 2012, 01:16
Earlier in the thread there were some ideas about liquid crystals and the pineal gland. Information was also provided about LCD technology and the characteristic sensitivity of liquid crystalline media to electromagnetic fields. It's on page three of the thread if you haven't read it, and this post is somewhat in the same vein as that topic. It also corresponds to, well, everything else in the thread!


Excerpt about the lipid bilayer from Wikipedia:

The lipid bilayer is a thin polar membrane made of two layers of lipid molecules.These membranes are flat sheets that form a continuous barrier around cells.The cell membrane of almost all living organisms and many viruses are made of a lipid bilayer, as are the membranes surrounding the cell nucleus and other sub-cellular structures. The lipid bilayer is the barrier that keeps ions, proteins and other molecules where they are needed and prevents them from diffusing into areas where they should not be. Lipid bilayers are ideally suited to this role because, even though they are only a few nanometers in width, they are impermeable to most water-soluble (hydrophilic) molecules.

The lipid bilayer is a very difficult structure to study because it is so thin and fragile. In spite of these limitations dozens of techniques have been developed over the last seventy years to allow investigations of its structure and function.


Overview of the Plasma Membrane and the Concepts of the Fluid Mosaic Model of the Cell


The following paragraph is quoted from this PDF (http://www.chem.ufl.edu/~fanucci/courses/CHM6304/scanned_chapters/yeagleMemChpt4b.pdf).

" ... some liquid crystalline domains are required in the [lipid] membrane for proper biological function. Some natural membranes...may also exhibit a gel to liquid phase transition, though not normally in the region of physiological temperature. Furthermore, there may be microscopic domains of lipid in biological membranes that undergo phase transitions near physiological temperatures."

The following are some excerpts of interest from an article entitled "Introduction: new directions in Liquid crystal science" from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Journal (try saying that three times fast).

... fewer people are aware of the breadth of the subject of liquid crystals—one that represents the study of the fourth state of matter [Vivek: what about plasma?]. Liquid crystals are found as essential elements in biological systems, soaps and detergents, sensor technologies and in the manipulation of electromagnetic radiation of various wavelengths. This meeting was designed to highlight both the truly multidisciplinary nature of liquid crystal science and to feature those areas away from electro-optic displays; these issues are developed and summarized in more detail.

We are all very familiar with liquid crystals in the form of liquid crystal displays (LCDs), which now pervade many aspects of our lives. It is the display technology that has allowed the development of mobile phones, hand-held games and portable computers, and they are now driving the availability of high-quality flat-screen televisions. Yet, in these four different applications are five different configurations of LCD, each with different characteristics and each requiring different liquid crystalline materials and different control electronics.

The first session was devoted to liquid crystals in biology and Cyrus Safinya (Safinya et al. 2006) presented results on cationic liposome-DNA complexes, which are liquid crystalline materials that mimic viruses in the way they transport DNA across cell membranes. The importance of the liquid crystalline structures to biological function was discussed and he described how the mechanism of gene release from complexes in the cell cytoplasm is dependent on their precise liquid crystalline nature.

Under the conditions found in the cell nucleus, these NCPs [nucleosome core particles] can organize to form liquid crystal phases. The formation of these phases and their potential relevance to biological processes were discussed.

Here is the page with the entire article (and references): http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/364/1847/2567.full

What? DNA forms liquid crystal phases? Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

nu·cle·o·some (nkl--sm, ny-)
Any of the repeating subunits of chromatin, consisting of a DNA chain coiled around a core of histones.
Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Nucleosome+core+particle

More on NCPs here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleosome#The_nucleosome_core_particle

Here are some of the phases of the crystal structures of NCPs


Cool. Next couple of posts are along these lines.

PS: In this post - http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=544607&viewfull=1#post544607 - there's a really cool video/animation depicting how DNA is packaged.

31st August 2012, 01:35
Bioelectromagnetic Energy Fields Accelerate Wound Healing and Activate Immune Cell Function


31st August 2012, 02:04
Clonal Selection


Man, that video is cool! So this is the most popular theory of antibody formation.

One thing I'm interested in is EM fields and DNA. The body surely would recognize it's own DNA EM signature, and a foreign DNA EM signature would raise a red flag.


Okay so I found the PDF (above), and some articles. Here's one from PCWorld:


DNA Molecules Can 'Teleport,' Nobel Winner Says
By John E Dunn, Techworld.com

A Nobel Prize winning biologist has ignited controversy after publishing details of an experiment in which a fragment of DNA appeared to 'teleport' or imprint itself between test tubes.

According to a team headed by Luc Montagnier, previously known for his work on HIV and AIDS, two test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of bacterial DNA, the other pure water, were surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz.

Eighteen hours later, after DNA amplification using a polymerase chain reaction, as if by magic the DNA was detectable in the test tube containing pure water.

Oddly, the original DNA sample had to be diluted many times over for the experiment to work, which might explain why the phenomenon has not been detected before, assuming that this is what has happened.

The phenomenon might be very loosely described as 'teleportation' except that the bases project or imprint themselves across space rather than simply moving from one place to another.

To be on the safe side, Montagnier then compared the results with controls in which the time limit was lowered, no electromagnetic field was present or was present but at lower frequencies, and in which both tubes contained pure water. On every one of these, he drew a blank.

The quantum effect - the imprinting of the DNA on the water - is not in itself the most contentious element of the experiment, so much as the relatively long timescales over which it appears to manifest itself. Quantum phenomena are assumed to show their faces in imperceptible fractions of a second and not seconds minutes and hours, and usually at very low temperatures approaching absolute zero.

Revealing a process through which biology might display the underlying 'quantumness' of nature at room temperature would be startling.

Montagnier's experiment will have to be repeated by others to have any hope of being taken seriously. So far, some scientists have been publically incredulous.

"It is hard to understand how the information can be stored within water over a timescale longer than picoseconds," said the Ruhr University in Bochum's Klaus Gerwert, quoted by New Scientist magazine, which broke the story (requires registration).

What does all of this mean? It could be that the propagation of life is able to make use of the quantum nature of reality to project itself in subtle ways, as has been hinted at in previous experiments. Alternatively, it could be that life itself is a complex projection of these quantum phenomena and utterly depends on them in ways not yet understood because they are incredibly hard to detect.

Speculatively, (and Montagnier doesn't directly suggest anything so unsubstantiated), it could also be the little-understood quantum properties of the water molecule and not just its more obvious chemical bonding properties that gives it such a central role in the bio-engineering of life-forms. Water might be a good medium in which DNA can copy itself using processes that hint at quantum entanglement and 'teleportation' (our term).

Montagnier's paper goes on to discuss the phenomenon he claims to have uncovered using 'quantum field theory' within the context of his personal interest, disease propagation.


Source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/216767/dna_molecules_can_teleport_nobel_winner_says.html

31st August 2012, 02:09
The Coming Revolution in Wave Biology


31st August 2012, 03:03

¤=[Post Update]=¤



Here's the second video with a narrator and further descriptions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GigxU1UXZXo&feature=related


31st August 2012, 03:17
The following article is from the European Space Agency's Science and Technology website.

ISO, the hidden Universe and astro-chemistry

ESA'S Infrared Space Observatory unveils how water, organic molecules and crystals - among other molecules - form in space

The European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory, ISO, has been a pioneer in the challenge of unveiling the infrared face of the Universe, which remains completely hidden, invisible, to optical telescopes and to the human eye - they can detect only the so-called 'visible' light. The study of the infrared sky from space began in 1983 with ISO's predecessor, the US-Dutch-UK IRAS satellite; ISO continued the exploration with more sensitivity, wider wavelength coverage and a longer operational lifetime, as well as being operated as a true space observatory. ISO operated from November 1995 until May 1998.

The Infrared Universe looks quite different to the visible one: in the infrared sky, objects that are too cold to radiate in the visible become very bright, as do those surrounded by dust (for optical telescopes the dust forms an opaque barrier). ISO, therefore, allowed astronomers to witness for the first time processes such as the birth of a star - which takes place in dusty and cold 'cocoons' - or the metamorphosis of an old, dying star into a beautiful nebula.

ISO also proved to be a wonderful tool to unlock the chemistry of the Universe. Most atoms and molecules in space emit large amounts of energy either at radio or infrared (including very far infrared wavelengths). Until ISO most chemical compounds in space had been detected using radio and submillimetric telescopes; with ISO the list has grown with more than twenty new molecules, most of them in the solid state. Some of these newly detected compounds are complex carbonaceous molecules - an indication of the rich organic chemistry that takes place in the space between the stars.

ISO made nearly 30 000 scientific observations. Some of ISO's most celebrated findings are the following:

The water on Earth comes from space

Rings of carbon

Crystals in space

ISO saw the space `water-factories' at work

Most water on Earth was not produced here - it came from space. This is old news for astronomers, but until now water-producing factories had not been observed at work in space. Nor was it possible to trace water at the different stages of its long journey through space. Very little information about cosmic water can be obtained from the ground - primarily because the Earth's atmosphere is itself rich in water vapour and blocks our view of the water in the Universe beyond. ISO helped astronomers to reconstruct for the first time the cosmic cycle of water.


First, the ingredients: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, and oxygen is produced at the centres of massive stars and dispersed into space by stellar winds or supernova explosions. The ideal conditions for these gases to combine are found in places such as star-forming regions, for example, the Orion Nebula. In 1997 ISO detected large quantities of water in Orion - the most studied star-forming region - and astronomers estimated that the water-production rate in the nebula could fill Earth's oceans 60 times a day. (See also ISO finds steamy cloud in interstellar space)

Some of these newly formed water molecules start to travel out into the cold of interstellar space, where they form ice grains. With time they will end up in comets or in planets like our own. ISO has also detected water in many other regions, including the galactic centre and in both newborn and dying stars.

A rich organic astro-chemistry takes place between the stars

Atoms and molecules in space are identified by comparing their spectra - a signal that is unique to each compound and hence can be used as a 'signature' - with that of known compounds obtained in the laboratory. But sometimes no match is found, and then astronomers cannot identify what molecule they have detected. That is the case with one of the most ubiquitous molecules detected so far, a group of compounds that have left their chemical fingerprint in many places in the Universe. They are known to be complex carbonaceous molecules, made of more than a hundred carbon atoms; their abundance shows that a very rich and active organic chemistry is taking place around the stars and in the space between them.

ISO confirmed the presence of these compounds in many different environments, and gave some clues about their nature. Some ISO data, for instance the very recent identification of benzene in space (See also ISO detects benzene in space) suggest that these molecules have an 'aromatic' structure, that is, they are ring-shaped molecules. That is in fact the most accepted view among astronomers, most of which already call these carbonaceous compounds 'Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons', or 'PAHs'.

The ring-shaped structure is relevant, since life as we know it is based - among other things - on the ability of the carbon atom to form ringed molecules.

Links between the rich organic astro-chemistry and the one developed in newborn planetary systems - including our own Solar System - are actively being searched for in comets and meteorites.

Crystals in space

Dust is the most abundant raw material in the Universe. Planets, comets... they are all made from reprocessed dust: particles often much smaller than one thousandth of a millimetre and of varied chemical composition. As in the case of water, there is a 'dust-cycle' taking place in the Universe. Stars expel dust when they are old, the dust forms dense clouds in interstellar space, and new stars - and often planetary systems - are formed from the dust in that cloud. When the new stars become old and expel dust themselves the cycle closes (although the dust will be more processed and therefore with a slightly different chemistry). Thanks to ISO, astronomers can now 'trace' some of this dust through different stages of its cycle.

ISO discovered in 1998 that crystallised silicates - such as the green crystal olivine - are a main component of dust. (See also The crystalline revolution: ISO's finding opens a new research field, 'astro-mineralogy' .) This triggered a `crystalline revolution' in the astronomical world, because it meant that silicates, which are a large family of compounds, could be specifically identified. Silicates are the most abundant minerals on Earth and were also known to be very common in space, but it had been assumed that cosmic dust silicates had, in general, an amorphous structure. The fact that their structure is crystalline and not amorphous allows astronomers to identify each crystal, track its presence in different regions and follow its journey through space.

So far crystalline silicates have been found in the circumstellar discs around evolved stars where they are synthesised; in comets, such as comet Hale-Bopp and in protoplanetary discs, where they act as building blocks for new planets. Experts in space chemistry still do not understand how crystalline silicates are formed, but they can already celebrate the birth of a new field of research - 'astro-mineralogy'.

Source: http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/object/index.cfm?fobjectid=26783#TopOfPage

31st August 2012, 06:12

Video Description from YouTube:

This artist's animation illustrates how silicate crystals like those found in comets can be created by an outburst from a growing star. It first shows a young sun-like star encircled by its planet-forming disk of gas and dust. The silicate that makes up most of the dust would have begun as non-crystallized, amorphous particles.

Then, material from the disk spirals onto the star increasing its mass and causing the star to brighten and heat up dramatically. The outburst causes temperatures to rise in the star's surrounding disk.

Next, the animation zooms into the disk to show close-ups of silicate particles. When the disk warms from the star's outburst, the amorphous particles of silicate melt. As they cool off, they transform into forsterite, a type of silicate crystal often found in comets in our solar system.

In April 2008, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope detected evidence of this process taking place on the disk of a young sun-like star called EX Lupi.

Note: As per the article in the previous post, the silicate particles are crystalline and NOT amorphous.

31st August 2012, 06:35
Peter Gariaev and Wave Genetics



More on Wave Genetics - http://www.wavegenetic.com.ar/history.html

31st August 2012, 06:53

The following three paragraphs were copied and pasted from Wikipedia:

A biophoton (from the Greek βίος meaning "life" and φῶς meaning "light"), synonymous with ultraweak photon emission, low-level biological chemiluminescence, ultraweak bioluminescence, dark luminescence and other similar terms, is a photon of light emitted from a biological system and detected by biological probes as part of the general weak electromagnetic radiation of living biological cells. Biophotons and their study should not be confused with bioluminescence, a term generally reserved for higher intensity luciferin/luciferase systems.

The term biophotonics denotes a combination of biology and photonics, with photonics being the science and technology of generation, manipulation, and detection of photons, quantum units of light. Photonics is related to electronics in that it is believed that photons will play a similar central role in future information technology as electrons do today.

Biophotonics has therefore become the established general term for all techniques that deal with the interaction between biological items and photons. This refers to emission, detection, absorption, reflection, modification, and creation of radiation from biomolecular, cells, tissues, organisms and biomaterials.




31st August 2012, 07:20
Solitons (are really cool)



In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave (a wave packet or pulse) that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. Solitons are caused by a cancellation of nonlinear and dispersive effects in the medium. (The term "dispersive effects" refers to a property of certain systems where the speed of the waves varies according to frequency.) Solitons arise as the solutions of a widespread class of weakly nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations describing physical systems. The soliton phenomenon was first described by John Scott Russell (1808–1882) who observed a solitary wave in the Union Canal in Scotland. He reproduced the phenomenon in a wave tank and named it the "Wave of Translation".


I am trying to find more information on solitons and DNA, but unfortunately the PDFs require payment to access. They are out there though.

Are solitons responsible for energy transfer in oriented DNA?

Bio-Soliton Model/Data Waves (http://www.wavegenetic.com.ar/biosolitons.html)

EDIT: Okay, I found an article.


The reason for examining solitons in greater detail is that they are not only thought to play a role in enzyme catalysis, but are also thought to play a role in catalysis at the level of cell membranes (Sataric, Zakula, Ivik & Tuszynski, 1991), muscle function (Davydov, 1982) and, as will be discussed, in numerous other biological processes from DNA (Yakushevich 2001) to the action potential of a nerve cell (Aslanidi & Mornev 1996). The diverse biological processes that are thought to involve solitons lends weight to the proposition that there may be a common theme to all living processes.

Soliton waves (originally identified by J. Scott Russell in 1884) are non-dissipative waves that occur at the boundary between differing tendencies of waves. Thus, in water, the mathematics used to describe low amplitude waves are relatively simple -- linear in fact. Low amplitude waves have a tendency to dissipate, as when we drop a pebble in a pond and observe the waves spreading out. Also, the various frequencies that might comprise a low amplitude wave will gradually separate as a result of the different speeds at which they travel. High amplitude waves, on the other hand, behave non-linearly. They have a tendency to compress and cause criticality, white water, turbulence. However, just like low amplitude waves, the result is a rapid dissipation of energy and structure.

Right at the boundary between these two tendencies we find soliton waves. Examples of soliton waves include tsunami and certain types of vortices; Jupiter's Red Spot may well be a soliton wave. What makes these waves so interesting is their robustness. A tsunami may travel the length of the Pacific Ocean with relatively little dissipation. Soliton waves are practically frictionless. It seems that at the boundary the non-dissipative (or compressive) tendency of high amplitude waves exactly cancels out the dissipative tendency of low amplitude waves. Also, solitons can be found in a number of mediums. If physicists exactly balance two properties of light - refraction and diffraction, for example, solitons may be formed.

The robustness of solitons cannot be solely attributed to the nature of the waves themselves. There is the problem of context to be considered. A soliton was first observed in a canal. A canal is highly ordered - it has a constant width and depth. This feature of canals makes them highly favorable for the possibility of solitons occurring. Soliton waves are themselves highly structured, they embody a great deal of symmetry. Because the bottom and edges of the canal form the boundary conditions for the soliton, it is necessary that they embody a high degree of symmetry also. Thus, there is a strong relationship between the robustness of solitons and the degree of order or symmetry in the medium and boundary conditions that form their environment. In the case of solitons on membranes, there is a necessary relationship between the possibility of solitons existing and types of topological transformations which leave key geometric features unchanged (Rogers & Shadwick, 1982, p 107-110, also Rogers & Schief, 2002). Also, Lie group transformations are often used to find soliton solutions and are characterised by the fact that they involve invariance under transformation. Incidentally, Lie group transformations are used by computer scientists to design computer 'vision' systems.

The regular crystalline structure of DNA and the uniform diameter of microtubules are examples of invariance and they determine the particular solutions of solitons that can exist. As we shall see, the persistence of solitons within structured environments may well help us to understand the relationship between 'life' and the 'order' or symmetry in its environment.

This may be extremely significant. If we consider a biological structure such as DNA and consider the problem of providing energy to do work at particular locations, it would seem, at first glance, that we would require a complex external system to achieve this. However, if solitons utilise the 'order' or symmetry in a biological structures, then the structure itself may be providing the means to deliver the energy where it is required. So, the evolution of biological structures such as DNA or microtubules cannot be considered in isolation from the solitonic wave forms that they support. Conversely, if we choose to consider the evolution of life as the evolution of solitons then these cannot be considered in isolation from the material structures that support them. Life, I suggest, involves a necessary relationship between matter and energy in the form of soliton waves, such that the stability or robustness of one is dependent upon the other. As we shall see later, the brain may be a beautiful example of this synthesis.

The basic principles of cell chemistry may be significant in terms of the possibility of solitonic mechanisms also. As has been discussed, solitons may be formed at the boundary between linear and non-linear behaviour. Enzymes in the cell fall into two main groups - allestoric and non-allestoric. In non-allestoric enzyme catalysis the rate of the catalysed reaction goes up linearly with the concentration of the reagents. Conversely, allestoric enzyme catalysis gives rise to a non-linear relationship between the rate of the catalysed reaction and the concentration of reagents. The cell may indeed embody a fine balance between linear and non-linear tendencies necessary for soliton formation. Additionally, there are two further sub-groups of catalysed reaction in cell chemistry - catabolic and anabolic. Catabolic chemistry breaks large molecules into smaller molecules and anabolic chemistry builds larger molecules from smaller ones. These two aspects of cell chemistry must be finely balanced in the healthy cell. The question is - 'Might the balance between these two tendencies also give rise to solitons?'

An intriguing question arises about the possible relationship between the robust qualities of the enzyme and the robust qualities of the soliton. The soliton is not independent of the enzyme; it is expressed as movement amongst the atoms that comprise it. If solitons are indeed a principle agent of the process of catalysis then we have discovered an interesting concurrence of robustness in two seemingly different physical domains. On the one hand we have the robustness of the catalyst when considered as a physical entity, and on the other, we have the robustness of an energy wave form. I think it highly unlikely that this is mere coincidence.

[Next page - Solitons in biology (http://www.psy.cmu.edu/~davia/mbc/9start.html)]

Source: http://www.psy.cmu.edu/~davia/mbc/8start.html


If you click on that link there is about 15 more pages if your interested in rummaging.

31st August 2012, 07:33
Self-Similarity and Fractals Driven by Soliton Dynamics


This PDF ties together several topics brought forth in the thread.

31st August 2012, 15:44
Alright, I was rummaging through all of the information about Quantum Brain Dynamics linked to earlier in the thread. According to the theory there are "quantizations of thought" (think of it like little thought packets of energy) called corticons.

The concepts underlying this theory derive from the physicists, Hiroomi Umezawa and Herbert Fröhlich in the 1960s. More recently, their ideas have been elaborated by Mari Jibu and Kunio Yasue. Water comprises 70% of the brain, and quantum brain dynamics (QBD) proposes that the electric dipoles of the water molecules constitute a quantum field, referred to as the cortical field, with corticons as the quanta of the field. This cortical field is postulated to interact with quantum coherent waves generated by the biomolecules in neurons, which are suggested to propagate along the neuronal network. The idea of quantum coherent waves in the neuronal network derives from Frohlich. He viewed these waves as a means by which order could be maintained in living systems, and argued that the neuronal network could support long-range correlation of dipoles. This theory suggests that the cortical field not only interacts with the neuronal network, but also to a good extent controls it.

The proponents of QBD differ somewhat as to the way in which consciousness arises in this system. Jibu and Yasue suggest that the interaction between the energy quanta (corticons) of the quantum field and the biomolecular waves of the neuronal network produces consciousness. However, another theorist, Giuseppe Vitiello, proposes that the quantum states produce two poles, a subjective representation of the external world and also the internal self. Consciousness, according to Vitiello, is not in either the external representation or the self, but in the opening of the self to the representation of the external world.

-Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_theories_of_consciousness)

Now, check out this book - Brain and Being (http://books.google.com/books?id=Fvs3sw9ZVfsC&pg=PA276&lpg=PA276&dq=soliton+corticon&source=bl&ots=4jCxQPLhO9&sig=uw7tE1lNWFbxQCJyc9wnRdJcxRQ&hl=en#v=onepage&q=soliton%20corticon&f=false) - starting on page 276.

Basically, it says the theoretical "coritcon" is an actual, real thing already in quantum literature. It's called the dipolar soliton ... !

These are "thought carriers" and they are constituents of a "cortical field" as it's called in QBD theory.

This book is also worth ruffling through.

My Double Unveiled: The Dissipative Quantum Model of Brain (http://books.google.com/books?id=_xqi3z3pHxMC&pg=PA89&lpg=PA89&dq=soliton+corticon&source=bl&ots=53ebTfNSXv&sig=bSe7tJS01_-B7TjAifNEe16aCaY&hl=en#v=onepage&q=soliton&f=false)

A few excerpts from the book in the above link:

There are excitations, called wave packets, which can be described as superposition of monochromatic waves. A wave packet arises due to constructive interference of the constituent waves in some limited space region, and negative (destructive) interference elsewhere.

There exist however excitations which do not behave as wave packets, i.e. cannot be considered as superpositions of monochromatic waves and do not spread out in dispersive media. They are stable excitations localized in a limited space region and energy is associated with them. These excitations are called solitary waves or solitons ... Due to their stability, solitons are well suited to describe transport of energy without dissipation.

By the word soliton one sometimes also means vortices, dislocations and other kinds of extended objects in realistic systems. In these cases, the stability of the soliton, which makes it so interesting, is still much greater than for other kinds of solutions for which the superposition principle can be applied: generally speaking, solitons are localized excitations arising from the balance between dispersion and nonlinearity, which propagate in a quasi-non-dissipative way.

Nonlinearity means that fields are "self-interacting" fields. One can also think in terms of the field interacting with the "reaction" field generated by itself. One can then speak of self-localization since localization arises as one of the effects of nonlinearity, i.e. of the self-interaction.

-page 38, My Double Unveiled: The Dissipative Quantum Model of Brain, by Giuseppe Vitiello

Immediately I'm thinking about the pineal gland and it's micro crystals diffracting signals from the innervating neurons (just like light and laser interferometry) and the resulting interference patterns being a "thought" ... see this post - http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=544607&viewfull=1#post544607

That's in humans and some animals, but in lower vertebrates the pineal gland isn't as innervated by neurons from the bodies systems, i.e. sympathetic innervations, which is why I think they don't have a "sense of self" like higher vertebrates do).

Now, dipole solitons in space plasmas? The answer is ... yes!

Dipole Density Solitons and Solitary Dipole Vortices in an Inhomogeneous Space Plasma


A new type of density soliton, a dipole density soliton, as well as single dip and hump density solitons, were discovered in recent satellite observations of space plasmas. Moreover, these three kinds of density solitons are all associated with similar local electromagnetic fluctuations with Alfvén characteristics. This indicates that they originate from the same physical mechanism. We propose that the solitary plasma dipole vortex model can consistently account for these three kinds of density solitons, with the differences in their appearances attributed to the differences in the positions and directions at which the satellite crosses the solitary dipole vortex.

-Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4346–4349 (1996) (http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v77/i21/p4346_1)

Now, this could mean a basis of intelligence for inorganic life (or organic, look at the ESAs findings of organic molecules in space ... dusty?). Look at complex plasmas and self organizing crystals in space, coupled with dipolar solitons in space plasmas that are associated with electromagnetic (buzz word) fluctuations. Makes for some great beard stroking.

Found this book, can't get into it though: Soliton Propagation and Plasma Flow about a Dipole Magnetic Field (http://books.google.com/books/about/Soliton_Propagation_and_Plasma_Flow_abou.html?id=VLuOtgAACAAJ)

What say you?

31st August 2012, 19:44
The following article was copied and pasted from the ScienceWise Magazine's website (link at bottom).

The Holographic Neurone Stimulator
When physics and biology combine

For some time neuroscientists have been using microscopic electrodes to excite nerve cells in order to study their response to various stimulation patterns and to unravel the secrets of how nerves process information. However, inserting an electrode into a dendrite only a few µm thick is a very difficult task. Doubly so if you require multiple points to be stimulated at the same time. This approach is also slow and painstaking so you can’t really select and excite a sequence of contact points anywhere near as fast as it happens in living neural networks.

This reliance on electrodes has posed some limitations on the types of experiments neurobiologists have been able to conduct. However, two neurobiologists, Dr. Christian Stricker and Prof. Steve Redman of the John Curtin School of Medical Research, have recently achieved a breakthrough in this area in a collaborative project with physicists at the ANU Department of Quantum Science.

“We were looking for a system that could generate real time images of living neurones in three spatial dimensions and then stimulate those neurones at several specific points.” Dr Stricker explains. “So we approached physicists Professor Hans Bachor and Dr. Vincent Daria to explore what we might be able to achieve collaboratively.” As often happens with collaborations, experts from diverse fields were able to pool their expertise and create a system that none of them could have built individually. The result was a new tool in neuroscience which the team have christened the Holographic Neuron Stimulator.

The Holographic Neuron Stimulator works by immersing a sample of living neurones in a solution containing neurotransmitters - a class of molecules that stimulate neuronal firing. Of course if the cells were simply bathed in active neurotransmitters they would fire constantly. So scientists have adapted a “caged” neurotransmitter molecule such that it only becomes active (or “uncaged”) in the presence of a strong light field.

In order for the system to work effectively, the triggering light has to be highly localised at selected points in space. The team decided that the best way to achieve this was to use a holographic projection technique.

A normal photographic hologram is a combination of dense and transparent regions in a photographic emulsion that don’t outwardly look like anything recognisable. But when illuminated by a broad plane coherent wave, such as that produced by an expanded laser beam, the dense and transparent regions in the hologram project an interference pattern that mimics an object in 3 dimensional space. In conventional holography, the hologram is recorded on a photographic plate using the reverse process – laser illumination of a real object and interference with a second beam. Although many holograms are recorded in this photographic way, it’s quite possible to calculate the holographic pattern of an object using optical theory alone. Such pre-calculated holographic patterns are commonly called Computer Generated Holograms (CGH). A programmable electronic light modulator can be encoded with such a CGH, and project a complex three dimensional light pattern from a single laser.

The projected light pattern from the hologram can be in the form of tiny spots of light, which could in principle be used to create bright spots within sections of neural tissue. If that tissue were surrounded by an inactive “caged” neurotransmitter solution, the holographically projected bright spots would release (or uncage) the transmitters at various points in the sample. If those points were made to correspond with the location of a nerve cell membrane, the result would be to stimulate the cell and potentially initiate a nerve impulse.

This is precisely what the Holographic Neuron Stimulator does. Using a programmable hologram to alter the shape of the laser beam and a powerful computer, the machine creates a series of patterns of spots in precisely determined locations for stimulating various sections in a neuron. This is more versatile than using a simple mask or lens. Another advantage is that it can be changed in real time allowing the light spots to be switched and moved every few milliseconds. In this way scientists can stimulate several points on the same neurone either simultaneously or in a set temporal sequence.
A significant challenge with any optical neurone stimulating system is correlating your light spots with features on the actual neurones in the sample. The Holographic Neuron Stimulator achieves this by using the same holographic technique to create a special kind of microscope known as multi-photon fluorescence microscope or MFM.

An MFM works by using a femtosecond-pulse laser to excite natural molecules in the sample into fluorescence. The simplest kind of fluorescence is when a molecule absorbs a highly energetic photon and re-emits a less energetic one. This is commonly seen when things glow under ultraviolet light. This isn’t very useful in microscopy as it would cause the entire sample to absorb light and glow at once. So the fluorescence event employed by a MFM is the absorption of two or more low-energy infrared photons to excite one molecule, which then emits in the visible spectrum. Because of quantum rules, in order to raise the energy in two jumps, both photons must be absorbed by the molecule at exactly the same time. Hence, to increase the probability of simultaneous multi-photon absorption, the density of photons at an instant of time needs to be very high, which can only be achieved in a strongly focussed pulsed-laser with pulse-width in the order of several femtoseconds (10-15 s.)

Prior to using the Holographic Neuron stimulator to excite impulses, a 3D image of the neuron sample is created by switching the system to MFM mode. By raster scanning the femtosecond-pulse laser beam across the sample very quickly, a beautiful crisp three dimensional image of the neuron is generated. Once the 3D image of the neuron is acquired, the hologram for projecting the appropriate light spot pattern is calculated and encoded on the programmable hologram.
To a neuroscientist trying to understand how billions of individual neurones integrate together to create complex structures like the human brain, this new technique offers a very exciting opportunity to do new science. “The great thing about this set up is that you can generate an image of a living neurone in situ, identify points that you wish to stimulate, then switch to stimulate mode and directly hit those points in any sequence you like. “ Dr Stricker says. “In neuroscience we are always looking to push the boundaries and this should really help us do so.” He is looking forward to the first trial runs of the stimulator.

Source: http://sciencewise.anu.edu.au/articles/Holographic_Neurone_Stimu

31st August 2012, 20:10




"In the hydrodynamic interpretation of the behaviour of electromagnetic fields, the acceleration of electric fluid in a particular direction creates a positive vortex of magnetic fluid. This in turn creates around itself a corresponding negative vortex of electric fluid." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vortex

"In the atmospheric sciences, vorticity is the rotation of air around a vertical axis. Vorticity is a vector quantity and the direction of the vector is given by the right-hand rule with the fingers of the right hand indicating the direction and curvature of the wind. When the vorticity vector points upward into the atmosphere, vorticity is positive; when it points downward into the earth it is negative. Vorticity in the atmosphere is therefore positive for counter-clockwise rotation (looking down onto the Earth's surface), and negative for clockwise rotation.

In the Northern Hemisphere cyclonic rotation of the atmosphere is counter-clockwise so is associated with positive vorticity, and anti-cyclonic rotation is clockwise so is associated with negative vorticity. In the Southern Hemisphere cyclonic rotation is clockwise with negative vorticity; anti-cyclonic rotation is counter-clockwise with positive vorticity.

A closely related phenomenon is helicity, which is vorticity in motion along a third axis in a corkscrew fashion." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorticity




31st August 2012, 21:58
3D Imaging with Laser Plasma Technology



1st September 2012, 14:14
V. S. Ramachandran on the Uniqueness of Human Consciousness


I'm hearing Ramachandran talk and grinding it against the theory of Wave Genetics (on this page, above), complex systems, plasma crystals self organizing and passing on data, solitons, etc. It takes on a new twist.

1st September 2012, 14:31
The following article is from http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/science/21consciousness.html?pagewanted=all


Sizing Up Consciousness by Its Bits
by Carl Zimmer

One day in 2007, Dr. Giulio Tononi lay on a hospital stretcher as an anesthesiologist prepared him for surgery. For Dr. Tononi, it was a moment of intellectual exhilaration. He is a distinguished chair in consciousness science at the University of Wisconsin, and for much of his life he has been developing a theory of consciousness. Lying in the hospital, Dr. Tononi finally had a chance to become his own experiment.

The anesthesiologist was preparing to give Dr. Tononi one drug to render him unconscious, and another one to block muscle movements. Dr. Tononi suggested the anesthesiologist first tie a band around his arm to keep out the muscle-blocking drug. The anesthesiologist could then ask Dr. Tononi to lift his finger from time to time, so they could mark the moment he lost awareness.

The anesthesiologist did not share Dr. Tononi’s excitement. “He could not have been less interested,” Dr. Tononi recalled. “He just said, ‘Yes, yes, yes,’ and put me to sleep. He was thinking, ‘This guy must be out of his mind.’ ”

Dr. Tononi was not offended. Consciousness has long been the province of philosophers, and most doctors steer clear of their abstract speculations. After all, debating the finer points of what it is like to be a brain floating in a vat does not tell you how much anesthetic to give a patient.

But Dr. Tononi’s theory is, potentially, very different. He and his colleagues are translating the poetry of our conscious experiences into the precise language of mathematics. To do so, they are adapting information theory, a branch of science originally applied to computers and telecommunications. If Dr. Tononi is right, he and his colleagues may be able to build a “consciousness meter” that doctors can use to measure consciousness as easily as they measure blood pressure and body temperature. Perhaps then his anesthesiologist will become interested.

“I love his ideas,” said Christof Koch, an expert on consciousness at Caltech. “It’s the only really promising fundamental theory of consciousness.”

Dr. Tononi’s obsession with consciousness started in his teens. He was initially interested in ethics, but he decided that questions of personal responsibility depended on our consciousness of our own actions. So he would have to figure out consciousness first. “I’ve been stuck with this thing for most of my life,” he said.

Eventually he decided to study consciousness by becoming a psychiatrist. An early encounter with a patient in a vegetative state convinced Dr. Tononi that understanding consciousness was not just a matter of philosophy.

“There are very practical things involved,” Dr. Tononi said. “Are these patients feeling pain or not? You look at science, and basically science is telling you nothing.”

Dr. Tononi began developing models of the brain and became an expert on one form of altered consciousness we all experience: sleep. In 2000, he and his colleagues found that Drosophila flies go through cycles of sleeping and waking. By studying mutant flies, Dr. Tononi and other researchers have discovered genes that may be important in sleep disorders.

For Dr. Tononi, sleep is a daily reminder of how mysterious consciousness is. Each night we lose it, and each morning it comes back. In recent decades, neuroscientists have built models that describe how consciousness emerges from the brain. Some researchers have proposed that consciousness is caused by the synchronization of neurons across the brain. That harmony allows the brain to bring together different perceptions into a single conscious experience.

Dr. Tononi sees serious problems in these models. When people lose consciousness from epileptic seizures, for instance, their brain waves become more synchronized. If synchronization were the key to consciousness, you would expect the seizures to make people hyperconscious instead of unconscious, he said.

While in medical school, Dr. Tononi began to think of consciousness in a different way, as a particularly rich form of information. He took his inspiration from the American engineer Claude Shannon, who built a scientific theory of information in the mid-1900s. Mr. Shannon measured information in a signal by how much uncertainty it reduced. There is very little information in a photodiode that switches on when it detects light, because it reduces only a little uncertainty. It can distinguish between light and dark, but it cannot distinguish between different kinds of light. It cannot tell the differences between a television screen showing a Charlie Chaplin movie or an ad for potato chips. The question that the photodiode can answer, in other words, is about as simple as a question can get.

Our neurons are basically fancy photodiodes, producing electric bursts in response to incoming signals. But the conscious experiences they produce contain far more information than in a single diode. In other words, they reduce much more uncertainty. While a photodiode can be in one of two states, our brains can be in one of trillions of states. Not only can we tell the difference between a Chaplin movie and a potato chip, but our brains can go into a different state from one frame of the movie to the next.

“One out of two isn’t a lot of information, but if it’s one out of trillions, then there’s a lot,” Dr. Tononi said.

Consciousness is not simply about quantity of information, he says. Simply combining a lot of photodiodes is not enough to create human consciousness. In our brains, neurons talk to one another, merging information into a unified whole. A grid made up of a million photodiodes in a camera can take a picture, but the information in each diode is independent from all the others. You could cut the grid into two pieces and they would still take the same picture.

Consciousness, Dr. Tononi says, is nothing more than integrated information. Information theorists measure the amount of information in a computer file or a cellphone call in bits, and Dr. Tononi argues that we could, in theory, measure consciousness in bits as well. When we are wide awake, our consciousness contains more bits than when we are asleep.

For the past decade, Dr. Tononi and his colleagues have been expanding traditional information theory in order to analyze integrated information. It is possible, they have shown, to calculate how much integrated information there is in a network. Dr. Tononi has dubbed this quantity phi, and he has studied it in simple networks made up of just a few interconnected parts. How the parts of a network are wired together has a big effect on phi. If a network is made up of isolated parts, phi is low, because the parts cannot share information.

But simply linking all the parts in every possible way does not raise phi much. “It’s either all on, or all off,” Dr. Tononi said. In effect, the network becomes one giant photodiode.

Networks gain the highest phi possible if their parts are organized into separate clusters, which are then joined. “What you need are specialists who talk to each other, so they can behave as a whole,” Dr. Tononi said. He does not think it is a coincidence that the brain’s organization obeys this phi-raising principle.

Dr. Tononi argues that his Integrated Information Theory sidesteps a lot of the problems that previous models of consciousness have faced. It neatly explains, for example, why epileptic seizures cause unconsciousness. A seizure forces many neurons to turn on and off together. Their synchrony reduces the number of possible states the brain can be in, lowering its phi.

Dr. Koch considers Dr. Tononi’s theory to be still in its infancy. It is impossible, for example, to calculate phi for the human brain because its billions of neurons and trillions of connections can be arranged in so many ways. Dr. Koch and Dr. Tononi recently started a collaboration to determine phi for a much more modest nervous system, that of a worm known as Caenorhabditis elegans. Despite the fact that it has only 302 neurons in its entire body, Dr. Koch and Dr. Tononi will be able make only a rough approximation of phi, rather than a precise calculation.

“The lifetime of the universe isn’t long enough for that,” Dr. Koch said. “There are immense practical problems with the theory, but that was also true for the theory of general relativity early on.”

Dr. Tononi is also testing his theory in other ways. In a study published this year, he and his colleagues placed a small magnetic coil on the heads of volunteers. The coil delivered a pulse of magnetism lasting a tenth of a second. The burst causes neurons in a small patch of the brain to fire, and they in turn send signals to other neurons, making them fire as well.

To track these reverberations, Dr. Tononi and his colleagues recorded brain activity with a mesh of scalp electrodes. They found that the brain reverberated like a ringing bell, with neurons firing in a complex pattern across large areas of the brain for 295 milliseconds.

Then the scientists gave the subjects a sedative called midazolam and delivered another pulse. In the anesthetized brain, the reverberations produced a much simpler response in a much smaller region, lasting just 110 milliseconds. As the midazolam started to wear off, the pulses began to produce richer, longer echoes.

These are the kinds of results Dr. Tononi expected. According to his theory, a fragmented brain loses some of its integrated information and thus some of its consciousness. Dr. Tononi has gotten similar results when he has delivered pulses to sleeping people — or at least people in dream-free stages of sleep.

In this month’s issue of the journal Cognitive Neuroscience, he and his colleagues reported that dreaming brains respond more like wakeful ones. Dr. Tononi is now collaborating with Dr. Steven Laureys of the University of Liège in Belgium to test his theory on people in persistent vegetative states. Although he and his colleagues have tested only a small group of subjects, the results are so far falling in line with previous experiments.

If Dr. Tononi and his colleagues can get reliable results from such experiments, it will mean more than just support for his theory. It could also lead to a new way to measure consciousness. “That would give us a consciousness index,” Dr. Laureys said.

Traditionally, doctors have measured consciousness simply by getting responses from patients. In many cases, it comes down to questions like, “Can you hear me?” This approach fails with people who are conscious but unable to respond. In recent years scientists have been developing ways of detecting consciousness directly from the activity of the brain.

In one series of experiments, researchers put people in vegetative or minimally conscious states into fMRI scanners and asked them to think about playing tennis. In some patients, regions of the brain became active in a pattern that was a lot like that in healthy subjects.

Dr. Tononi thinks these experiments identify consciousness in some patients, but they have serious limitations. “It’s complicated to put someone in a scanner,” he said. He also notes that thinking about tennis for 30 seconds can demand a lot from people with brain injuries. “If you get a response I think it’s proof that’s someone’s there, but if you don’t get it, it’s not proof of anything,” Dr. Tononi said.

Measuring the integrated information in people’s brains could potentially be both easier and more reliable. An anesthesiologist, for example, could apply magnetic pulses to a patient’s brain every few seconds and instantly see whether it responded with the rich complexity of consciousness or the meager patterns of unconsciousness.

Other researchers view Dr. Tononi’s theory with a respectful skepticism.

“It’s the sort of proposal that I think people should be generating at this point: a simple and powerful hypothesis about the relationship between brain processing and conscious experience,” said David Chalmers, a philosopher at Australian National University. “As with most simple and powerful hypotheses, reality will probably turn out to be more complicated, but we’ll learn something from the attempt. I’d say that it doesn’t solve the problem of consciousness, but it’s a useful starting point.”

Dr. Tononi acknowledged, “The theory has to be developed a bit more before I worry about what’s the best consciousness meter you could develop.” But once he has one, he would not limit himself to humans. As long as people have puzzled over consciousness, they have wondered whether animals are conscious as well. Dr. Tononi suspects that it is not a simple yes-or-no answer. Rather, animals will prove to have different levels of consciousness, depending on their integrated information. Even C. elegans might have a little consciousness.

“Unless one has a theory of what consciousness is, one will never be able to address these difficult cases and say anything meaningful,” Dr. Tononi said.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/science/21consciousness.html?pagewanted=all


Here is more information on Giulio Tononi's Integrated Information Theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_Information_Theory

Here is a chapter out of his book, PHI: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul, from Scientific American's webpage: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=what-is-fundamental-nature-consciousness-giulio-tononi-excerpt

1st September 2012, 21:06
Okay, check this out!


Barkhausen Effect

During experiments carried out in 1919 involving magnetism and acoustics, German scientist Heinrich Barkhausen provided convincing evidence that iron and other ferromagnetic materials are magnetized in small, distinct intervals rather than in a smooth, continuous manner, as had been theorized. Barkhausen did so by connecting a wire coil surrounding an iron core to an amplifier, then bringing a magnet close to the coil.
Any signal picked up by the amplifier was sent to a speaker, which enabled Barkhausen to hear a progression of clicking noises whenever he moved the magnet. The sound reflects the shifting of what are known as magnetic domains in the iron. Magnetic domains are microscopic areas in the iron in which the atoms – each a kind of tiny magnet with its own tiny magnetic field – are all aligned in the same direction. When the bar magnet is moved near the core, those domains within the iron gradually realign with the field of the magnet. Due to electromagnetic induction, the shifting of a domain creates a change in the magnetic field around the iron, and that changing magnetic field induces a current in the surrounding coil detectable by the amplifier.

-Source (http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/java/barkhausen/index.html) (if you click this link there is an interactive flash animation that allows you to manipulate the magnet across the coil.)



Immediately I'm thinking about EM fields and other topics brought up in this thread relating to it. So here's the idea.

The Barkhausen Effect could account for Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP.

The demonstrations in the video are limited to only a couple of degrees of freedom, but think about the type of interference/noise that could be created with complex (coherent?) fluctuations.

EVP: Compare with Barkhausen Effect chart above

2nd September 2012, 02:23
The Human Brain


*see pages/posts upthread (and the post below, Higgs Field): Kirlian Photography, Luc Montagnier, Peter Gariaev, The Colors of Infinity (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=543216&viewfull=1#post543216) (documentary with Arthur C. Clark and Mandelbrot, I mean c'mon it's a must see), see this post (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542946&viewfull=1#post542946), documentary with Tom Campell (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=544369&viewfull=1#post544369), post #57, 58, 95, 96, and if the rest of the thread if you so choose.

Woohoo! :p

2nd September 2012, 03:26
The Higgs Field and How it Interacts with Elementary Particles (overview)



2nd September 2012, 14:42



This post is relevant to the above three posts.

First of all - topological defects.

From Wikipedia:

In mathematics and physics, a topological soliton or a topological defect is a solution of a system of partial differential equations or of a quantum field theory homotopically distinct from the vacuum solution; it can be proven to exist because the boundary conditions entail the existence of homotopically distinct solutions. Typically, this occurs because the boundary on which the boundary conditions are specified has a non-trivial homotopy group which is preserved in differential equations; the solutions to the differential equations are then topologically distinct, and are classified by their homotopy class. Topological defects are not only stable against small perturbations, but cannot decay or be undone or be de-tangled, precisely because there is no continuous transformation that will map them (homotopically) to a uniform or "trivial" solution.

Examples include the soliton or solitary wave which occurs in many exactly solvable models, the screw dislocations in crystalline materials, the skyrmion and the Wess–Zumino–Witten model in quantum field theory.

Topological defects are believed to drive phase transitions in condensed matter physics. Notable examples of topological defects are observed in Lambda transition universality class systems including: screw/edge-dislocations in liquid crystals, magnetic flux tubes in superconductors, vortices in superfluids.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_soliton

Okay, now domain walls.

From Wikipedia:

A domain wall is a term used in physics which can have one of two distinct but similar meanings in magnetism, optics, or string theory. These phenomena can all be generically described as topological solitons which occur whenever a discrete symmetry is spontaneously broken.

In magnetism, a domain wall is an interface separating magnetic domains. It is a transition between different magnetic moments and usually undergoes an angular displacement of 90° or 180°. Domain wall is a gradual reorientation of individual moments across a finite distance.

An ideal domain wall would be fully independent of position, however, they are not ideal and so get stuck on inclusion sites within the medium, also known as Crystallographic defects. These include missing or different (foreign) atoms, oxides, insulators and even stresses within the crystal. This prevents the formation of domain walls and also inhibits their propagation through the medium. Thus a greater applied magnetic field is required to overcome these sites.

Non-magnetic inclusions in the volume of a ferromagnetic material, or dislocations in crystallographic structure, can cause "pinning" of the domain walls (see animation below). Such pinning sites cause the domain wall to seat in a local energy minimum and external field is required to "unpin" the domain wall from its pinned position. The act of unpinning will cause sudden movement of the domain wall and sudden change of the volume of both neighbouring domains; this causes Barkhausen noise.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_wall

This next animation is called a Barkhausen Jump - it is the unpinning of a magnetic domain wall.



What is a soliton? It can be found in the first links on this post, but here is some more information. Some excerpts from this PDF (http://www.jpoffline.com/docs/solitons.pdf).

"A soliton is a localized configuration of energy. Construct from continuous fields."

"Domain walls are created in physics by a phase transition: steam-water-ice. Bar magnets."

"A domain wall is a surface defect: the dimension of the domain wall is always one less than the dimension of the space it sits in. So, for example, the domain wall above was a point, 0-dimensional, sitting on the 1D line. In a 2D plane-space a domain wall is a line. Interestingly: in a 4D space a domain wall is a 3D volume – this idea has spurred the thought that the Universe is a domain wall."

Source: http://www.jpoffline.com/docs/solitons.pdf

2nd September 2012, 15:24
Pauli and Jung





137: Carl Jung, Wolfgang Pauli and the pursuit of a scientific obsession -

4th September 2012, 04:55


You know what, I dig on the whole hollow earth theory, so rethinking the piezoelectric effect induced by gravity on the core structure I'm going to propose another possibility. The piezoelectric effect could be the result of centrifugal forces acting on the structure from it's own spin. Bam.


That actually fits pretty well. The effect of equatorially stretching the "hyper dense plasma crystal structure" (have to think of a better name) at the core would produce a positive charge "facing north" and a negative charge "facing south" ... Or maybe it would make the regions around the equator one polarity and the polar regions would both be the same polarity (opposite of the equator).

That would make for some strange effects at the equator.

I just drew it out on paper, and I think the charges induced by this process would cause it to oscillate (and possibly wobble). I'm going to go do some digging.

EDIT: You know what if there were an electric field the crystal formation would oscillate with the frequency of the field. I think. I'm going to come back to this one in particular - moving on ... for now.



Check out this video: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/45617-how-gyroscopes-work-video.htm

There are devices called piezoelectric gyroscopes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrating_structure_gyroscope#Piezoelectric_gyroscope

Still have to

While searching for more information related to the above posts I stumbled upon Spin Waves. The following videos are really worth the watch in my opinion (especially if your into physics and free energy tech).

Spin Wave Technology (Part 1)

Spin Wave Technology (Part 2)

Spin Wave Technology (Part 3)

Spin Wave Technology (Part 4)

4th September 2012, 05:19
Electron Spin, Entanglement, and Wave Function Collapse


4th September 2012, 05:43


Now tell me those don't look like cell-type structures, or am I failing the Rorschach?

See also:



... and post #104 on this page

4th September 2012, 19:49
Okay my turn to bump your thread...and THANK YOU so much for this!! i just missed it until yesterday, hope other members also find this and see the wealth of research and info you are putting for us here!

slow connection, for the pages with too many videos, but i feel the need to read it and hear it all, so will wait! thanks again :)

5th September 2012, 00:46
This next article in about Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) and was copied and pasted from here (http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-06/iu-nmi062608.php).

New map IDs the core of the human brain

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- An international team of researchers has created the first complete high-resolution map of how millions of neural fibers in the human cerebral cortex -- the outer layer of the brain responsible for higher level thinking -- connect and communicate. Their groundbreaking work identified a single network core, or hub, that may be key to the workings of both hemispheres of the brain.

The work by the researchers from Indiana University, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and Harvard Medical School marks a major step in understanding the most complicated and mysterious organ in the human body. It not only provides a comprehensive map of brain connections (the brain "connectome"), but also describes a novel application of a non-invasive technique that can be used by other scientists to continue mapping the trillions of neural connections in the brain at even greater resolution, which is becoming a new field of science termed "connectomics."

"This is one of the first steps necessary for building large-scale computational models of the human brain to help us understand processes that are difficult to observe, such as disease states and recovery processes to injuries," said Olaf Sporns, co-author of the study and neuroscientist at Indiana University.

The findings appear in the journal PLoS Biology today (June 30). Co-authors include Patric Hagmann and Reto Meuli, University Hospital Center and University of Lausanne; Leila Cammoun and Xavier Gigandet, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Van J. Wedeen, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical Center; and Christopher J. Honey, IU.

Until now, scientists have mostly used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology to measure brain activity -- locating which parts of the brain become active during perception or cognition -- but there has been little understanding of the role of the underlying anatomy in generating this activity. What is known of neural fiber connections and pathways has largely been learned from animal studies, and so far, no complete map of brain connections in the human brain exists.

In this new study, a team of neuroimaging researchers led by Hagmann used state-of-the-art diffusion MRI technology, which is a non-invasive scanning technique that estimates fiber connection trajectories based on gradient maps of the diffusion of water molecules through brain tissue. A highly sensitive variant of the method, called diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI), can depict the orientation of multiple fibers that cross a single location. The study applies this technique to the entire human cortex, resulting in maps of millions of neural fibers running throughout this highly furrowed part of the brain.


Sporns then carried out a computational analysis trying to identify regions of the brain that played a more central role in the connectivity, serving as hubs in the cortical network. Surprisingly, these analyses revealed a single highly and densely connected structural core in the brain of all participants.

"We found that the core, the most central part of the brain, is in the medial posterior portion of the cortex, and it straddles both hemispheres," Sporns said. "This wasn't known before. Researchers have been interested in this part of the brain for other reasons. For example, when you're at rest, this area uses up a lot of metabolic energy, but until now it hasn't been clear why."

The researchers then asked whether the structural connections of the brain in fact shape its dynamic activity, Sporns said. The study examined the brains of five human participants who were imaged using both fMRI and DSI techniques to compare how closely the brain activity observed in the fMRI mapped to the underlying fiber networks.

"It turns out they're quite closely related," Sporns said. "We can measure a significant correlation between brain anatomy and brain dynamics. This means that if we know how the brain is connected we can predict what the brain will do."

Sporns said he and Hagmann plan to look at more brains soon, to map brain connectivity as brains develop and age, and as they change in the course of disease and dysfunction.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-06/iu-nmi062608.php

6th September 2012, 03:19
The Field



6th September 2012, 03:25
Decoherence and Ontology


6th September 2012, 03:30

6th September 2012, 03:57
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

- T.S. Eliot

6th September 2012, 04:13
I'm going to make this short. I've decided to go back to school to study electrical engineering and physics. I have explored some options and I will be able to start in the spring of next year (I have already begun a study plan). I have a lot to do and it is going to require most of my time. In the time I am not studying I will either be with my family, training, or working. This process requires me to have no room for any opportunity to be sidetracked from my goals. Therefore, I am leaving the forum.

This has been a great, challenging experience for me and I'm glad to have had it with such a great group of diverse people. My journey doesn't end here so just because I am unsubscribing doesn't mean I'm done searching. Far from it.


You can't tell me that clip doesn't make you smile.

Much love y'all.


19th November 2012, 19:34
Hola compadres,

It has been a little over two months since I "unsubscribed" for the reasons mentioned in the above post. I am happy to report that I have been accepted into a program where I am given the opportunity to graduate from a top-notch university -- I am very excited to say the least. I've settled into a pre-study plan and I am moving north in early January of 2013. The subject of this thread and a few others is something I am still interested in pursuing alongside schooling (and I have managed to find a harmony with the subjects). All that being said, I've decided to reactivate my account to drop a line every once and a while!

Talk soon.

19th November 2012, 19:47
We Are the Aliens


Video Description from Google:

"First broadcast on 14 November 2006 Clouds of alien life forms are sweeping through outer space and infecting planets with life – it may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. The idea that life on Earth came from another planet has been around as a modern scientific theory since the 1960s when it was proposed by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe. At the time they were ridiculed for their idea – known as panspermia. But now, with growing evidence, it's back in vogue and even being studied by NASA. We meet the scientists on a mission to get to the bottom of the beginnings of life on Earth - from the team in Texas who are lovingly building a robotic submarine called DEPTHX to explore a moon of Jupiter, to Southern India where they are investigating a mysterious red rain which fell for two months in 2001. According to local scientist Godfrey Louis, the rain contains biological cells unlike any he had seen before – with no DNA and the ability to replicate at 300°C. Louis has come to the conclusion that the cells are extra-terrestrial in origin. Could all this really be proof that We are the aliens?"

26th November 2012, 05:00





28th November 2012, 19:04
When I think of science a few words come to mind -- credible, empirical, rigorous, logical, and unfortunately dogmatic. That last word taints the others. It hinders scientific progress, bottlenecks innovation, and cages creativity.

Science is a great thing to have as it's foundations are reason, logic, and objectivity. It's conclusions are based on observations. In the west these observations are limited to what we can see and measure with scientific instruments, but in the east these observations extend to what we experience internally as with yoga -- which is a science as well (although it's objectivity is rather subjective, but no less real).

There are many scientific studies with conclusions that turn out being counter-intuitive. This is what really gets me. We are creatures of nature, built by nature. Following this it is only logical that we are able to think naturally. Why is it then that when evaluating nature with science we get led down corridors where the conclusions are counter-intuitive and go against what we think? It is possible that what we are calling our intuition with regards to how we think is actually not intuitive at all but it's just how we were taught to think. Intuition isn't taught, it's inherent and developed. The brain is extremely plastic and sensitive to suggestion. So, the way things are may not be what we think. Could it be that how we think is actually the very thing that's counter-intuitive? It's mind boggling when you think about it.

Science begins in the mind. It begins with an idea. That idea can be lit by an outside observation or by an internal reflection. It is then sculpted by reason and logic. It begins to take shape as it is compared to other observations and contrasted with other truths. What does it explain? What does it solve? Here is where you find yourself with a solid hypothesis to grind against reality.

It is here that you are also in danger of developing a dogma. A dozen ideas may explain ten dozen things. Out of that dozen, five may go on to explain twenty dozen, and only one may go on to explain even more. What happens when that one begins to fail? It is possible that a brand new idea could take it's place. This idea could explain everything it's predecessor did -- but it could do it better, take it further. The problem is the dogma that has concurrently developed with the successes of that idea. There are ideas that have taken science far and then hit a wall of new discoveries that it couldn't climb.

Newtonian physics hit the quantum wall.

Occam's razor turned into Pan's labyrinth in the twilight zone.

Fermat's Last Theorem turned into Andrew Wiles.

Beethoven becomes Dragonforce with Jing Tinglers ...

… I digress.

I'm not saying that treaties should fit on the back of cereal boxes. I'm just saying that simplicity is a beautiful thing, like nature.

Take fractals for example. Fractals are infinitely complex structures but they are based on the simplest patterns.


Their premise is simple, but if you make a minor change to that premise the fractal compounds the alteration and the result is something different.

If a minor tweak is made to our intuition we may not notice it until many years of ideas and progress are built on top of it. It continues to develop and we compare it with our ever expanding observations and notice something isn't right. It is so engrained in our minds that we actually consider the unexpected observation counter-intuitive.

Maybe it's time we rethink it.

Back to the basics.

More to follow...

[Steven Weinberg on a 'Final Theory' of nature and symmetry in Physics]

4th December 2012, 01:56
Excerpt from Wikipedia:

In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a space or object is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it. Thus a line has a dimension of one because only one coordinate is needed to specify a point on it (for example, the point at 5 on a number line). A surface such as a plane or the surface of a cylinder or sphere has a dimension of two because two coordinates are needed to specify a point on it (for example, to locate a point on the surface of a sphere you need both its latitude and its longitude). The inside of a cube, a cylinder or a sphere is three-dimensional because three co-ordinates are needed to locate a point within these spaces.

In physical terms, dimension refers to the constituent structure of all space (cf. volume) and its position in time (perceived as a scalar dimension along the t-axis), as well as the spatial constitution of objects within—structures that correlate with both particle and field conceptions, interact according to relative properties of mass—and are fundamentally mathematical in description. These, or other axes, may be referenced to uniquely identify a point or structure in its attitude and relationship to other objects and occurrences.


END EXCERPT -- source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimension_(mathematics_and_physics)


My question is this: If there were such a thing as absolute direction then what would it be, what would it represent?

Absolute magnitude versus absolute direction. Scalar and dromic© (see origin (http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/dromos)).

What separates these two dimensions? What is between them (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542244&viewfull=1#post542244)?


Related post ---> http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542926&viewfull=1#post542926

11th December 2012, 16:34



"The world turns on symmetry -- from the spin of subatomic particles to the dizzying beauty of an arabesque. But there's more to it than meets the eye. Here, Oxford mathematician Marcus du Sautoy offers a glimpse of the invisible numbers that marry all symmetrical objects."

11th December 2012, 18:21
Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and Evolution by Mark Ludwig

A few related posts in this thread:





11th December 2012, 19:11

Exerpt from WIKIPEDIA:

However, one of his greatest contributions was in the concept of the superorganism. Murchie notes that often groups behave as an individual organism. He asks "Who runs an ant colony?" "How do ants decide to move their nest somewhere else?" Similarly, bees of a beehive communicate (at least as far as directing their fellow bees to food) with a language which is made of dance steps (including sounds and smells). The ant colony and the beehive behave like a single organism with its own mind: a beehive metabolizes, has a cognitive life (makes decisions), acts (it can move, attack) and so forth. In this scenario, language can be viewed from a different perspective, as the mechanism that allows the organism to be one. Where does language come from is a question that does not only apply to humans, but to all species, each species having its own "language". Murchie further envisioned the earth as a single organism. On his view, all living organisms, along with all the minerals on the surface of the Earth, compose one giant integrated system that controls its behavior so as to survive as a whole. Galaxies can be viewed analogously. After all, living beings are made of star dust. Life is inherent in nature. To this effect, Murchie describes sophisticated geologic phenomena such as sand dunes, glaciers, fires, etc. as living organisms, as well as the life of metals and crystals. The question is not whether there is life outside our planet, but whether it is possible to have "nonlife".

Murchie also expounded on the properties of mind. He states that memory is ubiquitous in nature. For example, energy conservation is a form of memory (an elastic band remembers how much energy was put into stretching it and eventually goes back to the original position). Thus, mind in this sense is a universal aspect of life and energy. Murchie believed that there is one huge mind, the "thinking layer" around the Earth, which corresponds to the noosphere. Individual consciousnesses are absorbed into the superconsciousness of a social group, which is part of a superconsciousness of the world. In Murchie's opinion, the world has a soul, analogous to Pythagoreans' "anima mundi" and to the Hindu concept that Atman equals Brahman.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Murchie

Related posts:





11th December 2012, 22:56

Source: http://www.dhushara.com/pdf/biocos1.pdf

12th December 2012, 05:40
Source: http://www.dhushara.com/pdf/biocos1.pdf
That paper has a rather imposing Abstract:

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the non-linear quantum foundations of biogenesis in interactive bifurcations between the properties of the elements, sourced in the transitions induced by cosmic symmetry-breaking [King 1978]. The key interactions forming the biogenic pathway are modeled in terms of interactive quantum bifurcations explaining why the bioelements play the interactive role they do and why central biomolecules are cosmologically abundant products of the gas clouds forming young stars. RNA and related nucleotide molecules gain a plausible cosmic status, along with major features of the genetic code, and key features of metabolism, including ion and electron transport, the citric acid cycle and glycolysis.

I hope it's good :).

12th December 2012, 18:38
Source: http://www.dhushara.com/pdf/biocos1.pdf
That paper has a rather imposing Abstract:

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the non-linear quantum foundations of biogenesis in interactive bifurcations between the properties of the elements, sourced in the transitions induced by cosmic symmetry-breaking [King 1978]. The key interactions forming the biogenic pathway are modeled in terms of interactive quantum bifurcations explaining why the bioelements play the interactive role they do and why central biomolecules are cosmologically abundant products of the gas clouds forming young stars. RNA and related nucleotide molecules gain a plausible cosmic status, along with major features of the genetic code, and key features of metabolism, including ion and electron transport, the citric acid cycle and glycolysis.

I hope it's good :).

Hi Paul,

There is a lot of verbiage in that one for sure.

Below are a few excerpts from that document that I'm interested in.

As time passes, more and more evidence is accumulating that, the universe and its galactic gas clouds are abundant in organic
chemicals, from the simplest molecules to sugars, amino acids and nucleic acid bases. Since Fred Hoyle coined the term “wooden universe” based on infra-red spectral data indicative of carbohydrate emission, there has been an awareness of the potential of galactic gas clouds to be cosmically abundant sources of prebiotic molecules.

Radio-telescope data as early as 1974, [Buhl] demonstrated clouds of multiple-bonded HC≡N and H2C=O spanning the region in the Orion nebula where several new stars are forming, fig 6. These are key precursors of complex polymerization pathways discussed below. Glycine has also been found in interstellar gas and adenine is an abundant product in simulations of collapsing interstellar gas
clouds containing a dozen elements including hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen [Chakrabarti 2000]. Along with amino-acids, all of A, U, G, and C have been detected in carbonaceous chondrites [Hua et. al. 1986], such as the Murchison meteorite. These also contain amphophilic membrane forming products [Deamer and
Pashley 1989]. Cometary impacts are believed to have coated the Earth in a rich endowment of organics from the earliest stages of solar system evolution when impact rates were high.

Glycoaldehyde has recently been detected by Jan Hollis [2000] in a cloud of gas and dust 2 light years across of a type from which new stars are formed. He notes “Interstellar clouds are spread throughout the galaxy and you often find the same
molecule in many different clouds. Since these organic molecules are so widespread, it may mean that pre-biotic chemical evolution is an ongoing process.” Glycoaldehyde can combine with other carbohydrate molecules to produce ribose.

A team led by Jason Dworkin [Dworkin et. al. 2001] has also formed complex organic molecules under the harsh conditions of outer space. The main ingredients of interstellar ices are simple chemicals frozen together. Mostly water, some ammonia,
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methanol. The team froze a mixture of these chemicals into a thin solid ice at temperatures close to absolute zero (-441°F/ -263°C) under extreme vacuum and exposed this to harsh ultraviolet radiation
that mimics the radiation in space produced by neighbouring stars. Instead of finding a handful of molecules only slightly more complicated than the starting compounds, hundreds of new compounds were produced in every mixed ice studied. The
types of compounds produced are strikingly similar to many infalling meteorites and interplanetary dust particles. “Thus much of the organic material found on the Earth in its earliest years probably had an interstellar heritage”. [more on page 5]

Circularly polarized light has been reported from a region of star formation in the constellation Orion with as much as 17% circular polarization. Such dusty regions probably contain organic molecules, including amino acids, a supposition based in part on
the discovery of extraterrestrial amino acids within the Murchison meteorite that fell on Australia in 1969. The handedness of life could be explained if circularly polarized
ultraviolet light bathed the dusty cloud that condensed into our own solar system and
preferentially destroyed the right-handed amino acids. The astronomers observed only circularly polarized infrared light (a wavelength that can pierce dusty regions), whereas ultraviolet light is needed to weed out chiral molecules, but computations showed that the scattering could also affect u.v. frequencies. Last year's discovery that even the non-biological amino acids in the Murchison meteorite tend to be left-handed argues that some extraterrestrial mechanism must have operated to create this imbalance. [more on page 9]

Far from being an improbable accident taking billions of years to find the right conditions, life may have become established on Earth as soon as the conditions permitted a liquid water ocean. Either Earth was richly bombarded with complex organic molecules which quickly found within the diversity of microclimates on Earth some which were directly conducive to the processes leading the to the genetic epoch, or life had already begun in the gas and dust cloud initially forming the solar system. [more on page 17]

Pages 8,9, and 10 of Part II.

Part III is of considerable interest to me.

The conscious brain poses the most serious unsolved problem for science at the beginning of the third millennium. Not only is the
whole basis of subjective conscious experience lacking adequate physical explanation, but the relationship between causality and
intentionally willed action remains equally obscure. We explore a model resolving major features of the so-called ‘hard problem in
consciousness research’ through cosmic subject-object complementarity. The model combines transactional quantum theory, with
chaotic and fractal dynamics as a basis for a direct relationship between phase coherence in global brain states and anticipatory
boundary conditions in quantum systems, complementing these with key features of conscious perception, and intentional will. The
aim is to discover unusual physical properties of excitable cells which may form a basis for the evolutionary selection of subjective
consciousness, because the physics involved in its emergence permits anticipatory choices which strongly favour survival.

A few excerpts:

The conscious mind can also be described functionally as an internal model of reality. While such an explanation does not address
the basis of subjectivity, it does help explain some of the more bizarre states of consciousness and is supported by many actively
constructive aspects of sensory processing and the modular architecture of the cerebral cortex. Such an internal model can be
described functionally in terms of dynamical brain processes which undergo unstable transitions to and from chaos (Skarda and
Freeman 1987). Dynamical resonance and phase coherence also provide direct means to solve the ‘binding problem’, how the uni-
tary nature of mind emerges from distributed parallel processing of many brain states. [more on page 35]

The human brain has been described as the ‘three-pound universe’ (Hooper
and Teresi) because, along with some other mammalian brains, it is the sin-
gle most complex system so far discovered in the entire cosmological realm.
It is also the most mysterious. Although we have developed super-comput-
ers, their architecture remains that of a simplistic deterministic automaton
by comparison with the brain. Despite the vast increases of speed and mem-
ory capacity of modern computers, they remain trivial by comparison. Few
have more than a few processing units and the communication protocols for
parallel processing, outside simple matrix calculations, remain simple pro-
cedural farming out. The notion that a computer may some day also become
subjectively conscious is at this point a science fiction fantasy. [more on page 40]

Dreaming or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep in which cortical activation alternates with phases of deep sleep is both one of the most singular phases of conscious activity in which experiential feedback appears to be accentuated at the expense of external input, generating episodic subjective realities or ‘worlds within’. The nature and function of dreaming consciousness and its wealth of detail remain obscure although the experiences themselves are intense, sometimes in full sumptuous colour vision as evidenced in lucid dreaming (La Berge 1990). There is some indication that these two phases are complementary and involve reciprocal communication between the hippocampus and the cortex in consolidating long-term sequential memories (Winson 1992, Stickgold 1998, New Scientist 28 Jun 2003 29), but the subjective consequences, and the need for them to occur subjectively as well, as functionally remain enigmatic. Accounts of precognitive dreaming (Dunne c1935) challenge our very notions of causality.

A fundamental reason for any dynamical nervous system to enter chaos is that chaotic systems are arbitrarily sensitive on their initial or external conditions, so a system entering chaos is capable of being acutely responsive to its environment over time, while any stable process heads inexorably towards its equilibrium states or periodicities, entrapped by its very stability. While artificial neural nets invoke thermodynamic ‘randomness’ in annealing to ensure the system doesn’t get caught in a sub-optimal local minimum, biological systems appear to exploit chaos to free up their dynamics to explore the ‘phase space’ of possibilities available, without
becoming locked in a local energy valley which keeps it far from a global optimum. [more on pages 41 & 42]

The sense modes we experience are not simply biological as such but more fundamentally the qualitative modes of quantum interaction between molecular matter and the physical universe. They thus have plausible cosmological status. Vision deals with interaction between orbitals and photons, hearing with the harmonic excitations of molecules and membrane solitons or piezo-electric
excitons, as evidenced in the action potential. Smell is the avenue of orbital-orbital interaction, as is taste. Touch is a hybrid sense involving a mixture of these. The limits to the sensitivity of nervous systems are constrained only by the physics of quanta, rather than biological limits. This is exemplified in fig 13(c) by the capacity of retinal rod cells to record single quanta, and by the fact that membranes of cochlear cells oscillate by only about one H atom radius at the threshold of hearing, well below the scale of individual thermodynamic fluctuations and vastly below the bilayer membrane thickness. Moth pheromones are similarly effective at con-
centrations consistent with one molecule being active, as are the sensitivities of some olfactory mammals. [more on page 46]

Part III is good overall, albeit it smacked of the same information presented in the "Down the Rabbit Hole" documentary. The paper is very detailed and it was difficult to sift through -- as are many articles from the Journal of Neuroquantology I'm sure.

Here are some more posts related to this topic (the thread is peppered with them, and the information in them is great) ----->



and most of page 4 from post #66 onward





This is also what I want to keep digging into regarding consciousness versus what we consider "life" and the relationship/interaction between the two ...

... also the pineal gland is innervated with neurons. This fact coupled with the discovery of calcite micro crystals in the pineal gland makes me think of interferometry.

Interferometry makes use of the principle of superposition to combine waves in a way that will cause the result of their combination to have some meaningful property that is diagnostic of the original state of the waves. This works because when two waves with the same frequency combine, the resulting pattern is determined by the phase difference between the two waves—waves that are in phase will undergo constructive interference while waves that are out of phase will undergo destructive interference. Most interferometers use light or some other form of electromagnetic wave.


So we have information in the form of light, electrically transmitted via neurons into the pineal gland and it gets bounced around, refracted, reflected and all that by these calcite micro crystals (and water) then it is reabsorbed by the "rods and cones" in the gland. This "new" information is then interpreted by the brain. This is a closed loop system (with feedback) and it's cyclical. Information enters, it is divided, split, rearranged, and then reinterpreting by the brain (an organic computer) and contrasted with the original information or repeated and contrasted with previous reconstructions.


The light source is the neurons, the mirrors and beam splitters are the water and calcite crystals (respectively or vice versa), and the detector(s) are the rods and cones.

This could account for our ability to reflect (pun intended) and ponder by comparing and contrasting different ideas. After all, it is "the mind's eye".


This idea is explored in more depth and detail

I've been thinking about this the last week or so. I've read what other people think the pineal gland is, and it's great and all - but it still smacks of "beyond my grasp." I understand what they are saying about it, but the way the spiritual aspects about it are explained seems "magical" or too "mysterious" to be practical for me to understand how it interacts with the physics and biology of what we observe and experience as reality. It's difficult to relate to the these vague aspects of it's function without subjectively interpreting the phenomena as mystical. So, re-thinking about what it is and how it might function, I have some ideas.


[B]Breaking it down into it's constituent parts

The pineal gland primarily consists of:

Glial Cells
Calcite Microcrystals

The popular belief is that the pineal gland contains rods and cones, like the retina. This is not completely true. The pinealocytes in the gland have organelles called synaptic ribbons. The proteins that make up these synaptic ribbons are encoded by the CRX gene. This gene is only expressed in photoreceptor cells, bipolar cells, and pinealocytes. That's it. Ribbon synapses allow for the processing of complex electromagnetic information. In the retina the rods and cones receive an array of electromagnetic information from our environment, and the ribbon synapses "catch" this information effectively enough for us to be able to see the visible spectrum of light. Rods and cones are in the retina, not the pineal gland. Synaptic ribbons are a feature of rods and cones, and it's this characteristic that pinealocytes share with rods and cones.

Why would the pineal gland have cells with these "high-level processors" (ribbon synapses)? Here's where it gets cool. The gland is innervated by neurons from the sympathetic nervous system. They come from four ganglia: superior cervical ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion ganglia, otic ganglia, and trigeminal ganglion. Those terms sound very technical, but crudely these ganglia relate to (among many other things, but this is for conceptual simplicity) touch, smell, hearing, and taste.

So now we have pathways of information between four senses, and the fifth sense is covered by these pinealocytes - a cousin of the photoreceptor cells in the retina.

Okay, now the calcite micro crystals.

Properties of Calcite

Calcite exhibits a property known as birefringence, or double refraction. It splits a beam of light. Calcite crystals act as beam splitters.


Beam splitters are also used in holographic interferometry[/URL and laser interferometry (usually with glass and silver film).


Scientist use this technique to analyze information about a beam of light. The beam is split into two parts and those parts are superimposed on each other, creating an interference pattern.


The pattern is examined and compared with the other patterns of the beam, and information is then garnished about the light.


That's laser interferometry. There's also [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_speckle_pattern_interferometry"]electronic speckle pattern interferometry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_interferometry).

Calcite crystals are also piezoelectric. This means that under mechanical stress, they will produce an electric charge.


Quartz crystal is also piezoelectric. Quartz watches take advantage of this feature, and push button ignitors in gas stoves utilize quartz as well to create an electric spark.

Piezoelectric crystals are used in crystal oscillators (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_oscillator).

Another possibility for the pineal gland is that it could function similar to a capacitor.


The micro crystals would act as insulators and the synaptic ribbons would be the conductors. After a days worth of thinking we need to sleep to "recharge".

Another factor is DNA, it acts as an antenna (see links in 2nd half of this post (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542946&viewfull=1#post542946)) and it is a dielectric, and of course it is present in the pineal gland. It is tightly coiled in the cell so could it act as an inductor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductor)?



If so there would be all of the parts (crystals, inductors, capacitors) necessary for an oscillator circuit (http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/oscillator2.htm). I mean, how cool is that?

Another very interesting feature is that the orientation of micro crystals, when in a liquid medium, is highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields. This property is utilized in Liquid Crystal Diode (Display) televisions.


Tying it Together

The brain produces an electromagnetic field (see also Shumann Resonance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances)). When we have a certain thought or experience there are little EM fields in our brain. This could effect the phase (orientation) of these calcite micro crystals in our pineal gland. Now they are in a unique orientation and when information from the neurons enter the gland they are split and refracted in ways unique to that orientation. The resultant interference patterns (very complex) are picked up by the synaptic ribbons of the pinealocytes and sent back to other parts of the brain where it is processes the uniquely reconstructed information. People interpret things in different ways, right?

This loop could be what makes us able to reflect and think for ourselves. It's a feed back loop.

The thought or experience would have a very subtle, unique electromagnetic signature. This signature could be packaged as a memory in the hippocampus. When it is "unpacked" the micro crystals assume that specific orientation, and the data is "seen" in the minds eye, and, because of the sympathetic "sensory" neural innervations of the pineal gland, the memory is "re-experienced". Certain smells or sounds trigger different memories. Cool to think about anyway.

Holographically, a thought - being an orientation of micro crystals diffracting light in a unique manner - may actually imprint the aether (just like light imprints a film in holography) and it could be stored in the earth's plasmosphere.

Esoterically, this would be the Akashic Records.

These mechanisms could also provide the basis for a scientific explanation of phenomena like telepathy. The phase of certain people's pineal crystals could be sensitive enough to pick up another persons EM field.

There is also something called brain sand in the pineal gland. It's calcification. Could account for degenerative memory (not wholly) with age and you know when people are "stuck in their ways" - well that could be the equivalent of "screen burn". The liquidity of the medium the micro crystals are "suspended" in becomes more and more calcified and less able to shift phases.


See also ---> DNA forms liquid crystal phases (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=546731&viewfull=1#post546731)

12th December 2012, 19:45
Our Helical Solar System

Very cool (thanks Chris) --->


12th December 2012, 20:19
Well, that was quick. I kept running into gyroscopes while searching for information.


Check out this video: http://videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/45617-how-gyroscopes-work-video.htm

There are devices called piezoelectric gyroscopes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrating_structure_gyroscope#Piezoelectric_gyrosc ope

Still have to read more to see if it could tie in. If not, it's still really cool, especially how gyroscopes display "anti-gravity" properties while spinning.


12th December 2012, 20:34
Pendulum Waves



12th December 2012, 20:43
Water has a memory


Related posts:

http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542946&viewfull=1#post542946 (particularly the portion about DNA)

and post #127 on this page

12th December 2012, 21:46
Complex Systems Theory (http://www.stephenwolfram.com/publications/articles/general/84-complex/2/text.html)

Information Theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_theory)

Chaos Theory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory)



Plants and Intelligence (I also think there are distinctions to be made between sentience, intelligence, consciousness, and being self-aware).


I guess the follow up question to consider is: If this exotic form of life could hypothetically exist, would it be intelligent? Or would it be no more intelligent than any other animal (there are some pretty smart animals).

Check this theory out. There's a biophysicist named Dr. Levengood who studies the formation of crop circles.

Here is a synopsis of Plasma Vortex Theory copied and pasted from http://kentheberling.com/CropCircles/Theories/plasmavortex.html

Atmospheric-associated plasma formations may plausibly originate in regions where t here are clear indications of energy exchange between the ionosphere (60-100 km) and electrical storms in the upper atmosphere (Franz et al. 1990). Currently under consideration are ion plasma vortices which form in unstable regions and act as heat and angular momentum transporters. In fluid dynamics, gases, including air, are considered as having liquid properties (Prandtl and Tietjens 1957). In such a scheme the descent of a vortex through a liquid produces unstable secondary products which form complex, symmetrical patterns such as circles, rings, triangles, double lines and ovals with tubes or 'paths' extending from them (Levenoood 1958). In its descent to the crop surface the shaping of these features of vortex instability would be guided by variations in the Earth's magnetic field (Rossi and Jastrow 1961). At the crop surface the heat, ionization, associated electric fields and angular momentum would be transferred to the living plants. Taken as a whole, ionized air plasmas are electrically neutral, although internally, charge separation takes place and t hey can have high concentrations of positive ions and free electrons (Lehnert 1961), which in contact with plant tissue might produce transient heating and account for a number of the plant transformations.


Orbs = balls of plasma?

Here's a link with more information on Dr. Levengood's research: http://www.ourstrangeplanet.com/the-san-luis-valley/guest-editorials/high-heat/

There's a book by Keven J. Anderson entitled, Hidden Empire. The concept is about exotic life forms (like the ideas discussed above) that never had a need to communicate with the "organics" as the humans are called in the series. Humans only discover these forms of life when they develop the technology to ignite gas-giant planets and turn them into stars. Basically, the humans became enough of a nuisance for the "alien/exotic" life forms environment that they had to step in and establish contact.

See also: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=546240&viewfull=1#post546240 and http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=546704&viewfull=1#post546704

Then there's this --->


The following article was copied and pasted from http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/primer/lightning/ltg_tle.html

Transient Luminous Events

Large thunderstorms are capable of producing other kinds of electrical phenomena called transient luminous events (TLE's). The most common TLE's include red sprites, blue jets, and elves.

Red Sprites can appear directly above an active thunderstorm as a large but weak flash. They usually happen at the same time as powerful positive CG lightning strokes. They can extend up to 60 miles from the cloud top. Sprites are mostly red and usually last no more than a few seconds, and their shapes are described as resembling jellyfish, carrots, or columns. Because sprites are not very bright, they can only be seen at night. They are rarely seen with the human eye, so they are most often imaged with highly sensitive cameras.

Blue jets emerge from the top of the thundercloud, but are not directly associated with cloud-to-ground lighting. They extend up in narrow cones fanning out and disappearing at heights of 25-35 miles. Blue jets last a fraction of a second and have been witnessed by pilots.

Elves are rapidly expanding disk-shaped regions of glowing that can be up to 300 miles across. They last less than a thousandth of a second, and occur above areas of active cloud to ground lightning. Scientists believe elves result when an energetic electromagnetic pulse extends up into the ionosphere. Elves were discovered in 1992 by a low-light video camera on the Space Shuttle.



Here is an article with more information about the Transient Luminous Event phenomena from National Geographic: Huge Mystery Flashes Seen In Outer Atmosphere (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/06/0625_030625_atmospherethunder.html)


Next up - Noctilucent Clouds and Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes.


Excerpts from Wikipedia -

Polar mesospheric summer echoes

Polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) is the phenomenon of anomalous radar echoes found between 80-90 km in altitude from May through early August in the Arctic, and from November through to February in the Antarctic. These strong radar echoes are associated with the extremely cold temperatures that occur above continental Antarctica during the summer. Rocket and radar measurements indicate that a partial reflection from a multitude of ion layers and constructive interference causes at least some of the PMSE.
Generally PMSE exhibits dramatic variations in height and intensity as well as large variations in Doppler shift. PMSE exhibit strong signal power enhancements of scattering cross section at VHF radar frequencies in the range 50 MHz to 250 MHz, at times even to over 1 GHz, that occur in summer at high latitudes.

PMSE occurs in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and is sometimes accompanied by noctilucent clouds.

Noctilucent cloud

Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the "ragged-edge" of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. Noctilucent roughly means night shining in Latin. They are most commonly observed in the summer months at latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the equator. They can only be observed when the Sun is below the horizon.

They are the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 kilometres (47 to 53 mi). They are normally too faint to be seen, and are visible only when illuminated by sunlight from below the horizon while the lower layers of the atmosphere are in the Earth's shadow. Noctilucent clouds are not fully understood and are a recently-discovered meteorological phenomenon; there is no record of their observation before 1885.

Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restrictive conditions; their occurrence can be used as a sensitive guide to changes in the upper atmosphere. They are a relatively recent classification. The occurrence of noctilucent clouds appears to be increasing in frequency, brightness and extent. It is theorized that this increase is connected to climate change.



These next two paragraphs where taken from this study - Dusty plasma in Earth’s mesosphere: formation and evolution of polar mesospheric clouds (http://ocs.ciemat.es/epsicpp2012pap/pdf/PD2.006.pdf)

One important feature of the polar ionosphere un- der summer conditions is the presence of dust layers (very thin on the atmospheric scale) located at alti- tudes of 80 to 85 km (noctilucent clouds, or NLC) or about 90 km (polar mesospheric summer echoes, or PMSE). NLC consist of submicron-sized parti- cles. They can be seen by the naked eye at sunset, whereas PMSE (apparently consisting of charged nanometer-sized particles) cannot be observed by optical methods and manifest themselves by strong radio reflections observed with radars at frequen- cies between 50 and 1000 MHz. In the literature, NLC and PMSE are frequently grouped together under the common term polar mesospheric clouds (PMC).

Interest to the description of dusty structures in the ionosphere has significantly increased since the 2000s owing to the development of the methods of investigation of dusty plasmas. Furthermore, the great interest to these structures is due to their possible connection with climate change and, in particular, with the Earth global warming process.


So, now we have dusty plasma here, in our atmosphere. This is called dirty plasma (http://www.mps.mpg.de/de/projekte/sousy/sousy_result.html). We know about dusty plasma crystals being able to self organize, replicate, and "survive". We know about the relationship between electromagnetic fields and consciousness. We know about complex systems theory. These are all ingredients for the big question. Is there another form of life living "on" earth in the upper reaches of our atmosphere? Ever heard of sky fish, or rods?

See also this post: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=545789&viewfull=1#post545789

More to follow in the next post about the Schumann Resonance ...


12th December 2012, 22:11
The following article was copied and pasted from http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/05/05/lightning-induced-schumann-resonance-may-divine-exoplanets/


Lightning induced Schumann Resonance may help divine exoplanets


Every second, lightning flashes some 50 times on Earth. Together these discharges coalesce and get stronger, creating electromagnetic waves circling around Earth, to create a beating pulse between the ground and the lower ionosphere, about 60 miles up in the atmosphere. This electromagnetic signature, known as Schumann Resonance, had only been observed from Earth’s surface until, in 2011, scientists discovered they could also detect it using NASA’s Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI) aboard the U.S. Air Force’s Communications/Navigation Outage Forecast System (C/NOFS) satellite.

In a paper published on May 1 in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers describe how this new technique could be used to study other planets in the solar system as well, and even shed light on how the solar system formed.

“The frequency of Schumann Resonance depends not only on the size of the planet but on what kinds of atoms and molecules exist in the atmosphere because they change the electrical conductivity,” says Fernando Simoes, the first author on this paper and a space scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “So we could use this technique remotely, say from about 600 miles above a planet’s surface, to look at how much water, methane and ammonia is there.”

Water, methane and ammonia are collectively referred to as “volatiles” and the fact that there are different amounts on different planets is a tantalizing clue to the way the planets formed. Determining the composition of a planet’s atmosphere can be done with a handful of other techniques – techniques that are quite accurate, but can only measure specific regions. By looking at the Schumann Resonance, however, one can get information about the global density of, say, water around the entire planet. Simoes and his colleagues believe that combining this technique with other instruments on a spacecraft’s visit to a planet could provide a more accurate inventory of the planet’s atmosphere.

“And if we can get a better sense of the abundance of these kinds of atoms in the outer planets,” says Simoes, “We would know more about the abundance in the original nebula from which the solar system evolved.”

Accurate descriptions of planetary atmospheres might also help shed light on how the evolution of the solar system left the outer planets with a high percentage of volatiles, but not the inner planets.

Detecting Schumann Resonance from above still requires the instruments to be fairly close to the planet, so this technique couldn’t be used to investigate from afar the atmospheres of planets outside our solar system. Instead, scientists imagine something much more dramatic. After a spacecraft is finished observing a planet, it could continue to detect Schumann resonance as it begins its death dive into the atmosphere. During the process of self-destruction, the spacecraft would still provide valuable scientific data until the very last minute of its existence.


This looks like an interesting documentary ...




See also:



13th December 2012, 03:16

Alright, so in this video Jung gives the statement, "We are the origin of all coming evil."

This is a very powerful statement, because when we break it down we can see that the origin of evil is something internal. There is no supra-physical evil entity with the freewill to rationalize it's future actions in order to maximize it's malevolence.

Don't ask me to prove it because I can't. What I can do though is ask you to entertain some of the following ideas.

Let's look at a thought. There is the tangible brain, made up of fleshy matter; then there is the mind, not so tangible.

When I think of an apple, an MRI could show which area of neurons is firing, but what about the visualization I'm seeing in my head of the apple?

What about our mind's eye, what about our imagination?

Esoterically there are two types of manifestations of energy - the gross and the subtle.

Strictly speaking, the gross is all of the aspects that we can quantitatively measure and physically observe.

The subtle is the energy that isn't manifested in a way we can observe physically. It is fine as opposed to gross.

According to Physics there is observable, visible matter and then there is dark matter (and dark energy). Don't equate dark with 'not light', you could have an x-ray light bulb on in a room and it would still be dark (even though x-rays are a form of light). Physicists call it 'dark' because they can't see it, but they know it's there because they can indirectly measure it by it's effects on familiar matter.


Are you seeing the correlation yet? Esoterica versus Physics?

Gross and subtle, visible and dark.

Brain and mind.

Below is the Freudian model of the psyche.


I initiate a thought. Apple. A gross, physical process takes place consciously. This is the neuronal synapses taking place in the brain - above water in the Freudian model. Also, below water - subconsciously - the intangible subtle thought of the apple emerges (submerged).

Now, according to Jung there are two basic substrata underlying consciousness. These are the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.



In the personal unconscious are complexes. The apple becomes a complex when certain emotions and feelings are tied to it. Take Snow White for example, she has a bad apple complex. Whenever she sees an apple she becomes hysterical. On a personal unconscious level, her experiences have molded and attached certain things to the thought of an apple that when ever she sees a physical apple her thoughts color the reality with her thought complex of an apple.

Then there is the collective unconscious.

Collective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal unconscious is a personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species.


According to Jung, in the collective unconscious there are archetypes.

The origins of the archetypal hypothesis date back as far as Plato. In the seventeenth century Sir Thomas Browne and Francis Bacon both employ the word 'archetype' in their writings, Browne in The Garden of Cyrus attempts to depict archetypes in his citing of symbolic proper-names. Jung himself compared archetypes to Platonic ideas. Plato's ideas were pure mental forms that were imprinted in the soul before it was born into the world. They were collective in the sense that they embodied the fundamental characteristics of a thing rather than its specific peculiarities.

The concept of psychological archetypes was advanced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, c. 1919. In Jung's psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes for ideas and may be used to interpret observations. A group of memories and interpretations associated with an archetype is a complex ( e.g. a mother complex associated with the mother archetype). Jung treated the archetypes as psychological organs, analogous to physical ones in that both are morphological constructs that arose through evolution.


So in our Snow White example, she may also have an evil stepmother complex. This complex along with her bad apple complex may associate themselves with the Mother Archetype. If Snow White ever gets a good mother her complexes may color the experience for her and she would be living in the perverted version of how her mind is interpreting reality.

Let's pretend these archetypes are real (I didn't say alive). They would exist in the field of the physicists dark energy, the yogis subtle realm, and the psychologists subconscious world. They would have to be made up of something, some stuff (i.e. subtle or 'dark'). A construct of this energy - the same energy your thoughts are made up of in your mind.

Esoterically I think this would be in the astral plane.

So there are these archetypes in the astral plane. I'm going to throw in thought-forms, egregores, angels, demons and yes - souls.

Picture all of those I just mentioned floating around as lifeless shells, with programming and no free will. That sounds too mystical, so let's instead say that the shell is wired like an open loop control system. They are wired for a specific function. Similar to Sri Aurobindo's typal beings - they play a part, they serve a purpose.

Picture these lifeless shells as spiritual solenoids. Very advanced solenoids, but unconscious. Solenoids convert energy into motion.

If our conscious thought is a form of energy and we direct it at one of these solenoidal energy constructs then it converts that thought energy into movement - which we subjectively would interpret as will power and through the lens of our personal subconscious we project agenticity onto this now animated shell.

The lifeless rope becomes a dancing snake.

So what about evil? What was Jung saying in the video at the beginning of this post?

There's a saying - guns don't kill people, people kill people. Same concept with this. The potential for evil exists, we make it real - we collapse the wave function.

There is a scene in The Matrix when Neo gets unplugged and wipes the blood from his lip after fighting Morpheus in a simulation program. Neo is puzzled and says, "I thought it wasn't real", to which Morpheus replies, "Your mind makes it real."

It's not a matter of whether the devil or God exists, it's a matter of buying into your beliefs. This means that by giving the energy of your thoughts away you sell yourself out, if you really believe it. This isn't about believing though it's about understanding better and claiming your power back. There is a middle ground without all of the shades of grey.

There is evil in the world, but maybe instead of executions we should be giving out exorcisms and education on these matters.

These are just ideas. Not statements of fact.

Here is Philip Zimbardo on The Psychology of Evil:


Cross posting! :eyebrows:


Bicameralism (the philosophy of "two-chamberedness") is a hypothesis in psychology that argues that the human brain once assumed a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys—a bicameral mind. The term was coined by psychologist Julian Jaynes, who presented the idea in his 1976 book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, wherein he made the case that a bicameral mentality was the normal and ubiquitous state of the human mind only as recently as 3000 years ago.

Julian Jaynes (February 27, 1920 – November 21, 1997) was an American psychologist, best known for his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976), in which he argued that ancient peoples were not conscious.

Jaynes defines "consciousness" more narrowly than most philosophers. Jaynes' definition of consciousness is synonymous with what philosophers call "meta-consciousness" or "meta-awareness" i.e. awareness of awareness, thoughts about thinking, desires about desires, beliefs about beliefs. This form of reflection is also distinct from the kinds of "deliberations" seen in other higher animals such as crows insofar as Jaynesian consciousness is dependent on linguistic cognition.

Jaynes wrote that ancient humans before roughly 1000BC were not reflectively meta-conscious and operated by means of automatic, nonconscious habit-schemas. Instead of having meta-consciousness, these humans were constituted by what Jaynes calls the "bicameral mind". For bicameral humans, when habit did not suffice to handle novel stimuli and stress rose at the moment of decision, neural activity in the "dominant" (left) hemisphere was modulated by auditory verbal hallucinations originating in the so-called "silent" (right) hemisphere (particularly the right temporal cortex), which were heard as the voice of a chieftain or god and immediately obeyed.

Jaynes wrote, "[For bicameral humans], volition came as a voice that was in the nature of a neurological command, in which the command and the action were not separated, in which to hear was to obey." Jaynes argued that the change from bicamerality to consciousness (linguistic meta-cognition) occurred over a period of ten centuries beginning around 1000 BC. The selection pressure for Jaynesian consciousness as a means for cognitive control is due, in part, to chaotic social disorganizations and the development of new methods of behavioral control such as writing.

Sources (with critical responses):



This makes me think of archetypes, consciousness, dusty plasma (EM fields, Persinger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Persinger#Research_in_parapsychology), etc), the evolution of the human brain (also, it's relationship with the subconscious and the astral) and well, this thread.

See also:

Bicameralism and Theology

The Hypothetical Evolution of Hallucinatory Self-Regulation (http://philosophyandpsychology.com/?p=1083)

Interesting ...

13th December 2012, 03:45
Upstream in this thread (and on this very page (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=597469&viewfull=1#post597469)) is information on the possible functions of the pineal gland and the brain (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542325&viewfull=1#post542325).

There are also an article entitled "Holographic Archetypes" by Iona Miller here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=542418&viewfull=1#post542418).

Then there is the post directly before this one (#134).

Okay, now then. I just stumbled upon this. It's called Holonomic Brain Theory, and it's seems extremely relevant (and awesome) to the aforementioned posts.

EXCERPT FROM WIKIPEDIA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holonomic_brain_theory)

The holonomic brain theory, originated by psychologist Karl Pribram and initially developed in collaboration with physicist David Bohm, is a model for human cognition that is drastically different from conventionally accepted ideas: Pribram and Bohm posit a model of cognitive function as being guided by a matrix of neurological wave interference patterns situated temporally between holographic Gestalt perception and discrete, affective, quantum vectors derived from reward anticipation potentials.

Pribram was originally struck by the similarity of the hologram idea and Bohm's idea of the implicate order in physics, and contacted him for collaboration. In particular, the fact that information about an image point is distributed throughout the hologram, such that each piece of the hologram contains some information about the entire image, seemed suggestive to Pribram about how the brain could encode memories. Pribram was encouraged in this line of speculation by the fact that DeValois and DeValois had found that "the spatial frequency encoding displayed by cells of the visual cortex was best described as a Fourier transform of the input pattern." This holographic idea led to the coining of the term "holonomic" to describe the idea in wider contexts than just holograms.

An analogy of holonomic brain theory is the way sunlight illuminates objects in the visual field of an observer. It matters not how narrow the beam of sunlight is, it always contains all the information of the object, and when conjugated by a lens of a camera or the eyeball, produces the same full three-dimensional image. The Fourier transform formula converts spatial forms to spatial frequencies and vice versa, as all objects are at root vibratory structures. Different types of lenses can alter the frequency nature of information that is transferred. All of the information contained in some region of space can be represented as a hologram, where all parts reflect the whole on a smaller scale. This is referred to as “non-locality.” This can also explain why some children retain normal intelligence when large portions of their brain—in some cases, half—are removed. It can also explain why memory is not lost when the brain is sliced in different cross-sections. Memories, like cognitive neuronal functions—such as those produced by Gabor wavelets—are diffused throughout the brain in holographic form. Memories and intelligence can be non-local, where the holonomic brain theory crops up. Space-time patterns are transformed into spectrum-based waveforms that encode amplitudes, frequencies, as well as the relationships among their phases. The holonomic brain can process this type of cognition because it can process holographic wave-interference patterns and store information in beams of light.

In the lens-defined model of brain function, a sub-definition of the holonomic model, the human sensory system plays the role of a powerful lens, refocusing and redirecting wave patterns which are transmuted into a language of light the brain can understand; the question of whether the brain understands this by itself or that a higher cognitive apparatus (such as the soul) understands this holonomically through the brain is a matter of metaphysical conjecture. More specifically, sensory systems can be singled out to further apprehend the role of the lens-defined model. Visual images projected in the occipital lobe are a result of the tuning of wave frequencies in cells situated in the primary visual cortex. Pribram and his cohorts also evince that such tuning occurs in the somatosensory and motor cortexes. According to Pribram, "What the data suggest is that there exists in the cortex, a multidimensional holographic-like process serving as an attractor or set point toward which muscular contractions operate to achieve a specified environmental result.” Memories, or prior experiences, are stored in holographic-like form and retrieved through cognition—“free will”—in order to activate the transmutation of thought into reality (e.g. “I think, therefore I am” –Descartes).



This is great!

See also: DNA forms liquid crystal phases (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=546731&viewfull=1#post546731)

13th December 2012, 04:36
Regarding the Electric Universe, Plasma Cosmology, Thunderbolts of the Gods and the like ...

Glass Castles & Fire from the Sky (http://www.robertschoch.com/articles/schochvitrificationnewdawnspecialissuesept2010.pdf)


See also: The Squatter Man petroglyphs and high energy plasma discharges (http://www.theplasmaverse.com/verse/squatterman-plasmadischarges-petroglyphs.html)


A Brief Introduction to Plasma Cosmology


The "Thunderbolts of the Gods" documentary is on the second page of this thread (and in my signature for quick access) ...

13th December 2012, 18:29
Part I - Mind, Memory, and Archetype Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious
Psychological Perspectives (Spring 1987), 18(1) 9-25
by Rupert Sheldrake

In this essay, I am going to discuss the concept of collective memory as a background for understanding Jung's concept of the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious only makes sense in the context of some notion of collective memory. This then takes us into a very wide-ranging examination of the nature and principle of memory-not just in human beings and not just in the animal kingdom; not even just in the realm of life-but in the universe as a whole. Such an encompassing perspective is part of a very profound paradigm shift that is taking place in science: the shift from the mechanistic to an evolutionary and wholistic world view.

The Cartesian mechanistic view is, in many ways, still the predominant paradigm today, especially in biology and medicine. Ninety percent of biologists would be proud to tell you that they are mechanistic biologists. Although physics has moved beyond the mechanistic view, much of our thinking about physical reality is still shaped by it-even in those of us who would like to believe that we have moved beyond this frame of thought. Therefore, I will briefly examine some of the fundamental assumptions of the mechanistic world view in order to show how it is still deeply embedded in the way that most of us think.

It is interesting that the roots of the 17th-century mechanistic world view can be found in ancient mystical religion. Indeed, the mechanistic view was a synthesis of two traditions of thought, both of which were based on the mystical insight that reality is timeless and changeless. One of these traditions stems from Pythagoras and Plato, who were both fascinated by the eternal truths of mathematics. In the 17th century, this evolved into a view that nature was governed by timeless ideas, proportions, principles, or laws that existed within the mind of God. This world view became dominant and, through philosophers and scientists such as Copernicus, Kepler, Descartes, Galileo and Newton, it was incorporated into the foundations of modern physics.

Basically, they expressed the idea that numbers, proportions, equations, and mathematical principles are more real than the physical world we experience. Even today, many mathematicians incline toward this kind of Pythagorean or Platonic mysticism. They think of the physical world as a reification of mathematical principles, as a reflection of eternal numerical mathematical laws. This view is alien to the thinking of most of us, who the physical world as the "real" world and consider mathematical equations a man-made, and possibly inaccurate, description of that "real" world. Nevertheless, this mystical view has evolved into the currently predominant scientific viewpoint that nature is governed by eternal, changeless, immutable, omnipresent laws. The laws of nature are everywhere and always.

The second view of changelessness which emerged in the 17th century stemmed from the atomistic tradition of materialism, which addressed an issue which, even then, was already deep-rooted in Greek thought: namely, the concept of a changeless reality. Parmenides, a pre-Socratic philosopher, had the idea that only being is; not-being is not. If something is, it can't change because, in order to change, it would have to combine being and not-being, which was impossible. Therefore,. he concluded that reality is a homogenous, changeless sphere. Unfortunately for Parmenides, the world we experience is not homogenous, changeless, or spherical. In order to preserve his theory, Parmenides claimed that the world we experience is a delusion. This wasn't a very satisfactory solution, and thinkers of the time tried to find a way to resolve this dilemma.

The atomists' solution was to claim that reality consists of a large number of homogenous, changeless spheres (or particles): the atoms. Instead of one big changeless sphere, there are a great many small, changeless spheres moving in the void. The changing appearances of the world could then be explained in terms of the movements, permutations, and combinations of the atoms. This is the original insight of materialism: that reality consisted of eternal atomic matter and the movement of matter.

The combination of this materialistic tradition with the Platonic tradition finally gave rise to the mechanical philosophy which emerged in the 17th century and produced a cosmic dualism that has been with us ever since. On the one hand we have eternal atoms of inert matter; and on the other hand, we have changeless, non-material laws which are more like ideas than physical, material things. In this kind of dualism, both sides are changeless-a belief that does not readily suggest the idea of an evolutionary universe. In fact, physicists have been very adverse to accepting the idea of evolution precisely because it fits so poorly with the notion of eternal matter and changeless laws. In modern physics, matter is now seen as a form of energy; eternal energy has replaced eternal matter, but little else has changed.

Nevertheless, the evolutionary paradigm has been gaining ground steadily for the past two centuries. In the 18th century, social, artistic, and scientific developments were generally viewed as a progressive and evolutionary process. The Industrial Revolution made this viewpoint an economic reality in parts of Europe and America. By the early 19th century there were a number of evolutionary philosophies and, by the 1840's, the evolutionary social theory of Marxism had been publicized. In this context of social and cultural evolutionary theory, Darwin proposed his biological theory of evolution which extended the evolutionary vision to the whole of life. Yet this vision was not extended to the entire universe: Darwin and the neo-Darwinians ironically tried to fit the evolution of life on earth into a static universe, or even worse, a universe which was actually thought to be "running down" thermodynamically, heading toward a "heat death."

Everything changed in 1966 when physics finally accepted an evolutionary cosmology in which the universe was no longer eternal. Instead, the universe originated in a Big Bang about 15 billion years ago and has evolved ever since. So we now have an evolutionary physics. But we have to remember that this evolutionary physics is only just over 20 years old, and the implications and consequences of the Big Bang discovery are not yet fully known.

Physics is only just beginning to adapt itself to this new view, which, as we have seen, challenges the most fundamental assumption of physics since the time of Pythagoras: the idea of eternal laws. As soon as we have an evolving universe, we are confronted with the question: what about the eternal laws of nature? Where were the laws of nature before the Big Bang? If the laws of nature existed before the Big Bang, then it's clear that they are nonphysical; in fact, they are metaphysical. This forces out into the open the metaphysical assumption that underlay the idea of eternal laws all along.

There is an alternative, however. The alternative is that the universe is more like an organism than a machine. The Big Bang recalls the mythic stories of the hatching of the cosmic egg: it grows, and as it grows it undergoes an internal differentiation that is more like a gigantic cosmic embryo than the huge eternal machine of mechanistic theory. With this organic alternative, it might make sense to think of the laws of nature as more like habits; perhaps the laws of nature are habits of the universe, and perhaps the universe has an in-built memory.

About 100 years ago the American philosopher, C. S. Pierce, said that if we took evolution seriously, if we thought of the entire universe as evolving, then we would have to think of the laws of nature as somehow likened to habits. This idea was actually quite common, especially in America; it was espoused by William James and other American philosophers, and was quite widely discussed at the end of the last century. In Germany, Nietzsche went so far as to suggest that the laws of nature underwent natural selection: perhaps there were many laws of nature at the beginning, but only the successful laws survived; therefore, the universe we see has laws which have evolved through natural selection.

Biologists also moved toward interpreting phenomena in terms of habit. The most interesting such theorist was English writer Samuel Butler, whose most important books on this theme were Life and Habit (1878) and Unconscious Memory (1881). Butler contended that the whole of life involved inherent unconscious memory; habits, the instincts of animals, the way in which embryos develop, all reflected a basic principle of inherent memory within life. He even proposed that there must be an inherent memory in atoms, molecules, and crystals. Thus, there was this period of time at the end of the last century when biology was viewed in evolutionary terms. It is only since the 1920's that mechanistic thinking has come to have a stranglehold upon biological thought.

The hypothesis of formative causation, which is the basis of my own work, starts from the problem of biological form. Within biology, there has been a long-standing discussion of how to understand the way embryos and organisms develop. How do plants grow from seeds? How do embryos develop from fertilized eggs? This is a problem for biologists; it's not really a problem for embryos and trees, which just do it! However, biologists rind it difficult to find a causal explanation for form. In physics, in some sense the cause equals the effect. The amount of energy, matter, and momentum before a given change equals the amount afterwards. The cause is contained in the effect and the effect in the cause. However, when we are considering the growth of an oak tree from an acorn, there seems to be no such equivalence of cause and effect in any obvious way.

In the 17th century, the main mechanistic theory of embryology was simply that the oak tree was contained within the acorn: inside each acorn there was a miniature oak tree which inflated as the oak tree grew. This theory was quite widely accepted, and it was the one most consistent with the mechanistic approach, as understood at that time. However, as critics rapidly pointed out, if the oak tree is inflated and that oak tree itself produces acorns, the inflatable oak tree must contain inflatable acorns which contain inflatable oak trees, ad infinitum.

If, on the other hand, more form came from less form (the technical name for which is epigenesis), then where does the more form come from?

How did structures appear that weren't there before? Neither Platonists nor Aristotelians had any problem with this question. The Platonists said that the form comes from the Platonic archetype: if there is an oak tree, then there is an archetypal form of an oak tree, and all actual oak trees are simply reflections of this archetype. Since this archetype is beyond space and time, there is no need to have it embedded in the physical form of the acorn. The Aristotelians said that every species has its own kind of soul, and the soul is the form of the body. The body is in the soul, not the soul in the body. The soul is the form of the body and is around the body and contains the goal of development (which is formally called entelechy). An oak tree soul contains the eventual oak tree.

However, a mechanistic world view denies animism in all its forms; it denies the existence of the soul and of any non-material organizing principles. Therefore, mechanists have to have some kind of preformationism. At the end of the 19th century, German biologist August Weismann's theory of the germ-plasm revived the idea of preformationism; Weissman's theory placed "determinants," which supposedly gave rise to the organism, inside the embryo. This is the ancestor of the present idea of genetic programming, which constitutes another resurgence of preformationism in a modern guise.

As we will see, this model does not work very well. The genetic program is assumed to be identical with DNA, the genetic chemical. The genetic information is coded in DNA and this code forms the genetic program. But such a leap requires projecting onto DNA properties that it does not actually possess. We know what, DNA does: it codes for proteins; it codes for the sequence of amino acids which form proteins. However, there is a big difference between coding for the structure of a protein-a chemical constituent of the organism-and programming the development of an entire organism. It is the difference between making bricks and building a house out of the bricks. You need the bricks to build the house. If you have defective bricks, the house will be defective. But the plan of the house is not contained in the bricks, or the wires, or the beams, or cement.

Analogously, DNA only codes for the materials from which the body is constructed: the enzymes, the structural proteins, and so forth. There is no evidence that it also codes for the plan, the form, the morphology of the body. To see this more clearly, think of your arms and legs. The form of the arms and legs is different; it's obvious that they have a different shape from each other. Yet the chemicals in the arms and legs are identical. The muscles are the same, the nerve cells are the same, the skin cells are the same, and the DNA is the same in all the cells of the arms and legs. In fact, the DNA is the same in all the cells of the body. DNA alone cannot explain the difference inform; something else is necessary to explain form.

In current mechanistic biology, this is usually assumed to depend on what are called "complex patterns of physio-chemical interaction not yet fully understood." Thus the current mechanistic theory is not an explanation but merely the promise of an explanation. It is what Sir Karl Popper has called a "promissory mechanism"; it involves issuing promissory notes against future explanations that do not yet exist. As such, it is not really an objective argument; it is merely a statement of faith.

The question of biological development, of morphogenesis, is actually quite open and is the subject of much debate within biology itself. An alternative to the mechanist/reductionist approach, which has been around since the 1920s, is the idea of morphogenetic (form-shaping) fields. In this model, growing organisms are shaped by fields which are both within and around them, fields which contain, as it were, the form of the organism. This is closer to the Aristotelian tradition than to any of the other traditional approaches. As an oak tree develops, the acorn is associated with an oak tree field, an invisible organizing structure which organizes the oak tree's development; it is like an oak tree mold, within which the developing organism grows.

One fact which led to the development of this theory is the remarkable ability organisms have to repair damage. If you cut an oak tree into little pieces, each little piece, properly treated, can grow into a new tree. So from a tiny fragment, you can get a whole. Machines do not do that; they do not have this power of remaining whole if you remove parts of them. Chop a computer up into small pieces and all you get is a broken computer. It does not regenerate into lots of little computers. But if you chop a flatworm into small pieces, each piece can grow into a new flatworm. Another analogy is a magnet. If you chop a magnet into small pieces, you do have lots of small magnets, each with a complete magnetic field. This is a wholistic property that fields have that mechanical systems do not have unless they are associated with fields. Still another example is the hologram, any part of which contains the whole. A hologram is based on interference patterns within the electromagnetic field. Fields thus have a wholistic property which was very attractive to the biologists who developed this concept of morphogenetic fields.

Each species has its own fields, and within each organism there are fields within fields. Within each of us is the field of the whole body; fields for arms and legs and fields for kidneys and livers; within are fields for the different tissues inside these organs, and then fields for the cells, and fields for the sub-cellular structures, and fields for the molecules, and so on. There is a whole series of fields within fields. The essence of the hypothesis I am proposing is that these fields, which are already accepted quite widely within biology, have a kind of in-built memory derived from previous forms of a similar kind. The liver field is shaped by the forms of previous livers and the oak tree field by the forms and organization of previous oak trees. Through the fields, by a process called morphic resonance, the influence of like upon like, there is a connection among similar fields. That means that the field's structure has a cumulative memory, based on what has happened to the species in the past. This idea applies not only to living organisms but also to protein molecules, crystals, even to atoms. In the realm of crystals, for example, the theory would say that the form a crystal takes depends on its characteristic morphic field. Morphic field is a broader term which includes the fields of both form and behavior; hereafter, I shall use the word morphic field rather than morphogenetic.

If you make a new compound and crystallize it, there won't be a morphic field for it the first time. Therefore, it may be very difficult to crystallize; you have to wait for a morphic field to emerge. The second time, however, even if you do this somewhere else in the world, there will be an influence from the first crystallization, and it should crystallize a bit more easily. The third time there will be an influence from the first and second, and so on. There will be a cumulative influence from previous crystals, so it should get easier and easier to crystallize the more often you crystallize it. And, in fact, this is exactly what does happen. Synthetic chemists find that new compounds are generally very difficult to crystallize. As time goes on, they generally get easier to crystallize all over the world. The conventional explanation is that this occurs because fragments of previous crystals are carried from laboratory to laboratory on beards of migrant chemists. When there have not been any migrant chemists, it is assumed that the fragments wafted through the atmosphere as microscopic dust particles.

Perhaps migrant chemists do carry fragments on their beards and perhaps dust particles do get blown around in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, if one measures the rate of crystallization under rigorously controlled conditions in sealed vessels in different parts of the world, one should still observe an accelerated rate of crystallization. This experiment has not yet been done. But a related experiment involving chemical reaction rates of new synthetic processes is at present being considered by a major chemical company in Britain because, if these things happen, they have quite important implications for the chemical industry.

There are quite a number of experiments that can be done in the realm of biological form and the development of form. Correspondingly, the same principles apply to behavior, forms of behavior and patterns of behavior. Consider the hypothesis that if you train rats to learn a new trick in Santa Barbara, then rats all over the world should be able to learn to do the same trick more quickly, just because the rats in Santa Barbara have learned it. This new pattern of learning will be, as it were, in the rat collective memory-in the morphic fields of rats, to which other rats can tune in, just because they are rats and just because they are in similar circumstances, by morphic resonance. This may seem a bit improbable, but either this sort of thing happens or it doesn't.

Among the vast number of papers in the archives of experiments on rat psychology, there are a number of examples of experiments in which people have actually monitored rates of learning over time and discovered mysterious increases. In my book, A New Science of Life, I describe one such series of experiments which extended over a 50-year period. Begun at Harvard and then carried on in Scotland and Australia, the experiment demonstrated that rats increased their rate of learning more than tenfold. This was a huge effect-not some marginal statistically significant result. This improved rate of learning in identical learning situations occurred in these three separate locations and in all rats of the breed, not just in rats descended from trained parents.

There are other examples of the spontaneous spread of new habits in animals and birds which provide at least circumstantial evidence for the theory of morphic resonance. The best documented of these is the behavior of bluetits, a rather small bird with a blue head, that is common throughout Britain. Fresh milk is still delivered to the door each morning in Britain. Until about the 1950s, the caps on the milk bottles were made of cardboard. In 1921 in Southampton, a strange phenomenon was observed. When people came out in the morning to get their milk bottles, they found little shreds of cardboard all around the bottom of the bottle, and the cream from the top of the bottle had disappeared. Close observation revealed that this was being done by bluetits, who sat on top of the bottle, pulled off the cardboard with their beaks, and then drank the cream. Several tragic cases were found in which bluetits were discovered drowned head first in the milk!

This incident caused considerable interest; then the event turned up somewhere else in Britain, about 50 miles away, and then somewhere about 100 miles away. Whenever the bluetit phenomenon turned up, it started spreading locally, presumably by imitation. However, bluetits are very home-loving creatures, and they don't normally travel more than four or five miles. Therefore, the dissemination of the behavior over large distances could only be accounted for in terms of an independent discovery of the habit. The bluetit habit was mapped throughout Britain until 1947, by which time it had become more or less universal. The people who did the study came to the conclusion that it must have been "invented" independently at least 50 times. Moreover, the rate of spread of the habit accelerated as time went on. In other parts of Europe where milk bottles are delivered to doorsteps, such as Scandinavia and Holland, the habit also cropped up during the 1930s and spread in a similar manner. Here is an example of a pattern of behavior which was spread in a way which seemed to speed up with time, and which might provide an example of morphic resonance.

But there is still stronger evidence for morphic resonance. Because of the German occupation of Holland, milk delivery ceased during 1939-40. Milk deliveries did not resume until 1948. Since bluetits usually live only two to three years, there probably were no bluetits alive in 1948 who had been alive when milk was last delivered. Yet when milk deliveries resumed in 1948, the opening of milk bottles by bluetits sprang up rapidly in quite separate places in Holland and spread extremely rapidly until, within a year or two, it was once again universal. The behavior spread much more rapidly and cropped up independently much more frequently the second time round than the first time. This example demonstrates the evolutionary spread of a new habit which is probably not genetic but rather depends on a kind of collective memory due to morphic resonance.

I am suggesting that heredity depends not only on DNA, which enables organisms to build the right chemical building blocks-the proteins-but also on morphic resonance. Heredity thus has two aspects: one a genetic heredity, which accounts for the inheritance of proteins through DNA's control of protein synthesis; the second a form of heredity based on morphic fields and morphic resonance, which is nongenetic and which is inherited directly from past members of the species. This latter form of heredity deals with the organization of form and behavior.

The differences and connections between these two forms of heredity become easier to understand if we consider an analogy to television. Think of the pictures on the screen as the form that we are interested in. If you didn't know how the form arose, the most obvious explanation would be that there were little people inside the set whose shadows you were seeing on the screen. Children sometimes think in this manner. If you take the back off the set, however, and look inside, you find that there are no little people. Then you might get more subtle and speculate that the little people are microscopic and are actually inside the wires of the TV set. But if you look at the wires through a microscope, you can't find any little people there either.

You might get still more subtle and propose that the little people on the screen actually arise through "complex interactions among the parts of the set which are not yet fully understood." You might think this theory was proved if you chopped out a few transistors from the set. The people would disappear. If you put the transistors back, they would reappear. This might provide convincing evidence that they arose from within the set entirely on the basis of internal interaction.

Suppose that someone suggested that the pictures of little people come from outside the set, and the set picks up the pictures as a result of invisible vibrations to which the set is attuned. This would probably sound like a very occult and mystical explanation. You might deny that anything is coming into the set. You could even "prove it" by weighing the set switched off and switched on; it would weigh the same. Therefore, you could conclude that nothing is coming into the set.

I think that is the position of modern biology, trying to explain everything in terms of what happens inside. The more explanations for form are looked for inside, the more elusive the explanations prove to be, and the more they are ascribed to ever more subtle and complex interactions, which always elude investigation. As I am suggesting, the forms and patterns of behavior are actually being tuned into by invisible connections arising outside the organism. The development of form is a result of both the internal organization of the organism and the interaction of the morphic fields to which it is tuned.

Genetic mutations can affect this development. Again think of the TV set. If we mutate a transistor or a condenser inside the set, you may get distorted pictures or sound. But this does not prove that the pictures and sound are programmed by these components. Nor does it prove that form and behavior are programmed by genes, if we find there are alterations in form and behavior as a result of genetic mutation.

There is another kind of mutation which is particularly interesting. Imagine a mutation in the tuning circuit of your set, such that it alters the resonant frequency of the tuning circuit. Tuning your TV depends on a resonant phenomenon; the tuner resonates at the same frequency as the frequency of the signal transmitted by the different stations. Thus tuning dials are measured in hertz, which is a measure of frequency. Imagine a mutation in the tuning system such that you tune to one channel and a different channel actually appears. You might trace this back to a single condenser or a single resistor which had undergone a mutation. But it would not be valid to conclude that the new programs you are seeing, the different people, the different films and advertisements, are programmed inside the component that has changed. Nor does it prove that form and behavior are programmed in the DNA when genetic mutations lead to changes in form and behavior. The usual assumption is that if you can show something alters as a result of a mutation, then that must be programmed by, or controlled by, or determined by, the gene. I hope this TV analogy makes it clear that that is not the only conclusion. It could be that it is simply affecting the tuning system.

A great deal of work is being done in contemporary biological research on such "tuning" mutations (formally called homoeotic mutations). The animal most used in the investigations is Drosophila, the fruitfly. A whole range of these mutations have been found which produce various monstrosities. One kind, called antennapedia, leads to the antennae being transformed into legs. The unfortunate flies, which contain just one altered gene, produce legs instead of antennae growing out of their heads. There is another mutation which leads to the second of the three pairs of legs in the Drosophila being transformed into antennae. Normally flies have one pair of wings and, on the segment behind the wings, are small balancing organs called halteres. Still another mutation leads to the transformation of the segment normally bearing the halteres into a duplicate of the first segment, so that these flies have four wings instead of two. These are called bithorax mutants.

All of these mutations depend on single genes. I propose that somehow these single gene mutations are changing the tuning of a part of the embryonic tissue, such that it tunes into a different morphic field than it normally does, and so a different set of structures arise, just like tuning into a different channel on TV.

One can see from these analogies how both genetics and morphic resonance are involved in heredity. Of course, a new theory of heredity leads to a new theory of evolution. Present-day evolutionary theory is based on the assumption that virtually all heredity is genetic. Sociobiology and neo-Darwinism in all their various forms are based on gene selection, gene frequencies, and so forth. The theory of morphic resonance leads to a much broader view which allows one of the great heresies of biology once more to be taken seriously: namely, the idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Behaviors which organisms learn, or forms which they develop, can be inherited by others even if they are not descended from the original organisms-by morphic resonance.

When we consider memory, this hypothesis leads to a very different approach from the traditional one. The key concept of morphic resonance is that similar things influence similar things across both space and time. The amount of influence depends on the degree of similarity. Most organisms are more similar to themselves in the past than they are to any other organism. I am more like me five minutes ago than I am like any of you; all of us are more like ourselves in the past than like anyone else. The same is true of any organism. This self-resonance with past states of the same organism in the realm of form helps to stabilize the morphogenetic fields, to stabilize the form of the organism, even though the chemical constituents in the cells are turning over and changing. Habitual patterns of behavior are also tuned into by the self-resonance process. If I start riding a bicycle, for example, the pattern of activity of my nervous system and my muscles, in response to balancing on the bicycle, immediately tunes me in by similarity to all the previous occasions on which I have ridden a bicycle. The experience of bicycle riding is given by cumulative morphic resonance to all those past occasions. It is not a verbal or intellectual memory; it is a body memory of riding a bicycle.

This would also apply to my memory of actual events: what I did yesterday in Los Angeles or last year in England. When, I think of these particular events, I am tuning into the occasions on which these events happened. There is a direct causal connection through a tuning process. If this hypothesis is correct, it is not necessary to assume that memories are stored inside the brain.

All of us have been brought up on the idea that memories are stored in the brain; we use the word brain interchangeably with mind or memory. I am suggesting that the brain is more like a tuning system than a memory storage device. One of the main arguments for the localization of memory in the brain is the fact that certain kinds of brain damage can lead to loss of memory. If the brain is damaged in a car accident and someone loses memory, then the obvious assumption is that memory tissue must have been destroyed. But this is not necessarily so.

Consider the TV analogy again. If I damaged your TV set so that you were unable to receive certain channels, or if I made the TV set aphasic by destroying the part of it concerned with the production of sound so that you could still get the pictures but could not get the sound, this would not prove that the sound or the pictures were stored inside the TV set. It would merely show that I had affected the tuning system so you could not pick up the correct signal any longer. No more does memory loss due to brain damage prove that memory is stored inside the brain. In fact, most memory loss is temporary: amnesia following concussion, for example, is often temporary. This recovery of memory is very difficult to explain in terms of conventional theories: if the memories have been destroyed because the memory tissue has been destroyed, they ought not to come back again; yet they often do.

Another argument for the localization of memory inside the brain is suggested by the experiments on electrical stimulation of the brain by Wilder Penfield and others. Penfield stimulated the temporal lobes of the brains of epileptic patients and found that some of these stimuli could elicit vivid responses, which the patients interpreted as memories of things they had done in the past. Penfield assumed that he was actually stimulating memories which were stored in the cortex. Again returning to the TV analogy, if I stimulated the tuning circuit of your TV set and it jumped onto another channel, this wouldn't prove the information was stored inside the tuning circuit. It is interesting that, in his last book, The Mystery of the Mind, Penfield himself abandoned the idea that the experiments proved that memory was inside the brain. He came to the conclusion that memory was not stored inside the cortex at all.

There have been many attempts to locate memory traces within the brain, the best known of which were by Karl Lashley, the great American neurophysiologist. He trained rats to learn tricks, then chopped bits of their brains out to determine whether the rats could still do the tricks. To his amazement, he found that he could remove over fifty percent of the brain-any 50%-and there would be virtually no effect on the retention of this learning. When he removed all the brain, the rats could no longer perform the tricks, so he concluded that the brain was necessary in some way to the performance of the task-which is hardly a very surprising conclusion. What was surprising was how much of the brain he could remove without affecting the memory.

Similar results have been found by other investigators, even with invertebrates such as the octopus. This led one experimenter to speculate that memory was both everywhere and nowhere in particular. Lashley himself concluded that memories are stored in a distributed manner throughout the brain, since he could not find the memory traces which classical theory required. His student, Karl Pribram, extended this idea with the holographic theory of memory storage: memory is like a holographic image, stored as an interference pattern throughout the brain.

What Lashley and Pribram (at least in some of his writing) do not seem to have considered is the possibility that memories may not be stored inside the brain at all. The idea that they are not stored inside the brain is more consistent with the available data than either the conventional theories or the holographic theory. Many difficulties have arisen in trying to localize memory storage in the brain, in part because the brain is much more dynamic than previously thought. If the brain is to serve as a memory storehouse, then the storage system would have to remain stable; yet it is now known that nerve cells turn over much more rapidly than was previously thought. All the chemicals in synapses and nerve structures and molecules are turning over and changing all the time. With a very dynamic brain, it is difficult to see how memories are stored.

There is also a logical problem about conventional theories of memory storage, which various philosophers have pointed out. All conventional theories assume that memories are somehow coded and located in a memory store in the brain. When they are needed they are recovered by a retrieval system. This is called the coding, storage, and retrieval model. However, for a retrieval system to retrieve anything, it has to know what it wants to retrieve; a memory retrieval system has to know what memory it is looking for. It thus must be able to recognize the memory that it is trying to retrieve. In order to recognize it, the retrieval system itself must have some kind of memory. Therefore, the retrieval system must have a sub-retrieval system to retrieve its memories from its store. This leads to an infinite regress. Several philosophers argue that this is a fatal, logical flaw in any conventional theory of memory storage. However, on the whole, memory theoreticians are not very interested in what philosophers say, so they do not bother to reply to this argument. But it does seem to me quite a powerful one.

In considering the morphic resonance theory of memory, we might ask: if we tune into our own memories, then why don't we tune into other people's as well? I think we do, and the whole basis of the approach I am suggesting is that there is a collective memory to which we are all tuned which forms a background against which our own experience develops and against which our own individual memories develop. This concept is very similar to the notion of the collective unconscious.

Jung thought of the collective unconscious as a collective memory, the collective memory of humanity. He thought that people would be more tuned into members of their own family and race and social and cultural group, but that nevertheless there would be a background resonance from all humanity: a pooled or averaged experience of basic things that all people experience (e.g., maternal behavior and various social patterns and structures of experience and thought). It would not be a memory from particular persons in the past so much as an average of the basic forms of memory structures; these are the archetypes. Jung's notion of the collective unconscious makes extremely good sense in the context of the general approach that I am putting forward. Morphic resonance theory would lead to a radical reaffirmation of Jung's concept of the collective unconscious.

It needs reaffirmation because the current mechanistic context of conventional biology, medicine, and psychology denies that there can be any such thing as the collective unconscious; the concept of a collective memory of a race or species has been excluded as even a theoretical possibility. You cannot have any inheritance of acquired characteristics according to conventional theory; you can only have an inheritance of genetic mutations. Under the premises of conventional biology, there would be no way that the experiences and myths of, for example, African tribes, would have any influence on the dreams of someone in Switzerland of non-African descent, which is the sort of thing Jung thought did happen. That is quite impossible from the conventional point of view, which is why most biologists and others within mainstream science do not take the idea of the collective unconscious seriously. It is considered a flaky, fringe idea that may have some poetic value as a kind of metaphor, but has no relevance to proper science because it is a completely untenable concept from the point of view of normal biology.

The approach I am putting forward is very similar to Jung's idea of the collective unconscious. The main difference is that Jung's idea was applied primarily to human experience and human collective memory. What I am suggesting is that a very similar principle operates throughout the entire universe, not just in human beings. If the kind of radical paradigm shift I am talking about goes on within biology-if the hypothesis of morphic resonance is even approximately correct-then Jung's idea of the collective unconscious would become a mainstream idea: Morphogenic fields and the concept of the collective unconscious would completely change the context of modern psychology.

Source: http://www.sheldrake.org/Articles&Papers/papers/morphic/morphic1_paper.html


Morphic field

"Morphic field" is a term introduced by Sheldrake. He proposes that there is a field within and around a "morphic unit" which organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of activity. According to Sheldrake, the "morphic field" underlies the formation and behaviour of "holons" and "morphic units", and can be set up by the repetition of similar acts or thoughts. The hypothesis is that a particular form belonging to a certain group, which has already established its (collective) "morphic field", will tune into that "morphic field". The particular form will read the collective information through the process of "morphic resonance", using it to guide its own development. This development of the particular form will then provide, again through "morphic resonance", a feedback to the "morphic field" of that group, thus strengthening it with its own experience, resulting in new information being added (i.e. stored in the database). Sheldrake regards the "morphic fields" as a universal database for both organic (genetic) and abstract (mental) forms.

That a mode of transmission of shared informational patterns and archetypes might exist did gain some tacit acceptance when it was proposed as the theory of the collective unconscious by renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung. According to Sheldrake, the theory of "morphic fields" might provide an explanation for Jung's concept as well. Also, he agrees that the concept of akashic records, term from Vedas representing the "library" of all the experiences and memories of human minds (souls) through their physical lifetime, can be related to "morphic fields", since one's past (an akashic record) is a mental form, consisting of thoughts as simpler mental forms (all processed by the same brain), and a group of similar or related mental forms also have their associated (collective) "morphic field". (Sheldrake's view on memory-traces is that they are non-local, and not located in the brain.)

Morphic resonance

Essential to Sheldrake's model is the hypothesis of morphic resonance. This is a feedback mechanism between the field and the corresponding forms of morphic units. The greater the degree of similarity, the greater the resonance, leading to habituation or persistence of particular forms. So, the existence of a morphic field makes the existence of a new similar form easier.

Sheldrake proposes that the process of morphic resonance leads to stable morphic fields, which are significantly easier to tune into. He suggests that this is the means by which simpler organic forms synergetically self-organize into more complex ones, and that this model allows a different explanation for the process of evolution itself, as an addition to Darwin's evolutionary processes of selection and variation.

Morphogenetic field

For the concept in developmental biology, see Morphogenetic field.

Morphogenetic fields are defined by Sheldrake as the subset of morphic fields which influence, and are influenced by living things.

The term [morphic fields] is more general in its meaning than morphogenetic fields, and includes other kinds of organizing fields in addition to those of morphogenesis; the organizing fields of animal and human behaviour, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory.
—Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past (Chapter 6, page 112)


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Sheldrake

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14th December 2012, 06:50
Rupert Sheldrake - The Morphogenetic Universe


15th December 2012, 01:29
Magnetic Crystals, Guides for Animals, Found in Humans

An intriguing claim that human brain cells possess crystals of a highly magnetic mineral known as magnetite was described today by Dr. Joseph Kirschvink (http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~jkirschvink/PEbio1.htm), a professor at the California Institute of Technology.

The 38-year-old geobiologist said he believed that magnetite crystals enabled animals from bees to whales to navigate by using the earth's magnetic field. He said he doubted that they supported any sensory capability in humans, although he suspected that they might account for the possible influence of strong electromagnetic fields on human health.

Other scientists are likely to withhold belief until Dr. Kirschvink's finding has been confirmed in independent laboratories. His article describing his work was rejected by three leading research journals: Nature, Science and The New England Journal of Medicine.

Dr. Kirschvink says it has been accepted, however, by another journal, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and will appear in a future issue. Dr. Kirschvink elaborated on his results today at a news conference at Caltech.

That magnetite, one of the hardest metals on earth, is synthesized by the human brain "is sure to astound most scientists," Dr. Kirschvink said, but what it is doing there is a "total mystery." It might be a vestige from evolution and serve no purpose, he said. Or it could play a role in biology, explaining why electromagnetic fields have been associated with brain cancer and leukemia and why certain odd blips, called spin echoes, show up on magnetic resonance images of the brain.

Dr. Kirschvink is at present a lonely voice because of the rarity of his research field. He has built what he says is the only laboratory in the world dedicated to finding biomagnetic materials in animal tissue. It is a tiny clean room, shielded from the earth's magnetic field by six tons of transformer steel, in the basement of the geology building at Caltech. It houses one of the world's most powerful superconducting magnetometers, an instrument for measuring the faintest magnetic moments in rocks -- or animals.

In this laboratory, Dr. Kirschvink has already measured and extracted microscopic magnetic crystals from bacteria, salmon and tuna. He could not get financing to try the same in homing pigeons, turtles, monarch butterflies, shrimps, barnacles, bats and rodents.

The National Institutes of Health and other agencies that finance research have balked at supporting the work, he said, "because they can't understand what a geologist is doing fooling around with human brain tissue."

To be rejected by financing agencies and leading journals is the common fate of scientists with profound but radically new insights, as well as of those who are merely wrong. It is too early to tell which category Dr. Kirschvink's work falls into. But within the small group of perhaps a dozen researchers worldwide who study biomagnetism, he is highly regarded. Opinions on Researcher:

"Joe is the only person who has tried to carefully isolate these materials," said Richard Frankel, a leading expert on magnetic bacteria who is a physics professor at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. "If something is in low concentrations in tissue, you have to be ultra careful about contamination. He goes the extra mile."

Kenneth H. Nealson, an expert on biomineralization who is a professor of biology at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, said: "Joe is a young, ambitious, very good person at Caltech who is at the top of his field. But whenever you put out a new hypothesis, you step on important toes. This makes it hard to get funding when money is tight."

Dr. Mitchell Sogin of the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, a leading authority on molecular evolution, about which Dr. Kirschvink has published several papers, said, "I've never heard of the guy."

Lynn Margulis, a leading authority on the evolution of life who is a professor of botany at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, said: "Kirschvink is a very clever researcher who tends to be in too much of hurry, and therefore requires other scientists to follow up on his pioneering work." Origin of Concept

Dr. Kirschvink's interest in biomagnetism began 20 years ago when he was an undergraduate at Caltech with a double major in biology and geology. In geology class, he was taught that magnetite is formed by geologic processes. One day his adviser, a biologist, handed him a primitive mollusk whose teeth contained large amounts of biologically formed magnetite. "The entire tongue plate will stick to an ordinary hand magnet," Dr. Kirschvink said. "It was the most fascinating thing I'd ever seen."

Soon afterward scientists stumbled on a family of bacteria that contain magnetosomes -- chains of biological bar magnets wrapped in a membrane. The bacteria use the earth's magnetic field to move up and down in the mud, searching for the right level of oxygen, Dr. Kirschvink said. Bacteria in the Northern Hemisphere are north-seeking. In the Southern Hemisphere, they are south-seeking. At the Equator, both kinds exist. [How cool is that? -Vivek]

The young student was hooked. Animals have specialized cells for taste, smell, touch, vision and hearing, Dr. Kirschvink said. "I couldn't help wondering, do some also have a magnetic sensory system?" he said.

In the early 1980's, "researchers began throwing their favorite pets into magnetic detectors to see if they had magnetic properties," Dr. Kirschvink said, but the experiments were usually contaminated by magnetically charged dust. People could not prove that the extremely faint magnetic signals they were measuring came from their animals, he said.

After completing a Ph.D. in geology at Princeton University in 1981, Dr. Kirschvink returned to Caltech as an assistant professor and built his special laboratory for studying biomagnetism.

He developed the hypothesis that whales navigate using a magnetic sensory system, following the dips, angles and intensity of geomagnetic fields on the ocean floor as roadmaps. Whales beach themselves at geomagnetic anomalies, he asserted, where fields shift or drop off suddenly.

He and his wife trained honeybees to exit a maze following a north or south compass, then reversed the magnetic orientation in the bees' magnetite crystals with a strong magnetic field. Afterward, the bees flew in the opposite directions to those they had been trained to fly.

But it was a health controversy that drove his research toward exploration of the human brain. Epidemiological studies over the last decade have suggested a possible but inconclusive link between diseases like brain cancer and childhood leukemia and electromagnetic fields from power lines and certain household appliances.

Physicists rejected the idea that weak electromagnetic fields might induce any biological effect, saying the fields would slip and slide around cells like syrup poured on a balloon. Studies of Human Brains:

Dr. Kirschvink supposed this might not be the case if by any chance humans possessed substances capable of responding to magnetic fields. He obtained fresh brain tissue from seven corpses and dissected clumps of cells using Teflon-coated instruments.

Some samples were frozen and put in the magnetometer, which found unmistakable evidence of a ferromagnetic mineral -- compounds that interact strongly with magnetic fields. None of the body's iron, which is bound up in biological molecules, is ferromagnetic, Dr. Kirschvink said.

Other samples were dissolved and put into special test tubes fitted with magnets. After a week, magnetite crystals stuck to the glass.

Magnetite, in minuscule amounts, was found all over the brain, said Dr. Kirschvink and his co-authors, his wife, Atsuko Kobayashi-Kirschvink, and Dr. Barbara J. Woodford of the University of Southern California. Most regions of the brain had five million magnetite crystals per gram of tissue. The tough membrane that covers the brain had 100 million crystals per gram. Each human brain on average contains seven billion particles of magnetite, weighing a total of one-millionth of an ounce.

Half of the brain tissue samples came from patients with Alzheimer's disease and half did not; Dr. Kirschvink believes these circumstances had no effect on his findings.

Magnetite interacts over a million times more strongly with external magnetic fields than any other biological material, Dr. Kirschvink said, including the iron in red blood cells. If only one cell in a million contains magnetite, he said, magnetic fields could exert an effect on the tissue.

For instance, if the magnetite were coupled to channels that let substances pass through cell membranes and the crystals began to oscillate during exposure to an external magnetic field, Dr. Kirschvink said, one could imagine all sorts of biological effects, including the promotion of cancer.

"It's very interesting work," said Dr. Charles Rafferty, who is in charge of studying health effects of magnetic fields at the Electric Power Research Institute in Menlo Park, Calif. "It does provide a possible link for biological effects."

The presence of magnetite in the human brain might also account for the unexplained blips seen on MRI scans.

It is tempting to invoke magnetite crystals to explain many other mysteries of the human brain, Dr. Kirschvink said. First of all, do people with a good sense of direction possess a magnetic sensory system? It could even be asked if people who claim to have extrasensory perception or the ability to find water with a divining rod have a better than average magnetic sense.

But every carefully controlled experiment designed to prove that such abilities exist has failed dismally, Dr. Kirschvink said. There is not a shred of evidence so far that these microscopic magnets mediate any sensory capability in humans, he said. His work, if confirmed, is likely to stimulate a new round of research into these old questions.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kirschvink is exploring an older question -- the origin of the eukaryotes. This is the name given to all cells that have visible nuclei, and includes those of all higher forms of life on earth from fungi to humans.

Dr. Kirschvink believes the first eukaryotic cell may have been a bacterium that had evolved the trick of storing iron in the form of magnetite crystals. When the earth developed its magnetic field about 2.8 billion years ago, the magnetite-storing bacteria were able to exploit their sensitivity to it, using the field to move up and down in the mud to find the right oxygen gradient. The magnetic bacteria were large enough to engulf and permanently incorporate the other, once free-living bacteria that now serve as the chloroplasts and mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. They also probably possessed some kind of internal skeleton to hold the magnetite crystals, just as eukaryotes have internal scaffolding to support the mitochondria and other organelles.

The fossil record indicates that the magnetic bacteria lived for at least 400 million years before the first eukaryotic cells, Dr. Kirschvink said, making them suitable candidates as precursors.

Dr. Kirschvink has published this idea in several geological journals, but these are not much read by biologists. Experts in evolution are not unanimously enthusiastic about his hypothesis.

"It's a just-so story," Dr. Frankel said. There's no evidence that magnetic bacteria can swallow other bacteria, he said. "It's not one of Joe's finer pieces of work." Dr. Margulis says the idea makes sense in principle but is weak is detail.

The identity of the first eukaryotic cell is hotly contested, said Dr. Sogin of Woods Hole. "It would have to be something very special," he said. "There is no consensus on what it was."

"My ideas can be tested," Dr. Kirschvink said. If the biochemical pathway for making magnetite is the same in bacteria, bees, birds and humans, he said, it will prove an evolutionary link. If the proteins that envelop magnetosomes are the same as those that make scaffolding in animal cells and if magnetic bacteria older than 2.8 billion years cannot be found in the fossil record, the link would be stronger.

"If I'm right," Dr. Kirschvink said, "higher life will not evolve on planets without a steady geomagnetic field."

With so many ideas to test, it is a good thing Dr. Kirschvink is relatively young. He works closely with his wife, an engineer who shares his passion for biomagnetism. When their two sons were born, the couple looked for distinctive Japanese names. The eldest is called Jiseki, which means magnet stone, and the youngest Koseki, or mineral stone.


Source: http://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/12/science/magnetic-crystals-guides-for-animals-found-in-humans.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm

More information here: http://web.gps.caltech.edu/~jkirschvink/pdfs/KirschvinkBEMS92.pdf

16th December 2012, 03:07
The following article was copied and pasted from www.universetoday.com


Listen to the Music of the Spheres

Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and philosopher, is credited with saying, “There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.” This idea of the “Music of the Spheres” has endured over the centuries, ultimately informing how Kepler visualized the movements of the planets, which led him to formulate his laws of planetary motion. The notion that the stars, planets and galaxies resonate with a mystical symphony is a rather appealing one.

If you’ve ever been curious about how this music would sound, I’d invite you to watch and listen to The Wheel of Stars. Jim Bumgardner, a software engineer specializing in visualizations who consults out of his home in Los Angeles, created this visualizer that utilizes data from the Hipparcos mission. The program puts the stars in the sky to an ethereal music of their own making.

As he describes on the site:

To make this, I downloaded public data from Hipparcos, a satellite launched by the European Space Agency in 1989 that accurately measured over a hundred thousand stars. The data I downloaded contains position, parallax, magnitude, and color information, among other things.

I used this information to plot the brightest stars, and cause them to revolve about Polaris (the North Star) very slowly, as the stars appear to do. Like the night sky, this is a sidereal time clock — it takes nearly 24 hours for the stars to fully rotate. You’ll notice some familiar constellations, such as the Big Dipper in there. As the stars cross zero and 180 degrees, indicated by the center line, the clock plays an individual note, or chime for each star. The pitch of the chime is based on the star’s BV measurement (which roughly corresponds to color or temperature). The volume is based on the star’s magnitude, or apparent brightness, and the stereo panning is based on the position on the screen (use headphones to hear it better).

Other projects that Bumgardner has developed include a music box that generates sound using trigonometry and harmonics and a camera that renders everything in ASCII code (yes, of course you can make yourself look like you’re in The Matrix). He also designed Coverpop, a program to which a user can give criteria that it uses to collects images and make a mosaic. All of these programs are more easily viewed and listened to than described, and are available on the Wheel of Stars site.

I interviewed Bumgardner about The Wheel of Stars via email. Here is what he had to say about the making of what he calls a “software toy”.

UT: What gave you the idea to make the Wheel of Stars?

JB: I’ve been interested in methods of producing automatic music since I studied music composition at CalArts. Among my interests are self-playing instruments like wind chimes, aeolian harps, player pianos and music boxes. A previous project which led directly to this one was my Whitney Music Box, based on the visual motion graphics of John Whitney.

So, already having the basic idea of using mathematical and random sources to trigger notes, in the style of a disc music box, it occurred to me that the stars themselves might make an interesting generator, and such a music box would make a very literal kind of “music of the spheres.”

UT: After looking at some of your other projects, I’m hard pressed as to exactly what to call the “Wheel of Stars.” It’s a toy, but more. It’s not really “just a software program,” or music visualizer, either. So, what do you call it?

JB: It’s a lot of things: It’s an aleatoric music composition which uses astronomical data for the “chance” element. It’s a software toy. It’s a work of art. It’s a musical clock. I think “software toy” is probably the best description from the above — a description I’ve applied to a lot of my projects. We hesitate to use the word “toy”, because we fear it belittles the project, but I think it imparts a healthy amount of playfulness in the description, and ultimately, these are works of play for me. I wrote a blog post which addresses this issue to some extent.

UT: I have to admit thinking, “This sounds what I have always imagined the “Music of the Spheres” to sound like.” You mention this in your description of the Wheel. This is probably a question you’ve had before, but I have to ask: was there any sort of influence from that age-old concept of the “Music of the Spheres” for the Wheel of Stars?

JB: Absolutely. My “Whitney Music Box” is another kind of music of the spheres, based as it is on basic trigonometry and harmonics. A lot of my work is concerned with circles, and I imagine I could go on making other kinds of “Music of the Spheres” for a long time to come.

I should also mention that the ethereal quality of the music is very much affected by my choice of audio sample. If I had used a Banjo sound, the effect would be quite different. I chose that particular sound because of my own preconceived notions of what a star should sound like. Probably a similar mental process to what Alexander Courage went through when he chose the opening notes for Star Trek.

UT: What would you like viewers/listeners to take away from the program/toy/visualizer?

JB: A little wonderment. A little more interest in the stars. Maybe do some research on Wikipedia, or pick up a good starter book like H.A. Rey’s “The Stars”. A very few listeners might be tempted to teach themselves how to program computers and make their own software toys. The “Processing” language is good place to start (processing.org).

UT: Have you had many planetariums or schools contact you to get it incorporated into their shows or curriculum?

JB: A couple nibbles, but nothing serious yet. I’d love to set up a large scale version of this piece — I think it would have a significant impact on the viewer.

UT: Did you design it with schools/planetariums in mind, or was it more for the pleasure of doing so?

JB: I made the piece because I was curious what it would sound like. Would it be totally random? Would there be hidden melodies or a secret message hidden in the stellar arrangement? Ultimately, I think I found a little bit of both. It’s quite different in character from what I would have gotten if the points where laid out with a number generator (and of course my choice of parameter mapping has a big effect on the outcome), but it’s not exactly morse code.

I also wanted to share it with people. The first version I made, in Processing, wasn’t easily sharable, so I ported it to Flash, so I could put it on the website.

UT: Any screen saver software planned for the future?

JB: I’ve prepared a stand-alone version which I email to folks upon request. It can be converted to a screen-saver with the right software. In my opinion, screensavers aren’t ideal for this kindof piece, because you don’t want your computer emitting sounds when you walk away (and can’t turn it off). But I think a stand-alone program that doesn’t require internet access, and which has higher quality sounds would be great.

UT: Do you plan to make any other astronomy-related programs like the Wheel of Stars?

JB: Yes. It occurs to me that a series of (8 or 9) short pieces based on astronomical data about the planets (their motions, and composition) might be interesting. However, at the moment, I’m pretty busy with other things.

UT: What other projects are you working on, astronomy-related or otherwise? I’ll cover the ASCII cam, Whitney Music Box and Coverpop and others in the article.

JB: I’m working on facilitating a showing of James Whitney’s extraordinary films “Lapis” and “Yantra” in Los Angeles next month (February 10th at the Silent Music Theater in Hollywood). We wlll be showing new digital transfers of these films, with live musical accompaniment. I also host and play piano at an Open Mic at Jones Coffee in Pasadena every month.

A couple of computer-related projects of interest: my recent music piece “Kasparov vs. Deep Blue” in which I programmed a chess computer to produce musical feedback showing what it is “thinking”, [See the video here] and my work simulating the automatic music algorithms of Athanasius Kircher. [a link to the paper can be found here].

Source: email interview with Jim Bumgardner. Cycling helmet nod to The Bad Astronomer


Source: http://www.universetoday.com/51468/listen-to-the-music-of-the-spheres/

Evan Grant on Cymatics


Here is the link to the Journal of Cymatics webpage: http://cymatica.com/

The sound of the sun visualized from the new Cymatics exhibit at the Smithsonian (http://cymatica.com/2012/07/25/new-cymatics-exhibit-at-the-smithsonian/).


The following article was copied and pasted from www.cymatica.com


New Cymatics Exhibit At The Smithsonian
by JODINA MEEHAN on JULY 25, 2012

A new cymatics exhibit at the Smithsonian, which runs through to December 9th 2012, features a “Star Station” in which visitors can see the “songs of stars.”

John Stuart Reid, co-creator of the world’s first CymaScope, was asked by Deborah Stokes, curator for education at the Smithsonian Institute, to image four ’songs of stars’ for their African Cosmos Stellar Arts Exhibition.

The star sound files, which include the sound of the sun, were fed into a CymaScope, which makes the star sounds visible by imprinting them on the surface of ultra pure water, transcribing the sounds to periodic wavelets, effectively rendering the sounds visible.

The CymaScope imagery was captured on-camera and sent to James Stuart Reid, John’s son, who provided colorization and titles.

The completed videos were then sent to the Smithsonian where Michael Briggs used them to create the “Star Station,” a booth where visitors can experience the stars-sounds-made-visible for the first time.

“This is an important milestone for the CymaScope and for cymatics in general,” Reid says. “It will help cymatics gain acceptance in the world as a useful scientific technique.”

Initial visitor reaction to the Star Station has been very positive and children, in particular, love it.


Source: http://cymatica.com/2012/07/25/new-cymatics-exhibit-at-the-smithsonian/

16th December 2012, 03:21
The following article is from www.msnbc.msn.com

DNA is directly photographed for the first time
Italian physics professor Enzo Di Fabrizio captures twisted ladder that props up life

By Eli MacKinnon

DNA's double-helix structure is on display for the first time in this
electron microscope photograph of a small bundle of DNA strands.

Fifty-nine years after James Watson and Francis Crick deduced the double-helix structure of DNA, a scientist has captured the first direct photograph of the twisted ladder that props up life.

Enzo Di Fabrizio, a physics professor at Magna Graecia University in Catanzaro, Italy, snapped the picture using an electron microscope.

Previously, scientists had only seen DNA's structure indirectly. The double-corkscrew form was first discovered using a technique called X-ray crystallography, in which a material's shape is reconstructed based on how X-rays bounce after they collide with it.

But Di Fabrizio and his colleagues developed a plan to bring DNA out of hiding. They built a nanoscopic landscape of extremely water-repellant silicon pillars. When they added a solution that contained strands of DNA into this scene, the water quickly evaporated and left behind cords of bare DNA that stretched like tightropes between the tiny mesas.

A bundle of DNA is supported by two silicon pillars.

They then shone beams of electrons through holes in the silicon bed, and captured high-resolution images of the illuminated molecules.

Di Fabrizio's images actually show a thread of several interwoven DNA molecules, as opposed to just two coupled strands. This is because the energy of the electrons used would be enough to destroy an isolated double helix, or a single strand from a double helix.

But with the use of more sensitive equipment and lower energy electrons, Di Fabrizio thinks that snapshots of individual double helices will soon be possible, New Scientist reports.

Molecules of DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, store the genetic instructions that govern all living organisms' growth and function.
Di Fabrizio's innovation will allow scientists to vividly observe interactions between DNA and some of life's other essential ingredients, such as RNA (r ibonucleic acid ). The results of Di Fabrizio's work were published in the journal NanoLetters.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/50029929/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/dna-directly-photographed-first-time/#.UL0cnDkmTIU

17th December 2012, 17:07
The following article is a follow up on this post: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?48863-The-Mechanics-of-the-Matrix&p=547892&viewfull=1#post547892


Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and the Acausal Connecting Principle: A Case Study in Transdisciplinarity
by Charlene P. E. Burns

The same organizing forces that have shaped nature in all her forms are also responsible for the structure of our minds. —Werner Heisenberg

While many universities and colleges have only recently begun moving toward multi-and interdisciplinary programs and offerings, transdisciplinarity, a concept that first appeared on the academic scene in the early 1970s, has become an important trend in some circles. NYU, for example, has established a Transdisciplinary program in Trauma and Violence; several universities now have Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers. The case for trans-rather than inter-disciplinarity in graduate education has been made by educational researchers on the basis of expectations that “graduate students need to be educated for a diverse, technical, problem-oriented world that does not yet exist, which makes it imperative that they become self-directed, lifelong learners who can thrive and participate in collaborative environments with ever-changing disciplinary boundaries.” However, there appears to be little idea yet of how this kind of education should be structured: “Only as scholars develop, study and share multiple case studies will we begin to see consistencies across cases as evidence for connections between learning and design decisions, developing generalizable principles for achieving best practices in transdisciplinary graduate education and scholarship.”

I agree with the transdisciplinary agenda in principle. I fear, though, that there has not been sufficient public discussion of the potential problems inherent in this kind of work. Scholars are prone to enthusiastic and wholesale commitment to new approaches, and in this case such a response glosses over very real pitfalls in the offing. In order to illuminate some of these problems, I explore here the collaboration between Nobel Prize winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli, a founder of quantum theory, and Carl Jung, founder of archetypal psychology, with focus on their development of the concept of synchronicity. The history of Jung’s reception by the scientific and scholarly communities serves as a caution to all who venture into the realm of what Basarab Nicolescu has called the “Included Middle”. Exploration of the Pauli-Jung collaboration is particularly apropos here, given that Nicolescu is himself a specialist in quantum physics and attributes his vision of transdisciplinarity to his scientific work.

Nicolescu’s quest for “a space of knowledge beyond the disciplines” is exemplified by the Pauli-Jung collaboration aimed at explication of a unifying or connecting principle bridging the gap between mind and matter. Jung’s theory of synchronicity posited that certain events-often called coincidences-actually reveal the operation of an acausal connection between mental and physical events through meaning. Jung’s paradigmatic example of a synchronicity occurred during a therapy session. In this session, his patient was in the midst of relating an intense dream she had had in which someone gave her a piece of gold jewelry in the shape of a scarab beetle. As she related the dream, Jung heard a tapping sound on the office window, which was caused by a very large insect flying repeatedly against the glass. He opened the window, and in flew a small goldish-green colored scarabeid beetle. The connection between the woman telling the dream and the appearance of the actual beetle is non-causal – the inner dream experience did not cause the beetle to appear, and yet there is a connection through meaning for the woman. The connecting meaning in a synchronistic event is experiencer-specific, related to the individual’s process of psychological maturation, or individuation. Events like this occur often enough to be more than meaningless coincidence, Jung and Pauli believed.

Jung and Pauli were convinced that synchronistic events reveal an underlying unity of mind and matter, subjective and objective realities. Synchronicity was (and continues to be) a prime target for criticism of Jung that for decades bordered on outright dismissal by many in the scientific and academic communities. For example, historian of science Suzanne Gieser writes that she finds Pauli’s interest in Jung “unusual” because “most of those with an academic or scientific background dismiss Jung totally.”

Following Pauli’s death in 1958, Pauli’s wife actively opposed including any of his correspondence with Jung in the collections of his papers. The chairman of CERN’s Pauli Committee recently wrote that, “inclusion of letters dealing mainly with psychology … was much debated by the committee.” In the end, they did decide to publish the correspondence, explaining that, “it is of no importance what we think of Jung and his psychology. The important thing is that Pauli was a convinced adherent of Jung’s teachings.” A brief look at the evolution and content of the decades-long correspondence between these two men will reveal the possibilities and problems inherent in efforts of even the most brilliant of specialists to transcend disciplinary limitations.

Jung’s fascination with physics actually began early in his career as a result of a series of dinners with Albert Einstein between 1909 and 1912. He later wrote that “It was Einstein who first started me thinking about a relativity of time as well as space, and their psychic conditionality…years later this stimulus led to my relation with the physicist Professor W. Pauli and to my thesis of psychic synchronicity.” His first public mention of the concept occurred 1928 during a seminar on the interpretation of dreams. Jung noted then that, in addition to the frequent appearance of common mythic motifs, dreams are often connected to coincidences in people’s lives. Taking a phenomenological stance, he said that while it would be “absurd” to consider the conjunction of dream material and life events to be causal, “it is wise to consider the fact that [these coincidences] do happen…The East…considers coincidences as the reliable basis of the world rather than causality. Synchronism is the prejudice of the East; causality is the modern prejudice of the West.” In 1930, Jung mentioned the concept again in his speech honoring Richard Wilhelm, a scholar of Chinese philosophy who had died earlier that year. In this address (later published as part of his commentary on Wilhelm’s translation of The Secret of the Golden Flower), Jung said “the science of the I Ching is based not on the causality principle but on one which-hitherto unnamed because unfamiliar to us-I have tentatively called the synchronistic principle.” He concluded that “the causality principle” cannot explain “psychic parallelisms” that must somehow be connected but are not causally related. In 1935, he referred once again to the idea during lectures given in London. This time he equated synchronicity with the Chinese Tao and described it as “a peculiar principle active in the world so that things happen together somehow and behave as if they were the same, and yet for us they are not.”It was to be many years before Jung would write about this concept again, and when he did, his focus would shift from the empirical and phenomenological aspects of synchronistic phenomena to the ontological and archetypal nature of such events.This shift was the outcome of his long term relationship with Wolfgang Pauli, which began in 1932, when Pauli sought help during a period of intense psychological distress.

This “crisis of his life”, as Pauli would later call the period between 1927 and 1932, was stimulated by his mother’s suicide, his father’s quick remarriage to a woman Pauli’s age, and the end of his own brief marriage to a cabaret singer, all complicated by his own meteoric rise in the world of physics. Pauli’s father suggested he seek treatment with Dr. Jung, and the two great men had their first meeting in January, 1932. By the time of this encounter, Pauli had already written a critique of Einstein’s theory of relativity so perceptive that Einstein later said Pauli was perhaps the only physicist who truly understood his work. Pauli had already done work foundational for the new field of quantum mechanics, developed the Exclusion Principle (for which he would be awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945), become the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Theoretical Physics at Zurich, and postulated the existence of the neutrino (which was not demonstrated experimentally until 1956) by the time of this meeting.Needless to say, Pauli’s career as a highly respected physicist was well established by the time he met Jung.

During their initial session, Jung discerned that Pauli’s most immediate problems stemmed from his difficulty in relating to women and referred him to one of Jung’s students, Erna Rosenbaum. In later writings, Jung made reference to Pauli without identifying him and confessed that, upon realizing that this scientist offered a unique opportunity to explore his theory of archetypes and dreams, he had decided not to treat Pauli himself in order to “get [dream material] absolutely pure, without any influence from myself.” Since Rosenbaum was “just a beginner,” said Jung, “I was absolutely sure she would not tamper” with the raw dream content. During five months of analysis with Rosenbaum, Pauli recorded hundreds of dreams. He then worked on his own for several months before entering into a two year period of meetings with Jung himself, which some biographers claim was for analysis and others say was the meeting of colleagues exploring theories related to their common interests.Regardless of interpreters’ claims, in a letter written to Jung in July of 1934 Pauli makes it clear that the relationship was a therapeutic one. He wrote to break off the sessions, which had been focused on “dream interpretation and dream analysis.” The next year, Pauli renewed contact by sending Jung some notes and drawings from his own efforts to work though fantasy and dream material; thus began a relationship that would continue until 1957, when Jung experienced a period of illness. Jung recovered, but Pauli subsequently became very ill and died in 1958 as a result of pancreatic cancer.

Pauli’s early dreams provided Jung with a rich resource for theoretical exploration, and his own interpretations played a role in Jung’s theories. In 1935 Jung sought and received permission to use Pauli’s dream content in lectures and in his essay, “Psychology and Alchemy”. Pauli was happy that his dream work might help advance Jung’s exploration of human psychology, and clearly believed that this effort was scientific: in his letter of October 2, 1935, he said, “I am pleased that my dreams may serve some scientific purpose”.In a 1937 letter, he said that “even the most modern physics also lends itself to the symbolic representation of psychic processes, even down to the last detail.”

Their collaboration transformed Jung’s understanding of synchronicity. He had argued early on that “the simultaneous occurrence of a certain psychic state with one or more external events which appear as meaningful parallels to the momentary subjective state”,was a phenomenological concept. As a result of his interaction with Pauli, Jung gradually came to see this acausal connecting principle as an explanatory theory which, in combination with causality, might well lead to a more complete understanding of deep reality.The first reference to the concept in their written correspondence appears in a 1948 letter from Pauli to Jung. The two had recently conversed, and Pauli wrote to offer an illustration of synchronicity using one of his own dreams. He alluded to an unpublished essay, “Modern Examples of ‘Background Physics’” and explained that his ‘background physics’ idea referred to “the appearance of quantitative terms and concepts from physics in spontaneous fantasies in a qualitative [symbolic] sense” which is “ample proof of the fact that the kind of imagination I call ‘background physics’ is of an archetypal[in the Jungian sense] nature…the purely psychological interpretation only apprehends half of the matter. The other half is the revealing of the archetypal basis of the terms actually applied in modern physics.” This ‘background’ seems to be directed toward development of a “description of nature that uniformly comprises physics and psyche.” To accomplish this, the physicist necessarily shifts from background physics to psychology. He said, “As I regard physics and psychology as complementary types of examination, I am certain that there is an equally valid way that must lead the psychologist… (through investigating the archetypes) into the world of physics.” In the unpublished essay, he delves more deeply into the connection between psychics and psychology: “Complementarity in physics…has a very close analogy with the terms ‘conscious’ and ‘unconscious’ in psychology, in that any ‘observation’ of unconscious contents entails fundamentally indefinable repercussions of the conscious on these very contents.”

Pauli thought that the probabilistic nature of quantum theory and the Uncertainty Principle offered the possibility of discovering something beyond the mind-matter gap: “’we must postulate a cosmic order of nature beyond our control to which both the outward material objects and the inward images are subject.”There is, he thought, a quantum explanation for synchronistic occurrences which somehow “acausally weaves meaning into the fabric of nature.” Exploration of this might lea to an answer to the conundrum posed by quantum indeterminacy: if the deepest structures of reality are probabilities then “what fixes what actually happens”? Jung and Pauli sought a unifying theory that would allow interpretation of reality as a psycho-physical whole. Pauli thought that probability mathematics expresses physically what is manifested psychologically as archetypes (deep-structure patterns for certain types of universal mental experience, or patterns of the instincts) and synchronistic events.

The two men collaborated on the synchronicity concept for several years before publishing anything on the topic. Between 1949 and 1952, Pauli reviewed Jung’s written drafts and offered many suggestions for developing the concept, including suggestions for defining terms like “acausal” and encouragement to clarify the connection between meaning and time. Jung hoped to substantiate the theory using statistical analysis of the Rhine ESP experiments and astrological claims, but his physicist collaborator said it “is paradoxical that physicists are now obliged to tell psychologists that they must not eliminate the unconscious in their statistical investigations.”His suggestions were often quite specific. Once he reminded Jung of the need to explain that “appearance of [synchronistic events] is complementary to the archetypal contents becoming conscious.”

In his responses to Pauli’s input, Jung clearly shifted from an empirical-phenomenological approach to an ontological one which led the two men toward a more explanatory and interpretive view of synchronicity that promised to reveal the much sought-after unified mind/matter worldview. In his final version of the synchronicity essay, Jung wrote that the “archetype represents psychic probability” (italics in original). Pauli wrote in his Kepler essay (published as part two of The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche-Jung’s synchronicity essay was part one), that “pure logic” is not capable of establishing a “bridge between the sense perceptions and the concepts.” Kepler himself thought that scientific ideas discerned by humanity exist eternally as archetypes in the mind of God, and Jung’s theories pave the way to understand archetypes “as ordering operators and image-formers” in the symbolic realm which may well function as the sought-after bridge between mind and matter.“It would be most satisfactory” said Pauli, “if physics and psyche could be seen as complementary aspects of the same reality.”

The tone of Pauli’s written communication with Jung was always that characteristic of peers who respect one another’s work. When disagreeing with Jung or expressing a point that arose due to Jung’s less complete knowledge of physics, he was clear about his reasons, never belittling or demeaning Jung for having less knowledge of physics than he. Pauli’s letters to others about Jung contain, however, an altogether different tone. In a 1948 letter to another physicist (Pascual Jordan), Pauli stated that he did not think Jung’s essay, “The Spirit of Psychology”, was good, nor did he think it scientifically feasible to substantiate paranormal phenomena. And yet, the record shows that Pauli was actually at this time engaged in study of paranormal events, examining them with Jung in the context of their work on synchronicity.Another example of Pauli’s strikingly different tone when talking about rather than to Jung comes from letters to his assistant Marcus Fierz. In 1948 he wrote, “’The danger of this situation lies in Herr Jung publishing nonsense about physics and could moreover quote me in the process’.” In 1950, he commented to Fierz that Jung was “’quite without scientific training.’”To Neils Bohr in 1955 he wrote, “most unsatisfactory seems to me the emotional and vague use of the concept ‘psyche’ by Jung, which is not even logically self-consistent.” Yet Pauli published in Dialectica, the British philosophy of science journal, that “’Jung employs a psychological-scientific terminology instead of the philosophical-metaphysical’.” As Geiser says, “Apparently we have here an example of Pauli showing one face to his colleagues and another to his Jungian friends.”

Jung was well aware of the potential for professional damage inherent in publishing his work on synchronicity, although there is no indication that he was aware of Pauli’s negative appraisal of his work when speaking with fellow physicists. In the foreword to The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, Jung said that he “lacked the courage” to publish this work for many years, and even then, this effort was nothing more than an attempt to open discussion on “a very obscure field which is philosophically of the greatest importance.” He did not even pretend to be offering “a complete description and explanation” of synchronicity.. Although he made reference to discoveries in quantum physics throughout the essay and hoped the pairing of it with Pauli’s work would open more minds to the concept, he was not successful in communicating this intent to the wider scientific and psychological communities. In the end, the failure of many readers to grasp that his project was shaped by quantum theory as filtered through his relationship with Pauli conspired to damage his reputation. His reception has been quite mixed, sometimes praised as prophetically brilliant, often dismissed as obscurantist purveyor of mystical mumbo-jumbo.

On the positive side, the collaboration between these two men illustrates the power of a non-reductive approach to scientific exploration. Pauli’s influence echoes throughout Jung’s work. Examples in addition to the work on synchronicity include the parallels between Pauli’s complementarity principle and Jung’s “coincidence of opposites”, and Pauli’s background physics and Jung’s theory of the Collective Unconscious.

Returning to the article by the chairman of CERN’s Pauli Committee regarding publication of Pauli’s papers, his scientific works

are presented in strictly scientific terms and make no reference to any influence of the psyche in theoretical physics. Nevertheless, Pauli was convinced that science was unable to provide all of the answers. He was deeply interested in psychology and in particular in the significance of dreams… It was therefore considered proper that the publication of his scientific correspondence should reveal the thinker as a whole and not only the physicist, providing clues about how Pauli reached his ideas... The psychological correspondence of Pauli culminated in his long exchange of letters with C G Jung from 1932 to 1958. This reveals an hitherto poorly known facet of Pauli's mind. It is fascinating to follow how these two intellectual giants argue from different sides to find mutual enlightment [sic].

The declared goals of the Transdisciplinarity movement are consonant with the aims of the Pauli/Jung collaboration. Nicolescu says that “‘beyond disciplines’ precisely signifies the Subject-Object interaction,” “the Subject-Object interaction seems to us to be at the very core of transdisciplinarity,” and further, “the logic of the included middle is the very heart of quantum mechanics.” This logic is “a tool for an integrative process” that will eventually provide us with the means for reconciling differences not just among academic disciplines but between cultures and religions. Sounding a bit like Jung himself at his most poetic, Nicolescu proclaimed in his 2007 speech that transdisciplinarity will lead to a new spirituality that promises to carry us to a “’fusion of horizons’” without succumbing to the temptation of creating a “super-science or a super-religion”. Transdisciplinarity’s “included middle” is precisely the issue at stake in the Pauli-Jung collaboration on synchronicity.

Pauli and Jung were trailblazers in their own disciplines as well as in the realm of collaboration across disciplines. Both men benefited personally and professionally from the relationship, although Jung perhaps suffered more negative consequences in the end. His work became quite popular in some circles, with students and practitioners adopting an almost messianic interpretation and a ‘Jungian’ vocabulary that unfortunately prevented the uninitiated from understanding. This trend continues to the present day, with some proclaiming him to have been the prophet of a New Age in human consciousness. I suspect this would have made Jung very unhappy. His response to the efforts to establish an institute in Zurich dedicated to his work while he was still alive says it all: “I can only hope and wish that none becomes ‘Jungian’.”In the broader discipline of psychoanalysis, he has until very recently been marginalized except for Jungians and some who specialize in the psychology of religion. The tide is slowly turning, though, and Jung may yet have his day.

Physicists with a psychological or spiritual inclination, like David Peat and Victor Mansfield,have taken note of synchronicity and written of its validity as an experimental conceptual frame for exploring the connection between quantum and classical physics. Other scientists have begun to explore theories of human cognition that rely on constructs very much like Jung’s archetypes and his evolutionary understanding of human religious experience.In the end, the history of collaboration between these two brilliant men merits careful reflection for all who venture into the realm of transdisciplinary scholarship.


Source (with references): http://www.metanexus.net/essay/wolfgang-pauli-carl-jung-and-acausal-connecting-principle-case-study-transdisciplinarity

3rd January 2013, 12:24
How good it is to see a genuine scientist taking the time and trouble to explain things in so much detail, helping to include everyone in the discussion.

Hats off to Vivek

4th January 2013, 02:45
Rupert Sheldrake and Bruce Lipton: A Quest Beyond the Limits of the Ordinary


Freed Fox
5th January 2013, 00:18
If anyone has yet to view the Rupert Sheldrake/Bruce Lipton video that Vivek shared in the previous post, I would strongly recommend it. Great stuff.

EDIT: Vivek, do you know if the second part (day two) of this conversation was uploaded anywhere? I've been looking, but can't seem to find it...

6th January 2013, 02:57
If anyone has yet to view the Rupert Sheldrake/Bruce Lipton video that Vivek shared in the previous post, I would strongly recommend it. Great stuff.

EDIT: Vivek, do you know if the second part (day two) of this conversation was uploaded anywhere? I've been looking, but can't seem to find it...

Same here, I haven't found it yet ...

I know you said you liked McKenna -- there are a view videos that Sheldrake did with McKenna. I am still watching them, I'm sure they could find a nice home on a thread around here. I haven't finished watching them so I don't know exactly where they could go yet.

13th January 2013, 03:56
Electron Geometry


Molecular Geometry


13th January 2013, 12:24
The declared goals of the Transdisciplinarity movement are consonant with the aims of the Pauli/Jung collaboration. Nicolescu says that “‘beyond disciplines’ precisely signifies the Subject-Object interaction,” “the Subject-Object interaction seems to us to be at the very core of transdisciplinarity,” and further, “the logic of the included middle is the very heart of quantum mechanics.” This logic is “a tool for an integrative process” that will eventually provide us with the means for reconciling differences not just among academic disciplines but between cultures and religions. Sounding a bit like Jung himself at his most poetic, Nicolescu proclaimed in his 2007 speech that transdisciplinarity will lead to a new spirituality that promises to carry us to a “’fusion of horizons’” without succumbing to the temptation of creating a “super-science or a super-religion”. Transdisciplinarity’s “included middle” is precisely the issue at stake in the Pauli-Jung collaboration on synchronicity.

I am finding a lot of synchronicity with your posts of late Vivek and I just want to say thank you for your prodigious output and the ease in your ability to share. Interestingly I have integrated the very piece you are quoting above into a project I am working on at the moment which involves an analyses of an artwork I have been creating over the last few years.

Through synchronicity while working (meditating on the work) I believe I have found important connections between cultures, religions and science that I hope may help others reconcile differences. Of course I am sure many will say I am finding connections where there are none, but I feel that things are really moving towards going beyond disciplines and separation towards unity.

It is going to take me a while to finish my project as I think it will be best communicated with a video but I am just finding it interesting that you are posting information that seems to relate to exactly what I am meditating on at that moment, without you knowing what I am working on. I have noticed this with others as well.

Generally I have noticed the quality of posts on Avalon has been particularly high of late

24th January 2013, 16:48
I ran across this today.....They have developed a way to use DNA sequencing and reading to store information. They say such storage requires no electricity or chips and will last for a long time.....I'm not sure how, but I think it fits in this discussion in some ways....


Freed Fox
24th January 2013, 16:56
I ran across this today.....They have developed a way to use DNA sequencing and reading to store information. They say such storage requires no electricity or chips and will last for a long time.....I'm not sure how, but I think it fits in this discussion in some ways....


Conchis, the link you provided seems to be broken. However you are correct, and if I remember correctly, as much as 700 terabytes of information can be stored in one single gram of DNA!

FYI, 1 terabyte (tb) is equivalent to 1,000 gigabytes (gb). 1gb = 1,000 megabytes. So that's one heck of a lot of data for such a small amount of DNA.

24th January 2013, 19:07
Sorry about the link....it works when I click on it, but sometimes that's because it's in my buffer or something. The title of the article is Shakespeare stored in DNA files and it's at livescience.com Sorry again.

24th January 2013, 19:14
Dark Plasma and the Origin of Angels, Aliens, Deities and Ghosts


Wow, this is really good stuff here, I'm a little amazed I've never heard of it. Thanks Vivek, your a hell of a smart kid. I think we can expect great things from you.

24th January 2013, 21:28
I ran across this today.....They have developed a way to use DNA sequencing and reading to store information. They say such storage requires no electricity or chips and will last for a long time.....I'm not sure how, but I think it fits in this discussion in some ways....


Conchis, the link you provided seems to be broken. However you are correct, and if I remember correctly, as much as 700 terabytes of information can be stored in one single gram of DNA!

FYI, 1 terabyte (tb) is equivalent to 1,000 gigabytes (gb). 1gb = 1,000 megabytes. So that's one heck of a lot of data for such a small amount of DNA.

DNA uses a sort of 'cloud' storage. DNA being a transfer and coding/decoding point. A little goes a long way.

27th January 2013, 05:10

Description from YouTube:

"In this lecture the History of Biophotons will be presented, from Alexander Gurwitsch in the beginning to Fritz-Albert Popp. Further he explains the correlation from Consciousness to Biophotons."

Don't fall asleep it's cool.

another bob
27th January 2013, 06:43
"In one of the most fascinating discussions, Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell, reflect on the true nature of reality, biology, physics and ultimately our progressive evolution into the new Earth. Both these fascinating individuals describe the process of fractalization during which all things slowly progress towards higher states of harmony. Love, the supreme unifier, allows for cells to become organs which become humans. Humans come together as the cells of Earths body to create and in our present times destroy; but this will be changing very soon. The attainment of finality of the human organism as "caretaker" to the earth comes when humanity can work together free of strife and war, rejuvenate the planet and allow her to maximize her potential."


10th February 2013, 09:11
Interferometry makes use of the principle of superposition to combine waves in a way that will cause the result of their combination to have some meaningful property that is diagnostic of the original state of the waves. This works because when two waves with the same frequency combine, the resulting pattern is determined by the phase difference between the two waves—waves that are in phase will undergo constructive interference while waves that are out of phase will undergo destructive interference. Most interferometers use light or some other form of electromagnetic wave.


So we have information in the form of light, electrically transmitted via neurons into the pineal gland and it gets bounced around, refracted, reflected and all that by these calcite micro crystals (and water) then it is reabsorbed by the "rods and cones" in the gland. This "new" information is then interpreted by the brain. This is a closed loop system (with feedback) and it's cyclical. Information enters, it is divided, split, rearranged, and then reinterpreting by the brain (an organic computer) and contrasted with the original information or repeated and contrasted with previous reconstructions.


The light source is the neurons, the mirrors and beam splitters are the water and calcite crystals (respectively or vice versa), and the detector(s) are the rods and cones.

This could account for our ability to reflect (pun intended) and ponder by comparing and contrasting different ideas. After all, it is "the mind's eye".


This idea is explored in more depth and detail

I've been thinking about this the last week or so. I've read what other people think the pineal gland is, and it's great and all - but it still smacks of "beyond my grasp." I understand what they are saying about it, but the way the spiritual aspects about it are explained seems "magical" or too "mysterious" to be practical for me to understand how it interacts with the physics and biology of what we observe and experience as reality. It's difficult to relate to the these vague aspects of it's function without subjectively interpreting the phenomena as mystical. So, re-thinking about what it is and how it might function, I have some ideas.


[B]Breaking it down into it's constituent parts

The pineal gland primarily consists of:

Glial Cells
Calcite Microcrystals

The popular belief is that the pineal gland contains rods and cones, like the retina. This is not completely true. The pinealocytes in the gland have organelles called synaptic ribbons. The proteins that make up these synaptic ribbons are encoded by the CRX gene. This gene is only expressed in photoreceptor cells, bipolar cells, and pinealocytes. That's it. Ribbon synapses allow for the processing of complex electromagnetic information. In the retina the rods and cones receive an array of electromagnetic information from our environment, and the ribbon synapses "catch" this information effectively enough for us to be able to see the visible spectrum of light. Rods and cones are in the retina, not the pineal gland. Synaptic ribbons are a feature of rods and cones, and it's this characteristic that pinealocytes share with rods and cones.

Why would the pineal gland have cells with these "high-level processors" (ribbon synapses)? Here's where it gets cool. The gland is innervated by neurons from the sympathetic nervous system. They come from four ganglia: superior cervical ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion ganglia, otic ganglia, and trigeminal ganglion. Those terms sound very technical, but crudely these ganglia relate to (among many other things, but this is for conceptual simplicity) touch, smell, hearing, and taste.

So now we have pathways of information between four senses, and the fifth sense is covered by these pinealocytes - a cousin of the photoreceptor cells in the retina.

Okay, now the calcite micro crystals.

Properties of Calcite

Calcite exhibits a property known as birefringence, or double refraction. It splits a beam of light. Calcite crystals act as beam splitters.


Beam splitters are also used in holographic interferometry[/URL and laser interferometry (usually with glass and silver film).


Scientist use this technique to analyze information about a beam of light. The beam is split into two parts and those parts are superimposed on each other, creating an interference pattern.


The pattern is examined and compared with the other patterns of the beam, and information is then garnished about the light.


That's laser interferometry. There's also [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_speckle_pattern_interferometry"]electronic speckle pattern interferometry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_interferometry).

Calcite crystals are also piezoelectric. This means that under mechanical stress, they will produce an electric charge.


Quartz crystal is also piezoelectric. Quartz watches take advantage of this feature, and push button ignitors in gas stoves utilize quartz as well to create an electric spark.

Piezoelectric crystals are used in crystal oscillators (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_oscillator).

Another possibility for the pineal gland is that it could function similar to a capacitor.

To connect through the door, as a state of flow.

That calcite is for steering through time, or in this case, dimension. The calcite is in the pineal so one can steer through probability. To collapse the wavestate, as an act or flow in moving through time.

Just a thought.

20th February 2013, 14:58

22nd February 2013, 01:17

22nd February 2013, 02:08
I have large chunks of calcite around my laptop, I was once told that it can interfere with the electromagnetic field so as to difuse it. I really don't know if it does so, but its nice having it there.


23rd February 2013, 23:22

23rd February 2013, 23:28


23rd February 2013, 23:45


Digital Physics

In physics and cosmology, digital physics is a collection of theoretical perspectives based on the premise that the universe is, at heart, describable by information, and is therefore computable. Therefore, the universe can be conceived of as either the output of a computer program, a vast, digital computation device, or mathematically isomorphic to such a device.

Digital physics is grounded in one or more of the following hypotheses; listed in order of decreasing strength. The universe, or reality:

is essentially informational (although not every informational ontology needs to be digital)
is essentially computable
can be described digitally
is in essence digital
is itself a computer
is the output of a simulated reality exercise


Digital physics suggests that there exists, at least in principle, a program for a universal computer which computes the evolution of the universe. The computer could be, for example, a huge cellular automaton (Zuse 1967), or a universal Turing machine, as suggested by Schmidhuber (1997), who pointed out that there exists a very short program that can compute all possible computable universes in an asymptotically optimal way.

Some try to identify single physical particles with simple bits. For example, if one particle, such as an electron, is switching from one quantum state to another, it may be the same as if a bit is changed from one value (0, say) to the other. A single bit suffices to describe a single quantum switch of a given particle. As the universe appears to be composed of elementary particles whose behavior can be completely described by the quantum switches they undergo, that implies that the universe as a whole can be described by bits. Every state is information, and every change of state is a change in information (requiring the manipulation of one or more bits).

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_physics



24th February 2013, 00:13


24th February 2013, 01:11

At 0:34 into this video, the caption says:

1Gpc/h (Gigaparsecs/Hubble Constant) = 1000 Mp/h
(Mega Parsecs/h) ~~ 4.5 billion light years

I suspect that there are a couple of errors in this caption.

A parsec is about 4.5 light years, so a million (mega) parsecs should be about 4.5 million light years, not 4.5 billion.

Also, dividing distance by the Hubble Constant (h) doesn't make much sense to me. The Hubble Constant is a shift in velocity that varies by distance. It has units of (velocity/distance) . Dividing distance (e.g. parsecs or light years) by h is dividing distance by (velocity/distance), which results in (distance-squared/velocity) . Since velocity is (distance/time) , this reduces to (distance * time) . Perhaps what they meant by dividing by (h) was that their simulation ignored Hubbles Constant, and assumed that there was no red shift ?

24th February 2013, 01:54

26th February 2013, 04:25

Cross posting ... I wanted this here too.


The idea is that matter is fundamentally digital. It exists in discrete packets -- like data. Space is also fundamentally digital. Time, as we perceive it, is the speed at which the material universe processes data at a fundamental level. The reality of time is continuous, eternal, and non-linear. We cannot perceive time like this because our biology only allows us to experience reality digitally.

The grid of space exists as a lattice of volumetric, plank-scale cubes. The overall structure of space is warped; possibly like a torus. Imagine these cubes having two possible states. This means that the fabric of space is essentially binary and therefore each cube in the matrix can be characterized by either a "one" or a "zero" (1,0).

Now, there is the concept of time. As previously mentioned, time is the processing speed of the cosmos. Energy is released or absorbed when a bit flips from a "one" to a "zero" (or vise versa) in this warped lattice of space. Imagine this grid in two dimensions and not warped.


An electromagnetic wave is not a thing itself. It is a wake of information that propagates through the grid. Light is a product of bit flipping. The speed of light is a universal constant that equals the frequency of the wave multiplied by it's wavelength.


Picture the pixels of the grid being populated by alternating "ones" and "zeros". Remember, when a bit flips it is essentially transferring information. At the same time, it is transmitting energy through space because energy itself is either a requisite or a product of bit flipping. So, imagine a long radio wave traversing through the grid versus a gamma wave. The gamma wave has a shorter wavelength and it covers more area (and it cycles more often) when it propagates. It essentially flips more bits and therefore carries more energy with it. In this way, the whole electromagnetic spectrum can be explained in terms of energy as a function of how many bits it can flip in a given area.

Notice the path that the wave takes in this model. It goes up from a particular point, then down, and then back up again to complete one cycle. It covers more bits than if it were to just travel in a linear fashion.

There is a faster route between the two points -- longitudinally. This route flips less bits, but it would necessarily be what we would consider super-luminal.

In three dimensions, a column-like longitudinal wave could be created that could carry an enormous amount of energy and information. Possibly, more that gamma waves if the circumference of the column was wide enough. It would be akin to having a wavelength much denser than that of gamma waves. This columnar, longitudinal wave's energy and information content would only be limited by the volume of the actual cubes in the lattice. Since there is no space between the cubes, the transmission of such a wave would be instantaneous. I'm not sure that it could even be considered a wave. It would be akin to moving a large log at one end; the other end moves with it simultaneously. The process is instantaneous, just like quantum entanglement. There may be some rarefaction and compression though, this reminds me of some of the "static-electric" phenomena that happened when Tesla's giant AC motors kicked up. I don't know, I need to go back and re-read it.

Now, back to the actual waves. After a wave has passed through a space it leaves a trace. The bits where it's been have been flipped. If we knew the state of the bits previously, we could infer what kind of wave has passed through the space by how the bits have changed. Theoretically, and with the right techniques, an entire history of a place could be reconstructed based on how the information within the lattice of bits has changed. This also answers one strange aspect of the infamous "double-slit experiment". When an electron is fired through a slit, it leaves a path of transitioned bits it's flipped in the wake of space it passed through. This information translation radiates throughout space. This is what interferes with the path of the next electron if the next electron happens to travel through the other slit. In one slit there is no interference, yet with two slits there is. I'm working on exploring this idea in more depth, but that's the gist of it.

So, energy is a product of bit flipping and information transfer through space. Time is the processing speed of bit flipping. Electromagnetic waves (i.e. light) are time keepers of a ticking universe. Also, super-luminal transference of information and energy are possible in this scenario (as mentioned above).

That's energy. Now, there is also matter. There are a slew of particles that have been discovered by physicist over the last century. Let's just consider one -- the proton.

The digital lattice is actually warped. When information propagates through this binary matrix of space, it can eventually curve into itself. What happens is that the process of bit flipping becomes encased in a vortex-like, recursive loop. Most importantly, it resists change. That is why it remains solid instead of just dissipating when a energetic wave of fluctuating information strikes it. It is vibrating in a manner that is consistent with how much information and energy it is recursively cycling. It is literally like frozen light in a way or like solitons of data.

An up quark could be a line of code -- 110 -- recursively flipping it's bits at light speed.

A down quark -- 010 -- is doing the same thing. It's energy level is different because the two binary states are different with respect to energy.

Gluons could be the result of two "grid-lines" pulling away from each other. That's why they're so strong.

A proton exists as two up quarks and one down quark. These are like tiny bytes of matter that are constantly flipping states, but favor one state in particular due to the processing speed of the universe. Just like a fan or the rotating wheels on a car -- they are moving faster than we can process. Yet, in that blur of cycling, a solid image appears that looks like the fan blade, or wheel, moving slower than it actually is. This also alludes to the measurement problem. It doesn't appear as solid until we observe it. When we actually observe it, we are only doing so as much as our devices allow ... whether they be our own brains or an external scientific instrument.

Intrinsically, matter reveals itself through the propagation of bits through space. It's not that the bits themselves are moving anywhere, rather the digital change of state is being passed along bit by bit. When light strikes an object, some of the light is absorbed and some of it is "reflected". The portion that is reflected is determined by the information content of what it was reflected off of. It is carrying the obverse pattern of the information that wasn't absorbed. When this "digital wave" of discrete data packets strikes my eye it creates a chain reaction of bit flipping that is transmitted by discrete electrical pulses. The reaction is the obverse of what the light coded for. What the light coded for was obverse of what information it bounced off of. Therefore, the data I'm currently processing matches what I see. The brain is a biocomputer. It processes digitally. Matter is fundamentally digital. It is compressed information that I unpack in my mind.

These fundamental strings of recursive code interact with one another. They fit together to form different atoms and chemicals. These form different compounds, different programs that behave according to the codes they contain. It's all governed by physical algorithms and equations that dictate how they interact. Maybe the physics of it is on the right side of the equation. The "laws" of physics are the answers to the interactive number crunching that takes place when the digital content of matter and energy is propagated and transferred through space.

These are just concepts. More importantly, they are just ideas in the process of being developed. I thought they fit here. This might infer that the universe operates as a giant computer, continuously computing all of the information in the universe. On the other hand, the digital concepts may just be a handy model to explain certain phenomena. This doesn't mean that the universe is an actual "artificial" computer like we think of it. There's more that relates to other subatomic particles, gravity, consciousness, and all that jazz. All under construction.

The material universe is digital. There is a continuity to everything too. There is something inside myself, my being, that is analog. Maybe this is an aspect of conscious awareness. The higher states of existence are increasingly analog. They are more complete -- their expanse of awareness is more total. Similar to listening to a record verses a compact disc. Spirit verses matter. Analog verses digital. Atonement is therefore an evolvement towards continuity. At one with everything. An everything that is no longer quantized.

This is also why machine intelligence can never understand everything. In trying to evolve into total information awareness it would be limited in the sense that it must process data -- bit by bit. It can evolve to process at higher and higher speeds, but there exists a limit. It can infinitely approach something, but never reach it. By it's very nature it's awareness will remain fundamentally digital. This is matter.

23rd March 2013, 18:52

DNA analogs found on meteorites from space

19th December 2014, 02:30
All things appear to have a beginning and a bump is in order for refreshment - Great thread Jeffrey very well done :)


For the new folks and old alike

19th December 2014, 02:35
Yeah good idea for a thread Vivek.

This is something that i spend a lot of my time contemplating on.From our very limited perspective it's always going to be difficult to look too far behind the curtain but one can't help but to try and feel out some of what might be behind it.

For quite some time i've thought that this reality was and had been shaped and partly controlled by a heirarchy of negative entities....parasites,demons,et's,extra dimensionals,archons,demiurges.AI's and assorted other beings,conscious energies and other unknown life forms and influences etc.Of course there would also be positive and neutral forces involved but for the most part it appears that the Earth has been the domain of the darker forces for a very long time.

Lately i've been contemplating that this reality might be a type of adjustable,cyclical,holographic,3d reality program matrix that is used for learning,experimenting,growing etc.A type of soul nursery and a place to experience things such as a wide range of emotions,negativity extremes,awakening etc.The construct of this reality from our perspective might be sort of fixed in the short term but might also be flexible depending on the consciousness within it.As the consciousness changes so does the surrounding reality.Cosmic cycles might also add unknowns to the mix.

It might be a combination of both of these things and many others as well.Hard to say really but interesting to think about.I don't think that it has happened by chance.The universe/multiverse has been around for a long time and our little corner of it might be another variation of the ongoing change and growth of it.


Back at the beginning, and approaching a full circle - bravo.

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

- T.S. Eliot

21st December 2014, 03:32
I've again taken an interest in Bose-Einstein Condensates while looking for mechanisms related to Metabiology.

Check this out...

A dark matter halo is a hypothetical component of a galaxy that envelops the galactic disk and extends well beyond the edge of the visible galaxy. The halo's mass dominates the total mass. Since they consist of dark matter, halos cannot be observed directly, but their existence is inferred through their effects on the motions of stars and gas in galaxies. Dark matter halos play a key role in current models of galaxy formation and evolution. Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter_halo)

In astrophysics and cosmology scalar field dark matter is a classical, minimally coupled, real scalar field postulated to account for the inferred dark matter. [...] The dark matter is more like a wave than a particle, and the galactic halos are giant systems of condensed bose liquid. The dark matter can be described as a Bose–Einstein condensate of the ultralight quanta of the field and as boson stars. Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalar_field_dark_matter)


More on Bose-Einstein Condensates:http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2002/20mar_newmatter/

This is exciting for me because something called Quantum Vortices may be prevalent in the BEC model of the dark matter halo. This is related to the Metabiology thread, I'm still researching though. I also live with a plasma physicist, so I'm going to bounce around some ideas with him and I'll let y'all know what comes of it.

I just started reading about exotic stars such as the proposed Boson Star, very cool stuff.

24th December 2014, 23:02
hey guys, have you seen this video? what do you think about it ?

