View Full Version : I made a loving connection with my father before he died. I'm glad I did.

24th September 2012, 05:22
For reasons I won't go into, I was not close to my father as I grew up. Being a believer in reincarnation, I suspect we carried issues into this life that originated in previous lives.

But I finally understood that it was foolish to sustain our separation, and so I reached out to him in his last years. And as a result, we became much closer. It felt good. After every visit, we hugged good-bye. The hugs were an expression of love.

I guess there might be more work for us to do in the future, but we definitely made a lot of progress in his last few years.

Here's my advice for you if your parents are old, and you have unresolved issues with them. Make an effort! Reach out to them with a loving energy.

You will not regret it if you do this.

24th September 2012, 05:26
.....And yet another example of heart-centered behavior! Kudos to you, as the efforts of you both are the part of "the solution" this planet has been waiting for in order to transform!

24th September 2012, 06:49
yup, this is essential. :thumb:
"Just do it".
And, a hug really doesn't hurt.

24th September 2012, 07:19
Good for you Midnight. Sometimes doing what seems difficult can make things better in the big picture. Best regards.

24th September 2012, 07:22
I agree with you.
Fathers do have a problem...I am one, my dad was one!


24th September 2012, 07:53
So true Midnight,


24th September 2012, 12:27
Great to hear your resolve. Love and Forgiveness. I once remember a prophet speaking highly of these 2 words.

Laura Elina
24th September 2012, 16:48
Thank you for sharing Midnight, me and my half-sister have become estranged, an issue yet to be resolved, your post struck me in my heart...

24th September 2012, 18:16
Too often people try to reconcile with family memebers because they want something from them, often this ends in more hurt feelings. I think its best to heal yourself emotionally first as much as you can then seek reconnect. When you can give them unconditional love they that will draw them in to find their own hearts.

24th September 2012, 20:41
It's too late for me now. I couldn't have a relationship with both parents, but I tried to keep in touch. Time isn't always a "great healer."

25th September 2012, 06:35
It's too late for me now.

May you be proven wrong [in the greatest - still possible - way].

15th March 2013, 03:09
Yes, we can meet & reconcile in the after-life. Both parents have died - dad in 1988 and Mom in 2003

15th March 2013, 04:04
"You do look, my son, in a moved sort,
As if you were dismay'd: be cheerful, sir.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made of, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep. Sir, I am vex'd;
Bear with my weakness; my, brain is troubled:
Be not disturb'd with my infirmity:
If you be pleased, retire into my cell
And there repose: a turn or two I'll walk,
To still my beating mind."